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Chapter 6
Thursday morning started like any other. Any other of my recent mornings, that is. The only real difference was that I now accepted the fact that my situation was somewhat permanent for two more weeks. I had refrained from damaging the breasts, which hung from my chest like ripe fruit, for 5 full days. I felt that the most difficult time was behind me. My condition had been accepted by my family, and by the people that I worked with each day at the theatre. More importantly, I seemed to have accepted it, and had adopted routines, and practices, consistent with my new identity.
Arising early, I put on my robe and fluffy slippers, and after washing my face and hands, went downstairs to begin breakfast. I had decided to start varying the breakfast fare a little, so I began preparing the ingredients to make omelets, rather then just the normal bacon and eggs. I took a roll of pork sausage out of the refrigerator and browned it. Then I chopped a few green olives and a green bell pepper since we didnt have any chilies. I diced a small piece of Swiss cheese, and a small piece of Cheddar. With mixing bowl, eggs, and butter at the ready, I awaited the family whom I knew would be down shortly. While I waited, I read through an issue of a teen girls magazine that was on the table. I found some great tips on nail care.
When Mom came in, I took her order and made her omelet. While I cooked, she mixed a pitcher of orange juice from frozen concentrate, and brewed a pot of tea. While Moms omelet was cooking, Aunt Jessica came in and I mixed the ingredients for her omelet. Just as I served Aunt Jess, Carol came in. When she told me what she would like, I mixed enough for two omelets and we sat down together to eat. The western omelets that Carol and I ate had turned out great, even with the substitute of the peppers. Mom and Aunt Jessica said that theirs were great too. They had requested cheese omelets, and I had used equal amounts of Cheddar and Swiss. After we ate, we sat and talked while we enjoyed a cup of tea.
Mom said, "Have you learned when the theatre will get the adhesive solvent for your breasts, Crystal?"
"We learned yesterday that Belle-Gel is closed for a two week vacation. We expect the company to reopen on the 19th. As you've pointed out, it will probably take an additional 2 to 3 days for shipment of the solvent."
"How are the people at the theatre treating you?"
"Wonderful. Everybody calls me Crystal and they all treat me like a lady." I giggled. "The men even hold the door for me. Its been kind of nice. I go to lunch with the other girls now instead of eating alone and wandering around the downtown area. Ill miss that when I have to change back. Im sort of glad that that wont be until after the play is over. It will be easier to make the transition if Im not working at the theatre every day."
Mom said, "Ive made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow morning. I want you to get a check up to make sure that the adhesive that holds the breasts on is not causing your body any harm. Well go right after breakfast, and then Ill drop you off at the theatre when youre done. Okay, dear."
"Okay, Mom."
Carol and I cleared the table and took care of the dishes, then went upstairs to bathe. She helped me to remove the corset and I soaked in the tub until the water started to chill. I had found new delight in soaking in the tub. For years, I had just taken a five-minute shower each morning. But now, I looked forward to my bubble bath each morning with eager anticipation. Part of it may have been the fact that this was the only time of the day that I was free of the corset. I always enjoyed rubbing and scratching my pinched and wrinkled skin before I entered the tub. Once in the tub, I used the washcloth to further massage my body, and stimulate the skin on my torso. Exiting the tub, I dried myself and used Carols powder on my body. I would miss the fragrant smells that enveloped my body from the various soaps, bath oils, powders, and perfumes, when I returned to being Cary. Women had the freedom to do so many things that men could never do.
As I exited the bathroom, I knocked on Carols door to let her know that I was through. I returned to my bedroom and put on my panties and girdle. With my feminine shape partially restored, I stood in front of my mirror and examined my body. I looked closely at my chest to see if the breasts had started to detach anywhere, but they were as firmly attached as ever. The semi-permanent makeup had likewise not faded or changed, and it was difficult, even for me, to see where my skin ended and the breast forms began. The only way that I could really tell was by the sensation that I felt from my own nervous system when I was touching my skin. When my hand moved onto the material of the breast, then my perception of being touched dropped off radically. The breast form had been designed with the nipple in a semi-hard position. Without a bra on, it appeared that I was becoming slightly aroused. Having completed my examination, I put on my bra and chemise, followed by the new corset.
