Crystal's StorySite


Heels: The Ultimatum

by Deane Christopher

© 2003

8 - Variations On A Theme


Synopsis of Chapter 7: Kinky & Squeamish


In light of Gale's lesbian epiphany, that schedule of hers went right out the window, as Dennis began spending roughly seventy-five to eighty-five percent of his non-working time in the guise of his feminine alter ego. However, though Dennis was spending most of his at home time as Kelly, Gale came up with a timely suggestion that allowed him to assuage those manly attuned sex drives of his on a regular, ongoing bases. Generally speaking, right after dinner, the two of them would head upstairs, where they would hoop into bed and engage in heterosexual sex. Then, once Dennis got his 'rocks' off, he would simply don the heels, and there by change himself into Kelly.

Shortly thereafter, Gale came up a very unique technique that was tailored made to spice up her husband's male to female transsexualization. While Gale was performing fellatio on him, Dennis, would slip those manly sized gunboats of his into the awaiting U-throat of those ever so dainty, to be almost child-sized magical high heels of his, there by triggering his sexual ascendancy into the ever so lovely sexpot Kelly. Upon feeling her husband manly member beginning to drastically downsize on its' way to becoming the elusive nub of her lesbian lover's clit, Gale would modulate her oral ministrations so that what had begun as a blowjob, ended up as the selfless act of cunnilingus.

Two weeks after she introduced her fellatio to cunnilingus technique, a technique that Kelly absolutely loved being the recipient of, Gale produced a double-headed dildo that she had ordered for the two of them off the Internet. Though Gale suspected that it would be an up hill battle trying to persuade her femmed out husband to at least entertain the thought of trying the device, she was totally unprepared for Kelly's adverse reaction.

To say that Kelly was squeamish about the dildo would be the grossest of understatements. Not only did she not want to touch the icky 'thing'; the truth of the matter was that Kelly did not want to be in the same room with it, much less the same bed with it.

Eventually, Gale managed to coax Kelly back into bed. Surprisingly, she even got that lover-girl of hers to not only hold, but to go so far as to examine the icky and offense device. Then, when asked why she had ordered the dildo in the first place, Gale started of by saying how much she loved feeling Dennis' manhood nestled ever so snugly up inside that hiddy-hole of hers. Then, having hammered home that point, Gale continue on to explain that what she dearly wanted was for Kelly to experience something similar, thinking that since she enjoyed feeling Dennis up inside her as much as she did, Kelly might also. Lacking the ability to change herself into a man, and freely admitting that the dildo was a poor substitute for the real thing, Gale informed Kelly that the double-ended dong was the only thing she could think of that might work.

Gale ended her spiel by presenting that lover-girl of hers with three choices. Kelly could elect to try it; think about it, or forget about it.

Though still somewhat squeamish about the idea of having something as gross as the dildo shoved up inside that you-what-of-hers, Kelly elected to give it the old college try. Oddly enough, as uncomfortable as it was for her to have something that felt so huge inserted inside of her initially, Kelly found that as time went on, the intimacy she began to derive from the dildo's presence was erotically exhilarating, in and of itself.

Though they had come within a hair's breath of achieving the highly touted simultaneous orgasms on several occasions in the past, that night, via the use of the double-ended dong, the two them experienced a mind-jarring string of vaginal induced orgasms concurrently.


Chapter 8: Variations On A Theme


Though neither one of them expected it, nor so much as hoped for it, the next evening saw them once again experience concurrent climaxes via the use of the double-ended phallus. The night after that, they once again were blessed with simultaneous orgasms.

Once is nice. Twice is nicer. Three times in a row though, is so uncanny, as to be down right bizarre.

More to the point, they both recognized it for the anomaly that it was.

"Kell, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Gale, finding the physical wherewithal within herself to give voice to her concerns, broke the silence that permeated their serene contemplation of the warm-fuzzes of post-orgasmic bliss.

"Tell me what you're thinking first, and I'll tell you if I've been thinking along the same lines as you have." Kelly, who was not anywhere near as ready as her wife was to engage in anything that even came close to resembling a real conversation, lackadaisically replied.

"As much as I hate being a party-pooper, sweetcheeks, don't you find our having had simultaneous orgasms three nights in row a little unusual?"

"No." Kelly countered emphatically. "I don't find it unusual at all.

