Crystal's StorySite


Get The Bugs Out

by Jennifer White


Allen looked around the room at all of the serious men in dark suits. Something big was going on, and he was glad to be part of it. As his career had progressed, they had moved him to higher and higher profile cases. Officially, The Agency didn't exist. If asked, no government official would acknowledge it. But when certain jobs had to be done, they were called on.

Allen had just returned from Nicaragua, where he had planted a series of bugs and hidden cameras, which had been used to track a certain target that had come to The Agency's attention. Allen had been instrumental in capturing his target accepting a bribe, just as their intelligence had suggested. Now that case was closed, and Allen had another success under his belt. One more major case, and he would be eligible to move up to the next grade. At age 31, he was on track to become a division director some day, if he continued with his successes.

"Allen, we need you for a difficult case" said Harry, his boss.

Allen nodded. They always needed him for the difficult cases. He never complained; they liked that.

"We need you to go deep undercover. We have intelligence that a certain target is going to be visiting New York in two month's time. We have never been able to get at the target, and this is our opportunity. We know which hotel he will be staying at. We need you to infiltrate, set up bugs, and let us closely track the target at all times."

Allen nodded. It didn't sound different than any other assignment. But he didn't know yet that there was a catch.

"Here's the file" said Harry, pushing a sealed folder over the table, marked "Top Secret". Allen opened the file, and quickly browsed the summary documents. He looked up at Harry, as he realized just who the target was. This was a very impotent assignment indeed. And any slip-ups on his part would certainly have dire consequences. In other words, if he was caught, then he would certainly be on a hit list. There was no room for error when dealing with such a target. The danger would be even higher than he normally faced.

"We will set you up as a hotel employee, so you will have access to the room. You will need to plant the devices with even more care than usual. The target will almost certainly have his team sweep for bugs before he enters the room. And you will have to reprogram the computer system, to ensure that he is assigned the room you have set up."

Allen nodded. So far, so good.

"We can't afford to arouse suspicion by having you start a day before the target arrives, then quit the day after. Someone would notice, and they'd track you. So you will start well before the target arrives, and you will stay for weeks after. There can be no correlation between events."

"I understand" said Allen. There would be far less danger that way. He had been undercover before. This wasn't out of the norm.

"Now comes the hard part" said Harry. "We looked at who has access to the hotel rooms. Once a week, the manager comes in to inspect them. He has five minutes in the room. Not enough time for what we need. And there would be no hope of hiring you as a manager, only to leave a month later. That could arouse suspicion."

Allen nodded.

"Maintenance also has access to the room. But you're not a plumber, so we can't get you hired in on the maintenance staff."

Allen again nodded.

"The only other person with regular access to all of the rooms is the hotel maid staff. The maids are expected to be in the rooms for fifteen minutes a day, doing the cleaning. With care, you could do the cleaning quickly, and spend a few minutes planting a bug. Over the course of a month, you could prepare the entire room."

"Excuse me, did you say the maids?" asked Allen.

"Yes" replied Harry.

"But aren't the maids all woman? Won't a man working as a maid arouse suspicion?"

"Yes it would" replied his boss. "That is why we are sending you in as a woman."

Allen was stunned. He was a hardened spy such as himself, used to going undercover on dangerous missions. But the thought of going in as a *woman* filled him with something he had not felt in many years: fear.

"Sir, I know you have this all planned out, and I appreciate you coming to me with such a high-profile case, but wouldn't it be better for you to put a real woman on this case? Surely, I'd never pass for a woman, and I'd get caught."

"First of all" said Harry, "You know that we would not place you in danger like that. We'll make sure that the fact that you're a man won't be discovered. We have ways. Secondly, none of the women in The Agency have your degree of skill. We won't get a second chance at this target, and we can't afford to send anyone other than our very best."

Allen looked down. Such praise from his boss was rare. He realized that Harry was telling him that a success on this case would mean his long coveted promotion.

"And finally, you know how I feel about putting an emotional girl on an important case like this."

