Crystal's StorySite

The story of Catherine Lawrence is in 15 parts and I apologise for such a long story but it got out of hand. All 15 parts are completed and for those who like to print the story so you can read it in bed, I will have all 15 parts posted soon.


Catherine Lawrence

by Carmenica Diaz


Part 3

As the taxi made it's way to the restaurant, I leaned over and asked Bel for the hundredth time, 'Are you sure I look ok?'

She rolled her eyes and squeezed my hand. 'Yes! You are stunning, every guy and half of the women at this restaurant will stare at you. Just relax, will you?'

I sank back against the seat and noticed the driver's eyes on me in the rear view mirror. I was wearing a simple black dress just above the knee, black hose, jewellery and a dark coat. Bel had spent ages on my face and hair and I had to admit the effort had been worth it.

Mark was already at the restaurant with Lucy and the story was that Bel and I would drop by on our way to a party so Lucy could meet me. I came up with the idea when I had an anxiety attack about spending the entire evening with Lucy. Mark had sighed, rolled his eyes but finally agreed.

Afterwards, Mark told us that Lucy kept looking towards the door every time someone came in. 'Is that her?' Lucy would ask and Mark wouldn't even look around.

'Darling,' he said to Lucy, 'you'll know when she arrives, you'll hear a pin drop in this place.'

'Of course,' Mark told us, 'she didn't believe it but when you came in, there was this sudden intake of breath throughout the place and I just smiled at Lucy and said, that's probably Cate now.'

I stepped inside the restaurant and the headwaiter quickly took my coat. I was deep inside my role and smiled gratefully at him, let my smile linger on him and he blushed a little. I felt all eyes were on me, everyone was staring, some had their mouths open while some of the men were smiling openly at me. Mark was right, I thought as Bel and I followed the headwaiter to the table, I do have 'it', no one can take their eyes from me.

'Darling,' Mark said with a smile, rising to kiss my cheek. 'As usual you look gorgeous.' Lucy was staring at me open mouthed and I wondered if she guessed. She knows, my inner voice screamed, she knows you're a man!

'Belinda, you look wonderful,' Mark said kissing her cheek and she smiled.

'How are you Mark?' Bel asked, playing the role. As we sat Mark introduced us to Lucy.

'Lucy, you know Belinda Morrison of course?' Lucy nodded but her eyes were on me. 'And this is my good friend Cate Lawrence.'

This was it! My stomach was hosting the butterflies again but I managed a smile at Lucy. 'I prefer Catherine when I work. It's wonderful to meet you, Lucy.'

Lucy stared and then smiled at last. 'And you. Mark has told me a lot about you but for once he wasn't exaggerating. You are stunning!' Lucy gestured around at the restaurant where, although there was now a steady hum of conversation, most of the diners and the staff kept glancing our way. 'How do you get used to all this attention?'

I blushed. 'Truthfully,' I said softly, 'I don't. I'm constantly embarrassed by it.'

Lucy seemed a little taken back by my words and I wondered if I said the wrong thing. 'I haven't seen you around London,' Lucy said. 'Believe me,' she said with a short laugh, 'I would have remembered.'

'I'm in the process of moving here. I've been living in Germany for a while.'


'Experimental theatre, very modest roles so I could learn.'

'I see. You've read the part of Simone?'

I nodded. 'Mark sent me a script.'

Lucy turned to Mark. 'And where did you get a script from?'

I almost gulped but Mark smiled. 'I got it from Christopher Redden. He left it at my flat after he failed the audition.'

Lucy's expression softened. 'Poor Chris. How is he?'

'I think he's retiring,' Mark said beckoning the waiter over. 'I feel like some champagne. Champagne, dears?" He looked around the table.

Belinda shrugged and Lucy smiled. 'Why not? Cate?'

'Just spring water for me, thank you.'

