Crystal's StorySite


A Day In The Life


Paul G. Jutras


The meowing howls of a cat sitting in the bed room door woke Patrick up from a lovely dream where he was all woman and the bride of his own wedding. Pat shivered a bit in his pink silk pajamas and gave his nude nylon covered feet a rub together and stretched like a cat waking up before getting out of bed. "Guess you're first, girl."

Slipping his feet into a pair of pink, fuzzy and open ended slippers, Pat let the cat take him to the kitchen where he fixed half a can of food for his girl. "Enjoy, dear. You're better than an alarm clock."

Pat then started out with his morning ritual of sitting down to pee and then shaving his legs and under his arms while the tub filled with hot water. He checked his face to see if he could hold off till his next electroysis appointment on his day off while he had his razor out. He then climbed into the bubble bath and let the warmth of the water wash away the 40 degree cold outside and his cares away for a half hour while he cleaned up.

Once he was done in the tub, he patted himself with a towel and wrapped it around his body. He then wrapped a second around his head while he took his hormone pill and put on a matching bra and panty set. This followed having a bowl of cereal with one hand while blow drying his hair with the other. He was never more happy than when he came out at work and changed from the men's short hair dress code to the girls long hair one. Even if getting up early enough to blow dry was as much a pain as getting his make up right while half asleep.

He was soon dressed for work in his store's tan top with its name written on the sleeve, black skirt, black pantyhose and one inch black shoes. Most importantly was his new name tag that read Pam instead of Pat. Even though his pay checks still listed him as Pat until the legal name change work breaks through the red tape. "Lovely." He said as he checked himself out in his full length mirror. He thought back to when he started work at the market and was mistaken for one of the female employees without being dressed up or anything. He was just happy the women at work had the choice of black pants or black skirts. "You'd think I was born this way."

He heading to work as the sun was just coming up and listened to what news he could on the car radio. As he headed into the store to punch in, one of the cashiers was heading for the employee parking area. "A little early for your break isn't it?" Pat asked.

"A shopper told me that I left my lights on." Jim said as he headed for the car.

"Where is he?" Roger the store manager said to Amy, the front end manager. He had brought out a help wanted sign and began setting it up on a tripod.

"He went out to his car." Amy said. "He left his car lights on."

"Next time it happens make sure he waits till the next cashier comes on or he's on break." The manager said as he saw Pat come in. "We're going to have the district manager visiting later today. Make sure you get all the put backs away after you take out the trash. If there trouble with the head office you'll be the one fired not me."

"Guess I should be glad he still doesn't do his male to male greeting of jumping on my back and trying to slam my head into the floor like he use to before I began transiting." Pat thought as he just nodded.

Pat went to clock in and was about to get the trash bags to change the cans, when a woman walked up to him. "I can't find the tampons anywhere." She said sweetly. "Can you help me?"

"Sure." Pat smile as he lead her up roll seven and past the paper towels and toilet paper. "The products you're looking for is right here on the left."

"Thanks." She replied.

As Pat took seven trash bags he changed the front end cans. He found since starting on hormones that lifting and carrying some of the over loaded bags to be harder than before. He took the first load of trash around to the dumpster and was glad the lid was left open. He found it more and more impossible to lift the lid as time went on. He was taking the deli and stock room trash out when the manager and Carol the cashier was coming down stairs. "The one up there needs changing too."

"Great." Pat thought. "If the bags being heavy isn't bad enough, the stairs are almost murder to bring things up and down." Pat just nodded and did as he was told.

"Here we're going to be getting the white shirts soon." Carol said to Roger.

"We'll be switching next month." Roger said.

"Going to end up buying a lot of bleach," joked Carol. "We're going to be a mess by the end of the day. Especially the meat and seafood people."

After spending a half hour on the trash, Pat spend an hour going up and down the rolls in the store and putting stuff on the self. He was just glad it wasn't like the day the was so much trash that he spent two hours doing it.

"Hey, Roger." Pat said as he took a cup holder out of the cart. It read on it: IF YOU'RE MEAN, ANNOYING OR GET ON MY NERVES IT WILL BE $20 IF YOU WANT ME TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOU. "We could use this if that annoying shopper shows up."

"That would be funny." He said as he took it with him. "Oh, the ice machine is broken, I need you to mop all the water the leaked on the floor around it."

Pat always liked cleaning and he was happy to be paid for doing it now. As he finished the take backs, he vacuumed the rugs before bringing the carts off the front lot. While he was out there he noticed one woman trying to hand out flyers dress in a pink and white stripe blouse and pants with a pink and white polka dot golf hat. She handed a flyer to a woman in a white blouse and blue baggy pants that had large polka dot print on them.