The corset that I had received from Barbara yesterday was different from the one that I had been wearing for a week. I guess that my old one had conformed to my body somewhat because this one seemed much stiffer. It was also longer, and it pushed my breasts up more while it also extended lower on my abdomen. Carol came in after her bath and laced me tightly, then returned to her room to dress. About a half-hour later she came in again to tighten the laces so that I could finish dressing. I had made up my face in the meantime. It had been very difficult sitting in the new corset. I had to sit on the very edge of the stool, and sit up even straighter than normal. When Carol put her knee into my back to tighten the laces, it seemed like I would break in half. I could barely breathe when she wrapped the laces around my body twice and then tied them off. She helped me put on my slip, blouse, and skirt; then knelt to put on my shoes. The skirt that she had put on me was so tight that I would have to remove it to use the powder room. I tried to lift it and found that I couldnt raise it more than a few inches. I had to walk in tiny little steps. The blouse was so low cut that you could practically see my entire breasts. And the shoes felt like the heel was five inches high.
I said, "Carol, I think that this outfit is too sexy to go to work in. Can I wear something else?"
She said, "Crystal, you look wonderful in that skirt and blouse. And there is nothing wrong with looking a little sexy at work. This will help you to fit in better with the ladies at the theatre because dressed like this, you look 18 or 19."
"I just feel that dressed like this I should be turning tricks at the corner of Broadway and Third Avenue."
"Oh Crystal. Dont be silly. You look sultry, not sluttish."
"Theres a fine line of distinction that is easy to blur between those looks."
"Youre being silly. Besides you never know whom youre going to meet. You want to look your best."
I gave in and dropped the subject. Carol helped me to fix my hair and finish my makeup. Then we did our nails together. She had a new shade that she wanted me to try. When we were done, I felt like I was going out on a date rather then to work. Before I left, she made me stand still while she examined my appearance from head to toe, then judging me finished, we kissed and I left. I hit up Mom for a couple of dollars to replenish the money that I had spent yesterday on the bus and lunch. I grabbed my purse and headed for the bus stop. It took me even longer than usual because of the tight skirt. I had to take three steps to my normal one.
When I arrived at the bus stop, I tried to sit on the bench, but the corset made it so uncomfortable that I decided to stand. I hoped that it would loosen a little, or that I would become accustomed to it. If not, then I would have to stand all day. As I waited, a car pulled up along side of me. The driver opened his door and walked towards me. When the car first pulled up and stopped, I thought that it might be Joey Barton again. But it turned out to be Sean, the boy that I had met at the firemans fair last Sunday.
He said, "Crystal, its great to see you again. I was hoping that we would have a chance to talk again. Can I give you a lift somewhere? I was just headed downtown."
"Im on my way to the playhouse on Prospect. Im helping out with the new production."
"Yes, Carol told me. Id love to give you a ride."
Suddenly it dawned on me why Carol had been so attentive to my appearance this morning. She had set this up. Well, who am I to ruin her scheme? "Thank you, Sean. Id love a ride if Im not taking you out of your way?"
"Not at all. May I say how lovely you look this morning?"
"Thank you."
He held the door for me and I sat down in the passenger seat and swung my legs in. I could feel the corset cutting into my abdomen, but I did my best to ignore the pain. He bent over me and fastened the seat belt. Then he returned to the drivers side and got in. We talked as he drove us downtown.
"Crystal, I had a really nice time with you at the fair last weekend. Im glad that you havent had to return to Dayton yet."
"Im helping out at the theatre. Opening night is a week from tomorrow. The production will have four shows each weekend, for three weeks."
"Does that mean that you will be around for another month?"
"I only expect to be here for the next two weeks."
"Carol is going out with Pete on Saturday. Would you like to double date? We could go to one of the new movies at the cine-plex in the Mall."
I was unsure how to handle this so I said, "Im not sure about the schedule at the theatre. With opening night just a week away, I may be needed Saturday night. Why dont you call me tonight and I'll let you know." I felt that it would be easier turning him down on the phone.
When we arrived at the theatre, he parked in the rear lot and walked me to the door. As we said goodbye, he took my hand and kissed it.
"Ill call you tonight about 8 oclock. Okay"
"Yes, Ill be home by then."
"I could come by and pick up to take you home."
"I dont know what time I'll be done. I'd feel guilty about keeping you waiting. Its best if you just call me tonight."
"Okay. Until tonight then." He kissed my hand again, turned and walked back to his car. I opened the door and started to enter. It was then that I noticed the three female cast members coming down the alley from Prospect Street. They had to have seen him kiss my hand both times. As soon as we were inside, the comments started.
