Crystal's StorySite


How JB Became Famous

by Toni B.

Chapters 21 to 30


Chapter XXI: JB Gets Ready

Mommy and I got home from our shopping trip at four ten exactly; we weren't allowed to be there from ten to four so the painters could do their job.

We had tons and tons of stuff to bring inside. We got the groceries first and, while Mommy put those away, I got the other bags all by my self. I started with the toys, which Mommy told me to leave in the den. There were blocks and trucks and games, both for inside and outside, and some to play on the TV too (when we got that set-up). There was also a big sand box and my own swing set coming in a few days.

Then I got the toys we got this afternoon; which were a bunch of stuffed animals: a puppy, two kitties, a skunk I felt sorry for, a pink soft pig, a monkey, and more (I didn't want any more bears because Holly and Howie mighta got jealous); two dolls to dress up with a bunch of clothes for them and a pink car for them to ride in; one special doll to do the hair on; some dress-up clothes and costumes, like for princess and dancer and other things but not nearly as many as Glyn had; and a little house with some tiny dolls to live in it, which I thought was way cuter than the big ones; and some more games too.

Then I started on the clothes. This morning we had got just a couple of long pants and some shirts (button up and T), and just a few pairs of unders because I told Mommy I liked the other kind lots better for when no one would know. And, the best thing, some shoes that had wheels built into them!

Then this afternoon we went to different stores and I got lots of shorts but mostly plain ones that I could wear to school (because Mommy and me didn't like the real long ones they mostly had in the boy's departments) and a few more tops too. We also got a lot of unders there, some that were very shiny and pretty, and lots of socks there too. I got one pair of socks that were special; they were white, but had lacy red trim at the top just to wear tonight. And I got one pair of tights, white with pink and red hearts on bows all over them. And a pair of really, really shiny red shoes with straps instead of laces to wear tonight, and two other pairs of shoes that were like my jade colored ones but in red and white. Mommy said I would go back there and get more of the more prettier things another time too.

Mommy finished the groceries before I finished the other things. We put all my new clothes in her room because my furniture wouldn't be coming until tomorrow. When we put the last bags down I stuck my hands up by her shoulders so she would pick me up. Then I kissed her and said, "Mommy, are you rich?"

She laughed and said, "Honey, you don't need to worry about that. But yes, some of my great-grandfathers had lots more money then they needed, and I teach because I like it better than just wasting money all the time, but that doesn't mean I'm going to spoil you rotten; we got all of this today only because we were so far behind. From now on I'm only going to spoil you a little bit."

"I don't want to get spoiled, but I like my stuff. I never had so many clothes," I said and kissed her.

"Can we see the new paint now?" I asked.

"Nope. I'm going to make you wait so you don't go bad. And I want you to see it for the first time when Nora is here, if she comes. I think it would be fun for her."

I wanted to give Nora some fun too so I didn't fuss. Mommy took me through her office room to go potty. I peed a whole lot and pooped a little, so she let me take my shorts and panties off to go open some toys. I started with two trucks and rolled them around, then I decided to give the dress-up dolls rides, but when I asked Mommy to help me open the boxes, she said we needed to start getting ready for tonight.

"It's not yet five and Nora isn't coming until six thirty!" I said.

"I know! We need to really hurry!" Mommy said back to me.

I got to take one of the bathtub dolls I got with me but Mommy wouldn't even give me time to bathe her. We used Mommy's big tub, but she didn't put in bubbles, she added some liquids and some crystal things that made the water smell real good instead. She started washing me as soon as we got in the tub, and then I did her back while she did her front, then she washed my hair real good, but she had on a shower cap to keep hers dry.

The next thing, after we were all dry, was to dry my hair, and Mommy used a blow dryer so I kept my fingers in my ears but they weren't in the way. Then we brushed and brushed and teased and brushed it, and finally Mommy said it was done and she got the clip with a pink flower on it and but it in my hair before I could look. Wow! It was all curly and fluffy and pretty. And Mommy took out the flower pin and but in two barrettes and then took those out and put the flower back on the other side. And the funny part was the face she made when she was trying to decide.

We went into the kitchen for the next part. I held one hand real still over a paper towel; Mommy clipped my finger nails and filed them (and told me to never ever bite them when they were too long again. And I ask her if it was all right to bite my toenails, and she said, "No! -- You can do that?? Gosh." And I nodded.). Then Mommy painted each one of the nails with pink polish with glitter in it.

When she only had the thumb left to go, she said, "I'm going to do something special with that one." Then she got some of the thumb candy and put on that thumb, and she said, "OK, sweetie, hold your fingers wide apart and eat the candy while I do the other hand, and don't rub your panties while I'm doing the other hand because you will mess up the polish."

I said, "I don't have any panties on yet." And Mommy said, "OH, then you must have been pulling on something else."

I blushed and put my head down, and she kissed the top of it and said, "It's OK to do that at home, but not when your nails are wet, sweetie. You have to be very careful 'til the polish dries, love."

So I kept the candy in my mouth and the fingers pointing up while she clipped, filed and polished the other ones (including the thumb.) Then I sat on the kitchen floor, not touching anything, while she chopped some stuff for dinner. And while she did that she reminded me that Nora had never called to say she was coming, but we would do something else special if she didn't. But I didn't want to think about that.

Finally she said they were dry and we could go on to the next step. I still had some candy to suck on, but I didn't have to hold my fingers out, while she spread powder all over me, and then spread some creamy stuff all over too, even my face and I had to role over for her to do my bottom and back.

Then she slipped the shiny new panties on me; they were white with ruffles around the legs and red ribbons beside the ruffles and around the top that were tied with little bows. She put the tights on me (which pushed down the ruffles, which I didn't like.), and then put the socks over the tights but she didn't like it like that so she took off the socks.

Then she stopped. She said she didn't want me to get things messed up so I had to wait to put on the rest of my clothes until after she got dressed.

I sighed and then I went into the den and got my storybook doll, and decided she needed to get dressed up too, so I changed her clothes. Then I decided I didn't like that outfit so I changed her again, and I had to go ask Mommy to tie the ribbon on the second outfit to get it right. When I got there Mommy had just put on her blouse and already had on a long blue skirt that had a bottom that wasn't just a straight line but kind of zig-zaged.

Mommy got the things we had barrowed from Glyn. First she put a slip over my shoulders and tied it in back, then the pink rustle-y petticoat that was only below my waist, and was kind of stiff and scratchy but the other slip kept it off my skin. Then another white petticoat that had ruffles at the bottom, she had already told me those were supposed to show. Then the dress. It was a shiny soft pink without sleeves and the top was round and lined in red and silver tiny beads and came down real low, so Mommy had to push down on the slip some to hide it. Then it had a big bright ribbon for a belt, and the bottom part spread way out.

Mommy showed me two ways to sit down in it: the lady way, hold it smooth against your butt and then sit down on the back part and hold the front part down; or the little girl way, spread the back part out in back and sit your bottom down with the dress behind you, but you still had to make sure the front stayed flat unless you pulled your legs up inside it. I had to do it the little girl way because this was Glyn's from two years ago and even on me it was real, real short.

Then she put my red strappy shoes on my feet and I got to go look in the mirror. I smiled and giggled; I didn't know I looked like that at all!

But Mommy wasn't happy she made me get back on the bed and took my shoes and tights off, and put the ankle socks with the lacy tops on my feet. She said it was because my legs were just too cute to hide.

Then I was all ready. I spun around three times then ran to look out of the window to see if Nora was here yet, but she wasn't. Mommy said it was only six o'clock so she was a long way from late. So I went and changed my doll again and Mommy worked in the kitchen. Then I looked out the window, then I played with some of little dolls and set up there house. Then I looked out the window, and Mommy made me go and sit on the potty. And she told me again that Nora might not come and to calm down. Then I looked out the window and brushed a dolls hair. Then I looked out the window, and Mommy made me go back into her bedroom and lie on here bed. She took off my shoes and I said, "Back into the tights again?"

But she said "No, honey, I want to put a pull-up on you just in case."

"No!" I said, "I don't want to be a baby for Nora and these are special panties just for tonight too." But Mommy said she was worried about accidents in all my special clothes because I was so anxious, and that once I had peed, maybe, Nora would be the one to help me with the special panties.

Then she let me sit on her lap and we both looked out the window, and it was six twenty-five, I had just felt my first tear, and Mommy, for about the fifth time, had said "Grown-ups some times have traffic or other delays and come a little late," when I saw Nora walking to the house!


Chapter XXII: JB's Dinner with Nora

I ran out and jumped into Nora arms before she got to the porch. She looked shocked, I don't think she know it was me at first, and after a hug she said, "My gosh, it is a princess! Let me see you."

I climbed down and did the best pirouette I could so she could see, and then grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.

"Hell-o, Marnie," Nora said, "Where did you get her clothes?"

"I only borrowed them from Trisha. Glyn wore them for a Christmas pageant two or three years ago, which is why they are so small."

I said, "I got real pretty panties special to wear too, but Mommy made them take them off."

"Is she really wearing diapers all the time now, Marnie?"

I got the feeling that Nora wasn't real happy about being here really.

Mommy said, "No, Nora, not all the time, but you should have seen how excited JB was waiting for you. I was afraid of an accident."

I remembered something that would make Nora happy, and I said, "Can we go see my room now? Please!!"

I pulled Nora down the hall; Mommy was right behind us, and I opened the door and ran inside. It was better than I had expected! The walls were the bright yellow I'd picked, and the stuff around the doors and windows and the strip of wood up close to the ceiling was jade (that's a color and my name sometimes, if you forgot.).

But there was lots more that Mommy hadn't told me about! The ceiling was painted a pretty bright blue, and it had puffy clouds flouting about, and Nora showed me that two of the clouds were puppies playing and the other was a bunny! And a yellow sun with the light in the middle of it and some long yellow rays. And there was a rainbow in the middle of one wall and my bed was going to go right under that. And on the wall across from that there was a drawing of a big, tall, pretty castle with flags on the towers and two knights were going up a road to it. And there were shades on the window that when you closed the slats turned into a picture of forests with little animals playing in it.

I just stood in the middle and spun around until Nora picked me up so I wouldn't get dizzy, and she turned around for me and said, "Wow."

