Crystal's StorySite

The third installment of this story is Dedicated to Sapphire and her Significant Other. They have encouraged me to continue this work by making it more interesting to you the reader and me the writer.

Standard warnings do apply! This Story does is not for the faint of heart due to the Transgendered/Transsexual Themes. If you are under the age of 18, BEGONE! This is not for your reading pleasure.

Now to the Story:

The Dragon's Staff
of the
Master Druid

By Lorraine B.

Part 3
© 2001 Lorraine B.


The Wiccan Rede

Bide the Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust
Live ye must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give
Form the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcomed spirits out
To bind ye spell well every time, let the spell be spake in rhyme
Soft of eye and light of touch, speak ye little, listen much

Deosil go by the waxing moon, sing and dance the Wiccan Rune
Widdershins go by the waning moon, chanting out a baleful tune
When the Lady's Moon is new, kiss ye hand to Her times two
When the Moon rides at Her peak, then ye heart's desire seek
Heed the North wind's mighty gale. lock the door and trim the sail

When the wind comes from the South. love and kiss thee on the mouth
When the wind blows from the East. expect the new and set the feast
Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow
Elder be the Lady's tree, burn it not or cursed you'll be
When the wheel begins to turn, soon the Beltane fires will burn

When the wheel hath turned to Yule, light the log-the Horned One rules
Heed each flower, bush and tree; by the Lady Blessed Be
Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone; the truth you'll know
When ye have and hold a need, hearken not to other's greed
With a fool no season spend, or be counted as his friend

Merry Meet and Merry Part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart
Mind the threefold law ye should, three times bad and three times good
When misfortune is enow, wear the star upon thy brow
True in love must ye ever be, least thy love be false to thee
These eight words the Rede fulfill; an harm ye none, do what ye will.......


It seems to have been a long journey by the Helicopters to the new Base Camp. The amount of equipment was unbelievable. It was a logistics nightmare!

In the past, few weeks we have accomplished much, the new initiates have gone from First Degree to Second Degree. Liz and Amena commented they had never seen such devotion to the Craft. The learning capabilities and devotion to the Craft and the Mother Goddess, of those that were initiated seemed to have put us all to shame.

Although they were inexperienced to the ways of the Craft, they were all eager students. A few have even developed a unique strong psychic awareness! All of us have developed a deeper sense of awareness of themselves and the world around them.

The Covens that helped to initiate everyone were enamored with the new or old Rituals of the Craft. It seemed as though the rituals written in the Primus would be around for many generations to use and follow. The Covens had said the Rituals had made sense to them. It was more comfortable to them. They were more ethereal!

All had said they have a deeper meaning of peace, harmony, tranquility, and substance. Those cerebral bonds between man and nature tended to be more intense with these Rituals. This was not to say that the rest including Alexanderian, Gardnerian or Saxon etc. wasn’t!

We allowed for the all rituals to be copied to the Coven members Grimoire. A promise was made by each member to pass the rituals freely to any Coven or Hidden Child of the Mother Goddess that sought them out.

The most undignified preparation before coming to the Site was the Purification Ritual. It was not only uncomfortable to me, but to all of us. It was followed verbatim from the ancient scrolls. There was to be No Deviation from the ancient scrolls or the preparation. We were warned in our revelation to follows the Olde Ways or be prepared for failure and banishment from this life.

Evelyn, Gerri, Carolyn, Amena and Liz had been showing me how to take care of my new body. I was embarrassed at first but came to the realization that feminine hygiene was an important part of being female. The worst part of my transition was to have my first menses. Pardon the pun it was a bloody mess! I had managed to learn to block the pain from the cramps by meditation, which I eventually taught everyone.

Gerri and Carolyn were quick to point out to me that what could happen to me internally if the hygiene was not performed. I had no other choice but to comply with the ritual of the Primus as well as my physician's mouth. I had no intention of getting sick or disease ridden. We just were too close to the prize of the lair!

It has been an ongoing task for the Security Teams to keep the World Press from banging down our doors. It would seem we had a small security leak! This was the subtle work of the American Embassy in retaliation for their embarrassment we inevitably found out.

Eventually Evelyn and Colonel Thompson took care of the relentlessness of the Press Hounds by giving them a Prepared Statement. I prepared that Statement!

I had stated that the Legends of Merlin and King Arthur could quite possibly be true. If this was the case, a new chapter could be written into the history of the British Isles. The Historical and Archeological significance of the British Isles would quite overshadow the archeological Finds of Egypt, Italy and Greece. I had not lost my direction to the Olde Ways. I was concerned that the Press would compare our Finds, to the largest hoax of the Archeological World, Pilthdown Man.

After the Press statement was given, all was in readiness for departure form our Base of Operation at the compound. As we left the compound by the helicopters enroute to the Site of Merlin's Lair and Draclyon. Our pilots had to request Interceptor assistance from the R.A.F. and the Royal Navy to keep the Press Hounds at bay.

It seemed as if the Press had scrounged up anything that could fly to follow us. A few of the hardiest Reporters had even taken to the skies in UltraLight Aircraft.

Until the Reporters were warned, by the Interceptor Aircraft and a few fired rounds, the Reporters finally realized they could and would be fired upon if they continued their route to follow us. Not even the bravest or hardiest of those reporters wanted to test the combat skills of the pilots involved.

Our helicopters flew to the Site via a round about way to avoid detection. I assumed this was done as most of the Press aircraft had Radar. They could for all intents and purposes follow us by electronic means.

We were just a few nautical miles from the Site when a massive electrical storm of monumental proportions came from nowhere. The pilots had said that the storm seemed to center around our helicopters. The Lightning severity was such that they were worried all of our Helicopters could be hit by it.

After landing the pilots stated to Colonel Thompson that all the Lightning Strikes seemed to hit just one area. That area that was shown to us on the map was where the Sorcerers Stone was! All our Pilots then the found the seclusion of the trees to relieve themselves and calm their nervous stomachs.

Logic was telling me that this was a diversion or protection to keep the essence of Merlin from sensing us or knowing our purpose. Blessed Be!

Our main Camp was fully erected approximately 2 miles from our objective. Cecil had made sure that Security was of the utmost importance. He had called for additional security personnel that included Royal Marines, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force to maintain a 10-mile perimeter with Aircraft AWACS and Surface Ship RADAR Pickets setting up a PIRAZ (Positive Identification Radar Advisory Zone) at 40 nautical miles from the location of the Lair. They were not to come toward the Lair for any reason no matter what they saw visually or electronically. Cecil said they had to remain safe and we agreed. We seemed to be covered on land, sea, and air!

We weren't concerned of intruders we were concerned with what lay in store for us in just a few hours at sundown. The uncertainty of the unknown is frightening to any Human Being!

We all had decided to rest and to meditate. As our time was getting shorter, it seemed as if I was starting to get apprehensive in working the Banishment of the of the Master Practitioner of Magick of all time.

We had all decided to stay close together to form a Circle of Protection to ward any potential Magick Spells that might be worked against us.

As I reached a meditative state, the reality around me seemed to change:

All of us were in a lush pastoral setting sitting within a circle made of salt.

Suddenly a woman appeared within our midst directly in the center of our circle. It was Nimue wearing the brightest armor I had ever seen with Excalibur attached at her side in scabbard. War was here!

" Merry Meet Daughters, I bid thee welcome. Art thee at ready? He be weak in spirit but, he be strong in mind.

Thy Mother Goddess sends thee her champions her Favors and Blessings. Thee are Chosen Ones! Thee are the vanquishers of Myrddin! Do not be Feared! Thee will not be lone in your trials and quest.", The Lady Nimue said while pointing at them all one by one.

"Dear Lady, we are but novitiates compared to you in power of the Craft. The unknown is always to be feared.", Amena said with a wavering to her voice.

With the sound of thunder and an effulgent flash, Chyaedar appeared next to the Lady Nimue. She was dressed in the most brilliant emerald green armor. The armor consisted of helmet, arm braces, breastplate and skirt of chain maile and green leather, leg guards and sandals. Her armor was more atypical to the sort worn by the Roman Legionnaires. She held a green bladed two-handed Great Sword aloft over her head in both of her delicate hands.

As a bolt of lightning struck the blade of the sword as the Lady spoke, "Be that true! Thee shall hast three thousand fold thy strength from Lady Bri¢ de and Lady Nimue.

Thy will be guided with thy Magick of Banishment from the Primus! Chydaer will make the Myrddin fight through this plain of reality. Thee will fight the Myrddin on thy plain of reality."

"Thee are pure in heart, mind, and body. Thee hast our strength and from Mother Goddess her Love. As told your rewards of Blessings shall be great as thee hast seen just a small brook of these.

First, the Myrddin must be vanquished! Follow the Primus! Do not Deviate! The Mother Goddess hath given thee added Strengths when thee arrive on thy plain. Blessed Be!", Lady Nimue said as she and Lady Chydaer faded.

Within moments, we seemed to all awaken at the same time. Before each of us lay a pile of neatly arranged clothing and Armor similar in style to what the Lady Chydaer wore in our vision. The difference was it seemed to be crafted in a highly polished silver colored metal we had never seen before. Each of us had a Great Sword, Short Sword and a Dirk (Athame) in highly polished scabbards attached to a leather girdle belt. The Pommel sides of each weapon were made of a dark colored wood.

We each had a silver threaded hooded cloak and undergarments made of the same soft thread that had been folded neatly. Silver sandals of again Roman styling completed our clothing.

Under the pile was a shield shaped in the old Roman foot soldier style high and wide moreover forged of the same material as the armor. Added to this were silver colored arm braces, leg guards, breastplate and helm.

As everyone started to change into the clothing and armor not a word was said. We were fully attired in less than thirty minutes helping each other.

When we all tied on our cloaks we noticed there was some sort of amulet inside the pocket. It was a silver Three-inch diameter pentagram that had a lightening bolt that went from the uppermost point to just below the center. The lightening bolt had a Star Sapphire in its center. The pentagram was suspended on a finely crafted Silver Chain that hung the Pentagram between our breasts along with our protective crystal that we have had since the beginning of this adventure.

We had just completed dressing when Cecil, Prince Henry and Taylor saw us, their mouths hung open in surprise.

"I don't recall having loaded that gear in the Hellies. Although I must say it is fetching on all of you.", Cecil said in complete amazement.

"You didn't Dear, and Please don't ask where we got it from. It would be a little difficult to explain with so short of time. Please close your mouth you might swallow an insect.", Evelyn said

"We came to investigate the thunder and lightning. We don't intend to ask but we need to have this event photographed and documented. There are those that will be disbelievers as to this event. We have made arrangements to utilize several satellites and AWACS Aircraft to record your exploits from high altitudes.", Prince Henry said.

"Sire, I don't see any problem with doing those things but, we have no idea what we are even getting into. If the lightning we saw enroute to here is any indication of what we may encounter I would say photographic surveillance may be useless.", Amena said.

"As it stands they will attempt to record your adventure. We will submit to our earlier discussions that we will not try to assist any of you unless you request our aid. Quite frankly, for some unknown reason I don't think anything we do could help you in this quest.

May you all be protected by the Mother Goddess and the Gods, bring the light into the darkness.", Cecil said very solemnly.

"All of you better come back! After what we have all gone through, I refuse to grow old again by myself.", Taylor said giving me a loving kiss.

I for one could tell there was worry in their voices. Although our immediate area we were in was outside of the main camp, we had heard the soldiers talking in their normal tones of voice earlier.

As we listened, now there was an absolute silence from the sparse small animal life in the wooded area. This was not a good omen!

As if on cue an Owl started to hoot which turned into a blood-curdling shriek. In the old superstitions, the owl could be taken for a sign of impending death of someone close.

Liz and Jamie leaned toward me and whispered, "There's someone in the bushes over there to your left. I just saw a brief outline in the shadows and they're wearing dark clothing."

I didn't dare turn my head but looked through my peripheral vision. Liz was right! For some reason, our whole group had seen this person and felt their presence. The only ones oblivious to the person's presence were the men.

It had seemed that since putting on the armor and clothing our senses and instincts had increased. Our awareness, to the natural wonders around had also increased.

As the wind changed direction, I could smell the faint odor of a womens scented soap or perfume. This was totally a new experience! The others around me noticed it too but not a word was said. I could hear all their voices in my head talking. I was on the edge! I almost totally panicked!

A new voice spoke to us in our thoughts, "Daughters, do not be alarmed. Thee hast been given many new gifts this eve of battle. Thee can now speak to others without voice. Be aware, this cannot be used for thy Magick! Be aware, of all things around thee! Thy senses be heightened!

There is one close at hand that would do harm to thee Bri'de and all ye. Take care! Do Thee No Harm! All life must be spared, but the Myrddin must be banished! Protect thy selves to Protect Life!", The voice said.

As I listened, I thought I could hear Ashley say "Interesting". By the Gods! Now my daughter thinks she's the Vulcan, Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame. I laughed to myself imagining my adopted daughter with a set of pointed ears. That would truly be a sight to behold! Well she always was a little Spacey!

"That's not funny mother! Besides, I'm better looking then Mr. Spock the Vulcan. Furthermore I am not nor ever was Spacey!

Mother, we have more company there's six more of them hiding around us in the brush.", Ashley said in my head.

A plan was being formulated in my head as I thought of our present situation. All of us except the men knew what had to be done. As I turned to face the closest hidden figure I felt the air in front of me expand, contract and heard a slight almost inaudible sound similar to a PHUFT. For an unknown reason, I lifted my arm to my face. In doing this, I felt something hit me with a tremendous force on the armbrace and gauntlet I was wearing.

Damn, I thought, now I'm going to have a bruise there. Not for one split second did I think of my safety or anyone elses. My mind became a total blank slate, as the figure in the bushes, had fired a silenced weapon at me.

That person fired several more rounds each being deflected by my shield. Whomever it was reacted and fired quickly!

They again fired this time placing their weapon on full automatic firing directly at me. An unsilenced weapon staccato shattered the silence of the woods as each bullet hit my shield.

Again and again they were deflected! One bullet had actually ricocheted back at my assailant!

The person took the bullet in the groin area of the upper right thigh. I saw that person going down hard to the earth and spilling their blood upon the woodland floor.

As I walked cautiously to the assailant's body a few scant feet away, I smelled the perfume again, only heavier.

This was the one that I had smelled the perfume scent on! That scent was stronger as I crept closer with a distinct caution I had never had before. The distance between my assailant and myself closed quickly. I could see that this person was injured gravely. If the wound was not taken care of quickly it could be a mortal! The sanctity of life must prevail!

I heard a distinct click sound! The person on the ground somehow had found the strength to try to attack me with a knife this time. It was a simple matter to disarm my assailant taking the knife away. I distinctly heard her screams of pain going into sudden silence! Her?

I knelt by the prone body ripping the hooded mask from the head. I was beyond angry! It was Millicent Kravitz the Spook!

She was already in Shock and about ready to go into deeper shock due to blood loss. I had to assume the bullet hit the Femoral Artery in the groin area. I thought of perhaps just walking away and letting her die. Only two things prevented me from doing that, the Witches Rede and our Three-Fold Law. To Do No Harm! What we do for Good or Bad, shall be returned to us Threefold!

I applied pressure in the general area feeling the wound and covering it with my hand. This action seemed to slow her blood loss.

An SAS medic, SAS doctor with Gerri and Carolyn our Doctors came directly to me seeing Millicent prone. They then took over the care of Millicent. Her face was ashen as I gazed upon it. If she survived, the Mother Goddess had smiled upon Millicent sparing her life. Vindictiveness would not be sweet for her!

The others that joined Millicent in their foray were captured in almost the same way as Millicent had been except they were unconscious. All had been captured by the Coven and restrained by SAS personnel called in by Cecil. The entire Coven had not been injured or scratched during the skirmish.

The SAS were very through in searching the people that tried to attack us. Other than the weapons they had brought with them, they had nothing else. Or so was thought until one of the captured men regained consciousness went into an immediate cataleptic state. There was a distinct smell of Almonds on his breath that only Potassium Cyanide or a Black Pill has. Already we had a fatality!

Each of the prisoners were checked again with a Strip Search. It was found that all the attackers including Millicent had a Black Pill in a hollowed out molar tooth in their mouths.

"Apparently this was to be a Suicide Mission as well as an Assassination Mission. Our Unit Doctor and Doctor Carolyn report that Millicent Kravitz will recover after her surgery. The men and Millicent, who attacked you all, will be transferred to a holding area for future transfer and prosecution under Military Tribunal. The Sergeant Major is investigating how they infiltrated our picket lines.", Colonel Thompson said slightly miffed.