"And, do you want to know why I don't find it to be unusual?"

Without allowing any wiggle-room whatsoever in which her wife could insert a comment, Kelly continued on to say, "Well, I'll tell you.

"The reason I don't find it unusual is because, as far as I'm concerned, it's unnatural. Eerie, and unnatural."

"This might sound crazy, but could your heels have anything to do with it?"

"Hmm..." Kelly pondered Gale's question for a long moment before replying. "You know something, honey? I think you just may have something there... "




Three nights later, having racked up a grand total of six consecutive occasions in which their dildo enhanced lovemaking tete-a-tetes had resulted in simultaneous orgasms, Gale and Kelly had to concede the point that something very strange was going on. While three simultaneous orgasms in row were an anomaly, six in a row made them not only candidates for Guinness' World Book of Records, but for Ripley's Believe It Or Not as well.

"I do believe that you're right, Gale." Dennis said the next morning, while the two of them were getting dressed for work.

"Right, about what?"

"About my heels, and how they are probably responsible for the succession of simultaneous orgasms we've been having."

"Yeah... I do believe that I am at that.

"I mean, how else can you explain the phenomenon that we've been experiencing?"

"You can't." Dennis replied. "But, guess what? I'm not even going to try. I'm just going to kick back and enjoy the hell out of it, and I would suggest that you do the same."

"Well, since I've never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I do believe that more or less goes without saying.

"But, let me ask you a question."

"Sure... Ask away."

"If those heels of yours are the ones responsible for the two of us coming at the same time like we've been these past six nights, do you think it'll continue?"





Two nights later, as they lay in the post-orgasmic afterglow of what they suspected to be another high heel orchestrated climax, a somewhat perplexed Kelly felt compelled to inquire, "Hey, Kelly, is it me, or does the dildo feel different to you tonight?"

"Define different."

"Oh, I don't know, Kell... It just feels different to me somehow."

"Well, since you're the expert, given that I'm pretty much a neophyte when it comes to have something shoved up inside of her you-know-what, you're going to have to give me something more to go on here, honey."

"Okay... Fair enough. You're right. I guess I do have a lot more experience in that regard than you do. So, how 'bout I try to give you an idea of what I'm talking about."

"Please, do."

"Now, as strange as this might sound, this dildo doesn't feel like a dildo to me anymore."

"It doesn't?" Kelly's reply was no where as near as incredulously couched as Gale had suspected it would be. "So, if it doesn't feel like a dildo, what does it feel like."

"Look. I know how crazy this is going to sound." there was a slight hint of distress clearly conveyed in Gale's rather pointed response. "But, it feels exactly like a real penis feels.

"Truth be told, Kell. It feels exactly like your penis feels.

"I mean, I did a sort of cockamamie stare and compare, between the way your penis felt earlier tonight, and the way this fake penis feels up inside me now, and I'll be damned if I can feel even the slightest difference. I mean, up until a couple of days ago, I could discern a real difference, whereas, I can't now.

"What can I say, save to say that the damn thing feels real."

Seeking clarification, a somewhat shaken and withdrawn Kelly introspectively queried, "And, I take it that these feelings of yours didn't just start tonight?"

"No... No, they didn't.

"Thinking back, I'd have to say that they started several days ago. They were vague at first, but they've been steadily growing in intensity, until tonight, when it actually began to feel like I had that thingie of yours up inside of me.

"You're not going to believe this, Kell, but tonight, when we climaxed, it almost felt as if 'it' didn't come too."

"Oh." Kelly exclaimed, surprising the shit out her wife in the process. "So, that what that was."

"You mean to tell me that you felt it too?" Gale, in a huff, irately demanded.

"Yes... Yes, I did..."

"Oh. So, I take it, you've been feeling the same sort of stuff that I have?"

"Yes... I guess I have at that..."

"So when, may I ask, were you going to get around to telling me?

"I mean, here I am, thinking that I've got to be loosing my mind, and you've been feeling the same sort of things that I have."

"All I can say is that I thought that this over active imagination of mine was getting the best of me, making me think that I actually had some SOB's dick shoved up inside me. Besides, honey, owing to the fact that I still have to deal with this rather healthy male ego of mine, which, by the way, isn't always easy under the circumstances, I guess I was just way to embarrassed to say anything about it."

"Well... when you put it like that; I guess I can understand why you might not want to talk about it.

