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Dawn Gets Married
by Janis Elizabeth
Dawn sat in front of the mirror in the preparation room at the church. Dressed in her lovely white satin bridal lingerie and white satin corset, she was doing the last portion of her makeup for her upcoming wedding. She glanced down at her white four-inch heels sitting comfortably on her feet and felt the tug of her white bridal stockings attached snugly to the garters of her corset. She felt the slight tightness of her blue bridal garter at the top of her white stocking underneath her ankle-length full satin slip. Her white satin panties contained the requisite maxi pad; even more important on this special day to absorb any accident she might have as well as to keep her femininely fresh and properly tucked in. Her bra under her corset was filled with her own flesh, compressed upward by the tight lacing of the garment. Her Mom and Diane, her top supervisor at the airline, had seen to it that the corset was tightly and properly laced. Dawn had no problem breathing while wearing her bridal corset since she had been wearing one for some time and had quickly become accustomed to the restrictive fit of the garment. It was Diane, almost six months ago, who even suggested that she start wearing a corset so that, by today, she would feel very comfortable wearing it and would look her feminine best.
Her satin and lace wedding gown and veil were neatly laid out nearby beside her two starched bridal petticoats, which she would soon be putting on. She paused while applying the last of her blush and lipstick. She knew that she was going to truly be a blushing bride today and she wanted to look her loveliest as she walked down the aisle to where Lisa would be waiting for her. At that moment, Dawn felt that she was the luckiest girl in the world. Looking over her reflected image in the mirror, she saw her freshly coifed shoulder length hair framing her face. The stylist had been lightening it for the past few months until now Dawn's hair was a lovely honey brown color. Her veil might cover her face during the ceremony, but her hair would look outstanding regardless. While having her hair done earlier in the morning, it had been a different feeling seeing her Mom and her supervisor sitting nearby in various stages of having their hair done at the same time.
Dawn smiled to herself as she thought back over the last two years when, with the assistance of her crewmates Pam, Laura and Lisa, she had taken her first feminine steps in public and had lived her feminine fantasies full time since then. Today, as she was about to become Lisa's bride, she was taking another step in her continuing feminine journey. Lisa, her crewmate, had been attracted to her from the beginning, even before Dan underwent his transformation and became Dawn. She became even more attracted to her once Dawn had emerged into the world.
There had been some rough spots for Dawn in her journey as she left her birth persona of Dan behind. At times, those rough spots made it seem as if she might have to revert to her male self, something she did not desire to do. A few of the flight deck crew had not accepted Dawn in her new role. However, they at least had the graciousness and good sense to keep their comments to themselves, especially after Dawn's crewmates came vigorously to her defense on several occasions. Usually, when flying with these people, Dawn stayed in the back of the aircraft, far away from them while still performing her duties. On those flights, she and her crewmates would leave the plane only after the flight deck crew had departed. In time though, they simply forgot about Dawn's situation. There were those of her co-workers though who knew of Dawn's history and had accepted Dawn without any hesitation. A few of the women were absolutely encouraging and supportive. Others, who were not aware of Dawn's past, accepted her as the lovely and efficient flight attendant that she was.
About nine months into her new life as Dawn and her dating of Lisa, she received a pleasant surprise. Lisa had taken the lead and proposed, on bended, stocking-covered knee, to Dawn. She was even old-fashioned enough to want to ask Dawn's Mom for permission to marry her daughter. When Mom heard of Lisa's proposal, she cried tears of joy and then hugged first Dawn and then Lisa in her joyful exuberance. She, of course, gave her blessing at once and welcomed Lisa into the family. Lisa's Mom was, at first, somewhat less than enthusiastic about accepting Dawn, even though Lisa had told her Dawn's complete history and how nice a person she was. However, her mom was impressed with the feminine grace and beauty that Dawn exuded with each action. Early in their visit though, her Mom had looked at Lisa and raised a questioning eyebrow. Lisa had correctly read that look from her Mom and smiled and said that Dawn functioned very well and properly behind their bedroom door. Lisa also said that someday there might even be the grandchildren that her mom wanted her to have. Understanding the full impact of her daughter's reply, Lisa's mom smiled and hugged Dawn and said that her daughter had made a lovely choice. On their next flight together, Pam and Laura were pleased to see each girl with a diamond engagement ring on her left hand. During lulls in their flights, the talk turned to the upcoming wedding and the plans that had been made.