Allen had known Harry's bias against women in The Agency. He thought they were too emotional, and that they couldn't handle themselves in a tight spot. Allen thought his boss was wrong, but he was in no position to argue. It bothered him though that Harry seemed to think that with some makeup and a wig, that he'd be able to pass as a woman! And he was going to have to pose as one for months. Allen didn't know if he was going to like this assignment. But it had to be done.

Harry pressed a button on the intercom.

"Send Dr. Parsons in" he said.

A few moments later, a tall balding man in a white coat walked into the room.

"I am Dr. Parsons" he said. "I am going to be responsible for giving you your new identity. Please come with me."

There was no time for arguing. Allen stood up, and followed the doctor down the hall. There was no time to waste. He had to get into his new identity as soon as possible. It was to start right away.

* * *

Allen woke up, with a bit of a headache. He could feel the needle in his vein, as the I.V. bag dripped slowly into him. He felt sore all over. He thought back on how they had told him to shower, and remove all of his body hair. And how moment later had been sent into surgery, so they could apply the prosthetics. It was quite scary to think of what they had done to him.

He pushed the button on the bed, moving from the prone position, raising the back so that he was now sitting up. With his sore arms, he pulled away the blanket over him to inspect what they had done.

On his chest, there were two large unfamiliar mounds now. He was quite sore down there. An incision had been made just under his nipples, and large bags of silicon gel had been inserted underneath, forming the mounds. After the assignment the bags would be removed, restoring him to his normal flat chest. But for now, he had large breasts. A bra on his chest supported them, constricting them and keeping them from moving, so the incision could heal.

Further on down, his tummy looked so much smaller now. They had given him liposuction to remove fat, and they had temporarily narrowed his waist. Once this was done, they would remove the constraints, and as he gained weight, his midsection would return to normal. But for now, he had the narrow waist of a young woman.

Then there were his hips. Implants grafted onto his bone made his hips look wide. There were also implants in his buttocks, making his back look rounder like a real woman. These would all be removed after the assignment was done, restoring his normal appearance. But for now, he had the curves of a woman.

And then there was the scariest part of all. Between his legs, Dr. Parsons had made an incision to create access to his body. In essence, Dr. Parsons created a cavity, then had carefully pulled Allen's penis and testicles up inside of it. A catheter was placed inside of his penis, so that he could expel the urine from his bladder.

Using plastic surgery techniques, the doctor then created an artificial labia on the outside, as well as a vagina. Allen would be able to stand naked, and to the world he would look like a woman. When the assignment was over, Dr. Parsons could remove the artificial labia and vagina, and pull Allen's penis back outside to restore him to manhood.

Another thing they had done to him was equally as scary. Before they put him under, they gave him a "loading dose" of estrogen, so that it would begin to permeate his system. The doctor had implanted a device that would administer a steady drip of the powerful female hormone to Allen's bloodstream automatically. In order to keep him from growing facial hair, a testosterone blocker was also administered by the same device. While in his female persona, his system would only have female hormones. The estrogen would soften his skin, and would help him look as if he really was a woman.

Allen's face was sore. They had reduced his nose, given him cheekbone implants, and made his chin pointier. Again, all reversible, as was the procedure to shorten his vocal chords, to raise his voice in pitch. It would take weeks to get over all of the pain, let alone the shock to his system of seeing himself looking so much like a woman!

Allen pressed the button by his bed, to self-ado minister more of the morphine. The pain was too much, and he wanted to go back to sleep...

* * *

After Allen's initial shock, it took quite some time for him to adjust to the changes in his body. His center of weight was different now for example, so even walking or sitting up required a slightly different sense of balance. From the day he got out of bed, an army of women were working with him, 24x7, prepping him for his assignment. He needed to relearn how to walk, how to sit, posture, vocal inflections, and more. It was no different from any other undercover assignment in the past, really. But this time, he was learning how to walk in heels.

The team had applied a drug to his scalp, which had made his hair grow at a stunningly rapid rate over the past weeks. It was long enough now that they had styled it, and taught him how to care for long curly locks. They had of course plucked his eyebrows, and every day he had to practice how to put on his makeup.