"Cecil, our time is near! The Mother Goddess and all the Gods be thanked that none of us were injured or slain. At least you had your senses about and radioed for more personnel.", Bri'de said giving the colonel a kiss on the cheek.

"My only regret is that I should have seen this occurrence was to happen. The vehemence in her eyes should have told me she was a vengeful sort. We should have Dispatched her and Neil Farnsworth that first night at the Base Camp house.

The message would have been clear to our American Cousins we will not be tolerating their "Mucking About" in our operations.", Cecil said in a composed anger.

"And all of us would have had a hand in it! We have all taken an oath and live by our Rede and Three Fold Law, to do no harm to anyone or anything living.

This armor that was given to us was for our preservation!", Bri'de said trying to keep her anger in total control as she cleaned herself from the blood spilled.

As I thought back to the voice, we had heard in our minds. She said to protect ourselves; to protect all life! My anger started to dissipate. None of us had taken a life! The only life that was lost was by the person's own hand.

We had all come to terms with our changes despite the road being filled with as many potholes as a Chicago Street.

As we checked over our backpacks containing our altar tools and spell casting implements, we carefully thought about how our lives had changed. They had changed to such a degree our past lives had been virtually forgotten. Our new paths in life seemed to be orchestrated and now to be played in a true symphony. Our minds and bodies are the true instruments of the Mother Goddess. All of our preparation was to be fruitful this eve. Merlin is to be vanquished by our hands!

Taylor, Prince Henry, and Cecil kissed each of us before walking into the woods. Our hearts were with them but our minds were on other matters as we put on or carried our backpacks.

We had planned to walk to the Site through a route that had been discovered by the aerial photography. It was overgrown with vegetation but it looked passable.

We found the beginning of the route without any trouble. You could tell that at one time stones had been set into the earth that formed the path. Branches from trees long dead covered the trail. There where fern trees that had grown over the years and centuries that hid the stones. Long grasses, wild flowers and a multitude of weeds seemed abundant. The reality of this wild flora and fauna made it seem that there was nothing unusual about this area. There wasn't until we came to what we referred to as the Moat.

After centuries of rains, snows and neglect, this area appeared to be a stagnant pond. I'd surmised at one time that it might have been spring fed. It was close to a hundred feet across. It seemed to curve in both directions to what we had seen in the photos, a complete circle. There was nowhere to cross this barrier!

The swill that was once water had a green covering of algae and who knew what else. Nothing was seen floating but with the low light of our Chemical Light sticks it was hard to say. The putrefied water was up to the brim or what you could call its banks.

The only disturbance in the water was what I thought as Air or Methane Gas bubbles breaking the surface from something decaying. The smell that came from the water was foul as foul could be.

All of us went back up the path and started to gather the largest of the tree limbs we could find. We had gathered more than enough to build our rafts. Amena and Liz had made some ropes from the Climbing Ivy vines that were very abundant. Within a short breadth of time, we had the limbs lashed together. Our rafts were ready to launch!

As the rafts were placed into the stagnant brew the stench seemed to increase in intensity. We made sure that the rafts were sound before climbing onto them.

We all pushed away from the shoreline together. The stench seemed to assault our sense of smell. We did all we could to get to the other side as expeditiously as we could. We had to move several floating trees from our path as we proceeded.

All I could think of was to take a bath to remove this rancid smell and to remove the slime from my feet. We all thought the same thing!

All of us made it safely to the other side of the Moat. With all the added weight of the armor and our backpacks I thought we just might have to swim! Now that truly would have been the revenge of Merlin!

I just hoped that Merlin's essence could smell. If it did, we'd banish it with just the smell we had accumulated. We wouldn't even have to cast a Spell!

Amena and Jamie were the first to jump to land. Amena was already running, looking for a way to the Lair while we briefly sat below a tree to rest.

We all were a bit tired the brief rest seemed to rejuvenate us. I could hear everyone's thoughts as before. I was proud of the way everyone had been working as a team. There were no complaints from anyone, not even Evelyn!

"We should be close to the Lair. What I don't understand is we were told to expect anything. Have you seen any insects or wildlife?", Evelyn said as she, Gerri, Jamie, Miriam, and Liz sat next to me.

"No, this could very well be the proverbial lull before the storm. My hair at the nape of my neck keeps on raising. Either we're going to have a storm or there's going to be a great deal of trouble soon.", I said.

As we spoke we kept our voices low. To this day I don't know if it was fright or reverence to the essence of the people that once traipsed through and lived within these wooded groves.

Centuries ago they might have been majestic, today they still are, but overgrown by other plant life. My heart was heavy with sadness it seemed a pity to see such neglect.

Why was I suddenly so maudlin? I looked at Evelyn she was close to tears so were the others. I realized immediately we were under some type of attack.

"Ashley, Liz, Miriam, Jamie, Gerri, Evelyn get everyone together. Now! We're under an attack! Evelyn, snap out of it! Liz, We need a protective spell now! I've got to find Amena!" I said as I started to run in the general direction Amena had gone.

The light was almost nonexistent as I ran blindly through the woodland. For some reason as I ran I noticed that I could see fairly well in the imminent pre darkness.

Eventually Amena's trail was found by me. I continued to run. The attack seemed to lessen! My adrenaline was pumping; the metabolism of my body was increased. That must be the key to ward off the psychic attack!

I noticed a shadow ahead of me as I got closer. I felt the presence of Amena but I also felt a chilling dark presence that could not be described. That presence seemed to be farther from me but moving closer to Amena. She seemed to be unconscious lying on the ground. The presence was also human! I ran as fast and as quietly as I could.

I was nearly at Amena's side just as the presence was starting to bend over her. I had managed to take my shield off my arm. Firmly with both hands I raised it and came down upon the head of the presence. With a mighty sound of metal hitting bone, the presence was unconscious. It had fallen next to Amena's side.

Suddenly Amena's eyes opened and she said, "You really take all fun out of this little outing of ours."

"What! You mean you weren't unconscious?", I said in surprise.

"No! I felt both of you and also felt as if someone or something was trying to manipulate my senses. I suddenly became very overemotional that's also when I felt our friend here. I also heard you tell Evelyn and Liz we we're under attack. That's when I realized all of us were. I manage to lay down here and started to meditate to fight the tampering of my mind. By the way, I really don't like sharing my bed with strangers or my meditation techniques. Who is our blackhearted friend next to me?", Amena said

"I really don't know. Shall we find out?", I said.

I never had a chance to say another word before Amena was on her feet bending over the unconscious body of our unknown victim. With swift movement of her hands the hooded garment was off. A full head of red hair and a femininely picture perfect face was released from the hood like covering.

I thought for a moment and finally came to the conclusion I had seen her before. I suddenly remembered she was one of our doctoral candidate interns from the States.

By the expression on Amena's face, I could tell she too had recognized her. I was about to say something verbally when I heard Amena thoughts. She had recognized the person to be Carrie Fuller, one of Julie's assistants.

From out of nowhere, Amena produced some leather strips. Carrie's wrists were bound tightly but not her feet. I noticed on her hairline behind the ear what appeared to be the symbol Miriam had found so many months ago on the Primus. The Symbol of Merlin! I looked behind the other ear finding what appeared to be a dragon in flight.

These markings were not tattoos, but appeared to have been burned into the skin and the hair allowed to cover them. I was entirely confused! I must have had a look of bewilderment on my face until Amena dropped to her knees and started pulling down Carrie's slacks and panties. Amena gazed intently at the pubic hair.

"What are you doing? We don't have time for this!", I said whispering.

It was at moment that she grasped my hand and made me feel what she had found. It was a Pentagram! Inside the top point of the Pentagram was the symbol of Merlin. In the center was the dragon. This was a blasphemy of the Sacred Symbol! It was in defiance to the Mother Goddess! To yet all the Gods!

Had we found a follower of Merlin? Are there more? My hostility seemed to grow! I was beyond anger I was incensed to the point of rage!

Amena adjusted Carrie's clothing and saw the anger in my eyes. Suddenly I heard her calming words within the confines of my mind. Her thoughts said, "An It Harm None, Do What Thee Will". Those words of the Witches' Rede brought me back to reality immediately. This girl that was bound had some questions to answer! Our Time was getting short!

Amena looked at me and touched my hand. I heard her in my mind. The others are coming and quickly! I could vaguely see the others. I could sense that the attack had stopped. All was at peace again!

Within a matter of moments all were assembled around our prisoner, Amena and myself. Everyone wanted to know who our prisoner was. Several of our group looked down and gasped as they saw it was Carrie our former Intern.

"How did she get here?", Miriam asked slightly confused.

Amena showed her the hidden markings on Carrie's Head. I could hear Miriam gasp loudly saying, "I should think we have a disciple of Merlin here. Gerri how old would you say the scars are?"

"They are almost blended into the skin. I would guess as old as Carrie is. Possibly from Birth even.", Gerri said after looking at the scars behind the ears.

"Should we revive her?", Julie asked.

"I should say so! She just may be our key to get safely inside the Lair.", Miriam said without hesitation.

"I think it best to leave her here. She may be a detriment to what we must do.", Jamie said looking at me.

"I have to agree with Jamie. There's no doubt she has to be connected with Merlin and the Lair. Our priorities stand as before. Make sure that Carrie is tied up good and tight she may not be the only one we meet. Also I think it might be advisable to see to it she cannot call verbally for help.", I said with determination and sadness.

"Bri'de Honey, it has to be done this way. We must follow the path to our destiny. Part of the human essence to have free will. If we do not we return to the age of the Serf and slavery rampant. Technology for the benefit of man will be gone forever, my Sister.", Miriam said taking my hand into hers.

After looking around at the faces of my daughters and the Sisters of my Coven I knew that Miriam was correct in her assessments of the situation.

I noticed that Amena and Liz took a longer time to assure that Carrie was secured in her bindings. I thought about it but dismissed my thoughts, as I knew that they would follow the Rede and would not risk violating it for any purpose.

"Daughters, thee are within reach of Sorcerers Stone. Thy woman thee call Carrie is but an unseen minion of Myrddin. She has been entranced and bound to Myrddin for perpetuity to do his bidding. She is not of your time! Do not be alarmed that thee hast transgressed the Rede. Thee hast not!

We await you at the Sorcerer's Stone! Thy journey end is near at hand.

Juliet, Jamie thy must orate well from Primus. Thy words ought be precise for thy banishment of Myrddin.

Bri'de daughter of mine, thee will enter Myrddin Lair as he weakens. Thee will know thy time! Thee will be guided!

All thee know thy Rite of Banishment! Mother Goddess is with thee! ", The voice had spoken again to us.

We gathered up our backpacks, again following the overgrow path of vegetation. We could see where Carrie had walked trampling the grasses. I think we all hoped we weren't walking into a trap of some type down this once beautiful garden path.

As we got closer to our objective the Sorcerers Stone I could sense the foreboding being generated by the children. I couldn't quite blame them for being afraid. We all were!

Evelyn made a comment through our mind link about the growing amount of thorn bushes in our path. With every step the bushes seemed to multiply. The weird thing was all the bushes seemed to be devoid of leaves leaving just the branch and thorn. If this was Merlin's doing it was a pitiful attempt to stop us unless there was more to the eye then just the thorns.

I called for a brief stop. I gazed at a thorn, which seemed to have a milky white undried substance on it. I called Gerri over to my location to see the thorn pointing at it to show her.

"Without the proper equipment and considering our circumstances I would venture a guess and say it's poisonous. To what type it is I couldn't say but it does look dry enough for kindling.", Gerri said smiling.

I told everyone to gather several piles of kindling together which were lit by the matches I brought along. The Thorn Bushes caught immediately causing a Bush Fire that was threatening to encompass us. As the Bush Fire burned it gave off a dark green hue the likes of which we had never seen before. I told everyone to wet down their cloaks and put them back on breathing through the Hood material.

As we completed the chore a wind picked up blowing the flames from us. Fortunately none of us had taken a breath of the hazardous air. The consequences may have proved lethal after all we are not immortal.

The burning brush fire had done its job clearing an unobstructed path, which we followed quickly but cautiously.

As our eyes adjusted to the light given off by the flames we all could see the ahead finally. The fire had done its job it had even cleared the area where the Altars could be seen.

The vegetated overgrown covered area that had once been a clearing was once again clear of its vegetation. This was quite unusual as the photos showed it was very green with vegetative chlorophylled growth.

All of us quickly accelerated our pace to go to the Points of the two Pentagrams. We had been told to go to those location earlier by the Ladies Nimue, Chyaedar, and Bri'de.

Amena and Brittany took points North. Elizabeth and Alva took the points of Earth. Miriam and Ashley took the points of Fire. Gerri and Lesley took the points of Water. Kimberly and Evelyn took the places on each side of the Sorcerer's Stone. Julie and Jamie were to stand on the Sorcerer's Stone with the Primus. I was to go and stand near where the Lightning Strikes had been. I felt the greatest at personal risk and vulnerability.

It was imperative my belief in the Maiden, Mother Goddess, Crone and all the Gods never to be swayed. Perhaps this is why the Lady Nimue placed me in the position I was in. I had doubted their existence during my former lifetime but I had returned to the Craft.

As the Circle of Protection was closed, the Christian equivalent of the furies of Hell began. The night became darker until the lightning strikes lit the skies bringing forth light to the darkness. The air had a heaviness from the Ozone that was normal to summer storms until I saw a ball of plasma energy appear to the side of me heading toward the Spell Protected Altars. It struck Amena's Shield with a force that could be felt were I was yards away from them.

Julie and Jamie spoke the reading from the Primus as they had the greatest understanding of it. As they became more comfortable in the wording of the Primus, their voices grew louder that I could almost hear what they were saying.

The Balled Lightning and the Bolts seemed to increase on a larger scale with the intensity increasing.

As I peered at the stone wall I thought I saw a set of ebony colored human eyes staring at those at the Altars. I know I wasn't hallucinating from fasting I was sure I saw those eyes. They had a look of dementia to them.

The ferocity of the lightning was starting to retard. Julie and Jamie's voices seemed to take a vocal quality we had never heard. The sincerity of the Julie's spoken words appeared to take a tonal quality of her deceased genetic mother's. Julie's tones were the same exact tone Kristen used when she admonished our daughters for their misdeeds.

Those days were in the past! I had to concentrate on the present. I looked at the place were the stone wall had been hit by the lightning. It seemed to be losing the characteristics of a stonewall. It appeared to be a cave entrance!

An old frail looking man seemed to be standing inside this entrance. He wore a heavy majestic gold and blue robe with ancient druidic Magick symbols on it. His hair was long and silvered and his face hairless hiding the ravages of age or time. Only the color of his hair betrayed his age. His form was not solid but semi-transparent.

As I peered at him he locked his eyes upon me pointing his hand at me releasing an intense energy bolt. With a swift reaction I placed my shield in front of myself. The Shield took the full amount of energy, absorbing it, which it returned to the man.

The Mother Goddess and all the Gods have Blessed me! I live! I thought to myself not letting my fear show.

"Begone Thee All! Spawn of Whores! Wenches, Begone I say, thee will suffer my wraith! The Myrddin speaks! Thy deaths mean naught!", Merlin's voice said rattling the very thick air and my being as a whole.

"You, the unspeakable one, who have defied the Mother Goddess, all the Gods and her Hidden Children. You who have broken our laws of the Craft we have come to battle and banish you.

You are weak from the ages of being imprisoned by the Lady Nimue. You're powers are waning!" I said with my face covered by my shield.

"Thee be Fools! Thee will Die this eve!", Merlin said vehemently releasing another bolt of plasma energy.

As Merlin did this I noticed that he became more transparent. I thought that was the key to weaken him further. If I had figured this out, I also knew he realized this fact also. He would be a formidable foe indeed!

"Old man your time is past! Atone to the Mother Goddess and all the Gods. The present and future belong to all humankind! We will not kneel to you! We will not be your slaves! You will be nothing but a memory to all on this earth. Atone for your errors in judgement and actions.", I said hoping for Merlin to see his errors. If not to anger the apparition further.

Wow, did I anger him! Plasma bolts seemed to rain on all of us. Evelyn touched me with a thought. "The Sorcerer's Stone is glowing blue and getting brighter."

I needed to concentrate on Merlin! My hypothesis was correct! But, why was the Sorcerer's Stone glowing? What were these new implications? Was the Stone a Hindrance or a Help to us?

