Crystal's StorySite


Getting Lucky

by Jennifer White


Don was never lucky in love. He had dated girls since back when he was in school, but he had never found the right one. He was still single, still living all by himself in his nice uptown apartment. And he was still able to engage in his favorite fantasy: he loved to dress up in his collection of women's clothing.

He had been doing it since he was a child, wearing anything he could get his hands on, from his sister or even from his mother. If the family was visiting relatives, he might sneak something out of their laundry, and bring it home to add it to his growing collection. He had bras, panties, nylons... the works. And he was very careful, so he was never caught.

When he was old enough to move out and get his own place, he was overjoyed. Now he could go around dressed up as much as he wanted, without fear of being caught (although he did replace the shades with blinds, so nobody could catch him, based on seeing him through the shades!). He might go around with just a bra and panties on under his clothes, or he might dress up all the way, even using his wig, makeup, and high heel shoes.

But even though he loved to dress up (and then to make himself come, after he felt all pretty), he still wanted to be with a woman. Something inside him drew him to women. He wanted a girlfriend, even if he wanted to be her in a way too. He thought that once he met the right girl and fell in love, he'd forget about dressing up, forever.

As much as he tried to think and feel like a woman when he was dressed up, and as much of an understanding of women that he gained by that (and by constantly reading women's magazines and watching shows for women on TV), he still struck out whenever he tried to strike up a relationship. He wasn't manly enough to be forward with a woman, and they mostly perceived him as being shy and somewhat wimpy. Not what most women are looking for.

So he was alone still. Finally tired of failure, he decided that it was time to try something new. He placed an advert in a magazine for singles, to see what kind of women might be interested in a nice guy, who was kind, generous, thoughtful, but a little bit shy.

His ad worked, and in no time, he had a dozen women who left a message in his mailbox. Overjoyed, he called the first one, and set up a date for them to meet. But his hopes were dashed when she got cold feet, and never showed up. Things went better with the second one. They actually met, but from the first glance, he knew she wasn't right for him. She had lied about her looks, and she was much bigger than he liked. It never occurred to him how shallow that was.

He worked his way through the list, until finally, he found one girl that he really liked. She was pretty, but not gorgeous. She was average, not too big, not too small. Her hair was blonde, but kind of mousy. She was outgoing and nice, but not perky. Not so good that she would be snapped up by all the other men out there, but not someone who had a huge flaw (at least to his mind). Her name was Kathy.

Don and Kathy started dating, and things got better and better. At first, they just hung out and talked. Then they want to see a show together. Now, they were visiting each other, hanging out at one of their apartments, having diner together, and slowly starting to become closer together.

Done sent into her bathroom one day, and while he was in there alone, he looked through the drawers. He was excited to see her collection of tampons and pads, and he actually took one, stuffed it deep down into his pocket. He'd put the pad into one of his pairs of panties when he got home that evening.

But as he sat there, listening to Kathy talk, Don suddenly had an epiphany. Kathy was talking, and he was looking at her smooth legs, and her bright multicolor skirt. He realized that he had to wear that skirt one day. If only she would leave him alone long enough, he could try it on himself. If they kept on dating, one day soon, he'd be wearing her clothes when she wasn't around. That excited him quite a bit.

But it also made him realize something: he was being completely unfair to Kathy. He realized that as much as he liked her, it was more the idea of being with a woman that excited him, then it was her. He didn't love her; he wanted to wear her clothes more than he wanted her.

If he kept on dating her, and they got closer, then what would it do to her when she discovered that he was into her things more than he was into her? What if she caught him at home, or discovered his collection of women's clothes? No matter what he did, it would end with pain and embarrassment for one or both of them.

And so Don cooled things off with her, did a few things on purpose to make her mad, and soon they broke up for good.

* * *

Don felt sad; he had just broken up with a woman, before they had grown too close together. It wasn't the typical male fear of commitment. Instead, it was the fear of her knowing his inner secret. He hated himself for breaking it off and hurting her, but it was for her own good. She would hurt more if they hadn't stopped then.