Nora asked Mommy about the furniture, and Mommy said that there was a dresser to go under the castle that was white. And the bed had four posters, that's tall posts at the corner but no canopy so I could see something special in the ceiling that wouldn't show up until after dark, and - again - she wouldn't tell me about it until I saw it (she was real mean about things like that wasn't she?). And there was going to be a big padded rocking chair, and a toy box, and a wardrobe even though I had a closet, and some book cases. And it was most all white but with other colors mixed in, except the bookcases were bright red, green, yellow and blue all mixed up.

"So it's not really a little girls room is it? No pink or purples," Nora said.

"No, it is a little JB's room, and girls do pick yellow too, Nora," Mommy said.

Next Mommy said, "I need to work on dinner. Why don't you ask Nora if she would like to see some of your new toys, JB?"

I just looked at Nora, and she said, "Sure -- show me what you got, Jade."

I said, "Wait here! I want to play in this room!" and I ran and got my storybook doll and some of the dress-up dolls too.

We had to sit on the floor to play and we decide we were in a store where all the dolls were trying on new clothes to bye some. Then I asked Nora if she knew how to brad the doll's hair.

While she showed me, she asked if these were my favorite new things. And I had to think about it before I said, "Sometimes, but sometimes I'd rather play with the trucks."

She said, "If you had to pick and give up the others which would you give up?"

I said, "Don't know. I never had any of them really before. Isn't it OK to like them both sometimes."

Nora nodded and said, "Yeah, I guess it should be, sweetie. It should be."

While we were eating dinner, which was a pink fish that had green stuff sprinkled on top and asparagus, which is a lot better than broccoli, I had to wear this thing around my neck. I knew it was a bib, but Mommy didn't call it that and said it was only for when I was wearing very special kinds of clothes. I kept sneaking using my hand for the fish and the asparagus because it was hard to get to stay on the spoon, and neither Mommy nor Nora said anything. Then Mommy put some mayonnaise on my salmon and used her fork to get it and the rice in my mouth. It tasted a lot better that way.

When Mommy brought us ice cream for dessert, I climbed out of my booster seat and asked, Nora if I could sit on her lap. She said, "Of course," and I crawled up. When I finished the ice cream Mommy had given me (a really small dish!) Nora spoon fed me some of hers and then I whispered to her, "I need to go poo."

Nora asked if she could help me, and I pulled her along into my bathroom. She pulled down my pull-ups pants and lifted me onto the toilet, then checked in back to see if all the dress was out of the way. She pulled the sides of the pull-ups apart rather than try to get them past my shoes.

She said, "You don't mind getting help with this anymore, Jade?"

I just shook my head; that was very true, but I didn't know why.

She had a hard time cleaning me up because of all the petticoats and stuff, but I was real happy that she hadn't tried to take them off before I went. Now that I had stopped trying to hold things for a long time, I really needed to get there right away. I guess that was always true unless I really thought about making it go back up my bottom like I used to most always.

When she had got me mostly clean she started to take off my dress, and I said, "Aww, but I wanted you to see the panties I got."

She said, "I'll be able to see them better now. Or would you like to leave on a slip, or all the pettis?"

I said, "Nah, I'll show you with just the panties, like when we have breakfast."

"We want be doing that anymore, will we?"

"Oh yeah, maybe I still could. Or you could come here and eat with me?"

"Not so sure about either, baby, but we will still be good friends."

Then we left the dress and petticoats in my room and I showed here where stuff was in Mommy's room. I lay on the towel on the bed while she took care of my bottom and then slipped the red and white ruffle-y panties up over my shoes because we had left those on, and I liked that.

Both Mommy and Nora sat on the floor with me and we played a game where you just had to draw colored cards to tell where to go each turn, and I knew it was a game for little-bitty kids but none of us cared.

During the game Mommy said, "Nora, I think that JB has several modes, not different people but just ways to be at different times. Sometimes he is a shy and withdrawn eleven year old, not really a thirteen year-old quite ever, and that is who we see at school. At times when he is alone and he thinks he can get away with it, or when he is around people he thinks he can trust, he is about six or so. That is the mode that JB usually plays in, and when he has the most fun.

When he is very lonely, or when he is calm and content, he likes to be about two and a half or three. You've seen it; his whole body eases and relaxes when he is being babied at the right times. It isn't just pretend for him."

I just looked at Mommy; I was really confused by all that. She rubbed my back and said, "JB, I just mean that it is OK for you to like things now that you didn't get much chance to do when you where younger. OK?"

OH, I got it and nodded.

"And her gender?" Nora said.

"I'm not sure yet and neither is JB, Nora. This isn't Abel's or Terry's situation at all. When I saw JB in his mother's yard, and he didn't know anyone was watching, he used the same sticks, his only toys, as dolls and as cars."

"Yes, I've seen that. We should wait and see. It's your turn, sweetie, pull a card and don't you dare get a purple or you will beat us!"

"We should let him explore both," Mommy said as I pulled a card and got a purple, but neither of them were really mad at me.

We sat on the couch and Nora held me, and they kept talking grown-up stuff I didn't get. Then Mommy said it was time to nuzzle, and while we did it Mommy said I had gotten the idea from watching Glyn, but she had hoped I would. Nora took her blouse and bra off and asked if I would mind helping her practice too!

I said, "Gah, both of you! And Glyn thinks she has it hard. But they didn't think I thought it was all that bad, and I didn't. And Nora gave me my night bottle since the other was just practice and then she put me in my diaper and my long, white, lacey nightie that looked like my dolls. And while she did that I said, "Nora, I got something better to call you. Can I?"

She said, "And what is that?"


And she laughed and said, "If there was ever someone that deserved a Mommy and a Mama, it is my sweet like piece of jade," and gave me a great big hug and a kiss, and I said, "I love you a whole lot."

Mommy who was standing in the doorway said, "Shouldn't he live with his Mama as well as his Mommy, Nora."

"We can discuss it, Marnie, if you really want me to move back in," Nora said.

Then Mommy kissed me and tucked me in and I had to go to sleep without her this time. Tomorrow I had to go back to school and be bigger, and I was gonna see my mom, official mother, after school. I didn't want to think about any of that, and pretended to eat some candy on my thumb as I concentrated on Mommy and Mama instead.


Chapter XXIII: Another Monday

The first thing I noticed was something in my mouth; then I laughed at myself when I realized it was just my own thumb, and I started imagining it was strawberry flavored. Then I realized that Mommy wasn't in bed next to me anymore; I knew that because of the smell, but I heard the shower going and knew where she was, and decided to wait for her. Then I realized that I had to poop, so I opened my eyes to try to decide what to do. I decided that if I told Mommy, she would tell me to use my diaper and not wait 'til she finished her shower, so I just relaxed and did that.

Now it didn't smell good here at all, so I went to tell Mommy after all. The shower wasn't in the bathtub, it was a special little room next to it with a glass door, and I opened the door and smiled at Mommy.

She said, "Good morning, sweetheart. Don't come in; you will get all wet."

I said, "OK - I'm dirty, Mommy."

"OK, I'm almost done. Close the door and I'll be right there, honey," she said, so I got my bathtub doll and sat on the floor to wait.

When Mommy got out she bent way way over to kiss me before she dried off and dripped all over me, but that was funny. After she had dried off, and dried her hair with the blower, she picked me up and put me on the bed. She pushed my nightie way up under my back and removed my diaper and said, "Peeee Yuuuu."

I said, "Sorry."

She said, "Don't be silly, silly. I don't really mind, but I did get some pills at the vitamin store yesterday that will help your poo to smell less, we will start them this morning, OK?"

I smiled and she said, "JB, do you wake up dirty, or did you go after you were awake today and yesterday?"

I said, "After. I wasn't supposed to wake you yesterday and then you were showering and you said not hold it. Was that bad?"

"No, sweetheart," she said, "that was nice of you, and you did have a diaper on already. We need to think about what you should do when you don't have a diaper and need to hurry though."

She cleaned me real good but didn't put any powder or cream or panties or a new diaper on me. She took me to the kitchen in my nightie instead and got me a baby bottle of juice to have while she made breakfast. I lay back on the floor while I drank it and rubbed my hand between my legs and moved my tube around, the silky nightie made that extra nice. I had almost finished the bottle when she brought over the oatmeal. I hadn't dropped any or anything but she took me in her lap and feed me; that was OK. Then we went to the den to nuzzle and drink a bottle of milk before we had to get ready.

When Mommy was putting powder all over me I said, "Do I gotta go to school? I don't feel good."

She sat down and hugged me and said, "Yes, honey, you do. But it will be OK. I'm talking with Dr. Spinner, and we will make some changes to some of your classes but, baby, you are too smart to never go to school at all. And the girls on the team will be watching over you, you know, and some of them are real big and tough. You want have to be a big boy the whole whole time today, OK?"

"Am I seeing my Mom today too, Mommy? I'll miss volleyball practice and I promised to go."

"I told you're Mom she could see you today, she really does want to, honey, but for now, let's get you dressed. Something for a big boy, but also something for a little boy too. Hummm."

She opened some of the bags and pulled out a pair of overalls. A bright green pair and asked if I thought they looked big boy enough. I said, "I've hardly ever seen big boys wear those and it would be hard to go to the bathroom in them."

"Well, you're probably right, but big boys could wear them, and they were from a big boy's store, and I think they are very cute. And look outside, it is a rainy day, so a real good day for them. And, JB, from now on when you need to go potty at school, I want you to go see Nora in the infirmary, we worked that all out last night, so you won't have problem in the boy's room anymore and will have help with the overalls, OK, sweetie?"

That was one of my life's biggest troubles solved right there. I grinned big time.

"Also, JB, these are very good to wear over a diaper because they are so loose. Would you like to wear one today?"

"No! Mommy, please, if I got to wear diapers all the time I can never wear any of the nice unders I got. Please!"

"OK. OK. But, JB, you go to the infirmary if you think you need to go even a little, little bit. Tell your teacher you don't feel good, OK?"

Then I got to pick out the unders to wear. I got a yellow pair that had a big flower right in front and ruffles on the legs, and Mommy slipped them on me. I also wore a yellow t-shirt, but it was real pale yellow so boys would think it was just white because they never looked at colors much. And the shirt had a bunny on it to, but the bib of the overalls covered her, unless you looked around it just right.

