Crystal's StorySite


The Gadget Exhibition

by Lisa B


Lee saw an advert in the paper for a new Gadget Exhibition which was opening in his Hometown, Lee was mad for gadgets and so decided to dog off school to get to this exhibition which started at 9:00AM on Friday.

After having breakfast and saying goodbye to his mum for the day, Lee headed towards the exhibition centre, just a short walk from the bus stop where he usually got the bus to school. On the way he tried to avoid being recognised as he passed his friends house and continued on till he got to the exhibition centre. The entrance fee at the door was £1.50, which was his lunch money for the day, luckily he dipped into his penny jar and took a few extra pence to allow for his lunch.

The Doorman gave him a funny look and said, "Shouldn't you be at School young man?" to which Lee replied, "It is a study period and I am doing some research work"

"Very well young man, that's £1.50 please."

Lee handed the doorkeeper his money and noted how very much the doorkeeper looked like a stereotypical Wizard in an odd sort of way, he passed the thought over as if it was a stupid idea.

Further down the hall, Lee smiled at himself for thinking of such a convincing excuse for not being in school. As he entered the mighty exhibition halls his eyes were met with thousands and thousands of amazing looking gadgets. There were voice activated car starters, really small computers and robots that seemed to populate the floors in numbers equal to the many visitors milling about.

What Lee really liked was the sections all marked clearly above on the ceiling like "Holograms", "Voice Activated", "Automation", "Communication" etc. Lee was really interested in the Holograms section simply because these things were almost around the corner, just about to be widely used by the public. So Lee headed towards this section, along the way he stopped to fidget with the likes of album cover pictures which moved like mini movies then further down he noticed a strangely empty corner with a magnificent, almost irresistible Red Ruby necklace set in a beautiful, ornate gold frame.

"Strange" Lee thought before going over to the exhibit. A sign on the exhibit stated "Please try the new holographic jewellery - The next step in combating jewel thieves." And beside it a small card gave some more details, "With this revolutionary new technology, customers can see what like the Jewellery looks like on them before they buy. Allowing for the real pieces to be kept secure, off of your premises."

Naturally Lee was curious, but no one else seemed to notice this amazing exhibit, having delved into cross-dressing in secret while no one was home Lee decided to try this hologram out, nobody was watching anyway. He touched the Ruby and to his amazement it felt real, cold and hard just like the Gem itself. Then he got what could only be described as static electricity touched him. Lee then touched the rest of the necklace and the same thing happened, he felt the necklace as if it was real and then got a shock.

Bewildered, Lee withdrew his hand and after he checked himself and found out that he was ok, lifted the necklace and placed it around his neck. The shock ran right through him this time but just the same as before it ended and he was ok.

Lee looked up at the mirror and admired the Magnificent Gem that seemed to be glowing brightly, just before ---- ZZAAAPPPP!!! The necklace disappeared, Lee was taken aback by this and then frantically searched for the Ruby which was nowhere to be found. He looked in the mirror again and felt a bit woozy, "Must be the shock" he thought, "Everything else seems ok".

A few moments later... PING!!! The necklace reappeared on its stand as if nothing had happened. "Wow", Lee thought, "This technology is getting stranger and stranger".

By the time Lee had finished browsing the exhibition it was Lunchtime and he decided to go out and get something from McDonalds for lunch. After that, Lee had the desire to delve into his darker side for the afternoon, he would go into Ladies fashion shops and just look at what he might consider getting once he had some money to spend. He noticed quite a few good skirts that he would get, but it was getting late. Just before his last subject at school, Lee decided to walk home slowly and tell his mum that he got the last class off.

While walking home he felt a bit woozy again, "I must be tired" he thought. He had to go to the toilet, and almost walked into the Ladies, "Stupid!" he said aloud and went in to the correct ones and relieved himself. He turned to leave when he caught sight of himself in the mirror and noticed that his hair was a bit thicker. "Na", he tried to deny himself, "It can't be, I must be seeing things". Further down the block he itched his head, it was definitely longer but not too long. "I need a haircut" he told himself. Lee walked further down the road to the corner of his street, unconsciously he was swaggering at the hips.

After he his home he wanders in, "Hi Ma" he says.

"Hi there, Lee" his mum replied

"Why are you early?"

"The teacher was off on the last class we didn't have a dep., so we got away early"

"Ok, Hon" his mum finishes.

Lee goes into the sitting room, hips still swaggering and sits down.

A few moments later, his mum came in with a cup of tea, "Oh, Hon, you need a haircut"

"I know ma, I noticed it at lunchtime"

"You'll need to get it done at the weekend"

"Yeah ma, I will."

