Crystal's StorySite


Her Daughters

by Jennifer White


JoAnne and Tom had a wonderful marriage. A few months after the honeymoon, she discovered that she was pregnant. Nine months after the honeymoon, she gave birth to a daughter. Tom was a proud papa, and helped her out, even changing the diapers for baby Jill.

It was just four months later, that JoAnne found herself pregnant again. Her second baby was also a girl. Tom was not quite as enthusiastic about helping out this time with the new baby, who was named Lynne.

Sure enough, like clockwork, in a few months JoAnne found herself going through another pregnancy. She was depressed, since she had never quite lost the weight from her first pregnancy, and now her hormones were making her store up fat, as well as making her feel hungry all the time.

She had wanted to take a break, but Tom refused to use a condom, and talked her out of going on the pill "in case we ever want to have another baby". She loved her children with all her heart, but she needed a break. She wanted to enjoy what she had already, but with a constant stream of newborns, just when one was settling down, the next one would arrive.

As she went through a long painful labor with her third baby, she swore that she wouldn't go through this again. But when they put her new baby into her arms, her heart melted all over again, as it had the first two times. She named her daughter Marie, after her grandmother.

* * *


JoAnne really needed a rest now, but almost right away Tom started to pressure her to have sex with him.

"I'm not going to do it with you unless one of us uses birth control" she said. "I love our children, but three of them is enough. We need a break."

They argued, she ended up sleeping on the couch that night. Over the next few weeks, the debate raged on. She told him to go get a vasectomy if he didn't like wearing comdoms. Or she would go get on the pill. But he refused.

One night, she gave in to her desires, and made love with him. They started at it regularly again, and before she knew it, she was pregnant again.

This led to a huge argument, and she ended up cutting him off completely. She was bearing the burden of the workload for the three children already, and now there would be a fourth.

But that wasn't the worst. Instead, it was what JoAnne found out about Tom one evening.


The teenage girl next door came over to baby-sit, so that Tom and JoAnne could go out to see a movie. When they got to the lobby of the theater, JoAnne had to go use the rest room. She told Tom to go get her some popcorn, and she'd be out in a few minutes.

But as she walked in the door, she realized that she had left her purse in the car. How stupid of her! She turned around to ask Tom for the car keys (she knew better than to ask him to get it for her...he would just whine and complain about her needed a silly purse just to go into the rest room).

She saw Tom, and he had a girl in his arms! She looked to be barely over 18 (if that), and they were kissing. Not a peck on the cheek that you give a cousin, but a tongue in the mouth, like you give a lover.

She walked briskly over to them, and said "Ahem!"

Tom turned pale white.

"What are you....this isn't what it looks like!"

From his tone of voice, she knew he was lying.

"Who is this?" said the girl.

"I'm his wife!" raged JoAnne.

"Wife? You told me you were single!" yelled the girl, who slapped him across his face.

"No, please..." said Tom, but it was too late. There were two angry women ready to unleash their rage on him.

After much screaming and yelling (and face slapping), it turned out that Tom had been seeing this young girl on the side for over a year now. They were lovers, and he had kept promising her that he would be with her all the time, one day soon.

The girl felt ashamed and used. She hadn't wanted to see a married man. He had lied to her! Her relationship was just one big fat lie! She hated him for what he had done, and hated herself for having hurt his wife like that. She was in tears.

JoAnne felt like the ground beneath her feet had crumbled and melted away. Tom had been having an affair for over a year! Even with a pregnant wife and three daughters, he had cheated on her! She hated him for what he did, and felt so ashamed and alone. She was completely crushed. She hadn't seen it coming at all.

* * *


Two days later, Tom found himself in a small apartment, with just a box of his clothes. JoAnne had a restraining order from a judge, which forbade him to go within 1000 feet of her, call her, or to visit the house. He would loose everything in divorce court. He made plans to move out of town, and begin his life all over again. He never wanted to see JoAnne again, for as long as he lived.