"However, least you think you can pull something like this on me again, in the future, I would really, really appreciate it if you would just come right out and tell me about things like this."

"Okay." Kelly replied. "I promise. I'll do that.

"However, by the same token, honey, since it was you who neglected to inform me about the same sort of stuff that you've been experiencing until just now, I think the same thing holds true for you as it does for me."

"Touché. In other words, Kell, when you're right, you're right.

"Tell you what, Kell, from here on out, I promise to be forthright with you, just as long as you're forthright with me."

"Are you saying that they'll be no more of those damnable double standards of yours?"

"That's right. I promise. No more double standards."

"Alright, then... you've got yourself a deal."




Two nights after that, it was a frantic Kelly who preempted their post-orgasmic enjoyment of the warm-fuzzes. "Gale!" she hysterically clamored. "Am I loosing my mind, or is that 'thing' up inside of us starting to go limp?"

"I think the correct term is flaccid, but yes, I believe it is."

"How could it do that? After all, it's a dildo, not a real penis."

"No. You're right. It's not a real penis. However, it sure seems to behaving like a real penis behaves.

"Now, to answer your question about how it could do what it sure feels like it's doing, let me ask you a question. How can a pair of rather ordinary looking high heels change the man I married into my lesbian lover-girl?"

"Okay. I get what you're driving at. The answer to both of our question is of course magic."

"That's right, Kell. I don't how they've done it, but those heels of yours seem to have done something to this double-ended dong of ours to make it work like the real thing."



"Does your end feel like it's about to fall out of you?"

"Yes. Does yours?"

"Oh, yeah... In fact, it just did."

"Funny that you should say that, because my end just fell out of me as well," Gale replied, as she reflexively reached down to locate the article in question.

"Hey, Kell, you're never going to believe this." Gale exclaimed as her fingers began to encircle the semi-rigid shaft of the opposing phalluses. "But, guess what, sweetcheeks, if it ever was flaccid, it sure isn't anymore."

"It's not?" Kelly, the disbelief evident in her voice, excitedly returned.

"No. As far as I'm concerned, it feels pretty much like it always has..."

"No shit. That's really something."

"It most certainly is." Gale concurred.

"I wonder what these heels of mine will come up with next..."




Kelly only had to wait until the next evening to get her answer.

Having started out the evening with some mutually satisfying straight heterosexual sex, Dennis proceeded on to don those dick teaser specials of his, and there by turned himself into his feminine alter ego. A most enjoyable hour or so of seesawing cunnilingus followed that. Then, having cleared it with Kelly first, Gale procured the dildo from the night table drawer were she kept it stashed. Then, as she had been doing the last few nights, Gale passed the device to Kelly, who then deftly inserted one of its phallic ends into the satin slick crease of her wife's womanhood. Once so equipped, Gale used her right hand to help guide the artificial penis into the well of her lesbian lover's own little honey pot.

"Kell..." Gale, with a slight hint of uneasiness, meekly intoned.


"Is it just me, or are you feeling the same sort of thing that I'm feeling?"

"If you're thinking that it feels like you've got a real penis, on top of having a real vagina, then I'd say 'yes'. You're feeling the same sort of things that I am."

"How's that possible?

"I mean, I feel like I've got your penis up inside of me, while at the same time, I have the distinct impression that I can actually feel the walls of your vagina surrounding something that, by rights, I shouldn't ought to have."

"Well... just so you know, I feeling the same sort of things you are, and I've got to tell you, that sort of snug, surrounding feeling is exactly what you'd feel if you really did have a penis, and it was nestled up inside this little you-know-what of mine."

Seeking clarification, a thoroughly flabbergasted Gale incredulously asked, "And, you're saying that you're feeling the same sort of things that I am?"

"Yes... As crazy and far fetched as it sounds, honey, even though I'm a neophyte when it comes to being on the receiving end of things, instead of a dildo, it feels like I've got a real penis shoved up inside of this nifty little you-know-what of mine. However, it also feels like I've got that old trusty pecker of mine nestled ever so snugly up inside of you."




"Holy shit!" Gale, in the spasmodic anguish of her cascading exaltations, squealed even as she climaxed. Though she dearly wished that she could have taken the time to savor every nuance of what she had just experienced, Gale felt that what she needed most at that moment was to commiserate with Kelly. In order to get a better understanding of what she believe to have just occurred, Gale sought her husband's input.

