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Chapter 18
I woke up in a sweat and discovered that it was morning. Getting out of bed, I went to the bathroom and washed up before going downstairs to start breakfast. I sat alone in the early morning light and drank a cup of OJ. I decided that I would be crazy by the time that Mom and I went to Los Angeles, unless I put the matter completely out of my mind. What will be, will be. I hadnt felt like I had had any control over my own destiny since July 3rd. I would just have to follow the path that the Three Goddesses of Fate had set for me.
Hearing noises from upstairs, I lit two burners on the stove and made French toast batter as the frying pan heated. I used the second burner to make a pot of tea. Several minutes later, Carol came in, and I started cooking the French toast. Before they were cooked, Aunt Jessica and Mom had come in also. When I had a platter ready, I brought them to the table and we ate. Conversation was subdued this morning. Everybody seemed to be preoccupied with her own thoughts. After breakfast, we cleaned the kitchen and hurried to get ready before the boys showed up. Carol said that they had been coming every day about 9 oclock.
A few minutes after 9 we heard Barrys motorboat; and a short time later we heard the sounds of an electric saw and drill. Carol and I finished dressing and went down to the lake. Barry and Jason smiled, and waved, as we walked down. Barry kissed Carol as we reached the spot where they were working. Not to be outdone, Jason kissed me. We broke it off before they got too amorous. They took a few minutes to explain the steps remaining to be done, and to give work assignments to Carol and myself, before returning to work. Carol and I set about painting all of the wood with a sealer/primer. All surfaces had to be coated thoroughly before assembly could take place. At 1 oclock we broke for a quick lunch before resuming work. Mom and Aunt Jessica had served lunch at the picnic table, then stayed to watch and help with the construction. Mom borrowed Barrys cell phone and called the local phone company. The phone company confirmed that there were available lines on the pole that ran past the house. She arranged for a telephone line to be installed in the house on Friday morning. She also called Barrys mother and invited her over for dinner.
By late afternoon we had assembled most of the platforms for the dock. Barry and Jason used very thick nylon strapping material to secure four drums to the bottom of each section. When the drums were attached, we turned the sections over and applied another coat of white paint. We would let the paint dry overnight and then float the platforms tomorrow. Once in the lake, the two platforms would be hinged together to form a 4 foot by 16 foot dock. Two 4-inch diameter pipes would be driven into the soft lakebed to secure the lakeside end of the dock, and much shorter pieces would do the same at the shore side.
We stopped work when Mom called to us, and we all washed up for dinner. Mrs. Conroy had arrived, and we ate at the picnic table down by the lake. We stayed outside until it started to grow dark, and then Mrs. Conroy made Barry and Jason take the boat home while it was still light enough to see. After they said goodnight, the boys headed north on the lake while we walked up to the house. Mrs. Conroy stayed with us until the evening news came on and then she left for home. Before she left, she invited us to come over to her house for dinner tomorrow night, and Mom accepted.
The boys were back early the following morning to continue work on our dock. By noon, we had floated the sections into place and hinged them together. The pipes were passed through the support rings and allowed to settle to the lakebed. Barry and Jason took turns standing on a tall ladder and pounding the pipe down with a sledgehammer. By mid afternoon we were done. The dock was secure and stable, and it would rise and fall with the water level of the lake.
After we cleaned up, we changed into our bathing suits and went for a swim. We were all out at our inner-tube swim buoy when Mom yelled out that she and Aunt Jessica were going to the Conroys. We waved in acknowledgement, and they left. We continued swimming for about another half-hour before heading for shore. Arriving back at the dock, we climbed up the small, built-in, ladder and walked to the shore instead of wading through the soft, oozing mud of the lakes edge. It was great.
We walked up to the house and changed out of our swimsuits. Carol and I dressed upstairs while the boys used the downstairs bathroom. When we were ready to leave, we walked down to the boat and climbed aboard. In minutes, Barry had the boat skimming across the surface of the lake. We arrived at his house just as dinner was ready to serve.
Over dinner Mrs. Conroy said, "Crystal, congratulations. Your mother told me about the talent agent attending your performance last weekend."
"Thank you, Mrs. Conroy."