"Crystal, is that your boyfriend? Hes cute", Marie said.
"How come he kissed your hand. Does he have bad breath?", Deirdre said.
"I wouldnt care if he had dragon breath. Hes so pretty that he could kiss me any time", Penny said.
"You would be the first to make him use mouthwash if he had bad breath", Deirdre said.
This went on for several minutes until we had stored our purses in the makeup room and I left to make coffee. After the coffee was brewing, I went to visit Barbara in the wardrobe room. As I walked in she whistled a wolf whistle at me. I stopped and looked at her. She smiled back at me.
"Crystal, you look hotter every day. Its no wonder that the boys are practically following you into the theatre."
I blushed. "Oh Barbara, I cant help it. My sister picked this outfit. I hate it. I can barely walk in this skirt. And these shoes must have five-inch heels. I think that my sister is trying to fix me up with the boy that I met at the firemans fair on Monday."
"The one that kissed you?"
"Yes. My sister spent a lot of time getting me dressed, like this, this morning. As I stood waiting for the bus, Sean just happened to be passing. He stopped and offered me a ride. I couldnt refuse without appearing rude. Hes a nice guy so I let him drive me downtown. Then he walked me to the stage door and kissed my hand before leaving."
"I heard that he kissed your hand at least twice."
"You heard about that already? Well, it doesnt matter. Once, twice, whats the difference? He asked me out on a date. I didnt know how to let him down easily so I told him to call me tonight, figuring that I would tell him on the phone that I couldnt make it."
"If hes such a nice guy, why not go out with him."
"Barbara, hes a male."
"Of course he is, darling. Theyre the best kind to go out with."
"Barbara, Im a male too. Under this disguise that is."
"Crystal, for the time being youre a woman. Thats how everybody is thinking of you. You look like a woman, sound like a woman, and act like a woman. If I hadnt created you, even I wouldn't know that you aren't a woman. In fact, sometimes I forget that you aren't a woman. Thats how convincing you are as a woman. Now, youre not going to have sex with this boy, so he will never know that you aren't a woman. Im sure that he would like to get lucky, but he doesn't expect to on the first date. So go out with him, and both of you have a really good time. Then tell him that although hes a real nice guy, you would like to be friends only. Then refuse any more advances."
"I dont think that I can do that. It might be too awkward."
"Well, its your decision. In your place, I would go for it. Life is too short, kiddo. Enjoy what you can, while you can. Dont shut yourself up and let life pass you by. Youll regret it later on."
I thanked Barbara for her advice and left to do some work for Mr. Tucker. As I entered notes into the computers word processing program, I thought about what Barbara had said. I was more confused than ever. Typing with inch long nails is difficult, and I finally had to stop thinking about other matters to concentrate on my typing because I was making too many mistakes.
When we girls all went to lunch everybody wanted to know about my boyfriend. I told them what little I knew about him, and with little to sustain the topic, the conversation changed to other subjects. For the rest of the afternoon, I thought about what I would say when Sean called me tonight.
After most of the company had left for the evening, I was sitting at the computer entering some notes when Debbie came up behind me. She pulled my hair back and kissed me on my ear.
"Do you want a ride home?", she asked.
"That would be great. Thanks, Debbie. Ill be done in a minute."
I finished up the page that I was working on and shut off the computer. After retrieving my purse, Debbie and I left the theatre.
She said as we walked towards the parking lot, "Crystal, you really look sexy today. If I didnt know you before your change, I would never believe it. And I dont know why it turns me on like it does."
She took my hand as we walked. We got into her little Toyota and she drove me home.
She asked, "Are we still on for tomorrow night?"
"Unless youve changed your mind."
"Not on your life. Ill see you at the theatre tomorrow." She leaned over and kissed me on the mouth as she squeezed my thigh.
I got out of the car and walked to the door. Debbie watched me the whole way. When I reached the door, she was still looking at me. I waved and turned as I opened the door. As I closed the door, I saw her drive off.
I walked upstairs and put my purse in my room. Carols door was open a bit and I saw her sitting on the bed looking at a magazine. I knocked and she said to come in.
"Carol, you set me up this morning. You knew that Sean was going to happen to drive by, didnt you?"
She smiled widely and said, "Sorry, sis. He really wanted to see you but I thought that you were reluctant to talk with him. Hes a really nice guy. I think that you should go out with him. Did he ask you?"
"Yes, he wants to double with you and Pete."
"Did you say yes or no?"
