Crystal's StorySite

The House of Change                  by: Patricia Pendragon


Chapter 1 - The beginning of change

Shortly before my thirteenth birthday my life changed forever, although, at the time I did not appreciate just how radical a change it would eventually be. At the time my parents divorce was enough to cope with and my own move to live with an Aunt I scarcely knew was full of potential trauma.

I had arrived home from boarding school to find a battle raging in my home, my mother was in the process of stripping out her possessions and a team of lawyers and policemen was restraining my father. I gathered from the shouted insults and comments, that mother had decided to take up residence with a ‘friend’ in another city and my father was understandably upset. For his part he felt that he could not accept the end of a marriage and the destruction of everything he had worked to build up. In the midst of all this I was left to sort myself out and retired to my room to think about it all and have a good cry.

It was here that my father eventually found me and sat down to try to comfort me and explain what was happening. Except that he was too upset to be much comfort. I learned from him that this situation had been developing for some time and that he had won the custody battle. Then he dropped the bombshell, the house was to be sold as he had no desire to continue living there. As his work also required him to travel a great deal - his sister, my Aunt Selina , was to provide a home for me when I was home from school. All I knew of her was that she was an unusual woman who lived in a rather large gothic pile some distance from any town. I had never been there before, but had seen photo’s and thought it would be interesting to live there.

An hour later I had to say good bye to my mother, her ‘friend’, a rather smooth type I didn’t like named Bill, hovering in the background. It was not an easy parting, made worse by the fact that I suddenly realised that she had little interest in me at all. In fact I hardly knew her myself, since when I was not at school, she had either been at work (she had a quite high powered career of her own) or attending a function or event. In effect we were almost strangers to each other.

Planting a perfunctory kiss on my cheek, she said, "I will be in touch with your father to arrange for you to visit us. I am sure that you and your father will do very well without me, you have all managed so far." She flashed a brittle smile, "You’ll be all right with Selina, she’s far better at this mothering thing than I am!"

Feeling I must make at least a show of distress, I pleaded with her to consider again, saying, "Don’t go Mum, can’t you and Dad sort things out and stay with each other so I can stay with you both too?"

"To late for that!" she snapped, "it was too late six months ago. No, this is for the best. Selina will be a better parent than either of us could have been!"

In the light of what was to come she may have been wide of the mark in one sense at least. In another, she was probably right!



Chapter 2 - Welcome to the future

Aunt Selina collected me the following day. She arrived in a black Volvo estate, dressed in black leather jeans which seemed to have been moulded to her stunningly curvaceous figure, knee high boots, frilled cotton blouse with a black leather waistcoat and a full length cape topped off with a wide brimmed black hat. The effect was striking and I immediately thought of a witch.

Sweeping into the house she seemed to fill it, her pleasant alto voice reaching into your inner ear and touching your soul. I liked her immediately and knew I would be happy with her company and that I would enjoy her company.

"Well, Neville," she addressed my father, "so she finally dumped you! Never mind, you’ll be fine with your chosen lifestyle. Rest assured that I shall do my utmost to ensure that Philip gets the best possible life from here on in." She paused, and then with a look in my direction, added, "You do know The House will take a hand in his future?"

"Yes," laughed my father, "so you have told me many times. Superstitious nonsense Selina." Turning to me he explained, "According to your Aunt, The House, as she refers to her great pile of bricks, has the habit of changing people who stay there. I am sure that you will be fine - after all we are all changed one way or another every time we take on something new."

"You know that’s not what I mean," she corrected my father, "Philip, The House changes people who stay there into their ideal form. Quite often this means radical alteration. Your father thinks I am joking, but, I am serious and I know you will find this out for yourself." She paused and continued, "I will explain more as we go home. Neville, we had better leave now. Ring me as soon as you have the trust arranged and we will take it from there."

Taking our leave from my father, we began the journey which was to change me in more ways than I could have imagined and which would take me from my shattered childhood to a very different adulthood.

The drive was a long one. Once clear of the town, it involved the motorway for the first several hours and I got to know my Aunt very well as we drove. First impressions were swiftly confirmed and I fell head over ears in love with her. No one had ever treated me the way she did and I responded to it by relaxing in her company and telling her all my fears and pleasures at school. We shared jokes, and talked non-stop until eventually she pulled into a service station and announced we would take a short break for a meal. When we once more got under way, I slept soon after getting into the car and missed the exit from the motorway and the next stage of the trip into the mountains. When I awoke, we were within a mile or so of the house which would be my home for the future.

My first glimpse of The House was from below. It was large and very Gothic. I felt a tingle of excitement as I saw it and had the strangest sensation that it was watching our approach and assessing me! I said as much to my Aunt, who laughed and said, "It is! Relax and let it help you find out who and what you really are!"

She would not elaborate on this rather cryptic statement, instead pointing out to me the amenities now at my disposal which included a large garden, swimming pool and much more. I knew that life here would not be dull. Sweeping me into the entrance hall, a grand space with cool tile floors and a great staircase leading upward, she gave me a huge smile of welcome and indicated the doors to left and right. "This is where we have the living rooms. Library, games room, drawing room, dining and so on are all off this hall and the passage through there and there," she breezed indicating right and left where arches opened from the hall itself. "Upstairs," she continued, "I have a private sitting room, our bedrooms and guest rooms and the top floor is the housekeepers flat."

"Wow," I breathed, I had heard that Aunt Selina was well provided for financially, but this was more than I had expected, aloud I continued, "I didn’t know there were other people here Aunt, who are they?"

"Oh, you’ll meet them soon!" she laughed, "Karen is the housekeeper and her partner, Colleen looks after the cleaning and laundry. Down in the cottage, Michelle and Charlene look after the grounds for me. I think you will find them nice to be with and lots of fun. I won’t ask you to take on any specific jobs around the place at this stage, I think let’s see how you settle in first."

"I don’t mind Aunt," I smiled, glad to be so welcome. In fact, I realised that the house itself seemed in some way to welcoming me and I had the sensation that I had passed some sort of test as we talked.

"Come on then," Aunt grinned, "Let me show you your new room. It used to be mine before you were born and I think you may find it surprising!"

The room was large and had a bow window overlooking the rear of the house with a view across the swimming pool and expansive lawns. The decor was neutral, not what I had expected of a girls room at all, and the pictures on the walls and the furniture could have been in any boys room without raising comment. The bed was unusual, an obvious antique it was a large four poster affair with a canopy and curtains of heavy burgundy. I liked it immediately and as my emotions soared with the happy thought that this could be a pleasant home, I suddenly felt that the room brightened and a sort of sigh of relieved tension drained from the walls. It was as if the house itself had been holding its breathe.

"You have your own bathroom through this door," Aunt indicated what I had thought to be a closet, "and naturally I expect you to keep the place at least reasonably clean and tidy!" she laughed adding, "your father was one of the most untidy people I knew - until he spent a weekend here with our Aunt Augusta. I inherited the House from her you know."

I nodded, then asked, "What did you mean about the House taking a hand in my life?"

"Oh," she laughed, "you caught that did you? Tell me, did you feel anything when you came into the hall just now?"

"I’m not sure," I began, "I think so, as if I was being made to feel special…. I’m not sure how to describe it!" I finished with a laugh, "What sort of thing did you expect Aunt?"

"I don’t know," she replied frowning slightly and studying me with an appraising stare. "Probably something more dramatic. When I first came here I felt a sense of tremendous joy as I walked through the door. Your father didn’t. He felt the house was threatening."

"No, I didn’t feel threatened," I replied, "but," I paused looking for words, " when I said I liked the room it felt as if the house let out a big sigh of relief."

"Ah!" she smiled broadly, "The House doesn’t welcome those it doesn’t like. You have obviously been accepted. That’s good. You see Phil, the House chooses its owners and its residents, not the other way round. Everyone was surprised when I inherited the House, my cousins had a closer relationship with Aunt Gus, but, the House chose me. And, as you will find out, it changes us to fit its tastes. Don’t worry, it will never force you or harm you and it is a damned good protector and provider."

"I’m not sure I understand you Aunt," I said frowning, "how can the House do anything to change us? How does it protect and provide?"

"It would take far too long to explain now. Some things have to be learned slowly and this is one of them," she finished with a smile, "Once you have been here a couple of weeks you will begin to understand. Now, time to get cleaned up after the trip and then I will introduce you to Karen and Colleen before supper. Have a bath or a shower and get some clean clothes on."

"My stuff is still in the car," I said remembering, "I’ll have to get it and carry it up first."