'Let's freshen up, Cate,' Bel said and I followed her to the ladies and the conversation within the restaurant subsided as they watched us walk past

'I rather enjoyed that,' Bel said as she opened the door to the ladies. 'I could get used to being the centre of attention, even if it's living vicariously through you,' she added with a wink.

. Going to the ladies was another first for me in a night of firsts. We checked the stalls but the bathroom was empty. 'You're going great,' Bel said with a big grin. 'She doesn't suspect a thing.'

'Are you sure? I'm as nervous as hell.'

'It doesn't show. Relax.'

All eyes were on us as we walked back to the table and Lucy was quick to begin talking. 'Cate,' she said, 'Mark tells me you don't have representation?' I shook my head. 'I would love to represent you. Here's my card.'

I was stunned and I took her card. 'But you haven't seen me work.'

Lucy smiled. 'I've seen you work this room, Cate,' she said dryly. 'I can imagine what you'll do to a theatre audience.'

'We'd better be off, Cate,' Bel said, pointing at her wristwatch. 'We shouldn't be late.'

'No, of course not. Very nice to have met you, Lucy.'

'And you. You'll think about representation?' I nodded. 'And I've arranged an audition for next Thursday. Will you know the script by then?'

'I think so.'

Mark kissed us goodbye and told us to enjoy Linda's birthday party. The restaurant conversation died as Bel and I walked from the table to get our coats. 'Who is Linda?' I asked Bel as soon as we got outside.

She rolled her eyes. 'Mark and his imagination, he can't help himself.'

When we were in the back of the taxi, we hugged and squealed, recounting the entire evening over and over again as we drove back to Bel's flat and we went over it again.

'She didn't suspect, she didn't!' Bel said as she made coffee.

'I don't think she did,' I said wondrously. 'She didn't and then she offered to represent me. Poor Chris asked her ten times but me, well, she asks me five minutes after meeting.'

Bel looked at me strangely as she placed the coffee cups on the coffee table. 'You think of yourself as two different people?'

'Oh,' I said, realising what I had said. 'I suppose I do, it's easier for me, I think.' I took the coffee cup from Belinda and I asked her, 'Bel, do you think it's wrong that I like being Cate more than Chris?'

She sat down slowly. 'No, I don't think so. It's the novelty of it I guess, it'll wear off.'

I didn't say anything, but I didn't think it would.

Mark joined us later for a celebration drink and we pressed him for details of the dinner.

'What did you talk about?' Bel demanded and Mark pretended to think deeply.

'I don't know, dear, we talked about so much!'

'Tease!' I said and he laughed.

'You should talk, darling Cate, I think all of the men and some of the women had devious and carnal thoughts about you.'

I sank back on the sofa, pulling my legs under me. 'I hadn't thought of that,' I said slowly.

'It's a compliment, Cate,' Mark said when he saw the confusion in my eyes.

'I suppose so,' I said dubiously.

'Anyway,' Mark said, waving his hands around, 'Lucy is infatuated by Catherine Lawrence, she hasn't got a clue, dears, not a clue!'

'That's great news,' Bel said, reaching out to squeeze my hand. 'Isn't it Cate?'

'Yes,' I agreed, trying to smile. 'It is.'

'Can you believe this,' Mark giggled. 'During dinner, she produces her mobile phone and calls Sarah Wright!'

'She didn't!' I sat upright.

'She did!'

'What did she say?' Belinda asked.

'Sarah, I have found Simone!'

We all laughed at that and after Mark left, I sat on the sofa staring into space, thinking.

'What's wrong, Cate?' Bel asked softly, sitting beside me.

'Am I doing the wrong thing? I'm lying to so many people.' Suddenly, I felt my eyes fill and tears began to stream down my cheeks. 'I'm crying?' I said incredulously.

Bel laughed softly and hugged me. 'It's ok, Cate, it really is. It's just the hormones and the stress. You deserve a good cry.'


I rehearsed all week with Bel until I knew the script back to front. The audition may be my last appearance as an actor so I didn't want to read, I wanted to perform. I hadn't told Bel or Mark, but if I failed the audition, both Cate and Chris were going to give up acting.