His ears were pierced now, and he wore a long dangling set of earrings. The women assured him that once he took them out, the holes would heal themselves, and his ears would return to normal. They fussed over him, teaching him all about jewelry, fashion, doing his nails, and a million other little details.

One coach drilled him for hours a day, on how to talk like a woman, especially when around other girls. The employees all needed to accept him as a woman; if he gave himself away by acting as a man, it would ruin the whole operation. Allen had always followed orders. He had always gone through special training for new assignments with a zeal, as he showed that he was one of the best in the agency. But this assignment was completely different. He *hated* every moment of it. He could not wait until it was done, so he could be a man again.

* * *

It was so hard to wake up in the morning with his body looking all feminine. He had boobs for crying out loud! And a pussy! He got dressed up each day in panties and a bra, along with a maid's uniform. He was getting good at walking in high hl shoes by now, and he just hated the fact that he was even getting good at putting on his makeup. But this was the most important assignment of his career. He *had* to perform at his usual high level. And so he worked as hard as he could, learning how to be a woman.

After weeks of training, the female instructors seemed proud. They all said that he would definite pass as a woman. It was time now for the next phase of his assignment: the actual job.

"Your name is going to be Terri Flores" said the agent in charge. "In this purse you'll find credit cards, drivers license, and other such items. You will be taken to an apartment where you live. Tomorrow at 8:00am you will arrive at the hotel for an interview. By the end of the day, you will be officially hired. You'll start work by the end of the week. You will receive word when to begin with the room. That will be all for now."

Allen shivered. He was to be called Terri now. A woman's name. Terri. Him!

He rode in silence in the yellow car, disguised as a cab. He was dropped off at an apartment complex, right by the bus stop that would take him to the hotel each day. He looked at the keys in his purse. Apartment 2B.

He took a few dollars out of his purse, and handed it to the driver. Everything had to look real, as usual. He trudged up the stairs to his apartment, and opened the door. He went inside and sighed. It was small, just one room. He supposed that someone in his position would not be able to afford anything fancy, so it was fitting. There was a couch and TV, a small bed, a kitchenette, a bathroom, and not much else.

He looked inside the dresser and the closet. All women's clothes, as he expected. There was a vanity with plenty of hair brushes, a few jewelry boxes, and of course plenty of makeup. Every detail had to be right, just in case. A mere maid wouldn't have piles of new things; everything had to be used, slightly tarnished, or old looking.

Allen went to the refrigerator. He could really use a drink! But there was nothing but healthy things inside. He could go to the bar, but the last thing he wanted was to have a man hit on him! No, he had better keep to himself. He looked by the couch at the magazines. There were a few gossip type publications, with glitzy pictures of Hollywood celebs with their latest scandals. There were a couple of fashion magazines, and a copy of Modern Bride. Yuck! Nothing there to read of any interest at all.

He snooped around inside some of the other drawers. He found things like a box of tampons, maxipads and such, all of which just made him feel sick inside. He was living a woman's life now. When he looked in the drawer of the night stand and he saw a small collection of dildos and a vibrator, he really felt terrible on the inside. What kind of sick joke were they playing on him, making him have to live like that? He supposed that a lonely woman (like who he was supposed to be now) might using something like that to give herself pleasure. But he certainly wasn't going to ever stick anything like that into his pussy!

"My pussy" he muttered, as he thought how he needed to go pee, and he was going to have to sit down to do it. How humiliating!

* * *

If Allen thought sitting down to go bathroom was humiliating, the next day was far worse. After getting up and dressing up in the nicest outfit he could find in his meager closet, Allen had to go stand outside and wait twenty minutes for the bus to show up. Every man who walked by him made him tingle with a sense of danger. And every woman seemed to look him over and judge him on his looks. Why couldn't he just get a cab? He sighed. Someone like him would not be able to afford a cab. He'd *have* to ride the bus each day, to stay in character.

