Crystal's StorySite

The Diabetic       by: Alyssa Davis


Wendy and Sally were having their usual monthly lunch get-together. They have been best friends since high school where they formed a strong bond of friendship which has endured through their adulthood.

It seems like Wendy was constantly have problems with her husband, Dale, and Sally was always there for her to dump on. Being a single woman, Sally wasn’t able to give a lot of marital advice, but she was a good listener and a sincere friend.

Wendy, arriving at the restaurant early, had requested a booth in a place where they could talk privately. When Sally sat down, they ordered coffee first, then settled in for a quiet conversation. Sally could see that her friend was disturbed, and she assumed it was regarding Dale.

"It's about Dale again, isn't it?" Sally asked, touching Wendy's hand.

"Oh Sally, I don't know what I'm going to do with him. He's getting worse. Every night, he demands sex, and he's so rough. He does his thing and boom, he's finished. He shows no sensitivity for me. I cant tell you when I last climaxed. Sometimes, I feel he's just using me for his own satisfaction with no regard for my feelings, although I know he loves me. I used to think he was just oversexed, but now he has a new ‘thing’...he was clowning around one night and happened to put on my bra. I jokingly said he looked cute and dared him to put on panties too. Well, that started it. He got all aroused and we made love and I admit it was the best we’d had in a long time. But since then, he's been doing the same thing, without any dares...he waits for me in bed now wearing my underwear and all aroused. He likes to put on my panties and bra and get me to be his "lesbian lover." We’ve played bedroom games before, but this...I'm not ready for it. It makes me very uncomfortable, but I love him and I do want him to be happy. Do you think it's crazy? I mean...I know there's probably a lot of men who like to wear woman's clothes, but what should I do?"

Sally paused with her response to reflect , then said," I don't know Wendy, I'm no expert on the may make you uncomfortable, but if he's only play acting...what's the harm? How far do you think he'll take this fetish for lingerie?"

"I don't know, but what if he wants to wear all my clothes? Am I supposed to accept that, too? I don't think I can handle it. What does that say for me? Am I not feminine enough for him?"

"Well, Hon, I think I can understand how you feel, but it's too soon to make anything out of it. Play along with him for a while and see where he goes. Maybe it's just a passing novelty. Just take it one day at a time. That's the only advice I can give you....let's eat. I'm sort of in a hurry today. Got to get back to the drugstore to do paperwork. Those insurance forms are a pain. I didn't need a degree in pharmacy, I needed a business degree." Sally said as they studied the menu and ordered their lunch.

Wendy heeded Sally's advice and went along with Dale's new idea of a bedroom game. As to be expected, Dale's simple act of wearing Wendy's undies escalated to include stockings and, ultimately, dresses, and was no longer limited to the bedroom. Wendy didn't have the heart to stop him because she noticed how he got caught up in it and really enjoyed wearing women's clothes. She felt it was a harmless activity in the privacy of their house and he did look cute that way. In fact, he made an attractive woman, with a little makeup and his hair arranged.

The "game" had progressed from simple dressing in panties and bra for foreplay to cross-dressing fully for casual wear on the weekends. Wendy appreciated the fact that when Dale was cross-dressed, he became very docile and domestic and helped with the chores around the house, so much so, that she actually began to encourage and assist him in dressing so he would do things to free her for her own work. She noticed how happy and mild mannered Dale became, and their sex life had actually improved...he was so much more gentle in bed in a frilly nightgown which put him in character as a woman. He became more patient about waiting for Wendy to reach orgasm. He became so much more in tune to her feelings.

When Wendy met Sally again for lunch the next month, she couldn't wait to give Sally an update on Dale.

"Sally, you remember about Dale's fetish? Well, as to be expected, he's now into completely cross-dressing, and, honestly, I've never seen him so happy. He's gotten so wouldn't believe the things he does around the house when he's dressed. It's like having a maid! And our love life has certainly improved. I still think he's oversexed, but he's a lot more gentle and passive."

"Well girl, you sure sound different than the last time we met. You were so worried."

"Yes, well I took your advice and decided to see where it was going, and it escalated from underwear to everything. I'm still a bit apprehensive about him behaving like a woman, but, I must admit rather selfishly, the benefits are fantastic. He seems more relaxed, fun to be around, and I'm getting a lot of things done. And he's so happy! I'm even helping him with his little game. So really, what's the harm?"

"Wendy, it sounds like Dale might eventually want to be a woman full time. And since you want him to be happy, how would you like to help him achieve his goal?" Sally asked, with a mischievous smile.

"I'm not sure I understand, Sally...what do you mean?"

"Well, my friend, I may be able to help both of you. We could help Dale with his desire to become a woman, and get him to slow down in the bedroom. Are you interested?" Sally asked as Wendy squirmed attentively.