Bel examined me closely on Tuesday, tilting my face from side to side. 'I don't think we need any further electrolysis.'

'Thank god,' I muttered.

'You'll never have to shave again,' she said. 'Does that worry you?' Bel asked with concern.

'Apart from my legs, under my arms and bikini line?' I said, batting my eyelashes and she laughed.

'You're very lucky,' she said after a moment. 'There is no evidence of your Adams apple and you're skin has softened dramatically.'

'I think I've put some weight on around my bottom,' I said softly.

'Must be the hormones but I didn't think they'd work that quickly.'


I deliberately chose a different scene for my audition from the one Chris had done. As the scene was the one between Simone and David in the Chairman's office, Bel and I agreed I should wear a simple business suit, hose, heels and understated jewellery.

The audition was being held in a small theatre where Hawkins was workshopping with the understudies and the cast all ready selected. Mark didn't come and Belinda sat in the theatre towards the back as I walked alone towards the lit stage where Hawkins, Lucy, Profert and Sarah waited with a young man I didn't know.

'There she is,' I heard Lucy say and she rushed forward to greet me.

'Am I late?' I asked worriedly as she pecked my cheek.

'No,' she whispered, 'they're just keen as hell.'

I smiled as I walked onto the stage, Lucy guiding me over to the small group. 'Allow me to introduce Catherine Lawrence. Cate this is the director Richard Hawkins.'

'My dear,' he said, taking my hand, 'you are stunning!'

'Thank you,' I said coldly, dropping my hand and smiling at Henri who nervously nodded. Lucy had told me he was panic stricken about finding Simone so the play could meet its deadlines.

'Henri Profert. And this is Sarah Wright,' Lucy said and Sarah walked over, smiling.

'This is an honour,' I said and Sarah blinked. 'I think this play is a masterpiece. I know you must hear that from everyone, but it affects my emotions every time I read it.'

'Thank you,' Sarah said at last, glancing at Richard and Henri. 'I don't think many people have called it a masterpiece, though,' she added dryly.

'And this is Rodney who will read the part of David for you.'

I smiled. 'Rather young to be Chairman, aren't you?'

He grinned. 'I'm backstage usually, Miss Lawrence, just helping out today.'

'That's very kind of you,' I said. 'Thank you,' and he seem surprised at that as he took up his script. I suppose he doesn't get thanked much.

'Do you have your script, Miss Lawrence?' Richard asked as they sat down on the Bentwood chairs on the stage.

'I won't require a script, thank you Mr Hawkins,' I said as I placed my handbag on a spare chair.

They glanced at each other and then Richard nodded. 'Ready when you are, Miss Lawrence.'

This was it, my moment and my last chance. Strangely, I didn't feel nervous, in fact I felt the opposite, calm and confident as if I already owned the part. I knew what Simone was feeling, what was in her mind. After all the betrayals and the humiliation, she was winning, taking her prize and overcoming the people who had hurt her.

Rodney went to the page and began.


David: Don't make accusations you cannot support, Simone!

Simone (mildly): I think you mean substantiate, David. I would have thought the Chairman would have a better command of the English language. Perhaps you'll have time to brush up when you're in prison. Don't worry I can prove everything very easily.

David: I don't think it's wise to threaten me…

Simone (laughing): Threaten? I don't threaten, David, I just do! I expect your letter of resignation within ten minutes.

David: Or you'll do what?

Simone: Do? Let's see if you're man enough to find out.


And so it went on and I was in full cry but suddenly Sarah was standing applauding and I was surprised to see her eyes were glistening. 'Marvellous!' she cried, 'it's just how I see it.' She was suddenly self-conscious and smiled. 'Sorry, it's just that I thought we'd never find Simone.'

Richard was on his feet as well. 'Simply superb, Miss Lawrence. Are you represented by Lucy?'