On one flight though, shortly after her engagement to Lisa, Dawn and her friends thought that they were all in serious trouble, with Dawn possibly losing her position with the airline while the others might be facing suspensions and reprimands. Every crew is evaluated yearly by one of the senior members of the headquarters staff. These evaluations were usually unannounced and tended to be rather inclusive, even down to how they wore their nametags on their aprons while doing food and beverage service. While greeting the passengers entering the plane, Laura caught sight of Diane, the top supervisor over the flight attendants, as she entered the plane. While she didn't know if Diane was here to conduct the crew's evaluation, she did think that it was prudent to make her crewmates aware of Diane's presence. She caught Pam's eye at mid-cabin and discreetly pointed as Diane made her way down the aisle to her seat. Pam, in turn signaled Lisa in the back of the plane. When Lisa grasped the significance of Pam's warning, she let out a gasp and quickly told Dawn that their supervisor was on board.
While the crew was concerned, they could not let their concern about Diane interfere with their duties to the passengers, even if it was their evaluation. Dawn continued to make sure that things were secure in the galley, prior to takeoff. Once airborne, she, Lisa and Laura provided food and beverage service in the main cabin while Pam took care of first class. Dawn effortlessly made her way up and down the aisle in her heels and regulation skirted uniform, her nylon stockings rubbing together with each step, her realistic breast forms in her bra moving gently under her blouse. While she savored the feel of her lingerie and stockings as she moved, she knew she had to concern herself with the task at hand. At one point, Dawn even served Diane and noted, with concern, that she was making notes on everything that the crew did and how they acted. She did not look happy.
After all the required duties were performed, while the passengers were enjoying the in-flight movie, Dawn, Lisa and Laura gathered in the rear galley and chatted quietly. It wasn't long before Diane made her way to the back of the plane and demanded that Pam be summoned to join them. While Laura summoned Pam over the plane's intercom, Diane sat in the jump seat, usually occupied during takeoffs and landings. It took only a few seconds for Pam to move through the plane to the rear galley, although to her crewmates the wait seemed to be interminable. Once Pam arrived, Diane spoke in a low but audible voice, demanding to know what was going on with this crew? She expected to find three women and a man in the crew. Instead, she found four women, with no indication that one of them was a substitute. Also, the fourth woman had the same last name as the male crewmember but she was known as Dawn not Dan.
As Diane, now standing, waited for an answer from someone, Dawn spoke up and said that she was, indeed Dan. However, that was all she could say before Pam, as the lead attendant in the crew, spoke up and said she would explain everything, hopefully to Diane's approval. Pam sternly said that Dawn and Lisa should monitor the main cabin while Laura covered first class for her. In this way, the girls were dismissed from the meeting as Pam spoke privately with Diane. During the rest of the flight, Pam and Diane were engaged in a serious discussion while Dawn, Lisa and Laura tried to stay clear of them. Occasionally, one of them would glance toward the back of the plane and see the quiet but animated conversation that was still taking place. No one knew what was going to happen.
They were still talking about the situation when the pilot announced their final approach and requested that the flight attendants take their seats. As Laura made the standard landing announcement, Dawn and Lisa sat side-by-side and whispered fearfully between them over what might be happening. Pam came by briefly and said that once all of the passengers had deplaned, they would meet in the first class portion of the aircraft. Her face and body language showed no indication of whether there was good news or bad news.
