Crystal's StorySite



by Jennifer White


"Deploy unit 8" said the woman, as she scanned the control panel.

"Unit 8 is fully charged and operational" replied the service tech.

"Programming in target" said the engineer, as the pushed the buttons, downloading the images and instructions to Converter number 8.


To an outside observer, the Converter looked like a pretty woman. She was dressed nicely, looked and sounded attractive, and moved just like a real person. But in fact, she was an automaton, a very advanced robot that looked lifelike. Her skin was heated to 98 degrees, so she would feel like a real person to the touch. She was almost undetectable as a robot, except by x-ray scanners.

She now had a target for conversion: a man named Keith Crowell, who was a wealthy businessman. He used his vast fortune to sway political elections the way he wanted: to the far far right. But after the Converter interfaced with him, that would soon change...


* * *


Keith got off the plane, and walked into the busy airport. Another business trip, but better yet: some time away from his wife. He had a girl in every port, sometimes two. He hadn't been to Raleigh for a long time, so he wasn't even sure if his mistress even lived there anymore. Or if she would want to see him. It was time for some new blood.

The taxi ride to the hotel was uneventful. He checked in, then went down to the hotel bar. He always had a few drinks before heading out to dinner. And there were always chicks hanging out at the bar, hoping to meet a rich businessman, who would take care of them for the night. And in return, he would take care of her.

He ordered a single malt scotch on the rocks, then sat back to sip it as he checked out the babes. There, at the end of the bar, was a striking blond, the type he preferred. She wore a tight little black dress, and had her legs crossed seductively. She returned his stare, not looking away shyly like a young girl. Instead, she returned his scan with a penetrating look, while the edges of her lips turned upwards into a knowing smile. He could tell: she wanted him.

He stood up confidently, and approached her.

"Hello, I'm Keith" he said.

"Yvonne" she replied, in a sultry voice.

"Well hello there gorgeous" he replied in the smoothest voice he could muster. He had done this a million times. He would charm her. Charm the pants off of her, to be exact. Keith had no idea that the woman he was talking to was actually a Converter, and that she had been programmed to act like she was falling for him.

So he thought all was going perfectly well. The woman was making eyes at him now, smiling, and purring at his comments. She wanted him. He could tell. Now was the time to make his move. He could dispense with dinner and more drinks. His room beckoned.

"How would you like to go somewhere a little more quiet, so we could continue our conversation?" he said.

"I'd love that" she said.

She let loose with a drunken sounding giggle, as if the champagne was effecting her. Keith smiled. This one would be easy.


They took the elevator up to the 4th floor where his room was. He patted her on the butt as they walked in his door.

"Oh, you bad boy" she laughed. "If you do that again, I might have to spank you."

As soon as the door was shut, he approached her with a smile on his face. She was standing by the wall. He put his arms on the wall, trapping her. He pressed his body close. He opened his mouth, ready to kiss her.


That was when 'Yvonne' sprung into action. It was time to begin the conversion.


Keith was looking into her eyes as he neared her. He had never seen eyes so deep, so blue, so attractive. He didn't notice the oscillating patterns of light in her eyes: they only acted at a subconscious level. He stared at her eyes, mesmerized. He froze in place, lost in the depths of her eyes. Their patterns of flashing lights sped up, faster and faster. Soon, Keith lost all sense of time, all sense of place. He was frozen.

A few dozen of Yvonne's long hairs looked to be frizzy and out of place. But they weren't hairs; they were something special. These hairs now moved towards Keith's head, and attached themselves. Probes extended from the hairs, down into his brain, where they attached themselves to key nerve centers.

Keith saw at first a whirring blur of lights, but as Yvonne attached more and more of the mind probes, the picture changed. Soon, he was seeing the image of a pretty woman.

The picture Yvonne was projecting into his mind started to change, while she measured his reactions. She varied the height, shape, face, hair color & style, breast size, legginess, hip curve, and a hundred other variables, until the image finally stabilized. It was Keith's ideal woman. The one that his mind and body would be 100% attuned to.


Now she began the programming. The first thing she did, was to send electrical impulses into his brain, and begin to override his natural mind. With the right combination and sequence, she could change memories, add new ones, or alter *anything* in his mind. She began by changing his memories of her, so that she had *always* looked like his ideal woman. With his blind eyes, he did not see her morph shape to become his exact ideal. He would respond better to her this way.