But now what could he do? He couldn't date another girl like that; it would end up in the same place. Don loved women, and he didn't want to be in a relationship, just to hurt someone. But he didn't want to be alone either. He had several drinks and went to bed feeling very sad that night.

But the next day, Don had a brilliant idea. He went to the web site for the singles magazine again, and he placed another advert. But this one was quite different:

Man seeking a woman who will turn him into a woman too - Average male, 28, seeks attractive soulmate who is interested in a boyfriend who could sometimes be her girlfriend. I want you to turn me into a woman just like you. I'll be your dress-up doll, your maid, your girlfriend, or your little sister. I'll be whatever kind of girl that you want me to be. Take me. I'm yours.

Now Don sat back, and waited for a call. He didn't expect for there to be a flood of calls; the kind of woman he was looking for now must be very rare. So he wasn't too disappointed when he didn't hear anything back for the first week. But after then 10th day of the advert running, he at last had a message!

It was a woman named Julie, who sounded very excited to see him. She said he was just what she had been looking for in a man, and would he be willing to meet her! Don of course rang her up, and talked to her for an hour to get to know her a bit, and to set up a date. She told him to meet at a coffeehouse, which would be crowded all evening. That way, if either one felt uncomfortable, they'd be in a crowd, instead of being alone somewhere.

Don thought that was a great idea. Non-threatening. He decided that if this one didn't work out, he'd suggest something similar the next time he met a girl online or through the singles magazine.

"One thing more" said Julie. "I expect that you shave you body hair, right?"

"Sure" said Don.

"Good. I can't stand a hairy man" she replied. "See you at 7:00 sharp tomorrow, babe."

"Bye" said Don, hanging up the phone.

He was tingling all over. He was completely aroused. He had to go and relieve his urges, before he went and took a long hot shower, where he would completely remove all of his body hair.

* * *

Don was really nervous when he arrived at the coffee house. As per Julie's instructions, he had bought a pink shirt, so he'd stand out in the crowd. He wasn't afraid to wear a pink shirt in public (at least not afraid to wear a men's shirt of that color in public!).

He wondered what she would be like. Several of the "normal" girls he had met had lied about their appearances, or failed to mention significant things about themselves. Would Julie be like them? What if she was someone really heavy, like that first girl had been? What if she was ugly? He plotted a quick escape, should he need it.

But Julie had something on him; a knowledge that up until now, nobody in the world possessed. She knew that he liked to be a girl. If he tried to walk out on her, would she use this to somehow get even with him? He suddenly realized that she could put him into quite a jam! He almost got up and left.

But then, across the room, he saw something that put him at ease. A girl walked in, and looked around. Julie had promised him that she'd arrive wearing a black leather miniskirt, a pink cami top, and had told him that she had just died her hair platinum blonde, with sultry lowlights. The girl at the door had to be her.

She wore boots with six inch heels, and Don's heart started to race as she caught sight of a pink shirt, and started to strut towards him.

"Donnie?" she said.

"Julie?" he replied

"Nice to meet you. Have a seat" she said, her face smiling.

Julie wasn't all that bad, Don decided. She was quite big for a girl, looking taller than anyone he had ever dated before. She was a little stocky, with big shoulders, and good muscles for a girl. Obviously an athlete. Her boobs were big and full, and that made her look almost top-heavy. But she wasn't plump by any means. She had a long full head of hair, and her face was quite pretty, even though she wore minimal makeup.

Don was relieved; she had been very honest with him about her looks. But he was a nervous wreck. Was this for real? Or was she trying to play him somehow?

"So" said Julie. "You want to be my girl."

No woman had ever talked to him like that! His heart pounded. It was his dream come true. A moment he had imagined for so long! And now it was real.

"Yes" he said. "Very much so."

"I see" she replied, as she took her seat, and crossed her legs. She let Don get just a peak at what she had on underneath: a pair of lacy white panties which were so sheer, that they were almost see-through.

"Did you shave yourself for me?" asked Julie, getting right down to business.

"Yes" said Don. "Do you want me to show you?"

