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Warning and disclaimer:
1. All characters are fictional.
2. Contains many subjects some people may find offensive.
3. Protect kids use a safe surfing program such as Net Nanny.
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This adult fiction was written for my own and like minded people’s entertainment. All constructive comments are welcome, e-mail to me:

The work below is copyrighted material, anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post must contact the author for permission.

Additional comment for this pert of the story: I am not an expert on Klinefelter’s syndrome and if I cause offence or anyone believes I have misinformed, I humbly apologise. Please don’t flame me.


Devoted Sisters                   by: Sara Rêver Éveillé              © 2000


Part 4

Shortly afterwards we arrived a large office building, the car was driven into a large underground car park and pulled up outside a large silver elevator door.

The chauffeur was first to get out followed quickly be Natasha. The chauffeur opened the rear door nearest the elevator and Terence Jensen, Claire and I climbed out trying not to show too much underwear, the chauffeur closed all of the doors behind us.

"Thank you Dillon." Terence said and the chauffeur doffed his cap and got back into the Mercedes and drove off.

The lift door opened without anyone seeming to request it and the four of us stepped into it. Inside was brightly lit and it was the first time that I had an opportunity to study both Terence and Natasha closely.

I guess he was about forty-five, he was clean shaven looked well tanned and very distinguished and handsome with the grey flecks in his slightly receding hairline. He was taller that all of us even when all three of us ‘girls’ were wearing high heels. The suit he wore looked expensive it fitted him perfectly and he wore it as though he had some military bearing.

Natasha was wearing a grey two piece suit, under which was a white silk? Blouse. Without staring too hard, I was sure I could detect that she was wearing a white lace trimmed camisole underneath. She too was quite tall, even though she wore a pair of t-bar stilettos with 3" spiked heels. Her skirt was above knee length and showed of her shiny black nylon clad legs to perfection. I estimated that she was in her early twenties and admired the way she wore her makeup, it was not too severe except for the vibrant red lipstick she wore.

The lift stopped on the twenty-fourth floor and once again we all trooped out. We appeared to be in a hospital? The place looked very clinical and I noticed several people in white lab coats. This immediately set my internal alarm bells ringing, as any medical examination was sure to find out my secret within the first nano-second. Then suddenly from out of nowhere a ‘doctor’ appeared and spoke to Terence.

"Good morning Mr. Jensen its good to have you with us again." He said in a broad welsh accent.

"And you Dr. Williams," I was right, he paused and shook his hand the carried on, "would you do you usual full assessment on these two young ladies please."

"of course," he answered and indicted for us to lead off down the corridor to the right.

"Please do not concern yourselves, this is purely a formality. Natasha will be here all the time should you have any questions." Terence said. He then turned and got back into the waiting elevator and I watched he disappear from view as the doors closed.

The doctor made a further gesture for us to move on so this time we set off as he indicated. He showed us to a room, which had about a dozen armchairs in it, with large picture windows looking out over the Thames.

"If you would please wait here for a few minutes, whilst I prepare my staff." He said, Natasha followed him out back into the corridor.

"Bloody hell!" Claire exclaimed as soon as the door closed, "this is quite weird, don’t you think?"

"Not half, but so far easy money!" I answered.

"What do you think is going to happen?" she asked me, of course I didn’t have a clue.

"I only wish I knew, but one thing is for sure, if a doctor gets anywhere near me the game is up!"

"Will they let us keep the £2000, if they do?"

"I don’t know? I don’t see why not, I hope so at least."

The wait was excruciating, we must have been there about only fifteen minutes but it felt twice or three times longer. Finally the door opened and Dr. Williams came in.

"Please follow, me" he asked as he walked back down the corridor, "one in here please" he said as he reached an open door.

"Can’t we stay together, please?" Claire asked

"I’m sorry, that not possible, but don’t worry, this wont take long." He answered trying to reassure her. Claire walked into the room and I followed the Dr. further up to another open doorway.

Inside was three further Doctor type people, a large examining table and a further door leading off.

"Sara, would you please strip off down to you panties and bra and put on this gown please, you can use the screen over there." One of the Doctors said.

I immediately thought I had better confess prior to shocking them, "I erm, need to..." but I was interrupted.

"We will answer questions later," another said.

"No, I need to," I tried again, but was stopped again

"Please?" I was directed toward the screen.

I tied, okay if that’s how you want it I did as was requested and went behind the screen and began to undress. I felt very self-conscious as I came out from behind the screen just a few minutes later, wearing the gown.