Lee decided to go get something to eat before settling down to watch some TV

"Hon, I need to go out to my friends this afternoon, will you be ok?" "Sure Ma, No problem" secretly Lee was really happy with that. He could Experiment some more with his mums clothes, Lee really fancied his mum but had to keep telling himself that it was his mother!

"She has some really nice clothes" Lee thought to himself.

Shortly after The Mask cartoon his mum said "Ok, Hon I'm off, take care now.

I should be back by about 6:00 or so"

"Sure Ma, See you later"


"Great! Lee thought to himself, a whole 2 hours"

Funny, Lee never remembered being so excited before. "Must be because I have not done it for so long" Lee mused. As soon as he was sure Mum was long away Lee swaggered to the stairs and started bounding up and straight into his Mums bedroom. Lees mum was not one for tidiness which in a way excited Lee more as he saw various pairs of pantyhose lying about, some beautiful mini-skirts hanging all over the place, "A cross-dressers dream" Lee mused again.

Despite the untidiness Lee was always sure to replace everything exactly as he found them so as not to arouse suspicion, no matter how unlikely that may seem, there was always a chance...

Lee's favourite was always to have a Tight, black Mini-skirt wrapped around his middle along with the amazingly soft and smooth pantyhose. He loved the way the hose clinged to every contour of his long, hairless legs. After he put everything on, he finished with a nice pair of Black high heels that seemed to fit him perfectly. Now he examines himself in the full-length mirror, and to his astonishment he seemed to have a perfect, pin-up style body. Minus the breasts of course, "Wow! " Lee exclaimed, "I forgot how great I looked!"

Lee always thought he underestimated the power of women's fashion. Going through his normal drill, turning around bending down and examining how gorgeous his butt was, walking up and down and finally sitting, effeminate like, right leg over left, crossed at the knees and meeting the calves on the other side. Lee started thinking about how great it would be if he could become a girl whenever he wanted touching his smooth, clad thighs, he got a hard-on. Then he would lie back on the bed and start beating furiously at his penis whilst still running his left hand up and down on his smooth legs slowly. Lee brings himself to a climax and then tries very hard to mop up the mess before he stains his mums clothes and is seriously in trouble.

Normally, after all of this he is panic stricken and quickly changes back into his own clothes, but oddly enough not this time. He seems more calm and focussed than normal. "This is worrying", he thought, "I must be getting used to this sort of thing."

He decided that he would go downstairs, dressed, and put the kettle on and set up a cup for himself. As he left the bed he noticed the odd swinging his hips were doing as he walked, "Just like a girl... I definitely HAVE been underestimating women's fashion..." Lee wondered.

Once his cup was made, the panic struck... "What if someone sees me out of this window, What if mum walked in just now, What if...." Lee thought. He runs up the stairs again, the best he could do while wearing high-heels anyway. He gets into the room again and noticed his hair seemed yet longer, "I am sure it was shorter than this a few moments ago." Lee worried but then passed it off, "I am getting it cut on Saturday anyway"

Lee put all of his mums things away, exactly as he found them, then headed downstairs to his tea and another show on telly. Two minutes later, his mum came back. "Hey, Hon" she shouted as she entered the hall.

"Hey, Ma" Lee replied

"Phew, this happens too often, that was too close to call"

"Hope you behaved dear." His mum enquired.

"Yes, Ma" Lee lied.

Lee watched his show, before asking

"What's for dinner, Ma?"

"Food." Was the reluctant reply.

"Fair enough" Lee thought, "Must be mince and potato"

Lee was lost in thought. "Funny, I never noticed that sway before..."

"Maybe I have done it too many times... and I am getting far too used to it"

"Na, that's stupid..."


"Yes Ma?"

"Is it just me or is your hair longer than it was before I left, it also seems thicker?"

"I don't know ma, it's getting cut anyway..."

"I suppose" Lees mum seemed unconvinced.

This triggered more worrying thoughts in his head, "Thicker?"

Lee ran his hands through his hair, and true enough it was much thicker than before.

"That is strange..."

"Get your dinner dear"

"Dinner, Already? Dear me time does fly..." Lee thought.

"Ok, Ma" he replied

After dinner, Lee did his usual, watch the Simpson's, Play a game, watch a film or play more games and finally he went to bed. While washing though, Lee's chest seemed unusually tender.

"I hope none of this has anything to do with that necklace... "

He was pretty tired, more than usual and he drifted off to sleep almost immediately. Lee awoke with a start as his alarm peeled into his ear. Something felt different, very different.