"No" she said, as she twirled her long hair in her finger. "At this point, we have to trust each other. As long as you don't do anything to break my trust, I'm going to give you the same respect. But if you cross me, well, I don't expect that you're going to cross me, are you?"

"No, never!" said Don.

After the waitress came over and took their orders, Julie leaned over, closer to Don now, so she could speak, and only he could hear it.

"If you are going to become my girl, I want you to know that I'm going to expect for you to be very obedient to me. I don't want to have to tell you things twice. If I give you an order, I'm going to expect that you carry it out. Do you understand, honey?"

"Yes" said Don, his voice cracking as he talked.

"And you're not going to have a problem with me being the dominant one in the relationship? I mean, you're going to be the woman here, and so I'm going to be the man. You can live with that?"

"That's why I placed the advert" said Don.

"And you're not going to get squeamish with me, resisting as I start to feminize you? You're not going to push back when I do something to turn you into a girl?"

"Absolutely not!" said Don.

"We'll see" said Julie, backing off, as the girl returned with their drinks. She paid the waitress, then took a deep sip of her steaming hot coffee. Julie and Don made small talk, as they drank their coffees, getting to know each other a little. They seemed like any other couple in the coffee house, a man and a woman chatting and drinking their beverages. Little would anyone suspect what kind of couple they really were.

When they were done, Julie unzipped her purse, pulled out a small round mirror, and a tube of lipstick. She fixed her lips, since some of it had rubbed off onto the white coffee mug.

"Do you like this shade of lipstick?" she asked Don.

"Nice" he said.

"Its so pink that you'd hardly notice it, would you?" asked Julie.

"Yes" he agreed.

"Good. I'm glad you like it honey. Because you're going to put some of it on for me now."

Don's eyes got wide, as panic set in. He wanted to be a girl, but not in public!

"Don't worry babe, nobody is going to notice. And I guess you lied to me, when you said you wouldn't get squeamish on me. I give you one command, and you already are resisting. I guess you really don't want to be a woman after all, do you?"

"No!" said Don defensively. "I just wasn't ready to think of doing it in public. I'll do whatever you want if we go to your house or to mine, but I don't want all these people looking at me, and seeing lipstick on me! They'll know!"

"No they won't" said Julie. "Look around. Nobody is staring. It isn't very well lit in here. Nobody will notice you putting it on. And as I said, it is such a light pink color, it won't stand out at all. Now are you going to put it on for me, or should I get out the bright red for you? Then everyone will notice."

"Okay" said Don, backing down. He took the mirror and the lipstick from her, and put some on his lips. Julie smiled, when his expert hand showed that this wasn't his first time putting it on.

"I'm glad you're so plaint, and so willing to let me turn you into a girl" said Julie. "You're very easy to back down already, but once you become my girl, you'll become more and more obedient to me. Soon, you'll be doing what I tell you, without thinking. The more you become a girl, the more you become mine."

Don's head was spinning. This was all coming so fast! He was very happy and excited, yet scared. Take the way you feel at the outset of a new relationship, multiply it by the fact that he was starting to live out his lifelong dream, and add on the fear of being discovered! It was a heady mix.

"Come on, girlfriend" said Julie. "I've got some shopping to do, and you're going to tag along with me."

Don followed her out, and admired how good the little skirt look on her, as they walked down the street. A few blocks later, Julie ducked into a store, and went to the back, where the women's intimate apparel was kept. She looked through the racks of bras, until she found one she liked.

"38D" she said. "Just my size."

Then she went over to the wall, where rows and rows of panties were hanging. She looked until she found a pair that was a great match for the bra. She handed both items to Don, who blushed. He became more embarrassed, when Julie waved a saleswoman over for help.

"I like this set" she said, pointing to the items in Don's trembling hands. "But I needed to get one just like this for my older sister. She's a bit taller than I am, and she has bigger boobs. Do you have anything larger in the back?"

"Let me see what I can do" said the woman, taking the bra and panties from Don, and heading to the back.

Julie casually browsed other items, while they waited. The woman returned a few minutes later, with a second identical set.