* * *


Pregnant women tend to have large emotional swings, because of their raging hormones. They often suffer from periods of depression as well. JoAnne knew she would never get over what Tom had done to her, and being pregnant at the time didn't help matters any. She had considered terminating her pregnancy, but one look at her children was all it took to wipe out that thought from her mind. It made her feel guilty that she had even thought of harming her new baby.

So she carried on with her pregnancy. She got to keep the house in the divorce settlement, along with all their savings. Tom had to pay child support, so she had enough money to get by.

This pregnancy was harder on her than the others, and she ached all over. Sore back, sore feet, not to mention that she cried almost every day.

She hated him so much! She hated him because he was a man. Men were evil. She would never love another man, as long as she lived. She despised them. They were the cause of her predicament. Men were a curse upon the world, and she hated them with all her soul.

* * *


JoAnne was in the delivery room, and went through an intense labor. This baby was the largest one she had delivered yet, and it was the most work of them all. When the baby finally emerged, and the doctor handed it over for her to hold, she noticed right away that something was wrong.

Between the baby's legs, there was something there shouldn't be. *Male* body parts. She hated all males. This couldn't be her baby! She was supposed to have another daughter! This was wrong. This baby had a birth defect!

* * *

JoAnne had wanted to name her new baby Sally, but being a boy that wouldn't work. So she picked Chris, which could be a name for a girl or a boy.

She decided that she would ignore the birth defect that Chris was born with, and raise him as a girl. That way, she could use the hand-me-downs from Chris's older sisters, and not have to buy new clothes. Money was tight, and she couldn't go out and get a job with little children like she had.

* * *


At Chris's tenth birthday party, all the little girls gathered around to watch as 'she' blew out the candles on the chocolate cake, her favorite flavor. Chris wore a pretty pink dress. 'Her' long blond hair was all curled up for the occasion, and she had asked her mommy if she could wear makeup like her older sisters did.

"Not yet Chris, makeup is for older girls. Once you get to be thirteen, you can start wearing makeup sometimes."

"I can't wait until I'm thirteen!" said Chris. She wanted to be just like her older sisters. She started opening the gifts. Her friends gave her clothes for her Barbie doll, stuffed animals, or books to read. Her sisters and her mother gave her pretty clothes. She loved the new skirt her mom had picked out for her!

JoAnne looked around the room at all the happy little girls. Chris didn't play with any boys. She had taught all her daughters that boys were dirty, smelly, and would make you get sick if you were around them. Boys got all messy, made loud noises, and were mean to girls. So Jill, Lynne, Marie and Chris were very close, doing everything together. They all behaved very ladylike, prim and proper.

The only one with discipline problems, predictably, was Chris. Sometimes Chris would come home with dirt on 'her' hands and knees, and all over her skirt. JoAnne would be very strict with her, telling her that only boys played in the mud, and that she had been a bad girl.

"Jill, Lynne and Marie: you were good girls today. You get chocolate for dessert. Chris, you were a bad girl. I'm giving you a dose of castor oil."

"Yuck! Please, let me have chocolate!"

"No. That is only for good girls. If you're not going to act like a good girl, then you don't get any treats. Now come here and take your medicine."


JoAnne wanted to make sure that the girls, especially Chris, didn't play with little boys. She decided to home school them, so that they wouldn't get the chance to get mixed up with boys. She made sure to teach them well, all of the basics: reading and spelling; math; science; and that women are good, but men are bad. She would end every school day with a review of the important facts.

"Who started all the wars?" she asked.

"Men!" answered the girls.

"But who creates life and gives birth?"


"Very good! Who uses guns and kills people?"


"Yes. But who nurtures children?"


"Exactly. Who spreads disease, violence and evil?"


"You are so lucky to be little girls" said JoAnne. "Always remember that even the lowest woman is better than the nicest, highest man. And remember that if a woman ever does anything bad, it is because a *man* made her do it. They are bigger and stronger than us, and they try to take advantage of us."

The girls all nodded their heads.