Lee stood up and immediately felt a cascade of thick brown hair fall to his shoulders. Lee went into the bathroom, his hips were swaying with more prominence now, a thing he noticed immediately, "F**K, that necklace..."

Lee stared into the mirror and saw himself staring back, only with a far more girlish hairstyle, he examined the long, thick luxurious locks, which now donned his head he ran his fingers through it and was in ecstasy until he brought himself down to earth with a crash. "I can't go to school like this!"

Lee looked closer at his skin tone, which was slightly lighter and creamier looking than normal. His eyes seemed to be more inviting than before, they sparkled in the light.

"Ma!!!" Lee shouted

"Um, ugh... what's wrong Hon?"

"Look at me!" Lee replied

Now, slightly more awake his mum replied, "Oh dear, This is terrible"

"What have you been eating?"

"You haven't touched any of my pills have you?"

"No, Ma"

"You are showing some secondary sexual characteristics of a woman." His mum stated.

"Why? Ma?"

"I don't know Hon, I will speak to the doctor about it later on"

"We need to try and hide this"

"Come here a minute"

Lee followed his mum into the bedroom,

"I can see if I can tie this back and up"

"To make it a bit less conspicuous"

"I don't want to take you out of school, your exams are important you know"

"I hope you can do this, Ma"

Lee's mum took some Barbie pins out of her box and began tying his hair up and around Making sure not to show any of the pins the outside.

"That's the best I can do just now, Hon"

"Is that ok?"

Lee looked into the mirror and saw where the pins were but decided that it looked semi-presentable. But his hair was still thick, like a girl's

"That looks ok, Ma but we need to get this fixed as soon as we can"

"I know son" his mum replied "I will make an emergency consultation with the doctor"

"Ok, Ma" Lee replied as he walked out of the door towards the Bus stop.

In school nobody seemed to bother about Lees hair, "They must think it's a new shampoo or something" Thought Lee. Third period was Swimming, Lee liked swimming - except when he was getting changed that day, "Something is not right" Lee mused, "Something doesn't fit, I look completely different than last week." Lee was examining himself in the shower. He observed he had a larger behind and seemed to have more width around the hips. His thighs too were different - not flabby and sagging as always but firm with far more tone than he could remember. "I've not been working out, so why should I have these thighs?"

Class started and finished as always - Diving, Length swimming, Time trials and last of all life-saving. Again in the changing rooms Lee examined himself further, smooth skin and a bit more fat on the chest. "I need to wait and see what the doctor says" Lee hoped. Swaggering to his house from the bus stop, now uncontrollably, Lee finally got home from School, eagerly awaiting the news from the doctor. Lee went in, closed the door took off his hat and then all the pins which were holding his hair and felt the long, soft and dark hair caress his shoulders gently. "They were too itchy!" Lee complained.

"Oh, hi honey!" His mum sang from the kitchen.

"Hi mom" Was Lee's reply.

"Any word from the Doctor?" Lee asked, nervously.

"Sit down Hon, and I'll get you a cup"

"Ok, mom" said Lee anticipating the worst.

Lee's mother came in with a cup of tea and sat down beside her son, in a surprisingly comfortable way.

"Well?" Lee asks,

"Oh Hon, You have absolutely nothing to worry about!"

"Huh?" Lee replies,

"The doctor says you have a very common situation, you see. As you are young - just going through adolescence (Puberty) The doctor says there are a great number of chemical hormones being produced by your body which are common to both boys and girls at your age. Hormones are chemicals which action various bodily functions that are present in all humans and allow you're reproductive systems to fully develop either, as a boy or girls. The Doctor says that you're body is producing slightly more Female hormones, known as Oestrogen than your Male hormones, known as Testosterone than is normal for a boy, but he says that your systems will soon strike a very vivid balance between the two."

"Oh, that's cool." Lee replied.

"What's for dinner?" Lee and his Mum laughed together.

"Macaroni and Cheese" His Mum replied.

Lee now does his usual, watch TV, Play the Computer, get dinner, watch some more TV and goes to bed, quite content with the explanation his mother gave. Smiling to himself, Lee closed his eyes and thought, "Talk about overreacting!" and fell fast asleep. Next morning he felt even more different.

"What has my body done now!" he stated angrily. Looking in the mirror Lee almost fainted, "AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" Lee was shocked.

What he saw in the mirror was definitely NOT him, staring back at him in the mirror was a face which was soft and round with eyes so sensual and lips which pouted eagerly, his hair was softer and still thicker than it was last night and fell over his face like a goddess's.

