Crystal's StorySite


Dancing for Freedom

by Peg Thebois


Sid Lewis froze like a deer in car headlights when he heard the woman's voice. "Freeze!" she shouted in a very authoritarian manner. He turned slowly on the woman's command and found himself staring at a shapely woman in a police uniform. As much as the uniform tried it did little to disguise her feminine appeal but Sid noticed it only on the very outskirts of his mind. She held her flashlight in one hand and her nightstick in the other. "All right buddy put your hands on the wall and stay like that." Sid complied afraid of getting in any more danger than he already was. While he waited the officer stepped back and called the prostitute over to her. While they talk Sid could do little but reflect on everything that had brought him to this.

His sex life had been in the dumpster for many months. Shortly after their wedding his wife had started to lose interest in him. And even when they had made love on a regular basis she refused his biggest request that she let him fuck her ass. She became repulsed when he brought it up calling him a pervert even casting implications as to why he would want to fuck her ass when her pussy was right there. He wasn't sure why he wanted it so badly either but he always got especially turned on thinking about screwing her doggy style in her tight anus. The situation only got worse after his wife had gotten caught up helping her sister plan her wedding and taking on the planning for the bridal shower herself. Sid hoped he wasn't going to have to attend the wedding, he had only met his siter in law at his own wedding and her new husband not at all. Every night his wife came home late, crawled into bed where Sid was already asleep and went right to sleep. The one or two times in the last four months he had tried to initiate some sort of intimacy she shut him down right away responding, "How could you even ask me for sex when I'm this tired, go back to sleep."

At first Sid had satisfied his raging desires through frequent trips to stripper bars, but after a while even that started to fail to satisfy him. It wasn't an easy step from there to hiring a prostitute but Sid had made it. He anticipated finally fulfilling his fantasy of taking the backroad with a woman, and this was how it was going to end. His first attempt at picking up a hooker and he had been busted by the beat cop. There would be no concealing this from his wife, his already shaky marriage was sunk now, and he would take the worst of the break-up, no-one would believe that this was the first time he had been unfaithful.

Finally the officer was finished talking to the prostitute and came walking up behind him. "Do you know how much trouble you're in sir?"

"Yes ma'am."

"This your first time hiring a prostitute?"

Sid felt his heart skip nervously a second, how did she know.

"Most experienced John's take off their wedding ring before they go cruising. What's your name, sir?"

"Sidney Lewis."

"Well Sidney, tonight may just be your lucky night. Since this is your first offense I'm willing to let you off with an unofficial warning." Sid was glad that he was still leaning against the wall because he became practically faint with relief. His wife wouldn't find out about this after all. "Conditionally." So much for that train of thought.

"What kind of condition?"

"I need a man to help me with an event I'm putting on, If you help me out then I'll help you out."

"What do you need done, if it's about money..."

"Sir money is not my problem, and you just let me worry about what needs to be done, I can see you'll be perfect, now which is it going to be, do you want me to arrest you and call Mrs. Lewis, or would you rather help me for one night and then carry on like this never happened?"

When she said it like that Sid found it hard to argue against her point and so he agreed. She dragged him to a pay phone and called someone to come pick her up. Then they waited. "Why didn't you call for a police car?"

She looked at him like her was the stupidest man on earth and sneered, "If I got a cruiser I would have to arrest you Mr. Lewis, is that what you want?"

Sidney just left the question to hang while they waited, until finally a car arrived and they climbed in the back. The woman driving obviously knew where they were going and she didn't seem surprised by Sid either. Before long they pulled up outside a Motel and the girl who was driving went inside leaving Sid with the officer.

"All right Sidney, I'm going to tell you now what I want from you. This is your last chance to back out and choose jail instead of helping me. I'm helping provide entertainment for a party, a party for women. I want you to dance for them."

Sidney definitely didn't like the sound of this. "Will I have to get naked?"

"No just down to your underwear, but there's one more catch. The women at this party all like women. So I want you to be dressed like a woman. If you do this for me then we can forget what I saw earlier and you can go home with only one night gone from your life."

Sid was sweating bullets, how could he? How could he be expected to put on a dress and dance almost naked in front of a group of lesbians? Could jail really be that much worse? Yes. This was only one night, he told himself. One night of utter humiliation to give him another chance at life. If he made it through tonight he would go home and he would dedicate himself to doing whatever it took to rekindling his marriage. "All right."

"Good for you Sid, you're a brave man, it's 10:00, we have 2 hours to get you ready, and that isn't nearly enough time."