Mom said, "I used Mrs. Conroys phone to call Mr. Daniels at his office in Los Angeles. He'll arrange for plane tickets, and will have us picked up at the LAX airport on Monday night."
Barry said, "Whats this about?"
Mrs. Conroy said, "A Hollywood talent agent heard about Crystals play and flew in to see the show last weekend. He loved her performance and wants her to come out to California to discuss her employment in show business.
Barry said, "Waoh. Kuh-ewl. A movie star."
Mom said, "Not yet. The purpose of the trip is for the agency to interview and test Crystal to see if she has the potential to make it in show business."
Mrs. Conroy said, "My husband has purchased tickets for Saturdays performance. Were all going. The boys and I will meet my husband for dinner Saturday, and then well go to the theatre afterwards."
Mom said, "Wonderful. I know that youll enjoy it. Will you be staying in town afterwards?"
"No. We only live 30 minutes outside of the city. Well go home after the play, and then drive back up here sometime on Sunday."
We stayed at the Conroys until the evening news came on. The boys walked us to the car, and said that they'd see us the next day. We kissed them goodnight and Mom drove us home. It had been a long day and we were tired, so we all went to bed as soon as we got back to the house.
The next morning I awoke at the usual time and went downstairs after washing my face and hands. I ignited two burners and began to prepare breakfast. The tea was ready when Mom came down, and I was ready to cook the eggs.
Mom kissed me and said, "Good morning honey. Happy birthday."
"Thanks, Mom."
"Now you go sit down and have your juice. A girl shouldnt have to make her own breakfast on her sixteenth birthday. Its a very special day for young ladies. Were going to have a little party tonight. Mrs. Conroy and the boys will be over for dinner, and well have the party afterwards."
Aunt Jessica and Carol came down a few minutes later. Each wished me a happy birthday, and we kissed. Mom brought my eggs, bacon, and toast when they were ready, but made me take an antibiotic capsule before I ate them. Over breakfast we talked about the weekend. We had to leave by noon tomorrow so that I could be at the theatre early enough to study whatever jokes Mr. Tucker had prepared for me. Aunt Jessica and Carol were coming with us so that they could pick up Aunt Jessicas car. The telephone man was supposed to come first thing in the morning. Aunt Jessica and Carol would have to pick up a telephone before returning to the lake because the phone company only provided a jack to plug into. Mom and Aunt Jessica decided to have the phone mounted on the kitchen wall, near the table. We could always have extensions installed later.
After breakfast, Carol and I went upstairs to bathe. We put on our swimsuits afterwards, and we were ready to go down to the lake when we heard the sounds of the motorboat. It was a wonderfully warm day, and we spent it on, and in, the lake.
I felt great because I wasnt wearing the corset. Mom had insisted that I wear it extra tight when I wasnt wearing a swimsuit, so that my waist would retain its shape during the hours that I didnt have it on. The corset had already molded me so that my waist was only 23 inches when I took it off. While wearing it, I was only 19 inches. It seemed that everything was settling into my bottom. The inches that had been shaved off of my waist now helped me to fill out the swimsuit, even without the padded panty-girdle.
At lunchtime we munched on burgers and corn on the cob, which Mom and Aunt Jessica had cooked on our gas grill. Then we sunned on the shore of the lake, for a couple of hours, before going back into the water. Afterwards, we swam, and goofed around in the water, until dinnertime. When Mom came out and called to us that she wanted us to come in, we swam back to shore and walked up to the house. Carol and I went upstairs to change out of our suits, while the boys used the downstairs bathroom.
Mrs. Conroy had arrived while we were changing, and dinner was ready when we came down. Since it was my birthday, Carol and I had gotten dressed up. Instead of jeans, we wore skirts, low cut blouses, and heels. The boys whistled at us when we descended the stairs.
Dinner was delicious. Mom had prepared homemade manicotti, my favorite. I wished that I could have eaten more, but the corset prevented me from getting carried away. After dinner, Mom and Aunt Jessica brought over the angel's food cake that they had baked. The candles were lit and the kitchen lights were turned off. Mom took a picture before I blew out all of the candles. I managed to get them all on the first try, in spite of the corset not allowing me to fill my lungs as I would have wished.
Barry said, "Waoh. Only 16 candles? How old are you?"
I said, "Sixteen. Today."