"Men just want to use you for sex, but they don't really love you. Remember girls, that nobody will ever love you like I do, or like you love each other."

They had a group hug, then all started laughing and giggling.

* * *


The *real* girls were nearing puberty, and they started to undergo small changes. Jill was the eldest, so she was the first to begin to develop breasts. JoAnne made a big deal out of it, throwing a big party for Jill when she was ready to start wearing a bra.

"Jill is starting to become a *woman*" she proudly told her other three children. "Some day, all of you will be women."

"I want to be just like you, momma" said Marie.

"Me too!" said Jill.

"And me!" said Lynne.

"What about you Chris, don't you want to be just like mommy?" asked JoAnne.

Chris just stared. 'She' didn't know if she did or not. She loved her mommy, but it just didn't seem right to her. She didn't understand why. Why was she different from the other girls? She wanted to be like them because she looked up to her sisters so much. But she was different. Why did she have this thing between her legs, but they didn't?

"Tell me that you want to grow up to be a pretty woman" said JoAnne in a slightly stricter tone.

"I want to grow up to be a pretty woman, just like you mommy" said Chris.

They all clapped, and made a big deal over it.

After eating ice cream and cake, JoAnne had a surprise for the other girls. She had bought extra bras, and told them all to go put one on so they would know how it felt. They all stuffed their bras full of socks, and went around pretending they were women. For the occasion, JoAnne even let them all wear makeup.

"My girls are all so pretty" she told them. "I'm a very lucky woman to have four wonderful girls like you."

* * *


Ever since Chris had learned how to talk, JoAnne had drilled certain things into 'her': You're a girl. Women are good, men are bad. And one more important thing: You are never to allow *anyone* to see you naked. JoAnne wanted to make sure that everyone thought that Chris as a girl, so they would treat her like one. If anyone discovered this secret, it would have made life complicated for everyone.

She also knew that she was coming to a critical part of Chris's life. The part where the child would reach puberty and start to turn into an adult. The part where puberty started, causing the body to change. That change would include secondary sex characteristics, like facial hair and a deepening voice.

This mean that she had a decision to make. If she kept things as they were, Chris would end up with a male body. That would ruin him, in her eyes. He should have been her daughter, and she had raised Chris that way since day one. Now was no time to change things.

So JoAnne took Chris to see a doctor, and it was easy enough to rattle off a few symptoms and get Chris diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). That meant going on medicine.

But JoAnne didn't ever give the pills to Chris. Instead, she found an OB-GYN, and talked her into prescribing estrogen and progesterone for herself. Then it was a simple matter of throwing out the pills in the little bottle for Chris, and putting her pills in there instead.

Now 'she' would develop the correct secondary sex characteristics for a girl, like breasts. All she had to do now was to get ahold of another pill which would block testosterone from his system. She found one, and obtained a quantity of it from the internet. She made sure that Chris took these pills too.

Now 'she' would develop normally. For a girl that is.

* * *


Things progressed very well once Chris started on the hormones. She started to act a lot more like a girl, once her system was saturated with estrogen. And the testosterone blocker made the tendencies towards male behaviors stop. Soon, she was acting like a wonderful little girl.

Her body also started to change. Just like her sisters, her skin got softer, and she started to develop breasts and curves. Only the 'deformity' between her legs would show anyone her birth gender.

* * *


But one day, when Chris was fifteen, there was trouble in paradise. Ever since their divorce, Tom had sent a monthly check to JoAnne for her and the girls to live on. But one month, the check didn't come.

They tried to call, but no answer. A letter sent received no response. JoAnne was worried. She called the police station in Portland, where he had moved. They reported back that his house had recently been sold, and there was no forwarding address.

Desperate, JoAnne hired a private investigator with some of the last money she had left. In three days he reported back: Tom had been married to a 22 year old woman at the courthouse the week before, and had traveled with her to Brazil on a one-way ticket. He was gone.

Now JoAnne was worried. How could she raise four children with no money coming in? There was only once choice: get a job. But that meant that she could no longer home-school the girls. She would have to enroll them in public school.

