Crystal's StorySite


Femme Friends

by Karen Elizabeth L.


Part II


I was in shock when I woke up and saw the bandages on my chest. When mom told me that I would have to wear a bra from then on, I started to cry.

"I understand baby," She cooed. "This is such an important step on your journey to being a real woman. It's a big deal for a girl when she starts growing breasts; my little girl is all grown up now."

Her little girl was revolted by the idea of having real breasts and yet thrilled that she now had real breasts. How can I go through life looking like a woman, I wondered. And how soon can I get these bandages off so I can wear that sexy underwire bra that promised to give me a bustline that men would go nuts over?

So there I was, in a sundress, panties and sandals, talking to a bunch of girls I used to date about how I can't wait to become a total woman. Not long ago, I would've been making a serious effort to get into their panties; how was I to know that I'd end wearing panties just like theirs?

"I don't believe you," Sarah, one of my old girlfriends insisted. "This is some sort of sick joke."

You bet your ass it is, I wanted to say, but instead I insisted that I was serious about becoming a woman.

"Prove it," She insisted. "We'll go into a dressing room at Penney's and we'll see if those are real or not."

Once inside the dressing room, I reached back and undid the clasp on the top of my dress, letting my breasts hang free as the top fell below my waist.

"Satisfied?" I asked, reaching to pull the top back up for support.

"Not yet," She had an evil grin on her face. She grasped my left nipple between her thumb and forefinger and began to roll it.

"They sure do feel realistic," she chuckled as bolts of pleasure caused me to shudder.

"Oh god yes, they're real all right!" I gasped as wave after wave of the most indescribable pleasure washed over me.

Sarah saw the look on my face and began rolling the other nipple until I was on my knees, gasping for air.

"I always loved it when you did that to me," She grinned. "I thought that as a guy, you'd have no way of knowing how good it feels to have someone play with your boobs. I figured that if they were real, I'd get a reaction that can't be faked"

"Trust me, they're real, and I wasn't faking!"

"Imagine a cute guy doing that?"

I suddenly felt sick; the idea of another guy playing with my breasts was downright – thrilling!

"Do you know where I could find one?" I asked breathlessly.

"If I could find one, would you be willing to double date?"

"If he does that to me, I'd be willing to marry him."

She helped me fasten my dress and nodded to the other girls as we walked out of the fitting room.

"Lou's gone," She said simply.

I wanted to die. My ex-girlfriend had put me to the test and I passed with flying colors. To her, and soon to every girl in town, I was now officially one of the girls. My life was over.

We spent the rest of the day shopping; I quickly recovered from my depression over becoming an official girl to stock up on some sexy panty and bra sets from Victoria's Secret.

"They're kind of skimpy, aren't they?" One of the girls asked when I picked up a pair of lace hip huggers. "Don't you need a little more support yet?"

"I wear something called a gaffe," I explained as I chose several more pairs. "It keeps everything tucked away inside of me; I could wear a bikini and you'd never notice anything wrong."

"I'm having a get together in a couple of weeks if you're interested," A girl named Sherry quickly spoke up. It's a pool party so if you have a bikini…"

"I have one," I smiled triumphantly as I moved the strap of my dress enough to show the tan lines I had developed. "Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Just stay away from Mike, he's mine." She laughed. "Any other guys are fair game."

"I'll be good, I promise." I pledged.

I had just accepted an invitation to attend a pool party in my bikini; my hole just got a little deeper.

Later that day I ran into Misty as she was sunning herself on her deck.

She looked good in a black suit with a pink stripe but I still felt that my bikini was prettier.

"You look great," I told her as I carefully sat down, not wanting to get my dress wet.

"Thanks, that's a gorgeous outfit." She looked at my breasts in amazement.

"Oh my God!" She jumped up and hugged me. "You did it, you got boobies!"

"Yep, no more padded bras for me," I said proudly as I stuck my chest out.

"You've gotta talk to my mom," She pleaded. "She thinks that the hormones I'm taking will be good enough but I can't wait. I hate padded bras; they make me feel like a little girl."

"If you do get a boob job, you'll never be able to be a guy again." I warned. "You'd better be sure before you do it."

"I'm sure," She smiled. "You were sure weren't you? I mean, even though you'll never be able to be a guy again, you didn't have any doubts about having breasts, right?"

"I was a little worried at first," I admitted. "But my being a guy was just wrong; you know how I was always sneaking my mom's stuff and trying it on. Even when I was little I wanted to be a girl."

"I was trying her stuff on too, remember? How about when we snuck some of Meghan's stuff and tried it on? You wore her yellow party dress and I wore her brownie uniform."

"That was so cool," I agreed. "Remember that time we wore her panties to school?"

"Yeah, and don't forget the time we snuck some of her nail polish and did our nails!"

"We don't have to sneak anymore," I smiled. "I've got lots of dresses and makeup and stuff; it's all mine."

"You are so spoiled!" She laughed. "I have to buy my own stuff or else I wear Meghan's old outfits."

"I can't help it I have a wonderful daddy."

"Mine thinks I'm nuts," she frowned. "He can't imagine why a boy would ever want to be a girl."

"He'll get over it," I tried to cheer her up. "It's probably bothering him to lose his son."

"He'll have to get over it," She agreed. "There's no way I'm ever going to be a guy again; I've already gone through all of the testing and I've started taking female hormones. By the time dad notices the changes, it will be too late; I'll be locked in to being female."

I had to hurry home and make dinner but I promised to call Misty so we could try to talk her parents into letting her get implants.

I made daddy's favorite dinner; a pork roast with mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, and beets. It was so sweet of him to tell me that I was going to make some lucky guy a great wife; I knew that if my future husband was only half as sweet as daddy, I'd be a lucky girl.

I still had problems with the way my life was going but they seemed less and less important every day. I had my appointment with the psychologist who made me take a bunch of tests and then spent almost two hours talking to me about my life.

I told him everything; how I'd always felt that I should have been a girl, how I snuck mom's clothes, how sad I was when I was little and mom told me that I couldn't wear a party dress like the other little girls. We talked about the way I had acted towards mom and daddy, and how mean I was to girls I had dated. It turns out that I was right; I was just trying to cover up my overwhelming desire to be a girl.

I was so happy when all the tests and talking were over and he told me that he saw no reason why I shouldn't start taking female hormones. I was ecstatic up until the time I got the container of pills at the pharmacy and had to take the first one.

My hand shook as I popped the first little pill from the foil. I didn't want to take it; it was bad enough having breasts but I remember what the doctor who prescribed the pills told me – a few months after I started taking female hormones, I'd never be able to reverse their effects. My skin would be soft, I'd build up fat deposits in places like my hips and butt, and I'd never have another erection in my life.

But Misty, my best friend in the whole world was taking them. How could I let her change into a woman without me? We used to dress up together when we were little, we did each other's nails, and we both cried when we couldn't be cheerleaders. We told our parents about wanting to be women at the same time and we spent hours shopping for pretty outfits together. If I didn't take the pills, Misty would be a woman and I'd be stuck as some sort of sissy.

I quickly popped the pill and took a big gulp to wash it down, Hurray, I was on my way to becoming a woman!