"Old man, your essence is losing this fight. Your time on this earth is but a grain of sand in a time glass. Again I say to Atone! You will be forgiven!", I said bracing myself for the oncoming onslaught.

The plasma lightning continued! Merlin's attack seemed to be getting weaker. It was weakening!

"You are an anachronism to this time, old man. Your banishment is imminent if you do not ask forgiveness! Mother Goddess and the Gods have decreed to the Hidden Children to make you harmless.

The Mother Goddess and the Gods gave your powers to you they seek it returned to them. Accept the Great Void for your misdeeds. Accept your mortality! Only kneeling at the feet of Mother Goddess and the Gods seeking forgiveness will spare you. Atone!"

What I had thought before as to his weakening was wrong. Merlin must have had energy reserves! His attack was even stronger then the previous ones. We had one chance to defeat the Mad Mage and that was through our talismans we were wearing.

I concentrated as hard as I could as I was being beaten to my knees. I hoped that Julie, Jamie and the others would hear my thoughts.

Julie and Jamie together must read the passage of the Primus that charged our Crystals. At full charge we were all to unclasp them. I hoped at the same time! If I was correct our energy bolts might just stun or blind Merlin enough for me to run into the cave to destroy his essence. If we didn't we would be destroyed! Merlin would win to enslave humankind!

My essence soared as I saw my crystal starting to glow but so did the center stone of my Pentagram. I followed my instincts passing my thoughts to all. My hands found the clasps of both pendants. Both pendants turned the darkness into a red and blue light. When I thought they were at full charge I kicked my shield and released the clasps. Everyone did the same as if the movement was orchestrated.

The released energy converged onto Merlin! It seemed as if he was immobilized. I got to my feet running past Merlin into the cave entrance carrying my pendants in my hand.

As I ran I reattached my talismans around my neck. I noticed that they were still glowing brightly.

The floor of the tunnel sloped downward. I was guessing the main cave was far below the earth's surface.

I continued to run until I came to two tunnel branches. As I entered the right branch my talismans stopped glowing but when I went back to the entry they both glowed brightly. I entered the other tunnel branch they both continued to glow. I had a directional compass! All I could do was offer silent praise to Mother Goddess and thank her and all the Gods. Blessed Be!

I continued to run through the semi darkness. I finally saw faint light ahead. I ran toward the light! The chamber I entered was magnificent to the eye. There was a vast myriad of colors blending to form the light that brought me to this chamber.

There were veins of a chemical substance that gave off a low intensity light that seemed to bend. The colors came from different objects and vials that were throughout the chamber amplifying the light. In the center of the chamber was a bier. On the bier were five silver caskets, chests or crypts. All of them were of the same size and type. One of these crypts had to contain the essence of Merlin. But, which one was it?

I was about to start looking around the cavern when I heard to footfalls of running feet. My sword was partially removed from its scabbard as Amena, Evelyn and Ashley entered. My sword went fully back into its scabbard and I exhaled. It was then that I realized I was holding my breath.

"Hey Sis, we thought we'd come and help you.", Evelyn said without hesitation or reservation.

Evelyn has somewhat flippant but I was happy to see her, Amena and Ashley. I was about to say something equally sarcastic when something was caught by the corner of my eye as it flashed.

I turned my head into that direction and saw what appeared to be a black long staff with the largest red colored stone or jewel I had ever seen. It seemed as if it was floating in the air! The staff itself was perhaps six feet long. The jewel stone was a very deep red as large as a grown mans two fists put together. The staff had to be Draclyon! The Stone had to be the Dragon's Heart!

It was suspended at a height beyond my reach! As I pondered the situation I heard the voice in my mind again saying, "My Daughter, thee must think of the staff in thy hands. It whilst come to thee if commanded! Thee are Mistress of Draclyon now! Draclyon whilst show thee thy way to Myrddin's Essence!"

Having always been a skeptic in believing in the powers of the mind in my former life. I somehow believed in the voice.

As I concentrated on the staff I saw it vibrate and start to move in my direction. My hand and arm seemed to extend to its full length by itself. Draclyon nestled tenderly into my hand!

As my fingers closed around the staff the Dragon's Heart came to life giving off a warm, peaceful radiated high colored, red luminescent glow. You could sense the power in your whole being down to the very simplistic nature of the cells in your body.

"Place Draclyon down or prepare for thy doom, strumpet! Draclyon be mine!", A resounding disembodied voice said.

As I took in my surroundings I noticed that both Evelyn, Amena, and Ashley placed themselves on each side of me, and back, their shields at the ready for an attack. In my haste into the cave I had somehow lost my shield. My thoughts focused on Mother Goddess, all the Gods, Bri'de, Nimue, Chyaedar and Draclyon to protect us. As I thought of the Ladies they appeared each by one of us.

"Mine eyes behold the sight of six bitches that call thyselves Sorceress. Thy banishment work for naught! Thy Master is before thee! Behold Him! Bow or Die!

Ah, Mine former apprentice, the Deceiver. Thy existence will be torturous! Mortal man will see Myrddin as Master of all planes of reality! I will not atone!", as Merlin finished speaking he started to reappear. He was even more translucent then before. The anger was even more apparent in his eyes. His judgement or sanity was not in focus.

"Thee hast been warned! I command thee to bow to thy Master!", Merlin said with more force in his voice.

"Old man, we will not bow to you. We are not nor ever will be your servants. Draclyon is mine! I have exceeded you in your powers of Magick and the Craft! You will be banished! Atone now and receive the Gods forgiveness. If not the Great Void awaits you for all eternity!", I said in a lilting silver-tongued voice. I was baiting him to expend more of his power. Merlin still needed to be weakened further!

It suddenly came in the form of a plasma bolt. I continued to concentrate to put up a barrier of protection.

The plasma bolt appeared to have hit a wall of invisible energy that absorbed the balled lightning rendering it harmless.

Multiple plasma bolts came at us from Merlin's outstretched hands with no effect. Draclyon was as powerful as I had thought.

I could see the anger building and his apparition further losing its stability. His lack of mental control and control of his Magick was becoming evident. The time was close for the Master's demise to the Great Void. I prayed to the Gods and Mother Goddess to spare this delusional Master Sorcerer and help him to regain his wits.

As a group we took steps closer to the bier that had all the Crypts. Merlin was watching our movement with no emotion showing upon his face. He knew his banishment was close at hand. It was Imminent!

"Old Man, your fate is sealed! You have showed the nature of your deceit to all humankind. I pray Mother Goddess and all the Gods show you mercy.", I said to the apparition looking at it showing no emotion.

I concentrated on Draclyon and my talismans to show the true crypt contain the Black Heart or true essence of the defeated apparition before us.

We moved step by step closer to the bier. As we moved closer, Draclyon started to emit what sounded as a woman's voice in song just humming. We were at the bier when I looked at Merlin. His head was lowered as if further to accept defeat and his fate.

We started from the middle of the bier and then to the right. The sounds from Draclyon remained the same until we reached the far left at the end of the bier.

Draclyon emitted an extremely loud and powerful high note on the musical scale.

We had found the crypt!

I reached for the crypt with one hand, holding Draclyon in the other. As I did so, Merlin the Master of Deceit let loose another volley of plasma bolts saying, "Be warned Myrddin is not in need to destroy thee and thou! Atonement be Damned!"

As Merlin's energy waned to nothingness Draclyon sang. I again reached for the crypt. Success! I had it but it would not open

"Daughter, Draclyon is thyne! Draclyon is thy key!", the voice said to me.

I called to Draclyon telling it to release the bonds of the crypt. I was its new mistress! The Mother Goddess had commanded it so!

Without further words thought, Draclyon had broke the Binding Spell of the crypt. The top of the crypt slowly opened showing an unfathomable darkness within its open cavity.

"Draclyon, by the Mother Goddess, her consort, all the Gods the Ladies Bri'de, Nimue and Chyaedar. We command you to destroy the infinite demented essence of Myrddin your former Master. He is the enslaver of you and your kind, the slayer of your kind. What good deeds Myrddin did overshadow his evil though his sick twisted mind. It has been decreed by all the Gods and Goddesses and the Mother Goddess his essence be destroyed."

With those words, Draclyon took on a reddish hue beyond the deepest red. A black object, which looked to be a human heart, rose from the crypt. As it rose it absorbed the light in the cavern. As the available light was being absorbed Draclyon emitted a deep ruby red light that was intensified the likes which I had never seen before.

The cries of anguish from Merlin due to his misdeeds increased in intensity. The torment was a suitable warning to this entire plane of reality.

This man or apparition still should be honored and given his respect due. I called to the Mother Goddess and to all the Gods to mend Merlin's mind and essence. To eventually forgive him and let him be reborn.

The indirect heat from the energy generated by Draclyon was so intense we were all perspiring greatly. We had to close our eyes as the intensity increased.

Within a matter of milliseconds, the heat was no more. Draclyon's vibration ceased in my hand. There were no more cries of anguish or pleading from Merlin. I asked again from all the Gods and Mother Goddess for his spirit to rest, mend and to be reborn.

After what we had seen, you had to believe in another plane of reality. If not you were a fool!

The world as we know it in our reality may never know how close humankind was to total enslavement due to someone's mental instability. The Master Druid was forever gone.

I would see to it that only his Tales of good would survive the ages. No one except from the archeological team, SAS and of course certain members of the Crown would ever know what happened.

As I turned the apparitions of the Ladies Nimue, Chyaedar and Bri'de smiled. I noticed that the entire Coven was here in the cavern called Merlin's Dragons Lair. How long or what they saw was a different matter.

"Daughters, gather round." I heard Lady Nimue say in my head. "Thee hast done well. Myrddin be banished for all eternity never to harm thee or thyne nevermore. All thee are blessed by Mother Goddess and the Gods. Thou all hast proven thy skills in the Craft. Magick of the ages hast returned to thy plane of existence."

"Daughters behold yonder crypt." Lady Chyaedar said.

As we all turned to face the bier where the crypts laid. We saw one of them open. The crypt left the bier floating majestically towards all of us. Eventually the crypt stopped in front of Miriam.

"Lady Miriam, future spouse of the future monarch, behold the crypt."

Miriam took the crypt very gently into her small hands. We all heard a gasp of air expend from her mouth in astonishment. Very gently, she reached into the crypt withdrawing what appeared to be a large Ostrich sized red egg of some type.

"Daughter behold a gift to the people of Isles. It is a female yet unborn, but of the blood of Draclyon. Thee must sustain it for the Isles. The sacred name must not be shared except by Mother Goddess, the Gods and by other dragons. The human name will be Valorus as was decided by Draclyon centuries past. Her Magick will be great and courage abundant. She will grow with thy bairnes and a symbol of your Keep."

The Lady Bri'de was the next to speak saying, "Daughters, thee all have been blessed by the Mother Goddess as well as thy families and future ones. Thee all hast gifts given far beyond those of thy plane of reality. Lady Geraldine thy Hippocratic Oath serves thee well thou art a true Healer. Thee hast made Hypocrites proud of thy vocation. What was lost to man hath now been regiven through thee to heal all sick and injured. Share thy knowledge!

Ladies Elizabeth, Jamie and Amena thou hast always served the Mother Goddess in many different ways thee have shown knowledge of thy Craft. Thy Magick is flawed by misreadings of ancient symbolic lore.

Thee now shall be great teachers of the Craft. Thee hath the ability to read all ancients from all areas of thyne known seas.

Ladies Kimberly, Brittany, Lesley, Lynn and Alva thee all have thyne chance to gain much wisdom to benefit all. Thy sense of working thy mathematics is grand. Thee all will make benefit to all that seek your knowledge. First thee must learn ways foreign to thee. Within thy grasp is the knowledge of the Old Ones. Seek out this knowledge with thyne Ladies Amena, Elisabeth, Geraldine, Miriam, Evelyn, Jamie, Juliet and Bri'de.

When thee all come of age thee will all Handfast with thy mates and bear wee ones. Be thee Proud to be called Witch! Always follow thy Rede with Primus. Remain on thy Path!

Lady Ashley, thee hath greatly suffered at thyne hands of thy abuser. Thee hast had no child life. Thee hath taken thy place of mate to thy abuser. Thy Dreams of thy abuser hath stopped!

Thee now have a Family! Mother, soon a true Father, thy sisters, aunts, uncles. Soon thee shall have a mate and be blessed with wee bairnes of thy own. Learn from all Present! Mother thy young! Love all! Open thy Heart to all! Mother Goddess, her Consort and the Gods shall bless thee and thyne. Blessed Be!

Evelyn and I went to Ashley taking her hands in ours. We could see the joy in her face that we had never seen before. Ashley is and would always be my daughter until the ends of time!

Ladies Evelyn and Bri'de, thee hast come to a place of great knowledge and wonderment. All of thee thyne essence was in peril, thee Bri'de fought the Myrddin well with thy logic. Thee Evelyn made Bri'de center her thoughts to Banishment.

Myrddin Lair be yours! Share thy gifts of wonderment with all that seek. Let thy Lair be a solitude for study and tribute to Mother Goddess. Magick is vast and plentiful in thy Lair! Learn thy Craft teach thy Craft thee be High Lady Sorceress! Be thee kindly mates! Be thee honorable mothers! Be thee Worthy Witches with thyne powers of magicks, love, heart and mind. Draclyon is thyne and thee belong to Draclyon! It has been decreed! So Mote It Be!

Bri'de, Mother Goddess, Her Consort and all Gods hast heard thee. Thy Myrddin will be reborn! He tried to spoilt thee yet thee showed mercy. Thy words were heard and just. Thy hast followed thy Rede!

With those final words the Blessed Ladies faded from our sight.

We as a Coven, group, and yes even a family were in total awe of what had happened. We had defeated the deadliest foe of all humankind. However, Mercy was shown!

No one on this planet was going to believe us but we had the evidence of our trials around us. The skeptics be Damned!

"Mother, to whom do we give our cameras to?", Ashley inquired.

I looked at my daughter quizzically saying, "What cameras?"

"These cameras Mother. They've been recording the past events of tonight."

Ashley recorded everything in the Lair?

"Taylor and Cecil gave them to us before leaving Base Camp. I think Baby Sis is a keeper, Mom.", Julie said smiling.

"Wait a minute! Are those electronic!", I asked.

"No Mother, they're the old style 8mm wind up type with infrared, high speed, and Still Frames film in the rest.", Ashley said laughing.

"Alright let's go back to camp. I think we have some very nervous men waiting for us. We'll come back later and start our catalogs.", I said.

As we left Myrddin's Lair into the dawn of a new day I held Draclyon with a newly found pride and honor. We entered the Sun's light together. This was the first day of many centuries that Draclyon was in the light of the Sun.

As a group we went to the Sorcerers Stone encircling ourselves around it. We all gave our thanks to Mother Goddess, her Consort, and all the Gods for our lives and gifts given to us by them. We all made an oath to her and them, to be the Protectors of the Grove and the Lair.

Evelyn looked at me pointing to Draclyon saying, "It's getting that funny red color again!"

When she said that there was a long burst of what appeared to be pure energy as white as a Summer Sun. I was too frightened to move! I saw and heard the energy bolt leave with a thunderous roar to the heavens above. We watched as it got higher until our eyes could no longer see it. It was a magnificent sight to behold!

Unexpectedly we then heard a radically loud thunderclap above us. The thunderclap seemed to resonate deep into your very being down to you bowels, lasting for several seconds of time.

"My Daughters, Behold thy sights around thee!", The mysterious female sounding voice said.

As we looked around us the barren and dead wooded areas changed into plants and trees that were once more alive. Weeds became hearty blades of grass! Thorn Bushes and Brambles became wild flowers and Rose Bushes! Wildlife was once again visible and heard in the woods. We saw deer, rabbits, birds and other animals along with their young. It was a marvel to gaze at these creatures. The light surely has overcome the darkness! Life had overcome the Great Void! Mother Goddess, Her Consort and all the Gods be Praised!

We all gathered together taking each other into each other's arms. We had each been a part of the awakening of mankind to the glories and mysteries of the earth. It was time to go to the ones concerned about us. It was time to go to back to the Base Camp. We would all return later.

We came to the path that led us to the Lair and the Sorcerers Stone. The vegetation was rich and teeming with life. We expected to see Carrie still bound as we had left her when we arrived at that point on the path. There was no sign or trace that she had ever existed. We abandoned our search for her. I hoped Mother Goddess, Her Consort and the Gods would be merciful to Carrie. Merlin had possessed her in every conceivable way.

