Crystal's StorySite


Becoming A College Coed

by Karen Ireland


Chapter 2


Terry had a restless night as thoughts of Jeff kept interrupting his sleep. In the morning, as he showered and prepared for the day, he looked at his body in a different way. "Does my abs look ok?" he thought. "Are there any skin blemishes?" He noticed his stomach was flat and his skin was still smooth and unblemished, which made him smile. Then he thought how he never really paid that much attention to these before.

On the way to class, he began noticing the girls in a different way. While he still had an attraction to the pretty ones, he found he was also noticing their clothes and hair styles. He especially noticed the girls with hair about the same length as his and wondered if their style would look good on him. He was honest with himself when he thought he would sure like to try one of these looks but knew he would never have the courage to really try one.

He sat on the University Mall and looked at all of the different styles of clothes the girls wore, many more than the guys wore. He thought back to the girls he was friends with in high school and how they gave him insight into the clothes they wore, the makeup and how they choose their styles. He saw how they applied their makeup but never tried it himself. Even when he dressed as a girl for Halloween the girls selected his clothes and applied his makeup. He was thinking now that he should have paid more attention. He wondered how the girls choose their clothes, did they dress to attract the guys or to get compliments from the other girls. He wondered what it must feel like to dress in sexy feminine clothes and having dozens of guys staring at you. Did it make them excited? Did it make them realize the power they had over men? Did they know how to use that power? "I wonder what it is really like to be a girl and have guys falling all over themselves trying to impress them", he thought.

"Doing a little girl watching?"

Terry turned quickly in the direction of the question and saw Jeff. "Oh, hi Jeff. Yeah just a little"

"They sure are very nice to look at but there are a few dogs" Jeff laughed.

"I noticed" Terry replied, "You are your way to class?"

"Yeah, I'm going to my history class in Freedom Hall" Jeff said, "you?"

"I have a psych class over on the north side" Terry told him.

"Well I'll see you at class tomorrow. We'll discuss that project we have to do. It will be fun working with you on it" Jeff said.

"OK Jeff, I'll see you tomorrow" Terry said.

As he walked away he had an irresistible urge to look back at Jeff. He didn't want to but he had to. He turned and looked and noticed Jeff looking his way. Their eyes met, he noticed the smile on Jeff's face and then quickly turned away, walking faster to class.

In psych class, Terry sat down beside Karen.

"Hi Karen", Terry said, "How's everything?"

"Good", Karen replied, "I saw you talking with Jeff. When are you going to introduce me so I can be friends with the football star too?"

"Are you sure you only want to be friends", Terry teased.

"Why of course", Karen smiled, "Maybe very good friends." They both laughed.

"Well, he's coming over sometime next week so we can start working on a project, I'll introduce him then", Terry said.

"OK, thanks", Karen said. "Do you have any plans for the weekend?"

"No, you?" Terry asked.

"No, neither Heidi nor I have plans. Why don't you come by Friday night? Maybe we can do something together or find a party to go to, who knows," Karen said.

"I'll do that" Terry replied.

The next day, Terry looked forward to his class with Jeff. Walking around campus, Terry thought about what Heidi and Karen had said about him looking like a girl. He knew he had been mistaken for one many times. He knew he could pass as a girl from his experience at a Halloween party. He was wondering what he would look like with different makeup and feminine hairstyles. He would love to have lots of curls in his long hair and bangs covering his forehead. He didn't want to ask the girls to make him up, but if they ever suggested it again, maybe he would let them.

As he walked, again noticing the girls, their clothes and hair styles, Terry thought about seeing Jeff in his next class. For some reason he felt nervous about it but also anxious to see him.

Entering class he saw Jeff sitting at the end of one of the middle rows. He couldn't help but smile when he saw him.

"Hi", Terry said, walking up to Jeff.

"Oh, hi Terry. Here I saved you a seat", Jeff replied. Terry slid pass Jeff, turning his back to him as he passed. He felt his butt touch Jeff's fingers, sending a tingle through him.

"How are you doing today" Jeff asked.

"Fine", Terry replied, "you?"

"Good. I was thinking about that project we have to work on. How about we get started on it next week? I'll come by after practice; just let me know which night is best for you. How does that sound?" Jeff said.

"Sure, that would be fine", Terry replied, "You're welcomed anytime."

"Thanks, I'll take you up on that", Jeff said, "Let's plan on next Monday, that's an easy practice day."

"That will be fine, it will give me a chance to get organized after the first week of classes", Terry said. "Let me give you my address and phone number, call me and let me know."

"Great", Jeff replied as the professor began the class.

During the class Terry could sense that Jeff was glancing his way every so often and had the urge to glance back. He could smell Jeff's aftershave and hear his breathing. He had to tell himself to not be so distracted and to pay attention to the class.

After class, as they walked out together Jeff told Terry that he would call him.

