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BE FOREWARNED. The following story contains sexually explicit material not suited for those who have not yet achieved the age of maturity. If you should fall into this category, do not read further. Consult the laws of your community to clarify if you are eligible to read adult sexual material. The theme is transsexual. If this type of reading matter offends you, read no further. Go do something else. Standard disclaimers apply.

Any resemblance to names of actual persons or entities is purely coincidental.


Armed Forces                  by: Virginia Kane                        © 1996. All rights reserved.


Part Eight

Chapter One.

Dr Korrick Was to undergo revised conditioning to respond with a newly activated confirmation phrase: "As you see best" when the newly installed physical contact trigger was used by one of her superiors. The need for the different response was due to Tony’s growing recognition that Dr. Korrick had replied with the exact phrase he did when someone touched her right arm in a certain way.

"You know, dear, we use compliance therapy for speed and efficiency only when an immediate change is absolutely necessary. We use it very sparingly."

"I agree with the policy entirely, Dr. Sims. I understand its use is restricted to the few situations when rapid change is crucial to advance the program’s objectives. I also know that your devotion to the success of Gentech is the only reason you would suggest it. You frown on being a forceful superior, but that’s necessary under some circumstances. You know that I embrace the approach. Why must you keep trying to justify it to me?"

"I’m merely assuring you of the absolute need for desperate measures to assure the outcome of the next set of experiments we plan for Toni. The use of ethically questionable tactics to influence the behavior patterns is a volatile issue, doctor. Knowledge of their use must be carefully restricted, or the results could backfire. The entire research program could suffer from a sudden clamor concerning our conditioning techniques. We don’t want to attract any needless criticism from our morally sensitive associates.

Toni is not ready for positively motivated, intense conditioning. Until she is, she must not be made aware that she is being carefully guided toward performing sexual acts subliminally to measure the parasympathetic responses from the telemetric sensors we’ve introduced to her body when she volunteered.

From your own behavior changes, you surely understand how valuable the results of her data could be to our program. We must compare her evolving data against that of subjects who do not have her dual gender physiognomy. Think of the potential benefit to the countless thousands of people Toni’s data can help us provide. Rest assured, that when this study is complete, Toni will be thoroughly advised of her long-term earlier conditioning and why it was essential. Then, Toni will be able to choose the gender characteristics that will enable her or him, whichever the case may be, to live a reasonably happy life. She will appreciate the efforts we expended on his/ her behalf to suffuse undue trauma over his/her discovering that he/she is a hermaphrodite, far different from most individuals.

That kid is sharp, Dr. Korrick! Wait until you see the tape of Toni catching you saying ‘Certainly ma’am’. The facial expressions are worth a million, and the telemetry Toni provided was priceless. He even covered up his recognition, too. Toni knew that you caught the reaction to your saying "Certainly ma’am" and concealed it by telling you that she thought you were making fun of her.

We’ll have to insist that Toni hits the tapes heavy this week, at least four times for each one. The suggestive programming must be intensified. His feminine mind is way ahead of our programming schedule or his body’s development. We’ll test for the progress of his/her acceptance, once you’ve solidified recognition of the cover content. The new subliminal indoctrination audio and video flashes should soon have him panting for heavy sex therapy. It will be imbued in his mind as his reward for his voluntary participation and he’ll perceive getting rewards as our confirmation of the propriety of his actions thus far. If he starts to flounder, we must withhold reward and institute compliance therapy. We’d rather not."

"Yes, Dr. Sims. I’ve considered that his massive feminine response may be due to an underlying fear of a failure to respond to guidance of others. If we must use compliance therapy on Toni for performance maintenance, it may distort neural responses he could otherwise provide without it. A sub-conscious fear of being subjected to compliance therapy might reverse his acceptance of his feminine tendencies. We should test my theory regarding his fear of genetic women as soon as we know that he has accepted the reward and punishment association imbedded in the tapes he now has. I would rather direct his unusual fear of genetic women to enhance his femininity than as a means of punishment for non-compliance. We must use something else at this point, not C.T."

"What makes you so sure, Dr. Korrick?"

"He all but demands that the video taping sessions be made with his own kind: transgendered participants, without the involvement of real women. He doesn’t trust them. Perhaps he has difficulty identifying with their communicative styles yet. Did you catch that on his last tape?"

"No, we have yet to review the last one. We haven’t had a chance. There is far too much to sift through, as it is. We barely could cover Henri’s tape and some of yours by the time the party began last night. I thought you were supposed to cancel the party."

"I planned to cancel it. Once we got back to his room, things started to happen so fast, all instigated by Toni’s suggestion to let the others go out by themselves. The others interpreted his selfless gesture as sufficient cause to forget their own displeasure and disappointment over the cancelled outing and join me in having a spontaneous pizza party in his room. It couldn’t be helped. They thought they were complying with the group therapy concept of the original schedule. We were supposed to help him come out of his male shell. Remember?

How could any of us predict he would cast off his male persona so quickly and completely? I tired to quell the festive spirit as best I could, but I had my work cut out for me, handling Toni. A lot of good came out of the party. You do know about the new term he coined for participants and how he devised it, don’t you? The kid is a marvel, Dr. Sims!"