Mommy and I got to school just before the busses got there, and we went to visit Nora, they seemed to like each other better now, and Nora took me to sit on the potty just before the bell (and Abby was in the office and knew what we were doing, but that was OK now, I guess.) Then Abby walked with me to Science, and another real tall volleyball player and a blonde girl that was a cheer leader came with me to Mommy's history class.

Mommy gave people time to read their books at the end of the class because lots of people hadn't done their weekend homework (like me.), but I didn't get any time because she told me I should go see the nurse, (that meant Mama, but she had to call her that in case a kid heard, and I knew she meant I should go try to go potty.) She let Abby come to keep me company in the hall because she was so good about doing her work.

When we got to the infirmary Mama was busy helping a boy with a cut lip. He was in gym clothes so maybe it wasn't a fight, but it was one of the boys that had thrown water on me last week. Mama said, "Go on back, Jade-n, Then I'll come see you in a minute. Abby, go on and keep Jaden company."

I tried to keep Abby out of the bath room, but she said, "Ms Marks said for me to keep you company, Jade. - I did see you do this on Saturday anyway."

This just seemed different to me, and people didn't need company to go to the bathroom, did they? I couldn't think of a real answer though, so I let her come in. It turned out to be good I did, because I couldn't get the buttons on the top of my overalls unhooked, and she had to do them for me, and then she undid some side buttons and pulled them down, and my unders too, with out me saying for her to. At least she didn't take them all the way off the way Nora and Mommy almost always did.

While I was going she told me her little sister liked me a whole lot. That made me smile, because I had thought her sister, Lee, which was short for Lisa, was cute too. But I told Abby I was too old for Lisa because I was in eighth grade. Abby laughed at that, and said Lee was in sixth right now but that wouldn't be that big a difference in a few years, and we could be just friends anyway, and Lee wants to get together and play with me real soon. So now I guess I got two little kid friends that are both girls. Abby also reminded me to point my thing down; how embarrassing is that!? But what could I say about it.

I had finished going (one and two) but didn't want to tell Abby, I was afraid that she would try to wipe me because she had seen Mommy do it to me at the beach. But Mama came in just in time and told Abby she would take over. Abby tried to get Mama to let her stay, but she got sent out just as the bell rang.

Mama cleaned everything for me and said that it looked like a good thing Mommy had sent me when she did. I let her hold and hug me - will, I guess, I made her hold and hug me until the next period started. She was having a meeting next period, and her aide this period would make sure I got to Math class.

The aide was a boy this time. And it was George, the boy that had smashed my nose with Sam last week. I wasn't real scared of him because Sam had been OK on Saturday at the beach, but about half way to the Math room he put his arm on my shoulder, and I jumped away. Sometimes boys had grabbed me by surprise, or acted nice and then pushed me down or tripped me.

But this George kid, smiled and said, "I'm sorry, JB, I didn't mean to surprise you. I heard a whole lot about you last night and was just being friendly."

That worried me. I said, "Who told you what?"

He, - a boy! - took hold of my hand, and he said, "Someone who tells me everything. In fact I can't get her to shut up, but it's OK; she won't even tell even her friends. She knows that some things aren't talked about some places."

We were at the door then, and he hadn't told me who. During class I wonder about George and what all he knew. He was Sam's friend so he could just know about me skinny-dipping at the beach, but Abby could have blabbed a whole lot more. Or one of the girls on the Volleyball team could have told him about my wet pants Friday.

Anyway I didn't listen to much about Math because I was thinking about that and, also because it was about when 'A' meant something else and 'B' was something, and things I didn't get at all.

Then I looked up because the teacher said my name, and there was a boy standing at the door who had given the teacher a note, and it said I had to go to see the principal.


Chapter XXIV: JB Meets the Principal

I walked in to the principal's office, and I was scared because I didn't even know what I had done wrong. Mommy and Mama (and it makes me giggle when ever I say that too.) were both there and the lady that I had to see last week when I got sent out of class too. I just stood in the open door, and thought of running to Mommy but didn't, and the principal, who had come to Mommy's house Saturday with Nora (remember?), smiled at me and said, "Ah, here's JB now; come on over here and talk to me, JB." I mean she was being just real friendly and like that. Weird for a principal, huh?

She made me stand behind her desk next to her and told me that they had been talking about me - Uh Oh - and that the other lady was the school counselor. Then she asked me to sit on her lap! Yeah, she did. And she turned me so I was on her knees and facing her. And she took both my hands in hers and moved them around while she talked to me.

She said that at "her school" (she made it sound like she had built it herself) students were suppose to be safe, and that students were suppose to be able to do the things that would make them happy because that way they learned the best, and that she and Ms Marks and Ms Evens and Ms Piscopolia, the counselor, had been talking about the best way for me to do that.

They had worked out a new schedule for me, and she said that it was only until winter break. It was supposed to make it more relaxing and give me a chance to catch up on some things I hadn't learned good enough yet, even though I was not way behind like some of the kids were. She said I could say no, but Mama and Mommy liked the new schedule, so I agreed, and Principal Spinner smiled and gave me a hug (A Principal did that - to me.) and said I should come visit her and she would come and see me sometimes to, because I was a very nice student. None of my old principals had ever said something like that about me. This school is just a whole lot different than my old school; I tell you!!

So then the bell rang and it was almost fourth period and first lunch, and Mommy and Mama both had classes to teach and the other had to go to the cafeteria, and the principal said she wanted me to stay and visit with her now. So I just waved to Mommy and Mama, and when they had left I was still sitting in the Principal's lap facing her, and I thought she would want me to get down but she didn't.

She said, "JB, are things going alright for you in my school now?"

And I nodded because I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but - I mean, it was only a couple of days ago that people, even a teacher, had played catch with me.

But she knew that and said, "I know that some people were very mean to you, but you won't be in that class anymore now, and I don't think those things will happen again. Do you have some friends?"

I nodded and she asked who, which is the kind of question I hate sometimes because it means I have to talk. I said, "Abby and Amanda are nice I think and other girls on Mommy's team, and maybe some more."

She said, "You call Coach Evens Mommy. What do you call Nurse Marks?"

"Mama," I said, and she grinned and said, "You have a Mommy and a Mama, you are lucky."

"And a Mom. I have to see her today."

"And what do you think about that?"

I shrugged, and she asked if I didn't want to go. I said, "I do if she wants too."

"Did you miss your Mom this weekend?"

"No, I never thought about her 'til I remembered I gotta see her today. But I don't want to make her sad. I've known lots meaner people, she was just busy always."

Then the principle asked, "What are you favorite things to do, JB."

"Go to the beach!"

"What do you do like to do when you play? Ms Evens - your Mommy said you got lots of new toys. What are your favorites?"

"You'll laugh because I'm thirteen."

"No, I promise I will not."

"My big truck that has a backhoe to dig with, and my doll that has all the storybooks about her."

She grinned and said, "A doll and a truck?"

I said, "It's OK because I never got to play with that kind of thing when I was littler - I mean younger - because I'm still littler."

She smiled and said we were going to talk again soon, and I said, "OK," because she was nice, real nice for a Principal. And she picked me up and carried me out into the school office before she sat me down, then she took my hand and walked with me to my class. And I wasn't sure if I should pull my hand away or not, even though there were some kids in the office, so I let her hold it. She didn't even let me go when she knocked and then opened the door to the Art room.

When we walked in the Art teacher said, "Ah, here's JB now. A lot of people have been very concerned about you, JB."

I blushed; she was making fun wasn't she? Principal Spinner said, "Yes, I think our JB is on the way to being one of out most popular students."

I blushed more, but lots of the big kids were smiling like they were happy to see me.

See. I told you when I started this that I was going to become famous and popular, and the principal just said I had already started!

The teacher was showing the drawings of classmates we did last Friday, and was holding up a picture of me. It was when I was trying to draw and had my head on my desk, and I must have been pretending there was candy on my thumb because it was in my mouth. Anyway, Dr Spinner said it was very good, and then other people wanted her to see their pictures and about all the girls and even a bunch of boys had drawn me! And I knew most of them thought I was sucking my thumb and not just pretending to eat candy, and it was embarrassing. And Dr Spinner asked to see mine, which was Amanda, but she had to ask who it was because it wasn't all done. And finally she left without saying whose was the best, and I sat down, and we started class again.

After that we had lunch and I sat with a bunch of the girls because they wanted me to, and some of them talked about the cute pictures of me, and they didn't believe I didn't really suck my thumb so I gave up trying to explain about the candy.

My new next thing after lunch wasn't Spanish anymore. It was officially infirmary aide, but I was already told it was a rest period so I could have better afternoons. I hoped that just meant I could read and stuff, but I suspected that Mama was going to make it a nap.

Amanda and Abby and some other of the girls walked with me to the infirmary as soon as I finished eating because I was supposed to go before the bell. Mama sent all the girls away except Abby and Amanda. She said she wanted to show them where things were kept because they might have to help her sometime. Then we all walked back to the second room, the one Mama always called mine, and Mama told me to lie down on the bed, and right in front of Abby and Amanda she open a cabinet and took out all the creams and stuff and a Diaper! I rolled over and moaned and said, "NO! Mama!"

Mama picked me up, sat me in her lap and said, "Jade darling, Abby and Amanda are the two very nicest girls I know, and sometime I might need to be helping someone who is sick or hurt when you need to get ready for your nap (I Knew It!), so I want to show them how."

"I don't want to take a nap, and I don't want girls to do this stuff. Everyone is going to think I'm a baby!"

Mama (and Abby and Amanda) smiled. Mama said, "Don't be fussy, sweet Jade. No one thinks any thing bad because you get tired and have little accidents."

Abby said, "It is nothing to worry about, JB. We both knew you wet the bed from last Friday, right? And that's not something you can help. We know that."

Amanda said, "And this is just the very best way to deal with what happens, no big deal. And I have seen you without clothes too, and that is nothing to be ashamed about either."

They really seemed like they weren't making fun, but...

Then Abby said, "Right, and so have I, so it is all OK. OK?"

Amanda said, "You have? When?"

Mama didn't let Abby answer, she took off my shoes and pants and panties (Amanda said they were very cute.) and then started explaining which of the oils and stuff to put where, and I was just lying there with my legs up in the air, and girls in my grade were looking at my -- my everything. And they said it wasn't a big deal, but I still felt like it was, but I couldn't really think of a reason, because they had both seen and done things for me before, and I knew I need this because Mama said it. I just held Holly Bear over my eyes, and let do what they were doing.