The rest of the week went smoothly. Terry was getting settled into the new semester and was happy with the new friends he had made, especially Jeff, Heidi and Karen. He knew he had friends to have fun with, to go to a few parties with and that we wouldn't be lonely. It is always great to be part of a group of friends. He was looking forward to Friday night with the girls. It looked like just as in high school his best friends in college would be girls. He seemed to fit in better with girls and they seemed more accepting of him. Whenever he was around a group of guys he felt like the oddball and thought they treated him differently than they treated each other. He had already noticed that Heidi and Karen seemed to have accepted him, almost like he was just another of their girl friends. He liked that because he felt more comfortable with them.

After his last class on Friday, Terry was ready for a fun weekend. He hoped the girls had some plans or a party they could go to. But even if they just watched a movie it would be fine with him. He needed to relax and play and hoped to do it this weekend.


"Hi guys, what are you up to on this Friday evening?" Terry said as he closed the door to the girl's apartment behind him.

"We're just drinking a little wine and trying out this new makeup kit that Karen got" Heidi said, "We've been trying out new looks on each other, its fun, but it's a girl thing. Would like some wine?

"Sure, thanks" Terry said. "Are you two going out anywhere tonight once you get all made up?"

"We can't think of any place to go. Do you know of any place?" Heidi asked.

"Not really. My social life has been a little slow lately" Terry said as we took a sip of wine.

"Well, just stay here and have some wine", Heidi said. "Maybe there is a good movie on TV. I always love a good old movie. Let's see what's on" Heidi said as she picked up the remote, turned on the TV and began flipping through the channels.

"Here's a good one, 'Some Like It Hot', have you ever seen it"

"I don't think so", Terry said. "What is it about?"

"It's a comedy about two guys in the 1920's hiding out from gangsters by dressing as girls and joining an all-girl band", Heidi told him. "It's very funny."

"Sounds good to me, let's watch it" Terry said. "OK with you Karen?"

"Sure, it's a great movie" Karen said.

The three watched the movie and enjoyed a few glasses of wine. The girls continued to play with their makeup kit and Terry found himself looking through of the different items in the kit. He began to wonder what he would look like made up like the guys in the movies. He would like to try but didn't want to ask the girls to make him up.

"Tony Curtis makes a good looking girl, doesn't he", Heidi said as she watched the movie. "But I don't think he looks as good as Terry would", Heidi said. "Don't you think so Karen?"

"Without a doubt" Karen replied. "Terry has the right facial features and beautiful skin. Come on, Terry we're getting bored working on ourselves. Why don't you let us make you up then you can see what you would look like as a girl."

"Yeah, come on Terry, it'll be fun," Heidi chimed in. The idea thrilled him but he felt an obligation to resist, but not much.

"No way," he said.

"Oh, come on, nobody will know and aren't you the least bit curious what you would look like", Karen said, "You have great facial features and it'll be fun. I guarantee you'll enjoy it and besides, what else do you have to do on a boring Friday night."

"Well, I have been mistaken for a girl so many times and I am curious how good looking I could be and just so long as no one finds out, it does sound like fun."

"Great, we are going to turn you into the most beautiful girl at the university", Karen said. "Next to us, of course", Heidi added.

"Of course", Terry laughed.

The girls sat him down in the chair and went to work. First, they removed his shirt to keep the makeup off of his clothes. Then they tied his hair back to keep it out of his face. Since he never had any beard to speak of, his face was still very smooth. The girls noticed this and commented that his face was nice and soft and smooth and would take the makeup easily. They began by applying a moisturizer to his face.

"We'll tell you what we are doing, so pay attention in case you ever want to do this on your own," Heidi laughed. They all laughed in reply, "That'll be the day", Terry said, not realizing what the future held. The first makeup they put on was a medium based foundation, put on using a moist makeup sponge. Terry was already wondering what he looked like. They then put a concealer under his eyes and blended it in. Next they worked on his eye makeup. Using a brown color, the eye shadow was smoothed on his eyelids and contrasted with that on his upper eyelids.

"Ouch" he screamed as he felt something pluck at his eyebrows, "What are you doing!" "You have a few stray hairs in your brows and I just need to clean them up", Karen said. "Now be quiet and quit complaining, girls do this all the time without complaining."

After what seemed like too many plucks, she said, "There that looks a lot better." They curled his eyelashes with her eyelash curler and then applied black mascara. They then applied rose color rouge to his cheeks work it up from his cheekbone. Finally, a deep red lipstick was applied to his lips. The girls stepped back to admire their handiwork.

"Let me see", Terry said. "No, there is something missing," Heidi said. "It's the hair" Karen pointed out, "we have to fix her hair." That was the first time the girls referred to Terry as a "her", and even though it was only a slip, it sent a wave of excitement through him. Karen then took a brush and some hairspray and set to work. His long hair was easy to work with and she seemed pleased with the results. "You should get your hair styled, Terry," Karen said, I'm a pretty good hairstylist and can give you the latest style to suit you." "Long straight hair isn't in right now."