When the bus did arrive, it was overly full, and nobody was nice enough to let him have a seat. He had to stand up in his heels, hanging on, trying not to tip over. He was standing next to a man, which made him feel very uncomfortable. But there was nothing he could do; there were too many people and not enough space.

When he arrived at the hotel, he was thankful to get off the bus. He went inside, and told them he was there for an interview.

"Yes Miss. What position are you interviewing for today?"

"A maid" he said, which made him blush.

"Oh. Go around back for that."

Suddenly, the front desk staff was looking down at him, just because he was trying to get a job there as a maid? He realized that *everybody* was going to look down at him. This was even more humiliating than before. He walked over to the human resources office, and he was told to take a seat.

"It will be just a few minutes, honey" said the woman at the desk.

"Thank you" he said, smiling.

The woman gave him back a quick fake smile, and returned to her work. Allen sat down. There were all sorts of interesting magazines there to read, on politics and sports. But he couldn't be seen reading those; he needed to be careful. He picked up a copy of a magazine called "woman's Day", and started to read through it, as dull as it was.

The interview was scheduled for 9:00am. He arrived at 8:45am, as he should have. The minutes moved slowly as he read the dull material in the magazine. He finished the first one, and started to read a copy of Glamour. He looked up at the clock. 10:15, and still he was waiting. He was used to people being on time to meet with him! But of course, normally he was someone who mattered. maids were a dime a dozen. Perhaps they were testing him, seeing if he got upset for being made to wait. He took a deep breath, and continued reading the article on what the hot looks were going to be for spring.

Finally, at almost 11:00, the woman at the desk told him to follow her. Allen stood up, and walked with her down the hallway and into a small room. He sat there, and had to wait again, until a man in a nice suit came in and sat down. He had an arrogance about him, as if he was being bothered to even stood to the level of talking to a potential maid.

"I see you've passed our background check" he said. "I'm inclined to hire you Terri, but I have to ask you a few questions first."

Allen gritted his teeth. When this was all over, he was going to make sure that this man got audited!

"Certainly sir" he said calmly, hiding his inner rage at being treated so poorly.

"I need reliable workers. If you get this job, I'm going to expect you to be here every day, rain or shine, even if you're not feeling 100%"

"Of course, sir" he replied.

"And that goes for your womanly cycle too. The maid you're replacing kept going home early, claiming that she was having a heavy period. You're not going to try and pull that to get time off, are you?"

"Oh no sir, I'd never do that" said Allen.

Moment by moment, he hated this man more and more. It was strange though; as much as he hated how they had altered his body to look feminine, and even though ever fiber of his being told him he was a male on the inside, the way this arrogant man was talking about woman made Allen feel defensive. How dare he insult all women like that? He vowed that when he was restored to his normal self, he'd be very careful never to talk down to a woman as this man was doing! It was insulting to be treated that way!

Finally, the man gave him papers to sign.

"You start tomorrow" said the man. "Be here at 7:00am, sharp. I don't tolerate lateness. I don't care if your bus is late. Drive yourself or take a cab if you have to, but be here on time."

"Yes, sir" said Allen, as he seethed inside.

He was taken to another room where he was measured for a uniform. A woman showed him where the employee locker room was located, and assigned him a locker so he could change.

"Your uniform will be hanging here each day" she said. "Here are instructions on the dress code. You need to wear dark nylons and black shoes with a moderate hl. Bras are required of course. This page tells you what you are supposed to say to guests in different situations. Tomorrow, you'll learn how to clean the rooms, make the bed, replace and fold the towels, and such. You had best show up at 6:30 in the morning, so you have time to get ready for your first day."

"Thank you" said Allen, trying not to sound upset. He was officially hired as a maid now.

* * *

After just one week, Allen felt so frustrated that he wanted to scream! It was terrible living the life he was stuck in now. He'd get up very early, get dressed, and ride the bus to the hotel. Then he'd change into his maid's uniform, which made him feel completely humiliated. From the first time he put it on, it was like a stab through the heart of his inner male self. What kind of man would let himself be dressed like that! He hated how the neck was cut so low that it exposed the tops of his breasts.