"No, don’t worry about it," smiled my Aunt with a throaty chuckle, "Michelle and Charlie will bring it up later. If you need anything just help yourself from the drawers or the closet, I’m sure you’ll find everything you need." Flashing me a wicked grin, she added, "Trust the House, it will show you what you need."

Left alone I explored the room a bit more finding lots of interesting things tucked into draws and shelves including Building Sets, loads of toys and games, puzzles and a large set of Mechano which looked well used. There was also a collection of girls toys and books and the closet and drawers turned out to be crammed with clothes, all of which seemed to be my size, although there was an equal mixture of girls and boys clothing. Again I had the feeling that the House itself was holding its breathe in anticipation of my reactions as I explored. Whenever I found something I liked, there was a lightening of the atmosphere, things that didn’t interest me evoked no response and things that intrigued or brought a ‘not sure’ reaction seemed to provoke a feeling of disappointment. My inspection finished I turned to the bathroom and decided to have a bath rather than a shower.

I ran the bath, stripped off and bathed enjoying the relaxing warmth of the water and playing with an assortment of boats I found lined up on the bath edge. I was wrinkling with the soaking when my Aunt tapped on the door to my room and called in without entering that I should hurry to dress and get down to supper.

Having dried myself and combed out my bush of hair, I began to look for clean clothes and underwear. Remembering the location of some of the things I had seen I made a selection from several draws and the closet and began to pull these on. Even now I cannot explain why I chose to put on several items which were from the girls clothes, but, I sensed that this was what the House wanted me to do in the warm feeling that filled the room when I put them on. My selection included a pair of high cut and narrow backed satin knickers (which required a careful arrangement of my genitals!) a polo necked shirt and tight fitting riding breeches with knee length boots. The image in the full-length mirror in the closet door was ambiguous; it showed me an image of myself that made me feel strange, but quite pleasantly content. Feeling very happy with myself, I ran from the room and downstairs to find my Aunt.

I found my Aunt in the drawing room. She looked me over with a quizzical smile and said, "I see the house has asserted its influence already! Well, you look very good, come on," she added rising, "Supper is ready."

She lead the way into the adjoining dining room and waved me to a place set at her right. As we sat, a door opened at the other end of the room and a stunningly attractive woman sailed into the room with a tray. She appeared to be about mid twenties with a stunning head of ginger red hair neatly arranged and was dressed in an outfit consisting of a deep plum dress reaching mid-calf, suede leather boots reaching up under the hem of her dress and a white blouse which showed off her well-shaped breasts to perfection without being overt about it. Placing the tray on the sideboard she turned and smiled at my Aunt, and Aunt responded saying, "Colleen, this is Philip, my nephew. Philip, this is Colleen, she will, I’m sure, help you settle in. She lives on the top floor with Karen."

"How do you do," I responded blushing a little at the warm smile and the friendly greeting she gave me in return.

"Welcome to Change House, Philip, I can see that you will slot in here very well!" she gave me a wink and said to my Aunt, "Karen will be in shortly Selina, do you want me to serve up in the meantime?"

"Yes please my dear," responded my Aunt, "Philip is probably ravenous, but I’m sure he will wait a little longer!"

In the event, the food was hardly served when the door opened again to admit another young woman dramatically dressed in black tight fitting ski-pants , high heeled boots and a black roll neck shirt. A wide belt and large silver buckle accentuated her tiny waist and her bust was large and well formed with her nipples evident through the material. Where her companion was red haired, this lady was raven black but her smile was like a lighthouse. Introducing us across the table my Aunt suggested that we eat before Karen’s efforts spoiled and amid general laughter we got stuck in.

During the meal I found myself being drawn to talk about my school, my likes and dislikes and about my own hopes for the future. Aunt Selina joined in teasing me about things she had heard about from my father and things I had told her on the way here. The other two answered my questions about life at the house and how they fitted in quite willingly and Karen jokingly suggested that Colleen would be a hard taskmistress if I proved to be too untidy! When we finally got up from the table, I was surprised to find that the meal had lasted over an hour. Colleen and Karen cleared the table and laughingly told me not to worry when I offered to help. Instead my Aunt suggested that she show me the main part of the House so I could find my way around in future and lead me off on a grand tour.

Along the way there were portraits of previous owners of the House, all related to Aunt Selina and myself. I learned that though this House appeared more recent, it actually went back to the mid-seventeenth Century. "This," said Aunt Selina, stopping in front of a portrait of a beautiful young woman in 1920’s dress, "is your Great-Aunt Augusta. She took me in when I was about your age. An amazing woman, she certainly knew exactly how to deal with several rather hostile attempts to evict her or remove her from control of the House. I came to love her very dearly, but I have to admit it was not love at first sight!"

I could not help noticing that there were no portraits of men anywhere, and asked the obvious question. The answer puzzled me but Aunt would not explain beyond saying, "Oh, there have been some, but they don’t last. The House sees to that, it prefers women."

"But," I said worried, "I’m a male Aunt!"

"Yes," she laughed, "so you are! But the House has welcomed you, you know, so you will probably be OK!" She would not be drawn further on this so I gave up, but it did worry me as we continued the tour.

By the time we had finished I was beginning to feel very tired. Seeing this Aunt took me upstairs and suggested I sleep. Although I was still wondering about the comments about men in the house, I was tired enough to fall almost instantly asleep. My sleep though, was filled with dreams, strange dreams that seemed to have no connection with reality, dreams in which Aunt Selina was a man and called me Philippa. In another Karen featured and so did Colleen, one or both of them sometimes men and sometimes women and in all of the dreams Great-aunt Augusta appeared smiling happily in the company of some of the other earlier incumbents of the House. I awoke in the morning refreshed, rested and confused. During the night my pajamas had been changed for a long cotton nightdress!

Once I got over the surprise of this, I found myself strangely aroused by it and, never one to waste an opportunity, enjoyed masturbating as I lay there thinking about my dreams.

After a quick wash it seemed quite natural to search out some more girls underwear and put this on under an outfit of ski-pants, boots with slight heels and a loose top. Then I went in search of breakfast.



Chapter 3 – Settling in

Exploring the House more fully in the light of day, I began to appreciate its size and the care of its layout. The main part, of three storeys, stretched across the front in an East West line with the front to the North, but two wings, of two storeys, extended from the main part to enclose the courtyard garden and this was in turn flanked by the swimming pool and patio. The view from this side of the house was down an extended valley and overlooked a panorama of considerable beauty. The rooms in the main building looked over this vista, with a ‘long gallery’ extending across the front or North side overlooking the approach to the house. The views from this side were less spectacular but still beautiful. A portico supported by pillars and pilasters covered the front door and provided protection from the weather.

To the East and West sides of the House there extended a series of gardens and vegetable growing areas including an extensive glasshouse and nursery and some formal gardens. Beyond a high wall to the West side lay a heavily wooded area, the tops of the trees cutting off the view of the land beyond. The Rooms in each of the wings looked outward across the landscape and a corridor linked to the long gallery served to give access. Aside from the main staircase, there were three other staircases, a second hidden stair in the main part and one at the extremity of each of the wings. I would later discover that there were extensive cellars below the House and the roof had large attics used for storage in the main, but having other functions as well.

My exploration having started early, ended when I found myself in the Long Gallery as my Aunt emerged from her room and greeted me with a warm smile, "Good morning," she smiled, "Couldn’t sleep? Or just an early riser?"

"No," I grinned, "I slept pretty well thanks, but I was hungry and thought I could get some breakfast."

"Did you?" she asked.

"No, I started to explore instead!" I laughed, "And now I really am hungry!"

"Good, then we can eat together," she responded, leading the way down to the dining room, "Find anything interesting in your travels?"

"No – I mean, yes!" I laughed, "I didn’t guess how big the House is when you showed me around last night! It’s huge," I continued, "and the gardens seem to be enormous – more like a park!"

"It is," she replied seriously, "everything for a mile to our South and for a half mile on the remaining three sides belongs to the House. It cannot be sold or used for any other development, the House will not permit it! Outside of that there are farmlands, those are leased to tenants and we get some produce and income from them. The main income for this place comes from some very old trusts and investments which pay for the upkeep." She smiled as we seated ourselves, adding as an afterthought, "We are pretty much isolated here – but, then, that’s what our original builders wanted!"