Mama told me that in the infirmary I had to stay in bed until someone came to get me, but not to cry or holler, she showed me a button by the bed that would light a light in the front to tell the person there I was ready.

Then Mama did something I hadn't known about. She had brought a paper bag from the refrigerator in the front office, and she put it in a microwave that had just been moved into the room. About a minute later she told both the girls that I should have a bottle of milk before my nap even if they were getting me ready. And she put some of the milk on their arms so they would know how warm to make it. But then she sent them away because classes were about to start, so they didn't get to watch me as I drank it, at least not today.

When they were gone Mama heated it up even more, she said that was because it would cool while we did something else. I was really, really sad and kinda crying about the girls seeing me like that and knowing this stuff but trying hard not to, but Mama held me promised it was all alright and nothing bad really.

Then Mama undid her blouse and asked me if I would practice nuzzling so she could make milk soon. And that was the best thing that had happened since I had come in here, and it made me stop crying, and after a while she slipped the bottle between my lips and her breast, and I just kept going like I was doing on her breast to drink it.

I was very tired when the bottle was done, and Mama laid me on the bed and put Holly and Howie beside my pillow and a fuzzy blanket over me, and she kissed me, and she pulled some bars out from under the bed and hooked them in place. She reached over and patted my head and said, "Sleep tight, baby Jade," and I did.


Chapter XXV: JB Wakes Up

When I woke up it was very dark in the room. There was a little green light from one corner, that was the clock in the microwave, and a pink light from near my head. I had to bend my head way back to see it, and there was a little statue of a pink ballerina, who was slowly spinning around and around on just one toe, and the light came out of her. She was real pretty, and I watched her for a while and realized I must have been dreaming of eating candy from my thumb again because it was in my mouth.

I stretched my arms and legs out and noticed that there were bars all around me. The infirmary bed had always had bars on the back and was high at the ends, I thought that was because it was like beds in hospitals, but when Mommy had put the rail up on the other side it was more like a baby crib because the sides went all the way from end to end and were high. And as I lay there it seemed all comfy and safe because I couldn't roll out, and I didn't mind.

I did seem to like the baby things more and more, I knew, but I didn't feel like I should at all, and now two people in my grade knew about the diapers and were even going to change me sometime. It was embarrassing, but I was the only one around who seemed to think it was weird -- so maybe it really wasn't.

I found the button Mama had told me about and put my finger through the rail and pushed it. Then I pushed it again, and Mama slowly opened the door and came in very quietly. She whispered, "Good morning, sweetheart. Was that a sweet sleep?"

I was still kind of groggy so I just stretched and smiled at her. I knew it wasn't morning, she had just said that. She had a baby bottle in her hand and gave it to me. It was juice this time, and I took it right away.

Mama pulled my shirt up and rubbed my tummy while I drank it; she didn't take the rail down yet, and said, "Jade, do you think you need to go poo? You should try while you're having your juice and before I change you, or we will have to go and sit on the potty for a while to see if you can go before you start the afternoon."

I didn't answer, but I knew I could go if I let myself. I guess Mama thought, since she had to change me anyway, it would be easier if I did two jobs in the diaper.

When my juice was about half gone Mama pulled the rail down, and undid my diaper. I reached up and held my nose, but Mama just smiled and said I had done a good job. Just when she had taken my dirty diaper from my bottom Amanda walked in.

I said, "Argghhh," but kept my bottle in my mouth.

Amanda giggled and said, "Arurughh to you too, JB."

Mama said, "Right on time Amanda. Jade slept almost an hour and woke up a few minutes before the end of fifth period. You might have to do most of this a lot. I have a health class this period three days a week, but if she stays on this schedule I'll be able to get things started for you."

"That's OK, Ms Marks, I've done this for my little brother before."

"I know you have experience. I gave her the bottle first and waited to change her. That gave her time to poop, because she doesn't do that in her sleep often, but if you want you can take her to the potty first instead. This way seems quicker to me though."

"OK, I'll do it that way too. But what if JB can't go?"

"Let her sit on the potty for at least three minutes after the bottle, OK? Just to make sure; she will need to sometime in the afternoon. About an hour and a half to two hours after each meal seems to be her usual."

They were talking about my potty habits! Right in front of me, and about taking me potty. And I realized just then that I had started thinking in words like poo and potty too.

Amanda took my dirty diaper from Mama and put it in a special trashcan. Then she said, "May I do it, Ms Marks. So you can see if I do it right."

Mommy got up from the bed and said, "OK, Amanda."

Amanda had beat Abby at being the first one to clean my dirty bottom, I thought. OH - why worry - they didn't.

I just held my legs up and, since my juice was gone, I decided to see if I could taste candy on my toe while I did it. That made Amanda and Mama laugh real loud. Amanda spread the sticky cream around, even right on my hole, but she didn't put her finger inside me like Mama always did, and Mama didn't tell her too. Then she put the oil on me and the powder, both times she rubbed my wiener for about ten seconds or more.

Then she asked Mama for a clean diaper. I started to jump up, but Mama said, "No. Most of the time we let our sweetheart wear big girl panties when she is awake." And Amanda slipped the yellow panties with the big flower up my legs and over my bottom. Mama wanted me to change shirts, and I sat up and Amada pointed her finger at me and said, "Stick 'em up," like it was a cowboy show, and when my I did she pulled the yellow shirt over my head, and I had to giggle. Mama gave Amanda a pale green knit shirt, but Amanda saw the bright yellow one with a teddy bear on it that I wouldn't wear last week. She said, "That one is just way cute, Ms Marks. Let's put JB in that."

"No!" I said, "It's too babyish."

Amanda told me about a seventh grader that wore clothes with teddy bears lots, and wore teddy beat ear rings too, and I pointed out that I was a boy and would get beat up probably.

Mama said, "I don't think that would happen any more if you stay with your friends, honey. But Jade has something to do this afternoon, so we better use the green one today, Amanda."

I was pretty sure I was going to be wearing the teddy bear real soon. And it didn't seem so terrible an idea now because I had realized it really was cute, but I was scarred about who would see it.

Once Amanda had tied my shoes, Mama brushed my hair, and she told me she going to my house to be there when my new furniture came and wouldn't be at school the rest of the day. So I should find my Mommy if anything went wrong. I was going to have PE with Mommy anyway for last period from now on, so that would be easy.

. When she was done she said, "Do you remember the price for someone cleaning your bottom, Jade?"

I reached up and hugged her because I did remember, but she said, "You paid the wrong person. Amanda did all the work today."

I bushed - that seems silly at this point, doesn't it? - but went ahead and hugged Amanda, and she kissed me on the cheek while I did it.

Amanda walked with me to my new sixth period class, which was at the end of the seventh grade hall, and I said, "Amanda, dosen't everyone think I'm real weird and a freak?"

Amanda said, "NO! And you don't ever talk like that, JB. Really!"

"But I do so much baby things now. And Mama - Ms Marks - always calls me a girl too, and I don't get that."

We stopped in the middle of the hall, and she said, "JB not very many people really know about the bottles or even the nap, only people that like you a lot do, and almost no one would care either. And Ms Marks thinks you might be a girl actually, that's why she calls you that."

"But she's seen my -- you know, lots. So have you. I'm not a girl."

"Your 'you know' doesn't really mean anything, JB, there are sometimes girls that sort of wind up in boys bodies, and Ms Marks thinks you might be like that."

"Huh?? How?" I'd never heard of that.

"Wait. I got to make a stop come on in her for a second, You don't mind being later for class do you?" she said, and she led me into a girl's room, and then all the way into the stall with her!

She kept talking like my being there was all nothing at all; just regular, "It just happens because their body makes a mistake when it's growing before they are born. I know someone like that."

And while she said that she pulled down her skirt, which turned out to really be shorts, and her panties, and I turned around and faced the door, so I wouldn't see. She said, "Oh, that's sweet, JB, but you can turn around. Do you think you might deep down be a girl?"

"I like doing all kinds of boy things. I can't be a girl," I said. I figured I was supposed to keep just the normal conversation going, and I could hear her pee splashing while I said that.

"And you like doing some girl things. You like those two bears of yours a lot, don't you? (She didn't even know about my dolls.) Maybe you're really a tomboy."

"Oh," I said, "That's better than a sissy, guess?"

"There's nothing wrong with being a sissy either. My father tells me the only thing that is important is to be who you really are; boy or girl, tomboy or sissy."

She stopped talking while she pulled some TP from the roll, then as she wiped she added, "And baby or tough guy too I guess. But I hope you aren't really a tough guy; you are so, so sweet now!"

I grinned, and I don't know if that was because of what she had just said, or because she had just stood up, and I saw the little crack between her legs and the hair there (It wasn't a lot of hair and it was short, but I didn't have any at all there.)

"You don't really mind the way we treat you do you? Or that Ab and I are going to help you sometimes?" she said as she pulled up her panties (pink and sort of shinny) and then her skirt.

I shook my head and she kissed me - again! Then she opened the door to the stall and we went over to the sinks. When she turned on the water I stuck my hands under it, I don't even know why, and she started washing them for me, and while she did that I kissed her cheek; I don't know why, but she had kissed me a bunch now.

She giggled and said, "Let me show you something," and she put her lips on my cheek and said, "Mummuaa!" without really kissing, but made my cheek wetter than a real kiss. "That's a baby kiss; now you give me one." I did, and she giggled and the bathroom door open, and another girl came in. I tried to jump into a stall and hide, but Amanda grabbed me.

She said, "Hi, Cindy. I've been hoping to see one of you guys." I guess she meant a seventh grader on the volleyball team because I recognized the girl from practice now, and we were on the seventh grade hall.

"Hi, Mandy. Hi, JB!" she smiled when she noticed me, but added, "Just a second, Ms Burns wouldn't let me out 'til I begged her." She was already in the stall with the door close before she finished speaking. And then I heard a splash and a loud fart.

"Sorry," Cindy said from behind the closed door, "I ate the Chili Mac. What's up?"

Amanda said, "I've been looking for some one to get JB from the remedial math room and take him to the girl's gym at the end of this period. I could try, but my Science teacher is getting perturbed at me being late so much."

