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Come On Baby Light My Pilot                by: JoEllen Lynn                       © 2001


Part 3


Sitting on the bottom basement step, Laurie’s face in her hands.

Colleen sat next to her and reached out to hold Laurie’s hands. "Are you freaked?"

"Uh. Uh. Uhh. Nnnnn. Ahhh!"

"It’s okay, just breath with me. Innnn, slow. Ouuuut, slow. Innnn, Ouuuut. That’s it." Colleen breathed with Laurie, gradually slowing them both down.

"I’m so embarrassed, Col."

"Don’t be. It’s okay, really. I’m here for you."

Laurie looked up, surprised. "Oh, me, no. And what about you? Aren’t you freaked too?"



Colleen quirked up a corner of her mouth. "Well, I’ve kind of suspected something like this might happen for a while now. We do talk about our fantasies once in a while."

"Jim and I do too, when we get drunk enough. He even admitted he might like to try it with Rick. Oh Goddess, now we’ll never see each other again. Damn me for ever letting him dress—oops. Oh, shoot."

Both girls looked shocked. Laurie tried to pull her hands away but Colleen held on tighter, leaning towards her. "Dress?"

"Oh, no." Laurie tried to stand up. "If Rick sees his underwear he’ll kill him."

"Uh. Wait." It was Colleen’s turn to stammer, then she turned thoughtful. "No, I don’t think so."

Colleen pulled Laurie back down. Eagerly, "Tell me, we’re past Truth or Dare, now aren’t we?"

Laurie nodded. "Waaay past, I’d say."

"So okay. So does this sound familiar: slinky lacy silky underwear?

Underwire bra? The kind you’d never wear?"

"Don’t make fun. How’d you see what Jim had on?" Laurie finally pulled her hands away from Colleen and buried her face in them. "I’m so embarrassed. You’re going to hate me."

"Don’t be silly. I don’t hate you. And it wasn’t Jim I was thinking of.

It was Rick."

It was absolutely silent, except for the quiet muttering of the gas flame under the water heater in the corner.

"But, I liked it too. Once in a while." Laurie looked up tentatively.

"Yup. Me too." Colleen took Laurie’s hands again in hers. "It’s okay."

"Really?" Laurie looked ready to duck. "But what’s going on here? This is happening way too fast for me."

"It’s okay. Really. Here, let me spell it out. Rick is a transvestite.

You know what that means?"

"Y-yes. Jim’s explained it to me. He gets off on dressing in women’s clothes." Laurie hung her head. "And I—I—I let him."

Colleen hugged Laurie. "I do too. Rick gets bigger and harder the more he dresses up. It’s a tremendous stress reliever for him, and I’ll tell you the sex is worth it to me, too. Don’t you feel that way too, at all?"

"Well, yeah. Jim and Rick sound a lot alike, actually. But doesn’t that make me a pervert? Of some sort?"

Colleen leaned back. "If you are than I am too. And I don’t care. Nobody else has any business messing around with anything two consenting adults want to do together." Colleen stopped a second, then continued. "Say, you mentioned Jim had a fantasy about doing it with Rick?"

"Well, yeah, but jeez—what would Rick think?"

"Judging from what we saw earlier I’d say he’s all right with it, wouldn’t you?"

"Oh, yeah. But what about you? Are you all right with it?"

"All right? Oh, definitely. I’d much rather have the two of them get together than have them go out cruising for some anonymous gay encounter where he could get beat up or catch something. Wouldn’t you?"

"Are you really okay with this?" Colleen nodded. Laurie continued, "Because I am if you are. And speaking of fantasies, no pressure, but..." Laurie pulled Colleen’s face to hers and gave her a tender kiss on the lips.

Colleen stiffened for a second, then relaxed into the kiss and hugged the other woman close, moaning quietly and contentedly into her mouth.

Laurie pulled back slightly. "This is going to be an interesting evening."

Colleen say up, smiling. "Sure is. Say—do you have a dildo in the house?"


"I bet it’s never been in YOU, am I right?"

Laurie giggled, "How’d you know?"

Colleen giggled back. "Just a guess." She stood up. "Let’s go see what our lover boys are getting into, shall we?"

Smiles all around. "Okay."

They walked up the stairs holding hands.


JoEllen Lynn

Email always welcome to



© 2001
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.