She was frustrated and upset. She cried herself to sleep that night, and now hated Tom even more than before, if possible. He cared so little about her that he had an affair. He cared so little about his own children that he never visited them, and now cut them off financially. She hated him. She hated all men.

She got a newspaper, and started calling to answer the help wanted ads.

* * *


A week later, JoAnne had found a good job in sales at a local company. She had worked after graduating college, but had quit when she got married. She got into it right away, and was successful, right from the start. She had picked this job because the hiring manager was female. She couldn't even think of working for a man, as much as she hated them. *All* of them.

She had never worried as much in her life as the first day, when she put her girls on the bus to head off to school. Any mother watching her children go for the first time feels a tremendous worry. But with her girls having been so close to her, and never have been alone with boys, she didn't know what they would do.

If there was any way to avoid this, she would have. But she was forced to do it. The girls all wore their prettiest dresses, and got on the school bus.

* * *


"They made fun of me!" said Jill.

"Why is that?" asked JoAnne.

"The other girls don't wear dresses to school. They wear jeans, T-shirts, or sweaters. A few wear skirts, but nobody dresses like we do. They all made fun of us."

"I had to sit next to a boy" said Chris. "He smelled funny. I hope I don't get sick from him."

"You had better go wash your hands, just to be sure" said JoAnne, relieved that her lessons had sunk in so well.

But not all went as she would have hoped for.

"I saw that Kevin sitting in the back at lunch" said Marie. "He's cute."

"Oh yes" replied Lynne.

She knew that their hormones were kicking in, and they would start to get sexually curious. There was nothing she could do to prevent them from starting to want to be with boys. All she could do was to keep reminding them what boys did to girls.

"Remember girls" she said, "that boys want you for one thing only: sex. They want to use you, then they'll leave you and hurt your feelings. Remember girls, sex is only for married couples."

"We know mom. You've told us a million times" said Jill.

"Then this will make one million and one" she replied. They all laughed.

* * *


Chris rapidly became frustrated at school. She wasn't quite like the other girls, and without her sisters around to support her, she sometimes felt left out. JoAnne wrote a letter saying that she couldn't participate in gym, because of a medical condition. In truth, she couldn't allow anyone to see Chris change, because that would give her away. So Chris had to sit on the sidelines as all her new friends played volleyball, dodge ball, or whatever game was selected for that day.

Chris really wanted to try out for the cheer leading squad too, or the dance team. But that was out of the question too.

"But mom, its not fair! I want to be a cheerleader!" 'she' said after school one day.

"You can't do that yet baby. You have your deformity to think of. How would that look under your skirt?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I wish I didn't have it there. Can't we just get it cut off or something?"

"Soon my little kitten. Soon."

JoAnne was saving what money she could, but it was an expensive operation. She had found online a clinic in Mexico that charged far less than local places did, and it had enough good references and certified doctors that she would consider trusting them with her child. Soon, she would use the last of the money she had hidden away, so she could 'save' Chris from a life of maleness.

* * *


One month passed by, and the family settled into their new routine of the girls going to school. They had gone shopping with their mother, using money they made from working small jobs like cleaning neighbors houses, or weeding their gardens.

They were each able to buy a couple of outfits, more like the other girls wore in school. They all loved wearing their dresses, but they felt that they needed to fit in with their social peers.

Chris bought an outfit of hip hugger jeans, and a white tank top that was just barely long enough. If 'she' posed just right, or stuck out her chest (which was rapidly developing now), then her midriff would be bared. Now if she could just talk her mom into letting her get her belly button pierced, and to get a tattoo...

* * *


"Can I sleep over at Jeanette's?"

Chris had asked 'her' mother many times, and finally JoAnne was inclined to give in. What harm could it be for Chris to experience a sleep over, which almost all girls liked to participate in. Chris was shy enough that she wouldn't do anything to uncover enough of her groin to give away her secret. So why not?

"Sure sweetie. You know our number here. If you need anything at all, just call."