"Yeah, I can do that. I'm next door in Science now and will be heading to Home Ec."

"Great," Amanda said, "He needs to go to Coach E, all right?"

The door to the stall opened, and Cindy said, "Ahh, I feel better! OK, see you just after the bell, JB."

"Bye, we got to go," Amanda said. I waved because I hadn't been able to get a word in while they were talking about me like I was a little kid, and then I realized that was an even baby-er thing to do. But - oh - so what.


Chapter XXVI: JB's New Afternoon Classes

My new Math class was with a new teacher, and it was a lot different. Everyone sat at tables instead of in desk, except some of the kids were in carrels that faced the wall, and everyone was doing there own work rather than everyone just listening to the teacher, and there was also an old lady that walked around and helped people and the teacher, Mr Addams.

All the people looked up when I came in but the teacher told them to keep working and took me to a corner and talked real quiet to tell me all about the class rules and stuff, and he gave me three sheets to finish so he could see how good I was, and they weren't too hard, I think I got most of them right.

At the end of the class he told everyone I was new and said my name was Jaden - and I said it was JB. I had only seen about two of the people in any of my other classes, so maybe they were mostly seventh graders. The two boys that had thrown water on me last week were there; they both sat in carrels in different corners of the room, and even that far apart they looked at each other and snickered when the teacher was telling about me.

After the bell I saw them waiting outside the door, so I waited until I saw that girl, Cindy, who was supposed to take me to Mommy, and I went real fast and pulled her towards the gym. Those big boys called, "Hey, Jaden, wait," and stuff, but I made Cindy keep going.

When they had stopped following she said, "So Carl and Henry are trying to hit on you already, JB. Not a bad idea to keep away from them. I went to school with them last year, and they were always chasing all the girls, acting like they were big shots, but it was mostly just a joke; just thought they were funny when they weren't."

I said, "Yeah, well they already played a trick on me, and it sure wasn't it so funny."

"Really; my sister dates Henry's brother sometimes. He'll straighten them out for us. Don't worry OK?"

I was still holding Cindy's hand when we walked in to the girl's lockers. Mommy didn't answer her door, so Cindy walked me into the real locker room. She didn't act like it mattered, and none of the girl's changing did either, when they saw me in there; and some of them had their shorts off already, but not there panties, I guess none of them changed those like some boys did because they didn't have to put on straps like boys were supposed to; and some of them had there shirts off and some didn't even have bras, but the ones that didn't, didn't have very big things. They all were hurrying anyway because you only get three extra minutes to be at gym, so I guess that was why they didn't care I was there.

Mommy was already in the locker room, and I ran over to her when I saw her, and Cindy waved to Mommy and left. Mommy asked all the girls in her class to pay attention, and they stopped getting dressed and came over. Then she sat on a bench and took me into her lap and said, "Girls, this is JB, who lives with me now and is very wonderful. (I grinned!) He is going to be joining our class from now on so make him welcome, OK?"

She had undone the buttons at the top of my overalls while she was talking, and now she was reaching for my shoes. Most of the girls were saying, "Hi, JB," and stuff like that, but one of them asked, "Is he going to be changing in here?"

Mommy said, "Yes, JB will use the lockers, but today he needs to borrow some gym clothes if any of you have extra things that will fit."

One girl said, "I have a shirt that Dr Spinner won't let me wear because it is too tight, JB could wear that."

Another said, "I have some shorts with a waist string that might work."

And while they were saying that Mommy had started pulling off my overalls right in front of all of them. I thought that was going too far. "Mommy," I said, "not here!"

Most of the girls got quiet or giggled, and Mommy said, "Oh, don't be silly, JB. The girls are changing in front of you. You can change in front of them. If you don't behave I'll tell them what you wear to play in the sprinklers."

From the giggles, I knew Mommy had just told them that, but it was true about me seeing them changing, some of them still weren't all the way dressed and only two or three had even turned around so I couldn't see anything, but still I said, "But I can do it myself."

Mommy smiled and said, "Yes, you can, JB, but it will be faster if you have help, won't it? And people like giving you help. You are very lucky that way, sweetheart."

Some of the girls yelled out, "Can I help him," or "Can I do it." I don't think they were even in my grade; most of them were smaller than eighth grade girls, so it was probably a seventh grade class.

"Maybe sometime but after JB knows you better," Mommy said. What could I say??

Mommy pulled my shirt off and there I was in just socks and panties in front of about twenty girls. One of them said, "Oh, cute panties, JB. I had a pair like that too, that were my favorites when I was little." I didn't say anything; I mean again, what could I say?

The shirt the girl brought over was bright, bright red and had sliver sparkles that made a silver and blue star on it. It just reached the top of the panties, and Mommy said, "No wonder you can't wear this at school, Jeanne, it can't come close to your navel anymore."

A different girl laughed and said, "It doesn't cover her ribs even. Jeanne likes wearing stuff like that."

The girl that gave the shirt said I could keep it because her Dad wouldn't let her wear it at home either. Mommy asked me if I liked it and I nodded because actually I did, and she told me to say thank you to Jeanne, and I blushed and did.

Then she put the shorts on me that another girl had donated, but even with the drawstring pulled as tight as it could be they fell off when I stood up. One of the girls said, "Just come in you panties, JB. It's a girl's gym, no one will see you."

I said, "NO Way!"

But Mommy held my chin, which meant she wasn't happy about what I had said, and told me, "JB, everyone that will see your undies already has. The other choice would be to sit on the bleachers the whole time and that wouldn't be any fun, sweetheart."

"If I had panties as pretty as those I'd want people to see them," a girl said. But I didn't believe her, because girls had lots of pretty unders they never wanted anyone to see; everyone knew that.

But I nodded that I would, and two different girls grabbed my shoes and started putting them on my feet.

No one seemed to notice I didn't have shorts on during the class, we did exercises, and then we played sixteen square, which is just like four square but with lots and lots of squares, and I only got put out once. Everyone hit the ball real easy into my square, so I knew they were being real nice to me and all but I didn't mind. Even the time I was put out the girl yelled "I was aiming for the square next to JB's! Promise!" And even I laughed.

At the end of class we had to sit on the floor while Mommy explained about stuff that was coming up in PE, and four or five girls tried to get me to sit on their laps, until Mommy said, "Don't use my baby for a tug-o-war rope, Please!" and the whole class laughed, and I sat in the middle of he girls while they rubbed my back or legs or held my hand while Mommy talked.

Then two of the girls grabbed my hands so I went back to the lockers with them instead of waiting for Mommy. On the way in I heard someone say, "Gah. He's just a little kid, Allie." And other voices saying, "Anyone that likes panties like that can see me change, I guess"; "What if there was a lesbo in the class? They could see everything and we wouldn't even know"; "Who you calling lesbos?"; "I'as just saying, IF..."; and, "You can use the booths, you know, that's why they're there." And then someone said, "All right, all right, I guess you're right. He is really super cute isn't he."

I don't know if Mommy heard that too, but she came and picked me up and also reminded everyone about the booths, and then she said she might be watching so the class had better pay attention when the announcements came on like they were supposed too. Then she got all my clothes and carried me to her office. She set me down on the couch, and I looked out the glass at the girls in the locker room. Mommy asked me if I had had a good time. Boy, Had I! That was so much better than all boy gym classes.

Mommy took a baby bottle out of her little refrigerator and put it into a new little stand next to the couch. Then she took me in her arms and told me she was happy that it was a nice time, and that since it was seventh grade gym it was everyday, not just three times a week like in eighth. She pulled her shirt off of one arm and undid her bra in the middle and asked me if I could calm down enough to practice nuzzle.

I nodded, and she put two fingers beside her nipple and pulled my head up to it. While I was nuzzling she let her hand go on top of the flower on my panties and she rubbed. She kept fiddling down there when she picked up the bottle and put that in my mouth instead of the nipple. The stand must have warmed it up, it was so good like that.

I asked around the bottle when she thought we would be able to nuzzle for real, and she said she hoped only a week or two from now, and I smiled. But even while I was doing that I remembered that the next thing today was to see my real mom; that wasn't going to be as nice as this; I just hoped it would be a little bit nice.


Chapter XXVII: JB and His Mom

I don't really want to tell about the visit, but I guess I got to say some of it, don't I? Well, it wasn't really as horrible as possible, but it sure wasn't nice either.

I went outside at the back of the gym, which was a parking lot for teachers, where Mommy had told my Mom to meet me, and Mommy had left a message on my Mom's phone to remind her. Abby and Cindy both came out to wait with me, but it turned out my Mom was actually already there.

It was also raining really hard, and I was wearing my new slick very yellow rain coat, but we hadn't brought the new rain boots to school. Abby wouldn't let me go out the door until she had buttoned my coat and fixed my hood. When I got to the car I stood by the door for a second because I almost forgot I was going to have to open it myself this time, and then I got into the front seat.

The first thing Mom said was, "You look like a little wuss; is that how they dress you?"

"I like these clothes; they're nice, and other people think so too," I said.

"Maybe. Styles change, and you can dress like a rich brat now, I guess. Well I was going to go to the park or something with you, but the rain killed that idea. So let's just go home. Unless that lady gave you some money and we can go to McDonald's or somewhere?"

I shook my head, I never needed money because Mommy was always with me, and Mom drove off. She pushed the cigarette lighter in before she threw the butt of the one she was smoking out the window; she always smoked, but today she never stopped.

We went in to the place where she lived, and she turned on the TV right away. It was a new one, but the picture was still bad. "The cable people won't get here until Friday, but it's still better." The show was one of those with a bunch of people sitting around yelling at each other.

I just stood by the door. The place smelled really bad, mostly like cigarettes but other bad stuff too. I guess it had always been like that but I didn't notice 'til now.

Mom said, "Take you coat off and stay awhile. You're dripping all over the place."

I pulled the hood off and started to undo the buttons; I realized it had been a long time since I had even undone any of my own clothes, but I hadn't forgot how. Mom looked at my overalls and laughed and shook her head. Then she went into her room and just left me there. I sat on the couch and watched the yelling people.

After I had finished my bottle with Mommy back at school, she had made me sit on the potty for a long time, but I only peed a tiny bit. When she dressed me she put me in a pull-up, just in case. She said, "If you can't get to the potty in time and have to poo tell your mother you farted."