"What new term? What are you talking about, Dr. Korrick. I don’t recall hearing any new term mentioned on Henri’s tape, or yours."

"Did you devise the programming tapes for Toni using only the input from Henri’s tapes? I think that’s premature."

"Yes. What do you think we should have used? What are we? Magicians? What are you talking about, Dr. Korrick? I barely had a chance to review all of Henri’s recordings in order to determine the proper instructions for the production unit in time. They worked all through the night to patch in our instructions into the next set of videotapes Toni is to watch. Is there something specific from your tapes that we should have included? "

"Let me think. Yes. Get a hold of Ms. Donier. She monitored the tape I made with Toni when we returned from Henri’s. She’ll confirm Toni’s sensory responses. She told me they were all over the map. She thought he was flipping out, in her estimation, but what he did was to explain to me why he had adapted so easily. That was his term for it: ‘adapted’. I thought that you revised his next set based on his revelations to me. You had better review the tape we made last night before encoding any further directives for anyone, especially for Toni. Trust me, Dr. Sims. That kid has leapt way beyond anything we’ve ever encountered.

He recognizes that his communicative style is correlated to the assumption that the people monitoring the videos of him may be female and from a different personality quadrant than his own, an undefined feminine personality quadrant.

He doesn’t know why, but he’s been cognizant of a need for altering responses to unusual or aberrant receptors, and will modify all his communications when videotaped to influence an assumed receptor, or to an indistinct receptor when the person monitoring is unidentifiable to him.


Can you conceive the potential for distorted transmission of impressions he can make if he so desires? I believe he can willfully confuse the data his sensors transmit by carefully disguising his oral responses."

"What are you trying to pull, Dr. Korrick? Very few trained clinicians can defy the accuracy of the sensors. He’s an eighteen year old. He has had no opportunity to acquire the perception needed to corrupt his sensory transmissions by willfully intent. Are you imagining something you wish could be true?"

"Dr. Sims. I suggest you watch the last video, consult with Ms. Donier, compare the sensors’ telemetry and draw your own conclusions. He transmitted vectors that reflected a state of near-hysteric panic. She quickly interrupted the session, in response to trauma indicating a seizure, while he was thoroughly coherent and in complete control of all his senses, while insisting on our using transgendered monitors to observe his telemetry, exclusively."

"Amazing! Using only transgendered personnel is a tall order, Dr. Korrick. We’ll have to review all prior candidates’ files to determine who might be available to assist. We have a few I know would be available immediately, but the necessary training and confusion would delay further progress. Introducing him to so many past subjects could also disorient him, entirely. We don’t have enough analysts to properly train these prior subjects fast enough. We’ll either have to do with who we have now or, at best, add a few, gradually. Let me think. -----------


There’s another option. We can revise some parts of the four subliminal training tapes to accept any person on monitor duty as a fellow subject. We could put the electronic programming staff on that, right away. They’ll be upset, though. They just finished the tapes I sent to Toni and are now working on producing new tapes for Donna, Mike, Louise and yours, too, Dr. Korrick. We were planning to use tape for establishing your new confirmation response phrase. Unless -----

A C.T. session for you will be faster and ease the workload. Do you mind having your response phrase altered using C.T.? I could administer it, if you’d like."

"Of course I mind, Dr. Sims. It’s been two years since I had a C.T. session. I’ve been an involved field technician for three years already, board certified. Surely, my education and past experience with administering C.T. to other subjects will cause me to resist full immersion. You might achieve much better results with using subliminal suggestions on me."

Dr. Sims touched Dr. Korrick’s arm. "Certainly, ma’am. Oh, well. I suppose I, --- yes, --- I can see how, --- if it is necessary, --- I’ll do it. The benefits gained by my rapid (shudder) confirmation re --- response phrase --- revision w --- would be a definite, yes, very definitely a better way to avoid --- another slip up on my part. Do be --- gentle with me, Dr. Sims. It’s been a while, you know."

Dr. Sims placed her arm around Dr. Korrick’s shoulder. Dr. Korrick shivered. Her trust in Dr. Sims was reinforced. "I’ll be gentle as I can be. Once you knew how effective C.T. was, you appreciated its value. You trust me, don’t you?"

"How long has it been since you were on the receiving end of C.T. Dr. Sims? You probably don’t remember what it is like. Do you? You have probably forgotten the pain involved, or the lingering discomfort of disorientation during recovery."

"Not that it matters, Dr. Korrick, but I’ve had it more recently than you.

Dr. Evers has developed a new pain blocking technique. I’ve come to enjoy the mild pain and prefer C.T. to repetitive subliminal suggestion or neurolinguistic programming (The specific touch technique). Once you accept a C.T. session as inevitable, it’s not much different from a dental drill, or the normal healing process following surgery. You simply learn to accept it, when it is necessary."

"I know, I know. It’s like wearing high heels. Once you get used to the discomfort, it isn’t so bad. I wish I could be so pragmatic, Dr. Sims. I still get cold sweats from thinking about it."

"It will only take about an hour. We don’t have much to accomplish; just on little confirmation phrase."

