Crystal's StorySite


A Changed Man

by Jennifer White


It is a myth that witches are old and ugly looking. In fact, a witch might have any appearance that she so chooses. Why would any woman what to look ugly, if she could be beautiful?

And so it was with Virginia. She was beautiful, with long blond hair. A perfect body. Perfect in every way. But more dangerous than any man would ever expect. She had particularly strong powers, but she only used them when she had to.

Her only desire was to live in peace, enjoying life in the natural setting of her house in the woods...

* * *


Greg was tired. He hadn't seen a deer all day, and the rifle was getting heavy in his arms. He polished off the last beer from his cooler, and tossed the can down on the ground with the others.

He lit a cigarette, and inhaled deeply. It was hard for him to sit there for hours in the woods and not smoke. But those stupid deer got spooked if you lit up, so you had to wait until you were done.

He took another long puff, and climbed down from the blind up in the tree. He started to walk towards his truck, but it had been snowing, so he couldn't see his footprints from the morning. He started off where he thought was the right direction, but soon he was lost in the woods.

Greg threw his cigarette butt down onto the ground, and walked on a ways. The snowfall was already erasing his footprints, and he suspected that he might be walking in circles now. But he was a man, sure to find his way. He started stepping on seedling trees, so they'd be bent over, in case he came back this way. Then he'd know where he had been.

As he walked, the beer got to him. So he unzipped his pants, and relieved himself onto a tree, making a yellow spot in the snow. He was hungry now, so he pulled out the last candy bar in his pocket. He scarfed it down, and threw the wrapper onto the ground.

Greg suddenly got very quiet. He saw something out of the corner of his eye. He took out his gun, turned and fired off a shot. A rabbit tore through the woods at the sound of the blast.

Damn. Wasted a perfectly good shot on a stupid rabbit. He reached for his hip flask to help stay warm, and continued on his way.

* * *


Virginia was quite distressed when the rabbit told her of what was going on in her woods. It was bad enough that someone would try to hunt on her land. But it was far worse that they were littering, stomping on young trees, and now fire shots blindly. All while drinking and smoking. All of the worst attributes of man. Or better state, of *a* man.

Men seemed to care far less about the environment than women did. Perhaps because women were innately more nurturing in their souls, they felt a stronger connection to the earth we all live on.

Her rage grew, and she knew that she needed to use her powers to teach this evil man a lesson...

* * *


Greg froze. There, on the ground, were fresh deer tracks. A big one too, from the looks of it. They headed up over the hill. He reloaded his rifle, tossed his cigarette to the ground, and started following the trail. He'd catch the stupid animal unaware, and he'd have venison to eat the next day. He went up over the ridge, and down through the valley. He was getting closer now. He was sure of it.

Suddenly, he saw something he hadn't expected: a house. The cheery yellow light from the windows and the smoke rising from the chimney made it look so promising and warm. He was very hungry, thirst, and cold. What could be more perfect than to go inside, and get a nice dinner?

Greg walked up to the front door and knocked. A beautiful woman opened the door, making him gasp for breath. She was so hot! She had long blond hair, a face like a model, and a perfect body. He could suddenly feel himself get stiff inside his pants.

"Hello" she said, in a sweet melodious voice, which he could listen to all day long. She made that one single word sound like a song. Her voice tugged on his heart. He was already in love.

"Um...excuse me. I seem to be lost, and I was wondering if perhaps I could come in, warm up, and have some dinner" he said.

"Certainly" replied Virginia, waving her hand for him to enter.

Greg came in, and looked around. The house looked very well kept up, but there were way too many frilly feminine things for his liking. All those stupid flowers, tablecloths and junk. But it was warm, and it smelled like something good was being cooked.

"Take off your boots" said Virginia. Greg immediately did so, not wanting to get out of favor with her. He took off his coat, and sat down heavily in the armchair next to the fire.

She brought him a bowl of wonderful smelling food, which he started to eat right away. It seemed to shoot a warmth right through him.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Vegetarian stew" she replied.

"Hm. It would be better with meat."

Virginia just smiled. Now was not the time to argue. She needed to be sure that he at it all, to get him fully into her trap. Greg continued to eat the food, and could barely take his eyes of the blond goddess who was smiling at him. He could tell: she wanted him.

Greg finished his food, then put the bowl down on the table next to him. Virginia was much closer now, only a few feet away from him. His eyes moved up from her long legs, to the tight skirt wrapped around the gentle curve of her hips, and up to her slender waist. Then as he scanned further up, his eyes were transfixed on her impressive breasts.

After a few moments, he looked up higher, seeing her pretty face with the sweet smile. Her long hair cascaded down around her face. He was transfixed, but then he was caught by her eyes.

Greg had never seen eyes like these before in his life! They were so blue, so deep, they seemed to look right through him, down to his very soul. He felt completely naked before her. At that moment, he sensed that she was more than she appeared to be. He sensed *power* in her, and he tried to pull back from her gaze.

But Greg was unable to avert his eyes. They were locked onto hers, and he was powerless to look away.

"W...what are you?" he said.