As soon as the pill hit my stomach, I regretted it. What had I done? Everything was moving so fast, too fast. I've got boobs, a pretty hairstyle, and I doubt that there's anyone left in town that doesn't know that Lou Collings was running around in dresses and calling himself Lindsay Marie!

Well poo on them! I wasn't Lou Collings anymore; I was Lindsey Marie Collings and I was already a woman in my head so why shouldn't my body match? I closed the case of pills and carefully placed them in my purse. Sherry's party was coming up soon and I still needed to get my legs waxed and work on my tan.

I made an appointment at my favorite beauty shop for a leg and bikini wax; it would be so good to see Mary again, we had a lot of catching up to do while she worked on me.

"I started taking female hormones and pills to block my male hormones," I announced proudly. "It won't be long before I'll be stuck like this."

"Do you really think of it as being stuck?"

That seemed like a stupid question; somehow I started trying on mom's clothes, then I told her and daddy that I wanted to be a woman, I have boobs that I never wanted and now I'm taking female hormones which will finish me off as a male. Every time I try to put an end to this farce, I manage to become even more of a woman. Hell yes, I'm as stuck as stuck can be!

"Good grief, no!" I giggled. "I used to cry myself to sleep when I was little because I couldn't wear pretty dresses like the other girls. Even when I was just a couple of years old, I thought of myself as a girl. I'm just putting things the way they should have been all along."

It was so weird; I was sure that the events I had described had never happened; at least I don't think they happened. Events in my real past seemed to be getting increasingly fuzzy while the details of the stories that I was pretty sure that I was making up, were becoming more and more vivid as though I'd actually done those things.

If they never really happened though, how come Misty was able to remember them every bit as well as I do?

She must have been there with me when I tried on Meghan's pretty yellow party dress. I remember her giggling and clapping as I twirled around. She was the one who insisted that I wear the petticoat and ruffled panties that we found in a box of old clothes.

After I was all dressed up, I dared her to put on Meghan's old Brownie uniform, and a slip, panties, and knee socks. I can still remember her saying that the panties felt so nice and that she wished she could be a girl so she could wear panties all of the time.

I admitted that I wished I could be a girl too since I loved the way I looked in the dress.

That was the first time we ever dressed up together and the first time that either of us admitted that we wanted to be girls. After that, we dressed up every chance we got As we got older and our parents left us alone on school holidays, we'd play dress-up with mom's or Meghan's stuff. I don't know how we managed to escape getting caught but it seems that the clothes we borrowed were never missed.

"Have you started dating?" Mary asked as she spread hot wax over my pubic hairs.

"I dated a few girls but it was just to keep anyone from guessing about me."

I winced as she pulled a strip from my leg.

"I meant have you dated any guys yet?"

"Not yet, but I've got my eye on a couple of real hunks. I have to figure a way to get them to ask for a date though. It's probably going to be tough finding a guy that's willing to accept me as a woman."

"Trust me Lindsey, you're an extremely attractive young woman now, but when those hormones kick in and your figure develops, your dad will have to chase them away with a club."

"I hope not!" I giggled at the thought of guys littering the lawn, waiting to ask me out. "I'm lonely enough as is; I haven't had a date since I decided to become a woman."

"I can see where that put a crimp into your sex life," Mary agreed. "But you were only dating girls to keep up your cover, right?"

"Of course, but now I don't date girls and guys won't date me."

"Be patient Lindsey," she advised. "I know men; they'll overlook anything to spend time with a beautiful woman."

I left feeling more confident in my femininity than ever; also a little sore where Marie had shaped my pubic hairs into a darling little heart. I ran home, slipped into my bikini, gathered my fashion magazines, and went out to work on my tan.

Mom and daddy kept asking me if I was sure about the pool party. No matter how many times that I told them I'd be fine, they'd ask again the next day. One day, while I was helping with the housework, mom asked again.

"Mom, I can't stay locked up in the house forever. Everyone knows about me by now so it's not going to be a surprise if I show up in a bikini. They're expecting Lindsey to come, not Lou. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky."

Mom dropped her dust rag and stared at me.

"I was only teasing you mom," I laughed. "I'm not ready to get lucky just yet."

"Don't give yourself away to some boy that just wants in your pants," She warned. "Hold out for a ring."

"Trust me mom, I don't think many boys would want in my pants."

"Give it time," She smiled. "You're too pretty to be ignored."

I wore a green floral patterned sundress over my bikini the day of the party. Dad insisted on driving me there even though I wanted to drive my self. I was anxious to get back to driving ever since the DMV sent me my new license; the one with my new hairstyle, my new name, and the box for sex with an "F" in it.

"Do you have your cell phone?" He asked as I left the car. "Call me if anyone bothers you okay? And especially if a guy starts getting a little fresh."

I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively. "Trust me daddy, if a guy starts getting fresh, you'll be the last person I'll call!"

"Remember, your mother and I raised you to be a lady!" He warned.

I felt like telling him that my being a lady was the last thing they ever thought of, but he was so sweet, I didn't want to upset him.

Everyone turned to look as I walked onto the patio; thankfully, there were no laughs.

Sarah hurried over to greet me and introduce me to everyone.

I tensed a little as she guided me towards a crowd of people who had once known me as Lou Collings; miserable, nasty, sexist, Lou Collings.

"It's okay Lindsey," Sarah whispered and tightened her grip on my arm. "Trust me, no one will bother you."

Frank was the first person Sarah introduced me to. He had been one of the jocks I used to mock in high school; now it was his turn.

"Hi Lindsey," He smiled, and then gently took my hand and shook it. "I'm glad you could come, Sarah's been telling us about you. She left out that you're much prettier than the last time we met."

"Thanks, you can't imagine how much I appreciate that." I smiled, relieved that he wasn't going to smash my brains into the concrete. "I'm sorry about high school, I was a jerk."

"Don't let it bother you," He looked at me and smiled, making my knees weak, "We've all done things we're not proud of."

"You can stick your tongue down her throat later Frank," Sarah teased. "I want her to meet everyone else before you go dragging her off."

I was treated far better that I deserved; the women complimented me on my hair and dress and I couldn't miss the guys checking out my legs and boobs. God, I hoped they liked what they saw.

Troy, one of the cutest guys there, offered me a beer but I opted for a wine cooler instead. I didn't want any ties to my past and beer would've brought back too many bad memories. He quickly brought back a wine cooler and a hot dog.

"I hope you like hot dogs," He smiled. "I can get you a burger if you'd rather have one?"

"A hot dog is just fine Troy, thank you." I smiled back, not wanting to stop staring into those baby blue eyes.

"I'll let Sarah finish the introductions," He flashed me a smile that suggested a bit more than friendly interest. "I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

"He's cute," I whispered as Sarah led me off. "Is he taken?"

"That depends on you," She smiled suggestively. "I invited him here to meet you."

"You did that for me?" I was amazed at her generosity. When we had dated, I never gave any thought to Sarah's needs or feelings; I was too self-centered to care.

"I always had a feeling about you," She smiled. "I was sure that somewhere deep inside, you were really a better person than you allowed people to see. Lindsey is that person and I want to help her be the sweet, lovable, person you kept from everyone."