"Kell." she laboriously gasped.

"Yes." Kelly, who was wallowing in the gut-wrenching wonderment of the tsunami like after-shocks of orgasmic splendor, gruffly responded, clearly indicating that she really didn't relish the notion of having to engage in a conversation for the time being.

"Did you feel it?"

"If you mean, did I feel like I came as a man, as well as a woman, the answer is yes. I did.

"However, just so you know, honey, the male orgasm that we just experienced was nothing like the real thing, in that it was more like an echo of the real thing, not the real thing itself."

"Now, that's funny..." Gale returned thoughtfully.

A slightly intrigued Kelly dutifully asked. "How so?"

"Well, it's funny because I would have said just the opposite."

Puzzled with her wife's comment, Kelly sought an explanation, "Could you do me a favor, and explain what you mean by opposite?"

"Sure... I be happy to...

"What I meant was, the male orgasm that you say we just experienced felt very intense to me, while the string of female ones were, shall we say, a lot more subdued, or you could even say, suppressed than they normally are."

"Now, that's interesting..." Kelly thoughtfully mused.

"So, just to make sure I understand exactly what's going on here, you say that your male orgasm was a lot more intense than the of female orgasms you had, right?"

"Yes... That's correct."

"Well, guess what, honey? If what you say is true, and I have no doubt that it is, you could say that our last orgasmic experiences more or less complimented one another. While your male side of the experience was the more intensely felt of the two, there's no getting round the fact that my female orgasms were a whole hell of a lot stronger than the single male orgasm that I felt."

"Why do you suppose that is?"

"Well..." Kelly replied thoughtfully. "My best guess is that since we're using a double-ended dildo, and since I already get to enjoy sex both as a man and as a woman, these high heels of mine seem to have done a little magical finagling. That's to say that they appear to have weighed the experience in such a way so as to ensure that you get to enjoy more of the manly side of the sexual spectrum, while I am left to derive most of my enjoyment from the female side of the equation."

"That would sure seem to be the case..."




A few minutes later, upon feeling the now flaccid penis withdraw out of that girlish hiddy-hole of hers, Kelly squealed, "Oh, my... I must say that you really did a number on me tonight."

"I did?"

"Oh, yeah. You most certainly did.

"I mean to tell you. This twat of mine is leaking love-juices like a sieve."

"I hate to be the one to have to tell you this, Kell," Gale said, as she began to get out of bed, "but that's not love-juices that you're leaking. Rather, it's cum."

"You're shitin' me, right? I mean, there's no way it can be cum."

"Trust me. It's cum alright." Gale, suppressing the urge to giggle, replied.

"But, how's that possible?"

"Come on, Kell. You know the answer to that one as well as I do."

"Yeah... I guess I do at that.

"It all boils down to magic, doesn't it?"

"That would be my guess..." Gale offered.

"So, where are you going?"

"To get us both a towel. Unless of course you'd like to do the manly thing, and tough it out, by sleeping on your own little well earned wet spot."

"No thanks.' Kelly replied glumly. "I think I'd like a towel, please."

"I kind of thought you might..."




"Gale." Dennis gingerly intoned, even as he reached over and began to gently jostle his wife.

Owing to the fact that she was still more asleep than awake, Gale gruffly snapped, "What's up? Is there a problem?"

"No... There's no problem, save that I can't seem to get to sleep."

"Oh..." Gale mumbled, only to continue on to sarcastically add, "I understand. Since you can't get any sleep, you don't want me getting any either.

"What time is anyhow?" she tersely demanded.

"Is a little after three. And, the reason I woke you is because we need to talk."

"About what?"

"About me, and what happened tonight."

Given that her mind was far from functioning anywhere even close to what might be thought of as a lucid level, a somewhat stupefied Gale groggily muttered, "Alright, all ready... Since you seem bound and determined to do so, you might as well go ahead and tell me what's troubling you."

Exasperated by his lack of sleep, and plagued as he was by some very disturbing thoughts that incessantly kept recycling themselves, a very distraught Dennis endeavored to explain what was troubling him.

"I know this may sound silly, Gale, but I'm really worried."

"Worried? Worried, about what?"

"About the possibility that I could end up getting pregnant, given what happened tonight."