"You're in luck" she said. "We did have some larger sizes in the back. Is there anything else I can help you with dear?"

Don blushed, as the woman looked at him and smiled. He looked down and away from her, as if afraid.

"All set for now. Thanks though" said Julie, as she led Don off to another section of the store. There she picked out a short black skirt, in a size that was clearly too large for her frame. As she handed it to Don, he realized: she wasn't shopping for a sister; she was shopping for him. She was buying a new outfit of clothes that he was going to soon be wearing!

He followed her around as she picked out a pair of heels in a large size, then a makeup set, followed by a trip back to the intimate apparel to purchase a pair of pantyhose. By now, Don needed a cart to haul it all around. They headed back to the cash register, but Julie made one more stop, to buy a little pink purse with a long thin strap.

"Do you think this is cute?" she asked.

"Yes" said Don.

"Good. Because you'll be carrying it soon."

What a mix of emotions Don felt! He was excited and aroused, but oh so scared. Nobody had said anything about his lipstick yet, but what if they had noticed! Then they would know that those clothes were really for him! He felt very uncomfortable as the clerk rang up all the clothes, and bagged them up. Julie paid by credit card; a gold card. That meant she had money.

She handed the bag to Don.

"Come on honeypie" she said. "You're coming with me to my place."

Not a question, not an offer, but an order. Don of course didn't argue; he was about to get what he had dreamed of all his life. A woman was about to dress him up, and treat him like a girl.

"Please tell me Julie, what do you get out of this?" asked Don, as they walked to her place.

"You'll find out soon enough" she replied. "All you need to know is that the prospect of taking away your manhood and turning you into a woman is something that really excites me. When I get done with you, you're going to forget that you ever were a man. Even you will believe that you were born female."

Don looked at her, his eyes wide open in wonder.

"I'm not just going to dress you up. I'm going to change you. I'm going to alter your thoughts, your feelings and even your very soul. I'm going to help cleanse you inside. I'll take your inner woman and strengthen her. I'll make sure that she takes over from the little tiny bit of maleness that you have left. You are going to be a woman, when I'm done with you."

Don was so excited! She was really good at this. She had him almost believing she could do all that. And just her words had him all excited. If only he could become a girl. But that would never happen. This was reality, and he was stuck as a man. Yet it was a thrill to hear her say these things.

When they arrived at her apartment, she double locked the door, and closed the curtains. Don admired her beautiful decor, and how clean she had kept her apartment. It was much nicer than his, in every way. It smelled nice from all of the fresh cut flowers that were in various vases on end tables and the kitchen counter. Julie went around and lit several candles, then dimmed the lights.

"Before we begin" she said, "you'll need to take off those male clothes of yours. There are no men allowed in my bedroom. It is for girls only. If you go in there with me, you're admitting that you're not a man, and that you've never been one. If you enter my domain, you're doing it as a female."

"I understand" said Don.

Julie just smiled, which he didn't know whether to take as a good or a bad sign. She came over, and helped him removed every last stitch of his clothes. She approvingly touched his smooth chest with one hand, and his legs with another.

"Mmmm" she purred. "Nice and smooth. We'll work soon on making your skin softer."

She led him by the hand to the bedroom, and sat him down on the bed. Don was really surprised when she opened the drawer of her night stand, and pulled out a condom.

"Put this on" she said.

"Um, isn't this rushing things?" he asked. "Shouldn't we...."

"No" she said, abruptly cutting him off. "Look. You are going to get dressed up now. But that is going to arouse you, right?"

Don nodded.

"And so, you'll very strange dressed up pretty, but poking out like a man who is excited. Won't that look bad?"

"Yes" admitted Don.

"And so, if we can get you off now, you'll be nice and soft, so you don't have such an embarrassing bulge. You want to be soft, so you don't show, don't you?"

"I guess" said Don.

"And so, lets take care of you now. Later, you can take care of me."