"Climb up onto the table please." I was asked, so obediently and silently I did so.

In turn they began to examine my eyes, ears and mouth, using a variety of instruments, followed shortly by my blood pressure, it seemed I was to have a full medical.

‘Cant be long now!’ I thought, waiting for them to find me out, and it wasn’t.

They asked me to open my gown, and immediately they began to look closer they suddenly stopped and pulled back.

"Your male?" one said in a startled voice.

"I did try to tell you!" I answered. There was a quick flurry of activity and Natasha arrived.

"You’re a transvestite?" she asked.

"Yes, of sorts I suppose, I guess I am happiest when I am a girl, yes!" I answered.

"And your friend, is she also?" she asked.

"No I think your doctors here will find out that she is a real genuine girl" I laughed as I answered.

I watched as she took out a mobile phone and began making a call. I tied to here what she was saying but couldn’t. After just a few minutes she turned and asked.

"Are you prepared to go through with our arrangement, as a girl?" Natasha asked.

"If you are prepared to let me, then certainly yes, of course!" I was surprised that the offer was still made.

After a few more words into the mobile, she finished the call and turned to the doctors. "He is to be given the same assessment as normal, carry on." Then she turned to me and said, "this is your lucky day."

She then turned and spoke with Dr Williams, I could just hear the odd word, "Normal, tonight, tests, he, advice and specialist." She then left the room.

The doctors returned to their task of checking me out as though nothing had changed. They took swabs from my mouth and genital area a few clippings from my pubes and a blood sample.

I was asked me to stand, and with the aid of a tape measure they took measurements of my entire body, they left nothing and I mean nothing out.

The whole assessment took no more than a hour to complete I was then allowed to dress and was directed back to the waiting room, to find Claire already in there.

"Well?" she asked immediately "what happened?"

"Surprise, surprise they found me out!" I told her with a big grin on my face.


"Natasha said it was okay, provided I was happy to carry on being a girl for the party"

"Strewth, I imagined that they would kick us out, this is getting really weird!"

She was right of course, ‘just what were we getting ourselves into?’ I silently thought.

We waited about another hour before the Dr. Williams and Natasha came to see us. The good Doctor was now carrying two manila folders and I could see Claire’s name had been written on the top one.

Natasha took the top folder from him as she did so I secretly admired her long red fingernails and expensive looking rings and bracelet that adorned her elegant hand.

She opened the file and said, "Claire, you have passed the assessment, congratulations."

"What about Sara?" Claire asked immediately, it was the doctor who answered.

"Your brother is a little different," he paused whilst he opened the folder.

‘How did they know we are brother and sister?’ I wondered.

"The young man, who calls himself Sara, is fit and healthy other than for some genetic abnormalities," he looked at me "it appears that your chromosomes are not typical YY male."

"Is that serious?" I asked feeling a little concerned.

"Not really, it just maybe explains a little about your, erm, shall we say, appearance," he paused again looking me up and down. I shuffled about feeling suddenly very self-conscious.

He carried on "I wouldn’t say serious, gender is commonly defined by the individuals chromosome pattern, which can be different from the anatomical gender, or the sexual organs you were born with. Normal females inherit two X-chromosomes from each parent and males an X chromosome from their mother and Y from the father, you however have three are XXY."

I could see he was starting to lose Claire, but I seemed to understand, "so your saying that I am more female than male?"

"Well if treated when it is detected at a young age the patient suffers from no long term psychological or physical problems and can live a normal life as a male. You however seem to have had no such treatment and as such your body is untypical for male of your age and psychologically you are, confused?" he seamed to struggle for the word.

Natasha then spoke, "Sara as far as we are concerned you are free to leave now with the money we have already given you, but we are equally prepared to accept Sara as a member of our team for this evening. If you do accept however you must be prepared to be treat as a any other girl."

Claire hugged me in some sort of congratulatory gesture, and with that the decision was made, "then I accept." I answered.

"Excellent!" she answered with a broad smile across her luscious red lips, "would you follow me please."

Claire and I held hands as we followed Natasha down the corridor in the opposite direction to before. My mind wondered as I watched her bottom wiggle in the tight grey skirt.

‘This chromosome thing maybe explains lots of things, my physique lack of body hair and obviously my mind set. And having to be like any other girl really appealed to me.’

Finally Natasha opened a door and guided us in, this time the room looked like a fashion studio. It had several sewing machine tables with women busily working at them and several mannequin dolls lined the edge of the room in various states of semi finished costumes. An elderly lady with grey hair that was tied in a tight bun held by a thick black hairnet greeted us.

