Crystal's StorySite


Girl U.

by Jennifer White


"I'm going to 'girl you' now" said the blonde woman standing over Don, as he awoke.

"Where am I?" he said, his voice slurred from the drugs.

"A place we call Girl University, or Girl U for short. 'We want to Girl You at Girl U' is our slogan."

"Where am I? How did I get here?" Don's head was still swimming from the drugs. The last thing he remembered, he was walking through the park on a nice fall day. He was looking at this one chick in a tight plaid skirt. The next thing he knew, he woke up here, at Girl U, wherever that was.

"My name is Jo. I will be your transition councilor."


"As I said, we are going to Girl You. We are going to turn you into a girl. Now lets see about having you get it up."

Jo took off her top, showing Don her bra. She reached behind her to undo it, and her bra fell to the floor. She pushed a button, and a mechanical sound started. Don could feel his legs getting pulled further and further apart. He tried to move, but he was tied down around the ankles, above the knees, across the waist, wrists, elbows, and the neck. He was unable to move, other than his legs moving apart because of the servo-motor.

Jo pushed another button, and the movement stopped. Don's legs were now spread wide apart. Jo was dancing now in front of him, her large perfect breasts waving almost in his face. Don's body responded like any healthy male body: he got aroused. Soon, he had a full erection, as Jo gently stroked him.

"Now this may hurt for a second. Then you'll feel nothing. This is like Novocain at the dentist. It will numb the nerves."

Don felt a prick on his prick, from the needle going in. He could just barely get a glimpse of it as Jo worked between his legs. He could see her hand continuing to stroke him, but now he couldn't feel it at all.

"It will take a few moments to fully kick in" she said, as she kept stroking him, keeping him hard and erect. She stared at her watch, while she kept gently stroking him. After about a minute, she turned to the table in front of her. Don could see that she had another syringe. She bent down, and injected it into him.

"This goes into your scrotum, although you can't feel it now."

Then she took out another syringe.

"And this goes into your erect manhood."

She emptied it. Don couldn't *feel* anything, but he sensed some kind of pressure there. Now Jo took a final syringe, and told him that it went into his crotch, just above the base of his penis. This one he could feel. There was a fullness in his bladder.

Jo took the empty syringes, put the plastic caps back on, then put them into a medical waste bag, which she put into a garbage pail for that kind of waste.

"What did you do to me?" said Don.

"I've told you several times Jill. I just Girled you."

"Hold it. I'm Don, not Jill."

"Not anymore. Once you've been girled, there is nothing that can be done to stop it."

"What does that mean, to be girled?" said Don.

"It means that your gender has just been changed Jill. The first shot I gave you is rapidly killing off your testicles. They will shrivel up, and fall off within hours. They have already stopped producing sperm. No more testosterone for your system either. But don't worry, once your ovaries form, you'll get more than enough estrogen to make up for it."

"That's impossible!" said Don.

"No its not. The second shot does the same for your penis. We had to get you erect, since it works fastest when you have maximum blood flow. Now your penis will also shrivel up and fall off within just hours. By this afternoon, you will no longer have any external male genitalia. You'll be almost there to becoming a woman."

"I'm not becoming a woman!" protested Don.

"Yes you have. You've been girled. And the third shot I gave you is the most exciting one. We use stem cells, which can form any body part. When properly activated, they go on to form your uterus, your fallopian tubes, your cervix, your vagina, your labia, your clitoris, and yes, even your ovaries. It takes a day with the accelerant we have used. Anything faster, and you get cancer. Not good. But 24 hours is not too bad for growing an entire female reproductive system inside you."

"It can't be true" said Don.

"It is Jill. Just think of it. You just received over one hundred thousand stem cells. They divide once every thirty seconds. We've talked for five minutes now. So those 100,000 cells have become 200,000, then 400,000, and now they're up to over 100 million. No, it won't be long until your female structures are complete. Then they take a little time to settle in, and to begin functioning. I'll be back in a couple of hours to check on you. You can watch your progress on the monitor here."

She walked away. Don struggled to get free. But he couldn't move. If he craned his neck, he felt like he was choking. He looked up to the monitor. There was a disgusting sight: a man's private parts. It was hard to believe they were his. He had never seen a close-up of an erect penis from that angle, directly underneath. How on earth did women find that appealing? It was just plain disgusting.