Breakfast was a much lighter affair than supper had been. Only Karen appeared, and then only to bring freshly cooked eggs and bacon, toast and coffee to the table. I ate my fill and listened as Aunt talked about the history of the House and it’s various occupants or ‘custodians’ as she called them. I also learned that the present rather Gothic appearance was due to an extension to the main building in the late 1860’s, the original appearance having been a little less dramatic. Once more I was struck by the fact that the House seemed to have only had women in residence and remarked on this. Aunt laughed and again said that there had been men too, but that the House changed them, as it needed too. I didn’t understand this but she would not explain further, saying only that I would eventually understand.

Breakfast over, Aunt gave me a guided tour of the two wings and the rooms they housed. Here I found guestrooms, a small flat ("Perhaps yours in a few years," my Aunt remarked), linen stores and a study, the Housekeepers office and several more rooms which seemed to have no definitive use, being just rooms which could be adapted as needed. We also saw a small part of the attic in the West side roof and the cellar below the main House.

By the end of the tour the day had begun to warm up uncomfortably and Aunt suggested that I take a swim and explore the gardens while she caught up with some work on a book she was writing, a history of witchcraft in our part of the country. She also suggested that I should try to find Charlene the gardener and introduce myself to her and, if possible to her partner Michele, who I now learned, was an artist.

In my room once more, I quickly changed into swimming briefs, resisting the temptation to wear a girl’s one piece, slipped on some shorts and a loose shirt, grabbed a towel and some

Canvas shoes and made for the pool. As I swam I had the feeling the House was watching me, but could see no one at the windows or anywhere in the courtyard. Eventually, tiring of my own company, I got out, dried myself and went in search of the gardener.

"Hello," said a voice from the depths of a large shrub, "You must be Phil. We heard you were coming, hang on a minute and I’ll get out of this," the voice, a pleasant alto broke off and the plant shook as the person began to extricate themselves. A violent convulsion followed and a smiling figure emerged in denim dungarees and a tight T-shirt, a shock of light brown hair crowning her head and heavy work boots on her feet. In her hand she held a pair of hedge clippers and she brushed her hand on her jeans as she advanced on me and held it out, "Hi, I’m Charlie, the gardener. Charlene really, but I prefer to keep it to Charlie. Sorry we missed you last night, but we had to do a bit of work down in the long meadow and it kept us until too late."

"Hi," I greeted this rather unusual woman, "I’m Phil. You must have a lot of work to do to keep this nice like this!"

"Yes," she laughed, "but we have help too! Come on, Michele will never forgive me if I don’t take you to meet her immediately! She wanted to come up first thing this morning, but when we got up there you had already eaten and were off exploring."


Chatting gaily she lead me off on a tour of the shrubbery until we found a sheltered corner where a rather stunning woman in a halter-top and tight shorts, sandals and a wide brimmed sunhat was painting in water-colour. "Mitch" called Charlie, "Look who’s come exploring. Meet Phil," she added as the woman turned to see us and smiled warmly.

"Hi Phil, nice to meet you, sorry we missed you last night," she added, "settling in OK?"

"Yeah," I grinned, "I like your painting!" I finished looking at the picture on the small easel. It was a very good representation of the small corner of the garden in which we stood. The detail she had managed to pack into it was stunning and I said so, adding that I wished I could paint as well as she so obviously could.

Our conversation drifted into the technique of drawing and painting and I rather brashly told her that I was considered to be one of the more promising artists in my group at school. While we talked she continued her painting and Charlie soon drifted away to continue her work.

Eventually Michele finished and suggested that she do a sketch of me in this corner of the garden for my Aunt. Slightly embarrassed by the suggestion, I agreed and found myself being ‘posed’ seated and staring off into the distance for the sketch. This took less time than I would have thought possible and I was surprised to see the almost photographic detail in her pencil sketch of me. Naturally, the background was not as detailed, but it was still impressive. "Sit still a bit longer, I want to do another for a painting later," she laughed when I commented on the drawing, "Anybody ever told you that you have a very artistic look to you? I think you could just be a model for me in a number of things I have in mind."

"Could you teach me to draw like that?" I asked rather shyly, fascinated by the speed and detail of her work.

"Be a pleasure," she replied. "Shall I talk to your Aunt about a regular session for us?"



During the days which followed I swam, began to learn to ride under the tuition of my Aunt and the lady in charge of the stables, a Nordic blonde of statuesque build named Olga, and sat for Michele. I discovered statues, fountains and ornamental lakes in the vast grounds around the House, all immaculate, all in beautiful harmony with the surroundings. Yet, apart from Charlie and Michele, Olga and her stable hands (all women) and Karen and Colleen, I met no one else and puzzled over who and how the gardens and grounds were kept as beautiful as this without dozens of helpers.

Charlene would not give a direct answer, nor would anyone else; "there is plenty of help around, and they all pitch in and do their bit for the House," was the usual reply followed by, "once you’ve been here a while, you’ll get to know them." This was followed by the discovery, by accident, that the House stood at the exact centre of a huge pentagram, it’s five points marked by huge stone candles. Aunt was a lot more forthcoming about that, saying simply that the house was a very magical place which needed protection.

She then explained that, being built at a major junction of ley lines, the House was a focus for magic and many supernatural things. The House, she explained, straddled several dimensions, and only the extremely potent spells which had created the House and its environs held it stable. When I expressed doubt about the reality of ‘magic’, she smiled gently and asked me to walk with her.



Chapter 4 – Encounter with mythology

Leading me to an alcove below the pool terrace she lead me into a tunnel and then into a grotto. Here she told me to stand in a certain place and murmured a short incantation gesturing as she did so. I gasped in surprise as the water in the fountain in this underground room suddenly flowed upwards from the pool and then took on shape and form, becoming a stunningly beautiful woman no bigger than I was, who glowed blue white and was stark naked as she walked toward me, her skin translucent and her eyes a deep violet.

"Greetings Mistress of Change," she said to my Aunt with a small bow in a voice that called to mind the murmur of a stream over gravel banks, and then, turning to me, she bowed and said, "and welcome to you, Mistress to be!"

"Serafina, Lady of the Water sprites," my Aunt replied, "I have called you forth to explain to my nephew the magic of this place. Philip the Lady Serafina lives here in this grotto and you may ask her help and guidance as you learn your role in the future of the House and its people."

"I sense that you do not yet understand this place, Mistress to be," said the sprite, "perhaps you will learn best by looking at your inner self and understanding that the House exists to provide a refuge and must itself be protected. You are that protector to be." She paused and then, with a glance at my Aunt, said, "The Mistress of Change must become a woman, she cannot be born woman. You are the chosen one, are you content to be chosen?"

"I don’t understand," I stammered, "I am a boy, not a girl, how can I be Mistress, how can I become a woman?"

"The chosen one changes. It is natural in this place. We are the servants of Change, not its Mistress’s; that is your place when you have made the transition. We do your bidding in keeping this place safe from harm and from the threat of those who would destroy us." The sprite gave me a sad smile, "So much responsibility for one so young to have placed upon them. Go now, we are here when you need us and our magic is here for your use when it is needed." With that she dissolved again into the pool and the water resumed its natural flow.

Discussing the encounter later with Aunt Selina, I came back to the question of the sprites mention of my changing gender. Gently she told me that this process would take some time and that I would not find it difficult. Then she smiled and added, "Do you remember what the Lady of the Fountain said, ‘The Mistress of Change must become a woman, she cannot be born a woman’?"

I nodded, "Yes, but….." I stopped as light dawned, then blurted out, "You mean…. You were a boy too!"

"Yes. Like you I was born a boy. My given name then was Selwyn, then I came here and the changes began. Now no-one, not even my brother, your father, remembers Selwyn, as far as he is concerned and everyone else for that matter, I was always Selina."

"You mean," I said and then had to search for the right words, "that something changes in peoples heads so they think you were always a girl?"

"That about sums it up," grinned Aunt Selina, "let me ask you something. Have you chosen to wear anything from the girls clothing that you have found in the closets and drawers in your room?"

"Yes," I said, blushing, "I don’t know why, but somehow I wanted too."

"Then you made the choice?" she asked.

"I guess so," I replied, "why do you ask?"

"Because that’s how it worked for all the Mistress’ of Change. We have all come here as boys and chosen to wear girls clothes before becoming women." She grinned at me and went on, "if you must know, I went for a full skirt and blouse set as well as the underwear. And I couldn’t explain it either!"

"What will happen to me?" I asked, "How will this change happen?"

"Well," began my Aunt, "It will take a long time and very gradually you will cease to be a boy or to have any male attributes and become a fully paid up member of the female gender."