"It's funny in a way," I smiled and squeezed her hand. "As Lou, I kept my emotions bottled up. It's a good thing my mascara is waterproof, because I'm ready to cry."

"Remember what I said as we left the dressing room that day?" She asked. "I told the other girls that Lou was gone. It's time to forget about a guy named Lou, everyone else has. You're Lindsey now and she deserves her own life."

"I can't thank you enough Sarah," I began to cry. "I'm lucky to have a friend like you."

"C'mon, let's dry your eyes and touch up your makeup," she led me towards the bathroom. "There are cute guys here and you want to make a good impression, right?"

"Right!" I quickly agreed. I straightened up to emphasize my breasts and put a little more wiggle into my walk.

"Atta girl," Sarah laughed. "You got it, so flaunt it!"

As I was getting cleaned up, Sherry and a few of the other girls came rushing to see if I was okay. It blew me away that the same people I had ignored or mistreated for years would be so concerned about me. Sarah assured the others that I was just having a little trouble adjusting but that I'd be fine.

"Did Troy say something to upset you?" Sherry asked. "I'll get rid of him if he did."

"Was it Frank?" Another girl asked while giving me a supportive hug.

"The guys have been wonderful," I smiled and hugged Sherry back. "I'm just blown away by how nice everyone's being when I've been a total ass."

"Lou was a total ass," Sherry was quick to agree. "That's why we never invited him to any of our parties. You're a doll; we like you and the guys are going ape over you."

"Is Troy going ape?" I asked hopefully. "He's a real cutie!"

"He saw you and Sarah rush in here," one of the other girls told me. "That's how we knew something was wrong."

It was just so hard to imagine that anyone cared about how I was feeling. "I'll have to thank him."

I touched up my lipstick and followed the girls back to the pool. When I saw Troy, I stopped, kissed him on the cheek, and thanked him for being so concerned. He turned bright red, which only made him seem so much cuter!

After Sarah finished introducing me, I made my way back to Troy.

"That was very sweet of you," I smiled and kissed him again. "I've never had anyone care how I felt before."

Troy couldn't seem to stop blushing.

"Would you like another hot dog?" He stammered.

"No thanks, but I could use another wine cooler."

I barely finished asking and he was off to bring me another drink.

"Are you always such a sweetie?" I asked when he returned.

"Uh, well, I, uh, I don't know," was the best I could get out of him.

Sarah and Sherry invited me over to get to know some of the other girls who had raced to my rescue in the bathroom. I thanked Troy for everything and was about to walk away when he found his voice.

"Ca I talk to you later, Lindsey?" He blurted. "Please?"

I squeezed his hand and promised to be back which seemed to make his whole day. As I walked away, I glanced over my shoulder and saw him watching me. I smiled and waved.

I was having a great time getting to know all of the girls again. I knew each of them before but they were unimportant to me as people then; they were just potential conquests.

Everyone wanted to know all about me; when did I first realize that I was really a girl, how were my parents taking my change, and of course they had to ask the most important questions.

"Are those real?" Cindy, one of my new friends pointed to my chest.

I thrust my chest out proudly. "I had a little help but they're real enough."

I gave her the nipple rolling test at Penney's," Sarah was only too happy to add. "She passed with flying colors, or should I say moaning and panting colors."

"Maybe you can get Troy to test them for you?" Tina, another friend suggested.

"Not a chance," Sarah insisted. If you can get him to hold your hand, you'll be lucky. He's painfully shy."

"I noticed, but he's such a sweetie."

"He's available; you are interested in guys, aren't you?" Cindy asked.

"Very interested," I nodded and told them the story of the parking attendant.

"Wow," Cindy's eyes popped so far open I thought she'd hurt herself. "Talk about fast learners! You must have gone through hell as a guy."

"Yeah," Sarah laughed, as she seemed to picture something in her mind. "How did you ever manage to shower in gym class?"

"I watched the ceiling a lot," I giggled. "It was a case of 'So many guys, but all off limits.'"

"You haven't wasted any time adjusting to being a girl," Another one of my new friends shook her head in amazement.

"I wasted too much time pretending to be a guy; I have a lot to make up for."

"I know a couple of guys who are unattached," another girl volunteered. "Would you like me to see if they're interested?

"You'd do that for me?"

"Sure, you're cute, unattached and so are these guys. It sounds like the perfect combination to me."

The other girls all agreed that I needed some experience with guys and promised to do all they could to help.

Sherry ran into the house and came back with a digital camera.

"I'll take some shots of her in her bikini and send them to everybody. Show them to your single guy friends and let's see if we can't drum up some interest."

"I can't believe this; I've just met some of you and you're being so helpful."

"Get used to it," Cindy explained. "It's a little thing we do for each other. If a girl gets dumped or needs a guy, we get together and try to help her out."

"So that's why Troy's here?"

"Yep, he's a really nice guy; we use him like training wheels."

"Training wheels?" I was confused; I'd always thought guys chose what girl they wanted to date

"Sure, let's say a guy dumps you and you're afraid to get back in the game. We fix you up with Troy and he helps you get used to guys again. He's as gentle as a kitten and can make a girl feel really good about herself."

"He sure can," I moaned. "It's not like how I felt about the parking attendant, but I've only known him for a few minutes and I love the way he made me feel."

"I think we're going to have to find a new pair of training wheels though," Laughed Sherry. "Did you guys see the way he's been looking at Lindsey?"

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Troy in a group of guys but his attention was clearly focused on me. I smiled and waved, causing him to blush again. I couldn't get over his fascination with me; it was just so cute.

I agreed with the girls that Troy would make an excellent set of training wheels for me but I wanted him to make the first move. I was a woman and I wanted all of the perks that went along with my new gender, including guys pursuing me!

After we all agreed on finding suitable guys for me to date, we jumped in the pool and began clowning around. The guys were quick to follow and suggested a game of "Horse," where the girls would ride on their shoulders and try to knock each other off her "Mount."

The girls were choosing their "Steeds" when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Troy grinning.

""If Milady requires one, I have a reputation as a great steed." He sat on the edge so that I could get on his shoulders.

I felt so special as I carefully positioned myself on his shoulders and held his hands to balance myself. Troy slowly stood and we moved to the center of the pool to do battle with the other girls.

I completely lost myself in the fun and was soon screaming and pulling at other girls to dismount them. It was done to me and three other girls when the girls who'd been knocked off their mounts snuck up on us and removed our tops!

I guess I underestimated the punch those wine coolers packed because instead of grabbing for my top and risk falling, I playfully kicked Troy and urged him into the battle. Ten minutes later, I was the last girl remaining on her mount.

By then, all of the other girls were also topless and we were rewarding our faithful steeds with kisses. Troy squeezed me tight as I thrust my tongue into his mouth and rubbed my boobs against his hairy chest.

"That feels so good," I moaned as I rubbed against him. "I like hairy chests."

"I'm glad you enjoy it," He told me as he rubbed my butt. "But don't you want to put your top back on?"

"No, I like rubbing my boobies against you," I said as I pushed into him. "Don't you like my boobies?"

They're very nice," He agreed. "I like your tongue too."

I was so glad he liked my tongue and my boobies because my I was trying to see how far down his throat I could put my tongue and how flat I could make my boobies by rubbing against his chest.