Don's attention drifted, as he looked at his surroundings. He was in some kind of operating room, with all sorts of medical equipment and monitors. He noticed that he had an IV drip going into his arm. Attached to the saline solution was another bag, with a drop being mixed in every so often with the saline. The bag was labeled "estrogen". That was the female sex hormone. It made him feel a shiver up and down his spine, that they would put estrogen into *his* bloodstream. That stuff would mess you up! It was what made girl's breasts grow and stuff.

Jo had said that he had been 'girled'. What a strange thing to say. He still didn't believe her though. They must be doing all this to freak him out or something. He looked at the monitor again. He felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end when he saw the image there. It still looked like a man's genitals, but from where the syringe had been plunged into him, there was now a dark circle, like a bruise. And it was spreading out, visibly as he watched. It was slow, but within a few minutes, the bruising would cover his entire penis.

A similar spot had formed on is balls, and was spreading out too. He looked away in disgust, trying too see what else he could find about the room. It smelled like alcohol, disinfectant, and cleaner. A hospital smell. The room he was in seemed small. There was only the one door, as far as he could tell. He was on some kind of table, but his legs were in individual stirrups, like a woman gets at her ob-gyn exam. That made him feel disgusted.


A few minutes later, Don looked at the screen again. His genitals were rapidly changing now. The purple-black bruising had covered the entirety of his genitals, and now they looked like they were slowly imploding inward. His penis looked like your finger does when you've been in the tub too long: wrinkled like a prune. It all seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. He couldn't feel anything down there. He hoped it was all still an elaborate hoax to scare him. If he couldn't see it with his own two eyes, it might not be real. That was his only hope.

After some time had passed, Don dared to take another look. Now it was even worse. It looked all small and shriveled up, misformed and sad looking. It suddenly all shifted a little. Then nothing. A few minutes later, it shifted again. And then, unceremoniously, it all fell off. He heard a small thud as it hit the floor.

A minute later, Jo returned. She put on a rubber glove, picked up what was left of Don's manhood, and held it up to show him, before she put it into a baggie, and threw it into the medical waste bin. Now she pushed a button, and the table he was on shifted. His back was being raised up, and his legs spread apart wider and wider. The monitor showed a picture that looked like what you would see between a woman's legs.

Jo turned the camera off, and pulled it away from Don. Then she took out a mirror, and rolled it into position. Don was seated upright now. He looked down, and all he could see between his legs was the pubic hair that was sticking out. No sign of his penis. It should be there in view, but it wasn't.

"Look into the mirror, Jill" said Jo. She positioned the mirror so that Don could see his face. Then she lowered it, and he could see his chest, with the wires leading off of it to the heart monitor which beeped in the background. Then lower down, he could see his pubic hair. She moved it lower still, and Don now could see something new between his legs: a pussy.

"You've been girled" said Jo. "You are a girl now officially. And soon, you will be a woman."

"No...." said Don.

"Oh yes. It's quite real. You now have a very real pussy between your legs. And since it is new to you, as of today, you're going to need a crash course on the care and feeding of your pussy. So now it is time to clean you up, and send you to Girl U. You're going to learn to take care of yourself, because most men who have been girled have their first periods within a day or two of their conversion. Are you ready Jill?"

"No!" said Don. "And I'm not Jill!"

"Yes you are. You're not a man anymore. And when your manhood went away, so did the name Don. You are a girl now as you can see. And a girl needs a female name. I have named you Jill. From now on, that is your name, and no other."

Don glared at her in anger.

"Don't worry honey. In a few weeks, once you've accepted your changes, and the hormones have altered your brain, you'll *like* being a girl. And you'll thank me for this."

"I'll never thank you" said Don stubbornly.

"That's what they all say. But come on now Jill. You need to learn all about your pussy, your period, and prepare yourself for the big changes you have in store."

She pushed a button, and Don could feel the restraints release. The first thing he did was to put his hand down between his legs, as if he just couldn't accept what his eyes had seen. It was sensitive. Very sensitive. But very real. He was a girl now. There was no denying it. He was a girl. He felt weak, unable to really move. Jo had to help him into the wheelchair.

"I'm a girl" he whispered, in shock.

"Yes Jill, you are" said Jo. "Now, you are a girl."