"Oh mom, I'm not a baby anymore" said Chris. "I can take care of myself."

"You're still my baby to me" said JoAnne.

"Aw mom!"

Chris ran over and gave her a big hug.


Armed with a change of clothes, a makeup bag, and the latest issue of Cosmo Girl, Chris headed out the door to spend a night away from JoAnne for the first time in her life.

Jeanette was in her class, and they were fast friends. They studied together, played together, went to the movies, hung out at the mall, and did all of the other things that girls of that age enjoyed doing.

At 8pm, they were having a blast eating popcorn and a frozen pizza, watching a movie, and drinking diet cherry coke. They had done up each other's hair, and had applied way too much makeup to each other's faces.

They went into Jeanette's room, and Chris stared at all of the posters on her wall.

"How come all my other friends have boy singers and movie stars on their walls, but you've got only girls?" said Chris, looking at a large poster of Jessica Simpson.

"Do you promise that you can keep a secret?" said Jeanette.

"Cross my heart, hope to die" said Chris.

"No, I mean really."

"Yes, I swear to you, I can keep a secret!"

Chris was really excited. This must be good.

"Well, I've never told anyone this, not even my mom" said Jeanette. "I've never been quite like the other girls at school. The boys are all right, but I'm not all that interested in them. I find myself looking at the girls instead. I mean, like, you're my friend and all, but I'd like with you, then with them. Oh, I'm so stupid!" she said, starting to cry.

Chris did a surprising thing. She walked up to Jeanette, gave her a big hug, and kissed her. On the mouth.

"That's how I feel about you" said Chris. "But I was too afraid to say anything. Boys are yucky, and I hate them all. But you're different. I feel....I don't know...I want to be with you too."

"Really?" said Jeanette, not believing what she heard. She thought for sure that she was going to scare Chris off, and lose her friend. But instead, she found that Chris felt the same about her! She was elated.


Jeanette and Chris talked for hours, held hands, and kissed again. They went to sleep in the same bed, holding each other. Both could not believe their good fortune.

In the morning, they got dressed, and headed to the mall, which was within walking distance of Jeanette's house. They went to the cheap jewelry booth, and picked out a pair of matching rings.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" said Chris, putting the ring on Jeanette's finger.

"I do. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes! I do too!"

They swore an oath that each of them would always wear the ring as a sign to each other that they were girlfriends forever.

"It is so cool to date someone who is just like me" said Chris.

"I know what you mean. I can wear your clothes, and you can wear mine. We're like sisters, but we're girlfriends too."

"And lovers."

They both smiled, and reached for each other's hands. They walked back to Jeanette's house, making big plans for how they would spend the weekend.

* * *


Chris and Jeanette spent as much time together as they possibly could from then on. They passed each other love notes under the desks at school. They danced together in Jeanette's room, holding each other close. They swapped clothes, so each could feel closer to the other.

They were feeling a longing to get closer physically, and they had gone as far as groping each other's breasts. One night when they were in Jeanette's room, they locked the door.

Chris carefully unbuttoned Jeanette's blouse, and pulled it off of her. Jeanette took off Chris's top. The hugged each other, then went to work on taking off each other's bra.

Chris held Jeanettes breasts in her hands, wishing that hers were as big as her girlfriends. Jeanette held Chris's breasts too, and they kissed.

Almost by accident, Jeanette's hand slipped a bit, and she ended up pinching Chris's nipple.

"Oh that feels good, do that again!" said Chris.



Chris pinched Jeanette's nipples back. Soon, they were tweaking each other's nipples, and both were feeling more and more aroused. They explored each other, and fell into a deep kiss.

Neither would forget how it felt to have a young girls breasts pressing against her as they embraced, their tongues darting around in each other's mouths.

"I hope nobody ever catches us" said Jeanette. "We'd be in big trouble."

"I don't care. I love you, and I always will" said Chris.


After that, they decided that they wanted to become blood-sisters. They performed a ceremony, based on what they had read about certain native American tribes. They each made a small slit on their wrists, and shared a single drop between each other.