An hour later I had a better understanding of the differences between the sexes and the sort of changes that would be taking place in my body over the next few years. She managed to convince me that it was something I would enjoy and like and when we eventually parted, me to go riding and she to her writing, I was feeling much more at ease with what lay ahead. And ahead of me lay an encounter which would not only confirm the existence of many more things in this place than I had even begun to guess, but provide an answer to the way the place always seemed to be in immaculate condition.

The horse I had become accustomed to riding, a petite mare with a very gentle nature, took me into a new area of the grounds. An area that was partly covered by a wood and was rather broken country with a small lake at its centre. It was here that I met with a creature who amazed and frightened me, yet would eventually be a good friend and helper.

I first became aware of not being alone, when my mare shied away from some bushes alongside the path. A brief struggle to regain control was soon over and then I had time to look for the cause of her nervousness. At first I could see nothing but I was certain I was being watched and soon focused on a patch of bush that seemed all wrong. The mare wouldn’t approach it so I dismounted and calmed her while trying to see what it was that was odd. I was still not sure what it was that I was trying to see when suddenly it was there!

"Greeting, Mistress to come!" the figure had a voice that seemed to be between a boys and a mans, "Please accept my apologies for startling your companion." The figure stepped into a patch of sunlight and I found myself looking at a figure half human and more than half animal. From the waist down it was a goat, or something similar, from the waist up, it was human in form except for the short horns, which adorned its temples and the ears, which were longer, and more like an animals than a humans. Its eyes were also those of a goat and not a human, and it was unmistakably male!

"Hello," I gasped, "who are you?"

"I am the Satyr Ix’tel," he grinned, "at your service Mistress to be."

"But, I thought…." I hesitated, and his grin widened.

"Not all are female here, Mistress," he laughed, "but we cannot stay long, and we may not have concourse with any who do not invite us."

"Do you help to maintain the gardens?" I asked. In truth his very generous genitals were fascinating me and causing me to have some very strange desires. This made me rather uncomfortable and frightened. It also worried the mare.

"Yes, and other things. There are others too who keep the grounds, including our Lord Pan. This is a place of unique power Mistress. It is a place well guarded by us and by the powers of the Old Ones who were before and are now."

He would not explain this saying, but suggested that I should return to the House and trotted beside the mare as I cantered her back toward the stables chatting easily as we went. Just short of the stable yard, he bade me good-bye and disappeared into the shrubbery. Returning the mare to her stall and stripping her tack, I took care of watering, grooming and then returned to the House pondering all that had happened as I walked.


When I told my Aunt about this meeting she looked concerned for a moment and then agreed that the encounter had been well meant even if accidental. But, she warned me to take care, adding that Satyrs were not above seeking to divert or mislead if it amused them.

After this I saw him at intervals, usually he would trot beside my mare as we explored the park and once he came to the pool and sat watching me swim with an almost wistful expression on his face. It was some six weeks after our first encounter that he met me and told me he had been sent to take me to learn the ways of summoning and sight. Curious I went with him to a cave hidden among a tree-covered outcrop of huge boulders. Here I met Ga’latea, at first in the body of a lioness, but then she transformed and showed herself as a beautiful woman of indeterminate age. Her flowing robe was of rich clothe laced with gold thread and seemed to have points of light sown into the fabric. She began my education in the art of weaving the chants to summon the Other Folk and to read the future, the past and the remote in pools of water or the flames of the fire. And she taught me of the power of the Old Ones.

As the days slid by there was plenty to do and to learn at Change. I volunteered to help with some of the indoor tasks – something which seemed to be welcomed by Aunt, Colleen and the House itself. It gave me the chance to explore the House properly and to learn more about the various rooms and the people who had apparently created it. There was still plenty of time left over to spend posing for Michele as her model and to ride, swim and explore – and to meet more of the shy denizens of the park.

Eventually, however, the summer holidays were over and I had to return to school. It was a difficult break and I went reluctantly, knowing there was much I could never speak of and would have to conceal. There was also the little matter of the changes already under way in me. I was more than a little afraid of what might happen at school in the months ahead.



Chapter 5 – Guardians at my school

School was a shock after the long weeks at Change, especially returning to the dormitory and the peer pressures that go with it. While I have always been one to try to fit in and avoid unpleasantness, some of my fellow pupils saw this as weakness. One in particular, a boy named Steven was a bully and had made it his business to single me out for special attention almost as soon as we met. Until now I had managed to avoid him for the most part, but he had changed houses and we were now in the same dormitory, something he saw as an opportunity to take his own insecurities out on me.

At first this was confined to name calling and some mindless stupidity such as soiling my bed and dirtying my laundry, but then it got physical. This was when I first discovered that my body was in fact changing. My hands in particular had become longer and the fingers more delicate than before and he was quite a lot bigger and stronger, so, even though I was determined not to give in to him, I was soon black and blue, naturally where the teachers would not see it!

I was lying in bed crying in frustration after the latest beating when I became conscious of the musky scent of the satyr. Turning my head gently I stared hard at the spot where I sensed him to be and caught a glimpse as he bent nearer and in a voice as gentle as a whispering breeze said, "Mistress, we have been sent to guard you from harm. The one who has hurt you will suffer for his injury to you!"

"Ix’tel!" I breathed, "but, who sent you?"

"Hush, Mistress, my lord sent me. And another, who is here to ensure there are no more who will harm you. Rest now, tomorrow all will be well."

"But how can you stay here?" I murmured afraid to wake anyone else.

"We can be anywhere Mistress," came his reply and I heard his hooves as he moved away. "Rest now, tomorrow your enemy will know it is at an end."

Soon after I fell into a deep sleep, comforted by the knowledge that Ix’tel was there for some reason. In the morning however, I wondered if the satyr had come to make it worse!

My tormentor woke up at his usual early hour and was surlier than usual. His temper was certainly not improved by the discovery that his face had been painted black during the night, something his cronies found very funny until he thumped one in rage and threatened to thump the rest. Then he came at me, "for doing this to me!" he screamed in rage.

I ducked as he swung a furious punch at me, his fist hissing past my ear. Then things happened too fast for anyone to see what had occurred. Something smacked him between the eyes with a sharp crack heard across the dormitory and he sailed backwards to land in an unconscious heap on the other side of the room. Pandemonium ensued, and this brought in the House Master. Order was very shortly restored by his demand for quiet and then he examined first the fallen form of Steven and finally turned to me, having been told by one of the cronies that I had done this to Steven. "What have you done to him, Philip?" he demanded.

"Nothing, sir," I replied, "He swung a punch at me and I ducked. Then something hit him and … I don’t know, sir."

"Dammit boy, you must have hit him with something!" he exclaimed. "Here you two," he barked at the nearest boys, "get him down to sickbay!" adding as an after thought " and some one better tell me why his face is painted black as well!"

A babble of voices replied, most of them accusing me. "I didn’t do anything to him," I shouted at the biggest of his cronies who was moving toward me in a threatening manner, "He woke up like that and accused me – but I haven’t been near him!"

"Just you wait you little…….. Oooooooffff!" The accusation ended in a gasp of agony as Steven’s chief crony seemed to walk into a solid obstruction at speed and then recoiled backward bent double in agony. I just caught the flicker of the satyr as he danced aside and heard, on the edge of hearing, his laugh and the clatter of his hooves as he vanished into invisibility again.

Suddenly I realized what was happening! The satyr had begun to defend me. It must have been his horned forehead that had contacted Steven’s and now he seemed to have knocked the second boy out by butting him in the stomach. Even a blind man could have seen that I was no where near this second assault – the trouble was neither was anyone else. A look of real concern settled on the Master’s face as this sank in. Then he reacted as most people do when the inexplicable happens in front of them. "That’s enough! Get him down to sickbay! Next time look where you’re going Thompson! The rest of you, get showered and dressed and get down to breakfast. I want this place cleared in twenty minutes! Philip, I will see you in my study after breakfast. Don’t be late!"

Everyone was so busy discussing what had happened that they didn’t notice that I managed to shower and have a conversation with an invisible, to them, person and beat them all out of the dormitory. "Ix’tel," I whispered, "you’ll get me into real trouble like this!"

"Mistress," he replied, "he will not touch you again and neither will his friends. They will know that we are here and that you will never be alone."

"We," I said, "who is we?"

"I am not alone Mistress," he replied, "the Lord sent to the Dark Ones and they have sent another to guard you. She is here too. You will meet her in due time, after she has made sure your enemy understands his peril."