When the driver returned with the motel room key the three of went in. Immediately Sid was stripped and the officer's accomplice pulled out a tape measure and recorded Sidney's dimensions on a notepad.

She left while the officer escorted Sidney into the bathroom and slathered Sid's entire body, except for his privates, with a foul smelling white cream. Sid wasn't sure but he had a pretty good suspicion what this was for, and he proved right ten minutes later when the officer ushered him into the shower and stepped out of the bathroom. As the door closed he watched the first of his body hair swirl down the shower drain.




Melissa sighed relieved and collapsed against the wall as soon as the door to the bathroom closed. She couldn't believe the dupe had believed she was a cop, sure this uniform was a good imitation, as good as costume places were allowed to rent, but it still had several flaws. Fortunately her acting job had kept Sydney on the defensive and so he hadn't noticed. Thankfully their mark was small enough that the female strippers they had hired would probably have something in his size. And with any luck Dawn was getting some shoes for him at this moment from her roommate Kim whose feet were around the same size by a fortunate bit of luck.

"Note to self," she muttered, "Shoot the original guy." What kind of male entertainer falls off of a stage and breaks his leg? And the damned dancer company didn't have anyone else willing to fulfill the contract. What was the deal, they would go completely naked and let women stuff money in their underwear but ask them to wear a skirt and suddenly they all turned into frightened little boys.

Thank god one of the female strippers they had also hired had worked the streets before. That girl had earned her tip tonight by coming up with this bait and switch, who knew so many married men forgot to remove their rings before going to hire prostitutes.

While Sydney was washing off his hair Melissa decided to make a quick phone call. "Hello Amber? Hi sweetie, how's it going?... Good, did she tell you?... Yeah, he's getting ready right now... All right, I love you too. Kiss Kiss."




Once Sid got out of the shower and was all toweled off and any stray hairs had been shaved away he got dressed in his clothes and they left again with the girl who had gone out while he was getting ready.

Eventually they arrived at a hall that was frequently rented out for special events, and the parking lot looked full tonight. Sid felt a tightening in his stomach, so many women, and they were all going to be seeing his now hairless body displayed for them in a dress. This was by far shaping up to be the worst night of his life, his only consolations were that his wife wouldn't find out about the prostitute and that with her cold attitude lately it wouldn't be a problem keeping his body hidden from her until his hair grew back.

The officer led him into the hall and down the hallway. They passed a door with music playing behind it and went into the room next to it. This room had been set up as some sort of dressing room, there were three other women sitting around in various states of undress. "Ladies, here is tonight's main event, now I'll leave him in your capable hands, I have other things to attend to."

She left quickly while the other girls crowded in around Sidney. Before he knew it he was naked again and the girls were holding various pieces of clothing up against him. One of the girls he recognized, it was the prostitute who had gotten him into this whole mess. She winked at him and put a finger to her lips, it would serve her right if he did say something, but there wasn't much point, it wouldn't improve things. As they swarmed all around him, the the voice of the officer from the room next door, over some sort of loudspeaker. "Hello Ladies, sorry for all the delays, I was arranging for tonight's extra special finale'. But now without any further adieu allow me to introduce the first of tonight's entertainment, Here is... Diamond!" While she was speaking one of the girls went through the door.

Before long the girl who had been driving the car arrived with a pair of high heeled boots which she gave to the other dancers and left them to settle on his costume for the evening. Fortunately these boots had the square type of heel, not those fetish style spikes that the girls in men's magazines wore. Once they had the boots the girls quickly decided on the rest of his outfit. The shirt was simple enough, plain white, but they matched it with a tiny black leather mini-skirt, and the underwear? A tiger print pair of thong panties -thong!- and a black bra. Sidney wasn't given much of a choice as they attacked him with the same fervor they had been using when they had tried outfits against him and before long the thong was nestled between his rumpcheeks, and the bra was stuffed with a couple of bundled up nylons.

One of the girls, black haired naturally dyed blonde, pushed him onto a chair while two redheads, one natural and one not, rolled a pair of fishnet stockings up his legs. Sidney simply could not fathom the speed at which his transformation was progressing. While they had him sitting they crammed his feet into the boots and zipped the sides up until they gripped his calves like a second skin, fortunately they didn't come up any higher than they did or they might not have fit. And then he was pulled to his feet. By the time Diamond finished her routine he had already had the skirt zipped up around his waist and the white shirt was left unbuttoned and tied in a knot under his false breasts.