"Please go on," Wendy directed.

"If we gave Dale a daily dose of female hormones, it would reduce his sex drive and give him some secondary female characteristics, which, I'm sure, would make him very happy."

"But Sally, I don't want to change him into a real woman. I love him and I don't want to lose him to a sex change."

"Oh no, Wendy, it doesn't have to go that far. It would just cause his personality to mellow out a bit, broaden his hips a little, maybe make his breasts develop slightly. A lot of this is based on genetics, you know, depends on how the females of his family developed."

"I've never seen his family so I have no idea how they look. But, I think he has the potential to be an attractive woman...he's of average height and slim build, my size, actually. that's why my clothes fit him so well.

Hmm…so, how would we give him the hormones...he wouldn’t knowingly take them, I'm reasonably sure. At least it’s never been mentioned. It would seem to me, if he was serious in this, he would’ve talked about it, maybe even tried it himself."

"I agree, but I've been thinking...he’s a diabetic and takes an insulin shot every morning...he buys his insulin from me. I could spike his insulin with estrogen in a measured dosage. He'd never know the difference, and he'd be getting a double ‘treatment,’ so to speak," Sally said, with a gleam in her eye. "Of course, it’s gotta be our secret, Wendy. I’d really get in trouble over this."

Wendy hesitated, then said, "Oh wouldn't that be the ultimate...let's do wont harm him, will it?"

"No, the dosage would be very small and if and when he stops the estrogen, his female characteristics would regress back somewhat."

They both giggled through the rest of their lunch, talking about possible scenarios of Dale with breasts.

The next morning, Wendy exchanged Dale's insulin vial with another "Insulin Cocktail" that Sally had provided. Dale took his daily injection and continued with his daily routine. Wendy had some feelings of guilt about what she was doing; if it was the right thing., how it would affect him. She had a lengthy discussion with Dale about his cross-dressing, why he liked doing it, and if he planned to continue in the long run.. He admitted that he enjoyed wearing woman's clothes and described the feelings he had while dressed. And yes, he had no intention of stopping, in fact, he felt he couldn’t stop. With that knowledge, Wendy resolved to help her husband be happy and to accept him no matter what.

After several weeks, Wendy became aware of subtle changes in Dale's personality. He was more complacent with occurrences of things that would have usually annoyed him. In fact he was so much more pleasant to be around, and she complimented him about that, attributing it to his new feminine persona he displayed when en femme. He had definitely slowed down in the bedroom, to Wendy's joy, but his cross-dressing activity seemed to increase. Their sexual activity, while diminished, began to take on a more noticeable lesbian mode. Very little penetration but mostly oral contact. Now, Wendy was aggressively helping him with the transformation, teaching him makeup tips, feminine demeanor, etc., and Dale was an eager student. He was letting his hair grow longer and it appeared to grow faster and thicker. It was his choice to pursue his new image and he was very happy about all that was happening though a bit confused about why things were changing so noticeably and rapidly at this point in his life.

In two months, Dale's hair was long enough to condition and style. Wendy showed him how to fashion his hair so that it could be worn androgynously during the day and easily converted to feminine at night and weekends when he chose to cross-dress which was full time every weekend. He was consumed with a female appearance. At her suggestion, he was now wearing lingerie all the time, and had established his own wardrobe. Wendy encouraged him to keep his legs and underarms hairless. Long, soaking bubble baths and skin conditioners improved his skin to a feminine appearance. At night, he and Wendy would stand side by side in front of a mirror and compare bodies. He would envy her body so much, her curvy hips, well formed breasts, slender, shapely limbs. Wendy could only smile with the knowledge of her secret. Outwardly, she consoled her husband, and told him he still made an attractive woman. She would then make love to him in the superior position, making him feel even more feminine. She, too, was changing. She was beginning to enjoy the dominant role in their sex life. Now, she could control the time of orgasm. Dale had become very submissive in bed. Wendy knew she had to keep stroking Dale's female ego.

One night, he commented to Wendy that he felt he was losing weight because his pants were getting loose in the waist, but then, they were getting tight in the hips and behind. That confused him. Also, he was thinking of exercising because the muscles in his arms and legs were getting soft, but Wendy was able to talk him out of any exercises. She had to control herself from laughing out loud, but she and Sally were enjoying the changes.

As Dale continued his nightly routine of dressing up as a woman, from dresses to nightgowns, he noticed that those garments began to fit him so much better, especially his bras. He became aware that his breasts were changing. At first, his nipples became slightly enlarged and very sensitive. He assumed it was because he was wearing a bra so often, and he said nothing. But then, he was delighted to see the entire breast start to develop. Soon, he no longer needed the padding in the bra cups. He was able to caress his breasts in his hands...which gave him great pleasure. It wasn't until Wendy noticed the distinct cleavage of Dale's breasts that he commented about the changes in his body.