Don just sat there, as she put the condom onto him. He was really surprised as she started to suck on his nipple, then started to use her hand to get him hard. She was very rough, going harder and harder. He was afraid that she might hurt him, but she kept at it, going even harder now, so that it almost hurt. Don let out a yelp of pain.

"That's a little too hard" he whispered, as she continued to grip him tighter and harder.

"You'll take longer to recover if I do it like this. Shut up, and imagine yourself becoming a woman" said Julie, who then returned her attention to Don's nipple. With all the stimulation, as well as the thoughts in his head, he couldn't help it; he exploded in orgasmic delight. But Julie kept working him, even though it hurt now. He tried to ask her to stop, but she didn't for quite some time.

When she was done, he was spent, and very sore down there. It wasn't a pain, but an ache. He would be soft for quite some time to come now. Which was exactly what Julie wanted.

"Now that you're nice and soft, I can put you into this" she said.

Julie slid open a drawer from her dresser, and pulled out something. It was flesh colored, with a small rectangle of dark curly hair. As Don eyed it, he realized that it looked like a rubber mold of a woman's private parts, mounted onto a pair of latex shorts.

"If you weren't so soft, we'd never get this on you" said Julie, as she handed it to him. "There is a little tube here, which you'll need to tuck yourself into as you pull them on. There is some padding on the hips too. I think you'll really like what you see once you get this on."

Don's hands were trembling, as he started to pull it on. He never even imagined that such a wonderful invention existed! Once he had it on, with his soft little penis tucked away, it made it look so much like he had a pussy between his legs.

"I want you to get used to how it feels" said Julie. "When you really become a woman, you'll look like this all the time."

She made a "snip snip" sign like scissors with her fingers. Don felt a rush of blood to his head. He had never even really contemplated making a change like that. He liked to dress up and pretend he was female, but it had never crossed his mind to actually get his penis cut off! It was quite intimidating to say the least. Even though he wanted for her to turn him into a woman, he was now scared. Was she really thinking of taking things that far?

As Don stared at his image in the mirror, seeing himself for the first time, looking like he had a pussy between his legs, Julie walked up to him with a tube of cream. She put some on her hand, and started to rub it onto his chest, using a circular motion around his little nipples.

"Do this until it all absorbs in" she said.

"What is this stuff?" asked Don, as he rubbed it, as it quickly absorbed.

"Breast cream" said Julie dryly, as if she was talking about the weather, or something trivial. "It will make your boobs start to grow. You've got a lot of work ahead of you. Your boobs are so small. I want them to be nice, big and full, so you can really fill out your bra. Soon, you'll be stacked. When I'm done with you, your boobs will be bigger than mine."

Again, Don felt this strange twitch between his legs. On the one hand, it was a dream come true for a woman to be telling him that he would have breasts of his own. But to really have them would be scary! Everyone would notice them on his chest! It was fine to imagine having boobs when he was having a fantasy. But to have them on his chest all day, every day, in real life? He suddenly felt like he didn't want them.

If he walked into work with big boobs, everyone would stare at him. They'd all know he liked being a woman. Or that he was on his way to becoming one. His face just had a blank expression as Julie took out a beautiful pair of breast forms, and glued them to his chest.

"Until your real boobs start to grow, we'll use these" she said. "Are they big enough for you?"

"They're bigger than I've ever used" replied Don.

Now in the mirror, it looked like he had a pussy and boobs. It looked like he was being turned into a woman. He felt such a mixture of excitement and sheer terror! It was somehow his dream come true, and a horror, all at the same time. When Julie paused to take some pictures of him, he felt a thrill, but also a deeper fear. Now she really had something on him that could embarrass and humiliate him.

"I can see from the fear in your eyes, that you understand just how much you have become mine" said Julie. "With these pictures, I could ruin your reputation, get you fired, and worse. You know now that you belong to me, and that you cannot cross me in any way, or your life as you know it will be over."

"Yes" said Don.

"You now know that I am the dominant one in our relationship, and you are the weakling. I'll be the man, and you will be the woman. Tell me that you're my woman."

"I'm your woman" said Don.