There was just something sexual about a maid's uniform, something to do with subservience, and *he* was the one wearing it! Not only did the manager order him around, but so did the maids who were more senior than he was. And of course the guests treated him like dirt, always wanting for him to do something else. Some were such slobs! He had to clean up all their messes, and it was sometimes disgusting.

Allen truly regretted having to agree to the assignment. He was stuck as woman. He was stuck as a maid. Everyone was ordering him around, telling him what to do. And then when he went home, he was still trapped in his feminized body. He was used to going out and seducing women. He couldn't do that now! It was a terrible life, with the job earning just barely enough money to pay his rent and his food. How could people live that way, he wondered? How did real women have the strength to do it?

* * *

Allen had been working as a maid for a month now. He was getting used to living life as Terri, but he still didn't like it at all. He had no real friends. The other maids at work sort of kept their distance. That was just as well, it was against regulations for him to befriend one of them. Also, he couldn't see anyone from his real life, nor any of his colleagues. He was lonely, and he wanted so much for his assignment to be over!

Finally, just when he felt completely hopeless, he got a letter in the mail. To an ordinary observer, it appeared to be a female cousin writing to him about her family. But it was a coded message. The instructions on what he was to do. Finally!

Allen read the note, then burned it. He had his work cut out for him. The next day, he was to begin by hacking the hotel's computer system, so that the agency would know for sure which room the target was to be assigned. Once it was determined, he could then set about bugging it. Allen rubbed his hands together. At last, his nightmare was going to come to an end!

* * *

It only took Allen fifteen minutes to crack the access code, and send it on to the agency. The hotel's computer system was nothing compared to the banks and government systems had had worked on in the past. Two days later, they gave him a coded message. The room would be number 1804. Allen changed the work schedule, so he would be assigned to that floor.

And then came the fun part: getting to actually *do* something! All of these months of training, and before forced to live as a woman would pay off now as he began to bug the room.

Most times bugs could be easily found, since they were hidden in places where electronics didn't belong. In a vent. Under the bed. Behind a light switch. Any of those would be a dead giveaway. One needed to be more clever these days. Allen had one special bug that would be hidden in the TV's remote control for example. That would never be detected. One went in with the timing mechanism of the coffee maker. Another one went inside the clock-radio.

To keep from being detected, none of the devices were set to always transmit. After the target had left, Allen could activate them to send, and all of the evidence would stream out to a computer located across the street in a window facing room 1804. Just to be careful, he decided to add a few more bugs in the upcoming days. In the blowdryer, so the bathroom was covered. And one more, inside the tele.

Of course, each but took time to properly plant, verify and test. In order not to be caught, Allen could only spend a few minutes each day. And so it was that over the course of a week, he built up the surveillance on room 1804, until at last everything was in place. Now the trap was set. His job was done. Soon, they'd pull him out, and he could get the terrible feminizing surgeries reversed, restoring his manhood!

* * *

The plan was for Allen to work for another two weeks after the bugs were planted, so that there was no correlation between his hiring, his departure, and the target's visit. It was frustrating to Allen to know that he had the high level target staying right there, but he wasn't going to be able to hear anything from the bugs. They would be downloaded to the computer across the street, where other agents would be analyzing them. He was deep under cover, and could not risk being exposed. So he was in the dark about the outcome.

He was supposed to wait for word on when he could be pulled out. But after three full weeks, there was nothing, and he was becoming increasingly agitated. One day he was shopping for groceries, when a woman approached him.

"You dropped your shopping list, ma'am" she said.

"Thank you" replied Allen, knowing he had done no such thing. This was it, the word on when he could pull out! He looked at the coded message, which appeared to be an ordinary shopping list. As he read what the cipher said, he felt like he was being crushed.

"New target to stay at hotel in four weeks. Cannot pull out now. Wait for instructions."

It was worse than he could possibly imagine: they wanted him to continue to live as a woman, for at least another month. No!!!!!

* * *

After hearing the devastating news. Allen was quite depressed, to say the least! He was not looking forward to another month of living as a woman. He had no appetite at lunch, as he just sat there picking at his meal.