"Let’s do it now. I want to get it over with, auntie Em."

"First, I have to get the tapes back from Toni, before he gets any inappropriate suggestions. No sense having him be subjected to the wrong incentives, that would have to be reversed by using C.T. with him so soon."

Dr. Sims released her arm from around Dr. Korrick’s shoulder and kissed her on the lips, tenderly. Her kiss included a gentle tongue assault as she fondled Jane Korrick’s pendulous breasts causing Jane to melt in her arms. "We haven’t had a chance to share a few moments of pleasure together for some time. I’ve been so busy. Perhaps we could end your session with a reward period, if you’d like to, Jane. I’m very fond of you and Dr. Evers is always so busy with administration."

"I’ve been saving myself for Toni, Auntie Em. It wouldn’t be wise to be slow to respond to him. He could misread it as a lack of interest in him. (The touch) Certainly, ma’am. I you’d like, I’d be happy to share a reward period with you. Oh, that feels good. Squeeze my nipples harder, Auntie Em."

Dr. Korrick returned a kiss to Auntie Em. This time it was Jane’s tongue that penetrated Dr. Sims’ lips. Auntie Em tightened the pressure of her forefingers and thumbs about the nipples of Dr. Korrick. One hand released its grip to flick the left nipple by a quick release of the third finger with a snap. The swat against the nipple tensed Dr. Korrick and she sucked in her breath and swooned from the mild pain throbbing in her enlarged nipple.

"In an hour, we will return here to my office. The way your nipple smarts now should keep you alert for what I’ll do to you. Psyche yourself up for it."

"Ewww! That’s not the kind of pain C.T. causes. If it were, we’d all be standing in line for it, Auntie Em. Dr. Evers has to figure out a way to make it more bearable. I know it’s for the best, but I don’t look forward to it."

"Would you want that, Dr. Korrick? You’ve been influenced to fear C.T.. I could add a corrective suggestion to alter your attitude about C.T.. Then, if you should misbehave, I could use other methods for punishment. We’ll see.



Author’s Note regarding involuntary infliction of pain described:

The process of confirmation training described herein as C.T., which stands for "compliance treatment", differs from classical clinical shock treatments used by some psychiatric therapy programs. While harmless, C.T. is thought to be terrifyingly painful to the subjects, solely to invoke their fear of the session.

The fear of C.T. is instilled in subjects by the subliminal suggestions they receive from viewing videotapes, in much the same way a hypnotist convinces a subject in a hypnotic trance that milk tastes like vinegar. Drinking milk is harmless, but it would be very distasteful to a subject in such a hypnotic trance. The pain in C.T. is likewise, only imagined to be intense, to far exceed the low voltage electrical "tickling" shock impulses used. Solely because of their faulty perception, modified by the subliminal suggestions, the subjects imagine far greater pain.

A normal person may get dizzy, peering down over a ledge of a tall building, due to an inherent fear of height, even if the person is well protected by the building’s ledge and in no danger of falling. Subjects having C.T. perceive the pain to be intense, though it is very mild.

Also, the videotapes producing subliminal suggestions mentioned are supposed to represent highly refined versions of what millions of people throughout the world submit themselves to voluntarily on a daily basis. We call them television commercials. We think that we ignore them, but in reality, most of us can readily recite many of them from memory.

Many contain "jingles" or humorous situations, repeated with regularity in order to increase their effectiveness. They are very carefully orchestrated for maximum customer identification to the product as "the products of preference".

For example, many older people refer to household refrigerators as "Frigidaire’s". When the products were first introduced to the marketplace, massive advertising campaigns on the radio used the brand name of the product exclusively. People who saw the name and a picture of the product on billboards posted everywhere have a visual reference to the brand name, not the product name.


Today, television enables visible expressions of elation associated with buying all sorts of products. Own a certain brand of car, and you will have beautiful young girls falling at your feet. Still not convinced? See how many of the blanks you can fill in by remembering the "jingles" associated with the product. Some of those that follow specifically tailored to a mature reader, so don’t be disappointed if you miss a few. The answers are spelled backwards at the end of each jingle.

"See the U.S.A. in your C________, America is asking you to call." (telorvehC).

"Nothing does it like S____ U_." (pU neveS)

"It’s the P____ generation. (ispeP)

If you see a Rolls Royce, you might want to ask the passenger if he has any G___ P_____. (nopuoP yerG)

If you see a cowboy with a red and white cigarette pack, you know that you are in

M_______ C______ (yrtnuoC oroblraM). By the way, it was once considered a woman’s cigarette when it was first introduced to the market.

In the Philippine Islands, after World War II, the occupation forces introduced commercial radio, marketing many American products previously unknown there. Today, many Philippines still refer to generic toothpaste as C_______ (setagloC).

The tapes Toni will view are intended to enhance his adherence to the training he will receive. While all the subjects’ acts described may seem outrageous to you, they are under the impression that they are perfectly normal, due to the use of heavy, repeated subliminal suggestion.

Remember, this is fiction. The above references are intended to only clarify that the subjects, even in fiction, are not being subjected to heinous brutality.


To be continued.


© 1996
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.