"The Dark Ones?" I vaguely remembered that Ga’latea had mentioned something of them, "What are they?"

"The Wolf folk," he grimaced, "they mark their enemies well and can track a single person in a thousand. No one who is marked by them can escape. Fear not, Shi’ella will do no harm, she is here to protect you by preventing any harm to you."

With this rather cryptic reply I had to be content because at this point we were interrupted by the arrival of several of my dormitory bedfellows. Ix’tel simply faded from sight, yet, I could still smell him and wondered that no one else could.

The first of them grinned as he came toward me saying, "Hey, that was some punch you gave Steven, he’ll be out all week!" he laughed, "Serves him right, you should have done it to him long ago!"

The others joined in and we moved on to the dining hall were we waited in our usual straggling line for the doors to open and admit us. Everyone seemed to think I was some sort of hero for dealing out a good hiding to the bully, except his small group of loyal friends who stayed back glowering darkly. When I glanced in their direction I started in fright and had to do a quick double take – behind them, in the shadow of a large clump of bushes I caught a glimpse of my second guardian. Humanoid in form it stood very tall and very animal. The head was that of a wolf, the body covered in the thick fur of that animal, the forelimbs were powerful and the hands more paw than hand. Now I remembered whom the Dark Ones were; the Werewolves!

It was the briefest of glimpses and then it was gone, but now I knew that my greatest fear was not for myself, but for what could be about to happen to Steven and his friends.

After breakfast I reported to Mr Taylor’s study. To my surprise he was almost good-humoured about what had happened, and in the room I could sense the tension dropping away as the Werewolf relaxed her guard and withdrew. I hadn’t seen her, but I had felt her presence. Ix’tel was absent, but again, I knew he would not be far away.

"It seems that Steven feels rather ashamed of what happened," Mr Taylor was saying. "He says he was attacking you and slipped, hitting his head on the bed shelf. Must have been one hell of a crack, he’ll have trouble seeing anything for a few days until the swelling goes down and then he’ll have the most magnificent black eyes." He glanced at me and continued, "You seem to be having a bit of a rough time at present. If there is any more trouble like this, I will deal with the troublemakers myself. There are aspects of this I don’t like young Philip and I am sure that if I could put my finger on it I would like it even less. Stay out of trouble now boy, you may be sure I have my eye on Steven and his little gang."

As I reached the door he said, without looking up, "And give my regards to your Aunt Selina. Tell her that I am not sure she should send any more of her menagerie to us, I have quite enough to deal with as it is!"

Puzzled and surprised at his words I slipped out of the room and went to collect my books for lessons. A week or so later Steven left the school to be followed shortly after by another boy who had been inclined to make life miserable for anyone smaller than himself. By then I had formally made the acquaintance of Shi’ella and learned that she had strict orders to harm no one, much to her disgust. She was taller than a normal person, her body lithe and covered in the well-groomed coat of the wolf, her breasts were small and compact and her gender obvious although, when seated, she covered it modestly with her luxuriant tail. Her muzzle was shorter than a normal wolf, more of an extended human nose and jaw, but still recognizably wolf. Her voice was a low rumble, more growl than speech, but surprisingly pleasant. When she wanted too, she could make the hair on your neck stand rigid in fear just by the sheer menace she could exude in sight and sound. To my surprise I liked her, and hoped that we could continue as friends once I became the Mistress of Change.

Life was certainly not dull from here on. In fact my ‘guardians’ soon had the school running much more smoothly than it had been used too! This was because I asked them to put a stop to all bullying – not just to that which affected me. There were some quite literally hairy moments, such as when Shi’ella confronted one of the Masters who had a habit of picking on the younger boys and caused him to wet himself in front of several boys. None of them saw, because they were facing him and she was behind them, what had made him suddenly go white and lose control. She was good at doing that! Ix’tel had a less direct approach. Usually ambushing his victim and frightening them almost witless or simply knocking them out in an embarrassing way. Naturally no one wanted to admit to what they had seen, or not as the case may be, for fear of being accused of taking some illegal substance.

Both had an uncanny ability, not surprising when you thought about it, to appear suddenly and just as suddenly fade from sight. They could also be present in a room yet be seen only by me (they took care not to be seen by Mr Taylor who they knew could see them and knew of their presence) – and, as I discovered, by another boy in my dormitory and class. Other animals seemed to know when they were around too, dogs and cats in particular removing themselves very rapidly when Shi’ella was there, but merely becoming cautious when it was Ix’tel. I had passed on Mr Taylor’s message to my Aunt, to my surprise she laughed and said she would write to him. Evidently she did, because he told me that she had been a friend many years before. Later I would learn that he had in fact been more than a friend and was, himself, one of the fey folk.

About a week after Ix’tel had awakened me, George, a boy who, though I knew him as one of my year, had so far been only a face in the class and not one of my friends, approached me. George was a little reticent as he asked if he could join me as I walked to a favourite retreat spot on the edge of the main playing fields where I could be private and think about things or talk to Ix’tel and Shi’ella. They were with me now as I grudgingly agreed to his request and lead the way to my private place. Here he dropped his bombshell. Looking right at both my guardians, he announced, "I can see both of the creatures that follow you around." He continued, "Yes, I recognize the werewolf and you," he pointed to Ix’tel, "must be a Satyr!"

I was stunned, but Shi’ella laughed (and that was pretty scary in itself!) and growled that she had known him from the first for one of the Stray Ones.

"What do you mean," I demanded, "the Stray Ones?"

"Those who have chosen to leave their own People and Dimension to walk with your people!" she growled.

"Some of them from choice and others because they strayed too far from a portal or were trapped by their own action in this world," explained Ix’tel. To George he added, "You are not of the Goat People, so what are you?"

"I’m not sure," said George, "My Grandmother married someone the family would not accept. My father was raised by her parents after she and her husband died mysteriously and no one would ever talk of them or their death."

Shi’ella made a noise in her chest and growled out, "So! My senses tell me you are one of the Faer Folk, one of Ga’latea’s people." To me she growled, "If he comes to Change, he will revert to his true being. You must consult your mentor and Mistress." To George she said, "Our two peoples walk different path’s. We may be friends here but never companions, it would bring conflict between us and our people."

"The Dark One’s are ever so," grinned the Satyr, "We may be friends and companions, who knows what else we may be if you desire it!"

"Ix’tel," I gasped, "you know that would be dangerous! George, don’t let him con you into agreeing to do anything or go anywhere with him. He," I thought hard for a minute, ".. ‘may only have concourse with those who consent!’ Have I got that right?"

"Mistress to be," sighed the satyr, putting on a hurt air, "you wound me! I would only have lead him a little astray – our two people are not that different!"

"Different enough," I scolded, "George, with your mixed background, if you did anything with him, you could find yourself becoming one of his harem!"


Shi’ella laughed again at the confusion on George’s face as what I said sank in. I could see too from his blush that he had been considering taking on the satyr. I sighed, and grinned myself, thinking how I had been affected by the obvious maleness of the half goat. This meeting was to be the beginning of a long friendship and one that would give me great pleasure in the months and years ahead.

As I got to know George better I learned that he, like me was a divorce ‘orphan’, living with neither one nor the other parent. Together we made plans to arrange for him to spend time at Change and to this end I wrote to Aunt Selina. Her reply was guarded and we arranged for her to see George at a Visitor’s Day. She liked him and, having heard from Shi’ella and Ix’tel she decided he could come to Change for a holiday. But, she warned me again that a visit to the House would trigger his changing into whichever of the magical folk his Grandfather had been. George was delighted by the invitation and thrilled by the possibility of becoming his Grandsire’s true progeny.

Our friendship grew between the four of us, the two "other worlders", and the two human boys in transit. We spent many afternoons and sometimes nights talking and, for George and I, learning. It was in this way that we learned that the Were folk could appear as human if they wanted to live among humans, but at the full moon must either return to their own dimension or hide while their true shape asserted itself. Shi’ella showed us one night, changing herself into a really stunning young woman and then laughing at my and George’s embarrassment at her nakedness! We never asked about her eating habits, some things are better left unexplored!

Ix’tel was mischievous as all get out – true to his nature as a satyr. He was also very highly sexed – again true to his nature – and I am fairly certain that he had his way with more than one of the boys at the school. Like the Werewolf Shi’ella, he could assume a more human form when he wanted to pass as human, except that his genitalia remained true to his form. His eating habits were easy to follow – his goat like characteristics were more than a clue, he ate anything digestible that he could find, much to the annoyance of the cooks who thought it was us pupils stealing food!