"I told him to call me tonight and I'd let him know."
"And "
"I dont think that I should."
"Come on, sis. Do it for me. I really want to go out with Pete, and he may not go if Sean doesnt have a date. Please Crystal?"
So here I was, on the spot once again. I didnt want to go out with Sean, but Carol was pleading with me to go. She had been so wonderful throughout my predicament that I couldnt say no to her. And I still needed her to help me every morning and evening. So I gave in and said yes. After all, as Barbara had said, Sean wouldnt be expecting to have sex with me on a first date. We were simply going to a movie. We wouldnt even be dancing or anything. I felt that I would be able to sit in a movie theatre next to Sean for a couple of hours. I would even hold his hand if he wanted me to.
At almost exactly 8 oclock, Sean called. I was in my room reading at the time. Mom called me from downstairs. When I reached the top of the stairs, she said that my boyfriend was on the phone. I grimaced and walked downstairs to take the call. Carol had heard Mom calling me and followed me downstairs. She hovered around me while I spoke to Sean. We talked small talk for a while, and then Sean asked me if I would be able to go out Saturday night to the movies. I swallowed hard and said that I was free, and that I would love to go to the movies with him. Carol hugged and squeezed me silently. I talked with Sean for about another hour. Once I had committed myself I relaxed and enjoyed my conversation with him. We talked about the current movies and which ones we would like to see. I discovered that we had similar tastes. After we had said goodnight, I walked back upstairs to my bedroom. Carol came in and hugged me again.
"Thanks, sis. I know that youre a little nervous about going on your first date with a boy, but Im sure that well have a good time. Pete and Sean are both great guys. Come on, lets go into my room and decide what were going to wear Saturday night."
We spent the next two hours talking about, and trying on, clothes. When it started to get late, Carol helped me to get ready for bed. I looked forward to tomorrow morning when I would get to wear my other corset. It was much more comfortable than this one was. I giggled to myself as I thought about actually looking forward to wearing a corset. After I had completed all of my bedtime activities, I climbed into bed and thought about the upcoming weekend. It promised to be an interesting one. I was going out on a date with a boy. That was something that I had never expected to be saying. I also had a date with Debbie for Friday night. And in between, before, and after, I had my commitment to the theatre production. It was going to be a busy time. After mulling over all of the events in my mind, I finally rolled onto my side and went to sleep.
Next morning, things started at a hectic pace. We hurried through breakfast and I shortened my bath time because Mom was taking me to the doctors office. Carol laced me down to the point of stopping my breathing, as usual. While I concentrated on just breathing, she dressed me. Another tight sheath and very high heels made up my outfit for the day. At least my corset didnt cut into me as much as the alternate one did. I had also had a chance to clean this one after having worn it for five days. Carol and I had done our nails last night while we were in her room, so after doing my makeup and brushing my hair, I was ready to go. I grabbed my purse and went downstairs. Mom was ready and waiting.
We arrived at the Medical Office Building, just minutes before our appointment. We took the elevator up to the third floor and walked down to the end of the corridor. I read the sign on the door as Mom reached for the doorknob. It said Dr. Alicia Danvers, OB/GYN.
I asked Mom, "Whats OB/GYN mean?"
"It means Obstetrics and Gynecology, dear."
"What are they?"
"Obstetrics is the care of women during and after pregnancy. Gynecology has to do with womens physiology and reproductive capability.""I thought that we'd be going to a regular doctor."
"Alicia IS a regular doctor. She just specializes in womens health problems. She also happens to be a personal friend who I trust not to talk about your situation."
"Okay, Mom. Youre right. Discretion is important."
We walked into the doctors outer office and went to the receptionists window. Mom said, "Hello, Susan Ramsey and Crystal Ramsey to see Dr. Danvers."
"Yes, Mrs. Ramsey. The doctor is expecting you. Youre right on time. You may go into examination room B. The doctor will be right with you."
We walked down the short corridor to the door marked B and went inside. A woman in a lab coat came in just after us. She and Mom embraced and touched cheeks.
Mom said, "Alicia, thank you for taking us on such short notice. I was worried about Crystal and wanted you to have a look at her."
"Of course, Susan. Crystal, take your dress off, dear."
I started to undress as Mom and Dr. Danvers talked. When I had removed my dress and slip, Dr. Danvers turned her attention back to me. She said, "Crystal, take your bra off too, dear." I complied while she got her stethoscope. She put the stethoscope against my chest. A second later she stepped back and looked at me strangely.
