Crystal's StorySite

A brief note to my faithful and not-so faithful followers: this story will have the same kind of ending as Esther. I’m just following up on some constructive criticism that I should make a story like it,just a bit longer.


Disease Nullifying Apparatus                     by: Jamie B.


Marlon was a boy who was constantly sick. It didn’t help his case any that his dad was always trying to invent things. These inventions would only serve to make marlon sicker. Then one day, His dad created the Disease Nullifying Apparatus. This was a special machine that allowed a sick person to have his genes spliced with a healthy person. It was decided that marlon would test the machine. His father brought a sample of his older sisters DNA to the machine. Three sisters had given their DNA so they would never have to worry about marlon again. The process took all of three seconds. Marlon was still unconscious in the machine. A special brainwave reader was installed so Marlon could communicate his thoughts to his family. The syntesized voice was just a tad higher than Marlon’s voice, but that was to be expected. The voice said "Thanks dad, I feel like a new person." At that moment, Marlon woke up and stepped out of the machine. There were many gasps and a few chuckles. Marlon didn’t understand what was going on until his sister Jessica handed him a mirror. The body in the mirror was feminine. Breasts were already growing on her previously flat chest. Red hair was growing down to waist length. Meredith was there to stay. The DNA machine was overloaded by the amount of DNA pumped into DNA fed to it. As if this weren’t embarassing enough, Meredith was naked. Jessica tossed a blouse and skirt to her sister and took her up to the bedroom to get proper and decent. Meredith came back downstairs looking good. she was wearing makeup and hose. Jessica offered to take her to the mall, based on the reasoning that since Meredith was there to stay, she had best get some clothes of her own. On the way, Meredith voiced her feeling that she was no longer the one boy to the nine sisters. Maybe now she could begin to fit in. At the mall, Meredith and her sisters had fun. By the time the night was through, meredith was more girl than ever. At this point, Jessica stated that meredith would have to go to school the next day. That day came and meredith was dressed in finest schooltime best. the sisters had signed meredith up for Cheerleading. After several lessons, Meredith was a pro. That weekend they had a major party at the football captain’s house. Meredith hit it off from the start with him and by that night was up in the loft with him. He gazed at her and came close to her face. He kissed her long and hard.

Marlon woke up and checked his lips and room. nothing had seemed to have changed. He was thankful it was just a dream. At that moment, Tory came in the room and said "marlon, it’s time for you to try dad’s new invention" Uh-oh!



© 2000
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.