As the year progressed and the changes to my body began to be more noticeable I would be grateful for the presence of these friends.



Chapter 6 – Christmas at Change

George came home with me at Christmas. A message from his father had arrived to say that as he would be out of the country for the season and his ex-wife was also otherwise engaged, George would be free to accept any invitation he got. I quickly arranged with Aunt Selina that he would share our festivities and George was eager to come as soon as I got my Aunt’s permission to bring him. She, knowing a great deal more about him than I did at this time, also put in hand certain magic which would gradually change the memories and the realities of those who had known a boy called George, just as she had already begun for a boy called Philip.

She wrote to say that she and the others planned a costumed Christmas in the Victorian period and that she would expect both of us to dress in the costumes of our choice from the start. The letter also intimated that George would have the room next to mine, but that he might wish to know that some of his 'other' relatives would wish to see him during his stay. She met us at the airport and we were soon on our way through the apparently ever more deserted and remote landscape surrounding Change. As we drew nearer I felt a great glow of happiness building inside me and, looking at George could see that he was getting more and more excited as we approached.

Aunt had been true to her word. Laid out in our rooms were a selection of costumes to choose between for our stay. For both of us there was a choice of either male or female. I did not hesitate and chose the female costume almost without thought. It just seemed natural. George was less certain, but suddenly and decisively, chose the female costume as well. When I later asked why, he shrugged and replied, "Because, I suddenly knew that I have to accept becoming a female. So I might as well see what it will be like!"

We laughed and set about helping each other, very inexpertly, to get into them. This was not easy, as neither of us had any experience of the sort of undergarments Victorian women wore. Some were obvious, but some, like the stiff corsets, were not. An added complication was what Aunt referred to as a feminizing belt, in reality a sort of chastity device which held our male genitalia close between our legs so we needed to squat to use the toilet and ensured that, seen in our bloomers and corsets, we appeared female.

Eventually Aunt and Karen rescued us and having shown us how to insert ourselves in the belts, laced us into the corsets tightly. It was now very apparent that my figure was well on the way to being feminized! The corset forced my incipient breasts upward and gave them substance and form, albeit small. George was soon almost as feminine in form once his corset was secured but lacked a ‘bust’. With our petticoats and then our dresses and smocks on only our boyish hair gave us the lie and this was soon remedied by simply putting us into wigs.

"Well, Philippa, well, Georgina," laughed Aunt Selina, "you both make stunning girls. Are you sure this is how you want to stay for the next three weeks?"

"No ma’am," whispered George, "I want to stay this way forever!" and I nodded my agreement.

"You may well get more than you wish for here, my dear," smiled Karen, "because I think you are already changing to your true self!"

"Yes," said Aunt, seriously, "George, I mean Georgina, I think we need to have a serious talk. Now girls, to work, there is much to be done and little time to do it!" She paused and added, "it seems to me that we will have to show you how to be girls while we’re at it! Looking at you Philippa, the sooner the better!"

From this moment on we were taught how to behave as girls.

It may seem strange to hold a Christmas festival in a place like Change were the inhabitants crossed the range from what might be considered definitely pagan, and therefore against all the festival stands for in most peoples minds, to the downright arcane and perhaps into the realms of what some would almost certainly see as the Satanic. Aunt Selina disagreed, stating emphatically that in all societies and in all the dimensions certain great events needed to be marked and celebrated. Christmas was one, Easter another and she always included as many of the "other worlders" as she could. This made for a fascinating festival with some very strange dinner guests. Still, looking back any outsider would no doubt have assumed that some very good costuming had gone into the preparations!

Two days before the feast it snowed, and not just a light dusting either, a full blooded blizzard which froze the lakes and fountains and blanked our little world in a thick white blanket of snow. This did not deter our guests in the least, one advantage perhaps of living on a dimensional junction. Most simply traveled through their own much less snowbound landscapes to the House and joined us in celebrating our festival. It was Shi’ella who put this into perspective for both George and me, saying, "All of us worship a higher being, you call him God, we call him Eid’Elan which means something of the same. Even the nymphs and sprites have names for the originator of all time, space and life. It is good to celebrate him so!"

Since neither of us had considered this before it gave us something to wonder at as we went about the House decorating, helping with the cleaning and preparing places for those of the visitors who need to have beds or rooms to rest. The sprites simply took over anything they had an affinity for, such as wooden furniture or water in jugs, vases or bowls. It became quite difficult finding something to drink at one time, since everything seemed to have an occupant. The nymphs found the portraits or the statuary convenient, which left only the Centaurs, Faerfelixides, Satyrs, Fawns and Were Folk to find rooms or stables for. In the end, we had Centaurs in the basement, Satyrs and Fawns in the East Wing and the Faerfelixides in the Attic with the Were Folk in the West Wing. It became quite educational trying to watch all the interactions between all the folk.

In deference to the Tree Folk, no tree was cut for the decoration, instead we created a symbolic tree using wood, wire and loads of decorations. It was great fun and served us well. Gifts too, proved unusual. Everyone got a token although with the more elemental people this tended to take the form of favours and magic.

During this time, George finally discovered who his people were. Ga’latea recognized him and claimed him for her people, the Faerfelixides. Through the twelve days of our festival he spent more and more time with her and the court she had brought to the feast. Shi’ella grinned and growled that she had known him for a member of the cat tribe when she had first scented him, now she knew she would have fun when he had become his own – she could soon put him up a tree. Everyone laughed at this, from a Werewolf, attempt at light hearted banter.

It seemed strange when it all came inevitably to an end as our guests drifted back to their own domain and we were left to the House and our own devices. The odd nymph or sprite turned up unexpectedly having been left behind while resting in our furnishings or decorations, but it was suddenly very quiet. George and I had a lot of time to explore the experience and to look forward to perhaps repeating it and to discuss our own fates and futures. George was much more settled and happy than I had ever seen him before and there was already a difference in his movements that was much more cat-like. As we prepared for our return to school for the remainder of the school year, both of us realised that this would be our last return to the life we had so far known.

The future lay ahead and was destined to be very different for us both.



Chapter 7 – Change becomes apparent

In the year since I had come to Change for the first time, my body had begun to change subtly. At first I did not notice anything different, but by the summer vacation some things had become noticeable. For one thing, my friends and fellows had all developed masculine chests, their genitalia had grown in size and some had deepening voices. All of us had grown taller, but, where my companions had filled out in the upper body and had grown taller, my body had subtly changed and my legs had grown longer. My hips had grown fuller and my pelvis had grown wider while my waist had moved higher and grown narrower. My buttocks had taken on a more rounded and feminine appearance and it was certain that I could not continue to pass unnoticed for much longer. Most startling though was the fact that my genitals had not grown at all. If anything they had shrunk.

I arrived at the airport to be met by my Aunt Selina. "Well Phil, are you looking forward to coming home?" she asked.

"You bet!" I laughed, "Aunt, these last couple of months have been very tricky! People have started to notice that I’m not quite the same as the rest of them!" I told her as we moved off in the car. She asked how I felt about it and added that she had arranged for me to have alternative schooling for a while.

"It’s very strange," I told her, "I mean, I’m still technically a boy, but I keep thinking of having sex with my friends!"

She laughed at that, remarking, "Yes, that was the worst part of it as I remember! And then I was afraid I might be found out! Still, it won’t be much longer now, things will start to speed up once your testicles are retracted and change. I could see how much you had already redeveloped as you came through the terminal. You have the makings of a stunning figure you know." She grinned, "I think we’ll have to get you a chastity belt to protect your virtue once you swap over completely!"

Once back at Change I soon slipped back into my routine of riding, swimming, reading and exploring. Aunt explained that I would not be returning to school - she had advised the school that I was to accompany her to Australia and would be going to school there - but would instead be continuing my studies at Change. This, she explained, would allow me to make the transition from male to female without being exposed to scrutiny or the risk that I might be subjected to teasing or bullying. I told her that I had some doubts about what was happening and explained that I was worried about losing my sexual pleasures. She laughed at this and said I would soon discover I had probably got the better deal by making the change.

Almost from the very start this time, I abandoned all male clothing and wore panties, ski-pants, skirts, tights and a range of feminine tops. Even when swimming, I often wore only bikini bottoms or a girl’s one-piece swimsuit.

My visits to Ga’latea resumed as if they had never stopped, but now the teaching focused more and more on the magic I would need to guard the House and its environs. As my body responded to the change spells turning my maleness to that of a female I gradually developed more feminine pursuits. One thing that did not change in me though was a reluctance to wear a top and to consider male relationships.