Something kept telling me that this was all wrong; that I had no business fooling around with another guy. I brushed it aside though because I knew I wasn't a guy.

Ask yourself, how did I get these sexy boobies if I was a guy? Guys don't have boobies, not like these puppies, that's for sure. My boobies weren't the biggest, but they'd grow as long as I took my pills. Besides, it feels heavenly when I rub my nipples against Troy's nice, hairy chest.

If I was a guy, Troy wouldn't let me stick my tongue down his throat and he wouldn't be rubbing my butt and making me feel all horny. My tongue's down his throat, my boobies are rubbing against him, and if he keeps rubbing my butt like this, I'm going to pull his trunks down and show him just how happy I am to be a girl!

Just to be safe, I thought I'd ask Troy if I was really a girl.

Troy, do you think I'm really a girl?" I asked as I licked his earlobe.

He pushed against me and I felt something hard rubbing against my thigh.

"Never doubted it," He mumbled as he pulled me closer.

"Goody," I giggled and continued licking and sucking on his earlobe.

"Break it up you two," Cindy shouted, ruining all my fun. "No more wine coolers for Lindsey!"

"But I like wine coolers," I giggled. "They're almost as yummy tasting as Troy's ears."

Cindy and a few other girls dragged me away from Troy and got me out of the pool.

"Sit here and sober up," She told me. "And no more Troy until you are sober!"

"I think he likes me," I told her. "He thinks I'm a girl."

"You are a girl, dummy." She said as she pushed me into a chair. "Now stay!"

"Woof, woof," I barked as she walked away. It was a beautiful day for a nap, so I closed my eyes and hoped I'd dream of Troy.

When I woke up, I realized that I was topless, and had a terrific headache.

Someone was blocking the sun; when I could open my eyes, I saw Troy grinning and holding my top.

"Lose anything?" He teased.

"I'm not normally like that," I tried to explain. "I don't know what came over me."

"Three or four wine coolers," He laughed. "But it's okay, I'm not complaining."

I took the top from him but was still too drunk to put it on.

"Could you help me please?" I asked and turned my back to him. Just having him touch me sent electric shocks through my body.

"I was wondering, could I call you sometime?" He sounded as though he was asking if I'd mind being his sex slave. I wouldn't have hesitated to say yes if he'd ask, but all he wanted was to call me. I quickly took a pen and paper from my purse, wrote Lindsey Collings on it along with my phone number.

"Uh, if I were to call you, would you mind if I asked for a date?

"You'd want to go out, with me?"

He made a big show of looking at the name and phone number on the paper.

"This is your name and number isn't it?" He asked. "If I call this number, will I get to talk to a girl named Lindsey Collings?

I smiled and shook my head.

"Then yes, I would ask you for a date."

"Call soon," I told him. "Before the rush."

"I could drive you home when you're feeling better." He offered. "I only live a couple of blocks away."

This gorgeous guy lived a few blocks from me and I never noticed him? I must be slipping!

I felt sick when I realized why I hadn't noticed him; until recently, I had been a guy too.

"I had a couple of classes with Lou in High School," He admitted. "I guess you don't remember me though."

"I'm really sorry Troy," I apologized. "I was trying not to notice guys at that time."

"That's okay," He broke into a big smile. "I wasn't interested in you then either."

We sat and talked until I felt that the ground had stopped spinning. I changed back into my dress and sandals, touched up my makeup, and walked with Troy to his car.

It felt so weird to have a guy open my door and wait until I got in before shutting it. Yeah, I know daddy did the same thing at the restaurant but this felt so much nicer.

We were at my house before I realized it. Troy rushed around to open my door and then offered his hand to help me out of his car. He walked me right to the door and waited while I fished my keys from my purse.

"Would you mind if I gave you a goodbye kiss?" I asked hopefully.

"I'd feel terribly hurt if I left without one."

I put my arms around his waist and reached up to those ever so yummy lips. They were every bit as fun to kiss when I was sober as they were when I was drunk.

"Don't forget to call," I whispered as I opened the door. "I'll be waiting by the phone."

Mom and dad were standing in the living room, grinning like mad when I walked in.

"He's cute," Mom said with a grin.

"Was everything okay?" Daddy asked, ignoring the fact that he'd just watched his little girl get her first goodbye kiss.

Suddenly I snapped again.

"Screw him and screw both of you!" I screamed. "What the hell's the matter with you, I've got boobs and I'm running around in a bikini, getting kissed by another guy!"

No, of course that wasn't what happened. I smiled knowingly at mom and told daddy that everything was fine and that I'd had a great time. I was smart enough to leave out the part about getting drunk, going topless, and molesting Troy. I just didn't seem to have the will to resist becoming a woman.

"Who was that young man?" Mom asked. "He was such a gentleman."

"That's Troy; he's such a great guy. He was my steed at the party."

"Steed?" Daddy asked, his antennae twitching.

I explained how we played "Horse" and how Troy was my steed.

"We won the game," I said with pride. "Troy held me tight so I was never toppled."

"I'll just bet he did," Daddy smiled and walked away. "I suppose you'll want to tell your mom all about this guy."

"Thank you daddy," I called out as he walked away. He was so right; I couldn't wait to tell mom all about the wonderful guy that was going to be calling me for a date!

I told mom everything about the party as I changed into shorts and a top.

"So the other girls set me up with this guy named Troy; yeah, the one that drove me home. We talked for a little while and then I went off to meet the other girls. By the time we started playing horse I was totally wasted from wine coolers. Yeah, Troy was my steed and I couldn't help wonder if maybe he's hung like a horse too! "

'So there were only a couple of us girls left when the others, the sore losers, grabbed our tops! I was too far gone to care about anything but winning so I didn't even try to get it back. Besides, it was fun showing off my boobies like that."

"Before I knew it, all of us girls were topless and I had won! I started to give Troy a kiss to thank him when my boobies rubbed against his chest. It felt so good that I just kept rubbing and rubbing and rubbing and we kept kissing and kissing and kissing!"

"Troy was getting hard and kept rubbing it against me. Oh mom, I can't wait until I'm married and I can make love with my husband any time I want!"

Hold everything; did I just tell my mom that I couldn't wait until I was married so I could make love with my HUSBAND? First of all, I have no plans to get married; I want to stay single and ball every hot chick I can. Second, if I do get married; my WIFE will be some hot bimbo who loves to screw, morning, noon, and night in every imaginable position, and with other women joining in!

That is so ridiculous, I suddenly thought. I'm going to marry a wonderful man just like my daddy, and there is no way I'm sharing him with other women!

Mom held my hands and told me that making love with my husband would be the most wonderful time imaginable; it was the ultimate expression of our love for each other and that was why it was so important to wait for marriage.

"I promise mom," I squeezed her hands. "I'm going to wait for the right man and he'll be the only man I'll ever make love to."

That night as I lay in bed, I took my nipples and began to roll them between my fingers the same way that Sarah had. The results were out of this world! I began thrashing about on my bed; overcome by feelings that I never wanted to end. My other worldly experience ended about fifteen minutes later with the most stunning climax I'd ever had.