"Are they synthetic?"
Mom said, "Yes. Its what I wanted you to look at. I wanted your opinion about the adhesive used. Do you think that there could be any problems with toxicity? The breasts were only supposed to be on for one day. The adhesive solvent didnt work and we cant reach the manufacturer because the factory is closed for vacation until the 19th."
"How long have they been on?"
"Since the 3rd. Last Saturday."
Dr. Danvers examined my breasts closely. "I see no sign of infection or even irritation. I think that they will be okay until the 19th. If you have any soreness or see any redness around the area, come in to see me immediately Crystal."
"Okay, Dr. Danvers."
Dr. Danvers then took a blood sample. She said to Mom, "Susan, I was unaware that you had two daughters. I only knew about Carol. How many children do you have?"
"Just two."
"But I thought that you had a son also."
"Only until last Saturday, the 3rd."
"What do you mean? You dont mean?" Mom nodded her head. "No. This cant be your son?"
"This is Crystal. She was Cary until last Saturday."
Dr. Danvers just stood and stared at me for several seconds. She said, "Its amazing. I thought that she was just using the breast forms to enhance her natural shape." She looked at me and said, "Crystal . Im sorry, do prefer Cary or Crystal?"
I thought about it for a second. It would be better not to have anybody associate my birth name with this body if they heard the doctor talking about me, or, when she was talking to the lab, so I said, "Crystal, please, Dr. Danvers."
"Very well, Crystal. Did you apply the breast forms yourself?"
"No, the wardrobe lady at the theatre put them on. But then the solvent didnt work so Ive remained as Crystal since last Saturday."
"I see. You can get dressed now Crystal."
"Thank you, Dr. Danvers."
While I dressed, Mom and Dr. Danvers talked about personal matters. When I was done, Dr. Danvers invited Mom to talk with her in her office.
Mom said, "Crystal, why dont you wait in the outer office for me. There are a lot of magazines in the rack out there."
"Okay, Mom."
I sat and read while Mom and Dr. Danvers visited. After about 45 minutes, Mom finally came out and we left. She drove me to the theatre and dropped me off near the stage door entrance. I kissed her goodbye and went into the theatre. I was later than normal so I hurried to make the coffee before Mr. Tucker arrived. It had just finished dripping when he came in. I poured a cup, and brought it to him.
"Ah, the ebony elixir that sustains my life. Thank you my dear. May I say that you are looking exceedingly lovely today, Crystal. Did you have a chance to complete the script notes?"
"Yes, Mr. Tucker. Theyre in your notebook."
"Wonderful. Thank you my dear. You are as efficient as you are beautiful. Would you please pass the word that we will start the rehearsals of Act 3 in half an hour."
"Yes, sir."
I walked around and notified the cast, then wrote a note and posted it on the stage door bulletin board for any newly arriving cast members. When the rehearsals started, I again filled in for missing cast members. Since this was a comedy, we exerted a great deal of effort working on our comedic timing. Mr. Tucker was a perfectionist, and a born comedian. He always elicited laughs when he came on stage to show a cast member how to play a scene. I felt very lucky to be able to observe and learn from his acting, and comedy skills. I couldnt help but wonder why he hadn't been a successful stage or screen personality himself.
After lunch, I was called upon to fill in for the actress playing Prudy, the nineteen year old love interest of young Captain Martin. I spent most of the afternoon clutched in Captain Martins arms, and part of that time bent over backwards in his embrace. Mr. Tucker kept telling us that the first act and the third act are the most important, and must be absolutely perfect.
He would say, "The first act draws them into the play, and the characters. The third, or final, act sends them home feeling good about having seen, and paid to see, the play."
At the end of the third act, Captain Martin kisses Miss Prudy. When the actor playing Captain Martin resisted, Mr. Tucker came up on stage and demonstrated what he wanted. He pulled me over backwards and, cradling me in his arms, pressed his lips to mine and kissed me for a full ten seconds.
When he straightened me up he looked at Captain Martin and said, "See how simple that was. You just touch your lips to hers. Its called a kiss. If we have a successful play, the audience will applaud as you kiss. You hold the kiss until they stop. Understand? If they applaud for ten minutes, you kiss for ten minutes and one second."
"Yes, I see", said Captain Martin. "Its just that Crystal is ." He struggled awkwardly looking for the words.
(Continued in Chapter 7)
© 1999 by Crystal Sprite. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without
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