If the Gods could forgive him I implored they would forgive her also.

We at last came to the area of the Moat. There was a stone bridge going across it to the other side. The waters were crystal clear, gone forever was the stagnancy that permeated it. It too had life in its waters from fish, insects and amphibians to reeds and Lilly pads. The stench of decay was no longer evident; the air was robust with the fresh smells of botanic life.

We decided to stop briefly to rest on the other side of the Moat. All of us had been talking non-stop about what we have seen.

Miriam sat next to me cradling the off spring of Draclyon. You could see her maternal instincts of protection of the young take hold of her.

I speculated if I would be the same as Miriam or of my departed wife Kristen in what came naturally by birth to them. Merlin was correct in saying I was a Changeling but so were others of us gathered here.

As I thought about my doubts, I must have dozed off. I was very tired from the past night's events. My subconscious mind must have made me dream.


I awoke in the same location I had been in with

Draclyon at my side. Everything was the same except that everyone was gone; I was alone and still wearing my armor. I wondered if everyone decided to let me sleep and went on without me.

I raised myself to my feet standing erect holding Draclyon. I heard the sound of light footsteps of two persons upon the grass coming toward me from the rear. I spun quickly only to see the Lady Nimue with another female following her in a long white dress. It looked like Kristen! It couldn't be she was deceased!

My Sister, Bri'de Merry Meet. Thee have been having doubts.", Nimue said to me.

"Yes My Lady, I have. Perhaps Myrddin was right! I am just a Changeling having none of the instincts of being a wife and mother."

"Myrddin was a deceiver of words and actions though not his total fault. His words mean naught! I bring thee a person that thou knowst to speak to thee.", Lady Nimue said.

"You were once my mate, lover to me, parent to our children.

In a sense, you have been reincarnated to do a majestic purpose fulfilling a prophecy. You are once again a parent to the young born of my flesh. Soon you will be a wife and bring forth more children from yours. You are a woman now! You will guide them all onto the right path.

Your worries are unfounded as you are now and will always be female. Being a female carries with it the maternal instincts and responsibilities for the children, which you do have.

I love you now and forever no matter what form you are in. Tell all my girls they are loved! I and all around you love you, my Dearest. You must eliminate your doubts!

Maintain your memories of me but also your husband and children! You are now a Mother! Raise your children well on the path! All of you especially you my dear, have been given a gift of part of my essence to be the mother I once was. My love will always be with you.", Kristen said as she vanished.

I cried heavily on hearing Kristen's words until the Lady Nimue touched me saying, "Sister, thy will give birth to six bairnes one of thy wee ones will have the essence of Kristen. It is her time to be reborn!"

Upon hearing this my heart filled with joy. Part of life's mysteries had been solved. It is the Wiccan belief of Reincarnation after death. It was true!

"Lady Nimue, I thank the Mother Goddess and you my Sister for your enlightening me. I, my mate, and children will continue to follow the path. The Rede, the Rule of Three and Primus will be followed. The Protector's of the Grove and Lair will honor Mother Goddess, the Gods and all the Ladies forever."

A fog drifted to were I stood enclosing me. I was back by the tree as was everyone else. Any fears or doubts that I had once had were gone. It was noticed by all that I had changed my mental attitude. Any Depression I had was gone. I still had my knowledge. I still had my daughters. I still had my family. It was time to move on with my new life and soon a new husband and more children.

I felt my shoulders being touched on both sides. I looked to my right Julie stood there. I looked on my left and Evelyn stood there. Both were smiling and gave me a kiss and a hug. I returned both to them.

"We shared again and heard everything. Kristen was right and you know it.", Evelyn said hugging me again.

"Mother you know the Lady and Mom spoke the truth. I and my sisters are blessed to have two Mothers to love.", Julie said being interrupted by Evelyn. "Three Mothers My Dear Daughter to be"

"Oh Please, you two! Be good or I'll turn the wraith of Draclyon on both of you!", I said laughingly.

"Sweetie remember the Rede, Do thee No Harm!", Evelyn said grabbing my arm to follow her.

"I can't believe you'll be my Sister by marriage. May the Mother Goddess, her Consort and the Gods Help me!", I said remorsefully.

"Help us! What are you complaining about she'll be my Mother by marriage.", Julie said grabbing Evelyn's arm.

Suddenly a little voice said, "Yeah and I have to put up with all of you! Mother, Auntie Evelyn and all my Big Sisters and little ones soon. By the way do I get paid for babysitting, feedings and diaper changings?"

"No you won't! You may get an allowance form your father and I; and you still have the Trust Fund."

"Do you think it can be merged into the Preston Foundation? After all I will be a Preston soon and so will you and Julie!", Ashley said hugging me.

We all turned around seeing Ashley with a big grin on her face. We all grabbed her hugging her as well as all the others. I think they all think we had a mental breakdown.

Our spirits soared as we traveled down the fertile path that was once barren. All the clutter of the centuries was gone. Everything was green and strong!

We finally entered the Camp clearing. What a jubilant greeting by those that was there!

They thought we were all dead or injured. They said that the noise and light was very intense. The light at times was blinding at the campsite turning night to day.

They continued to say there had been police reports from as far away as Edinburgh, Scotland about the far distant lights. People of the countryside even called their local constabulary wanting to know if a War had been declared, had the Isles been invaded and if the UFO's had landed.

We learned that they had been trying to formulate some sort of rescue plan to get us out of the grove. They were going to wait 48 hours to see what would come to pass. Thank the Mother Goddess, Her Consort and all the Gods we made it through the ordeal.

They had listened and stayed at the camp. They all would have been killed!

We told everyone we just wanted to bathe, rest and eat later. We would tell everyone what happened after we rested.

I was informed Taylor had a surprise for all of us. I could just imagine what that was I thought to myself.

"Mother Please! Not in front of your daughters!", Ashley said her impish smile getting wider.

I had forgotten to shield my thoughts from everyone. I was so embarrassed I turned a lovely shade of scarlet.

All of us laughed, the tension of the night draining from our bodies. We had to explain to the men why we laughed.

"Do you mean to say you can understand our thoughts?", Prince Henry asked as he held Miriam in his arms.

"Your Highness I think you'd better ask the future Princess in your arms that question. Sire, Please excuse me but I really do need to bathe.", I said with a soft smile.

"I have a thought..."

"Taylor! The answer is NO! Not until we've HandFasted and that is Final! However, I will take a kiss from you my love.", I said allowing me to be taken into his arms and kissed long and passionately.

"Enough with them displays! Time to bathe!", Birdie said hugging both Taylor and I.

"We hae been goin crazy waitin', Tom an' I.", Birdie said letting go of us and dragging Draclyon and I off.

I turned to Taylor saying, "Sweetheart, I guess Birdie wins again! Besides we will have the rest of our lives together. Stop those nasty thoughts! As I said when we have HandFasted. No Sooner!"

The looks on Taylor's face were worth its weight in gold. First he had the look of a little boy that got caught taking cookies out of the cookie jar without permission by his mother. Then it reverted to a now how did she do that kind of look.

"By the Goddess! It's true! You can read me!", Taylor said in true amazement.

"I surely can and have always had that ability.", I said kissing him again.

"Ooh Damn! Whhhhat! What do you mean you always had that ability?", Taylor said feigning anger and hurt.

"Sweetheart I do love you. I've had to come to terms with a few matters very lately. I do promise I will never delve into your private thoughts or anyone elses without their permission again. I will explain later but first Please let me bathe. I'll only be gone for a short length of time. I promise!"

I knew I was forgiven for that brief unethical indiscretion by the way he kissed and held me. I felt safe and secure in his arms. I could sense that Draclyon was at peace also. Mother Goddess, Your Consort, and all the Gods be Praised for all you have given me your daughter.

The others and I were led by Birdie to an area a little way from where they set up a helicopter landing zone and the Command Post.

In a large meadow they had brought in several dozen what looked like converted cargo shipping containers with windows and doors only longer, higher, and wider.

Each of us had one to ourselves. I was amazed what they looked like when Birdie showed me the one I was to use. It was large and spacious with a full bathroom, bedroom, living room, and full kitchen. Even Air Conditioning!

I had thought of all those expeditions I had been on in my Past Life. When I had to live out of tents and sleep on the ground. This was indeed welcomed! Hey, no creepy crawlers in your bed and clothes.

At least I wouldn't have to relieve myself in an Outdoor Lavatory Facility. Wow! Those leaves could be rough!

I had totally disrobed from my armor and skirting. I found a robe and slippers putting them on after I checked over my body looking for bruises or cuts. There were none! I know I should have at least one bruise visible. Not one showed anywhere!

I gazed once more at Draclyon where I had placed her against the wall. The Dragon's Heart was still alive! Her color was still red and pulsating with life.

I continued to gaze at her. I then heard thoughts in my mind. "Mistress Bri'de, I thank you, for my child and my freedom. Valorous will now be born into your time.

She will be strong to help all humankind. She will be bring forth a new age of my kind to your world.

We tried to help humankind in the past and were enslaved by those that sought power such as the maladjusted one. We were hunted due to lies and false prophecies from so called prophets. I will help those humans that help my daughter as I will help you, as we are a part of each other. I know of your past as I know the present and future. I trust you as you will trust me! Blessed Goddess has decreed!

I must obey, as the ancient ones before me obeyed. We are the Watchers for the Mother Goddess and all the Gods. They are the bringers of Life to living creatures and plants."

"What is the term that you used Watcher?", I asked mentally.

"In the Golden Age our species were asked to come to being placed on this earth by Mother Goddess and the Great Horned One her consort, to watch the progress of man and woman. We numbered into the thousands all over the earth.

We had been warned to keep ourselves hidden and just to watch all Humankind. Due to accidents or illness some of my species were caught. We were found out by your species. We were forced or tricked to divulge our Secret Ways and Magicks.

We were hunted and killed by men as trophies. Men were feared by my species. Those were savage times! Those times were to say the least distrustful of those called humans. We tried to maintain a vigil on your species but our numbers declined, as was man's faith in all the Gods.

I was captured by the maligned one while tending my nest and unborn young. The maligned one used a Magick Spell learned from one of my species, while my species lay dying. It was to capture our final essence before being released to the Heavens to form the stars that light your way.

The maligned one captured my essence and killed all but one offspring to get my Magicks to work for him. I had no choice, my child had to live. To Survive! She was my last offspring. She was the last of our species!

The maligned one used a Spell to conceal my child and myself until he was weakened.

My Species is bond to the Mother Goddess and the Gods, as we are now. You and I are also bonded to each other now. My child will be bonded to Mother Goddess, the Gods and Lady Miriam. My offspring will live and learn much from us!

As the Lady Nimue has said you are a High Sorceress. You are Blessed by the Mother Goddess and all the Gods! You are a good Witch that follows the Rede. Your children will follow your ways as will theirs. It will be that way with all that freed my child and I.

The Mother Goddess has promised me that when my species returns I will be released to the Heavens. Until that time I will be with you and yours to be passed on. Your offspring past, present and future must be worthy to call upon me. The Mother Goddess will decide who it will be."

"I thank you for your confidence. I ask that you call me a friend or even a sister. I do not own you and never will. I pray to the Mother Goddess and all the gods your essence can be in the Heavens soon with all your kind. We will help and protect your daughter and her offspring as you will help to protect, guard us, and counsel us.", I said through my thoughts.

"Verywell, my sister! We both need rest but I will be at your side always", Draclyon said.

As I started my bath the words and images of the dragons being slaughtered where fresh in my head. We are barbarians we humans. This would not happen again!

I climbed into the soothing water of the drawn bath when Birdie entered saying, "So that be Draclyon!", pointing to it against the wall.

I just shook my head.

"She be beautiful! Such a sorrowful story she told.", Birdie said catching my attention immediately.

"What story?", I asked.

"About the Dragons an the Wee One of hers, of course. Are you Daft or dinnae you hear her?", Birdie asked.

"Who else heard?",

"Everyone in and round camp I imagine. That be including the King, Queen Mother and all.", Birdie said with a smile.

I just finished washing my hair from all the crud I accumulated.

"Birdie, help me out of this bath now!", I said.

"Why didn't anyone tell us they were here?", "Queen Mother herself ordered that all you rest first and so you will.", Birdie said.

"When did they arrive?"

"I think when you came in here to rest.", Birdie said.

"Oh Great! And me in the Bath!"

I heard the outside door open and close as I was drying off. I hurried as much as I could. Birdie went to get me some clothes. I heard her say something as she came back with a pink floral patterned sundress, pink bikini panties, pink strapless bra and pink flat sandals. I looked at her saying, "Birdie, have you lost your senses! Where are my Khaki's and sneakers?"

"This be more appropriate! You have guests!", Birdie said.

I got dressed with her help. I didn't really conceive the idea that I was so tired. It was a combination of no sleep, nothing to eat and the bath.

I picked up Draclyon and went out the door with Birdie behind me. We entered the living room. There was a lady seated in chair wearing a pair of black tailored slacks, purple silk blouse and purple flats. She was perhaps in her early sixties with coifed hair with not a hair out of place.

I then recognized the lady seated as the Queen Mother.

She smiled as we entered waving us to enter and sit-down on the couch. Birdie and I sat facing her with Draclyon at my side.

"You are simply gorgeous my dear. And so young to have accomplished all you have educationally.", Queen Mother said smiling.

As I was about to speak and tell who and what I was Birdie pinched me on the ass.

As I jumped I remembered the pinch signal I was given saying, "Thank you Your Majesty for the compliments. Please forgive my attire...",

"No, please! This visit is an intrusion on your much-needed rest. We wanted to see our heroine in person privately before this evening. My son and grandson have no idea we are here seeing you.

We are a proud people once again. The country is uniting! You have proved the existence of Merlin, which means that the Arthurian Legends must be true.

Up until scant hours ago there were calls for the dissolution of the Monarchy. Those calls have since then ceased.

They have ceased due to what the Prime Minister, the Houses of Lords and Commons has heard from my Grandson.

As you entered the room with the Dragon Staff until that time I thought he was a wee bit touched."

I was about to speak when there was a soft knock at the door with Miriam entering with Draclyon's egg.

"Excuse me... Your Highness? I was summoned mentally here.", Miriam said looking strangely at me and curtseying to the Queen Mother.

"Please get up Lady Miriam and be seated.", the Regal Lady said.

"What do you hold, Miriam? It looks similar to an ostrich egg."

"It is a gift to the realm, Your Majesty. It will be the offspring of Draclyon when it is born.", Miriam said.

"Excuse me? Does this pertain to the unnatural voices I heard earlier?". The Queen Mother asked.

"Yes Your Majesty. It is and Does.", Miriam, Birdie and I said in unison.

I touched out with my thoughts to Draclyon, "Speak our Sister! Do not be afraid."

"It is I, Draclyon that speaks to you Queen Mother. The egg your future Granddaughter in Law holds is indeed my daughter, Valorous. Your Granddaughter in Law shall tell you all of the adventure of past.

My Daughter has been deemed as the protector of the Crown of the rightful rulers of the Isles. That Be Ye and Yours!

"My Gracious, I am at a total loss for words", Said the Queen Mother in her voice.

"Valorous shall propagate our species once again on this wondrous planet. She will be just one of many. They will all learn from my Sister's knowledge of this time.

We are a solitary species except for our mates. Once our children can leave the nesting area they leave to find there own mates for life, and give birth to their young, raising them. They will learn the ways of man and our own species.

We will only be visible to the Hidden Children of the Mother Goddess and her Consort. We are placed to protect man, not harm man! That is why we are called Watchers.", Draclyon finished.

"We see! We shall speak on the behalf of the British Isles and my son the King.

Draclyon, your species shall be protected for all time. Your daughter shall learn our ways in this time. She shall be treated as a member of the Royal Household. The Lady Miriam shall be her Royal Protector by Royal Decree and Proclamation. Is that suitable?", the Queen Mother said.

"That is suitable. My daughter's discipline shall be dealt with by myself, and my Sister's present only. I fear that young ones can be rambunctious to say the least. Fear not Your Majesty and my Sister's she will be obedient and civil to you and yours.", Draclyon said.

"Your wishes are understood and will be conveyed to all. We thank you for this gift of life.

Lady Miriam you will guard the little one well. It is not a wish but a Royal Command from the Royal Mother; furthermore from one Mother to another Mother.", The Queen Mother smiled at us.