"Now we're really sisters" said Chris.

"I love you, sister!" said Jeanette, giving her a big kiss.

* * *


"Mom, how come I don't have a period?" said Chris one day. "Jill Lynne and Marie do, and so does Jeanette. How come I don't? Its not fair!"

"It's because of your birth defect" said JoAnne.

"You promised me that I could have it removed" said Chris, who was in tears now. "It's not fair! I want to have a period too!"

"Chris, my baby, I have a surprise for you" said JoAnne.


"For your birthday next month, we're taking a trip."

"A trip? Can Jeanette come too?"

"We'll see. But this is for just you and me. We're going to a clinic in Mexico, and they are going to remove your birth defect."

"Really!!!" said Chris, her mood swinging upward suddenly. "I can't wait!!!"

"Its only a few weeks from now, and it will be here before you know it. We'll have you cured soon."

"Thanks mom, you're the best!" said Chris. This was the best birthday present that anyone could ever have given her.

* * *


How long each day was for Chris! Time dragged on, and no matter what she did, it just wouldn't move fast enough. When she was with Jeanette things were okay, but school was the worst. She had lost interest in math long ago, and now it seemed to take days just to get through another boring lecture.

But at last the day came. JoAnne explained that they couldn't afford to take Jeanette, and that with a surgery like this, Chris would need lots of quiet time anyway.

Chris and Jeanette said their good-byes in private, knowing that they couldn't kiss in public. It was very sad for them to be apart for the first time, but Chris was excited too. She had never rode on an airplane before, and she was going to be cured.

The ride was uneventful, and they were picked up by a car, and driven to the clinic. It looked like a hospital, but everyone spoke Spanish. Even the doctor only spoke in broken English. JoAnne had a long talk with him, and signed some papers. A few minutes later, they came for Chris.

"I'll be right by you the whole time" said JoAnne, giving Chris a big hug. "You'll be cured soon."

"I'm not afraid mommy" she replied.


Chris was so happy that they were going to remove her growth! She was elated as they rolled her down the hall to the operating room, and put the gas mask over her mouth to make her fall asleep.

* * *


Two days later, Chris was very sore between her legs, but she marveled at what she saw down there now. Instead of having this ugly thing growing there along with a wrinkled sack, she looked just like her sisters did. And she looked just like her mommy. Just like all the other girls did.

"Am I going to have a period now?" she asked excitedly.

"I'm afraid not kitten. Its because of your birth defect. But now that the removed it, you can play sports, you can be a cheerleader, you can do anything you want."

"Really? That's so cool!" said Chris. She was going to talk Jeanette into trying out for the dance team with her. They would have a blast, and get to wear those cute outfits!

The doctor had prescribed another female hormone for Chris, and JoAnne had her start taking it too. She was very pleased that now she really did have four daughters. There were no more men in her life, and she could relax now. The whole family was happy.

* * *


It was almost getting to be fall, and it was time for the Emmys. Jeanette came over to Chris's house, and they had a huge party set up. They watched all the stars arrive, and rated their outfits. It was actually more fun than the awards! They all wished they could be as glamorous as the actresses who were arriving in one long black limo after the other.

JoAnne looked at Chris, who was holding Jeanette's hand, but trying to hide it. She smiled. She had intercepted a love note that Chris had wrote in Mexico, while Chris was under the knife. But she sent the note on. It was harmless for Chris to fall in love with a girl, and perhaps even better for her. Then she'd never be with a guy.

JoAnne wondered if perhaps she should find a woman of her own. She had been lonely, but the thought of finding a man disgusted her. Until she found Chris's love note, she had never thought of that. What wisdom young children can impart on their parents!

* * *


While everyone was watching the TV, Jeanette left 'to go to the little girl's room'. Then Chris snuck off 'to the kitchen'. Everyone was preoccupied with the Emmy's on the TV. So the two girls had a chance to be alone together.