Once the plane landed, everyone departed, including the flight deck crew, leaving only Diane, Pam, Laura, Lisa and Dawn still on the aircraft. Diane had told the gate attendant that they would be remaining on the craft for a little while longer and that the cleaning crew would have to wait. Lisa and Dawn sat together, fearfully holding hands while Pam and Laura sat in front of them. Diane strode to the front of first class in a business-like manner and turned to face them. Her face betrayed no emotion, leaving the girls to fear the worst. She started off telling them that they all could have been facing serious disciplinary action for what some would have considered to be a total deception. However, the fact that Dawn, when confronted during the flight, had readily admitted that she was indeed Dan weighed heavily in their favor. Then, after a long talk with Pam, she realized that this was not a prank or a deception at all but an act of love amongst the crewmates in helping Dawn to come into being.
Diane continued by saying that this crew had received many compliments from both passengers and flight deck crews who had taken the time to write to the airline. Each of these letters, extolling their professionalism, courtesy and appearance, was sent directly to Diane. She had read each of them with interest and was surprised to see continuing references to the four women that comprised the crew, especially since she knew that it was a mixed gender crew. As their evaluation was coming up shortly, she decided to check out the situation for herself. During her evaluation, Diane was pleased to find a crew that was efficient, pleasant and worked well together. In every area that she had graded them, from appearance and makeup to service and attitude, they had received top marks. She smiled for the first time as she looked at Dawn and said that all looked feminine and very neat and professional in their uniforms. Still, she could not reconcile the appearance of Dawn when she expected to see Dan. It was Pam, she said, that really turned the tide for the crew, as she spoke impassionedly about Dawn and how the rest of the crew loved her and worked so well with her. They were only trying to help her realize a desire that would not affect anyone, either in or out of the aircraft.
She went on, saying that under other circumstances, such as the crew not being rated so highly, she would have looked with disfavor on this breach of conduct and would have reported it accordingly. However, in light of the crew's overall efficiency and exceptional record, she would keep Dawn's secret and not turn in any report to headquarters other than their excellent evaluation. This caused instantaneous relief as Dawn and Lisa squealed and hugged each other, while Laura was hugging Pam in the front seat. When things settled down, Diane asked Dawn to come forward and answer a few questions. She asked how Dawn had developed such a natural looking pair of breasts. Dawn smiled and said that, early on in their relationship, she had purchased a pair of very expensive realistic breast forms at Lisa's request. Next Diane wanted to know how Dawn moved so effortlessly in the heels, to which Dawn replied that it was just practice, practice, and more practice. Diane laughed at this pert response. Lastly, Diane asked if, at the beginning of her transformation, Dawn had felt, in any way, threatened, intimidated or coerced into the feminine attire by her crewmates. Dawn smiled and said the Lisa, Laura and Pam had managed to learn her secret through observation and had helped her to achieve her lifelong dream of being able to work in public while dressed in the feminine apparel that she dearly loved.
With Dawn standing beside her, Diane again stated that she was not going to do anything that would adversely affect the efficiency of this highly rated crew. She also said that, upon her return to headquarters, she would begin to quietly take steps to ensure that Dan's file disappeared from the records and that there would only be a file for Dawn. This caused the crew to smile even more broadly than before. Diane extended her congratulations to Lisa and Dawn on their engagement and asked for some details about the wedding. Taking turns, Lisa and Dawn said that it was going to be a small wedding. Both of them would be wearing white satin and lace wedding gowns as they exchanged their vows. Laura would be Lisa's Maid of Honor while Pam would serve as Dawn's attendant. The minister marrying them would be Lisa's sister, an ordained minister, who had no problem with both Dawn and Lisa wearing wedding gowns. After hearing all of this, Diane had two questions, which she asked with a smile. One, would she invited to the wedding? Both girls answered, practically in unison, that of course Diane would be invited. Next, looking at Dawn, she asked, if it was not too presumptuous, if she could have the honor of walking her down the aisle along with her Mom. Dawn blushed and then said that she would be honored to have Diane walk her down the aisle.