"Your Majesty, I have been asked for my hand in marriage by your Grandson. I know he has spoken to you about it..."

"My Dear, future Granddaughter of course we welcome you into our bosom. There may be some conflict with the Archbishop but that will be rectified for you both. My son the King has stated so! Whether you are a Wiccan or Christian will not matter. Your love for my Grandson, the Prince does!

May you beget many grandchildren and heirs for the Crown and I.", Queen Mother said raising, going to Miriam taking her hand into the Queen Mother's.

I could see that Royal protocol had been breached to say the least. I had to remain silent for this is what is called a picturesque moment. I could see these two women had just bonded as should be.

"Lady Bri'de, by Royal Command you are to get some rest. My Son the King wishes to speak to you and all that went last eve.

Please relax, we know of all of your metamorphoses. You are Lady Bri'de Polanski to us and have always been to us. You are a mother and soon to be a wife. We have heard of the revelations all of you have had including having wee ones about. These are precious gifts my dear, to any woman and their mate. You are truly a woman, hold up your head and be proud of your femininity and of course your children.

You are loved by all here and soon a grateful and very proud nation.", the Queen Mother said taking her other hand and placing it on my shoulder.

"Your Majesty, I am proud and will always be proud no matter what the adversity. I thank you and of course Lady Miriam for those kind words and of course the encouragement.", I said.

The Queen Mother again touched my shoulder tapping it three times before turning and leaving Miriam and myself.

"Dear, you were the epitome of class. What happened?", Miriam asked.

"I guess after all that has happened to us and being so close to you and Evelyn all the time something had to rub off."

"That's a Crock isn't it? You were scared out of your knickers!", Miriam said.

"You Betcha! Now I need to recharge my batteries, and change my knickers luv.", I said with a very wide smile.

"Me too but I won't be changing my knickers. I'll see you later.", Miriam said going out the door.

I picked up Draclyon and walked to my bedroom. I bid my sister a good rest through my thoughts as I lay on the bed putting the staff in the corner. Sleep came easily as I was tired.

Several hours later I awoke refreshed. I had no dreams but I was hungry. I did my womanly duties, Checked my hair and makeup going directly to the kitchen. Although the refrigerator was fully stocked I decided to go to the Mess Hall to eat.

I grabbed Draclyon after putting on my sandals walking briskly out the door. The early evening air was still warm from the day's sun. I loved it! I was still alive!

I saw there was a flurry of activity about the camp. People were walking around here that I knew that they were not part of our security detachment. As long as they left us alone I really didn't care who they were.

I could smell food cooking! That was what mattered first and foremost. I finally saw what was the Mess Hall and entered it.

There were a great many of people both civilian and military in the makeshift building or shelter. They were eating and making general conversation among themselves. As I entered, the conversation stopped! Was my Slip showing? Was my dress inside my panties? I know I used deodorant! Why the silence?

As if they were all queued they stating applauding and looking at me. What was this all about? I was in complete confusion as I made my way to the serving line.

A young man that I had never seen approached wearing the uniform of the Royal Army approached me. His Pip was of a Sub Leftenant and highly polished. "Lady Bri'de could I be of Assistance?", He asked smiling.

"I just didn't feel like eating alone. I hope it's alright to be in here.", I said

"Of course it is. We just weren't expecting you. Our menu would have had a larger selection. Please allow me to escort you to a table and get you something edible.", the Leftenant said.

"I don't mean to be rude but I can serve myself just as all these others have done. I'm Sorry,....", I was interrupted by the sound of Cecil's booming voice.

"Leftenant, have the Cooks prepare anything Lady Bri'de would like. If I recall make the meal vegetarian if you please, Leftenant."

"Cecil, my what a surprise to see you here.", I said in faux surprise. I knew for some reason that someone had notified him of my whereabouts.

"Come along my dear. Let's be seated over there while you wait for your meal.", Cecil said.

"Thank you, I didn't mean to cause any problems for these people. I just wanted to get out a bit. I surely didn't want to cook for myself.", I said taking a seat at the table.

"It is totally understandable. Everyone else is still resting. You're the only one out and about. How are you feeling? Are you're quarters suitable? Do you or the others require anything else?", Cecil asked.

"Cecil, please stop this. We're still the same people we were before going into the Woods. We are not VIPs and I'm sure Evelyn will tell you the same thing.", I said in a mild anger.

He smiled saying, "Evelyn already has. That woman certainly has a sharp tongue! She knows exactly how to use it. I do love her deeply for it!", Cecil said.

"I think it is a toss up between Taylor and Evelyn. You'll learn to adjust after all, she really does love you. I've never seen her like this before she's actually contented.", I said taking his hand to affirm what I had said.

"Thank you, I guess we all have our little insecurities. Ah, here comes your meal. I leave you for now and in the capable hands of the Leftenant. By the by, wear something stunning tonight! Shall we say in the color silver" He said.

"What on earth are you talking about?", I asked.

"Hasn't anyone told you yet?"

"Told me what? Okay, Spit it out!" I said confused.

"You all have an Audience with the Royal Family at 2100 hours. Please don't be late.", Cecil said walking away.

As usual I was dumbfounded and totally confused. This seemed to be a constant state of mine lately. I thanked the Leftenant for the food and eat silently and alone. The nourishment I had was more than adequate.

I finished and thanked everyone in the kitchen area and went back to my quarters. As I walked in, there was Birdie waiting impatiently saying, "Get dressed! You've got 10 minutes! The clothes are laid out for you."

"Birdie what in the world are you babbling about!"

"Meetin' the King of course!", she said.

"I heard from Cecil while I was eating. That's not until 9:00 and it's Oh my Gosh. It is late isn't it."

"It is late! Please come and help me.", I said running to the bedroom.

As I entered I froze. The armor and all the accessories had been cleaned, polished and ready.

"What's with the Armor?"

"By request of the King you're to wear these as will all of you.", Birdie said and giggled.

"So Mote It Be!", I said with a sigh.

I finally got dressed, Birdie insisted on my wearing makeup and doing my nails. Hands and Toes! I even polished Draclyon! Birdie wouldn't let out the door until she checked me over. She could be a great Brigade Sergeant Major. Maybe with luck we could get her to enlist or whatever they do in Britain. Nah! I'd miss her too much and I'd pity the Army!

It was a short walk to the reception area that Birdie told me to go to. Everyone was already waiting including eight Beefeaters or Royal Warders in their traditional garb. It seemed as if I was holding up the show.

My stomach was churning! At least I had the forethought to use the Facilities before leaving my quarters. When I reached our little group no one said a word. For a change I was spared any comments. I did have time to look around seeing that many people and some selected Press Members were in attendance.

As we stood several people came out of the building. The First was the Lord High Chamberlain, followed by all the SAS Security Team Members that I recognized. More Security came and finally after being announced, the Prince, Queen Mother and the King. I was slightly disappointed seeing the Prince and the King wearing the same uniforms as the SAS as was the Queen Mother but with a long skirt on, matching her tunic.

I must have had a strange look on my face until the Beefeaters announced all our names to the Reigning Monarch. I was called before the King. I approached and if I do say did a spectacularly low curtsey without breaking anything or falling on my nose. I did notice that the Queen Mother did shake her head slightly in approval to what I had done as did the Prince.

"Are you the woman called Bri'de Polanski, a Doctor of Archaeology?", the King asked in a natural booming voice.

"Yes Your Majesty, I am."

"You have made a country proud once again. The fables

of Merlin have been proven true! Therefore we must assume Arthur and the Table Round Legends are also to be believed.

In order to justify these legends you all put your

lives into great jeopardy. Your foes were not only supernatural but also from the country of your birth.

Those from your own country were misdirected and

coerced by others not in their full mental capacities. We have been asked by your birth country to apologize for their behaviors, which they will do also.

Please kneel before me Bri'de Polanski."

As I knelt before the King, he drew the Great Sword I was wearing touching both shoulders saying, "Royal Subjects of the United Kingdom and the world. Let it be known far and wide, the woman before you known as Bri'de Polanski by Royal Decree, shall be known from this day onward as Lady Bri'de. She is to be the Marquess of Great Britain; Knight and Protector of the Realm; Order of the Blue Garter; Protector of the Grove; Protector of Merlin's Lair; Protector of the United Kingdom. With all the rights and privileges of title of the realm for perpetuity.

Before you stands a grateful King, with a truly grateful land, Stand Lady Bri'de!", the King said handing me back my sword after dubbing me.

I was in a state of shock! It went this way to everyone that went to Merlin's Lair. Draclyon hummed her song of contentment through the whole of the ceremony except when Miriam and Valorous had been brought forward. I could sense her pride especially when the King touched her egg and offspring.

"This is a proud day indeed for the Realm. Price Henry step to the side of Lady Miriam.", Prince Henry went to Miriam's side and stood.

The King took one of the Prince's hands and laid it on Valorous then taking the hand of Miriam's and placing the Prince's hand on Miriam's with the King's hand on top of theirs.

"Miriam, the Prince has asked for my Blessing for your hand in Marriage. My advisors and I see no reason not to give it.

You both are bound to the ancient laws of chivalry and the laws of the Realm and you Miriam the Wiccan Rede and the Rule of Three.

Your responsibilities are great not only to the Realm, her history and her people but to yourselves, your future children, and of course the unborn Valorous.

You are the future King and Queen of the Realm. To take the words my son, the Prince has used so many times before this meeting, "Do Thee No Harm".

In my mind I thanked the Mother Goddess and her consort as well as all the Gods and Goddesses. I reaffirmed to them my pledges. I think we all did as the tears of joy welled into our eyes.

Although the rest were of lesser degrees except for Jaime, Julie, Gerri, Miriam, Liz, Amena, and of course Evelyn.

Each of us was decreed as a Knight Protector of the Realm, Grove and Merlin's Lair.

I was proud of all of them. I was very happy we are alive!

The ceremonies ended at last! Taylor grabbing my waist and kissing me brought me out of little world of escapism back in the recesses of my mind.

"Well Milady, you and the others are still wanted for a Private Audience with the Royal Family. I have been commanded to escort you inside. Shall we go!", Taylor said softly and lovingly.

"Taylor my love, please don't let there be any more surprises. My system can't take much more.", I said giving him a kiss.

"Mother and Father will you please refrain from those shows of affection while there are children around. Wait and take it to your bedroom!", Julie said into my ear.

"My Dear Sweet Daughter, just what are yours and Freddie's children and my and Taylor's Grandchildren going to say to you when you do the same thing in front of them.", I asked.

"Julie just smiled and said "Oh, Yucky!"

"By the way where are our favorite Rug Rats and Curtain Climbers?", Taylor asked.

"Kristen and her husband Hank took everyone in the Household to a castle lodge on the Scottish Loch's. Which included Birdie and Tom's Children.", Julie said.

"They felt it might beneficial to get them away from the eyes of the Press, Radio and Telly.

I felt my place at the present time was to be here by all of you. Dad was a nervous wreck!

Kristen assured me the kids would be well taken care of and out of harms way.", Freddie said smiling.

All I could do was to kiss both of them and of course Taylor.

Damn, this Armor was hot! I seemed to be sweat...ER, I mean perspiring!

"Hi Mother, Father, Julie, Freddie.", Ashley said flinging herself giving all a kiss, taking my free arm.

My thoughts of perspiration and Taylor left me seeing our daughter again. Our Daughter? Our? Well She is, and I'm so very proud of her and all Our Daughters.

"I guess we better go in. We shouldn't keep them waiting.", Taylor said tugging my and Julie's arms.

As we walked into the Foyer we saw Evelyn on the arm of Cecil. All my other older Sisters also had their romantic interests with them. Ah Love, Be It True!

The Lord High Chamberlain came to us as we entered the door saying, " Milords and Ladies please do relax. I will again announce all of you to the Royal Family shortly. If you are asked a question please do answer it.

Lady Miriam, the King and the Queen Mother command that you and Valorous are to be at the side of the Prince in this audience.

The Queen Mother and the King have instructed us that as the intended bride of the Prince, you and Valorous are to attend all Court Functions when able to do so. Sir Roger will escort you to your place."

I could see the terror in Miriam's eyes although her outward signs showed she was very calm. I reached to her through my thoughts, "We're here also, Sister! Don't be worried!"

Miriam turned and smiled at all of us before going into the reception area.

The Lord High Chamberlain went into the makeshift presentation hall, announcing us all including our men.

We all entered the presentation hall as our names and conferred titles were called. It appeared that Taylor, Evelyn, Julie, Cecil, Freddie, Ashley and I were to be last taking a place in the front of the Royal Family.

"Lady Bri'de, Queen Mother has stated to me that Draclyon has spoken to her while in your quarters. Is this a fact?", the King asked.

"Yes Sire, Draclyon has spoken to the Queen Mother."

"Very Well! Will she speak to me what she told the Queen Mother."

"I will ask her, but I will not command her to do so, Sire."

"That is all We ask!"

I touched the essence of my Sister Draclyon. I asked for her to tell what she had said earlier to the Queen Mother and requested she seek the minds of all those nearby.

"I am Draclyon my Sister asks that I speak to all that will hear and listen to what I say."

Draclyon said her words just as she said them to the Queen Mother. I could see that the King was amazed as to her words.

As see spoke I could hear the silence of the outside encampment. Everything and everyone had stopped to bear witness to the words of Draclyon.

I probed with my mind to other minds. I know I had broken a pledge not to do this but I had to. Those that were disbelievers became believers. The power of the truth of words heard and unheard were true. The members of the Press that had skepticism in our journey and feats no longer had that same skepticism.

Mother Goddess and Lady Nimue said that Magick would return to our time. It surely had!

Suddenly I felt an elbow in my side getting my attention quickly losing my concentration. I looked in the direction where it came from. It was Ashley shaking her head slightly admonishing me. I got the message!

I refocused my thoughts as Draclyon finished. The room was silent as was outside I could see tears coming from a great many people present. I could only visualize what was going outside.

"We have heard the words of Draclyon. I was somewhat a disbeliever at first. I imagine so were a great many of us.

Lady Bri'de, We thank you for summoning Draclyon to speak. We ask you to continue with the adventure that you have just had asking all of you to speak also. We know you will only speak the truth so that is not a concern." The King said.

"Sire, I ask for our words to be shared with all those in the compound and the world. It is for all to hear so we can not be accused of harboring secrets from the outside world. We have nothing to hide and much to share.", Evelyn said with determination.

"Lord High Chamberlain, Colonel Thompson could what the Lady Evelyn said be done quickly?", the King asked softly.

"Yes Sire."

"Very well get on with it, quickly."

With those words spoken there was much activity, as I had never seen before. There were men and women running all over laying wire cables and microphones. In less then ten minutes everything was set up. That even included a link up with the BBC radio and television! Oh yes, A television camera and Press crew was allowed but told no questions were to asked.

Our adventure at last was told fully to all that listened from the very beginning to now. If the people believed what we said which was the truth that was another matter. We all knew it was the truth!

At the conclusion of our adventure the King arose from his throne. As the King came closer to me Draclyon spoke without my urgings through the speakers, saying, "It is I once again Draclyon. I speak to all of the Isles and world."

As she spoke the crystal known as Dragon Heart pulsated with life as her glow turned many shades of red while speaking her words.

Once again Draclyon told the world of the return of her species and of her daughter, Valorous. All was quiet in the room. Draclyon had finished what she had said before.

The King was before me saying, "As the King, I call to the Prime Minister to call concurrently the House of Lords and Commons to convene on the petition of the King.

We have all entered into a new era like it or not. There are matters to be discussed that cannot be discussed here.

I can and will assure to all that have listened, there was no subterfuge of any type. We too were at a loss of words. I bid all a Good Night.", The King said and with this all the microphones and camera were shut down.

"Lord Chamberlain Please clear the room of the Press.", The King said.

As the room cleared a matter of decorum was reestablished. The peace was reestablished in the hall.

"Lady Bri'de, Thank you and I bid all of you a Good Night. We shall be returning to London forthwith. We shall see you again soon. May the Blessed Goddess and her Consort

Protect you and all.", the King said as he and the Queen Mother left with their security people.

We all were at a loss for words. The King had actually acknowledged Mother Goddess and her Consort. Maybe we as Wiccan would not be hunted down and killed, as we feared.

"I don't know about all of you but I'm so tired I'm about ready to drop. We can discuss everything in the morning. I'm going to bed.", I said to everyone.

"Mother may I stay with you tonight", Ashley asked batting her doe like eyes.