"I was wondering how you were going to do that." Carol said at her register while Pat walked up to it. He was wondering about what she was talking about when she noticed the woman's striped nails were as long and curved as claws. "Do you have trouble getting dress with those nails?"

"I don't have trouble getting dressed at all." The woman said as Pat checked under the shopping cart for anything left behind and notice she didn't have any stockings on. Course being a beach area, few women wear stockings even for work. The woman slid her credit card and used her knuckles to press the buttons. "I just have trouble with the little things like this."

As Pat helped the woman to the car, he saw a woman in a long black dress going shopping with her two girls. One girl was in a light purple blouse and a dark purple skirt while the other had a white top and Hawaiian print skirt. He wished he could have been like the little girls when he was their age.

When Pat return from getting the carts off the lot after helping the woman to car, Roger was calling for help at the front end. Besides the regular 3 registers open, Roger had ordered three more registers opened and got stockers and Sandra from the floral department to help bag.

When things calmed down, Amy told him to find some boxes to pack a food order for one of the port's fishing boats. As Pat went looking for boxes he notice that Roger had half way filled the put back cart again. He had to get some boxes from the top of the isle selves and some from the stock room. When it came through, he spend almost ninety minutes boxing it up, getting a $20 tip for his work.

Just before going to lunch, he helped a woman in a pink business suit and heels on her bare feet that made the woman look like a life size Barbie. Pat drive the short distance from work to his place and fixed him self a microwave diet meal for lunch while going on line to Crystal Story site and Fiction mania. He also gave his cat the second half of the can and checked the liter box to make sure it didn't have to be cleaned again after he had cleaned it while his hair dried in the morning.

During the afternoon Roger kept putting items in the put back cart and Pat kept putting them on the selves. The only parts that was really annoyed him was when Roger was putting trash like empty soda bottles in the basket along with items that were on a floor stand just arm length to where the basket is kept.

As Carol was told to go on break during one of the few slow moments, Pat walked up to her. "Been so busy that it's a real three ring circus here today," said Pat as a woman in a rainbow color blouse and stripe slacks walked by. "The way a lot of the women dressed today, it's really full of clowns."

"Hey, Manager!" cried an old man. Pat couldn't help but smile as he could always count on the guy for entertainment. "Get over here."

"Can I help you?" Roger asked.

"Take these bananas and weigh them." He shouted.

"Sir you need to get into a line and you'll be helped when your turn comes." Roger said as he tried to remain calm.

"Why don't you open another register," he said.

"He was in my line; then moved to the service desk line, then to Robin's line." Jim said as Pat bagged the cashier. "If he stayed in my line he would have been out of here by now."

Things got busy again and two managers had to open up registers. Afterwards Roger went up to Pat and told him that the employees spilled coffee in the break room and to take a mop to clean it up.

Pat's shift replacement was an hour and a half late, as she often was. In her pig tails and buying a stuff animal before clocking in, the college student acted less mature than most kids trying to earn a allowance. Worst of all it had started raining during an hour that he could have been gone if not for her.

"Pam, before you leave." Roger said as he walked away from with registers with bags of food. "Take my stuff to my car before you go."

Pat managed to stay relatively dry getting carts in the rain, but got totally soaked to the bone getting the food to his boss' car. After he did get home he strip out of all his clothes and tossed them into the washer.

Getting into a new pair of panties and a pink Hawaiian print dress, he put on a pair of pink sandals and matching rain coat. Driving up to the mall he spent an hour of relaxingly trying on different cute outfit and ending up with two bags of merchandise by the time the rain ended.

He then returned home; put the clothes in the dryer and fed the cat supper. Pat enjoyed three slices of the pizza he picked up on the way home and then changed into a blue one piece bathing suit.

"How was the day?" Pat's mom asked as he stopped off at his parents to use their swimming pool.

"Great," replied Pat. "Between the boat order and helping others to the car, I made over $30 in tips today."

Pat enjoyed swimming for ten minutes and having a salad with his mother while they chatted about how the day went. His dad on the other had was only concern how his hormones were effecting his blood tests and such while he turned on the news. With the weather reporting another cold night in the 30s and 40, Pat made a mental note to wear a fresh pair of pantyhose with his pajamas to help keep himself toast warm during the night.

When Pat return home, he gave the cat the rest of her food and proceeded to fold the clothes, dust and vacuum his own place before putting his new purchases away in the closet.

After watching a couple DVD episodes from such box sets as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Hogan's Heroes and Greatest American Hero while in his stockings and pajamas, he checked on his sleeping cat and climbed into bed to sleep and get ready for another hectic day the next day.





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