This was it! I had it, I had the role! Lucy was staring at me hopefully and I smiled. 'Yes, Miss Richards represents me.'

Henri smiled. 'We will arrange the contracts, Miss Lawrence. Congratulations.'

It was so quick, I wanted to savour the moment but it was over before I knew it.

And then, I said it.

'Lucy,' I called and she walked over quickly.


'I want my own dresser and stylist.'

She grinned. 'I don't think that will be a problem.'

'It may. It has to be Belinda Morrison.'

Her grin vanished. 'Cate, do you know…'

'Yes, I do. Please arrange it.'

Lucy walked back and began talking to Henri and Richard as I retrieved my bag. Rodney walked over and shook his head. 'Amazing, Miss Lawrence, you were brilliant.'

'Thank you and thank you for reading, it helped me.'

He stared at me for a moment and then smiled. 'As I said, amazing.'

Suddenly, Richard's voice reverberated in the empty theatre. 'No, impossible!'

All three looked at me and Lucy cleared her throat. 'I'm sorry Catherine but Richard won't agree to Belinda Morrison.'

'I'm sorry, I thought I made it clear?' Outwardly, I was calm but inside I was seething at Hawkins and at the same time so sad for Belinda. How dare he act this way to one of my friends!

'Yes, it's clear,' Richard said with a dismissive wave of his hand, 'we'll find you a stylist, dear, we understand that you must have your hair done and all of that. Don't worry about it. I'll find you the best.'

I stood stock-still, I could feel their eyes on me especially Sarah. My eyes flickered to the right and I saw Belinda get up from her seat, gather her things and to begin walking up the aisle towards the exit door.

'I don't think you understand, Mr Hawkins,' I said coldly, 'Belinda Morrison is the best.'

'Impossible, I won't have her in this theatre!' Two red spots appeared on his cheeks and I wondered who actually won the wrestle that Bel had dismissed so quickly when she told me the story.

I took a deep breath and when I spoke my voice was polite but extremely formal.

'Thank you for the opportunity to audition, Ms Wright,' I said clearly and I knew my voice covered the empty theatre. 'But, unfortunately, I must withdraw my application.' It sounded pompous, I know, but it suited the moment. 'I wish you well in your search for Simone, the play is wonderful but my friends are important to me.'

Belinda stood in the aisle and turned towards the stage.

'Cate,' Richard began and I couldn't stop.

'I think, Mr Hawkins we are far from first names basis,' I said in a cold hard voice and he flinched. 'Please allow me to make this clear, Belinda is my stylist and my friend, I am privileged to have her as both. I trust her advice. I don't work without her.'

'Cate,' he began and suddenly switched, 'Miss Lawrence, are we blowing this out of proportion?'

'I'm not,' I said coolly. 'Perhaps you didn't understand the situation.'

Sarah Wright suddenly stood up. 'I think,' she said clearly and firmly, 'Miss Lawrence understands this play, she is Simone, and I think she should have whom ever she wants. And she wants the best dresser and stylist and I think we all now know, the best is Belinda Morrison.'

'Thank you, Miss Wright,' I said with a smile and walked down the steps from the stage.

As I did so, I heard Richard say in a plaintive voice, 'Sarah?'

'Don't push me, Richard,' she snapped and I smiled.

My heart was pounding as I walked up the aisle. 'Cate?' Lucy called out. 'Call me later, please?'

I nodded and walked up to Belinda who had tears streaming down her face, although she was smiling widely. Without a word, she hugged me fiercely for a few moments and then whispered. 'Thank you, Cate, thank you so much.'

'It's nothing,' I said and we walked out of the theatre. 'I just needed the best,' and I winked.

'I'm the best, am I?' Bel asked with a grin as she wiped her eyes.

I grinned and pirouetted. 'Obviously,' I said with hands outstretched and we both laughed.

End of Catherine Lawrence Part 3 by Carmenica Diaz




© 2004 by Carmenica Diaz. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.