"What's the matter, honey? You seem rather glum today" said a voice.

He looked up, and recognized Tina, a new maid who had been hired that week.

"Oh, its nothing" he replied. "You know how it is. female problems."

"I understand" said Tina, as she sat down next to him. "I get heavy periods myself sometimes. I can't believe our jerk of a manager warned me not to use that as an excuse not to work!"

"Yeah, he said the same thing to me" replied Allen.

The two started chatting, and by the end of the lunch hour, Allen felt much better. He really didn't have any friends, now that he was a woman. He couldn't get close to anyone. There would be suspicions when he was removed from his assignment. The fewer who knew him as Terri, the better. But he was so desperately lonely now, that he broke with procedure. He needed a companion. And Tina was such a nice girl, so easy to get along with.

After a few days, Allen considered her to be a friend. They went out to a movie together, then to dinner. A week later, Tina even invited him over to her apartment for dinner! It was so nice to eat with somebody else for a change, to relax and have a nice conversation over a glass of wine! And when they were done eating, they sat on the couch together, as Tina used the remote to turn on the radio. They talked for some time, but then a new song came on.

"I *love* this one!" said Tina. "Come on, lets dance!"

"I don't know..." said Allen.

"Its just us here. Come on!"

She stood up, and started to dance. She extended her hand, and Allen decided that he might as well do it. Why not? He stood up, and danced with her for the whole song. It was fun and exhilarating to dance with a pretty girl like her! If only he had his normal body, instead being surgically altered to be a woman!

Next came a slow song, and Tina put her body up against his, and they danced together, their arms locked around each other. Almost before he knew what was happening, Tina put her lips onto his, and gave him a kiss. He looked at her, smiled, then kissed right back.

"I thought you might be the type to go for girls" she said, as she started to feel him up.

"Mmmm" was all he could say, as she started to explore the inside of his mouth with her tongue.

Five minutes later, they were heading towards the bedroom, already starting to undress each other. Tina spent a *really* long time exploring Allen's body, and he took that as a cue to spend just as much time on her. With his penis tucked up inside, unable to get hard, there was no rush for him now. He went slowly, spending more time with foreplay than he ever had in his life.

Tina went to her dresser, and opened up a drawer. From it she removed something leather, which she wrapped around Allen's waist. He looked down, noticing that it was some kind of a harness. He gasped as she reached into the drawer and removed a large purple dildo. She pushed a button, and internal lights started to flash within it.

"Its so fun" she said, giggling, as she attached it to the harness that Allen was wearing. Then she laid out on the bed, and spread her legs wide for him.

"Come and get me" she said. "I'm so ready for you, lover."

Allen wished he wasn't wearing a strap-on dildo! He wished it was real. He gently slid it into her wet pussy, and began to rock back and forth, thrusting it in deeper each time. Tina squealed in delight. She dug her nails into his back, pulling him closer. She reached up and began to suck on Allen's big breasts, first one then the other. Every now and then she gasped, unable to contain the excitement of the orgasms she was feeling. She took it in for almost twenty minutes, before she felt too sensitive, and had to finally make Allen stop.

"You're so good at that!" she said. "You're so skilled, I would think you were a man."

Allen blushed. He didn't want to do down that path! He needed to convince her that he was a lesbian woman, just like her.

"I'm not a man" he said. "I'm your *woman*. And I'm so ready for you, babe. Lets get this strapped onto *you*, so you can fuck me now."

"Gladly" said Tina, giving him a gentle slap on the butt. She removed the harness, and he helped her put it onto herself. Now it was time for him to be penetrated. But he was afraid that since he wouldn't feel anything, he might give himself away. So he put his hands on the bed, and leaned forward.

"Take me from behind" he said. "Do me, doggie style."

"Ohhh, she's a wild thing" said Tina.

She came up from the back, and gently inserted the tip of the large fake penis into Allen's surgically constructed vagina. And then *she* began thrusting. Allen pretended that he was getting orgasms, like she had felt. He moaned, made noises, and pretended to like it as much as she had. He left fifteen minutes go by, before making her stop.