* * *


"Welcome to Girl U." said the woman at the front by the blackboard. Don looked around. He was just one of a dozen men who were in wheelchairs, wearing dresses, seated at various tiers of the classroom. Don had a notebook, and a laptop computer. The teacher started with a drawing of the female anatomy. She was going over all the things he had learned in sex ed, in high school. He knew what the uterus was, the vagina, and all of that. It was just had to accept that what she was showing on the board was something inside *him*.

"We will come back to your anatomy later" said the teacher. "But today, we are going to concentrate on your menstrual cycle. Men think a period is gross and icky. Some girls do too. But it is a natural cycle in your body, and you should learn to embrace it, because it is part of what defines us all as women. You, and I."

Don could not think of himself as a woman! That was impossible!

"Technically, you are all not women yet, because you have not had your periods. But that will soon change. Some time in the next day or so, you will all begin your very first period. So technically, you are all premenstrual right now. And some of you are going through PMS. So if you feel moody, don't blame me. Don't blame us. Blame PMS."

There were a few low chuckles through the room. As men, most of them had lived with women, and had seen PMS up close, and personal. They were laughing more out of fear than of a comic reaction.

"Right now" said the teacher, "your estrogen and progesterone levels are at their highest they will be for the month. You have all produced an egg, which is traveled down your fallopian tube, and to your uterus. Since none of you has had sex as a female yet, your eggs have not been fertilized. This means that your egg will not bond to the wall of your uterus, which is nice and velvety now, ready to nurture a fertilized egg. So your endometrium will dissolve, and it will be shed. For most of you by this time tomorrow, you will find a spot of blood."

There was much murmuring among the men in the room. None of them had accepted the fact that they were now women. Don just couldn't grasp that what the teacher was saying applied to him.

"You should feel grumpy right now from your PMS. You might feel bloated or achy. Here's a tip for you, since none of you were girls when you grew up: avoid salt! You get bloated enough already, so anything that makes you retain water is bad right now. You might get some cramps too. But most girls only have a very light period the first time. But this brings us to the topic of feminine hygiene."

Don didn't like that sound of that!

"Once you start having regular full periods, you will flow harder. But even for your first one, when you're only spotting, you can stain your clothes. So you need protection. This is a maxipad. Note how thick it is. This will absorb quite a bit of your discharge, but if you're really heavy, you can leak out."

That was disgusting for Don to think about.

"This is a thin pad, or a pantiliner. You can use these for light days. Most women have a heavier flow at the start of their periods, but lighter as they go on. But everyone is different."

Don cringed at all this talk of periods and cycles. It made him feel sick.

"And now girls, this is called a tampon. This is inserted up inside of you, in your vagina. You can get them for different flows, but the ones for heavy flows are the best. Then you can even swim when you're having your period. And that's pretty cool."

"What if you put it in too far and at falls in?" said one man on the far side of the room.

"See here? The cervix? That will keep it in your vagina. That's a good question though Emily. I'm glad to see that you're thinking about what you're hearing, and not just ignoring me like some of you girls are. But don't worry, after a few periods, you'll all be old pros at this."

"I'm not going to have a period!" said the man to Don's left, and one row up.

"Yes you are Terri. You're a girl, and your body is ready. Soon, you will become a woman. And you *will* have a period. See how grumpy you are? Girls, this is a good example of PMS."

Now everyone laughed (except Terri who was turning bright red).

"Okay everyone. Enough about your periods for now. Lets move on to talk about how your body will change as you mature into women. We'll come back later to review your periods again."

Don took a deep breath, and started taking notes as the teacher talked about how his breasts were going to develop, his hips widen, his skin soften, and how he was going to become a beautiful woman. He went from wildly upset to strangely giddy. He realized it a mood swing, and that he was PMSing. The realization made him want just yell out loud, or do something to release his anger! He had PMS dammit, and he had a right to be upset!

* * *


Jo showed Don to what would be his room, for the duration of his stay at Girl U. It was a nondescript dorm room. She showed him that in the small closet and the dresser were a variety of clothes. Women's clothes.

"Now remember to wear a dark color tomorrow" she said.

"Why?" asked Don, not sure why he would need to do that.

"Well, it is likely that you'll have a period in the next day or so, but until you start flowing, you're just guessing. If you where all white tomorrow, and you start your first period, well you could have a stain on your hands."