"I'm glad you've accepted that" said Julie. "Just as a reminder of your position, and the fact that I'm the man, I'm going to put something on for you."

She reached into her drawer and pulled out a black leather harness. She pulled it on around her waist, and tied the straps down tight. Then she reached into the drawer and pulled out a very realistic looking dildo, which she attached to the harness. It was a strap-on! Now it looked like she had a big penis, and a hard-on to boot. She removed her skirt, so that Don would have a clear view of the strap-on.

"Tell me" she said, "Do you want this? Do you want me to do you?"

"No" said Don, his voice trembling. "I want to be with a woman, not a man."

"Even though you have a pussy now, you don't want to be f*#ked by a dick?" she asked.

"No!" he said.

"Oh, so you're a lesbian" she replied.

"Exactly" said Don, relieved that she understood.

"Well, I use this on all of my lesbian partners. So you'll get it too, in time. But lets get back to work on you dearie."

Don tingled all over. In a very short time, Julie had transformed him more than he could imagine. And he didn't even have a stitch of clothing on yet. But now that would all change. She handed him the pair of panties she had bought for him, and told him to put them on.

Over the years, Don had worn panties many times before, but never like this. Never with a fake pussy between his legs. Never with big fake boobs attached to his chest. And never at the behest of a woman. As he pulled them on, she talked.

"Yes" she said. "Look how flat they lay against you in the front, now that you're a girl. You've got panties on now, and look how pretty they make you look. Look how well they hide your pussy. You're a girl now, and you'll be wearing panties all the time from now on."

Despite having just come, and despite it being rough, making him sore, Don felt a twitch between his legs. His penis was trying to get hard. But stuck in the tight little tube inside of the fake pussy he now wore, there was no room for expansion. His maleness tried to get hard, but it couldn't. It was physically impossible.

"Now put this on" said Julie, handing him the matching bra she bought. Don took it from her, and with the expert hand of someone who had worn one many times, he hooked it up in back. But now, it had something to support! He had worn a bra many times, but either it was limp and empty, hanging sadly around his flat chest, or else it was stuffed with something far less realistic than the breast forms he now had on.

"Look how pretty you are. Look at those boobs of yours. Look how well your lingerie set matches. You are a girl now. You have become female. Look in the mirror. You won't see any man there, anymore. I don't see a man when I look at you. You've become a woman."

Don just stared. It looked like his head on the body of a woman. Not a gorgeous curvy supermodel or anything mind you, but a woman none the less. He was very eager and willing, as Julie how had him put on a pair of control top pantyhose, followed by a waist cincher which she tightened around him, helping to give him the appearance of having curves. It was tight and almost painful, but the way it constrained him felt good.

Now she had him put on the black skirt that they had bought when shopping that afternoon. With his new curves, it fit him like no skirt had fit before. Again, his penis tried to get hard, but it could not, which now felt somewhat frustrating. He wanted to get all aroused from this, but he couldn't.

Julie put a pink tank top on him now. It was very soft and silky, with a floral pattern stitched in across the front. Now he was dressed from head to toe as a woman, and looking much better at it than he ever had before in his life. The only frustration was that he wasn't able to get hard; he was so excited, and he wanted to get hard again, so she could bring him to climax.

Looking in the mirror, it was almost as if someone had cut off his head, and attached it to the body of a woman. Everything looked so realistic! He started in awe as she put the high heels shoes onto his feet, and strapped them up. The pointy toes and the thin heels were so exciting!

Don had never gone this far. He had never achieved this good of an illusion. But now, he felt kind of intimidated by it all. This was far more than dressing up. He felt like she really was turning him into a woman.

Julie was buzzing around him now, putting a necklace on him, clipping on earrings, attaching a wig of long auburn hair, and then a wide belt with a big buckle. She sat him down, and began to paint his nails a bright red color. As they dried, she took out the makeup she bought with him, and started to do up his face.

She put on a layer of foundation, then went to work on his eyes, making them look large and sultry. She applied rouge to bring out his cheekbones, and then went to work on his lips, making them look full and kissable. The results were stunning. Don couldn't believe it was himself he was seeing in the mirror now.