Soaked from sweat and sticky residue; I took another shower, letting the warm spray linger on my breasts of course, then pulled on a pair of thong panties and a Tee shirt style nightgown. I was asleep seconds after hitting my pillow, too exhausted to keep my eyes open.

The next morning, I was up before anyone else. I chose a pink skirt with three tiers of ruffles, a stretchy pink top that would fit like a glove and show off my sexy boobies, white socks with a thin pink band around the top, and a pair of pink, princess Reeboks. I brushed my hair, put on a little blush and lip gloss, and went to make breakfast. When mom and daddy came down; I had just finished filling their plates and their coffee cups.

"Aren't you sweet?" Daddy said as he gave me a kiss. "This is every guy's dream; having two women waiting on him hand and foot."

"That's mom's job," I was quick to set him straight. "I'm just a wife in training."

Mom gave me a gentle squeeze. "You're getting straight "A's" from me."

"You're looking very pretty this morning," Mom said with a twinkle in her eye. "That young man who brought you home must have really made an impression on you."

My face turned red and I thought it was on fire.

"I just felt kind of girly this morning, that's all." I shrugged, hoping to get off the subject.

Mom smiled and put her arm around daddy's waist. "The right kind of guy can do that to a woman."

"I thought I'd call Misty and go shopping; the fall clothes are coming into the stores and I don't have anything to wear.'

"Spoken like a true woman," Daddy laughed as he handed me his credit card.

I put my hands on my hips and thrust out my chest. "Well I am a woman, in case you hadn't noticed.

"I noticed Lindsey, and so did that young man from yesterday. What was his name?"

"Troy, his name's Troy." I exclaimed.

"Go easy on the card, and say hello to Misty for us," daddy told me as I went to call Misty. "And give Troy our best if you happen to see him."

I wanted to give Troy my best, but he hadn't even called for a date yet. What was wrong with that guy, it had been almost twelve whole hours since we met and he hasn't called.

Hell, what's wrong with me? I looked better than some of the chicks I used to date and I'm totally wasted because some guy hasn't called for a date. This is totally ridiculous; he liked me well enough yesterday when I was grinding my boobies into his chest and shoving my tongue down his throat. He must have liked me because his little friend, which didn't seem all that little at the time though, was nice and stiff.

The last thing I need is some guy rubbing his pathetic little pecker against me. Then again, I smiled as I remembered that Troy's pecker didn't seem little when he was pushing it against my thigh, If only I had something to offer him, like a nice warm little snatch to bury his wonderful pecker in! Someday soon, I'd have one and then the guys will call.

I can't believe this is happening; I'm a grown man for God's sake; straight as an arrow, yet I'm acting like some broad in heat!

Speaking of straight, Troy's pecker sure did straighten out when I started kissing him! He'll call, I'm sure of that; his pecker would never allow him to forget the girl who made him feel so good.

Misty pulled me into her house the second I rang the doorbell.

"Look at these mom," She pointed opt my chest. "It'll take me forever to grow a set like these.

Her mom looked at my chest and smiled. "How big are they Lindsey?"

"I wear a thirty-four, B cup bra," I said with pride. "The doctor said that the hormones would probably cause me to end up as a thirty-six C."

She turned to Misty. "You understand that implants, combined with the female hormones you take, will make going back to being a man virtually impossible, don't you?"

"I never plan to go back mother," Misty replied firmly. "I've always wanted to be a woman; why would I want to be a man again?"

"I'd never go back," I added my own two cent's worth. "Becoming a woman is a dream come true for me."

"If we let you get implants, can we expect you to act like a lady?" Her dad asked.

"That's not a fair question dad," She complained. "Haven't I been every bit the lady mom is? Since I've transitioned at work, all of my co-workers have commented on how nicely I dress, how pretty I look, and how nice I am. I'm not Pete, the troublemaker anymore, he's gone for good."

Her dad pulled her close and hugged her.

"I'm sorry I asked that honey," He told her. "By the way, you'll need to take some time off; you're scheduled for implants next month."

"I bought some new bras for you," Her mom smiled. "They're Thirty-six B cups. The doctor doesn't think you'll grow much more and your dad and I know how much you want to be that size."

Misty started crying as she hugged and kissed her parents. "Thank you, this means so much to me!"

I was a little upset that she'd have a bigger bust than me but she was my best friend and anyways, the doctor told me that I'd fill out more.

I helped her touch up her makeup and then we hurried off to the mall to catch the sales before other girls got all the best stuff.

Misty found a to-die-for dress; a green and white striped, off the shoulder style, with a handkerchief hem.

"Jimmy will love the way I look in this," she said as she turned to see how it looked from the back. "He'll be hard before I start!"

"What did you say?"

"I said he'll be hard before I start." She repeated. "It usually takes a few seconds of stroking but once he sees me in this dress, he'll spring right up."

"Wait a second, " I interrupted her posing. " Who's Jimmy and what's this about stroking?"

"Jimmy's my boyfriend," She looked at me as though I were goofy. "Don't you stroke your boyfriend?"

"You've got a boyfriend?" I couldn't believe my ears. "And when you say, "stroking," you don't mean…"

"We've only been dating for a couple of weeks," she admitted. "He's so sweet, he's a great kisser, and his pecker is so sensitive."

"All I have to do is run a fingernail up his shaft and the next thing you know; he's stiff as a board." She giggled. "I like to tease him by gently running a finger up and down his shaft until he begs for mercy. I make him lick my nipples before I'll let him climax."

"I can't believe it, didn't you tell your parents that you'd be good."

"I am good," She giggled. "Just ask Jimmy. Besides, I told them that I'm not Pete, the troublemaker anymore and I'm definitely not Pete.

She ran her hands down the dress in a very sensual manner.

"Anyways, mom knows about me and Jimmy. She was the one who told me that you have to keep a man satisfied."

"Your father would kill you if he knew."

"Probably," She readily agreed. "Mom said that men forget what it was like the instant they have a daughter. They don't want to believe that she might someday do the same things for her boyfriend that her mother used to do for them. I mean seriously, mom gives dad a blowjob every night, but he'd have a cow if he knew I give them to Jimmy."

The thought of giving another guy a blowjob made me feel sick to my stomach.

Of course, if I didn't swallow, it might not be too bad, and I could always have them eat some fruit before I went down on them; girls used to tell me that helped them swallow when they went down on me. It was certainly something to think about; I wonder if Troy likes oranges as much as I do?

"The blowjobs were Meghan's idea; she let me watch as she went down on her boyfriends. The guys were also nice enough to let me practice on them so I'd be ready when I got a guy of my own."

"You are so lucky to have a sister like that," I said enviously. "Somehow I doubt that mom would ever teach me to give blowjobs."

We walked and talked some more about guys and how to keep them interested. I made up my mind that if Troy ever did call me, I'd make sure he remembered our date.

I noticed a Help-Wanted sign in the window of one of the ladies wear stores and it suddenly came to me that I hadn't been helping my family.

Mom and daddy have been so good to me; mom used to lend me her clothes and taught me how to put on makeup. Daddy let me use his credit card to buy pretty outfits when I decided to be a woman; he never once complained about how much I spent and always told me how pretty I looked. It just wasn't right for me to sponge off them like this. I went into the store and asked to speak to the manager about the job.