I was lying down on my back when she said that, and I giggled then reached up and pinched her lips together and said, "Ladies aren't supposed to say that!"

"Oh," Mommy said, "OK, tell her you have gas because of the Chili Mac, OK?"

But it was OK right then, because I didn't need to go at all. Still sitting there alone it was nice to know that I was prepared if I ever did. I was pretending to eat some thumb candy when I heard my Mom's door open, and I pulled my thumb down real fast. She had on her clothes for working at the club, but she sat on the couch at the other end from me.

She asked me what I had done this weekend, and I said went to the beach and shopping and bought clothes and toys.

"You're kind of old for toys, aren't you?" she said.

"Not for footballs and remote control cars and stuff," I said, even though I hadn't got things like that.

"Yeah, I guess rich kids get to play longer, don't they?" Then she just sat on the couch and didn't say anything for a while.

Then she said, "So, this woman is nice to you?"

"Yeah, they're really nice."

"There's more than just the Evens woman."

"I got other friends now too."

After a pause she said, "That' good. I wish I could find someone to be nice to me sometime."

I looked at her and said, "I try to be nice to you."

"Yeah, that's what I always hated about you, JB. You're always trying to be nice to me."


"I was just kidding, JB. I didn't mean it. I don't know how you got nice. I got you're possible father down to three jerks, and you didn't get niceness from any of them, I promise. And it didn't come from my side either."

We were quiet again. Then she said, "If that woman, or any of them, tries anything weird with you, you tell me. Money or no money, I'll stop them. I don't care how rich they are."


"Let's go. I might get a better station if I get to the club early."

I got my coat and almost put my arms in the wrong holes, but figured it out. I didn't button it up though, I didn't feel like it.

Then I got in the car. It was still pouring down rain, and we drove most of the way without talking. I started needing to poo in the car, and it even started to come out but I pinched it off with my butt. Mom looked over at me and made a bad face. I said, "Sorry, they had Chili Mac in the cafeteria. Made the whole school smell too."

Mom actually laughed, "I thought you had shat in your pants again like last summer. I don't know why schools serve stuff like that."

Even though it was raining super hard my mom pulled up to the curb across all the sports fields rather that drive around the block to the building. This is where she had always let me out because it was closest to her house. I started to get out, and Mom said, "It's been real fun, I guess. And, JB, don't forget that your my kid and not hers, OK?"

"'K," I said and leaned over and kissed her on her cheek and tried to hug her; I don't know why, I don't think I had ever before in my life.

She pushed me away, but then she rubbed my head and smiled as she said, "Ghod, you really are a little freak, aren't you?"

I started walking across the fields towards the back of the building. I felt sad, and sorry for my Mom, and lonely. My coat was still open and the hood down, and I decided to leave them like that because I didn't want to have to do them up myself, and I wanted to be wet too. That made me think of another way to be wet, and I tried to pee in my pull-up, but any a few drops came. I stopped in the middle of the fields and let the poop that I'd stopped before come out, and I tried to force more even though I wasn't supposed to.

I walked in the rain all the way around to the girl's gym door. Other teams were inside too filling up the gym; the volleyball team was in a corner a-way across the gym. I walked close to the bleachers and wall to get to them.

One of the girls, I don't know which one, saw me and said, "JB, you're a mess!" All the girls stopped what they were doing, and Mommy rushed over to me. She got down on a knee and hugged me, which made her all wet, and asked, "Are you OK, sweetheart? Are you hurt, baby love?"

I quietly said, "Na-uh, just sad, Mommy," and she squeezed me tighter. I put my hand up next to her ear and whispered as softly as I could, "I'm wet and dirty too."

In a regular voice she said, "In more ways than one, I think. Can you wait sweetie. We're almost done."

I could have but didn't want to at all; they were having fun, and I didn't want to do that. So rather than answer I squeezed Mommy. She looked around and said, "Abby since you just had your turn can you take JB in and clean him up?"

Abby smiled; I held Mommy and thought, but I decided that that would be OK and reached out for Abby's hand. Cindy said, "Can I help her, Coach E, since my knee is messed up?" Then she was walking on the other side of me, and I took her hand too, but I lean over closer to Abby.

Abby couldn't get into Mommy's office so she had me sit on a bench in the girl's locker room. Once she had my overalls unhooked she pushed on my shoulder, and I lay down and just look up at the ceiling while she took off my pants, shoes, socks and pull-up. Abby said something to Cindy about how much water they held, but I didn't think I had peed hardly any when I was in the fields. Cindy had brought a roll of TP, and I pulled my legs up to be cleaned. Cindy said, "He should get under the shower to warm up from the rain."

Abby said, "Do you mind taking him, Cindy," and she had me sit up so she could get my shirt off. Cindy already had her shirt off. She didn't have a bra on; she only had little mounds on her chest, I guess because she was only a seventh grader, and she had pushed her shoes off with her feet at the same time. She removed her shorts and panties with one push and then sat next to me to get her socks off.

She took my hand and led me to the shower room that had about a dozen different shower heads in it and made me stand under the warm water, and then she told me to bend over. That was so the water could get inside my crack, and she rubbed me with a bar of soap in there and on my back and tummy too. And I got a bar too, and started rubbing her where ever I could reach. I was feeling kinda better now, because I was warmer I guess.

Abby looked in and was still dressed. She had a bunch of towels and said we needed to get out before other people finished practice. Abby tossed Cindy a towel, but she wrapped me up in one and dried me all off, which I liked. Then she took my hand to go back to the locker room, but I stuck my hands up to her shoulders, and she picked me up, but I could tell I was almost heavy for her.

Some of the cheerleaders were coming into the locker room as we left the shower. One of them said, "OH, you guys are so lucky. I wish Coach Evens was our coach," and another said, "Hey, JB, come and watch us practice sometime. You could be a junior cheerleader."

I was going to tell them I was as old as they were, but Abby said, "Watch it! JB is all ours! You can't have our mascot!"

"She could still cheer for you. Think how cute she'd be in one of out uniforms. What do you think, JB?"

I smiled, but didn't say nothing. I liked the costumes too, but didn't want to hurt the volleyball girl's feelings.

I was still lying on my back on the bench, and Abby was working with a towel between my legs. She said, "Instead of plotting a kidnapping, why don't you help? Do any of you have any baby oil or softeners for your delicate skin?"

Three of the cheerleaders ran and got bottles of stuff, and Abby used two of them on my bottom and around there. A lady coach I didn't know came in and said, "Girls, Abby has JB taken care of. Get changed so I can get home. Traffic is going to be awful."

I started to giggle a whole lot, real loud, and Abby asked if she was tickling me, but I shook my head; that wasn't it. I had suddenly thought about what all the girls, even cheerleaders I didn't really even know, were seeing when my legs were in the air like that, and about what was happening to me. I hadn't minded it happening, because I was so sad, but now I guess everyone knew a lot about me now. "Oh well," I thought, "It's nice; so what."

When Abby finished my bottom, I sat up, and Cindy started drying and brushing my hair. She said, "Would you like to try to make a pony tail, like most of the team wears or, maybe, two pig tails?" I held up two fingers, and she had just finished the pig tails when Mommy and the rest of the team came in.

I ran and jumped into Mommy's arms, and she kissed me and told me how cute they were, though they felt kind of short to me. Then she hollered at the girls to hit the showers and get out of here, like she was being mean but the girls didn't act like they believed she was at all, but they did start taking off their clothes real fast.

I whispered to Mommy, "Nuzzle?" and she nodded and put me down so she could pick up all my wet clothes, and I trotted over to her office. Then I got to nuzzle an extra time today and an extra bottle too.


Chapter XXVIII: JB and Lee

I had kinda forgotten all about being all naked until I had finished the bottle; by then I felt all warm inside instead of all cold like I had when walking across the fields alone after I saw my real mom.

My clothes were way too yucky from rain and mud to put back on. But I still had the sparkly red shirt the girl in PE gave me, and my unders with the big flower. Mommy put just those on me and then started taking off her clothes and said, "JB, I'm going to take a shower. Can you play in here or start your homework while I get changed."

"But the girls are still out there; can't I go play with them 'stead, please?"

"They are?" she said and looked out the window behind the couch, "OK, but tell all of them to go out to the gym and watch for their rides, and you can go too as long as Abby or Amanda are there to keep an eye on you."

I started to run outside, but Mommy said, "JB, you don't mind going into the gym dressed like that?"

"Na-uh. It's 'K."

Mommy smiled and said, "Alright. Remind Ab and Amanda they need to watch you, OK sweetheart?"

"'K," I said and then ran to the locker room. The first thing I said to the girls was, "My Mommy says you all get out now and play in the gym and watch for your rides."

They all laughed at me for that, and I said, "She told me to tell you, so ya' got to."

Amanda said, "OK! OK! JB, but we've been waiting for you. What took you so long?"

I said, "Can't tell you. Come on and go."

One of the cheerleaders said, "Let me fix you hair first, JB. These girl-jocks don't know how to make a little girl look pretty."

"But I'm not a little girl, you know?"

"Doesn't mean you can't be pretty, I have something for your puppy-dog-ears," she said.

"They're pigtails, duh," I said.

"They are, but pigtails can be longer or braided too. When they are short and floppy and sweet, they are puppy-dog-ears. Come on, let me make them beeeutifuuul for you," the cheerleader said, and showed me two yellow ribbons she was holding.

She tied them in bows in my hair, and I looked around at the volleyball girls to see if they minded because of what she had said about them, but they were all grinning too. When the bows were done I went over to the big mirror that was a window when you were in Mommy's office, but it was too high, and Amanda picked me up to see. They really did look nice! and I remembered to say thank you too.

Amanda asked if I was going to come into the gym to play with them, and I said I could if she and Abby would be there to watch me, which I whispered and didn't really want to say around too many others because it made me seem little. She said they couldn't take their eyes off me anyway, so they would until Abby's step-mom got there to take them both home.

But when we got into the gym Shelly and Lee and Sam (They're Abby's step-mom, sister and brother. I knew them all from the beach.) were all sitting on the bleachers all ready. I said, "Awww, now I got to go do stupid homework 'cus they're here."