Next, she started to download information directly to his brain. She began this phase with hidden memories. It would take several of these sessions to convert him, and it was extremely important that he did not detect yet what she was doing to him. Thus, hidden memories were the place to start. She would erase his memories, and replace them with new improved ones.

What is a hidden memory? Take for example a book you read in your childhood. You don't think about it, but it is there, somewhere in your mind. If you were to open the book, the pictures and the words would immediately be familiar. You *know* what will come next. You know the book. But it was buried deep in your mind.

In the same way, Yvonne was able to being planting hidden memories, deep in Keith's mind. He would not know they were there. He would not be able to access them, until something happened to remind him. *Then* these memories could flood his mind. New memories. Memories from a person completely different than Keith. Memories from a woman.


Undetectable to Keith's conscious mind, his brain started to fill with a woman's memories, starting from the youngest age. Playing with dolls. Playing dressup with mummy's clothes and makeup. Wearing pretty dresses. Growing her hair long. Posters of butterflies and books with fairy princesses. All burned indelibly into his mind.

But that was not all that Yvonne was doing to him. As she pressed close to him, two needles protruded from her breasts, piercing into Keith's breast area. A steady trickle flow of female hormones and rapid growth factors were injected, which would cause the start of a chain-reaction within his body. It would take time of course, but this was just the first exposure of his cells to the substances that would unlock their female potential and function.

Yvonne unzipped Keith's pants, exposed his erect shaft, lifted up her dress, and guided him into the cavity between his legs. In time, he would look like *her* between his legs. But this was just the first treatment.

Special sensors attached themselves to Keith, relaying electric pulses to the right nerves. Soon, he climaxed, with by far the largest orgasm of his life. It went on for thirty seconds, so powerful was it. Yvonne would use it to addict him to her, but she also needed to collect his sperm. They would be altered, and remissioned later on.


After an hour, it was time for her to withdraw from him. A male brain could only take so much information at one time. She had replaced 5 years of his personal hidden memories, with 5 years of memories of a girl's life. Without the secret trigger however, he could not access them.

She detached from him, starting with his penis. Then she withdrew the needles in his breast. Before her hairs retracted from their connections into his mind, she implanted one last memory, but this time into his conscious: he would remember having the mind-blowing sex with her, and he wouldn't be able to get her out of his head.

She completely detached from him, and pushed him onto the bed. He blinked his eyes, and looked up at her. In love.

"Wow" he said. "That was the best sex I've ever had. I mean it baby. You are hot!"

"Well then, we should do it again. How about tomorrow? Your room, 7:00?"

"I'll be here. I'll be ready for you" he said.

"And I'll be ready for you" she replied, with a knowing grin on her face.


* * *


The next day, Keith had a hard time concentrating at work. He had fallen for Yvonne, with just one date! He *never* fell in love. But she was special. Perfect, in ever way. She was like his ideal woman. *And* the sex they had, was by far the best in his life. He needed her. He had to have her.

He left work early, because he couldn't think of anything but her. He stopped at the florist, to get a dozen roses. He bought a heart shaped box of chocolates, and a card. He went to his room and paced, until she finally arrived.

When Yvonne entered the room, he had to gasp for breath. She was just so beautiful, so perfect. He rushed over to her, and put his arms around her. Her warm embrace felt so comfortable. So welcoming. A warm glow filled him and his heart.

He looked upon her pretty face, and those eyes. He didn't notice her frizzy hairs moving to touch his head in just the right places, relinking with the pathways they had established the last day. He didn't notice himself falling into the trance again, as she took control of his mind and began the next phase of his conversion: rewiring.

A woman's brain is wired differently than a man's. Because emotions play a larger part in a woman's through process, the areas of the brain which deal with emotion are better developed. Also, there are more connections for parallel processing. Yvonne began the process of rewiring Keith's brain, to be more like that of a woman. He would start to feel emotions more now, and think on a higher level. Only testosterone would hold him back from fully thinking and feeling. And that would be take care of in the immediate future.