She took me into her office for an interview and had me fill out an application. I filled in the name section with Lindsey Marie Collings and was only too happy to place an F in the box for sex. I was worried that I didn't have any experience to list but hoped I could convince the manger to hire me anyways.

The one part I did have a problem with was where it asked for any other name I had gone by. It broke my heart to have to write Louis David Collings.

Mrs. Davis, the manager, glanced over my application and frowned when she saw that I had no experience.

"I'm really looking for a woman with some sales experience," She said. "Although, from the looks of you, I'd say that you'd be a very good advertisement for the clothes we sell here. All of the saleswomen are required to wear what we sell, at least while they're at work. The clothes are a bit on the pricey side but there's a pretty good discount to help offset that."

She asked me to stand and gave me a very thorough going over.

"Frankly, we don't carry anything like what you're wearing Lindsey but I'll make a deal with you. Model an outfit that I choose for you and if I think you can pull off a more sophisticated look, you've got a job."

Mrs. Davis left for a few minutes and returned carrying a cream colored skirt, pink silk blouse, and a matching jacket

"I guessed that you're about a size 7. I'll give you a few minutes to change; I'll be right outside when you're ready."

As soon as the door closed, I took off my skirt and top and gently removed the outfit from its hangers. The clothes didn't feel anything like I'd ever worn but then again I never saw this brand at J. C. Penney.

I was so grateful that I had chosen a pink bra to wear; it would have been so embarrassing to have my sexy, black lace, underwire bra showing through the relatively sheer blouse.

I pulled on the skirt, carefully tucked in the blouse, and put on the jacket before calling for Mrs. Davis to judge how I looked.

She walked back into her office and gave me another thorough look over.

"I really love the outfit Mrs. Davis; the styling is beautiful, the fabric works very well with the way it's cut and …"

"And that suit looks like it was made for you." She smiled. "I can teach you to sell, but that may not be necessary once my customers see the way you look. By the way, where do you learn so much about clothing?"

"I've done a lot of reading; Vogue, Women's Wear Daily, things like that."

"The knowledge will be a big help; the job's yours Lindsey," She told me. "Now, what hours are you available to work?"

She glanced back at my application and then back at me.

"I don't understand this other name section."

"I wasn't always Lindsey Collings," I said softly. "Until a few moths ago, my name was Louis Collings."

"You're a man?"

I dug out my driver's license and handed it to her.

"No, I'm not, not anymore; I'm in the process of changing my physical sex to match my mental sex."

"You have got to be kidding!" She shook her head and stared at me. "It just isn't my day.""

"I guess I don't get the job?"

"The job's still yours Lindsey," She quickly offered me a form to fill out for tax purposes. "When I was in High School, I was Captain of the Cheerleading squad for two straight years, and Homecoming Queen as a junior. When I was in college, I was Homecoming Queen as a sophomore, and had the lead female role in three plays."

"You are very attractive," I told her.

It was the truth, she was probably about mom's age but had none of the facial lines that older women develop and her figure would certainly turn men's heads wherever she went.

"Thanks, but in my prime I never looked as good as you do. You were a guy until recently yet I would have killed to look as pretty as you do."

"That's so sweet of you to think so," I blushed. "My mom is very pretty; I guess I get my looks from her."

"I don't mean to be personal Lindsey, but do you have a boyfriend?"

"Not yet," I sighed. "I met a really cute guy the other day but he hasn't called yet."

"Give him time," she laughed and showed me her engagement ring. "At least I can take some small comfort in having you beat in that category."

"Are you sure your customers won't be offended by me? I mean, quite a few people know that I used to be a man. There may be some who still think of me that way." I hated to ask but I thought it was only right to bring it up.

Mrs. Davis looked at me and began to laugh.

"Lindsey dear, anyone who still believes that should be locked up for their own good. Short of undressing, you'd be hard pressed to convince someone that you may be a man."

I couldn't wait to tell mom and daddy about my new job. Imagine wearing such classy outfits and getting paid too!

Mom and daddy listened patiently as I ran on and on about how wonderful Mrs. Davis had been, and how I wouldn't have to borrow daddy's credit card anymore.

When I finally finished, mom smiled. "By the way, Troy called for you earlier"

She said that as if telling me that we'd be having meatloaf for dinner. Didn't she realize that Troy was just the cutest, sweetest, most lovable guy in the whole world?

I guess daddy ruined her for other men; she just can't seem to recognize that there are any more wonderful guys left since she took daddy off the market.

"I waited all of last evening and several hours this morning for him to call and he waits until I'm not home." I moaned and shook my head.

"He should be calling back any time now if it matters," daddy said offhandedly.

"Of course it matters!" I exclaimed. "Does the World Series matter, does the Super Bowl matter, does …"

Dad held his hands out in a gesture of surrender. "I was only teasing."

It mattered, it mattered big time. When and if he called back, I was going to ask what kind of a fag he was; calling another guy as if he was a chick. I was drunk at the party the other day, and so wasn't responsible for what happened. He was completely sober, and let me make an ass of myself. He had to be queer to let me try to pull his tonsils out with my tongue and rub myself against him like that.

The phone interrupted my train of thought and I was out of my chair and grabbing at the phone in an instant. I'd fix this fag.

I fixed him, you can be sure of that.

The instant I heard his voice, I turned into a little girl unwrapping presents at Christmas.

"Hi Troy," I said as sweetly as I could. "It's really thoughtful of you to call. Tomorrow night, pizza? Sure, I'd love it, but no wine coolers please?"

"Seven o'clock, sure, that would be nice. Okay, bye, see you then!"

"He asked me out!" I screamed as soon as I hung up. "I'm going on a real date, with a real guy!"

So much for telling that fag where he could go and what he could do when he got there.

I quickly called Sarah who set up a conference call with Sherry, Cindy, and a couple of the other girls from the party.

"Troy asked me out! Yeah, he just hung up. We're going out for Pizza tomorrow. What should I wear?"

To hell with being a guy, I was in full chick mode, seeking advice from my best girlfriends about a date with a great guy.

The next night I was ready at seven in a short denim skirt that had pleats halfway up. I wore a simple white top for a casual look but underneath my good girl exterior, I was wearing a thong panty and a lace bra. I'd fix Troy for not calling me sooner; I'd make him thank god that he was a guy!

My first date with a guy was like a dream come true. Troy arrived promptly at seven and spent several minutes getting to know my parents while I finished primping. Mom told me that a woman is never supposed to be ready when a man calls for her; waiting for her makes the man appreciate her even more when she walks in looking like a million bucks.

After talking to mom and daddy and assuring them that their daughter would be in good hands, Troy took my hand and led me to his car. He opened my door and pretended not to look at my legs as I gathered my skirt and slid into the seat.

Of course, he was looking and when I caught him, he smiled and kept looking. How can you beat a guy who makes you feel so good about yourself?

At the pizza shop, we ordered a medium pizza, a beer for him and a diet soft drink for me.

"Not taking any chances?" He teased as I sipped my diet cola.

I shook my head furiously. "Are you kidding, after my performance at Sherry's?"

"I enjoyed your performance," He grinned. "You're a wonderful actress; you really put everything you've got into your acting."