I looked at her saying," Aren't we a little too old to be sleeping with Mommy and Daddy, Sweetheart."

"Daddy? Do you mean...?"

"Little Sister, now what do you think Mom means. Take the hint, they want to spend some time together.", Julie said.

"I'm sorry I just..."

"No you're not! You're coming with us and that's final. It's a daddy's right to spoil his girls and that's just what I'm going to start doing it. End of discussion!", Taylor said.

"Taylor? Are you sure?"

"Don't you dare question me when it comes to our daughters", Taylor said with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes.

Since my transition, I have grown to love and respect Taylor more everyday as only a woman can. My daughters and grandchildren love him in every way that there could be.

I am so happy to be around him! He has changed drastically from a sadistic man that the Marquis De Sade would have once been proud of, to the most genteel, considerate, kindhearted, compassionate and loving man to ever be with.

Even Evelyn has stated he had changed for the better. She loves her big brother more this way. To quote Evelyn "He was a prick with a capitol p". He's more than accepted his responsibilities in life.

Taylor was seen with all the children playing softball. His patience factor seems more centered especially with matters of the foundation, Evelyn, my children and myself.

I could see he adores all of them as only a father could. He is no longer the hardened, bitter, and sarcastic man he once was that is only one of the reasons that everyday my love for him grows.

We all walked back to our respective lodgings always saying hello to whomever we met. People in the camp never once said anything repulsive to us in any form. It did seem that their friendliness and Cheeriness was more outgoing. Earlier they seemed to be more standoffish I could sense a certain amount of fear dwelling inside of them but no longer. Life was very pleasurable once again!

Taylor, Ashley and I arrived at my quarters, entering them. Birdie was sitting on the couch waiting for me to come back.

"Birdie would you mind getting nightwear and a change of clothes for Taylor and Ashley. They'll be staying with me tonight.", I asked.

"Surely, do you want all their things moved later.", She asked.

I looked at Taylor and then to Birdie smiling I said, "Tomorrow Birdie, Please move my Husbands things here. You do know Husbands and Wives stay together! Another thing, I want my Blasted Khaki's from now on!"

"Dearie, We'll get right onna it with Tom. Master Taylor anna Mistress Ashley's nightwear be in chambers. Your Khaki's be the closet. G'Night all!", Birdie said smiling.

One of these days I really must have a sit-down chat with that woman to find out how she can read my mind before I even know what I want to do. She is scary! Maybe she's an ancient Scottish Druid Priestess! Oh, Do we love her!

"Ashley Honey, go get ready for bed. Daddy and I will come and tuck you in when you're ready."

"Aw Mother, can't I stay up with you and Daddy."

"No! Tomorrow we go into the planning stages for cataloging the lair. I want you ready for that phase."

"Okay, I won't press the matter.", she said running into the bedroom. She grabbed her nightgown, robe and slippers and ran to the bath.

"Taylor please help me get out of this armor.", I asked as I placed Draclyon in the corner of the room.

"With pleasure my Dear!", Taylor said mischievously.

I could see in his eyes that he had other thoughts of what he had in mind for tonight and right now.

"Dearest the answer is emphatically No! Firstly, Ashley is with us. Secondly, we soon will be Handfasted but we are not yet. Thirdly, we have an abundance of work to perform tomorrow.", I said giving him a kiss.

With Taylor assisting me I was out of that armor in nothing flat. I could just imagine what it would be like on our night after being Handfasted. He has the most dexterous fingers and hands I've ever seen!

I put on a robe as Ashley came from the bathroom. She was all freshly scrubbed wearing a set of pink colored baby dolls, short pink robe and ballerina style slippers.

"Honey, would you and Ashley stand side by side and look into the mirror."

I thought he had lost his mind! I took Ashley's hand taking her to the full sized mirrored doors that were part of the closet.

As we stood in front of the closet Taylor came behind us saying, "You two could pass for sisters! You're almost identical in your facial features, hair and eye coloring, hairstyle and stance."

He was right! But I could also see some of Taylor's features.

"We'll have Gerri and Carolyn check us tomorrow morning. We'll see if my assumptions are right.", I said.

"I think you'd better have Julie checked also.", Taylor said.

"Sure, why not and have all our daughters checked likewise.", I said sardonically.

"Look, don't be angry. They are our children. Although by me adopted.", Taylor said.

"Alright we'll talk to Gerri I promise."

"Alright young lady, it's off to bed with you.", Taylor said as fatherly as I ever heard him be.

We both tucked Ashley into bed, giving her kisses and shutting off the light.

Taylor followed me to the bath disrobing as he came in after shutting the door locking it behind him.

I had already started my bath water so I didn't hear him. I was leaning over checking the water temperature when my breasts had marvelously feeling hands on them. I turned around slowly encircling his neck with my arms. We looked into each other's eyes and kissed passionately. I was close to sucking his brains out with Taylor doing the same to me.

I could feel him in every way of his being as he took my breast into his hand stroking it gently. I could smell his manly odor coming from the pheromones he released. He gently put his mouth to my breasts taking his time to lick each of them not showing any favoritism.

I wanted him! I needed him! Now!

I suddenly remembered my promise, bringing my hormones under control for us not to have the ultimate in husband and wifely love until we Handfasted. I didn't want to tease him I love him too much.

"My love, we must wait! I do love you more then you could ever know. I made a promise to stay a virgin until we've Handfasted. Please Sweetheart don't be mad.", I said as I kissed him again and again not letting him say a word.

Taylor finally managed to say, "Darling, I could never be angry at you. I will wait, as you will also. You are my dearest love. I will always be here for you and our children."

"I really need to get cleaned up. You have three alternatives the first is to leave and the second is to shower with me and the third is to take a bath with me. Now what shall it be?", I asked smugly.

"What is this choose and get a prize?" He asked.

"Well? What shall it be Sweetheart?"

"Alright, a Shower."

I got into the shower and adjusted the water for us. As I did this Taylor began fondling my breast again. I couldn't stand it anymore! My nipples were in such a state of hardness. I felt the heat raising in my vagina. My sensations were on overload. I could feel every nerve in my body. I wanted him so badly! I wanted him inside me! He had me so aroused!

Turning around I kissed him with all the passion and desire I had. I reached for his Testicles and Phallus as I kissed him.

He moaned as I had as I stroked his manhood lovingly. We kissed more as he still got larger. I stroked his manhood with my nails going from his beautiful tip down his shaft to caress his balls massaging them with my hand.

I kissed his lips, his throat, down his chest sucking each of his male nipples, down his stomach, kissing his penis and scrotum. Eventually on my knees I wrapped my lips around his penis taking him deep into my throat.

I could hear him moan with pleasure as he grabbed my head starting his hips in a rhythmic gyration. I stopped for a moment to kiss every inch of his manhood stopping to suck on his balls taking them into my mouth then backtracking taking his penis deep into my mouth and throat.

I could feel he was ready to cum. His penis was even more engorged until he spent his seed into the back of my throat. I swallowed every drop of his love juices. I knew soon that I would receive his seed deep into me. I knew it would be soon that I would be pregnant with our child.

He helped me up and kissed me even deeper. My ears were kissed and nibbled on. I felt the heat of passion growing within my loins. I was on fire as he placed his hand between my thighs while sucking on my breasts. He gently inserted a finger into me while stimulating me further to full glorious orgasm after resplendent orgasm. My fires were quenched! I was indeed satisfied! I loved sex as a woman! I loved life! I loved Taylor with my whole being. I loved my children and theirs!

As we cleaned each other we kissed more. I thanked him with my eyes for being so loving and gentle.

I suddenly remembered that Ashley was in the next room. I hoped she was asleep! I quickly exited and dried off putting on a sheer white nightgown, robe, and slippers. I quickly opened the door going into the bedroom. All I heard were the sounds of heavy sleep from Ashley while she hogged the bed.

I looked in the corner and saw the faint reassuring glow from Draclyon. All was well for now.

As I looked at Draclyon I thought to myself I surely couldn't wait for Taylor's Five Fold Kiss when we Handfasted as well as or consummation.

Taylor came from the bathroom and saw me looking at Ashley.

"She's sound asleep. What a little doll just like her mother next to me. Even though I had other ideas how we would spend our first night together.", Taylor said putting his arm around my waist pulling me to him.

I turned to him and gave him a little kiss for what he said. "Let's get to bed Dear." I said.

I awoke that morning with Taylor wrapped around and holding me. I smelled food! I was very hungry!

I unwrapped myself from him and went to relieve myself. All my soiled clothing that I wore during the night was placed into the hamper. Taking my robe and putting it on I padded softly not to wake Taylor. As silent as I could I managed to get dressed just wearing a simple white cotton bra and panty set, Khaki shorts, short sleeved khaki blouse, folded over white socks and white sneakers. I brushed out my hair tying it into a ponytail and applied light makeup. I was ready to go eat something.

Upon entering the kitchen and closing the bedroom door. Both Birdie and Ashley were seated at the table, talking softly.

"Wow you sure slept long Mother.", Ashley said getting up and giving me a kiss.

"Now stop teasing your Mum, young lady.", Birdie said smiling.

"What are you talking about? It's only a little after nine in the morning."

Birdie placed a plate in front of me that contained 4 strips of bacon, 2 eggs, chips, toast, coffee and juice.

I looked at the meal and at her saying, "Birdie you know I try to not eat meat. This is an awful lot of food."

"Firstly that bacon be made from soy products, secondly eat what you can or share with Ashley, Goodness that girl be eatin' anything in sight."

I thought for a minute then I asked Ashley saying," Sweetie have you had you first Menses?"

"Do you have the room bugged or something? Mother that's what I was talking about with Birdie. Until the Fast, I was eating everything in sight. For the past several days, I've had some discomfort in my abdomen. Today I noticed some type of discharge that looked like blood in my panties.", Ashley said very embarrassed.

I got up from the table and hugged her also giving her a little kiss saying, "Welcome to Womanhood, Dear. Let's take you into the bathroom and get you cleaned up."

"Mother, I'm sorry but Birdie took me to my quarters and showed me what to do. I'm sorry but I just starting freakin' until Birdie told me what was happening.", Ashley said.

I gave my daughter another kiss holding her to me saying, "There's nothing to be sorry for. I'm happy that Birdie was here to help you. I just wish you would have spoken to me sooner so we could have had our Mother-Daughter talk sooner."

"Birdie, Thank you for helping Ashley and Thank you for always being around us when we need you."

I could see the tears forming in Birdies eyes. She of all people knew of my sincerity. Then she dropped her bombshell.

"I need to be tellin' ye sometin'. I have nae even told Tom yet. We be expectin'! Dr. Gerri just checked the test tha' Dr. Carolyn ran. Tha' want ta do an Ultrasound later today.", Birdie said almost in tears.

Ashley and I rushed to Birdie saying, "Birdie what's the matter aren't you happy? You're going to be a Mother again and Tom a Father. This is a gift to you and Tom. A new life to be born into a New World. Enjoy your newfound youth. Enjoy your new baby, treasure it, whether it's a boy or girl.

You know Tom and the kids are going to spoil this child and I know you will too. Look what you've done for Ashley, me and for all of us. You're family is a part of our family as our family is a part of yours."

"You're absolutely correct my Dear Wife and Dear Daughter. Anything that you or Tom need, you two are to let me know.

In addition, for everything you and Tom have done I've increased your salaries by £20,000.00", Taylor said in his loudest voice.

Birdie started to cry once again. Taylor, Ashley and I went to her wrapping our arms around her with Taylor saying, "Birdie, we all need you and Tom. I haven't been much of anything in these past years except a true Bastard. Now I want to make up for it. You and Tom have been truly Blessed by the Mother Goddess!

My wife, daughters and all the team need and want the both of you."

"That's not what I'm a cryin' for. It's Tom, he donnae know yet. I've not told him. I be worried what he be sayin'. After the two we had we said nae more.", Birdie said sniffling.

"Look Honey, go clean your face up. Compose yourself and go tell Tom. I bet you he'll be overjoyed being a new Daddy."

I pushed my thoughts to Draclyon seeking a reply.

"Yes my Sister, I heard and sensed all. Birdie will be having Identical Healthy Twin Girls. Our Sister Geraldine and Dr Carolyn will confirm it. They will be the first of many born to mine, you, and yours."

"Thank you my Sister, for answering now rest.

I was happy for Birdie and Tom, but I would not say and could not say anything until after she had her tests.

I then thought of Draclyon's words of hearing and sensing all. I started to Blush! Taylor and Ashley saw as I started to become a very deep shade of red. I decided not to say anything to them.

"Are you Okay Dear?", Taylor asked concernedly.

All I did was shake my head that I was. My breakfast was long cold, that rally wasn't important. I reheated it in the microwave and gave it to Ashley. I made Taylor what he wanted to eat as Birdie came back to the kitchen.

I walked her to the front door telling her I would see her after the Doctors. In the mean time, she was to rest with no arguments.

By the time I had returned Ashley and Taylor cleaned everything up from the meal. Sitting down I had my coffee, which was cold and thought of the day ahead.

"Ashley could you and the other girls put several PDA's together with a wireless inventory program?"

"Sure Mother if the equipment is here. Are you thinking of going to the Lair today?", Ashley asked.

"Maybe later, not until we have all the equipment including the cameras."

"Digital or Film?"

"I think it would be prudent to have both don't you?"

"Sure as a kind of backup record. Also if possible several video cameras with a satellite hook up to the base. I'll speak to those BBC people about it.", Ashley said.

"Ashley Sweetheart, be very careful of what you say and do with those people. If you need the equipment we'll buy it.", Taylor said sitting with us next to me, smiling.

That man never ceases to amaze me. Sure he sits next to me and where do you think he has his hand? That's right, on my thigh driving me mad with lust. His fingers kept stroking my thigh making small circles.

All I could think of was taking him into the bedroom and making Mad Passionate Love to him as any lust incensed woman would do.

As I took his hand into mine to keep me from raping him on the spot. I told Ashley saying, "Cut a deal with them that we'll share all photographic documentation that we acquire at the Lair for the use of their equipment, a commentator, and cameraperson.

The Preston Institute and the British Government still retain control of it all. If they need verification to speak to your Mother and Father. Do you understand Mistress Ashley Preston!"

"Yes mother, but what about that CNN crew?"

"Same deal! Also they cannot, I repeat cannot contact their respective Home Office for permission.", I said with finality.

"Are you two sure you want your youngest daughter to do this insane idea.", Ashley asked.

"Our Dear Darling youngest daughter, listen to what your mother told you to do. If she told you to do it, she knows you can and will do what she has asked explicitly.", Taylor said.

Our? I smiled Taylor was acting as a father should. I think he'll do alright as my husband and lifemate.

"Alright I'll go right now and see what can be done. Could I ask Julie and Freddie along too?", Ashley asked.

"That my dear is an excellent idea. Yes, you may."

With those final words, our youngest female human tornado wearing sneakers ran out the door and slamming it.

"Now what shall you and I do for the time our daughter is away?", Taylor asked stroking my thigh again.

"Well my dearest husband to be, first you will stop making circles on my upper thigh. If you do not, it may not be a pretty sight of you getting raped her and now. The bedroom needs to be cleaned and the beds made."

"All that and the kitchen and bath is cleaned too. Now about that rape, whom is going to do Whom?", Taylor said raising his eyebrows quickly in succession.

I thought of Groucho Marks immediately and laughed. All Taylor needed was a cigar

It seemed to me that everyday was going to be an adventure trying to keep my panties on, if Taylor was around. Hmm.... pantiless. What an idea after marriage! Nah! I'll be preggie all the time!

Since everyone had decided to do my housework, I wanted to check to see if Cecil had those pictures and films developed.

Taylor and I were walking hand in hand toward the Operations Building as Cecil was just coming out of it in a hurry towards us.

"Bri'de, did you give Ashley permission to retain film crews to go into the Lair?", Cecil asked.

"Why yes I did Cecil."

"Alright I am not going to ask you if it's safe then. I know better than to ask. I'm still leery to let anyone in there until it is. I am also upset that you or Taylor didn't speak to me first"

"Cecil, if I didn't think it was safe I wouldn't let them in there and you know that I speak the truth. I'm sorry but it was a spur of the moment idea and there are no phones in the quarters or radios. So I couldn't tell you."

"Communications! That I can remedy.

Those crews are driving me bonkers! They're all begging for interviews with you and all the girls."

"Can you hold them off a bit longer, Cecil.", Taylor asked.