While one of the other girls went to replace Diamond out front she sat Sidney down in a chair again and started to apply make-up to his face. Two different shades of a flesh tone make-up he wasn't exactly sure what it was but he never watched that closely when his wife prepared for their occasional night out, but those had disappeared shortly after the sex. After that she glued long beaded eyelashes over his natural ones and traced his eyes with a black pencil which Sidney was terrified that she was going to stab him in the eye with, miraculously he escaped that without injury. Then she did a Picaso job on his eyelids with countless shades of blue and purple eyeshadow. Finally she finished up with an application of blush and slut red lipstick, the latter she covered with a clear liquid to make it shine.

Finally one of the other girls combed a gel into his hair, slicking it back and pinning the slightly longer section at the back up and securing a short but clearly female style blonde wig to his head.

Around this time the second dancer returned from the stage and the third one went out. The natural redhead walked right over to Sidney, sweat glistening on her gorgeous body in a way that caused little Sidney to push the envelope of his panties. "Hey, he looks good, you ladies did a hell of a job on him."

"Let's show him."

Sidney stood up and was finally allowed to look in one of the mirrors, and he practically fell over, this wasn't going to work. He didn't look like a woman, he looked like a man, a sissy man wearing a skirt and make-up. He looked like one of those creepily attractive transgender things from that Wong Fu movie. He could feel tears start to well up in his eyes but he stopped himself, underneath all this he was a man, and he would not cry. Not in front of these women, he would not give them the satisfaction of knowing they had broken him.

"Here here, don't cry, you'll smear your make-up." One of the girls chided him, and turned him away from the mirror. In a minute he regained his composure, yes as long as he didn't look at himself he would be fine.

"Have you ever seen girls dance?" One of them asked. He nodded. "Here, show us what you know."

Sidney did his best imitation of a stripper dance, pulling off his clothes. He did fairly well but by the time he had taken off his shirt he lost his footing in his heels and stumbled. The girls were there right away to keep him from falling and they all were abuzz with complements on his attempt and suggestions on his style.



Melissa saw the dancer approaching the end of her routine and swung her legs down off Amber's lap. She went to give her a quick kiss but she didn't feel the affection that she held returned in the meeting of their lips. All she felt from Amber was a touch of surprise, and then when they parted Amber turned her head and blushed. Was she embarrassed because of public displays of affection or was there more to it than that. She felt a nagging sensation in the back of her mind, like something she noticed but hadn't quite pieced together yet. Amber had always seemed slightly embarrassed by Melissa's open expression of their fondness for each other. In private she had little trouble returning the affection however, Melissa hadn't really considered just how shy and cloistered Amber had been when they became involved, she hadn't really thought about the differences when she was someone's first girl.

Finally she got back to the stage just as Willow was completing the last moves of her set, this was the big moment.



Sidney was trembling as he stood near the door, the other girls had already wished him luck and gone out front to watch his performance. This was the moment it came down to, in a few moments he was going to go out there, on a stage dressed as a slut and give an erotic dance for a room full of lesbians. He sensed a certain finality when the music ended from the other side of the door and he could hear the women cheering. He stepped through the door and found himself standing behind a curtained stage. The woman he had met as the prostitute came through the curtain and stepped down the three stairs off the stage which was raised maybe two feet higher than the floor. "Good luck sweetie. And don't worry you look hot." She said and gave Sidney a kiss on the cheek before she went back into the makeshift dressing room.

"All right Ladies," The Mistress of Ceremonies said over the speakers. "This is it the last performer for the evening but I think it will be your favorite and mine. So put your hands together for the sensational, the spectacular, the sensual Sydney!" On cue Sidney pranced up the short stairs and stepped through the curtain onto the stage. The immediate reaction was laughter mixed with applauds, more of the former than latter as base heavy music started to play.

Sidney froze, unable to believe what was transpiring now that he was actually here. The music played unanswered as he just stared into the small audience of maybe ten or fifteen women like a deer watching the headlights come screaming at him. "From somewhere in the audience someone called, "dance." and this was immediately repeated from one of the four girls sitting at the front table. Then a few more, and finally Sidney was able to coax his body into motion.

It was awkward at first as every move seem wrong. He trotted towards the front of the stage clumsy in his high heeled boots watching the girls laugh at him. The girl from the front table who had shouted for him to dance came up to the front of the stage as he went to meet her. Sidney started to loosen up as he noticed the bill in her hand, he knelt down and gyrated for her, shaking his fake breasts in her direction. She placed her hand on his leg and slid it up his thigh to the howls of her companions until she tucked the bill into his stockings. Then Sidney stood up and pranced across the stage to the other side showing off for the girls over there. This was actually becoming kind of fun in an odd and humiliating way. He was in this situation anyway so why not just let go and ride with it.