When they were done, the held each other close on the bed, Tina still wearing the strap-on.

"I love you so much" she said.

"And I love you" he replied.

"I want to do this, every day!" she said, and they both laughed.

They were no longer friends. Now they had become lesbian lovers.

* * *

Over the next few weeks, Allen became even closer to Tina. He was completely in love with her. He wondered that after he was changed back, was there any way that he could set up a "chance meeting", and seduce her? He wanted to be with her as a man! Every day, one stayed at the other's apartment now, and they even started to talk about moving in together full time. The only thing that held Allen back was the fact that he'd be leaving in a few weeks, after the assignment was over. Being with Tina was the only thing that got him through his terrible days, stuck in the life of a woman.

* * *

It was a day before the next target was due at the hotel, and Allen was getting worried. No word from his contacts yet. He hated it that while he was the one deep undercover, he was being kept so much in the dark about the operation! Of course, it could be for his own safety too. If ever questioned by a government committee, he could truthfully state that he had no knowledge of the target. After all, The Agency operated below the radar screens, so maybe that was the reason.

He finished cleaning one room, and checked it off from his list. Just two more to go, then he could go home for the day. He looked at the list to see what room is next. As he scanned the list, a female voice cried out to him.

"Oh Miss? Can we have a few more bath towels please?"

It wasn't an unusual request. People always used more than the two towels a day that the hotel specified for the maids to dole out. He took two of the large fluffy white towels from his cart, and walked towards the room.

"Here you are, Ma'am" he started to say, but he was cut off in mid-sentence, as a hand in a black leather glove held a towel up to his mouth. He felt at least two other men grab him from behind and hold him tightly. He could smell something in the towel over his face. A familiar smell from his training. They were trying to knock him out, and make him fall asleep!

Allen struggled with all of his might, but because he was living as Terri, he had not been able to keep up his physique at the gym as he normally would. And there were at least three strong men holding him down. As one of them slipped a blindfold over his eyes, he could not help but to take a breath. He could feel himself get dizzy.

"Nighty-night" said a man's voice, as Allen took another breath, and he fell into unconsciousness.

* * *

Allen woke up, with a huge headache. He ached all over. What was going on? It took him a few minutes to recall how he had been delivering towels to a room, when someone had jumped him. He opened his eyes, and looked around. He was in a plain white room, with no windows. There was no way to tell where it was. The room was bare, except for the medical bed he laid in. An IV dripped a clear liquid into his arm. He looked up, and noticed a camera in the corner, staring at him. Someone was watching. He tried to move, but he was strapped in tightly.

The door opened, and Allen watched as a man walked in. He came up to the bed, as Allen struggled to focus his vision. The man looked familiar. Suddenly he realized who it was. The *target*. The man who he had set up all the bugs to listen in on.

"Hello" he said. "I know you recognize me. I just thought I'd tell you who you are."

"I know who I am" he replied.

"Do you? Really?"

"Then just tell me" said Allen, impatiently.

"Your name is Terri now. And it will be, forever."

Allen didn't like that one bit. He wanted to say how they were going to change him back into being a man after this was all over. But he couldn't let on about the spy operation.

"You see" said the man, "I had some help. Your girlfriend Tina, actually. Do you know that fake dick of hers that she's been ramming down your pussy? In the tip there is actually a micro-camera. My team had a good look at what they had done with you, so when you arrived we were ready to make a few alterations."

The man took out his cell phone, and pressed a button. The door opened, and in walked another man. He held in his hand a clear plastic baggie. Allen stared as he saw what was inside. A penis and a pair of balls.

"Yours" said the man. "Permanently removed. Since you like being a woman so much, I've made sure that you're going to spend the rest of your life as one. You're a woman now Allen. Your name is Terri now. For the rest of your life, you're stuck as a female."

Allen felt like he wanted to cry. Such a strong emotional response! What was going on?