"I will try but they are putting on a little pressure through Number 10 (Downing Street). The PM's people are begging you to Please cooperate with the Press."

"Okay, now another matter. Did those films develop as you hoped? How about the Air and Satellite images?

"I just received them. No one has seen them yet!"

"Good! I want you to not look at them just yet. Set up a special outside screening for all in the Camp."

"So no one can call them tampered with. You're deviousness is refreshing I must say."

"Make sure that if they are sealed not to break the seals and if there are no seals get some. Make sure to make a theatrical project out of it with several guards and at least one Press Person with the photos."

"And why don't we have a gala, no that's not what it's called...a premier showing. That's it! We'll invite the King, Queen Mother, PM, U.S. Ambassador and anyone else that will come. Come off it! If they haven't turned out we'll be wasting their time and looking like fools."

"Cecil my Dear, almost Brother in Law, you and Taylor are such Pessimists. You have to be an Optimist to succeed.

I'll take a Camera team into the Lair this afternoon just to get some brief footage to show everyone what it looks like. So select a team to go and have them ready in an hour."

"Cecil, I think you may have lost the Skirmish and the War. I learned if you can't fight them, marry them. Then you can fly the flag of truce without shame. Also you won't have to sleep on the couch or have Blue Balls.", Taylor said.

As Taylor said that last remark, I put my elbow into his side hitting his ribs just enough to get his attention.

"Damn, did Evelyn show you that?", Taylor said rubbing his side.

"Yep she sure did! She said that was a sure way to get your attention. Next time it will be your Balls pulled and Yanked, My Love.", I said with devious smile.

"I must say that certainly did get your attention. But I kind of like the idea of the testicles being pulled and yanked.", Cecil said smiling.

"Thank you Cecil for agreeing with my wife the Dominatrix. Sir, I will get even you do know that don't you!", Taylor said jokingly.

"Come along you two. We'll have to get you all some communication devices.", Cecil said as we all went to the Operations Building together.

In less then five minutes we walked out with a two-way radio for each of us. What a pain! At least they were small! I stated to wonder if my radio could swim in a Crapper.

With my luck it'd get even and change me into a Transistor. I had second thoughts!

Taylor and I decided to eat at the Dining Hall. We finished our meal and went back to the Operations Building.

Once inside, Prince Henry, Cecil, and Ashley were waiting for Taylor, Draclyon and I with about 10 other people. They were the camera and film crew from the BBC and CNN. A young man of about 30 years of age by the name of Terry Murphy was to be the Producer for both crews. He was the person authorized by both CNN and the BBC to Hammer Out the Rights of Contract for both.

"Doctor Polanski, we were amazed when "Miss Munchkin" came to our vans and offered this once in a lifetime chance. I seized the opportunity at once for BBC. David Greenberg over there seized it for the CNN.

Thank you for this priceless moment. Everyone here knows there might be risks involved and we are all willing to accept those risks.", Terry said offering his hand to me.

"Ashley Sweetie, have Aunts Amena, Miriam, Liz, Gerri, Evelyn, Jaime and your Sister Julie come here now, please."

"I thought you might want them, Mother. They're on their way now.", Ashley said.

"Doctor, we heard you tell your story of the whole complex transition. I'm confused as to why "Miss Munchkin" calls you mother.", Terry said.

I asked that what we said now was off the record. Which they all agreed to speedily!

I more or less retold our past history with Ashley, Cecil and Taylor adding their words to make it more plausible or less sugary for these harden veterans of the Journalism Game.

It was the words of Ashley that completely brought them around to our side as she told them of her incestuous father and his expiration from this life.

We just completed telling our account of the past happenings when Amena walked into the room interrupting Ashley.

"Let's go! Everyone's outside waiting for all of you."

My supposition is that these Journalists accepted at face value the honest answers they received. I saw tears in many of their eyes and shock on their faces when Ashley described in great detail what had happened to her by her own flesh and blood father.

As they left the room virtually all of them gave Ashley a hug and some a kiss on her cheek or forehead. Never again was she referred to as Miss Munchkin. They had gained her trust and respect.

Ashley was told to stay behind to help the others in getting our computers assembled and online. She didn't complain once! Now I heard of everything, a teenager that listens to her parents!

I introduced everyone to our photographers and were soon on the path to Merlin's Lair. Since they had an enormous amount of equipment we all helped to carry it including Prince Henry, Cecil, and Taylor.

As per our agreement with Cecil earlier we had a security team in front and following us.

As we all walked down the path we could feel the peace and serenity of the woods. The wildlife was more plentiful as was the flora and fauna. Everything was placed on videotape as we walked. Both Terry and David asked all of us questions as to the conditions on our first trip to the Lair. They appeared to be flabbergasted!

It was impossible to believe that all this beauty came from a place that was once essentially exanimate.

We finally came upon the Moat and bridge. We all saw trout leaping out of the water to eat insects. I happened to see one of the crew pickup a small piece of mortar and place it into a plastic bag. I never said a word but I assumed that piece of mortar would go into chemical analysis. Okay so maybe they are a little skeptical, who in their right mind wouldn't be!

We at last arrived at the Altar Site. It was magnificent!

All seemed as if it had been scrubbed clean and sanitized.

As one photographer was filming the Sorcerer's Stone. I came close to it with Draclyon her red stone deepening. The Sorcerer's Stone started to shine the deep green color of an emerald.

The woman holding the camera that was filming it nearly dropped the camera. She advised Terry of this circumstance making her rollback the tape to view it. I was at a loss of words.

I called upon Draclyon to speak to all and explain what had happened. I told her that all was being filmed.

"Merry Meet!

You have seen the greetings from my mate. His essence is the Sorcerer's Stone. Myrddin too imprisoned him. He was the first then I, after killing our young and taking Valorous.

The female of my species is a more powerful adept practitioner of magicks. Although the males are more powerful in flight, Physical Protection, hunting for us and for mating.

The females birth the young and protect all from harm with the magicks passed on to us by the ancient ones. I failed him in this task by allowing him to protect us from the Myrddin. Neither he nor I knew of the spells Myrddin could conjure. The Myrddin was powerful! My mate and I can attest to that fact! In your parlance "We lost and He won!"

Our Mother Goddess has protected us for all these centuries as our Sisters here have protected you and your time from a very deranged man. My mate and I will be free when the time comes as decreed by the Lady Nimue.

I confirm all they have said to you but will not speak unless asked to by High Sorceress Lady Bri'de or by the other Sisters present with her permission."

Draclyon seemed to retain somewhat of her pulsating glow. I had to assume she was speaking in her own ways to her mate.

We waited for several minutes until Draclyon retained a steady glow. The least we could do was wait for her to finish.

We walked to the entrance of Merlin's Lair. The crumbled wall or entrance stone was still evident. I was still apprehensive upon entering, as was Evelyn and Amena. I at last took a breath to calm myself placing my feet inside the entrance. I just happen to notice that our crystals and Pentagrams showed a luminescence, as did Draclyon.

As the Journalistic Group entered with their camera lights I saw that the walls and floor were formed and polished stone from a black type stone similar to obsidian stone.

How ironic that if this was obsidian it was to have mind healing properties. If that was the case what happened to Merlin? Was he too far into the loss of his mind to be healed? That may be a question to study later!

We followed the passage to the main chamber avoiding the trapped passage. We came to the main chamber! Draclyon and our talismans shone brightly.

"Sisters I will light the Chamber, behold.", Said Draclyon as the chamber illuminated to daylight quality.

We still were amazed at the sight! The chamber was immense! We saw passages that were not seen before.

The camera crew had to change from their direct feed units to videotape units. They had lost the homing signal to their main receivers back at the Camp when they entered the entrance of the Lair.

The Journalists were in awe! We were in awe! The majestic quality of the main chamber was glorious to say the least.

"I think we have just entered into a new era boys and girls. There is no way this event could be disproved by anyone or anything.", Terry said in hushed tones.

"For yours and our safety do not touch anything. Only go as far as the bier.", I said

"Get a close-up of those! Look at that armor and weapons! Look at those bottles on the shelves. I thought during that time period that it was an impossibility to make clear glass.

Make sure you show the ceiling and walls that there are no light sconces or lighting sources. Show the many passages! Take it millimeter by millimeter! Show it all and all its grandeur!

This far surpasses the Egyptian Finds!", David said excitedly.

"Doctor, when do you think you'll start cataloguing these treasures?", Terry asked.

As usual Taylor answered saying, "We have sent for more equipment which should arrive tomorrow. We may start late in the afternoon or early the next morning."

"I for one cannot believe in the grandeur of this Archeological Find. If I had not seen it I perhaps might even be a disbeliever.", Cecil said holding Evelyn's hand.

"It is totally fantastic! We are seeing wonders that are beyond our comprehension. I see things that should not have been around during those times as Terry has said.", Prince Henry said in astonishment holding onto Miriam.

"I think we have finished for today. We've run out of Videotape. The world is going to faint when they look at these tapes.", Terry said.

"Are you sure there's a picture on them?", Amena asked.

"We're quite sure. We tested everything and took a sampling before filming.", David said.

"Then there is a possibility that our film may have survived.", I said to no one in particular.

"What film?", Terry asked.

All of us went into great detail telling him of the film that was taken by our fearless little group. They were also told of how my dear daughter sprung it on me that they had recorded all of our trials and tribulations in the banishment of Merlin.

I just happened to have found out our entire little group had a camera given to them by our intrepid Colonel Thompson.

"Cecil, where are those films now?", David asked.

"Currently they are locked in a Strong Box that is sealed and placed under SAS guards. We've decided to place them there and show them to all including government officials at this Site when the invitations are, or if, they are accepted. No one has seen them yet!

It was decided to have the disclosure of all photographic proof at one time to you Chaps of the press and government at our invitation.", Cecil said.

He was about to say something further when he was approached by an SAS Sergeant. He passed a sheet of paper to Cecil.

Cecil read the message and said, "It appears that all of the VIPs have accepted our invitation. Tomorrow you all will be the hostesses to the world."

Just what I needed more VIPs! I guess I had better work on my Tact and Diplomacy. Now where can I hide Taylor, Evelyn, and Ashley? Could I perhaps tie them up in the Lair?

"We'd better go back to camp. We have many preparations for our guest as well as security."

"Don't concern yourself as most of the work has already been done by my personnel. You Ladies need to get ready what you need to say. I for one think that one look at Merlin's Lair will say it all. Wouldn't you say that David and Terry?", Cecil said.

"Sure, we were all cynics, most journalists are. That was until we saw the grove and the Lair our minds have been changed, you are speaking to true believers of Merlin's existence.", Terry said with David and the crew nodding in agreement.

"Did we believe in previous tales of dragons and magic before? I would have to say no. Not until we met all of you and have seen and heard Draclyon and seen her egg.

If someone were to ask if anything we saw and heard was staged, again I would say no. You see we are reporters of the old school, we see and report fact not make facts.", David said.

On that note, we made our way out of the Lair. The sunlight was still strong although by our watches it was early evening. All of us had lost track of time. It was as if time stood still.

Cecil left several men at the Altar Site and the entrance to Merlin's Lair as a security precaution. They would all be relieved in four-hour shifts. Each of these men knew of the importance of their duties.

No one said a word on the return to the camp. Each of the Journalists seemed to be speaking into voice recorders preparing to file a story for electronic or print media. I speculated to myself the question that if our reporters had all recorded our conversations. It didn't matter as we had all spoken the truth. No further mention was made of the films that were guarded.

"Taylor please go on ahead to the Mess Hall, I need to speak with Evelyn, Liz and Amena. Would you be a dear and check on Ashley."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek, hurrying off.

I caught up to Evelyn, Liz and Amena saying, "I'm glad I caught you. I need some advice quickly."

"Don't tell me it's about you and Taylor last night.", Liz said and everyone started a knowing smile which caused me to blush.

"We meant to tell you that for some reason we are still attuned to you, Draclyon, and your emotions.", Liz said.

"I don't want to hear that you felt all of my emotions especially those of last night. Why didn't I sense all of you? What about the girls? Oh No!"

"We most certainly did!", Evelyn said with a sadistic smile plastered on her face.

"They might have thought it was just a dream. Remember you have to block your emotions. It's going to be difficult for awhile until you're used to it.", Amena said.

"Oh great, now I'm a psychic erotic transmitter. Taylor's going to be extremely embarrassed. Evelyn, please keep your pretty mouth shut! Don't you dare say anything to him!"

"Sister dear, I wasn't about to tell him. He'd avoid all of us from embarrassment."

"Then there is only one course of action in this matter. We have to get Handfasted right after our VIP's leave or before they come."

"I should think it would be proper after they have seen the Lair.", Liz said.

"I agree! I'll call our friends and make the arraignments now.", said Amena.

"I'll break the news to Taylor tonight after we settle in. Could all of you try to keep everyone away so we can have some privacy?"

"I see no problem with that.", Evelyn said.

"Julie, Freddie and I will see to it that the kids have a pajama party or something to keep Ashley away and occupied.", Liz said.

"That would work, also contact my daughters and have them present with the grandkids. I don't want any of them angry with me or anyone else if they miss seeing me get married. Use our helicopters to bring them, please."

"Sure, that's no problem. Have you decided what to wear?", Amena asked.

"I don't know but it sure won't be that armor."

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of the dress for you.", Evelyn said.

"Dress? What dress?"

"Sweetie you're a lady now and going to be a bride. Tradition calls for you to wear a dress with all the accessories. No pants or shorts allowed! Anyway you have to give Taylor some fun in taking off all your clothes.", Evelyn said.

I couldn't think of anything to say. There were times that my mind just didn't match my new body. I imagine it was called selective thought processes.

It has been difficult to go from a male old fart with one foot in the grave to have the potential of being a wanted young attractive nubile female.

It's still difficult to perceive that I have the internal organs to reproduce the human species with my eggs and my husband's sperm. To bare the fruit of a parent's love; to nurture, love, and mother the young ones brought into this world.

We the human race are survivors. I too as a new woman of the human race will survive! I will love my husband forever! I will love my Children forever! I will love my family as only a mother could forever! They will all be taught to be survivors.

"My Sister, your thoughts are on the right path. Go to your husband and family. All will be well! So Mote It Be!", Draclyon said in my thoughts.

"You heard Draclyon you are following the right path. Don't worry about Ashley. Her sister and brother in law will be with her and her friends. All her Aunts will be close at hand.", Liz said taking my hand.

"You really must learn to shield and protect your thoughts. Now get going to Taylor. He's waiting for you!", Evelyn said with a lecherous smile.

As I walked with Draclyon in my hand to the Mess Hall Cafeteria, nothing was thought of except food. Very few people were out and about but the ones I did see all said their greetings, which I returned pleasantly.

I entered the building seeing Taylor, Julie and Ashley sitting together at a table. Taylor immediately raised himself giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Are you alright?", Taylor asked.

"I'm fine dear. Why?"

"It's just you've been too quiet after leaving the Lair."

That's when I hit him about the Handfasting Rite. Julie, Ashley and Taylor showed their approval by just smiling.

Here I was worrying about how he was going to take the news of my decision for nothing.

"Now what's wrong?", Taylor asked seeing the blankness of my face.

"I thought you'd might be angry for making this decision on my own. I know we agreed to a fifty-fifty proposition in this relationship and I blew it."

"Are you kidding? It's great! Instead of out here in the Camp area could it be done at the Altar Site?", Taylor asked.

"Well, from what I read of the rituals in one of the scrolls certain parts are very private to us as the wedded couple. The ceremony can be clothed or Skyclad. Although some modern disciplines prefer Skyclad."

"Mom, would you and Father mind if Freddie and I Handfasted along with you?", Julie asked.

"I know you two have made your commitment years ago. I don't mind but you should ask your Father."

"Would you mind Daddy dear.", Julie said climbing onto Taylor's lap giving him a hug and kiss.

"Julie now stop that! You've people starring at us.", Taylor said embarrassed.

"Daddy can I be there also, Please.", Ashley said coming to Taylor wrapping her arms around Taylor's neck and kissing him.

"Oh Alright! Now please get back into your chairs. You're mother is the only one allowed to get me excited and use her charms like that. What the Hell did you do give them a Mata Hari Course?", Taylor said flustered.

"If you think these two are bad just wait Daddy Dear until your other daughters arrive tomorrow. You'll be like putty in their hands. They'll mold you the right way like mommy will tonight!"

"Oh, by the Gods Please Give Me Patience and longevity!", Taylor said laughing and kissing my hand.