Abby said she would see if her mom would wait, and it turned out Shelly wanted to talk to my Mommy anyway. When Sam saw me he said, "Nice clothes, JB." Abby pushed him real hard though and his step-mom hushed him. But I ignored him, because I'd decided it was OK, and he was in the girl's gym so it shouldn't matter anyway like that. (Yeah, he was allowed there. The girl's gym and the boy's gym was really just one giant room but there was this wall that was really bleachers closed up to make a wall to make it two parts, but the girls' classes usually were on one side and boys' on the other.)

Lee ran over beside me and asked if I wanted to play with her. She whispered it to me, she did that a lot. I knew she didn't like everyone to hear her. I did want to play with her, so we went over to the bleachers and she started telling me about the doll she had with her.

Abby and Amanda and the cheerleader came to play with us, but really just watched, and Lee whispered (like she always did.) to Abby, "Can I take my shorts off too?"

But Abby said, "No! You're too big for that, Lee. Besides JB is like that because he got caught in the rain."

The doll was a big kid in the books that were written about her, but Lee wanted to play like the doll was still a baby, so we did. The big girls went off and sat on the floor with Sam, and they all just sat and talked like big kids like to do.

Then Abby yelled, "Hey, Jaden, come and show Heather how you can suck your toes." I shook my head; I thought they might be getting ready to tease me. Besides Lee and I were busy.

Amanda called, "Please, JB, real quick. Please."

I walked over and showed them, and Heather (that was the cheerleader's name I figured out) was real impressed. She asked if I could do the splits, and I didn't know what that was and she stretched her legs out so that her middle was almost on the ground. I said I couldn't do that (I can't hold myself just a little off the ground like she did.), but showed her that I could do it so the part between my legs was all the way on the ground (that's easy for me.)

"Ouch," Sam said.

"I thought boys almost never could do that. And you make it look easy," Heather said.

Lee came over and pulled on my arm. But Heather wouldn't let me go, so Lee went over to Shelly, her step-mom, and sat right next to her, and her step-mom talked to her.

Heather said, "Can you do this?" and put one leg straight up and pushed it behind her head. Real quickly I did it with both my legs at the same time. Then I put them behind my shoulders, but I had to lie on my back to do that or I'd fall over, and they all laughed.

Heather was trying to get one leg like that, and she was wearing a kind of short skirt, and I saw where Sam was looking and started to laugh, and Heather noticed too and stuck the front of her skirt under her. But she didn't seem all that embarrassed really; she fake whispered to me (so everyone could hear really), "Like, he can't see your panties, Jade." And I laughed too, because I liked being like this around some people now.

Heather's cell phone rang. (I think cheerleaders are required to have those even in Junior High), and she jumped up before she answered it and said, "OH, crap. I'm in shit." and ran to the door as she talked on the phone. Sam reached over and put his hands on my ears because she had said those words.

I saw Shelly was pulling Lee's shorts off over her shoes, and I smiled, and Lee and me went to play with the doll again. Now Lee was dressed like me, but her panties came up higher and had little purple and blue flowers all over.

While we were pretending to change the doll's diaper, Lee whispered to me, "Do you ever wet your panties, Jade?"

I nodded and said, "'Cuz I sometimes don't make it in time."

"Ever go the other way in them?" she asked, and I just nodded. Then I smelled it and she hadn't even stopped playing and didn't stop playing to go tell anyone she was dirty either, so I didn't say anything about it because it didn't smell that much to me.

Mommy finally came out of the locker room, but she just waved and sat down to talk to Ms Magee (that's what I was supposed to call Lee's step-mom.). Abby and Amanda got my yellow rain coat and Lee's very red one just like it and her shorts and came over. Abby handed Lee her shorts and told her to put them on while Amanda held my coat open to help me.

Abby suddenly said, "JB, did you have another wreck already."

I shook my head hard and said, "No," but she felt my bottom to see if there was anything in my panties anyway.

Then she looked at Lee and said, "Lee! Yuck! You didn't!!"

I said, "You just leave her alone. Stop!" Then to Lee I said, "It is OK. Come on, my Mommy has all the stuff to fix it up," and I took her hand to help her walk over the bleachers to our Mommies.

"Uh-oh," Shelly said, and then added to my Mommy, "See, Marnie."

Mommy said, "Do you think meeting JB had anything to do with it?" She was already taking powder and baby wipes out of her big, deep bag.

"No," Shelly said, "She had wetting accidents last August and one at school before she met him. This is her second of this kind, but the other kids didn't know about them yet." She had laid Lee down on the bench and was carefully taking off her dirty unders.

Abby, Amanda and Sam went to some of the higher benches and talked. I hope they were feeling bad about being mean to Lee. I lay back on a bench and pulled my legs up real high and said, "Look do like this, Lee, so your Mommy can do a good job," and Lee pulled her legs up as close to her head as she could, and she looked at me with a big smile.

Mommy said, "She did have quite a trauma last spring, Shelly. And that woman may have done more..."

As she cleaned Lee Shelly said, "Yes, that's what I was thinking, Marnie. She needs a little time to re-set. I'm only working part time and could quit and home school for a while, but..."

"We're seeing Nora tonight; let me talk to her about the nurse and people at Lee's school before you decide. I'll call you but it may late. This little guy gets to stay up later because he takes naps now."

Lee was in a diaper that my Mommy had had in her bag, and we went to get her doll. Abby came over and this time helped Lee get into her coat. Then she tried to pick her up, but Lee's nose was at the top of my head, and Abby had a hard time carrying me so she couldn't do Lee. Sam gave her a piggy-back ride to the mommies, and then Lee wanted her Mommy to hold her. My Mommy handed Shelly all the extra diapers from her bag and an empty bottle to borrow. Lee took the bottle and held it.

Sam offered me a piggy-back to Mommy's car, but first I got up on a bench to give Lee and big wet kiss with a "Muumma" in it like Amanda had shown me. Then Sam took me all the way to the car and strapped me in.

At the first light our cars were next to each other, and I saw Lee pretending to use the empty bottle. I waved to her and said, "Lee is a very cute baby, Mommy."


Chapter XXIX: JB's New Bed

Until I saw the empty boxes in my garage, I'd totally forgotten that all my new furniture was supposed to be in my room when I got home. Mommy couldn't even get the car into it and parked in the driveway. Mama's car was there too because she had come over to let the deliverymen in.

Mama came out because she had heard us drive up, and I ran to her as soon as Mommy had got me out of the car. We went straight to my room, and there it was.

I guess I'd known what it would be like, but it still made me feel bad, and I went and leaned against its bars. Mama came up behind me and asked if I wanted to get inside it. I nodded slowly, and she lifted me up and placed me in the crib. I sat there and brushed my hand across the bars until Mommy asked if I liked it.

I nodded yes, although I really, really didn't. It was white, and at both ends it had cute little animals, bunnies, squirrels, and kittens, that looked like they were carved into the wood; they weren't colored though, just the same as the rest of the head and foot boards, you could just see them because of the shapes. There were little animals in the top rail of the sides too.

Mommy came over and rubbed my back and asked what the trouble was, and that's when I started to cry and said, "I don't want to be in jail, and I want to still sleep with you."

She picked me up and hugged me tight, and we sat in the new rocking chair that was in a corner. She said, "JB, baby, you can come and stay in my bed sometimes still, but you need your own bed too. It isn't a jail, honey, the bars are there to keep you safe; you do roll around a lot when you sleep, and I don't want you to fall out. That would be horrible!"

I said, "Yeah, but I can never get out anymore. I can't come in in the morning and watch you sleep any-ever. And you look so sweet that way, Mommy. And I can't go watch cartoons, or wait for you by the shower. I just got to sit and be locked up."

Mama said, "Jade, you slept in a bed like this today. That was OK."

That was different, and also how I knew. But I didn't like talking and explaining all the time, and I was sobbing. But I manage to say, "That was nap; and I was scared it would take long for someone to come, and had to push button twice, and it was at school so no where to go."

"But, JB," Mommy said, "I'd worry about you running around the house alone, and I want to come in take my little baby out of bed sometimes."

"I don't want to be a baby all the time though, you can come at naps, and I won't run round when I not supposed too. Promise. Promise."

Mama said, "Marnie, you did say he had different modes, and you did get the extra rail to make this into a toddler bed."

"OK, baby love, we will fix you a big boy's bed, and then we will decide how you will know when you can get out and when you can't."

I smiled. And Mommy and Mama got screwdrivers, and I helped by holding things and finding little pieced that got dropped. And the bed was lower and it still had a rail almost the whole way, so it was still cozy and safe, but the rail didn't go all the way to the end of the bed so I could climb out at times; and Mommy put a timer on the dancing ballerina that Mama had gave me so I'd have one at home and at school, but she would only come on and dance at times I could get out, rest of time I had to just call and there was a walkie-talkie right in my room so Mommy could always hear me if I needed her.

And I climbed in and out about twenty times for practice, and the bed even had pads around the rails incase I rolled too far. And I said it could be a little girl's bed sometimes too, and Mommy and Mama said that it could too. And I loved it, but sometimes I could still stay with Mommy until I feel asleep; she promised.

And then I looked at the rest of stuff in the room, and I love it to. There was the rocking chair with a soft seat and back and even padded arms, and a toy box that was white and gold and looked like a treasure chest! And there was a bunch of drawers, but on top it had a pad and a rail so no one could roll off by accident, and that was for changing babies, but also for changing big kids too if they needed it.

And when I was on the changing table the castle was right above me, and when I was in bed there was a rainbow above me, but I told you about those already yesterday.

Mommy went to get dinner fixed, and Mama stayed to play with me. We decided to play dress up and Mama helped me get into my costume that looked like the ballerina lamp that she had given me. It was pink and had tiny short rufflely sleeves and even had a tutu that was all rustley and stiff, and I tried to spin on my toes, but - know what? - that is real hard. But I could hold my legs up and stuff and do lots of that dancing stuff. And I walked all the way to the table on my toes when it was dinner time. Even though Mommy had made macaroni, which is hard to keep on a fork, I decided I didn't want anyone to feed me tonight, and got it all in by myself.

After dinner I had to do homework. I didn't have that much, but my new Math teacher had given me five whole sheets to do, and he told me to tell Mommy she couldn't help no matter how much she wanted to. The first of it was easy, easy. But the last was real, real hard, and I wished I had forgot to tell Mommy that.

While I was working Mama had to go home, but she and Mommy talked at the door, and she decided she was going to come back just to put me in bed tonight.