"Waoh. I thought that you were at least 17, going on 18. You seemed so much older than 15."
I looked at Jason. He just sat there with a strange look on his face, staring at the candles on the cake.
Mom and I took the candles from the cake and then I cut enough slices for everybody. Mom added a scoop of Strawberry ice cream to each plate before passing them around. After we had eaten the cake and ice cream, Mom went into the living room and returned with several wrapped gifts. I opened them and showed everybody what I had received.
From Mom I got a gold filigree necklace with a name charm on it that said Crystal. It was beautiful, and Mom helped me to put it on after I had shown everybody. From Aunt Jessica I received a ring and a pair of earrings. I removed the earrings that I was wearing and put the new ones on, then slipped on the ring. Everybody complimented me on them, but I would have to wait to look into a mirror because I didnt want to keep everyone waiting. Carol had given me several bracelets. I put them on and held up my arm for everybody to see them. I got up and went to each of my family and gave them a hug and a kiss.
As I cleaned away the gift-wrappings, Mom served tea and cold beverages. The boys both opted for soda instead of tea. We sat at the kitchen table and talked for a while before going into the living room. Mom, Aunt Jessica, and Mrs. Conroy stayed behind to clean up.
I sat next to Jason and said, "Whats the matter. Youre so quiet."
He said in a low voice, "I didnt know it was your birthday or I would have gotten you something. Im sorry."
"Dont be. You couldnt know. Im not upset. What else?"
He looked at me for a couple of seconds before saying, "You were only 15. I feel like I was robbing the cradle."
"Youre only 18. And all we did was kiss. Theres nothing wrong with that."
"But you look so much older."
I knew what he meant so I said, "Some girls develop earlier than others. I just developed much more quickly than is normally expected." That was the truth. I had developed in a matter of minutes, not years. He still seemed ill at ease, so I kissed him. I thought that that would snap him out of his mood. It worked better than I expected. In minutes I was fighting off the octopus again. I whispered, "Jason, stop that. My mothers in the next room."
He stopped and said, "Sorry. Its just that you look so great tonight. This is the first time that I have seen you in a skirt since the day that we first met."
"I can hardly wear a skirt when were painting, or swimming. Thats all weve been doing lately. Youll get to see me in a dress on Saturday. Four dresses in fact."
"Thats not the same. Youll be up on the stage."
Just then Mom, Aunt Jessica, and Mrs. Conroy came out of the kitchen and joined us in the living room. Mrs. Conroy said, "Boys, its starting to get dark. Youll have to leave right now if youre going to get the boat back while you can still see."
Barry and Jason reluctantly got up to leave. Both kissed me, and again wished me a happy birthday. Carol and I walked down to the boat with them. We shared one long, last kiss before they left for the evening, then we walked back up to the house and watched TV until the news came on. After Mrs. Conroy left, we all went upstairs to go to bed.
As we were eating breakfast the next morning, the telephone installer arrived. Mom was the only one that had a bathrobe on, so the rest of us ran upstairs while she answered the door. After we had put on our robes, we went back downstairs. We finished breakfast while the installer worked outside to run a line to the house. We had finished breakfast by the time that the installer was done outside. He ran the line through the crawl space beneath the house and brought it up into the kitchen at the base of the wall where the jack was to be mounted. He completed the installation within another hour, and we had a new phone number but no phone. Once Carol and Aunt Jessica brought a phone back with them this weekend, the lake house would not be so isolated.
After lunch, we locked up the lake house and headed back to the city. Mom dropped me off at the theatre before continuing on to our house. Aunt Jessica and Carol would not be returning to the lake until Sunday.
Marge and Barbara were playing cards in the makeup room when I walked in. After we exchanged greetings, I went backstage to see if Mr. Tucker had left an envelope for me. He had. I opened it to find several pages of new jokes so I sat down to read them over. I couldnt help laughing. These were some of the best jokes yet. I spent the next two hours memorizing them and reading them aloud. I practiced the pauses and timing for each joke. By the time that Mr. Tucker arrived, I felt comfortable with the jokes. He had me run through them and only made a couple of minor changes in my inflection.
When we had finished the practice, he said, "Crystal, youre wonderful. Youre a natural comedienne. Within a year youll be teaching me. And congratulations on your being discovered by Daniels & Lewis. They know talent when they see it. Im sorry to lose you though."