"We've also altered your internal gadgets. Instead of a trickle, now you're getting a *flood* of female hormones. We are feminizing your brain. Before long, you will think like a woman, and you will *feel* like a woman on the inside. That's right Terri. Your very thoughts are being altered, even as we speak. You're becoming a weak, emotional girl on the inside. All because of *me*."

Allen looked up, and now he wasn't able to hold back the tears anymore. How could this be true? How could Tina have betrayed him?

"You tried to set me up, and to screw me. But now, I'm going to screw you."

The second man left the room.

"From now on, you will call *me* boss. Tell me I'm your boss, Terri."

"Never!" he said.

"Oh, one little thing then. I forgot to mention another implant we added to you. Deep inside your body, we added a container with a deadly poison. If you try to have it removed, you'll trip the microwires, and within two seconds your heart will stop beating forever. It cannot be removed without killing you."

"So you can blackmail me?" he said, full of anger.

"Well, yes. But more importantly, the device has a second trigger. Simply put, it requires special organic material on a daily basis, or else it will go off on its own. Only one substance in the world has this material. Can you guess what that is?"

"What?" asked Allen.

"Sperm" he replied. "If you don't have sex with a man on a daily basis, you will die. If you *do* have sex with a man, then his sperm will swim up into the device, bringing in the organic material required for 24 more hours for you to live. It is quite a simple choice. Be fucked by a man, all the time, or die."

Allen looked up with wide eyes full of true fear. He didn't want to die! Not like that! But how could he have sex with a man?

"I'm doing this now, just to extend your life" said the man. "As I said, you tried to screw me, so now I am going to screw you."

He dropped down his pants, and Allen had to look away as the man forced his legs open, and pushed himself up into Allen's pussy. As he was taking it in, the man pushed a button on his bedside. Allen was filled with a warm glow, as some type of drug filled his system.

"Over the past few days, we've been reprogramming your mind. Each time you've been fucked by myself or one of my men, we've applied this drug. By now, your brain is already associating a penis up inside you with the glow of the drug. Soon, you'll be addicted to sex, and you're going to *want* it.

"Now once again. Tell me I'm the boss" said the man.

"You are my boss" said Allen.

"That was much better, Terri. Now that we have that straight, here is what you are going to do. I had Tina cover for you, implanting the bugs in the room, as you would have. Of course, I knew my room was bugged, and I fed your old bosses false information. You are going to work for me now. You are going to return to work, but you're going to insist that you remain in your female body, because you like it better."

Allen glared at the men.

"Next, you will seduce your old boss, Harry. You'll feed him the information I give you. And you'll find out any information I request. You work for me now, Terri. And you will do as I say."

"What about Tina?" asked Allen, as he started to sob.

"She's here. I'll send her in" he said, as he turned to walk away. "Oh by the way, she's all mine. I've been banging her every night, you know. She never loved you. It was just an act, on *my* orders."

Tina walked in, with a smile on her face. She went to Allen, and held his hand.

"Now we work for the same team" she said.

"How could you let him do this to me?" asked Allen.

"The boss told you that I'm his. You were trying to bring him down. You were trying to hurt *me* by going after him. No Terri, if anyone here has betrayed anyone, it was *you*, by trying to hurt me first."

"But I loved you! Didn't you feel anything for me?"

"Oh, I cared about you. But I'm a woman. I need a *man*. You could never give that to me. You're just a woman too."

Tina turned to leave, but first she gave Allen a kiss on his cheek.

"We'll work together again some day, I'm sure" she said.

* * *

Terri stood up and tugged on her skirt to make sure there were no wrinkles. She was about to march into her office, and inform Harry that she was not going to go back to being a man. She was going to have to say that she *wanted* to remain as a woman, forever. And she needed to seduce him. She needed a man to fuck her, so she could live another day.

Just a few months ago, she had been Allen. She had been in a powerful position, and she had been steps away from getting a big promotion. Now she was stuck as a woman forever. Now she had to have sex with a man every day, or face a quick death. She took a deep breath. Harry didn't like women working for him. This wasn't going to be easy. But there was no choice for her. She had a new boss now.




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