Crystal's StorySite

The Bad Little School-Boy       by Sissy Demi

Chapter Twelve

"Listen up, young man," Cristina's mother began in a severe tone when they had arrived at the mall. "I'm about to let you in on some facts you may not be aware of." Chris sat with his hands folded in his lap, trying to give the appearance of rapt attention.

"Your punishment was Cristina's idea," she continued. "I paid the other girls' parents for the clothing you destroyed. In return, they agreed not to prosecute your parents. I also gave the school a sizeable donation for their acceptance of your proposed discipline." She paused for a moment looking directly into Chris' eyes. " I've laid out quite a bit of money to see that you are punished in a way fitting to your crimes.

"So, even though this is not school, I want you to obey Cristina or myself without question or I will tell your parents that you stole from my house and will then prosecute for damages. Is this understood?"

Chris numbly nodded his understanding. With a slight smile and a comforting pat on his arm, she opened the car door and led them into the mall.

The trio strolled down the main concourse of the mall. Small kiosks and carts were all about, the wares displayed to entice the passerby. Cristina stopped them at a cart selling perfumes.

Chris stood quietly as the two blondes sampled various fragrances. Occasionally, Cristina would have Chris sniff one or another and ask if he liked it. He was getting agitated and answered with a curt ‘No' to each perfume he was made to smell.

At last, the two blondes made a selection. Instead of putting the bottle into a shopping bag or purse, they held the small phial out to him. Chris took it hesitantly.

"Since you didn't seem to like any of the perfumes, we decided that you just didn't have enough of an appreciation of fragrances," Cristina told him. "So we bought one especially for you!"

"Parfûm Femme... A Delicate Fragrance for the Discriminating Teenage Girl!"

They stood in the middle of the concourse, a few feet away from the perfume vendor and had poor Chris put on the perfume! In voices perhaps a tad bit louder than needed, the two scheming blondes instructed Chris on how to apply it.

"First, you spritz some on your neck, just under your chin," Cristina tilted his head up gently and sprayed a quick burst of the floral scent.

"Then, you put some in your cleavage," the blonde continued gaily. She spread his shirt a bit wider, making it obvious he was wearing a brassiere, as she sprayed more perfume on him. Several teen girls stopped to watch the spectacle, giggling behind their hands at Chris' plight.

"Now, a dab behind each ear..." Cristina accompanied the words with the action. "A bit on each wrist..." More small bursts of floral spray. "And a quick once over of everything... but you don't want to overdo it!" She spritzed once, waving the bottle around in front of Chris.

"Ahhhhhh!" she sniffed deeply. "Now you smell so nice and pretty!" The on looking girls applauded.

Cristina's mom asked if they were done. Cristina said yes as she popped the glass bottle into her purse. Her mom winked at her than began walking the direction they had been headed before the unannounced stop.

Cristina leaned over and whispered in Chris' ear before she started after her mother. "Thank the salesclerk for your pretty perfume, then smile and wave at the girls who were watching us. Then hurry and catch up with me and my mom." She flashed a smug grin before turning and walking away.

The sweet-smelling boy gulped and turned to the lady by the cart, thanking her for his ‘very pretty perfume'. The woman smiled and shook her head. He then smiled sickly at the girls and limply waved as he ran to catch up with his tormentor.

Chris looked back over his shoulder to see if the girls were still laughing. Suddenly he rammed into Cristina, causing her to drop her purse.

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