Crystal's StorySite

The Front Door - Tale 2                by: Amanda Walker


"The doorbell rang twice followed by a sharp knocking.

John as Amanda was not prepared for visitors, and then he noticed the red of the Post Office van and the cap on the silhouetted figure on the other side of the door. He had ordered a pair of shoes from ‘Stilettos pour Homme’ and the excitement and anticipation overcame his reticence and he decided to accept the package.

He had never been seen while dressed by anybody apart from at a fancy dress party when he was dressed as a St. Trinian’s schoolgirl and then there had been people dressed much more outrageously than himself. He did receive one compliment that night from one of his female friends who commented that his makeup was marvellous and that the clothes a perfect fit. He thought she was suspicious that this was more than dressing for a party but covered by saying his sister was a beautician and had done a makeover on him, the clothes were hers’. As the evening progressed many people had assumed what they saw was a real girl, he enjoyed the illusion within the safe confines of the party. He found himself at a table with three other real girls similarly dressed and although they knew who he was they treated him like one of them all evening.

Back to the postman.

Amanda checked herself in the mirror, her hair was neat, makeup understated and clothes smart but suitable for a housewife doing her daily chores. One deep breath, remember to keep your voice light and be confident.

She opened the door, the postman had turned away and was returning to his van.

"Hello Miss, I’ve a package for John Walker, will you accept it?"

The man’s casual acceptance of her pleased, and yet surprised, Amanda.

"Miss? Is that OK, have I got the right house?" he asked again.

"Oh! I’m sorry, err yes, John lives here. I’ll take the package for him."

"That’s great Miss would you sign here? I’ll just go and get the package from the van."

Amanda stepped back into the hall to rest on the table and remembering to use ‘A.Walker’ signed for the package on ‘John’s’ behalf. There was another knock on the door and she looked up anticipating it would be the postman, she got quite a shock when she saw Susan from next door stood in the doorway.

"I’m sorry to intrude…" she started. Just then the postman came back with the package. To allow him in Susan had to move further into the hall. "I’m sorry I’m in the way." She responded.

"No please come in.," said Amanda as she exchanged the receipt for the package. What else could she do?

"I’ll start again. I’m sorry to intrude, but I thought I saw you in the house, my name’s Susan I live next door."

"Ah yes John has mentioned your name." Amanda thought ‘be polite, what else can I do?’ "My name is Amanda, I’m sorry I must appear rude, please come into the lounge, it’s a bit of a mess, I’m tidying up for my brother."

"Thanks a lot, don’t worry I can’t stay long, that explains it, I thought you had the look of John."

"We are very similar." Amanda replied with a smile. "Can I get you a coffee or something?"

"No thank-you, actually that’s the reason I’ve come around, we have a coffee morning club in this cul-de-sac I presume you’re only visiting, although I have seen you in the house before, I just took the opportunity when I saw you were in today. We’d be pleased to have you join us, it can get a bit lonely on these new estates. "

‘So she’s already seen me in the house,’ thought Amanda ‘I wonder who else knows?’

"I would love to, but I’ve got a lot of work to do here." Replied Amanda.

"That’s a shame, I was looking forward to a bit of new blood, most of the other ladies are in their late forties and fifties, I could do with a friend my own age. Anyway, no worries the offer is open, 11-am at my house please come if you can."

Amanda felt tempted, her alter-ego John has admired Susan since she moved in two months ago but with work and his shy demeanour he had never got up the courage to ask her out although she was always pleasant and friendly when they did meet.

"Thank-you for the invitation, it’s very kind of you to think of me, if I can make some progress with this mess of my brothers I’ll try to make it."

"Super please do try, we could have dinner after they’ve all gone if you want. I’m not at work at all today."

"That’s a very kind offer, alright consider me invited. I’ll see you at 11."

"Great stuff, I’d better get going and get everything ready."

With that Susan got up and Amanda showed her to the door.

"See you at eleven then." Susan waved as she returned to her house.