At the same time, she began to download the next phase of female memories into Keith's brain. Memories of growing up as a girl: riding a purple bike with streamers on the handles. Memories of wanting a kitty, and being mad when her stupid brother got a dog. Memories of being with other young girls, and learning how to socialize, and play games stressing maternal instincts. Memories of learning how to dress in pretty clothes, how to wear makeup (when mommy wasn't home!), and of the secrets that little girls share only with each other. By the time she was done, Keith's mind was loaded with the memories of a girl on the very verge of puberty.


Yvonne now deployed a new needle, projecting out from her fingernail. It loaded more female sex hormones into his bloodstream, along with the hormones from birth control pills. However, she gave him a massive does, equal to what a woman naturally produces over a period of 5 years. It was time to saturate his bloodstream, and prepare him for full conversion.

The needles from Yvonne's breasts pumped more hormones into Keith. Her interface in her 'vagina' stimulated him to collect more sperm, and to give him an even bigger orgasm that the last time. The collected sperm was carefully sorted and processed. The genetic information in it was used to start a process within a built-in incubator inside of Yvonne: she was to grow a female reproductive system, based on Keith's own genetic information. When complete, it could be implanted into him, with no fear of organ rejection. His body would accept it as part of him.

She now pumped him full of a naturally occurring agent, which would take his testosterone, and convert it to estrogen. It worked slowly, but just as fast as his male systems struggled to pump out more testosterone to keep him manly, it would turn to the female sex hormone. His body was now on the path of feminization, and would not be able to stop what was happening.

Yet even as all this happened, all Keith would remember experiencing was a romantic evening with Yvonne, and hot sex. He was very cocky and sure of himself, at how he had this girl eating out of his hand. He would use her, then dump her, like all the others. She would sit by the phone, hoping for him to call. Then when he came back into town, she would rush over to see him.

He had it all figured out.


* * *


There was no question that Keith would return to Yvonne the next night. There was no other option for him, really. He fell into her arms, and into her trace in just moments. She attached herself to him, and now was time to turn up the pace.

Up to this time, Yvonne had only put memories into Keith's mind where he could not access them. But now, it was time to reprogram his direct mind, his direct thoughts. After this session, he would *know* what was going on to him. He would be terrified, and try to resist further changes.

So first, Yvonne had to subdue him, and make him completely hers. She would reprogram him so that he could *not* disobey her. He would be like a slave to her, with no will of his own. She went to work on his mind, altering certain things, adding thought patterns, eliminating the ability for him to resist her.

Once that was done, she could proceed. She began to download into Keith's mind both hidden and open memories of going from being a girl, through puberty, to becoming a woman.

Although Keith was deep in a trance, a troubled look came over his face. Deep in his mind, he was locked in internal conflict. The *female* memories that Yvonne was placing in his mind contradicted his real memories, so he was trying to reject them.

Soon, his eyes opened. All he could see was the woman of his dreams, pressing up close against him. He felt her breasts pressing against him, and a strange warmth seeming to emanate from them, and into him. They were in bed, and she was on top of him.

Down below, he could feel that he had penetrated her. She wasn't thrusting, but he felt more stimulated than could be believed! How was this possible? Something was wrong. Very wrong.

Not to mention the fact that for some reason, he was thinking about when he had his first period. He had been so excited, because it meant that he wasn't just a girl anymore...he was becoming a woman. He had been so proud, and rushed over to show his mother. Of course, his brother would have thought it was gross and yucky, but he was just a boy. What did he know? Girls were much better than boys. They were loud, rude, aggressive, and a real bother.

But wait! How could that be? He wasn't a girl! He was a man. Why did he remember this event, as if it had happened to him? Had he seen it in a movie? Not as far as he could remember. Had he read it in a book? No, that wasn't it either. Why did he remember it? And why was the thought of having a period making him get even more turned on? He felt like he should be climaxing, yet the stimulation went on and on.

"What's going on?" he whispered.

"You're becoming a girl" replied Yvonne.

"Don't be ridiculous" said Keith, disgusted.

"Look into your mind" said Yvonne. "You know that I am telling you the truth. You have memories. Memories of being a girl. Tell me about when you wore your first bra."

"I....I wanted to be like my friends, but I was late in developing. But my mom bought me a training bra, so I could wear one like my friends. But when my breasts did start to bud, they grew rapidly, and soon I was bigger than any other girl in my class."