Once again the girls stepped back and admired their work. "You know Terry, you should have been born a girl cause you are beautiful", Karen said.

"Let me see" he begged. They gave him a mirror and when he looked into it he did see a beautiful girl staring back at him. "My god, I don't make a bad looking girl at that, do I?

"We need to see what you look like completely made up, with the proper clothes, not that old t-shirt and jeans. We want to see what you look like in a dress with the proper curves", Karen said. "You're about the same size as me," she said, "I would guess that you about 5' 7" and 130 pounds, so my clothes should fit you."

Before he could object the girls were in her bedroom picking out clothes. Terry was excited at the idea and wondered what clothes they would pick. "Do you like lacy panties? Come in the bedroom so we can dress you." Karen called. He walked in her bedroom and saw a red dress laid on the bed and next to it was a red lace bra and matching bikini panties. "Go in the bathroom, take those clothes off and put on these panties and then we'll help you with the rest", she told him; "We are going to make you into a beautiful girl."

In the bathroom he removed his clothes and slid on the silky panties. Immediately, his cock became hard, revealing his excitement at dressing like a girl. He could not go out of bathroom, as he didn't want to girls to see his excitement. After trying to calm his excitement, without success, the girls yelled "Hurry up Terry, it can't take that long to put on a pair of panties." "I'm coming" he said and stepped out embarrassed with his hands covering his enlarged member. They girls noticed immediately and Heidi commented, "You really are enjoying this, aren't you?" "We seemed to have started something here, I think that we will be doing this many more times."

"Don't worry about it Terry, come on and put this bra on" Karen told him. She showed him how to put it on, putting it first on backward so he could fasten it and then sliding it around. "These breast enhancers will give you a prefect B cup", she told him, as they placed them in the bra making it look natural, "just the right size for a guy to cop a feel."

He then stepped into the dress as Heidi zipped it up the back. Karen then brought out the matching shoes, which fit perfectly. Karen said, "It looks like all my clothes fit you perfectly. The next thing I know you'll what to borrow them." That thought made him even more excited. "Except for a little hair on your legs and that bulge at your crotch, you look perfect," Karen said as she pressed his bulging member down with her hand. "We'll find a way to hide that bulge and you can shave your legs before we do this again, you'll love the way it make them feel."

Turning toward Heidi, Karen said, "I give you our new girlfriend, Terri, with an 'i'." Terri looked in the full-length mirror and saw a beautiful girl standing there. "You certainly will be driving the boys crazy, Terri, they won't be able to keep their hands off you", Heidi said.

"So how will my legs feel when I shave them", he asked.

"It makes them tingle and feel soft and smooth," Karen said. "Why don't you go into the bathroom and find out now." "Be sure to shave your underarms also, Terri."

Terri removed the dress and went into their bathroom. Using Karen's razor, Terri applied shaving cream to his legs and slowly shaved them being careful not to cut himself. Once he was finished his legs tingled and he thought that girls must love to shave their legs to get this feeling.

Stepping out of the bathroom in his bra and panties, he walked into the living room and asked, "Well how do they look?"

"Girl, you have one pair of very sexy legs," Karen said. "Terri, they look beautiful," Heidi added. "How do they feel?"

"They tingle, just like you said and they feel so soft and smooth." Heidi ran her hand over them feeling the smoothness. Her touch felt wonderful. "It's too hot to wear anything but bras and panties," Heidi said as both she and Karen stripped down to theirs. "We don't want you to feel self-conscious Terri."

Terri spent the entire evening dressed as a girl, helping the girls fix dinner and looking at a fashion magazine that they had. As the night grew late, Heidi went to bed, while Terri and Karen watched a late movie. Karen showed him how to fix his nails, filing them and adding pink nail polish.

When the movie ended Terri said it was time to go home so he had better change back to his clothes. Karen said "Wait, let me get you something." She went into her room and brought out a summer dress, "You only live next door and you can return them tomorrow. But be sure to wash your face and remove your makeup. Sleeping in it is bad for your complexion. Let me get your other clothes." When she returned he noticed his T-shirt and jeans and something else in your hands. "Here are your clothes and just in case, here is one of my nightgowns and another pair of panties, if you want. I hope we can do this again real soon, Terri," she said as she kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks," he said, "I would like that. It was fun. You made me even feel like a girl."

"You are a girl and you are going to have lots of fun as a girl. We'll find out that girls have more fun," Karen said.

"I've always heard that", he laughed, "Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow."