Lees mother came running in shortly after "OH MY!!!" was her reaction.

Lee was staring into the mirror still in a state of pure shock, Lee's mother looked him up and down, she was looking at her son but instead saw a beautiful brunette with perky breasts, jutting hips and a backside to match.

Slowly, Lee turned around feeling the weight of his hair moving with him

"What has happened mum?"

"I .... Don't know sweetheart"

"We will have to take you to the doctors immediately"

"Is you're... member still there?"

"Yes ma, but it is tiny, what should I do?"

"I don't think you're old clothes will fit Lee, I will need to find some of my T-shirts and old jeans. I'm sorry but that's the best I can do."

"I understand, ma"

At the doctors, "Lee was told that his situation was beyond repair"

"Son," the doctor says, "Have you been taking any strange pills or anything?"

"No sir, " Lee's voice was panicky, he knew what had caused it but could not tell.

His eyes were watering.

"Well I can't see what has caused this unfortunate set of occurrences except for an extreme case of adolescent transgression"

(Ok, so I don't know medical terms!)

"What can we do?"

"Nothing much I'm afraid I think the changes are too far developed for any of our Male hormones to counteract, we can arrange therapy sessions which will allow your son to accept himself as a female, the decision as always is yours to take. "

"This is a transformation which your body will action onto itself, Sexual re-assignment will only make things worse, it is my professional opinion that these changes will continue to run their course. As I have said before we can arrange therapy or counselling sessions to help yourselves through but it is my sad duty to inform you that we are unable to do anything more.

They never spoke until they got home, both were in a consistent state of shock. Once inside and sitting down together, Lee spoke, "Mmmum?"

"Yes Lee?" his mum replied, just as shakily

"I think I'd better tell you this..."

"Go on,"

"Before any of this happened I cross-dressed occasionally using you're clothes"

"I know that, Lee"

"You do?"

"Yes, I caught you once but only for a second"

"I thought I was seeing things, but I was wrong."

"How did you know?"

"My clothes, dear"

"I noticed them out of place on more than one occasion, even though I remembered putting them somewhere else."


The two were silent for the remainder of the evening. Later on that night.

"Lee, "

"Yes Mum?"

"I have been thinking about this..."


"I think the best way for us to get through is by trying to develop it as soon as possible, to be sure you can get used to it before you become sick in the head, which will happen if we do nothing about it."

".........I think that maybe you are right , ...... although, I do not wish it to be...."

"I know, dear this will be very hard for both of us but we must do it soon."

"........O......k" just after this, Lee started to cry followed by his mother, for over two hours before coming to a stop.

"But boys don't cry" Lee thought to himself before almost crying again.

"The changes maybe further than we expected, Lee..."

"Should we start?" his mum asked

"Not much choice is there?" Lee said before his eyes watered again

"Unfortunately not I'm afraid"

"Ok" Lee stammered again and bubbled some more

A little later "We must find something to call you..."

"What about Lisa?" His mum chanced.

Lee did not reply until 30minutes later

"Ok" Lee stammered again

"Get some sleep Lee...Lisa you will need it for tomorrow"

Lisa woke up with a start the next morning, again he noticed changes...

"how many more?" Lee thought...

Lisa walked into the bathroom and watched himself in the mirror, he had gorgeous eyes. There was no doubt now, lee was a Girl as he reached down to his last defence as a male. It was gone... nothing was there but a very sensitive vagina.

His mum was right, his own clothes no longer fitted. "Mum?"

"Yes, Dear?" his mum answered

"I need some clothes" he stammered.

"Yes, dear they are on the rack there."

"There was a pair of knickers, a Bra which looked to be around a 'C' cup"

"A skirt, some tights and a pair of high heels"

Secretly Lee wanted this to be more than ever, he always wanted to wear these things as a normal person. Strangely contented as he swaggered down the stairs with his high heels and skirt.

"I am a bombshell " she thought..."There must be more than physical changes here" Lisa thought.

There was still a huge battle on the psychological level, all of the programming he had been submitted to as a boy was slipping away, and his brain was acting like an Anti-Virus program ready to seek out and destroy whatever was dissolving his preconceptions.

"We'll need to start you on those therapy sessions today, Lisa"

"I know ma"

"Then we need to get you some proper clothes"

Something in Lee's mind was telling him that his mother was enjoying this more than he was. But the female side was soothing and comforting his doubts, slowly persuading him that this was better for her/him.




© 1997 by Lisa B. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.