He played for a bit offering the ladies hints of what was under his clothes and feigning taking off his clothes and the women were just eating it up. By the time he finally took off the top he was ready to pull out one of the secret weapons the girls in the back had taught him. Gripping one side of the shirt in one hand Sidney turned his back to the crowd and flipped the shirt between his legs catching the other side of the shirt with his free hand. The he gyrated his skirted ass at the crowd working the shirt back and forth against his pantied crotch as though grinding against it.

This had the ladies screaming with delight as he danced to the beat. Then he turned and through the shirt into the crowd, directly to the girl who had tipped him, he blew her a quick kiss which had her friends on their feet laughing, hooting and hollering as he turned and danced towards one side of the stage. He noticed what looked like the officer sitting on the lap of another girl who didn't seem to be having any fun, he resolved to toss her something. Not the skirt because the dancers would want that back, maybe his bra. Then he turned again and went to the far side of the stage to play towards the four or five other girls over there. Had Sidney looked closer he may have seen that neither of the ladies looked very happy, in fact they were in the midst of a very heated argument. Had he kept watching he might have seen the lady he knew as the officer stand up and start heading towards the stage.

Instead Sidney turned and placed his hands on the chair which had been set up as a prop and working his ass towards the crowd again. He chuckled as he heard someone in the crowd shouting his name, these women were really getting into this, probably the opportunity to see a man degrade himself the way women had been doing for society for countless years. He even grabbed the hem of his skirt and worked it up so they could see his naked butt cheeks and tiger print thong.


And then Sidney felt his head strike the back of the chair. He hit the metal part not the padded back so it stunned him for a second, and he vaguely noticed a handcuff locking his right wrist to the chair, and then the same on the other side. When his thinking cleared Sidney looked up at the woman standing beside him and it took him a moment to recognize the officer as she had changed clothes since earlier in the evening, something he hadn't noticed when he saw her in the audience. But what he did notice now was that she was mad. Her eyes blazed with pure unadulterated rage as she reached under his skirt and grabbed the back of his panties. Handcuffed as he was Sidney couldn't really offer much resistance as she gave a solid jerk and tugged the panties down to his thighs. Then he noticed that she may not have been in her uniform but she still had her nightstick.

His eyes went wide in terror as she took the thick blunt instrument and placed it against his anus. He squirmed, she couldn't do this, this wasn't part of their deal. Someone had to stop her, would the other women really sit back and watch this. And then his rational mind shut down and his primal animal took over with a blood curdling scream of agony as the smooth black shaft rammed into his ass with a single stroke, dry friction burning at the sensitive flesh of his puckered anus. He was still screaming as another woman from the audience came to his rescue and punched his violator full in the mouth knocking her back.

Now there were women swarming all over them trying to keep the two fighting femme's apart. Someone triggered the switch on the trick handcuffs releasing him. Sidney's first action once he was free was to pull the hideous weapon from his ass. He screamed again as it pulled at his ass, and then one of the women, he thought it was the one who had saved him, wrapped an arm around his shoulders and guided him back through the curtain. They stumbled down the stairs and into the dressing room.

Sidney turned to talk to this woman, and ask her what had happened but he stopped cold. He staggered lightheaded at the shock of seeing his wife, Amber, here and fell into one of the chairs.



It took over half an hour for Sidney to stop crying, how could anything ever be the same in his life, his wife had just seen him dolled up in a streetwalker drag and watched as he had been handcuffed to a chair and had a fucking nightstick rammed into his ass! And what had she been doing here anyway? or what had prompted the officer to so suddenly attack him the way she had.

When he finally managed to get a grip on himself enough they talked, and traded stories. Sidney told Amber about the loneliness and rejection he had felt with her being so busy and uninterested in him when she was around. He told her how he had eventually gone to find a prostitute just for some basic sexual comfort. He told her everything that had happened from there on up until he had gotten onto the stage.

And when he was done Amber told him everything. She told him how this party was in fact her sister's bachelorette party. And that the sister in question was in fact marrying her longtime girlfriend. They would be flying just the two of them to Amsterdam next month for the ceremony. She also told Sidney about her own feelings of loneliness and feeling like a stranger in her home, married to a man she didn't even seem to know, a selfish man who only ever thought of his own needs and put his desires and even whims ahead of her necessities. She had met Melissa while preparing for her sister's wedding and it wasn't long until Melissa started to take an interest in her, and to Amber's surprise she became interested too.