It was still too much for Don to think about having a period. He still didn't accept that fact that between his legs, he was a woman now. He put his head down, feeling depressed and scared.

"Listen Jill, let me give you one more piece of advice. Its a secret that many mothers teach their daughters when they have their first period."

"What's that?" said Don, scared to find out what new horror of girlhood awaited him.

"A period calendar."


"Take a normal calendar, and mark down the day you start your period. Mark down how heavy you flow. Also mark down when you stop, if you have cramps, or any other major symptoms."

"What good will that do?" he asked.

"It gives you a record to go by, until you learn to listen to your body. I've had so many periods that I can tell when one is coming on. I know when I'll need to have a tampon in because I'm flowing heavier, and when I need a maxipad. But you're new to all this. So write it down. You'll discover your pattern, and that will make it easier to cope with your period. And did they tell you to avoid salt so you don't get as bloated?"

"Yes!" said Don, upset. He had heard enough all day of ovaries this and period that. Now he was getting another lecture on it. But Jo was trying to be kind to him, and pass on her secret knowledge. So he didn't freak out as much as he thought he deserved to.

"Let me tell you a story" said Jo. "I ignored my mom when she told me to keep a period calendar. I thought I knew everything, and it was a stupid thing to do. I knew that your first few periods come at irregular intervals, but then you settle into a cycle. And I heard that you get one every 28 days. So I counted out the day I was due, but nothing! I was late! I freaked out. And it happened again the next month. Turns out that my cycle is 29 days. Some of us have some variation."

"I see" said Don, not getting the point.

"Well, with a 29 day cycle, it turned out to be a little harder to remember when I was due. That was a leap year, and with February, I miscounted the days. So I thought it was one day before I was due, and I wore a white skirt when I went over to visit my aunt and uncle. I was sitting there, sipping a glass of cranberry juice, when I felt a gush of wetness between my legs. I stood up, and there was a spot, right there on her good beige easy chair."

"Ew!" said Don. "What did you do?"

"I poured the juice over the stain on the chair. They ran to get cleaning supplies. I ran to my bedroom in tears, and changed quickly. The very next day, I started my period calendar."

"Wow" said Don. It still did not seem feasible in his mind, but it was coming soon for him too: his first period.


Jo left him alone for the night, with as many questions as he had answers. Why were they doing this to him? Nobody would give him an answer. They just deflected the question. He laid down in the bed, after changing into a nightie. It was that or sleep naked, and he hated to do that. Plus, he didn't want to see his groin, with the smoothness of the panties laying over where a bulge should be.

He stretched, and looked down in disgust. This bed wasn't even clean! There were a bunch of small hairs all over it! It was only after seeing that the hairs were from where he was laying that it dawned on him: these weren't hairs from the bed. They were *his* hairs, falling out! He looked at his chest. He was rapidly shedding. And on his arms too. His dark thick mat of hair was being replaced by just a few, very fine, light colored hairs. He realized that by morning, he would no long have any hair on his chest.

Little did he notice, but the hairs on his shoulders and back were falling out too. And the hair follicles in his face were changing. He would never need to shave his face again.

* * *


Don woke up in the morning, not feeling very good at all. He didn't sleep much that night, haunted by nightmares. He kept going over and over the previous day in his mind. And he couldn't keep his hands from touching himself between the legs. He would wake up, his hands down there where his penis should be, and he would feel the emptiness. He had nothing down there now. Except his new pussy.

In his dreams, he had a nightmare about having a period. And a nightmare about seeing his buddies in the locker room, and having them laugh at him because he was a girl now. And of course, in that dream too, he started to flow, right in front of them. He awoke unrested, feeling grouchy and cranky.

There was a lot of hair on the bed when he got up. He took a shower, and almost the rest of his body hair all fell out, flowing to the drain. It almost clogged. Don noticed that there were pink shavers in the shower, but he didn't use them. His legs had a lot of hair, but he wasn't about to shave them. That was something that a *girl* did. Not him!

Don could smell the odor from his pussy, which he didn't like one bit. He washed it and washed it, but when he dried off, he could still detect the smell. He decided that he'd never be able to get used to it. How terrible this was. He looked at himself in the mirror, still not believing his reflection, as he saw himself between the legs, where he just had an inviting slit, instead of the equipment he had for all his life.