Diane proceeded to hug each of the girls in the crew, starting with Dawn and telling them that they had developed a special relationship both with the passengers and with the crew. She told all of them to keep up their good work and to not let their efficiency decline. All of the girls assured her that they would keep their standards up. After Diane departed, the girls chatted excitedly as they made ready to deplane.
It was shortly after their evaluation when Dawn noticed that the receipt for her directly deposited paycheck now bore the name of Dawn rather than Dan. Additionally, she received a directive from Diane to wear her uniform to the airline's photo facility, during a layover, for her new picture badge and identification. The woman photographer, a good friend of Diane's had already been briefed about Dawn and greeted her warmly. Lisa made sure that Dawn's hair and makeup were perfect. Before leaving the building, Dawn had her new identification in her new name.
About six months prior to the wedding, during one of their off days, Dawn and Lisa went shopping to get Dawn a corset. Diane had suggested that a corset would help Dawn have a more feminine and shapely figure. Lisa had located a corsetry shop in their home city and had made an appointment for Dawn's fitting, making sure that the shop would not be offended by Dawn's true gender. With the assurance that the fitting would not be a problem, Lisa set up a private fitting before the shop actually opened. The morning of the appointment, Lisa wore light lavender satin lingerie, black stockings, two-inch heels and a nice satin sheath in violet. Dawn wore a similar outfit; only her sheath was in black as was her lingerie. Both dresses were knee length and fitted the girls nicely. It did not take them long to arrive at the shop. They parked in front and quickly made their way to the door.
Giselle, the shop owner, was waiting for them when they arrived. She greeted each girl warmly with a hug and then asked which one was getting a corset, since both looked so lovely and feminine. Lisa smiled and said that Dawn would be the one that was fitted for the garment. Taking her by the hand and leading her to the fitting room, Giselle repeated that Dawn looked very feminine. She asked Dawn to undress, leaving on only her bra, panties, stockings and heels. She asked both of them how much of a reduction in the waist did Dawn want to achieve. Lisa indicated that if Dawn's waist could be reduced by several inches, while at the same time pushing some of her flesh upward into her bra, it would be what both desired. Giselle indicated that this would not be a problem.
After taking the measurements, Giselle went to the back of the shop. She returned shortly with several elegant boxes, each containing a lovely satin over-the-breast corset with rigid boning and stays for proper shaping.
Taking a back-laced corset out of its tissue, Giselle placed it around Dawn and began to lace it up. She advised Dawn that breathing would be hard at first and to take only short shallow breaths until she felt comfortable in the garment. With Dawn holding on to the overhead lacing bar, she drew the corset together. When she tied off the laces, she asked Dawn how it felt. Dawn smiled and said it was tighter than she imagined but that it felt fine.
Giselle then measured Dawn's waist again, confirming that the desired reduction in the waist size had been achieved. She advised Dawn to wear the corset each day for as long as it felt comfortable and to not overdo it. She also recommended that, to continue her proper figure shaping and training, Dawn should wear a sleep corset, which was slightly less restrictive but still provided the proper shaping. Dawn readily agreed to this. She smiled when she saw Giselle take a satin sleep corset from another box. Dawn got dressed and was pleased to notice that her sheath fit her much better than before. Prior to leaving, Giselle suggested that Dawn might want to consider one additional corset. She took out a lovely corset in white satin that was adorned with bows, lace and feminine frills. She said it was a wedding corset for the bride that wanted to look her loveliest on her special day. Both Dawn and Lisa loved the satin bridal corset and added it to their purchases. As they were leaving, Giselle said that they could come back any time if there were any problems or if they desired another corset.
About the same time that Dawn was fitted for her first corset, the girls decided that they should start looking for their bridal gowns. However, in keeping with tradition, neither wanted the other to see her wedding gown or have it described until the day of the wedding. Dawn had arranged a Saturday shopping trip with her mom to pick out her gown and to help Mom select her dress for the wedding. Lisa also scheduled the same day for her shopping trip. Her mom had come into town that weekend especially to help Lisa find a lovely gown. The girls agreed that, after shopping, they and their moms would get together and go out and eat. They both promised that not one word would be said about their wedding selections. The other thing that they did was to split up the list of bridal salons in the area so that they wouldn't accidentally run into each other.