She had been seeing Melissa on the side for almost three months, with neither her girlfriend or her husband being aware of the other's existence. This had gone well in the beginning, she was actually happy with Melissa, but then as time wore on she had begun feeling guilty, not about cheating on her husband but about lying to Melissa. More than she felt sorry for her husband she missed him, she missed the kind, spontaneous, romantic man she had married. The man who had taken her on a hot air balloon ride and shown her a poster laid out on the room of his apartment building containing his proposal of marriage. She missed that man and felt little guilt at cheating on the man who had replaced him. She had also discovered a wonderful joy at having a female lover, a soft sensual woman to hold her and stroke her hair after they made love. Not a man who pestered her repeatedly to do things which turned her stomach at the mention of them, and took no interest in her once he had orgasmed.

And then the house of cards she had built had come tumbling down when she had seen her husband wearing a leather mini-skirt and a blonde wig, dancing at her sister's bachelorette party. She had been so shocked that she had mumbled out the whole story to her girlfriend before she even thought what would happen, and what had happened was that her girlfriend, enraged by Amber's betrayal, had taken it all out on Amber's husband.

"So where does this leave us?" Sidney asked after a minute of awkward silence between them.

"I don't know, I have an ex-girlfriend who wouldn't talk to me if I was the last woman around. I have a husband who we've both drifted apart and strayed, and I have this nagging new attraction to women."

Sidney sighed, strangely he wasn't angry at any of this, Melissa's actions seemed oddly justified considering the circumstances, and he couldn't find the anger in him to be mad at Amber. Not for cheating, not for turning to women, not even for keeping this all a secret from him. Maybe it was just that the shock of everything that had happened had drained the fight out of him and he didn't have the energy to be angry right now. "So is there any chance for us do you think?"

Amber turned to him with tears in her eyes, her mascara was starting to run, giving Sidney an idea what he must look like. "I'm sorry, I've found how good it can be with a woman and I don't think I'm ready to go back to just a husband right now. "

Sidney felt his heart drop into his gut and he turned away from her, hanging his head, and wondering how this had all happened. He felt Amber's hand under his chin, lifting his face up to meet hers, both of their eyes forming a veil of tears between them. "Although," Amber choked between tears, "Maybe we can make something work. But I would want to have a woman as well."

Sidney closed his eyes, shutting in the pain and the tiny flicker of anger that he felt in his chest. How could she ask him to share her, and with a woman no less. How was he supposed to accept that he wasn't man enough to satisfy her, she needed a lesbian lover as well. On the other hand he didn't really have her now, if they tried this and it brought her back to him than he would at least have her back in partiality. If not then he would lose nothing. He forced his rational mind to break through his anger, "I would want to meet her first."

He felt Amber take hold of his hand and she pulled him to his feet. "You can meet her right now." He opened his eyes again to look at his wife while he spoke.

"I thought you said you and Melissa were through when she found out you were married?"

"We are, but I saw someone else tonight, and if you approve then maybe we can see if we can build something between us."

Sidney was puzzled, she hadn't even talked to this girl and here she was thinking about a relationship with her? "I'm not sure about this."

Amber took him by the shoulder and turned him. "It's all right." Sidney went to walk in the direction Amber had pointed him but there was no door, just a mirror. He looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes were black from crying and somewhere in his escape from Melissa he had lost his wig. He just stared at his reflection as his wife put her arm around his shoulder. "What do you think?"

He turned to her, "I don't understand."

"I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to teach you all about being a woman, and then on those times when I need a woman you can be there for me. And when I need my husband, we can build that back as well."

Sidney felt a rush in his mind and his heart, his wife, distant and, he had now found out, unfaithful, had seen him at his lowest at his most degraded, and now instead of rejecting him as he had expected was embracing him and wanting to come back to him. The only catch seemed to be that she wanted him to embrace aspects of his humiliation. He could do it for her, after all, once he had gotten away from his fear at being embarrassed he had found himself having fun on the stage, that was until all hell had broken loose. Maybe this 'girlfriend' issue would eventually fade into the woodwork and once the healing had occurred they could go back to a normal marriage. If all it took was a little dressing up, and role playing on his part then he would be willing to put forth the effort.

Sidney nodded and wrapped his arms around her as she fell into his embrace, laying her head on his shoulder. The both cried for a time holding each other and letting go of all the anger and sadness and loneliness that they both had pent up towards each other, they let it all out to leave it here. After a considerable amount of time had passed Amber spoke first, "So what is my new girlfriends name, I can't call you both Sydney can I?"

Sidney thought for only a second before he replied, "Hope."


The End




© 2005 by Peg Thebois. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.