"See?" said Yvonne.

"No! That's impossible! I'm a man!"

"Not for long" said Yvonne.


Keith felt an incredible amount of tingling in his genitals. He ached, wanting to come so badly. It was overwhelming. How was she stimulating him so much, but not moving?

"What are you?" he said, realizing that she was more than she seemed.

"You understand now" she said. "I am not a woman. I am a Converter. And *you* are being converted."

"Why?" he said, his voice cracking.

"You will learn in time. After you are a woman."

Keith trembled, as if having a convulsion, as a final burst of female memories were thrown into his mind, while at the same time he finally climaxed. Yvonne no longer needed his sperm, but it was important at this point to have him equate being female with intense pleasure. It would ease his transition.

Yvonne detached herself from him, and got off of him. Being a robot, she had no sense of same as people do, and it bothered her not in the least to walk around totally nude.

"Do you like my body?" she asked.

"Yes" he replied.

"Good. Because soon, yours will look like this too."

"I'm getting out of here" said Keith, rising to put on his pants and leave the room.

"No. You will stay" said Yvonne.

Keith sat back down. He didn't *want* to sit. He had to get out of there! Why weren't his legs doing what he wanted? Why was he sitting down?

"What have you done to me?" he asked.

"You will find out soon enough. I have begun the conversion process. And now you will help me with the next phase."

"I will not!" said Keith defiantly, not understanding the extend of Yvonne's control over him.

She simple smiled at him, and pulled out several devices and boxes from her luggage. He didn't remember her bring in luggage. But if he had blanked out between the time she showed up and the time that he woke up on the bed, who knows what she had done?

"Lay down" said Yvonne.

Keith immediately laid down on the bed. Again, he didn't want to. He wanted to fight the command, with all his mind. But almost before the words were out of her mouth, he found himself doing it.

Yvonne ran some kind of wand emitting a bright blue light over Keith's chest and legs. He could feel a warm heat from the intense glare.

"Close your eyes. Hold your arms out wide."

He obeyed her again, and felt the heat of the light going over his face, and his armpits.

"Roll over" she said.

Now she moved the light over his shoulders, his back, and his legs. A humming sound started, like a vacuum. He felt a suction from the nozzle, as she ran it across his body.

"On your back" said Yvonne.

Keith rolled over, so he was facing up again. His eyes were still closed, because she hadn't told he could open them yet. He felt his legs and chest being vacuumed.

"Open your eyes" she said.

He did, and after his eyes adjusted to the light of the room, he could see that all the hair on his chest was gone. And his legs. He touched himself under the armpits. That was gone too. Only the hair on his head remained now.

"It will never grow back" she said. "You don't have to shave anymore."

She had permanently removed all his body hair! His eyes stared at her, with panic in them. She said he was going to become a woman. She was making his skin like that of a woman. He noticed now how soft his skin was. It used to be rough. That couldn't have changed in just a few hours. Had she been doing something to him from the start?

Yvonne went to her bag, and returned with two black boxes, which she careful positioned on Keith's chest. She pressed a button, and he felt some kind of suction on his nipples, as they attached themselves. Both boxes had flashing lights, and emitted a low humming noise.

"A woman has breasts. I have prepared yours, and they are ready to grow. The devices on your chest will speed the growth process. Here is the remote control."

She handed the remote to Keith, who took it with a trembling hand. He didn't want breasts! Not on his chest! He somehow remembered having them, in the strange girl-memories he now had in his mind. But that contradicted a lifetime of being a man. It had to be wrong.

"At the top are buttons to set the breast size. AAA is the smallest, DDD is the largest for this device. Set it to D-cup."

Keith's mind reeled as he saw and felt his right hand press the button to set it for size D. What if he could set it for AAA? That wouldn't be so bad. But he was unable to change it. He couldn't bring himself to touch the remote again. He was in her control, and he knew it now.

"There is a green button. When you press it, the processing will begin. When it completes in an hour, your breasts will be fully formed. They will continue to grow over time, as the estrogen in your body works its magic on your body's cells."


"Yes. You have been drowning in it, ever since the first night we were together. Haven't you noticed how smooth it made your skin? I used several accelerators, so things have been taking effect much quicker than they would if it was nature alone."