He could *feel* her in his mind. She was probing him, learning his deepest darkest inner secrets. He could hide nothing from her. He began to tremble. Something was wrong, but he couldn't stop what was going on.


A thought grew in Greg's mind. A terrible thought. He was overcome with an urge. He had to say it! He tried not to, be the words formed on his lips, and he spoke them against his will.

"I am yours" he said slowly. "In every way."

He was drowning in her, and she was washing over him. He now realized that she could control his actions. She could control his thoughts! It was a terrible feeling to realize that someone had such power over him. And for that someone to be a *woman*? That was even worse.

Greg wanted to get away. He had to get away. In his mind, he saw an image of himself getting up and running as fast as he could. But instead, he stood up, then dropped to his knees before her.

"Command me" he said. "I exist only to serve you."

Virginia smiled, although Greg could not see it. He was lost in her eyes. He was still trying to resist, but his strength was failing. It really was something similar to drowning. If you were out in the deep of the ocean, you could thrash about for a while, and stay afloat. But as your arms and legs tired out, it would take more and more effort to keep yourself going.

And in time, you would be weak. You would want to keep trying, but there would be nothing you could do. The cold blue water would take you, and to the bottom you would go.

And so it was in his mind. The resistance he showed now was more figurative than anything else. A heartless protest, when he knew it would do no good. And with each barrier that she knocked down, the next became easier. Like the drowning man, he took one final breath, and relegated himself to his fate. He was now completely hers.

Virginia *thought* to him, and he heard her. He wanted to obey her. He *had* to obey her. Nothing else mattered but her, and what *she* wanted. He was nothing, a mere plaything for her.

So when she thought to him that he should undress, he practically ripped his clothes off in an attempt to please her.

"Very good" she said out loud. "Now you know that you are completely mine, in every way. There is no more you. There is only an extension of me. Do you understand?"
"I am yours" replied Greg, meaning it which all his heart.

Virginia put a thought into Greg's head, simply by thinking it herself. Greg looked up to her, and nodded his head. He ran off into the bathroom, and took a shower to get rid of his awful smell. He took the shaver, and started to remove all his body hair.


When Greg returned naked in front of Virginia, he smelled nice from her floral body wash. He only had hair on his head, the rest having been removed. He looked at her, keeping silent, awaiting her orders.

"You like my breasts, don't you?" said Virginia.

"Yes" replied Greg. It was the truth. They were perfect. He had never seen ones shaped so perfectly, and just the right size too. His mind filled with images of her breasts. He couldn't stop thinking of them now.

"You like them so much that you wish that *you* had breasts just like them."

Greg nodded. He *did* wish that he had breasts like hers. They were perfect in every way. He wished dearly, with all his heart, that he too had them. He looked down sadly at his flat chest. It wasn't fair. Why couldn't he have wonderful breasts like hers?

But as he looked down, something happened that made him smile. Right there on his chest, he could see them forming. Breasts! They were swelling, getting larger and larger. His nipples got really big, and the circle of dark colors around them enlarged too.

Greg's boobs got bigger and bigger, until they were nearly as large as Virginia's. They weren't quite as perfect as hers, nor quite as large, but he was completely overwhelmed with joy, that he had become more like her.

Virginia handed a bra to Greg, which he immediately and expertly put on, as if he had worn a bra all his life.

"With breasts like that, you need support" she said. He nodded in agreement as he admired his chest. He would *always* wear a bra. That's what she wanted.


"Do you like my curves?" said Virginia.

"Oh yes!" replied Greg. It was true! She was so lovely, with perfect curves in her body. The way she got wider at the top of her legs, then tapered down to a perfect slim tummy. The way her butt was slightly round, but in no way fat. Just perfectly built.

"You like them so much that *you* wish that you had curves, just like mine."

Greg nodded in agreement. He did really wish that he could be like her in that way too. She was just so perfect, and he felt so inadequate, so ugly, that he looked as he did. With all his heart, he wished that he had curves like hers.

As Greg looked down sadly at his body, he suddenly smiled. He could *see* it. He was changing! Slowly at first, but then with rapidly acceleration, his body changed. He could see his beer belly disappearing, as his tummy grew slim. It kept shrinking down smaller and smaller, until it was more narrow than his hips.

The shape of his butt had changed too by now, and his hips. He had curves! Just like she did! He was overwhelmed with joy. Just like her. Exactly what he desired to be in his heart. There were tears of joy on his face when he stopped changing. His curves weren't quite as perfect as hers, but very close. He was completely excited. This was the best day of his life.


"You think I'm pretty, don't you?" said Virginia.

"Oh my, yes!" said Greg. She *was* pretty. Her face, her hair, her eyes, her chin, her shoulders, her arms, her hands with the perfect fingernails...she was *so* pretty.

"You like my beauty so much, that *you* wish you were pretty like me" said Virginia.

Greg nodded. He realized that that moment that he *wished* it so. He *needed* it. If he couldn't be pretty like her, there was no reason to live. He just *had* to be like her.

He looked up at his ugly face in the mirror hanging on the wall. But then he noticed something: he was changing. His nose got slimmer, his cheekbones more pronounced, his skin softer, his chin less chiseled. He was changing, becoming prettier and prettier by the second!