Amanda sat down in the kitchen where she couldn’t be seen. What had she done? Had she allowed her desire for Susan to put her in a potentially difficult situation? What would Susan think of John if she discovered Amanda’s secret? At least she knew that the older ladies shouldn’t be a problem, while they loved to gossip they were all a bit dizzy and if she’d been able to convince Susan and the Postman she didn’t anticipate a problem.

It was 10 am now so she decided to freshen-up her makeup and make it just a little bolder, a darker shade of lipstick and nail varnish. Now of course she could open that package, the blue and black 2-inch heel court shoes would be perfect.

At 10.50 she was sat thinking ‘how do I get out of this?’ when the phone rang. She remembered to answer in the female persona. "Hello, can I help you?"

"Hi Amanda it’s Susan can you bring over some brown sugar, I can’t find any."

"Yes of course I’ll come over now."

Decision made.

Amanda poured the sugar into a container and remembering to pick up her shoulder bag she set off for the short walk to Susan’s door.

Susan was waiting at the open door as she approached. "Thanks for bringing the sugar, come on in."

Her house was almost identical to John’s but built in a mirror image. Susan went through to the kitchen and Amanda followed.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" asked Amanda.

"Yes thanks, will you fill and boil that kettle it’ll save time later."

The ladies began to arrive, all smiling and saying hello. Eventually there were eight plus Susan and Amanda.

"Ladies may I introduce Amanda, she is my neighbour John’s sister and visit’s regularly so I invited her to join us today."

The ladies made her most welcome and they of course now had someone new to gossip about as Amanda followed Susan into the kitchen. As they busily prepared the coffeepot and cut the cakes Amanda adjusted to her surroundings and the butterflies that had been fluttering in her stomach settled down.

Eventually Susan and Amanda were able to sit down with the others, the ladies were keen to know about John and what he did, who he was seeing. They were also interested in Amanda and were probing gently to find out what they could. She settled into the part treating John as another being and dishing a little dirt on him with a few made-up infidelities. ‘It’ll probably improve his image’ she thought.

Eventually the party began to break up and arrangements were made for the next week’s event at Mrs Greens further up the road. Amanda promised to attend if she was in town that day.

As the last of the ladies left Amanda and Susan began to clear things away and packed the dishwasher. There were a few delicate china plates and Amanda filled the washbowl put on the rubber gloves and began to gently clean them off. She became aware that Susan was right behind her and then suddenly was hugging her from behind. Amanda did not know what to do, she didn’t resist due to a combination of shock and enjoyment. Susan continued to hold her and now started to caress her body, Amanda’s tightly concealed sex strained for release as Susan ran her fingers along Amanda’s nylon encased thighs and her head arched back in pleasure. Susan now began to kiss her neck and Amanda found standing difficult, her legs were turning to jelly and Susan now supported her.

"Take those silly gloves off and turn around." She commanded. Amanda did so and as they faced each other she pressed her body against her and their lips met, tongues tasting and smearing each others lipstick.

"Oh you beautiful boy, I’ve been moist ever since I saw you this morning. I hoped my suspicions were correct, and they were, you make a lovely girl."

"How did you know?" Amanda panted, shocked from the kissing and revelation.

"Oh I saw John come in, his car’s still in the drive and all of a sudden his ‘sister’ appears from nowhere. You are good I’ll give you that, no one would see through your disguise."

"But why all this charade?"

"I wanted to get you where I could take control. I’ve been wanting to go out with you since we met but your male persona seemed so aloof and I didn’t know how to break the ice."

"And all this time I’ve been wondering how to ask you out." Replied Amanda. "You don’t mind about the dressing?"

"Oh no, I believe that it’s unfair that men can’t wear dresses and girls can wear trousers, anyway I can now indulge my lesbian fantasies."

"So where do we go from here?" asked Amanda.

"Well I’m sure you can find your way to the bedroom, I’m dying to see you in your underwear…."



© 2000
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.