"I havent made any commitment other than to go to Los Angeles, Mr. Tucker. And they may not find me to be acceptable after theyve tested me."
"Crystal, my precious little dove, you need not fear being rejected. Mr. Daniels himself came to see you, and to offer you this opportunity. Youre already in. This trip is just to get you on tape so that they have something to promote you with. Theyll also take a lot of photos for the same purpose. If you impress them, the way that youve impressed all of us, then the job offers will be there. A big company like Daniels & Lewis swings a lot of weight in show business circles. They can make, or break, an actors career."
"Mr. Tucker, I dont feel comfortable with this. Mom wants me to go, but Im not so sure that I should."
He looked at me, pensively. "Crystal, dont you wish to work in the theatre, or the movies?"
"Yes, of course. I think thats what I want most."
"Well this is your opportunity to get it. If you let it pass you by, you may have to wait many years before another such opportunity comes along. Remember what I told you once before, When youre young, you believe that opportunities are like buses, and if you let an opportunity pass, another will come along very soon. With your talent, I know that you will be successful eventually. But sometimes it takes years to get noticed by the right person. You have that opportunity right now. Dont let the bus pass you by."
Just then Barbara came to tell Mr. Tucker that he had a caller waiting on the phone. After he had left to take his call, I sat and reflected on what he had told me. There was no doubt that this was an opportunity that most would be actors would sell their souls for. I just didnt know if that described me. I had basically adjusted to my new life since the accident, and yet there was still a part of me that wanted to return to being Cary. I wondered if I would ever be able to revert, once I had started traveling down the road to a professional acting career. Was it too late already?
I was shaken from my thoughts when a hand was placed on my shoulder from behind. I instantly recognized Debbies perfume as I turned to face her. She leaned forward and we kissed.
After we had separated, she said, "Hi Crys, hows my babe today?"
"Hi Deb. Im fine."
"You dont sound fine."
"I am. I was just thinking about my life during the past couple of months. Things sure have changed. Do you know about the talent agency that wants me to go to Los Angeles?"
"Yeah. I read about it Tuesday."
"READ about it?"
"It was in the paper. The theatre critic wrote about it. He said that he was the one who sent a telegram to the president of the agency inviting him to come down here. He knew that the guy was in Chicago on business for a few days. He even arranged for the ticket, courtesy of the paper."
"I wondered who Mr. Daniels was referring to when he told us about that. He didnt mention any names."
"So when do you leave?"
I said, "Monday. Well be back in time for Fridays performance."
"Come on. Its time to start getting ready for the show. You can tell me all about it while we get dressed."
We headed for the wardrobe room to put on our first costumes. Other actors were coming in now. It was two hours before curtain time. After we dressed, we went to makeup to have Marge apply our wigs and makeup. With our wigs firmly in place, we sat on the settee backstage until the theatre started to fill. I left Debbie sitting there as I went off to study the new jokes again. Just before curtain time, the stage manager came to me to tell me that I was on in two minutes. I put down the joke pages and took up my position as I played the jokes over in my mind.
The evening was another success. The audience roared at the new jokes. I had even stopped dreading the introduction. The play was performed with clock-like precision. No one flubbed their lines, or missed their marks. There was something to be said for an extended performance schedule.
After the show, Debbie and I encountered a throng of autograph seekers as we exited at the stage door. The latest newspaper story must have sparked new enthusiasm. We finally managed to free ourselves of them after we had signed all of their books, photos, clothing, and in a couple of cases, their bodies. We laughed all the way home as we talked and joked about the one girl who asked us to sign her shoulder blades with a magic marker.
After parking in front of my house, Debbie and I kissed for several minutes before I got out and walked to the door. I waved as I opened the front door, and she drove away. Mom, Aunt Jessica, and Carol were still up when I walked in. They were all sitting at the table in the kitchen, drinking tea. Mom poured me a cup as I joined them.
Mom said, "Did you hear about the article in the paper?"
As I added sugar to my tea, I said, "Debbie told me that she read about Mr. Daniels coming here, in an article written by the theatre critic."
"Its a little more serious than that."
I looked up at her and said, "What now?"