We ate without anyone disturbing us. Julie and Ashley were excited about the pajama party. I warned them not to stay up to late. Tomorrow was going to be a monstrous day with all the VIPs.

Taylor and I finished our meal leaving the two sisters talking and giggling, as sisters should. Those two as well as all our daughters are close as family should be.

"Taylor am I seeing things or does Ashley and Julie look more and more like us."

"I really haven't noticed, but I think you my be right.", Taylor said letting us into my quarters.

As we entered, Taylor lifted me up into his arms kicking the door closed. I placed my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He carried me into the bedroom placing me gently on the bed kissing me until I persuaded him to stop.

I leapt off the bed placing Draclyon in her corner. I noticed she glowed brightly. Running to the dresser I removed several articles of clothing and then to the closet to get my robe and slippers.

I entered the Bathroom undressing as I shut the door. Before you knew it, I had a shower cap on and was in the shower. The water had a rejuvenating effect. I was refreshed! I was alive! Oh Boy! Was I READY! I had waited for months for just this occasion. Tonight I would make love to my husband as a wife should. It was not because I had to do it. It was because I wanted to do it. I am his and he is mine, we are one. Picking up the sheerest, blackest, babydolls, I had ever seen, letting it come to rest on my body. It hugged my breasts accentuating them. I adjusted them thinking as how I am so very proud of my assets. Assets? Breasts?

I received the most electrifying sensation as I pulled up the sheer panties letting them come to rest on my womanhood. I did my makeup very light adding a deep red lipstick and checking my hair.

I slid my feet into my mules at the same time spraying Chanel Perfume very liberally all over my body. I think I could have given a French Whore competition on the Smellometer! Oh, it smells so luscious! My black silk robe was last as I left the Bathroom.

Taylor was already in bed with the lights turned off. There was very soft light from perhaps, twenty lighted candles placed in different areas of the room. My goodness, he actually could be romantic!

Taylor was completely awake as I took off my robe and mules. I crawled into bed moving very close to him. He swept me into his masculine arms and passionately kissed me. My internal temperature was rising quickly. I could feel the electricity at every nerve ending pulsing at rapid fire. I felt my body brimming with life.

This man knew which buttons to push and I knew exactly how to please him. Our passions increased! I wanted him so badly as he wanted me.

I wanted this night to be special for the two of us. I so wanted him so very much, along with the joys of making me a woman, a wife and a mother.

I wanted him to know that I deeply love him and to show him we are one body, mind, and spirit. I wanted him to be my mate, Lover and the father to our children for both of our lifetimes.

As I took his male symbol into my hands, I caressed it so lovingly. He in turn removed my panties, rubbing my clitoris. My passions were raging at this point. He maintained total control of my emotions. He was in control of my bodily pleasure as I was in control of his.

Taylor opened my legs wide placing his head between them licking and sucking. It was rapturous! Oh, the joys of womanhood!

Taylor had made me so very happy. I had made up my mind he definitely was to have me tonight. He was kissing my whole body working his way back to my lips as my body squirmed in the advancing storm of my passion.

As he kissed my lips inserting his tongue into my mouth, I reached behind him and me gently touching and holding his Spear of Love. I was ready and fully lubricated by my own flow of juices. I helped to insert him into me.

The look of amazement was on his face. He was about to say something when I put my finger to his mouth to silence his objections. I felt a bit of resistive pressure and a uncomfortable brief pain as my Hymen was pierced by his Phallus. I felt fulfilled and full of his engorged love for me.

Our rhythmic body motions continued growing faster to the beating of our hearts with him bringing me to orgasmic pleasure first then he. Taylor was totally spent as I was yet he still had me in his arms holding me in his arms and kissing me.

He and I did not have to say a word to each other our eyes did all the talking. That night I was overjoyed to be a woman. I was overjoyed to be his woman and him my man.

That night we had made love many times. Each time was more fulfilling than the last. I was the happiest new woman in the universe. I take that back, I am the happiest and most contented woman in the universe. We are one, in all forms of Body, Mind and Spirit! I silently gave my thanks to the Mother Goddess and her consort. I gave thanks for allowing our consummation of our love, I asked to be with child soon to consummate the culmination of womanhood by birthing. For some unknown reason I knew that I was heard by Her granting my request. Draclyon remained silent but glowed somewhat brighter.

We soon fell asleep in each other's arms with love for each other in our hearts. We bonded and shared our human essence as one. The essence of two are now one!

I felt a kiss on my lips and gentile hand shaking awaking me. As I opened it was Taylor fully refreshed and dressed. I smiled up at him bringing another kiss from him on my mouth.

After the kiss Taylor said, "Hold on Darling, Gerri is here with Carolyn, Evelyn, Amena, Julie, Jaime and Miriam. They want to speak to the both of us. It seems important!"

I got out of the bed running to the Bathroom. My morning needs had to be brought about first and foremost. I didn't even think of the tightness in my legs and thighs from the night. Oy! Did I feel how sensitive I was when I wiped.

I quickly brushed and braided my hair, washed my face applied some makeup and was ready. Damn! No Panties I thought. I ran into the bedroom, grabbed panties and bra putting them on. I hurriedly put on my robe and mules after I saw how red, sheer and low cut they were. If Taylor saw these I wouldn't be going anywhere except to bed. That wouldn't be too bad!

Entering the kitchen, a cup of coffee was poured for myself. All the girls had all managed to be around the table this included Birdie. They all looked at Taylor and I having that knowing look and smiles on their faces.

"What's wrong? Cut the smiles! Yes, we did it, no more speculation. Next order of business so I can get dressed."

Gerri took up the challenge saying, "Do you remember Carolyn doing the DNA Lab Workup on Ashley?"

"Sure, I told you to do it."

"Well the results are in Mom and Dad.", Gerri said.

"According to the Lab results you and Taylor are the biological parents of Ashley. Also we did the same to Julie the both of you are her biological parents too.", Carolyn said.

"How can that be?"

"Wait it gets better.", Gerri said.

"Freddie is the biological child of Evelyn and Cecil.", Carolyn said.

"I bet Cecil fainted when you told him that.", Taylor said laughing.

"No, but Evelyn did.", Gerri said.

"I don't understand why Cecil?"

"When I checked the old samples from the Base I didn't see a recessive gene that was passed on by Freddie's father.

This gene could have caused a child to have severe birth defects. A mistake was corrected somehow. ", Carolyn said

"The only mistake that was made was when I made love to him.", Evelyn said sarcastically.

" I think that explains why Ashley and Julie seem to look more and more physically like us. I mentioned it to Taylor yesterday."

"Sure I noticed it. They both resemble my pretty wife more and more.", Taylor said taking my hand into his and squeezing it.

"What about my other daughters?"

"I would have to assume the same as Julie and Ashley.", Carolyn said.

Our conversation ceased when we heard a knock on the door.

Taylor went to the door and saw a man in uniform holding an envelope, which he handed to him. Taylor opened it and read the letter. He told the man something and he departed.

"It says Turn On The Bloody Radio, Cecil", Taylor had to control his laughter while getting one of them.

"Sorceress 1 to Control over.

Control to Sorceress 1 stand by for Charlie Oscar.

Where in the Bloody Hell are you two?

Calm down, at my wife's quarters. Why?

I'll be right there don't leave. Control out"

I could hear the urgency in Cecil's voice. It was not about trouble so I wasn't concerned. He didn't even knock when he arrived.

"I gave you all Bloody radios so we could keep up with you. Not one of you have the damn things on.", Cecil said angrily.

Evelyn went to him and gave him a kiss. Wow, did he change his attitude. I wonder what kind of Lipstick she uses? I want some!

"Somehow the Press found out about your Handfasting after the VIPs leave. All the VIPs are pissed off including the Royals! Prince Henry is trying to do Damage Control as we speak. Prince Henry said the only way to win them over now is to invite them all to the Rite.", Cecil said more controlled.

"No! Absolutely not! We will not turn this into a carnival side show."

"Alright then at least invite the Royals, PM, your Ambassador and certain representatives from Lords and Commons along with Terry and David's Crew.", Cecil said pleadingly.

"That I'll agree with but it will be at the Sorcerer's Stones Altars. You'll have to warn them in advance. They will all have to be concerned of the life there."

"Done! I'll be off now! Please leave those radios on.", Cecil said running to the door and out.

"Evelyn Preston! Did you put a spell on that poor man?"

"Not I! How can you say such a thing.", Evelyn said with briefest of smiles on her face.

"Amena, Liz! Stop teaching Evelyn those Magick Skills. I'll turn you all into toads if you don't"

Everyone started to laugh once again. The coldness that once filled the room was gone. Togetherness was once again returned to fill Taylor's and my quarters.

We all continued to talk lightheartedly until we heard another knock. This time it was Prince Henry that walked in.

Going directly to Miriam and kissing her then saying, "Sorry to be barging in. Ladies of the Realm, His Majesty the King and my father would like to make a Royal Request from all of you."

"Isn't that more of a Command?", Evelyn asked.

"In a manner of speaking yes "Ev""

"Alright Ladies hold on to your Knickers! Oh Damn! We'll lose them anyway! Shoot, what's the request.", I said.

"My Father asks you to wear your Armor again along with your Garters of Knighthood. I know how all of you hate wearing it but it does give you all a certain air of trustworthiness and truthfulness.", Prince Henry said in his boyish way.

"Oh No! I knew it! I just knew what he wanted.", Amena said sadly.

"Me Poor Bristols (Breasts)!", Liz said imitating a Cockney accent.

"Well girls, I think we have no choice but to comply with a Royal Request.

Is the Bloody Tower (Tower of London) still used for royal executions?"

Prince Henry along with all of us laughed. He gave Miriam a kiss leaving out the door quickly to tell His Majesty the King that we agreed to do this for him.

"Sisters and my Sister's Mate it is I Draclyon. The Mother Goddess and her Consort Bless you all. Today you might reunite the Isles as Arthur once had done in his time. That was the reasoning of His Royal Majesty the King to make that Royal Request.

Mother Goddess knows of your discomfort to the armor to you all. One reason it is uncomfortable is that you are not accustomed to it. The other it was made to form tightly on your bodies forever. No others may wear it! It is ensorcelled as your weapons are! These are the tools of life, truth, and justice! My Sister's your Consorts have or will each receive wedding gifts from Lady Nimue, Lady Bri'de and Lady Chydaer soon.

Be thee all good and honorable Witches! Follow the Rede and Primus! This, the Mother Goddess has commanded you all to follow. Do not be Warlock (An Oath Breaker) or Deceiver! Be pure of heart and mind!"

"So Mote It Be!"

All of us looked at each other strangely. Finally, I said, "Sister Draclyon, My consort and I are the only ones to be wedded this day."

"Lady Nimue has asked that those named Evelyn, Miriam and of course Bri'de and thy daughter Juliet be Handfasted at the Mother Goddess's Altars in the Grove.

Dearest Sister Evelyn, Lady Chydaer sends her love and states you must be made into an honest woman. Therefore, she commands you to have a loving and blissful life with Sir Cecil. She asks you to name your first daughter after her. Many Blessing to all this day."

"Honest woman! That's absurd! Why, we only made love maybe twice a day since we met. Okay! Maybe four times a day!", Evelyn said straight faced.

We all looked at Evelyn, Smiling our catlike smiles. No wonder her moods have changed for the better. How did she and Cecil manage to hide this from us so long? How did they manage to find the time? No matter the die has been cast. If Evelyn's happy, we're happy also. The only question that remained was how do we tell His Royal Majesty the King the Prince of the Realm is to be married too!

Why can't anything be simple anymore?

"Miriam and Evelyn you two better run after Henry and speak with Cecil too. They may after all have a solution to this mess."

Taylor, please go with her, Miriam may need some support. In Evelyn's case, she needs all the support she can get. Maybe an underwire bra might help those "saggers" of hers. We'll meet at the Dining Hall later."

Taylor, Evelyn, and Miriam departed quickly to see Prince Henry. Not before Evelyn gave me a slight Nipple Twist. Poor Cecil! That woman sure knows how to inflict pain! I'm beginning to think he likes pain!

"I think it'll all work out fine.", Amena said continuing saying, "Here is the Handfasting Rite for you and Taylor to look over. I'll make more copies for everyone later.

I took the paper while trying to ease the pain on my nipple.

"Must you do that?", Liz said seriously.

"It really does hurt and yes I do! Ladies I'm going to get dressed and then get something to eat."

"We'll wait for you. We haven't eaten either. No all of you go ahead I'll be there soon."

Everyone was leaving or so I thought as I went into the bedroom to get dressed and straighten it up.

"We've come to help you mother.", Julie said with Birdie beside her.

Oh Crap! I thought. Now I'm in big trouble when Julie volunteers.

"We talked to Tom last night about Birdie's Pregnancy. He was very happy, as were the son and daughter. As a matter of fact, they'll be here in about an hour or two. Tom said our Helicopters picked everyone up without any problems.", Julie said.

"Birdie, since when have you ever been silent when I'm around? Why did you have Julie speak for you?"

"Lady Bri'de, you be my employer and now bein' a Lady of the King's Court. In respect me an' Tom be peasants.", Birdie said with tears in her eyes.

"That isn't so! You, Tom and the kids have always been and will always be a part of our family. You've helped me in the past, present and I hope the future.

Birdie, later I want you to see Carolyn or Gerri. Have your hormones checked and tell them I said to check them."

"Why? Donnae think they find something now.", Birdie asked.

My thoughts sought out Draclyon. I found her asking if I could tell Birdie what I know. She said Birdie should know and agreed.

"Birdie, Sit next to me on the bed, please."

"It be bad news?", she asked.

"Oh no, it is very good news. You and Tom are to be the parents of Twin Girls. They will be healthy, intelligent, and strong of body and heart. You were Blessed by Mother Goddess.

When we HandFast, I want Tom, you and the kids there. You are to be a part of our ceremony of life.

I saw the look of disbelief on her face turn into the largest smile I have ever seen on her.

"Twins Heh! Girls Heh! Whoppeeeeee! This surely be a Blessed day for us. How ye be know'n 'they be Twi'n Girls?", Birdie asked happily.

"Yes Mother How do you ......Oh Shit!.....Draclyon!", Julie stammered out.

"Yes Dears! I asked and she told me. Now, don't ever estimate the powers of the Witch.

Wicca may be to some the occult, to others metaphysical and to others the supernatural. To us it is our religion or beliefs, our whole way of life and being. Remember the Rede "To Do No Harm!" Always Dear child and loving friend follow the Rede.

Now I really must get dressed. Any ideas?"

That was the wrong thing to say to those two. They ripped through my dresser and closet like mad women. I tell you they were possessed by the Wee Folk! After several sayings of no to their choices, I decided.

I chose my standard khaki coloring but in a mid-calf skirt, Short sleeve belted Safari Jacket, a red silk spaghetti strap tank top and red open toe sling back sandals. Somehow I managed to keep my panties but changed into a red strapless bra, adding a red silk half-slip.

That bra sure gave me cleavage! Okay, where's Taylor? I'm ready! Did I feel sexy! Did I feel exposed! Oh well!

With those two around they had to check everything from the color of my nails (Hands and Toes) to the braiding of my hair. At last they gave me their seal of approval after I left the safari jacket open with their urgings.

It was out the door with the Draclyon and the three of us. The weather was wonderful not a cloud in sight. The sky was a blue that you have only seen in paintings. There was a very slight breeze just enough to keep you from getting overheated.

As we entered the Mess Hall, Birdie nearly ran toward the cooks taking charge of the Camp kitchen. She demanded and received their respect for her culinary skills as she prepared a vegetarian breakfast strictly for me. I felt honored but at the same time self-conscious. I didn't want anything extraordinary. I just wanted to eat.

I was just served when Hurricane Prince Henry flew into the Mess Hall smiling and ordering Tea.

"Father and Grandmother have agreed to our Handfasting. Grandmother agreed without so much as me uttering one word. He would like to know if you all will give permission for the Ceremonies to be televised to the people."

I became lost in my thoughts. Tonight would be our debut to the world. Our archeological findings would be fully exposed to the world. We will all be under the greatest of scrutiny by all our peers. There can be no denying as to our find and the knowledge that the Lair contained. Bring on the Doubters let us change their minds.

Bring on the whole world! Let them see the magnificence of Merlin's Lair!


Yes readers there will be another Part Of this story.
I hope you have enjoyed this Story. Please let me know
by your Feedback.

Thank You All
Lorraine B.



© 2001 by Lorraine B. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.