Don stared at his chest. It looked hairless now. He had never really examined his nipples closely before. Where they always that size? The seemed a bit darker and a bit larger than he remembered. They itched a little too. The teacher had said that he was going to grow breasts, and become a real woman. That thought scared him. He didn't want all this! He was so upset, that he caught himself crying again.

Don went to go get dressed. In his closet, he found that he had all girly clothes. Not just women's clothes, but ones where everything was very feminine. There were no pants, only skirts. There were no plain shirts, they were all frilly, colorful and sexy. So he had no choice but to put on an outfit that only a girly-girl would wear. He remembered Jo's advice though, so he took out black panties, and picked the black skirt, along with a bright orange top.

Then he looked at the shoes. They were as bad as the clothes. They all had at least some heel, they all were pink or red or had flowers on the toes. He picked the least offensive pair to his eyes, the yellow ones. He might have had a pussy, but at this point in his development, he didn't have fashion sense yet!


A knock on the door interrupted Don's concentration on the shoes. It was Jo.

"Good morning Jilly-girl. I'm glad you remembered to wear something dark. Did you use dark panties too?"

"Yes" hissed Don under his breath.

"How about a pantyliner or a maxipad?" she said.

"This is so stupid!" snapped Don. He hadn't put one in, but he was so mad now, he wasn't about to go off and do *that*. Why did she keep nagging him?

Jo just smiled.

"Jill, that's your PMS talking. Don't worry honey, you'll start flowing today, then you'll feel much better."

"I'm not going to start flowing, okay? I'm not a woman!" said Don.

"You will be" said Jo. "Soon, you will be."


He followed her down the hall to breakfast. She reminded him not to put salt on his eggs, but he ignored her. It was only as he was sitting back in the classroom that he regretted doing that. Between the water he absorbed from the shower, and from breakfast, and his impending menstruation, now he *did* feel bloated. She had tried to warn him, and he had ignored her, just to spite her.

The teacher was blabbering on about breast development.

"From today on, you are all required to wear a bra. You will find that you have them in your dressers in your rooms. You don't need one yet, but because of the accelerators and hormones we used when we girled you, you will find that you will develop at what will seem an alarming rate for you. Within a week, each of you will be at least an A-cup. By the end of the month, some of you will be C-cup size, or bigger. But each woman develops at a different rate. Don't worry or feel jealous of the other girls here are bigger than you."

"Fat chance" mumbled Don.


When lunch time came, Don stood up, and immediately sensed *it*. A wetness in his panties. He had never felt the flow starting, but it had. He was having his first period.

"I need to go to my room" he told Jo. She escorted him down the hall.

"You look like you're walking funny" she said.

"I....I started" he admitted.

"That's wonderful sweetie!" said Jo. "Jill-girl is a woman now! She had her first period!"

Don just scowled.

"What's the matter? Did you forget to put in a pad?"

"Yes" he admitted.

"That's all right. Go in your room and change panties. And then, what else are you going to do?"

"Put in a pad" he sighed.

"Yes, but other than that?"

Don shrugged.

"Your period calendar?" said Jo.

"Oh yeah. I'll enter down the date."

"Atta girl" said Jo. "You should be very proud. Today is a tremendous day in your development. Your first period. Today marks your transition to womanhood. Congratulations."

She gave Don a hug. A beautiful woman giving him a hug should have turned him on. He could feel her breasts pressing into him as she put her arms around him. He could smell her perfume. He could feel her soft body pressing into his. But he felt nothing. No attraction, no arousal.

It couldn't happen this fast could it? He couldn't possibly only have platonic feelings for women already, could he? Jo was a hot babe! How could he be neutral towards her already? The female hormones in his system couldn't be *that* powerful, could they?

* * *


Later that day, Don had to take a pee. He went to his room, and sat down on the toilet. It pained him to have to sit to go. It seemed so wrong! As he sat, he looked at the pad in the crotch of his panties, down at his ankles. There were several dark spots on the pad, from the discharge flowing out of his vagina. It looked so gross! He took the pad off, and flushed it down the toilet. Then he put in a fresh one.

After he went, and he wiped himself, more of the disgusting discharge was on the toilet paper. It smelled so bad to him! He wiped out extra, and flushed the toilet. But when he stood up, he was horrified to find that the water level kept rising, and the bowl wouldn't empty.