And that wasn't all. His heavy shoulders and strong arms were becoming slender and trim. Smaller, but still muscular. His hands were getting smaller by the second too, with long nails forming at the end of them. Greg *so* much wanted to paint them red, just like *she* did.

He was overwhelmed with feelings of love and warmth, as he looked into the mirror and saw his pretty face. His hair was long now, down to below his shoulder. It wasn't as pretty as the perfect gold of her hair, nor was his face quite as striking and beautiful. But how could you top perfection?

He was so glad to be pretty now. And he knew that when he spoke, he would now have a smooth melodic voice, just like hers.

"I'm so happy" he said out loud, in his glistening alto.


"You started at me, between my legs" said Virginia. "When you first came here, you imagined yourself seeing me naked, so you could go up inside me. You really like what I have between my legs, don't you?"

Greg nodded. He did. He really loved her pussy. He worshiped it. It was the center of her, the thing that made her who she was. It was perfect, just like the rest of her.

"You love it so much, that *you* wish you had one too, don't you?"

"Oh heavens yes!" said Greg in his pretty voice.

He looked down over the large breasts filling out the cups of his bra. He could see himself poking out down there between his legs. How silly and ugly it looked, along with the useless sacks dangling below. With all his heart, he wished that he was like her instead.

Was it his imagination, or was that changing too? He looked down there again to be sure. Yes! It *was* true! He was shrinking down there, slowly at first, but then faster and faster. It was getting smaller, and pulling back up inside him! Soon, he would be just like her!

It was exhilarating to feel, as the last of the ugly things between his legs pulled up inside, and rearranged themselves to become the female reproductive system he had always longed for. He realized that in his heart, this was what he always wanted.

It was so silly though, to think of 'himself' as 'he'. When in fact, she had always been a woman, all along. She shook her head at how silly of a girl she had been all these years. She had *always* been like this. Why was it only now that she recognized it?

She was so grateful to Virginia, for having shown her the truth about herself.

Virginia gave her panties, which she put on to cover herself. Even in front of her goddess, it wasn't right to be naked like that. She then put on a skirt, and then a pretty blouse. Virginia gave her black shoes with a small heel and pointy toes, which she was glad to put on.

As she sat at the table putting on her nail polish and then her makeup, she looked at her hero, Virginia. She was so glad to be just like her.

"You have become like me, because in your heart, *you* wished it" said Virginia. "And now, I will rename you to celebrate your new body. From now on, you are Cassandra."

"I am Cassandra" said the lovely young woman, as she put the last touches on her makeup.


Virginia smiled, and waved her hand across Cassandra's face. Suddenly, something changed. Virginia withdrew from Cassandra's mind, freeing her to think freely on her own.

Cassandra was looking at herself in the mirror, admiring her makeup at the moment she was released. She looked, and she gasped. She was a girl!

In her mind, she remembered all her life when she had been a man named Greg. But now, she was just like Virginia. She was a woman now. The part of her that had been Greg recoiled in full shock and horror. The very worst thing in the world for him, had come to pass. He had been turned into a woman! No!

"I'm not a woman" he tried to say, but he stopped before the words could form in his mouth. That was because his mind was out of sorts. His mind wasn't in his body. It was in a *woman's* body. A woman named Cassandra, that was *glad* to be female.

He *was* her now. And to her, he was irrelevant. Just a small part of her mind, something she was free to ignore. Like the tip of a fingernail, she could clip him off, and would never miss him. He sensed that he was about to be crushed out of existence by *her*.

"No! Don't kill me off!" he thought to her in his mind.

"Then join with me" she offered. "Become part of me. Surrender yourself to your female side."

It was a horrifying prospect. Lose himself forever, as she snapped him like a twig, or join in with her, and accept being a woman. Neither prospect was palatable. Neither one was acceptable. But he could not fight her off. Virginia had made his female side way too strong. She had made him just strong enough to still think, and even that was an effort.

"So you'll be joining me then?" said Cassandra, in his mind.

Greg offered no protest. He simply let go. He felt like he was falling, falling deep to the bottom of the ocean. Femininity swept him up, and completely drown him. He sank to the bottom, and was absorbed into Cassandra completely.

Greg was gone, and was no more. There was only Cassandra, who now had Greg's memories as a part of her. A part that she would mostly ignore, like a bad book you read years ago for a school report. You could recall it if you really wanted, but you try your best to forget it. And it time, the memories become so dim that they might was well not even exist.

* * *


When springtime rolled around, Cassandra thanked Virginia for allowing her to say all winter, where she had learned much about the balance of nature. Cassandra was leaving to join an organization devoted to saving the environment. She would be heading to the capital right away, to join in the protest.

She knew that with her good looks, she could command attention in a way that few could. She pledged to use her gift of beauty for good purposes, to help improve the world.

Only after she made a difference, only then would she look for a man and settle down. First there was work to do. First, she needed to help make sure that there was a clean and safe environment for every living thing on the planet live in. Together in peace and harmony with nature.


The End.




© 2004 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.