They went into the bedroom that Chris shared with Marie. She locked the door, and the two began to grope each other. Soon, they were undressing each other, and this time they went further than they ever had before.

In fact, they ended up on the bed, naked.

"I feel all wet inside" said Jeanette. "Here, take your finger, and put it here" she said. Chris did as Jeanette asked, and soon her friend was making faces and moaning as Chris's finger explored.

"Now you do me!" said Chris. Jeanette put her finger into the slit between Chris's legs, but it wasn't all wet like her own was. She touched Chris, who seemed to enjoy it, but not in the same way she had.

But Jeanette had read that some women had a hard time getting an orgasm. Or perhaps Chris was just slower in developing. In either case, Chris was making her come again and again, and everything else was driven out from her mind.

When they were done, they kissed and hugged. They were completely in love with each other, with the passion that only young lovers could muster.

* * *


"Mom, I have a confession to make" announced Jill one evening.

"What's that?"

"Promise that you won't be mad?"

"I promise."

"Well, you see, it's dad. He got ahold of me one day, and we've talked a couple of times."

JoAnne's rage built up. That dirty bastard, what did he care about his children? He cut off payment to them, and everything. Her face turned red, and it took all of her self-control not to explode and yell out loud.

"He asked about everyone. I told him that you work now, about how we're all in school, and how Chris has a girlfriend. I was surprised 'cause he said 'good' when I told him that. And he said that he loves us all, and he is sorry that he left, and he wants to see you again."

"Never" said JoAnne. It was that simple.

"And he wants to see us."

"I won't allow it."

"But we're his children"

"He was never a father to you. He left you alone, he stopped paying money for you, he abandoned you!"

"You're right mom, I'm sorry. I won't talk to him again."

"You had better now. He is nothing but bad news. Stay away from him."

"I will mom."

* * *


But two weeks later, as the family was eating dinner, they had quite a surprise when they heard a knock on the door, and Tom walked in.

"Get out!" ordered JoAnne.

"Jo! Just look at you. And Jill, you're so big now! Lynne, my goodness look how tall you are! Marie, you're so pretty! You must be Marie's friend. Where's Chris?"

"*I'm* Chris" she replied.

"No, my son Chris"

"I'm not your son dad, I'm your daughter" she replied.

Tom's face turned white, as his eyes bugged out. He was staring at a pretty girl, and she was saying that she was his child, Chris? But Chris was a boy! And this was girl! That meant...

"Don't you recognize your own daughter?" said JoAnne. "You left us Tom, you don't belong here."

She got up, and held the door open.

"Can we talk?" he asked, heading outside. She talked with him quietly outside, while the four girls were silent at the table.


When JoAnne returned a few minutes later, she had been crying. The girls tried to comfort her, but she was shaken by the confrontation.

"I used to love him, but he was a rat" she said. "Just like all men."

"Mom, he said I was a boy..." said Chris in a shaky voice. "Is that true...."

"No kitten, you're a girl. Tell me, are boys pretty?"


"Do boys have beautiful long hair?"


"Do boys wear pretty dresses?"


"Do boys need bras to hold up their boobies?"


"Okay then, how could you be a boy? Your dad was just trying to hurt your feelings. That's all baby."

Chris went up and hugged her mother again. She searched her soul inside, and everything she found there staring back at her was completely female. She didn't have a single male thought or feeling in her heart, mind or soul.

"You're right, I really am a girl" said Chris. She was so glad that she had a girlfriend. She would never trust a man. How could she ever think of being with a boy? She just wanted to be closer and closer to Jeanette.


"What did you say to dad to get him to leave so quick?" asked Jill, when the younger children were in bed for the night.

"I told him that if he ever came around here again, he'd end up like Chris. I told him that Chris's greatest wish is to have a period. He almost passed out when I told him that Chris wants to be a mommy some day."

"So Chris really was a boy?"

"Only in her body. But we fixed that now. She's every bit as much as girl as you or I."

"I'm glad I'm a girl too mom" said Jill.

"And me too" replied JoAnne. "Me too."




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