Back in her own apartment, Terri wasn't ready for sleep. She couldn't resist admiring herself in the mirror, turning so she could see herself from all sides. She knew she had great looking legs and a great ass. She immediately thought of Jeff accidentally touching it in class the other day. As she stared at the beautiful girl in the mirror, she thought of the wonderful evening she just had. It brought back memories of how excited she was when he was first mistaken for a girl. How much she liked soft, feminine things. How the good looking girls in high school got lots of attention and how he, a small unathletic boy got very little and that which he did get was not the kind he wanted. Now with Heidi and Karen she had a chance to find out if being a girl was as much fun as she thought. She always thought girls had more fun, with guys falling all over themselves to impress them. She could still feel the tingle on her legs from shaving them and knew she would keep them shaved so that she could feel it again. She loved the way the bra and panties felt and how she looked in a dress and makeup. She really did look like a beautiful girl. With a little help from the girls, her fantasy could come true; she could finally find out if girls really had much fun. She was sure that the girls would love to help. She could hardly wait until the next time she could dress up as a girl. She wondered what Jeff would think if he saw him this way.

As he lay in bed that night, dressed in Karen's nightgown with her bra and panties on underneath, Terri tried to fall asleep. When she rolled over on her stomach, she felt the breast enhancers pressed against her chest and wondered "Is this how it would feel to have real breasts?" Se tossed and turned as she thought about earlier in the week and how much he enjoyed masturbating while fantasizing about Jeff rubbing his cock against her ass. It was the most powerful ejaculation she had ever experienced. She wanted to experience it again. She was torn because she couldn't get Jeff out of her mind. She shouldn't have such thoughts; she shouldn't be thinking of another man and envisioning himself as the girl. But she couldn't help it. The thought of being held by Jeff was attractive to her. She became to wonder, what if she was a real girl on a date with Jeff.

What would it be like, what would she wear? Terri relaxed in bed and let her mind wander, picturing herself getting ready for the date, starting with a nice bubble bath and shaving her legs so that they were soft and smooth. Then washing her long hair, something that was always a turn on for her anyway. Picturing herself putting on her makeup, as well as any girl could, Terri wondered what color eye shadow and lipstick would look best on her, and slipping on the sexiest lingerie she had, a sexy red lacy pushup bra to create lots of cleavage and matching panties, wondering if Jeff would be taking it off her. She saw herself slipping on a pair of thigh-high stockings, sliding them up over her freshly shaved legs. Finally, slipping on a revealing red mini-dress that showed off her legs and that would surely please Jeff, she hoped.

Terri imagined Jeff picking her up, walking her to the car and opening the door for her, just like any other girl Jeff had dated. She played the date through her mind, first with dinner, enjoying every moment that Jeff would treat her as a girl. And then to dancing, where she and Jeff could dance the slow dances as Jeff held her close and she could bury her head in Jeff's chest. And she wanted to feel Jeff get excited.

Terri wanted to feel Jeff's cock get hard and press against her. She wondered how many girls had felt Jeff's hard cock pressing against them as they danced, and if the girls got as excited as she was. She wondered what Jeff's cock felt like, would

it feel like his own or different. She wanted to touch Jeff's cock.

Terri could feel her own cock, hard in Karen's panties. She hadn't touched herself at all, yet she was as hard as she could ever remember. Her thoughts jumped to being alone in Jeff's apartment after their date and of Jeff slowing striping her down to just her bra and panties. She could picture Jeff in just his shorts with his hard cock yearning to escape. She felt herself reach down and stroked Jeff's cock through his shorts, and it sent a wave of pleasure through her. She could feel Jeff's cock and felt how hard and big it was.

She imagined falling to her knees before Jeff and stroking his cock. She could feel it. She fantasized about pulling down Jeff's shorts and having his hard cock pop out before her, inches from her face. She could smell it, she wanted to kiss it, take it in her mouth and taste it. She was all girl tonight and she wanted to please her man. She wanted to lick it and stroke it and make Jeff groan with pleasure. What did a hard cock feel like in your mouth? She wanted to know. Terri wanted to feel Jeff's cock grow harder and hear him groan with pleasure, as Jeff held her head down on his cock. She wanted to know what Jeff's cum tasted like.

Terri was so turned on she was consumed with the idea of sucking on Jeff's cock. Lying in bed, she moved her hips up and down. Her whole mind was consumed with giving pleasure to Jeff's cock. She wanted to make him cum and swallow all of it. She wanted to make her man happy. Suddenly she could feel the pleasure growing. Jeff was close to coming. She imagined herself moving her head faster and taking Jeff's cock deeper into her mouth. She wanted to be ready to swallow every last drop of his cum. "Fill me with your cum, honey" Terri though as wave after wave of pleasure swept over her.

When Terri awoke a little later she felt the sticky wetness in her panties. She had cum and had never touched herself. She was at felt peace and hugging her pillow, drifted off to sleep.


End of Chapter 2




© 2005 by Karen Ireland. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.