At the times when he was cross-dressing and admiring himself in the mirrors, he had wondered what he could do to improve his feminine appearance, but it was really happening and he didn't know why but he hoped it would continue. Now, when he and Wendy compared bodies, they looked more alike, which thrilled both of them. Of course, Wendy said nothing except to frequently compliment Dale about how nice he looked as he improved his skills with dressing and makeup which he accepted graciously. He was now able to wear form fitting dresses...with his own small, shapely breasts, narrow waist, and enlarged hips. His slender legs were very shapely in stockings and high heels. His skin had gotten soft, his facial hair was barely visible.

He had become an attractive looking woman. He was very pleased with his appearance, and Wendy was happy for him. She tried to get him to join her out in public while en femme, but he was still too shy to do that. He didn't want to risk being recognized by anybody and wasn't convinced he wouldn't be read. He just enjoyed being around the house fully dressed and feeling like a woman. On the weekends, he spent time doing his nails and practicing with his makeup and acting like the woman he presented which was becoming very natural for him. Wendy continued to encourage him as much as she could, as she was enjoying the transformation. They were now like girlfriends. Dale was no longer a man in bed either, for which Wendy was very happy. And his personality had changed for the better. He had become very relaxed and docile. Wendy would have settled for just that change over all others.

Sally kept Wendy supplied with the specially mixed insulin. After nine months, Dales breasts were as large as Wendy's, and could no longer be concealed in male attire. Without a bra, they bounced and jiggled when he walked, yet with a bra they stood out proudly. He would brag to Wendy about his figure and she was delighted for him. She had finally convinced Dale to venture out in public as a woman. Dale looked and acted like a natural woman with his own hair well coifed and perfect makeup. With all the practice he'd had, walking in high heels was now easy. They actually went shopping for dresses, where Dale, for the first time, could try on the garments he chose. He even got himself professionally fitted for a bra which had become a necessary garment.

At this time, Dale decided he could no longer dress as a's clothes now fit him poorly, and his breasts were too large to conceal.. Being a self-employed computer consultant, he began to set up new accounts, calling on customers as a woman, of course using his own name. He found, that being an attractive young woman, his business actually improved, and he was the happiest he'd ever been. Perhaps the change in his personality helped, along with his looks. He had become so ladylike, Wendy was impressed.

In bed, Wendy assumed the role of making love as the male partner...Dale was now so submissive that he preferred to be on the bottom, and made love to...and Wendy definitely enjoyed it more that way. When she embarrassingly confided this to Sally, Sally admitted that she envied Wendy and wished it had happened to her.

Wendy and Dale met Sally for a girl's lunch. Sally was very impressed with Dale's new persona. She quickly forgot that he was a male. During the meal, they made a lot of "girl talk" styles, clothes, etc. Over coffee, the conversation got serious. Sally asked Dale if he enjoyed living as a woman, to which he replied that he loved it and would never change back to a man if given the opportunity. Sally asked if he had any idea why his body changed. He admitted he didn't know, maybe a timely fluke with his glands, or maybe the influence of "mind over matter" since it was something he had always wished for. Sally looked at Wendy. Wendy winked and nodded.

Sally said, "Dale, should I tell you what really happened?"

Dale, knowing that Sally was a pharmacist and had some medical training, nodded in agreement. He considered her an authority.

"Well," she began, you know what female hormones would do to a male’s body?"

"Yes, I’ve read about transgendered men taking estrogen to change their bodies prior to a sex change" and from then on.

"Now you know it’s true."

"No! How would I have gotten access to estrogen? You’re accusing me of taking hormones?"

"Possibly….would that be so bad? Are you unhappy?"

"Not at all. But how…?" Dale was really puzzled and didn’t know where this conversation was going.

"You know the insulin you buy from me? I've been mixing in some estrogen. You've been taking hormones for the last 12 months. Wendy told me you wanted to be a woman, so we thought we'd help you achieve your wish. Are you upset about that?"

"My gosh no! I've never been so pleased with my body. I'm so happy living this way, I could kiss you. You've changed my whole lifestyle and I feel I'm a much better person. My business has never been better, and I love and understand Wendy more now than I ever have in the past."

Wendy and Sally breathed a large sigh of relief...they weren't sure how Dale was going to react. And Sally had really put her neck in a noose by tampering with his medication.

"But one question, Sally," Dale continued, smiling, "Did my breasts have to be so large?"

Both girls burst out laughing.

"Blame your mother. I'm afraid the changes in your body are caused by your genetic makeup. If the females in your family are large breasted, it's likely you would be too."

"Yes, both my mother and sister are large breasted...but I think I'm bigger then they are!" he smiled, "but I love it!...and it's good for business."


© 2000
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