"Mr. Daniels is a very important figure in Hollywood. One of the news services picked up on the theatre critics story and developed an entire story around you and the play by using all of the articles, and pictures, that have been published. The story was published in newspapers around the state. The local television station picked up the story and did several minutes on the evening news Thursday. Theres even a small article in Variety about D & Ls newest find. Youre becoming famous even before you go to Los Angeles. And the answering machine is full of messages from people who want to capitalize on your new fame."
"What are you going to say to them?"
"Im going to refer them to Daniels & Lewis. Theyre your agents. Well let them start earning their future commissions. We may have to consider getting an unlisted number here at home. Im definitely going to have the new number up at the lake changed to unlisted."
We sat and talked for an hour, about all the potential changes that were coming into our lives because of the publicity. My eyelids were getting very heavy as we climbed the stairs to our bedrooms. Carol helped me to get ready for bed before going to her own room, and I fell asleep almost as soon as I lay down.
I awoke as the sun was just rising above the horizon. The Scarlet doll was once again wrapped in my arms. I got out of bed and put it back in its place on the shelf without even thinking about how it had gotten into my arms again. After putting on my fuzzy slippers, I washed my face and hands, then went downstairs to start breakfast. I mixed French toast mix, made a pitcher of OJ, and put the frying pans on the stove to warm up. Before sitting down to wait for my family to come down, I made a pot of tea. As I waited, I read through a copy of Seventeen. Hearing noises from upstairs, I turned up the heat under the frying pans, and placed bread into the French toast mixture. A couple of minutes later, Mom came into the kitchen and gave me a peck on the cheek as we exchanged good mornings. Aunt Jessica came in before I had dished up the first batch of toast, and Carol came in as I carried the platter of two batches to the table. Mom handed me an antibiotic capsule to take before I ate.
After breakfast, we cleaned the kitchen and went up to bathe. As usual, I went first after Carol helped me to remove my corset. When we had both finished and dressed, we sat in Carols room and worked on our nails. They were a mess from the week up at the lake. We hadnt fixed them from when we were building the dock. After our hands were repaired, we gave each other a pedicure. A lot of attention was paid to our faces and hair as well. A week at the lake had caused us to neglect our appearance a little. When we were done, we felt beautiful again, and my skin felt softer than ever. Carol helped me to dress. She selected a skirt and blouse combination that showed off all the curves caused by my corset, fake chest, and padded girdle. Carol felt that I should always look the part of a sexy young starlet, and I could invariably count on her to dress me so that I could barely walk. As if the skirt wasnt bad enough, the four-inch heels hobbled me very effectively.
After we had dressed and finished our makeup, Carol and I went downstairs. Mom was on the phone talking with the people who had left messages on the answering machine. She referred them all to Daniels & Lewis in Los Angeles. I wondered how many would actually call the California agency, even having the toll-free number.
Heather and Sheri came to the house about 11 to invite Carol and I to go to the Mall with them. They said that they knew that Carol was back because they had tried to call all morning. We explained that Mom was returning a weeks worth of phone calls. Carol and I grabbed our purses and we left the house after telling Mom where we were going.
We walked through the Mall stopping at various stores where the displays caught our eyes. About an hour after we entered the Mall, we began to notice that a few people were following us from a discrete distance. As the numbers grew, they moved in closer, until we had a crowd watching our every movement. Of course we all knew that someone must have recognized me, and their attention caused others to recognize me. When the crowd moved in to get autographs, it was time to go. As soon as I had signed everybodys books, tissues, napkins, arms, and whatever, we left the Mall. It would be the same wherever we went, so we headed for Sheris house. We hung around until 3 oclock when it was time for me to go to the theatre. The girls decided to go back to the Mall after dropping me off at the theatre. Without me along, they would be able to shop in peace.
Marge and Barbara were playing cards as I came in. We traded hellos before I headed backstage to see if Mr. Tucker had left any notes for me. There was nothing on the word processor desk, so I reviewed the pages of jokes that I had used yesterday. There were several funny ones that I hadnt used yesterday, so I worked up the new routine and then practiced aloud to get my timing down. When I felt comfortable with the monologue, I joined Barbara and Marge in the makeup room. We sat and talked as they played cards. When the cast started to arrive, they ended their game and we all went to work.