He ran out the door feeling a sudden panic. Luckily, Jo was down the hall.

"Jo, call maintenance! My toilet is backing up!" he said, as he ran down the hall as fast as he could. It would be some time before he was comfortable walking (let alone running) in heels.

"Jill, did you by any chance flush your pad down the toilet?" she said calmly.

"Well, yes" said Don.

"That's the problem dear. The box tells you not to flush them. And we told you in class. You didn't pay attention to that, did you? So now you're learning the same lesson that many young girls do: you don't flush your pads down the toilet! Even if you move to tampons, and they seem so much smaller, you *still* don't flush them. So now you're going to have to fix it yourself. I'll get you a plunger, and you need to work on it until it is clear again."

"But why do I have to do it?" said Don, who was disgusted at the whole concept.

"So that you don't ever forget again. Now come on sweetie. Here's the plunger. Go fix it. And don't forget next time!"


As Don stood there with the plunger, he promised himself never to do anything so stupid again.

* * *


A few days passed, and Don was very relieved when all signs of his period were gone. It was still an unthinkable horror to wake up each day with a pussy between his legs, and knowing that he would be spending all day dressed up in women's clothing, being taught how to be a girl.

In class, he looked around the room. Some of the others seemed to have accepted their fates already. They looked more comfortable as women, and they did things to themselves to look more feminine. One of them had his bra stuffed, so it looked like he had breasts. Don dreaded the fact that his were supposedly going to fill out his bra very soon. That would be horrible and disgusting to have boobs on his chest!

He noticed that some of the other guys in the class had shaved their legs. He looked down past his pink skirt, at his legs which were covered with hair. Then he looked at the guy in front of him, with the smooth legs. Hairless legs did look a *lot* better with a skirt than his hairy ones. But he didn't want to shave! That would be giving in, trying to make himself look more feminine. He wasn't going to give in! He was going to hang on to his true self!

But with each passing day, more and more of the guys were shaving their legs. Now it was just down to Don and one other guy. He was starting to get funny looks, and have people laugh at him behind his back, making fun of his legs. He was starting to feel the weight of peer pressure. And each morning when he took a shower, he was starting to get more and more tempted to shave his legs. But still, he resisted.


One morning when Don was showering, he was washing his chest. He kept washing his nipples, which felt really itchy for some reason. He looked down to see if he had a rash or something. Don had been trying not to look at his chest, for fear of what he might see. But when he looked down this time, evidence of change was quite plain to see. His nipples were much larger than they had been, and the rings of color around them, the areolas, were wider and darker than before. But that wasn't the worst: the area behind them was raised just a bit. His breasts had budded.

No! He didn't want boobs! He started to cry, as he looked down and saw how he was changing. It had started. Soon, he would have large breasts on his chest, and he'd never be able to hide the fact that he was female. If he could get out now, he'd still be able to dress like a man, and nobody would notice. But with big tits, it was all over. Everyone would know he was a girl. He felt trapped now, inside a body that was changing into a female one.

"I am female" he thought for the first time.

He had never accepted it. Not even with having a pussy. Not even after having a period. He was still a man! He was still male. But now, for the very first time in his new life, he realized that he was holding on to something that didn't exist anymore. He was not a man. He was not male. He was *female* now. He was a girl. He was a woman.

Don picked up the pink shaver, and started on his legs.

* * *


The next day as Don sat in the classroom, he looked down at his legs which were now smooth. And he noticed something: on the outside of his left knee, just past where his skirt ended, he had missed a little spot! It looked like a little mohawk of hair, and he was embarrassed. Everyone would see it, and stare at it. How had he failed to notice it before? All the others in the class seemed to have perfect legs except him. He was falling behind them. It made him feel left out.

He was no longer a man, really. So how could he ever have a buddy-buddy relationship with a man? He had a pussy now, and any guy he met would want to get into his pants. Especially once his boobs got bigger and he got pretty. But he wasn't a woman yet either. The *real* women at Girl U, the teachers and councilors, they scared him. He was heading towards their direction in terms of how he looked, how he thought, and how he felt. But he was not yet a woman either. So he couldn't truly relate to them.

That left the others in his situation, the 'new girls'. They were his only peers, the only ones that could truly understand what it was he was going through. At first, he had been as repelled by them, as they had been by him. But now, they all found themselves drawn to one another. They were all lonely, and they all needed someone to talk to. And that was each other.