"Oh..." Gale, upon the realization that her husband had hit upon something that she had completely overlooked, thoughtfully mused. "I hadn't thought about that aspect..."

"So, I take it that you think that my concerns are valid too?"

"No." Gale quipped. "I didn't say that at all.

"All I said was I hadn't consider that aspect until you just now mentioned it. So, hold your horses. Give me a minute to get my shit in gear so that I can mull this matter over for you? Please remember, dear, I'm still half-asleep."

"Okay." Gale, endeavoring to organize her thoughts on the matter, proceeded on to say, "While we know that I, via the use of the double-ended dong of ours, somehow managed to shoot a whole wad of semen up inside of your you-know-what, we're not sure if the semen contained any sperm."

"What are you talking about? I thought semen was sperm."

"So, do a lot of people. But, that's a widely held misconception.

"You see, dear, had you been paying attention to your high school biology teacher like I did, you would have learned that semen is the nothing more than a whitish fluid that may or may not contain sperm. Where as, sperm is sperm. Or, if you want to get technical about it, sperm is spermatozoa, the round-bodied little buggers with the long tails that carried your genetic makeup, which, after a long and harrowing swim up the vaginal canal, can fertilize a woman's egg, or ovum."

"That's exactly what's got me worried." Dennis sarcastically interjected.

"I know, dear. I know...

"But, I think the question you need to be asking yourself is: do you really want to get pregnant in the first place?"

"No. Of course I don't want to get pregnant." Dennis vehemently, if not vigorously scoffed. "I mean, of all the things in the world, the last thing I want to do is to is to get pregnant.

"Look. While I freely admit that I enjoy the hell out of being a part-time girl, there's no way in hell that I ever want to be a mother."

"Then, I don't think you have anything to worry about."

Seeking an explanation, a still visible shaken Dennis agitatedly countered, "And, why's that?"


"Because why?"

"Because, I don't think those heels of yours will allow you to get pregnant, unless getting pregnant is what you really, truly want. And, since you don't want to get pregnant, I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"You really feel that way?"

"Yes. Yes, I do.

"Think about, Dennis. Those heels of yours do damn near everything you want them to do.

"You want to be a blonde bombshell. They turn you into a blonde bombshell. You want to look like me. They turn you into my twin, save that you end up looking a hell of a sight better than I do. You want to look like your eighteen. Whalla! For all intent and purposes, they make you look like an eighteen-year-old. You want to spend an evening decked out in full Playboy Bunny regalia, and I'll be damned if they don't go and do that for you too."

"Yeah... So what's your point?"

"My point is: should you ever want to be a mother, I'd be willing to bet that those high heels of yours will move Heaven and Earth to comply with your wishes. However, though I can't prove a damn thing, I don't think that under the present set of circumstances, those heels of yours will allow you to become impregnated."

"You don't?"

"No. I don't. I really, truly don't...

"Besides, while there might be a remote chance that pregnancy could occur before you even had your first period, the chances of something like happening are so astronomical that I don't think you have a thing to worry about.

"And, you've never menstruated, right?"

"No... No, I haven't... Nor, I might add, do I ever want to."

"That's a perfectly understandable position for you to take.

"Let's face it. Had I a choice in the matter - Which, it goes without saying that I don't. - I wouldn't want to have to deal with all the muss and fuss of having a period ever again. They're a real pain in the you-know-where.

"Well, that was sure a stupid thing for me to say, given that since you've never had one, you really don't know where... But, since that's all a mute point, all I trying to say is: when it comes to you, and your getting pregnant, I don't think you have a thing to worry about.

"However, I like to add that should you ever get the notion that you would like to try your hand at being a mother, please do me the favor of letting me know first.

"I mean, the last thing in the world that you and I need is for both of us to be with child at the same time.

"Now, if you're still concerned about this getting pregnant business, there is simple a solution."

"You mean, for us to not use the dildo anymore?"

"No, silly. Though we could of course always do that, that isn't what I was thinking at all.

"What I was thinking was: we could use protection."

"By protection, I take it that you mean a rubber?"

"That's correct. We could simply put a rubber over the end of the dildo that gets inserted up inside of you."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I prefer to take my chances. Though, I must say that I tend to agree with you, in that I really don't think the heels will allow me to become pregnant without my say-so."




© 2003 by Deane Christopher. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.