So that was why his skin was so smooth. It was being effected by all the estrogen in his system. Knowing that he was pumped full of female hormones made Keith feel enraged. But the rage in his mind could not translate into action. Yvonne had him completely in her control.

"Tell me, do you want breasts on your chest?" she asked.

"No" said Keith in his mind. But the word "Yes" came out from his mouth.

"Good. That's what I thought. Push the green button, and begin the process."

With all his might, Keith tried not to do it. He gritted his teeth. He held his breath. He strained all his muscles. But he could only watch as his very own hand betrayed him, and pressed the green button.

The humming from the devices on his chest suddenly grew louder, and higher in pitch. His chest itched, then tingled. Something was going on inside those damn black boxes, something dreadful. But he was powerless to stop it now.

He saw Yvonne walk over, and sit down beside him. He felt a tingling on his scalp, as she reattached to his mind. Things looked blurry for a moment, then suddenly he was swept away as new memories flooded into his head. Memories of being a young woman, going to college, living in the girl's dorm, dating a guy, falling in love, and much more.

Fashion sense, how to put on makeup, a love for high heel shoes, how to do your hair, a desire to have long pretty hair, and many other similar thoughts and feelings flooded his mind. He tried to sort it all out, but he was just plain overwhelmed with all that was being put into him.

He had no idea how long it had been, when Yvonne finally detached herself. His mind was almost complete now. She would only need to use the trigger to open up the hidden memories.

"Push the red button" she said.

He did so, and the humming stopped. He was afraid of what came next. Yvonne walked up to him, pushed some buttons on the black boxes, and he heard a clicking sound, and felt them detach from his chest. She lifted them up, revealing what was underneath them: his breasts.


There they were on his chest: full, firm, large, perfectly shaped. He had breasts now, and he felt compelled to touch them with his hands, as if he didn't believe his eyes.

"No...." he whispered.

"Oh yes. You have boobs now. You need to wear a bra from now on. One with an underwire, because you'll need all the support you can get."

They were so sensitive to the touch! He touched his large nipples, and they responded by getting more firm and erect. There were large dark rings around his nipple too now. And then the mounds of female flesh themselves. He would have loved them on a woman. But not on him!


"Inside me is an incubator" said Yvonne. "In it, I have been growing a full female reproductive system for you. It was made from your own DNA, so your body will welcome it instead of rejecting it, like a transplant."

"That's impossible!" said Keith.

"Oh it is *very* possible. As you will soon see my dear. You will have a period. Your ovaries will naturally produce estrogen for the thirsty cells in your body. You will be able to get pregnant. You will be a fully functional woman."

Yvonne straddled him. He could see her pussy, as she lowered it over his genitals. It looked like a woman's pussy at least. But it was opening up now, way too wide. She used her hand to push *all* of him inside her. His flaccid member, *and* his balls. All within the warmth of the chasm between her legs.

She pressed closer to him. He felt something inside her attaching to his genitals. He felt a slight tugging sensation, as if they were being pulled on, sucked even deeper up inside her.

"Now my dear, it is time for you to become a woman."

She exposed her wrist to Keith. What appeared to be normal skin started to show a rectangle outline. It then slid in, exposing a control panel, two inches wide and five inches long. There were multiple buttons and flashing lights.

"All that needs to be done, is to hit the F1 button twice, then enter. When you do that, my Conversion routine will kick in, and you will become a woman. The mechanical machinery inside my body will sever your male genitals, and open a slit between your legs. Your new female reproductive system will be inserted into your body cavity, and properly attached. A plastic surgery routine will create your external genitals. Finally, an accelerator will be used to speed up the heeling process."

Keith was frightened beyond all imagination. After seeing what she had done to his chest, he believed her now.

"Start the sequence" she ordered.

Again, with all his might, Keith tried to resist. But he could only watch on, as his own hand hit the buttons on her control panel: F1-F1-Enter.

Keith's whole body went numb from the waist down. The terrible process Yvonne had described had begun. He could feel nothing, but he now knew what was happening. And there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"What's that?" he said, seeing a device deploying from her thighs, and wrapping itself around him.