At curtain time, I walked out onto the stage to deliver the introduction. The applause from the audience was almost deafening. As I smiled and waited for it to die down, I scanned the seating looking for the Conroys and Jason. I spotted them sitting center stage about 8 rows back. Mrs. Conroy waved to me, and I returned her wave. As the applause ended I began the introduction, and then continued on into my monologue. I left the stage after 10 minutes of joke telling. The audience had roared with laughter as I finished with my best joke, and as I walked off, they again applauded loudly.
The play went smoothly and the audience expressed their appreciation at the end. We did seven curtain calls. Mr. Tucker had assumed the role of Charles, the butler for the remaining play schedule. Jeffrey Hornag had continued to have problems with his leg and was forced to remain off his feet for a number of weeks. As I removed my makeup, one of the other cast members came to tell me that some people were waiting for me at the stage entrance. After I had finished cleaning off the greasepaint, I walked out to see who it was.
Mr. and Mrs. Conroy, Barry, and Jason were waiting for me just inside the stage door. Mrs. Conroy and I cheek-kissed, and then she introduced her husband.
Mr. Conroy said, "Miss Ramsey, Im pleased to meet you at last. Ive heard so much about you from my wife, and the boys. I really enjoyed your performance tonight. I can understand why the newspapers have been singing your praises for the last 5 weeks. And your introduction was delightful. Im pleased to have the family of such a talented young woman for our neighbors up at the lake."
"Thank you, Mr. Conroy. Were pleased to have you and your family for neighbors also."
Mrs. Conroy said, "Crystal, I just loved your performance also. If the play continues, I hope to see it again. You were wonderful."
Barry said, "Yeah. Kuh-ewl."
Jason said, "Crys, I was impressed also. You were really great. Will you be up at the lake on Monday?"
"No, I have to go to Los Angeles. I wont be up until the following week."
"Then this will have to last me until then." He pulled me to him, bent me over backwards, and kissed me.
We suddenly heard, "Hey, let go of my girlfriend."
Jason straightened me up just as Rick, the actor who played Captain Martin in the play, walked past us on his way out. He smiled and saluted as he said, "Sorry to startle you, old man, carry on."
Jason was about to oblige, but I pushed away. "I have to change now. The wardrobe lady will be waiting for me. Thank you all for coming. It was very nice to meet you Mr. Conroy. Mrs. Conroy, Barry, Jason, Ill see you up at the lake a week from Monday."
We all said good-bye and I walked to the wardrobe room as they left the theatre. Barbara helped me to change out of my costume, and I returned to Makeup to have Marge remove the wig. Debbie was waiting there for me, and after Marge had removed the wig and I had fixed my face, we left the theatre. A crowd of autograph seekers was still outside the door when we walked out. I was amazed that a little publicity in the papers, and on television, could generate this kind of interest and the enthusiasm to have a total stranger scrawl their name on some personal item or anatomical part.
We were both tired and Debbie drove me straight home.
As she drove she said, "When are we going out again?"
"Other than performance dates, I wont be around until after the end of the month. And we still dont know how long the play is going to run. I cant wait to see you dressed like a guy though. Im looking forward to going out with my big, handsome date."
Debbie turned the engine off after pulling up in front of the house. We kissed for several minutes before I broke it off in deference to the neighbors. I waved as I entered the house and Debbie waved back before pulling away.
Mom and Aunt Jessica were still up. I joined them in the kitchen for a cup of tea. They had picked up a new phone for the lake house during the afternoon. It was one of the latest wireless types with extended range. According to the specifications on the box, we should have no problem using it even as far away as down by the lake. The base was a speakerphone with a keypad, so even if the handset was somewhere else, it could still be used to answer, or place, calls.
I told Mom and Aunt Jessica about the Conroys being at the theatre tonight, and how they said that they had enjoyed it. Their only comment was to ask me what Mr. Conroy looked like. I described him as best as I could.
After I finished my tea, I said goodnight and went up to bed. Carol got home as I was getting undressed, so she helped me with my corset. I was so tired that the tea didnt hamper my falling asleep almost immediately.
(continued in Chapter 19)
© 1999 by Crystal Sprite. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without
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Anyone wishing to make comments is welcome to e-mail me at