After homework I went potty and left my tutu off while I played with my trucks. Then it was bath time, and Mommy got in with me, after we washed and played with the boats and dolls (Mommy always does silly things when we do that), I snuggled with Mommy in the water. I moved my hand down between her legs to feel inside her crack again; she smiled and said, "Gently, sweet baby," and I was. She put her hand on top of mine and put it over a little bump inside her. Then she pushed it down lower and to where there was a hole my finger could go in to. She kissed my forehead while I did that and left her lips right there.

She got up all the sudden and took me out of the tub, she dried off and dried me off, and we went into her bed. She lay down with her legs apart and had me lay next to her, then she took my hand and put it back inside her. And I put my lips on her nipple, and she stroked my hair. She started to get wet down there, and she got some of he juice on her fingers and put them into my mouth, it was kinda oily and salty but not bad. Then she started breathing hard, but didn't want me to stop.

Mama walked in and saw us. I held my arms out to her and she came and gave me a hug and lay next to Mommy too. Mama put her hand with mine and we both rubbed around Mommy's legs. Mama started to practice nuzzle with Mommy, and Mommy started to pant real fast. Then she sat up real fast and grabbed me in a tight hug, and kissed me on my tummy for a real long time, and I giggled, and she put my fingers in her mouth and then in my mouth, so I could taste the juice again, and then Mama sucked my fingers, and then she and Mommy kissed again a long time while they both hugged me almost too tightly.

Then Mommy lay down like she was real tired, and Mama picked me up, and we went into my room. When she laid me on my new changing table she asked me, "Did you have fun doing that, Jade."

I just grinned big, and she smiled. After she had put all the creams and oils and powders all over me, and put me in my diaper, she lifted me off the table and asked what I'd like to wear to bed. I looked through all my t-shirts, but picked the long pale blue nightie I'd borrowed from Glyn the other night.

"That's a very pretty choice, Jade," Mama said.

"It's not fair that all the nice stuff to wear is only for girls, isn't it?" I said.

Mama said, "Certainly not, but I think you can start wearing lots of pretty things if you like, Jade. I'm going to take you shopping for some more things very soon, pumpkin."

I hugged her, but said, "But can't at school anyway."

"Well not at first, but maybe someday soon, sweetie. We will see."

After I had kissed Mommy goodnight, I nuzzled with Mama and had my bottle while sitting in the new big chair in my room. Mama put me down in my new bed, and it was nice to lie there and see the bars that kept me so safe then. I started pretending to taste candy on my thumb, and Mama put the soft yellow and white cover over me and kissed my nose.


Chapter XXX: JB's Thought on All This

When I woke up the pink ballerina was already dancing, so it was OK for me to get out of bed. I carried both of my best bears into Mommy's room, but she wasn't there. Someone was under the covers but it wasn't Mommy.

I stopped and stared at the covers, then I heard the door open, and I went just inside the door to peek down the hall. I saw Mommy walking up the hall; what a relief! But she was all sweaty, and I didn't know why. I said "You OK? Who is that??"

She smiled at me, got on her knees to hold me, and said, "I just went for a run, sweetheart, and that's just your Mama. Why don't you climb under the covers very quietly and nuzzle while I get a shower, baby?"

I went over, pushed the covers back, then lay next to Mama, and started nuzzling at her breast; she didn't have a bra on to get in the way. In fact, she had nothing on, and while I nuzzled I let one hand go down between her legs and petted her inside like I had done with Mommy last night. Mama didn't wake up, but her hand started rubbing my bottom.

Mommy came back all wet and kissed the back of my head. Then she kissed Mama and said, "Nora, you should wake up. You don't want to miss this, hon."

Mama whispered, "Hush. You're going to mess up my lovely dream."

I smiled, and snuggled closer to Mama. Mommy went to the kitchen and came back with a warm bottle of milk, and one of juice too. She climbed on the bed and sat next to Mama, and said, "Sorry to tell you this, love, but you need to get up; you have just time to feed our little honey pot."

Mama sat up and stretched; she laid me across her lap and put the warm bottle in my mouth. "By the weekend I'll be able to do both of these things at once."

"That soon, Nora?" Mommy said.

"I've done it before. That gives me an advantage, Marn," Mama said. Then Mommy sat with an arm around Mama, and put my legs across her, so I was sitting in two laps at once as I drank my milk. When I was done Mama made me lean forward and rubbed my back. That made me burp, and some stuff came up too, but Mommy had a towel ready to catch it, and we all laughed.

Mama is supposed to be at school before the busses so she had to hurry. Mommy feed me breakfast, scrambled eggs, and I let her put it in my mouth because she asked, and I like that better in the mornings. Then we got dressed. She put me in a pair of light blue shorts that had a yellow string to tie in a bow at the top of them, and a top - I mean shirt - that was tie-dyed in big swirls of yellow and blue, which was about as pretty as anything a boy could wear with out being teased for being dressed-up.

It was the first morning of my new schedule and Mommy let Abby and me go to the infirmary at the end of her class again. Mama said I was going to get a morning snack everyday from now on; that meant a bottle of warm milk and a nuzzle.

Then I went to my new class, which was reading, which I took now instead of English. The teacher was an old lady, who talked real sweet to everybody, and had a young lady that helped her and talked real soft. In the class room was a spot that had pillows and a wall around it that was painted like a stone wall, and that was called The Palace. We got to go in there if we finished our work for the day; they started me off real easy, and I got to go there my first day! even though I came late.

Once in The Palace the teacher said we could do anything we wanted to as long as it was reading. Which was a joke, but still it was nice because we could read from lots of books, even comic books.

Both of those boys were in this new class too. Yeah, Carl and Henry, the idiots that had thrown water on me and tried to beat me up and got me played catch with and were in my arithmetic class and had tried to bother me yesterday too. And they got to go into the palace just after I did, and I think they only did their work to get in there with me, and I squeezed into a corner and tried to ignore them, because the teacher said it was a reading palace not a talking and playing palace. But they kept talking to me anyway.

And one of them eventually said, "Hey, look, Jaden, we're real sorry about throwing water on you."

I just rolled my eyes and looked away. I wasn't that dumb, but then the other one said, "Yeah, we thought you were a boy. That was dumb, but you know with the clothes you wore and all. So we would never have done it, if we had known you were a girl. Really."

I chuckled by accident, and still didn't say anything, and the first one said, "Besides that isn't where girls would get wet anyway, so we would have had to think of something else; I mean to trick a girl - not that we would, because we aren't creeps."

I laughed at the parts about not being creeps, and said, "OK, whatever, quiet before we get in trouble," and they acted like I'd said something nice to them and they wanted me to, but at least they left me alone.

So that was the only new and weird stuff that happened that morning, and I didn't care that they thought I was a girl now, because they were just annoying now and not dangerous any more. At least for now.

After lunch just Abby walked me to the infirmary today, and she told me that Lee had had accidents again at home last night, and Lee wasn't even being taken on potty breaks until she asked and was wearing pull-ups even to school.

I gave Abby a hug and told her she was nice right in the hall, because she was talking nicer about Lee now, but I don't know if she knew that's what I meant.

I went into my room and was playing with my bears while Abby and Mama talked in the hall, and they came in and made me stop right in the middle, and Abby said I was being fussy, and Mama said I always was just before nap time. But I wasn't being fussy at all; I was just busy right then.

Mama let Abby do almost all of getting me ready and they talked about doing things for Lee so I guess that was practice for Abby for doing things for Lee and didn't mind. Then Mama and I nuzzled and Abby was there and waited and we didn't hide what we were doing from her any more. Then Mama asked Abby if she wanted to give me my bottle and I was put in Abby's lap. As I had my bottle my hand brushed up against Abby's boobie, and she didn't mind so I let it stay there, and then I was laid in the bed, both Abby and Mama kissed me before they pulled up the rail, and I feel asleep.

When I woke up the ballerina light was dancing. I didn't know if that was a sign like it was at home or not. I watched her and pretended I had candy on my thumb, and thought about things. I didn't like taking naps when they started but waking up felt good.

You might think that I had become a complete little kid, and I couldn't think about things or remember things any more, but that's wrong. I remembered that today was Tuesday, and I couldn't hear the bells in my room, but I knew it was just about the end of fifth period out in the school. It was after fifth period just one week ago that I got hit by a door and had an accident and Mommy cleaned me up.

Just one week and my life had changed a lot!! It's taken this long to tell you about all of the changes, and maybe that's taking too long, but it all seems kind of important, so I told it.''

I still knew I was thirteen years old, but I liked it being treated little, and I liked it getting hugs and held, even by the girls in my class and maybe even by seventh graders too. And sometimes I didn't mind when I had to talk to kids now and even talked in class and what I said wasn't always stupid now, even the teachers said so.

Just one week and I didn't mind when people thought I was very little, because they thought I was sweet and cute too, and I liked being those things now. And I wondered if it would be better if they thought I was a girl now, because then I could be sweeter and cuter too. But lots of people had seen my pieces, the ones between my legs - you know, and I didn't even mind that. I like not wearing clothes or just wearing panties, and no one minded. so maybe I could wear cuter clothes too and they would mind either.

Anyway when I started telling this story, I said I was going to become famous. Maybe you thought that I just meant that lots of people in Jr. High would know my name, and that already has started kind of. And I like that because even if someone was going to be mean to me now, there would be someone to help me near by.

But I meant a lot more than that when I said I was going to be famous. I meant that I was going to have things about me in the paper and even some on TV and get a medal and stuff like that. You will see.

But it is a couple of weeks later than now that all that started. I wanted you to know about my new life and new friends first, because that is part of what's going to happen. And there are still secrets, like the thing that happened last year that I still don't know all about, and that I should tell you at least the parts I learned and how I learned them too.

Also, I want to tell you more about my playing with people and having fun and shopping, but tell me if you think I'm just talking about it to much.

I guess, I kinda don't want to get to the scary and sad parts to fast.

Right then, just after I had woke form a nap, I liked just being the very cutest kid in the whole school and being loved by lots of people, and I knew I was both those right then when I had just woke up. And that's the nice part to tell about and all.

I remembered I would be staying at volleyball practice all afternoon, and that I could go to PE in just my unders (which was funny and fun), and I pushed the button to call Mama because I wanted to get the afternoon started, NOW.




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