"Oh, just a minor procedure to widen your hips, round off your butt, and narrow your waist, so that you are shaped like a woman. And we need to rid you of that Adam's Apple too, don't we?"

She put her hand on his throat, like she was choking him. He could feel a pinprick, then he went numb. When she released her grip a few moments later, it was already done.

The devices from her thighs retracted, and Keith struggled to get a glimpse of his new feminine figure. He couldn't see much with her on top of him. But he would see soon enough. As his head moved, he felt the long hair on it brushing against his face. When had his hair grown long? How had she done that? His mind was in disarray.


"There, it is done" said Yvonne suddenly, surprising him. How could it have been so fast?

Yvonne smiled. Keith heard a clicking noise, and she slid off of him. Instead of him being inside her, causing them to be intertwined together like a lock and key, there was nothing to hold them together now. Nothing poked out from between his legs anymore. She simply just slid off of him.

He looked down to confirm what he had just felt. It was the worst thing he had ever seen: between his legs, he was female now. He had a pussy. He had wide hips, and a nicely rounded butt. He would look cute in a skirt.

His mind started to flood with images of cool skirts and dresses that he would look *so* cute in. And he needed panties. How could he go around naked like that? And all that hair! He needed a bikini wax, at the first opportunity.

"No! Don't think like that!" he said, but it did little to stop his mind.

"Now that you have a female body, you will find that the feminine thought patterns I established for you will make sense now. In time, the last remnants of your male ways of thinking will vanish."

"No! Please!" said Keith, as if she would turn back at this point! Actually, there was one last task: unlocking the hidden memories inside his head.

"Listen to me" she said. "You are a woman now. Your name is *Lynette*."

That phrase was the key. The trigger. It broke the logjam, and allowed the hidden memories in Keith's mind to be free, to be accessible. Memories of growing up as a little girl named Lynette. His head was flooded with them.

In a last ditch effort to save his old sense of self, Keith tried to remember things from his boyhood. But try as he might, there didn't seem to be anything there. Nothing. He could not remember *anything* about being a boy. But he sure could remember growing up as a little girl.

"What is your favorite color Lynette?" asked Yvonne.

"Pink" replied Keith automatically. It was true. When he was a little girl, he had a favorite dress that was pink, and he had insisted that his new sheets and blankets had to be pink too.

Even when he went to college, he still preferred to dress in pink whenever possible, although the other girls in the dorm made fun of him because he wore it so much. They nicknamed him Pinky because of it.

"Are you a man or a woman?"

"A woman" replied Keith. He could remember growing up as a girl. He had moved from being a girl to a young woman. And now, he considered himself just a woman, with 'young' no longer being applicable.

"I am a woman" *she* repeated louder. Wasn't it obvious from her naked body, with the two large boobs on her chest, and the sweet pussy that resided between her legs? How could Yvonne not see she was a woman?

"My work here is done" said Yvonne, as she reached down to put on her dress.

"You will find your clothes in your suitcase my dear" she added, pointing to the oversized suitcase bursting full of bras, panties, skirts, dresses, makeup, and the other things that *she* would need, now that she was a woman.

Yvonne kissed her on the cheek, and said good-bye. Lynette gave her friend a hug, then went to the mirror, to work on her makeup. Ever since she was a little girl, she felt naked without makeup on her face. And once she looked prettier, she could go down to the bar, and check to see if there were any cute guys hanging out there. That would be fun!

She started on her lipstick as Yvonne got in her car and drove away.


* * *


"Unit 8 has returned" said the tech.

"Excellent" said the woman, who walked down to the service bay. She smiled upon seeing 'Yvonne', whose formal name was Unit 8.

"Hello" said Yvonne.

"Report" ordered the woman.

"The target has been fully converted. I left her in the hotel room, as you instructed."

"Excellent. She will have showed up to the meeting the next day, not even realizing that something was different about her. After all the man Keith had done to mistreat women, it is fair and just that he spend the rest of his days as a woman. Not to mention that he will no longer use his fortune to promote politics harmful to women's issues. Well done Yvonne. Would you like to get your maintenance done now? You're due for an overhaul."

"Yes, that would be fine. I think my #4 battery is not holding voltage, and my transponder 453-45 is about to fail."

The tech came over to begin servicing and recharging Unit 8 for her next mission.




© 2004 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.