Dawn wore her satin lingerie, her corset, black stockings, a light blue shirtwaist dress and flats to go shopping. She carried a pair of four-inch heels with her to wear when she tried on a gown. Her mom picked her up and drove to the first salons on the list. They went in and were greeted by Mary, one of the bridal consultants. She showed Dawn the selection of gowns in her size and pointed out to Dawn's mom where the mother's dresses were hanging up.
Dawn had an idea of what she wanted and she discussed it with her mom and with Mary. Both offered some suggestions while Mary looked through the dresses for the one special one for Dawn. Three gowns were selected and Dawn made her way to the fitting room. After removing her dress and changing her shoes, she was ready to try on the first gown. Just before she did, her mom noticed the outlines of the corset under Dawn's slip. Upon seeing this, she smiled and said that she had wondered how Dawn had managed to become shapelier in such a short time. She complimented her daughter and told her how lovely she looked in the corset. Dawn even indicated that she had gotten a lovely white satin style to wear under her wedding gown.
They tried on the three gowns, all full-skirted dresses that would require at least one crinoline to be worn underneath to give the skirt the proper fullness. The first gown was rejected because the neckline did not seem to be quite right. On the second, the neckline was fine but it was sleeveless, meaning that Dawn would either have to have her arms bare or have to wear elbow length gloves. The third gown though was perfect. It had a fitted bodice with a sweetheart neckline. The lacy sleeves were the ideal cover that Dawn wanted for her arms, meaning she would not have to wear gloves at all. The satin skirt flowed from the fitted waist and would definitely be set off by at least one crinoline. A detachable satin train flowed from the waist down the back of the gown. The entire gown was adorned with seed pearls and sequins, especially on the bodice and on the train. Dawn fell in love with it as soon as it was on her. Her Mom agreed that the dress was perfect. Mary led Dawn to the platform so that she could see where alterations would be needed.
Changing back into her dress, Dawn and her mom looked at veils. There was a lovely veil with white satin roses that Dawn thought would be perfect for her. Mary agreed and said that it would look lovely with the gown. She had Dawn sit in front of a mirrored table while she attached the headpiece to Dawn's hair. Carefully arranging the fingertip blusher over Dawn's face, Mary asked how Dawn liked the veil. Looking at herself through the sheer material, Dawn felt that it was what she wanted.
Mary proceeded to write up the order for the gown and two crinolines and asked Dawn if she needed anything else, whether it is shoes, bridal lingerie or that special negligee for the wedding night. Dawn indicated that she wanted all of this. Her mom decided that, while Dawn was selecting these intimates, she would look for her dress. Dawn selected a lovely pair of white pumps and asked if they could be obtained with four-inch heels. Mary assured her that they could get that shoe with heels up to six inches. Next, Dawn selected her bridal lingerie, including white satin panties with satin wedding bell appliqués, a full, ankle-length lacy white satin slip and white stockings with doves and flowers. Lastly, she selected her special negligee, a fitted lacy white satin ankle-length nightgown with spaghetti straps and a sheer peignoir. In the meantime, Mom had found a lovely dress in a delicate lavender color that she felt would be perfect for the wedding. When Dawn saw it and then saw her Mom try it on, she had to agree that it was the perfect dress. Mary indicated when Dawn should come in for her next fitting. She also indicated when the shoes and crinolines would be in.
Later, when they all met for dinner, both girls talked excitedly about their shopping. Their Moms sat back and watched their excited daughters talk about their day, although neither girl gave any specifics about her gown or the other purchases she had made. Dawn did admit that she would be wearing four-inch white pumps on her feet. Lisa smiled at her and said that great minds must think alike because she would also be wearing four-inch heels.