George joined us at Change in the third week of our holiday break. His previous visit had triggered the magic that would see him change to his grandsire’s people, and, like me, he would change to the opposite sex. This seemed to be an inevitable part of the process, but as we were to discover there was an added dimension in what would happen to George. His human genes would have a part in how he changed, but at the same time his Grandsires other world genes seemed to accelerate the changes.



Chapter 8 – Transition

My fourteenth birthday was a fun affair. We held a party on the pool terrace and I received the greetings and gifts of all the denizens of the House and grounds in the bright sunlight of a glorious day. George, now almost Georgina, Ga’latea, the water sprite Serafina, the satyr Ix’tel, a tree sprite named Sylvestrina, a centaur filly and several fawns all came to greet me and present gifts of their people. Shi’ella and her mate a fearsome but magnificent male named G’Arth brought greetings from their people and I was glad to see them all. Ix’tel remarked that I was looking more like a Mistress now and Serafina reprimanded him, saying that soon now I would discover my womanhood. Soon, for an immortal, is a relative term!

A week or so later I was exploring a part of the terrace below the house and found the entrance to a passage. George had gone to talk to Ga’latea and I was alone for the time. The doorway lead into an amazing underground maze or labyrinth and full of the brashness of youth, I fetched a lamp and began to explore. The walls were decorated with amazing murals throughout and the ceilings decorated as well, it was in short, an amazing and magical place. Unicorns, sprites, centaurs and fawns sported and played on the walls. At intervals statues stood in niches and small fountains and streams flowed and gurgled along the way. There were seven distinct ‘stations’ at which there where allegorical or symbolic representations where worked on the walls and floor and at each a sort of bench seat was provided. Eventually I found myself at the centre of the labyrinth in an octagonal chamber with a high domed ceiling and a low table at its centre. A feeling of tremendous peace and happiness filled me as I gazed in awe at the wonderfully lifelike frescoes and the amazingly detailed statue of a young woman.

I sat and studied the paintings and suddenly became aware of light filling the chamber, then of the fact that the statue had come alive and was looking at me, smiling gently. "Welcome to my chamber," she said in a voice that had echoes like birdsong and wind in trees, "I have been expecting you."

"I’m sorry," I replied rather startled, "I was not told of this place – I only discovered it today. Who are you and what is this place?" I blurted, then, suddenly realizing how rude this sounded, I added, "I’m sorry, I did not mean to be rude, it’s just….."

The woman held up a hand to silence me, "I am Aphrodias, the Queen of the Nymphs, this is our council chamber when we meet in this world. You are the Mistress to be of Change. How do you find your present and future?" Her smile was warm but somehow regal as she approached me, "I see that you are not yet a woman. No matter, this will pass and you will have beauty and grace."

"Thank you," I blushed, "but I am still having a problem deciding whether or not I like changing my sex like this."

"Fear not, it will pass and you shall know the joy of your womanhood in time, and much else besides." She looked at me and I realised that her eyes were of a solid colour and did not seem to have pupils to them, "I see also that you will have many different tastes and adventures with your new body. Have you met any of the others who frequent this place?"

"Some of them," I replied puzzling over what she had said, "Several of the sprites and a Satyr, a centaur and several others."

"A Satyr?" she raised an eyebrow quizzically, "Lord Pan obviously has some favour to ask! Else he would not send a Satyr. Now what could be so urgent for him?"

Our conversation continued and eventually took a different route. By this time I was learning to live within the strange population of this very strange house and accept their very different ways. I still found it a little disturbing to be in conversation with a totally nude and extremely lovely nymph in such intimate surroundings. Add to my confusion the feeling that the frescoes were actually alive and watching us and, you have some idea of the strangeness of the place.

Eventually I said I must go and get ready for dinner and the Queen agreed, smiling and saying, "I shall send a guide with you to show you the quick way." She beckoned to a figure in the fresco and with a brief flicker the lithe figure of a nymph materialized before her. The Queen gave her instructions and then told me to follow the nymph to the exit, adding that George would not be able to enter her domain, as this would harm him. Within a few yards I was blinking in the sun and turned to see only a deep shadow on the wall I had apparently stepped through. Strangely this did not alarm me and I simply grinned and ran to find my way back into the House to find George and my Aunt ready for supper.


Several times after this I found myself drawn to visit the Queen in her labyrinth, always when George was away to Ga’latea and her people on his (now almost her!) own. Each time I returned to the surface in as mysteriously short and enigmatic a route as before, once emerging in the fountain at the centre of the swimming pool.

Three months after returning home, my testicles retracted into my abdomen. This caused me some discomfort for about a week, but then it passed and I soon became aware that the empty scrotum was also reforming, becoming a pair of rather prominent lips. My penis too was now shrinking rapidly and changing its orientation. It now pointed downward and slightly backward so that I needed to squat to urinate. While the core shrunk, the foreskin didn’t, and gradually a crevasse was opening between my legs reaching from the stub of my penis to a point just in front of my anus. All of this took several months to happen and I did not notice it at first.

To my surprise, I still got some quite powerful erections and experienced orgasms at regular intervals. I also discovered that the lips surrounding my growing vulva were slightly erectile and pleasantly sensitive to stimulus. This was especially so of the tissue inside the deepening crevasse as it appeared to be lined by the tissues formerly covering my glans.

Comparing notes with George I discovered that he was experiencing the same transition. However, his upper body was also becoming covered in fine golden hair, his naturally blond head changing to the gold of the hair on his body and growing thicker down his neck and across his shoulders. His head changed as well to a more feline appearance, his ears migrating upwards and raising tufted points while his nose and mouth became leonine.

While his nipples became teats and slight breasts formed, his upper torso became muscular and very feline.

By contrast, soon after my balls retracted my nipples began to enlarge, the areola rising and spreading into domes crowned by thick nipples, which were incredibly sensitive to touch. Within six months I had noticeable breasts developing and Aunt Selina suggested that I should start wearing a training bra. For long periods nothing seemed to change and then I would notice that something had happened or adjusted and moved me closer to being fully female.

Six months after leaving my school for the last time the mirror showed a curvaceous female figure with nice breasts, good hips and buttocks toned by riding, long shapely legs and a striking, rather than pretty, face. My hair had grown longer too and now reached below my shoulders, light brunette and silky it hung straight and, though fine, was thick enough to form a heavy mane around my head. Only in my crutch was I still obviously not a woman, and that was changing slowly but steadily.

George, by contrast was fully female, her hairless stomach and crotch accentuating her full and generous vulva set off by her fine golden hair on her powerfully yet beautifully muscled legs. Her feet had fully changed to clawed and padded feline form and her hands sported shorter fingers with retractable claws. A long and tufted tail provided her with balance as she ran or leapt gracefully and beautifully and she could no longer bear to wear any clothes. Her days were now spent among her own kind and she returned to the House only to see me and to sleep. Ge’orgiana was now a very happy person, George the sad and unwanted boy was gone, erased from the memories of all who had known him. Ge’orgiana of the Faerfelixides was a much happier person – and my friend.


The House obviously reacted to my own thoughts as well and one such response as to my interest, discovered the previous Christmas, in leather and corsetry. Suddenly there was a range of leather bustiers, panties, shorts, slacks and skirts. Karen and, to my surprise, Aunt Selina, encouraged me to explore this and other ‘fetish’ wear that I found interesting at this time. I had lots of fun - but it was single and exploratory, neither of them attempted to engage in anything more. As my bust developed, it firmed up and although it was not large, it was very shapely and firm even unsupported standing proud with my nipples large and dark.

Between my legs the crevasse deepened and the outer lips became fatter and thicker. My penis finally submerged itself between these and remained hidden inside the now formed internal lips, which had formerly been my foreskin. Even my piss hole had migrated to a point further back. But most wonderfully, I discovered an opening right at the end of the crevasse that deepened and widened and eventually became my vagina. About this time I discovered what an orgasm was really like and wanted more!

A month after my fifteenth birthday, I began to menstruate. Even though I had been prepared for this, it was still a traumatic experience - especially as a former male.



Chapter 9 – The new identity

My fifteenth birthday was, if anything, even better than my fourteenth. For one thing I was now wholly female and had to accept the verdict of the women I lived with that I was already stunning and would get even more striking. It was also time that I returned to the normal world and prepared to learn how I would have to bridge the worlds the House guarded so that I could take my eventual place as the next Mistress of Change.