And day by day, they found themselves spending more of the free time together, and forming closer and closer relationships. They all needed someone to talk to, someone to commiserate with. And yes, someone to share their feelings with. Don was starting to *feel* things inside he never had before. His emotions were developing, as he started more and more to become a woman.

"It feels so weird to have these boobs growing on my chest!" said Patty.

"Tell me about it" said Don, although everyone called him 'Jill'. They were not allowed to use their old male names here.

"I still reach down between my legs at night, and it feels weird" said Cindi. "I expect myself to be hard in the morning, but instead of a woodie, I have a pussy."

"Have you tried masturbating yet?" asked Anne.

"Are you kidding? No way!"

"I kind of discovered my clit down there, by accident one night" said Don. "It felt good to touch it, but when I got wet, I got scared, and stopped touching myself."

"I'm afraid that if I do that, I'll start thinking of guys" admitted Patty, saying something the others had been scared to admit. And there was the problem. They all still thought of themselves as guys, even though they all had female genitals now, and all had their first periods.

"Do you think we'll ever really think of ourselves as women?" asked Don.

"The teachers say we will. I don't know how I'll handle that" said Anne.

"Me neither. I'll never accept this" said Cindi.

"Its scary to think that female hormones are working on our brains all the time" said Patty. "The teachers say they'll change how we think, and how we feel inside. I'm scared!"

Patty started to cry. Anne came over, and gave Patty a hug, as a calming gesture.

"See! You just did something a woman would do!" said Cindi. "Men don't hug each other!"

"We're not men anymore" said Don.

"But we're not women yet" said Cindi.

"Yet" said Patty, putting a chilling end to the conversation.

* * *


After five weeks at Girl U, Don had his second period. This one was preceded by more typical PMS symptoms. He felt grumpy, he felt bloated. He wrote it down on his period calendar, and sure enough, the next day he was spotting. He was prepared though, and had been wearing a pantyliner. This period came on a lot heavier, and he was glad that he had put a tampon in. He changed it twice that day, and made sure not to flush it down the toilet this time!

Looking in the mirror, he was shocked at how big his boobs looked. They grew gradually, seemingly every day. He already filled out a A-cup bra, and knew that soon he would need to move to a B cup. He went to the clothes store, where they could each get new dresses, bras, panties, and other things they needed. Each of them had to work now, whether in the kitchen, the laundry, or sweeping the halls. In return, they were given credits for the store. Don decided to save some money by buying 3 bras at once. There was a "buy 2, get 3" sale. He got two in the B cup he needed, and also bought one in a C cup, so he would be ready for that.

When he got back to his room, he first tried on the C cup bra, just to see how it felt. His little boobs didn't fill it out at all. Out of curiosity, he took some of his socks, and stuffed the bra full. Just to see how it felt to have full C cup boobs. He looked at himself in the mirror. It looked a lot nicer that way. He put on a tight yellow shirt, to see how he looked with full breasts under a shirt. Wow. What a difference!

"What, did you get a boob job?" said Jo.

"Um, I was just seeing what it felt like" he said.

"Don't be ashamed Jilly-girl. Most your girls wear their mother's bras, and stuff them to see what they'll look like when they grow up. And you too will look like that soon enough, when your boobs fully develop. It is a wonderful sign that you *want* to be a woman now. I've seen the difference in your eyes. I can tell. You're not fighting it anymore, are you? You're just letting it happen. Letting yourself become a woman. It is a lot easier on you when you just accept that you are female now. I think you're making marvelous progress."


Don wasn't accepting womanhood, was he? He turned his thoughts inward. This had been so chaotic, changing so fast, that he hadn't really taken the time to make sure that he was all still there. Life was a blur now, and even in his sleep he was dreaming about dresses, makeup, and all the day to day things they learned about. He was being immersed in the feminine culture, and it was all he could do to stay afloat.

Did he want to be a woman now, as Jo said? Was he actually accepting it? Were the female hormones having that much effect on him, that he was starting to think of himself as a woman? It couldn't be. That would mean his entire world was crumbling. He had to hold on, for dear life.

"I have a test for you" said Jo.

"Okay" said Don. He was used to getting tested here, quite often.