Pam lightly tapped Dawn on the shoulder to break her reverie and asked if she were ready. Looking at her Maid of Honor, standing there in a lovely blue satin gown, with thin straps, a full skirt, elbow length gloves and a small flowered headpiece, Dawn nodded and said that she had never been more ready for anything in her life. Both Diane and Dawn's Mom were removing the gown from the protective plastic bag as Dawn stood and stepped into her bridal crinolines. Pam helped her fasten then around her waist, as the two older women held the bridal gown waiting to assist Dawn as she put it on.
With her crinolines in place, she turned to face Diane and her Mom and held her arms up so that they might slip the heavy gown over her head. It a few seconds, it was situated around her waist. Dawn's Mom lifted the front of the gown so Dawn could slip her arms through the top of the gown into the lacy sleeves. With the gown in place, Mom proceeded to fasten the pearl buttons on the back of the gown while Pam and Diane arranged the full skirt over the crinolines and straightened out the train. Dawn carefully seated herself in front of the vanity and allowed Pam to pin the circlet of white satin roses to her hair and then straighten out her fingertip blusher veil. Dawn's mom stepped forward, hugged her daughter and said that Dawn was beautiful, even more so than she had been on her wedding day. She then placed the veil over Dawn's face as Diane handed her the wedding bouquet. All three women briefly hugged Dawn, in turn.
The photographer had arrived early and had been taking candid shots for two hours of Dawn and her bridal party. Now, before they departed for the main portion of the church, she took the posed shots starting with Dawn and her Mom. Eventually, The last shots were with Dawn flanked by her Mom, Diane and Pam. As the photographer moved away, Dawn looked at her mom and saw the tears of joy in her eyes. Had not Pam stepped forward to offer a word or two of encouragement, Dawn would have also shed tears of happiness at that instant.
Led by Pam, they lined up to enter the church from the back. Lisa, looking stunning in her white satin sheath-style wedding gown with sheer sleeves and veil, and Laura, in a lavender Maid of Honor gown, were waiting at the front of the church along with Lisa's older sister, Carol, the minister who would perform the ceremony. The first few pews were filled with those close friends there to witness the joining of Dawn and Lisa in marriage. As Pam made her way slowly down the aisle, Dawn received encouraging pats on her arms from both her Mom and Diane. When the organist started the opening notes of "Here Comes The Bride," Dawn took both offered arms and slowly made her way to join Lisa at the front. Beaming broadly as she walked down the aisle, Dawn was only aware of Lisa, looking absolutely beautiful in her gown, waiting for her.
Reaching the front of the church, she heard Carol ask, "Who gives this woman Dawn to be married? Who gives this woman Lisa to be married?" The responses for Dawn came first from Mom and then from Diane. Mom said that, as the mother of the bride, she gave Dawn to be married to Lisa. Diane then said that, as a close friend, she stood there to honor and support Dawn as she embarked on her married life. Lisa's Mom stood and said that she gave her daughter Lisa to be married to Dawn. Mom and Diane put Dawn's hand into Lisa's while the Maids of Honor held the bouquets.
As they listened to the ceremony and participated when required, Lisa and Dawn continued to glance briefly at each other. Dawn felt that she was the luckiest person in the world, being married in a lovely white satin wedding gown to her beautiful Lisa, who was also wearing a lovely satin wedding gown. In the front row, Dawn's Mom, Lisa's Mom and Diane all sat there with big smiles watching the wedding of these two young people. After exchanging rings, the girls knelt at the altar rail. As Pam lifted Dawn's veil away from her face, Laura did the same for Lisa. They knelt and heard Carol proclaim that they were now duly married. Both girls stood, assisted by their Maids of Honor and turned and kissed each other for the first time in their married life. They then turned, collected their bouquets from their attendants and walked down the aisle arm in arm.
As they greeted their guests afterwards at the reception, all Dawn could think of was changing into her lovely, virginal white satin negligee and presenting herself to Lisa on their wedding night. She smiled as she contemplated the pleasant event soon to occur for her.
© 2003 by Janis Elizabeth. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.