Now my education in the arcane arts began in earnest. Each of the People of Change appointed a mentor and tutor for me. My days were spent learning the magic of each and the art of blending these to my human limitations. I had triumph and frustration in equal measure as this process continued. From my Labyrinthine Queen, Aphriodias, came the gift of a sort of telepathy and the training in how to use it and control it. She also gave me another gift of which I will say only that it makes for enormous pleasure in bed with a companion! From the forest peoples, the Satyrs, fawns and tree Nymphs came the knowledge of the living world of plant and animal and from the water sprites the knowledge of water, its power and its populace.

Ga’latea and the Faerfelixides taught me to move with grace, to keep my body toned and to relax completely. They taught me too, how to see the future and the past and to be in the present elsewhere than where I was to see and witness what I needed to see and witness. I also learned to fade from sight and to move myself from one place to another by magic. A trick, once mastered, that would stand me in good stead in the years to come. The Were folk taught me control and the dark magic of the heart and anger. My Aunt taught me to control, to discern right from wrong and above all else, to know that what was wanted or desired was not always the same as what was right.

The year passed almost without notice, it was crammed with new and sometimes fearful knowledge and experience. At the end of it I knew what it would take to be the Mistress of Change, and I knew why this place had to be defended at all cost. I was also grateful for the knowledge that I would have the support of Shi’ella and her people, Ge’orgiana and hers and all the other centaurs and sprites, nymphs, satyrs and fawns.



Chapter 10 – A new experience

Once I had turned sixteen and reached a level of knowledge and education that enabled me to pass a set of quite difficult exams, my private education drew to a close. Ge’orgiana had long since left the House to live with her own and, though I saw her regularly, she was going her own way guided by her people. It was time for me to return to the wider world and continue the education I would need to defend Change.

Aunt arranged for me to go to a really good finishing school in Europe, and I was duly enrolled as Miss Philippa de Gray with an impressive pedigree and a reasonable allowance. Here I discovered that the time spent with the nymphs, fawns and other denizens of Change had actually gifted me with some really worthwhile attributes. Apart from the fact that my legs were long and lithe, my bust firm and well shaped and my derriere classically firm and, with a very narrow waist, apparently beautifully proportioned, I had no inhibitions about being naked, despite the fact that my crotch was almost hairless and my vulva slightly over generous. I shared a room with one other girl, a very athletic type named Patricia Cockswell, who I took a liking too as soon as we met. Fortunately the feeling was mutual and we settled in very well together.

"I’m sorry about the name," she joked; "afraid I’m stuck with it until I can get some idiot to marry me!" she laughed introducing herself. Her joking about this hid something else and I sensed this, then remembering the mind trick that the Queen of the Labyrinth had taught me I opened my mind and saw in a flash that it was not boys she was interested in.

"Marriage isn’t the only option these days," I responded, "you could just change it. Or yourself if it came to it!" Her desire triggered a response in me. So far I had not engaged in any sexual act with anyone else, now, it seemed I had both the opportunity and some one with the desire.

Wondering if I was making a mistake and reasonably sure that we had some time before either of us would be looked for, I began to undress, keeping the conversation going and suggesting that I needed to change my bra and panties.

"Could you undo my hooks," I asked innocently and sensed her pent up desire as she fumbled with the fastening. "Thank you," I grinned, adding wickedly, "I don’t mind if you would like too….." I turned to face her, letting the bra fall to the floor, and continued, "why don’t you take your things off too; we could explore some of my feelings as well." I smiled at her blush, "I’m new to this, but I think you can teach me if I do it wrong."

"Oh, Philippa!" she gasped, "you don’t know how much I have wanted to do this with you!"

"Perhaps I do," I whispered as I helped her to unclip her bra and dropped it to join mine and her blouse on the floor. To my surprise my slit was wet by the time I shed my panties and our scent mingled as we entwined on my bed, our mouths locked in a deep kiss.

Gently she teased my nipples, which responded by growing rigid and hard under her touch. Copying her, I teased hers and was rewarded by their responding. Her hand next found my slit and teased me open to find first the delicate and now well lubricated tissue of the inner lips, then my clitoris sending waves of desire and pleasure through me. Even my masturbation had never produced anything like the sensations now coursing through me as she explored my sex with her expert hand. But she had even more in mind, spreading my legs wide she slid down until she could engage her mouth, sending her tongue deep into my now gushing vagina, then exploring the labia and teasing my clitoris. She brought me to the edge of the orgasmic plateau and held me there until I was begging for release, then, with a deft touch sent me over the edge in a huge wave of orgasm.

Then it was my turn to do the same for her.

An hour later, both glowing and sated, we showered and then dressed. It was definitely going to be an educational year!

This was to be the beginning of a relationship that would flower and grow. It would stand the tests and stresses of the school and its politics, of the inevitable rivalries and jealousies and blossom into a wonderful and fulfilling love for each other in due course. But on this first lovemaking, we could not anticipate this. Instead we could only live for the moment and wait to see what would happen.

That night though, I cheated just a little, for I used the power of scrying to check the future – and liked some of what I saw. I also made a little magic to protect this wonderful girl and increase our attraction for each other. This was a power I had learned well from my various teachers over the year at Change. I had apparently inherited my Great aunt Augusta’s ability in this direction. Only one thing still worried me over all the changes that I had undergone since coming to Change, that was the knowledge that I could never have a male companion at Change. This had been spelled out to me in no uncertain terms and I knew enough now to know that it would be dangerous for me as well as changing any partner irredeemably.

All this and more would have to be addressed as and when the need arose. For now, I could enjoy Patricia and she, me.

The school itself provided an excellent education, and the teachers were all first class. Under their tuition I rapidly mastered French, and German and some Italian. Mathematics and history were my great passions as was English Literature. The teacher for this subject was a Shakespearean authority and our studies of the great Bard’s work were enlivened by her declaiming the passionate and the fiery speeches and passages of the works with passion and feeling. Her love of Shakespeare was equaled only by the breadth and depth of her knowledge of the poetry of Herbert, Donne, Blake, Milton, Byron, Burns and the later poets such as Hopkins and Betjeman. Our studies once again enlivened by the declamation and analysis of the allegoric references.

Likewise our history studies embraced cultural as well as political influences and we visited Rome, Florence, Milan, Venice, Vienna, Paris, London, Barcelona, Madrid, Athens, Istanbul and Malta in our quests for the history both living and past and the wonderful legacies of the art of the ages around us. Through it all, the bond between Patricia and me grew stronger all the time. In London, we discovered another shared interest, one we explored more and more from there on – leather, and growing from this an interest in bondage sex. It became our little game, to wear some item of leather, preferably a ‘naughty’ piece, no matter where we were.

The terms passed rapidly, almost too rapidly because it was soon approaching time when we would be going our separate ways. The eighteen months spent at the Collegiate Girls Finishing Academy seemed almost to have flashed past in a blaze of activity. Patricia and I faced our imminent parting glumly. Then two things happened that seemed almost miraculous.

Aunt arrived at the school and turned out to know Patricia’s family rather well, this resulted in an invitation to her to come to Change. The second was the discovery that we had both secured places at Oxford. Our future suddenly took on a different aspect and we knew that we could look forward to exploring our relationship for a long time yet.

For the moment, we took time out to travel home to Change and to enjoy the House, the company and each other as often as possible. Ahead lay long years of happiness, some sadness and many battles to preserve our beloved home and its many inhabitants. But, for the present, I could enjoy my youth and my love.



Chapter 11 – Epilogue

In the summer of my youth, the future seemed so far away. Now that I am Mistress of Change I feel the weight of the years and the knowledge that must be handed on. Now it is my turn to find a young boy in need of a home who must become the Mistress of Change in his turn. There are three candidates among my relations and I am watching them carefully. The task is not an easy one and I must choose with care.

My beloved Aunt now rests beneath the house where one day I must join her. Karen, Colleen (once Colin), Michele, Charlene (once Charles) and Olga have all gone to join their and my friends beyond the great divide between the material and the spiritual. Others drawn by the House, as it needed them, have taken their places over the years. Alexandra, Pauline and Stephanie have come to take care of the House itself and Ruth, Megan and Brigid take care of the gardens helped by others.

Ga’latea, Shi’ella, G’Arth have joined Aunt Selina, Ix’tel remains but is even more mischievous than when I first knew him. Shi’ella’s pups are now full grown and lead her people – they will provide an escort for my successor when he begins his change. Now is the Autumn of my life. It has been full and enjoyable, and no, I do not regret losing my manhood in the least!


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