"There you go Nicole" said Julie. "All done."

"Nicole" whispered Don.

"Yes dearie. That is your female name. You're a girl now, so you need a girl's name. And I've decided that your name will be Nicole."

Don stared into the mirror. He had this strange feeling, like he was losing himself. He stood up and admired his new look, as Julie snapped picture after picture. Then she ran off for a moment, returning with a glass of water and a couple of little boxes. She handed the first box to Don.

"Open it, Nicole" she said.

Don opened the box, and gasped. It contained a diamond engagement ring!

"Nicole, as you agreed, you're becoming mine. Symbolically, you're devoting yourself to me. And so, I want you to wear my ring, so that one day, you can be my bride. Plus, that way all the boys will know that you're taken. I'd hate to lose you to some man. But your engagement ring will help keep all but the slimiest of them from hitting on you. Of course, if you'd rather go get yourself a guy, you don't have to wear my ring. But it would be a wonderful symbol of your devotion to me."

Don took the ring, and slipped it over his finger.

"I am yours" he said. He could never be with a man! And he wanted to show Julie just how much he appreciated all that she had done for him. So he put on her ring. Julie smiled, and handed him the second box.

"What are these?" asked Don, as he stared at the five little pink pills and the larger white pill in the box.

"Take them" said Julie, pointing to the glass of water. "Don't question me; just do it."

Don had promised to obey her. So he took the pills. He hoped they weren't drugs of some sort; he wasn't into that kind of thing! He gulped them down, and placed the empty glass back on the night stand.

"There" he said. "All gone."

"Good girl" said Julie, who came close, and gave him a big hug now.

"Can I ask you what those were?" said Don.

"The pink ones were birth control pills" said Julie. "They contain powerful female hormones, which will make your body thing its pregnant. When a woman gets pregnant, her boobs prepare to produce milk for her baby, and they often times get bigger than they were. Now your body will undergo those changes too."

Don swallowed hard. Female hormones, in him?

"And the white one was an estrogen pill" continued Julie. "Since you had a birth defect, and were born without ovaries, your body doesn't produce enough estrogen on its own. So from now on, you'll be taking pills to help you. Now your body can start to transform on the inside, just as I've started to change you on the outside. Soon, you will be a real woman. You cannot stop it now. Your inner transformation has begun."

Now Don was really intimidated, to say the least. He had never contemplated taking hormones to alter his body. The thought that female hormones were now in his bloodstream, being absorbed by his cells, was exciting and arousing, but again, he could not get hard, which made him feel even more frustrated.

"Soon you'll have real boobs of your own" said Julie. "You won't need those breast forms anymore. You'll be stacked. Everyone will see that you have boobs, and they will know that you are a woman. How does that make you feel, that everyone will soon know your secret."

"I don't like that at all" said Don. "I don't want everyone to know about me!"

"But Nicole, you're becoming a girl. That means you will be one 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And once you have completed your transformation, why would you want to hide it? Aren't you proud of being female? Isn't it much better than being a man?"

"Yes, but..." said Don.

"Good. Then it is settled. You agree. You are becoming a woman, you cannot stop it, and soon you will reveal yourself to the world, so they can all know that you have become female."

Now Julie opened up a pill bottle, and handed a capsule to Don.

"This is a testosterone blocker" she said. "It will stop the effects of those nasty male hormones you have inside you. It will purify your blood, and stop them from working. Almost immediately, your penis will stop working. It will go nice and limp, so you don't ever bulge out again. Once you get used to that, then you'll be ready for removal of your balls."

"Removal?" said Don.

"Well, of course. You're going to be a girl, right? Girls don't have those ugly sacks hanging there. How can you be a girl, if you don't have them removed? And how can you be prepared to have your d*ck replaced with a pussy, if you've still get them? They just get in the way. But soon they'll all be gone, and your womanhood can be revealed."