Jo shut the door, and told him to sit down.

"How do you feel Jill?" she said.

"I feel just fine" he replied.

"Very good. Now I am going to show you something, and I want you to tell me your reaction. Ready?"

"Sure" said Don.

Jo reached into her large purse she was carrying, and pulled out something, which she handed to Don. It was a very lifelike dildo. It looked just like a very large man's member, full and erect. Don stared at it in his hand. His heart beat faster.

"What do you feel between your legs?" said Jo.

"Oh god. I'm getting wet" he said.

"Yes. You've got the raging hormones of a young woman, who is just dying to have sex. Now a month ago, you would not have even taken that from my hand. But now, it elicited a female sexual response from you. You can feel a *need* inside, a need to have one of these penetrate you. Don't you?"

"Yes" admitted Don meekly.

"Now I have a very important task for you, which you must do right away. I will leave you alone. You must use this, to give yourself pleasure. The button right here turns on vibrate mode, which I know you will really enjoy. I'll be back in an hour to speak to you."

"What if I don't want to do this?" said Don.

"You don't have a choice Jill. You *will* do this task, and you will do it now."

Jo got up and left. She shut the door behind her, after first twisting the lock so that nobody from the outside could get in. Don was alone in his room, with the dildo. And now, he had to use it for its intended purpose. He took off his skirt and panties, and laid on the bed.

"How can I do this?" he said to himself, but he could feel his juices stirring inside. His male persona in his brain said no, but his body said 'yes'! And Jo said he must do this. So against his better judgment, he started to work it into the slit between his legs.

It felt shocking cold for a moment, but soon it was working in. The feeling of a plastic type substance wasn't as satisfying as flesh would have been, but the device was just the perfect shape and size. He worked it in deeper and deeper, causing explosions in his mind as the pleasure built and built.

He pressed the button to turn the vibrations on, and his head exploded with the first of many orgasms he would have that day. Female orgasms. Totally mind-blowing, conscious altering, and completely addicting. Soon he was moaning with pleasure, and moving with abandon as he worked it in and out. In and out. In and out.

* * *


"So, how was it?" said Jo.

"I can't describe it in words, but I want to do that every day" said Jill.

"You can dear. You're a woman. You'll even find that with a real man, it can be better, because your mind and your spirit can be satisfied, as well as you body."

"I can't wait" said Jill, excitedly.

In her soul, Don was gone now. The impact of the female orgasms and their shock waves had caused permanent alteration of her brain. The maleness that had remained in place was like a house of cards, after all the work from the hormones. The orgasms had the effect of knocking down the first card, which caused all the others to tumble down too. Now, Don and his male personal were just a shadow of a memory. *She* was Jill now, female in every way.

"You need to stay here another three months" said Jo. "There is *so* much to learn about being a woman. We can't just turn you loose on the world yet. But when we do, you will really be something."

Jill was proud. Proud to be a woman.

"I just have one question" she said. "Why? Why did you do all this? Why did you improve me like this, by turning me into a girl? I can't believe I just said that! I mean, I can't believe I was ever a guy! That seems like a dream, or an old movie. But anyway, why do all this? Why go through all the trouble?"

"Because," said Jo, "not only are you being trained on how to be a girl, you're also being trained on how to dominate males. How to make them yours, and how to get them to do whatever you want. Only a person who used to be male can have that ability. You are one of the chosen ones. Some day, you and your sisters will lead the world."

Jill gasped. She would be a leader in the world?

"One by one, we are producing the leaders of the future here. The women that will run the world, and make it a better place. No war. No poverty. No sickness. None of the ills brought on by men. Women will be in all positions of power one day, and men will just be there for our pleasure, to do the heavy lifting for us, and to do the yucky jobs like cleaning out the trash. We will assume our rightful place in the world. Women will be in control of everything. And you will help us get there."

It was quite a burden to place onto her shoulders. Jill would be one of the pioneer women who would help turn around the state of the world. She would make it a better place, and open the doors for full female control of every single center of power. She had a monumental job ahead of her, and she realized just how much work she would need to do.

"I'm ready" she said. "I want to learn."

"Wonderful" said Jo, giving her a hug. "Today, you really are a woman. Congratulations."

"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, in my life" said Jill, who started to cry. "Thank you."

"No Jill" replied Jo, "thank *you*."




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