We were introduced by Natasha, "Joan, this is Claire and Sara."

"Ah good we have been expecting you, we are just about ready for the first fittings." She said.

"I’ll leave you too it, call me if I am needed." Natasha said as she opened the door to leave the room.

"Very well Natasha," Joan answered, as she guided us into a curtained off section of the room, "would you two girls please strip down to your panties."

My mind raced, ‘fittings, strip’, I also wondered if Joan had been told about me I decided to ask, "Have they told you," I was interrupted.

"Sara, my dear we know everything about you, have no fear." Joan said. So Claire and I began to take off out clothes once again.

Claire was quick to take off her top and I was surprised to see her nipples as hard and erect as they were. She saw me looking and casually caressed one as she waited for me to take off my bra. My two breast forms fell out of the cups onto the floor as soon as I released the clasp I was embarrassed and jealous of Claire’s body once more.

A minute or two later we were both stood quietly behind the curtain naked save for our panties. Suddenly the curtain was pulled open and Natasha was stood with Dr. Williams.

"The Doctor has something for you, Sara." She said.

I watched as he opened a plastic case to reveal a pair of breasts. Well they looked like breasts, real breasts not the poor quality inserts I had just been wearing.

The doctor spoke, "These are prosthetic breasts which are sometimes used in either plastic surgery or the film industry. With your agreement I would like to attach them to you to enhance your appearance." I readily agreed and he began to prepare me for them.

First he cleaned my skin with some sort of alcohol based solution which really smelled awful, then did the same with the breasts. He then painted on a clear gel onto my chest and similarly to the breasts. Finally he selected one and carefully placed it onto me, gently he firmed it into place and rubbed down the fine fleshy material that surrounded the edge. After twenty seconds or so he slowly let go and the breast stayed in position.

"Your body heat will set the glue such that they are really quite well attached. They should almost remain a part of you until a solvent is applied to release them." He commented as he attached the second one, as he held it waiting for it to set, I had to laugh to myself.

‘I hope he has them the right way round, I don’t want to be crossed eyed!’ I held back a giggle, at the thought.

Eventually he let go and stood back and pronounced a satisfied, "there you go!"

Looking down I was pleasantly startled to see myself with a pair of breasts, they looked totally realistic to me, the skin tones matched perfectly, I even had semi erect nipples. The weight of them was heavier than I imagined, and I guessed that they would take some getting used to.

"Wowee! they are fantastic!" Claire exclaimed.

"Good work, doctor." Natasha said.

The doctor raised his hands and felt them he even jiggled them about, "any discomfort?" he asked.

"None!" I answered with glee.

"They are firmly attached now and should not come adrift, unless they are severely pulled, even then they may damage your skin. They should remain in place for no longer than 24 hours at any time, so ensure that you see me again tomorrow," Dr. Williams said.

I was thrilled with them, "Can I touch them," I asked.

"Of course, they are yours until tomorrow!" It was Natasha that answered.

I raised my hands and cupped MY breasts in them, they felt a little cold, but otherwise very flesh like and soft yet firm I had never actually touched a real pair but I imagined them to feel just as these did.

"Thank you doctor, simply amazing." I gushed.

"Now would you drop your pants!" Natasha asked.

"My pants?" I asked

"Yes my dear, we have a little something for that also."

I did as she asked, and bent forward, to slide them down my legs, as I did so I felt my breasts move which was a completely new and rewarding experience. As I tugged the lace-trimmed panties down, my penis was released, my scrotum was as ever almost none existent.

I watched as the doctor took what looked like a pair of thong panties and held them out for me to step into. I obliged and watched as he pulled the flesh toned contrivance up my legs and casually eased my equipment down into the semi rigid pouch. The outside of the pouch had a fine weave of ‘pubic’ hair attached which ‘matched’ my own thin thatch. The g-string was finally pulled up my ass cheeks and up onto my hips, it felt quite tight but comfortable.

"Please ensure you keep that on at all times when you are with us, Sara." Natasha said, with that they left.

Claire was absolutely agog, gazing at me with a wide open mouth, "what?" I asked.

"Can’t you see?"

"Not really, no, what?"

"You look like you have a pussy!" I looked down trying to see, but my new breasts blocks my view.

"I need a mirror!"

Just then the curtain opened once more and Joan appeared, put your panties back on dear theirs a good girl!" she asked.


© 2000
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.