"I'm lucky that Cindy broke us up; I might just have put everything I have into that performance!"

I loved the feeling I got when Troy smiled at me; even my sexiest underwear didn't make me feel as girly as I did when he smiled at me.

But did I want to feel girly; that was what I had to figure out. I still remember being a guy but I can't remember much. It just seems so long ago and so unimportant. I've gotten to be very, very, comfortable as an attractive woman. People smile at me, I've made more friends in the last few months than I made in my life.

I get along so much better with mom and daddy and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't adore wearing pretty dresses and sexy lingerie. I loved lying back in a tub full of warm, scented, bubbles and the way my legs felt soft and silky after I shaved them.

It was getting harder and harder to remember what life had been like for me before I begged my parents to accept me as a woman. I had some vague feelings that I wasn't happy and that I just sort of drifted through life without any real purpose.

Everything was so different now that I'm a woman; all I have to do is look over at Troy smiling at me and I feel good. Troy admitted that we had gone to the same school so he must remember me as Lou, yet when I first met him as Lindsey, he treated me as a woman; a woman he was interested in.

Troy doesn't care about my past; a feeling that everyone I know seems to share. They've accepted me as a woman and a friend, which makes me feel great.

Troy's sitting there staring at me. I look into eyes, which seem to be smiling. He's cute, sweet, and very lovable which either makes him a great puppy or perhaps great boyfriend material. It's such an easy choice; he's way too big to be a puppy but a perfect size for a boyfriend.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" I tease.

"I'm just working on an answer to an age old question," He smiled and rubbed his temples as though working out some complex mathematical formula, but said no more.

"I'm not licensed to practice Dentistry, could you please tell me what that question might be?"

He's grinning, something's up.

"I'd be happy to," He shrugs but never stops grinning or staring at me. "After all, you could be a big help in figuring out the answer."

I wait and wait but he doesn't say another word.

"Didn't I mention something about not being a dentist?" I ask. "Tell me about this question."

"Oh, sorry about that," He laughs. "Yeah, the question; I've been trying to figure out if there is such a thing as love at first sight."

"That's an odd question," I shake my head and wonder what could have caused that to pop into his head. He reaches across the table and takes my hands in his.

Oh boy, I am so dense! I feel his hands closing around mine and see the far away look in his eyes.

"Would you be offended if I told you that I fell in love with you at the party?"

"That was just the wine coolers then," I try to pull my hands free but my arms refuse to respond. "And the beer you've been drinking tonight."

Why was I trying to talk sense into him? He's telling me that he loves me; I know that I feel the same way, yet I'm trying to talk him out of it!

"I fell in love with you the instant I saw you." He insisted as he handed me a full bottle of beer. "See, I haven't touched a drop."

Oh boy, I'm in serious trouble. I don't know much about men from a woman's viewpoint but something about Troy is pulling me; I want to tell him that I love him, but I just don't think I can make the jump just yet.

"It's still too early for me to commit to anything Troy," I reluctantly told him. "This is all so new to me. Other girls have had a lifetime to adjust but it's only been months for me."

"That doesn't change anything," He squeezed my hands again, causing me to have feelings I had no idea how to handle. "I still love you."

I desperately wanted to move closer to him, to hold him and kiss him, and tell him that I loved him too but I couldn't do it.

It wasn't those old feelings that something wasn't right, that I shouldn't be on a date with another guy, and wanting to profess my love for him. This time, for once in my life, common sense seemed to have taken hold. I really wasn't ready for one man, not yet at least. I needed time to grow as a woman, to experience life and love as a woman, and that couldn't happen if I let my feelings rule.

"You're a wonderful guy Troy, any woman would be thrilled to have you tell her that you love her," I told him.

"Then you're thrilled," He interrupted. "That settles it."

"I am thrilled," I laughed at his attempt to close the deal. "But I'm also not ready to have one man love me. I need to mature as a woman; when I do, if you feel the same way, we can explore those feelings. Unfortunately, I'm still a little girl."

He tightened his grip on my hands and stared into my eye. The feelings washing over me were so wonderful that I started to cry.

"Please, don't cry." He grinned. "I don't know any of the girls here so there won't be any cavalry this time."

The memory of the girls at the party rushing to my side because Troy sent them touched me deeply. The silly grin on his face and the mental picture of a troop of mounted women rushing to my aid though caused me to laugh uncontrollably!

"You really no how to hurt a guy," He pretended to be hurt. "I tell you that you're the only woman I could ever love, and you laugh in my face."

"You're a goof, a big, sweet, lovable goof!"

"I still love you."

"And I love you too; goofy though you may be, I love you but it's still too early."

"I'll wait," He pledged, placing his hand over his heart. "But don't take too long, there are other women out there just waiting to drag me off."

"Please be patient with me Troy"; I asked. "This is too important to rush into. I have a feeling that you're the one I want to spend my life with, but I need to be sure."

Troy gave me the most heartwarming smile I've ever seen. "Take your time pretty lady, I'll wait as long as I have to, you're worth the wait."

Not long after that I started my new job. I couldn't believe that I could get paid to wear gorgeous outfits and help other women choose different looks for their wardrobe. Every day I wore a different, beautiful outfit and racked up tons of compliments.

On my first day I wore a pair of white satin panties with a lace waistband, a white bra with lace cups, a full white slip with lace trim at the hem and bodice, with nude pantyhose. I didn't want my lingerie to be too sexy; it might have clashed with the classy looking dress I would be wearing.

My dress, a green, Brocade Dress, with a cowl neck, hugged my newly developed curves, and exposed just a bit of the top of my breasts. Since I'd be working the evening shift, the dress was perfect; it was just the right outfit for a well off woman with a sense of style to wear to a dinner party.

I slipped my feet into a pair of green pumps, put my makeup, perfume, change purse, and ID into a matching clutch bag and went to model for mom and daddy.

"You are beautiful!" Dad whistled as I walked into the room. "If I wasn't busy with the old lady here, I'd snap you up in a second."

"Daddy, you're the sweetest thing that ever happened to women." I laughed. "It's no wonder mom's stuck with you for so long."
"He does have a knack for making a woman feel good," Mom agreed. "But he'll be sleeping on the couch if he doesn't quit calling me old."

"Behave yourself, daddy," I jokingly warned. "You're supposed to be the model for my future husband."

I gave them both a kiss and then it was off to work.

Mrs. Davis showed me around the store and introduced me again to the other women I'd be working with. Everyone was so nice; it was as though I was the little sister in a group of older women.

Everyday at work was a dream come true for me; one day I'd wear an Anne Klein dress and the next day I'd wear a pretty outfit from Adrianna Papell. After several month of working for Mrs. Davis, I might slip into a Donna Rico, Pink chiffon sheath outfit with a handkerchief hemline, a bra by perhaps Sarah Fisk or Simone Perele, and panties by Mimi Holliday for a date with one of the guys my friends had set me up with.

I'd even taken to wearing nylons and garters for dates to give me a sexier feeling. The guys didn't know what I wore under my dress; they just appreciated the increased feelings of femininity and sexiness that made me a bit more fun than some of their usual dates.

My girlfriends were always asking to borrow outfits and I never refused; I have more than enough outfits to share and they always have an extra guy that they're willing to share.