Don's face went white. Julie didn't just want to dress him up, she really wanted to turn him into a woman! She didn't want to make him look like a girl; she wanted to make him become one. She had said so all along, but only now did the truth dawn on him. Fear and panic filled his mind, as he wondered how he could leave there. But he was all dressed up like a girl. If he ran, everyone would see him like that! What could he do?

"Nicole, take your pill. Now" said Julie.

She stood there, menacingly, seeming so powerful. Don didn't know why he was accepting the pill from her. He didn't know why he put it in his mouth, and gulped it down. He felt like he couldn't disobey her, even though he certainly didn't want to do what she had just asked of him.

"There, wasn't that easy?" she purred. "Now the man within you is dying, and your inner woman can begin to truly emerge. The estrogen is altering your brain, even as we speak. In time, you'll think as a woman does. In every way, down to your very soul, you are becoming female. And there is nothing you can do about it."

Julie now pulled off her skirt and her panties. She sat on the edge of the bed, and spread her legs wide apart.

"Soon, this is what you will look like between your legs" she said. "Look closely Nicole. Soon, this will be you."

Don stared at her pussy, feeling almost afraid of it now.

"Now it is time for you to examine it closer" said Julie. "Get on your knees, and put your face down here, so you can lick me, and taste my pussy."

Don got on his knees. He moved his head closer. Julie grabbed him, and forced his face down into her.

"Lick me, woman" she said.

Don put out his tongue, and obeyed her. Julie softly moaned as he licked her clit, making her get all wet. Now she invited Don to get on the bed, and lie down. He did as he was told, and she rewarded him by sitting on his face, so he could continue to lick her pussy.

"I know you want me" she said. "I know you want to make love. But you're a woman now. And this is how women please each other in bed. Lick my pussy like a good girl, and I'll do the same for you."

Julie now reached under her pillow, and pulled out a pair of realistic looking dildos. She made Don do things to her that he never dreamed of, while she stimulated him in new ways that blew his mind. She never let him penetrate her, and the fake pussy he wore kept him from getting hard. But when she was done with him, he collapsed, exhausted, feeling even more drained that he would have if they had made love as a man and a woman. He fell asleep in her arms. He was hers now, completely.

* * *

Nicole took a deep breath, and blew out the candles on the cake: both of them.

"I can't believe it has been two years" she said.

"Happy second P-day" replied Julie warmly.

Both girls couldn't wait to have a little bite of the cake (but not too much! They had to watch their figures).

"Thank you so much" said Nicole, as she licked the icing.

"Don't mention it" said Julie. "I'm always glad to help throw a party for a friend."

"Not just that. I wouldn't even have a pussy if it wasn't for you. And then I wouldn't have a P-day to celebrate either. If it wasn't for you, I would have just dressed up from time to time. But now I'm a chick! You helped me truly become female, and for that I thank you, from the bottom of my heart."

The two women hugged each other.

"So tell me" said Julie. "Does he know?"

"Not at all" replied Nicole.

"See? I told you that you'd become so feminine that nobody could ever tell. Not even your lovers."

"I do love him" said Nicole, "But in a way, I wish that we could still be together."

"I know, its hard" said Julie. "But as I told you before, I get my thrills on helping men cross over to the other side. Now that you are a woman, there is nothing more I can do to help you, so it was time for me to move on. You've found yourself a man now. And I've got a man too, who I'm helping. It wouldn't be fair to him if I gave you my attention too. And it wouldn't be fair to your man, if we were seeing each other."

"I know" said Nicole. "But it was so special with you! I don't know if I'll ever feel that way again."

"Some day you'll find the right guy for you" replied Julie. "It just takes time. Tell me; have you let him have his way with you yet?"

"Oh no, it's too early. I'm still making him buy me things and take me out."

"Good. Remember, the way men think, as soon as you give in, they'll change. And if you marry them, they will change even more. This is the best time when dating a guy. Make the most of it."

"I will" said Nicole, as she licked the icing off her fork.

"More cake?" asked Julie, in a naughty voice.

"Definitely!" said Nicole, giggling.

The two girls hugged again, then turned their attention to the yellow cake with vanilla icing, pink lettering and pink roses.....




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