Mom had even dropped a few pounds just so she could borrow a few of my outfits; sometimes a dress for a dinner date with daddy, or more often, some sexy lingerie for when she wanted to be daddy's dinner!

I'd long passed the point of no return in my hormone replacement therapy. My doctor had warned me months ago that it was time to make a decision; if I continued taking estrogen, I'd never be able to be a man again. The best I could hope for would be an effeminate looking, sterile sissy.

"I didn't come this far to be Barry Manilow," I insisted. "I'm going for the gold."

He recommended castration to make sure there were minimal amounts of testosterone to interfere with the estrogen. I signed the papers without hesitation and a week later I was several ounces lighter and my panties fit so much better.

I now have curves where a woman should have them, a complexion that requires minimal makeup, and the emotional stability of a teen age Drama Queen. Who cares though, soon I'll have my year of Real Life Test behind me, and I'll be able to have the final surgery to turn me into a woman.

Misty's also doing very well in her new life; after taking a few secretarial classes at night, she's been able to move from delivering mail to being an efficient, respected secretary. She gave up shopping for a boyfriend and settled down with Jimmy, the guy she started dating just after she began to transition. They've even started talking about marriage.

I recently realized that I was right months ago, when I told Troy that he was probably the one that I wanted to spend my life with. Of all the guys I've dated since deciding to become a woman, none have brought out the feelings in me that I have whenever Troy's around. It's not easy to describe how I fell around him other than to say that I'm comfortable.

You may not understand how being comfortable can compare with being in love, but to me, they're the same thing. There's nothing I can't say to Troy, nothing I would hesitate to confide in him. He's always been there if I need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to cheer me up. I've looked back at all the other guys I've dated, and Troy is the only one I can truly say that about.

I made a date with Troy to go to the pizza shop where we first admitted that we loved each other. We were able to get the same table as we had that fateful night and once again, he ordered a beer while I had a diet cola.

I didn't say a word after we sat down; I just stared into his baby blues and waited.

"Hard day at work?" He finally asked.

"Nope, pretty easy as a matter of fact." I shrugged.

"Problems with a guy?"

"You might say that."

"Remember the one time we were here, and you told me you weren't a dentist?" He joked. "Well, I haven't gotten my degree in Dentistry since then either."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said straight faced, determined to drag him along. "I was just wondering something."

"I can't help you if you don't tell me what it is." I could feel his frustration level rising.

"That would be good; I could use the help."

I reached across the table and took his hands in mine.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" I asked with a smile.

His pretty eyes blinked rapidly as he realized what I had asked.

"Do you mean? Are you saying? Yes, good lord yes, I'm a firm believer in love at first sight!"

I smiled and waited; I may be a liberated woman but there was no chance I was going to ask him to marry me!

"Lindsey, you know I've loved you since we first met." He said softly. "I've been patient and have waited forever for this moment. Will you marry me?"

"I can't think of anyone I could love more Troy," I bit my lip to keep from crying. "Yes, I'll marry you."

We've made plans to marry six months after I've had my final operation. The doctor thinks I'll be completely healed and ready for a husband by then.

I broke the news to Misty the very next day and of course, she'll be my maid of honor.

Just after I broke the news, Meghan walked in smirking

"I never imagined things would get this far, boys," She told us. "I was willing to settle for you two becoming a couple of cross-dressing sissies, but this is so much better!"

She explained that moths and months ago, when Pete and I started to tell everyone that her girlfriends had slept with us, she decided to get her revenge.

"I found a company that advertised CD's, tape's, computer games, what have you, that had subliminal messages in them that would turn the most masculine man into a sissy. You two were always stealing the CD's I'd bought so I ordered a special CD that looked identical to one I knew you guys would steal."

"That CD was spiked with subliminal messages to make you guys want to dress up in the frilliest clothes imaginable; lacy panties, bras, dress, you name it and you guys would beg to wear them."

"I had it rigged so that you'd swear to your parents that you wanted to dress like women and beg them to buy you the most feminine clothes. You'd always know that something was wrong, that you really didn't want to dress like that, but you'd never be able to express your true feelings. If you tried, you'd pout, whimper, and cry, begging for pretty clothes.

"Pete, when you told mom and dad that you wanted to become a woman, I had to leave the room to keep from laughing my ass off. When I heard that Lou wanted to be called Lindsey and was dressing full time as a woman, it was too good to be true!"

"That's not possible Meghan," Misty argued. "After all, Lindsey and I have been dressing up…"

"Since you were little boys." Meghan finished the sentence for Misty. "Let's see if I remember this right; Lindsey, you wore my yellow party dress and Misty wore my brownie uniform. You both wore panties under your dresses, right?"

"Misty, you used to borrow my clothes and take them to Lindsey's where you'd play dress up. You both used to sneak my panties and wear them to school."

I was so sure we'd been careful, yet we'd been found out. "How long have you known about us doing all of that?"

"Ever since I planted the suggestions in your pretty little heads." She laughed. "None of that ever happened, you imagined it all!
"We never cross-dressed?" Misty asked, obviously as astounded as I was.

"Not until you listened to that rigged up CD." She howled.

"Pete, my dear little brother, I wish I had videos of you giving blowjobs to my boyfriends. You're a natural!"

"You planted that idea in my head?"

"Hell no, that what makes it so sweet. You saw me do it once and decided that it was a skill you needed to learn. I was only too happy to help. I've seen you going down on Jimmy; you're a natural."

"Becoming women wasn't our idea?"

"Never," Meghan laughed. "You two would have remained as normal guys if you hadn't threatened my friends. Now you've both been castrated, your systems are flooded with female hormones, you can't wait to have your peckers cut off, and sweet Lindsey is engaged to be married – to another guy!"

"What do you have to say now, ladies?" She taunted.

I thought about what she'd said for a second or two.

"The same thing I wanted to say when I came here," I smiled at her. "Would you be a bridesmaid when I marry Troy?"

"Jimmy asked me to marry him and I've accepted too." Misty announced. "I haven't even told mom and dad yet but we're getting married next spring and I want you to be my Maid of Honor."

Meghan appeared to be stunned. "After I tried to turn you two from men to pretty little sissies, and managed to make you beg to be turned into women, you'd ask me to be in your weddings?"

"You did me a favor Meghan," I explained. "I was nasty, miserable, rotten to everyone I knew, and did I mention nasty?"

"I despised my parents, Pete was my only friend, and I would have screwed him just for the hell of it. I was so miserable and nasty that I didn't even like myself!"

"Now I have friends, both male and female, that care about me. I love my parents and they love me. I don't care how it happened, but I love Troy and I'll be the best wife I can be for him. If it ever becomes possible, I hope to have children with him."

"I feel the same way Meghan," Misty agreed. "Thank you for giving me a life, friends, a family, and the man I love."

"Will you be a bridesmaid?" I asked.

"Please say yes, Meghan. It would be so cool to try on gowns together." Misty asked.

Meghan broke down into tears but recovered long enough to agree.

I can't wait to marry Troy; on our honeymoon, I'm going to rub my boobies all over his hairy chest, and then I'm going to let him do all the wonderful things to me that he wanted to do at the party!




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