Crystal's StorySite


All at Sea

by Jenny Jenkins


Part 3 'A change of lifestyle'

This is the continuing story of David, a young sailor who had begun writing and posting stories involving crossdressing and female domination. Having originally left home because of lack of career prospects in a small English village, he now served in the Royal Navy as a Steward. His interest in CD issues came about from reading stories already posted on the Internet. David's first real life crossdressing relationship had failed before it had a chance to start. Caroline (who he had met online) had read his story and asked for photos of him as Jenny (his chosen 'femme' name) but as he had never actually dressed before, it had posed a problem. After a visit to Xchange (a CD transformation shop) in London he had been found out by Wren Leslie Middleton the person he had based his main female character on. She had read the story and accidentally revealed his secret to another Wren. Susie Foster also a leading character in his fantasy story. Luckily for him they had kept his secret and advised him to be more careful. However his friendship with Caroline had ended when he found out that she was really a male posing as a 'cyberwoman' on the Internet in order to seduce younger men.

This story begins 8 months later in the final day before the Christmas holidays. David had been selected for duty over the holiday period and was feeling miserable.

The end of term divisions had been a nightmare. 2 hours stood still in wind driven falling snow had everyone stiff, frozen and short tempered. All because the visiting Admiral had lingered over lunch! David had never seen so many sailors feint (or at least pretend to) in his 17months of service. He shuffled and slid back to his accommodation block and finished packing his kit ready to take it over to the cabin assigned to him for the holiday period. 'Hey Dave.' His new roommate Jacko asked, 'Haven't you done that yet? You're going to miss duty muster. Better hurry!' 'Yeah, I know. Great start to 20 days of the new shift system. 3 days on, 2 days off, 2 days on, 3 days off. Never mind. Have a good Xmas see you in January.' David fastened his suitcase and ran over to his new cabin. He threw the suitcase onto the bed and ran over to the Wardroom where he signed in and reported for duty. As he was leaving the office he bumped into Susie Foster. 'Oops. Sorry Susie.' He quickly apologised. 'Hey Jen.. I mean David.' Susie teased him, 'I saw you were on the list for today. Pity we are on different watches, else we could have gone for a drink together or something.' Having only spoken to Susie on the odd occasion, David couldn't hide the surprise when he asked, 'Really? I would like that.' Susie gently digged him in the ribs and sotto voice said, 'Yes. 2 Girls on the town!' David immediately felt himself blushing. Susie walked off laughing at how easy he was to embarrass. David threw her a look filled with daggers and thought, 'Yes actually! It would have been great. Oh well. At least she has kept my secret. I suppose she is allowed to egg me on now and again.' He even had a quiet chuckle, thinking of the fun going out dressed with Susie might be.

Thinking about dressing up had re-kindled his desire to write another story and he had difficulty concentrating during the rest of the day. Luckily he now had a small laptop computer his Mother had bought him for his 19th birthday. So when he got back to his cabin and had unpacked, showered and put on his 'half blues' (evening rig of white sailors top and uniform trousers) he began to type.

Aunt Stephanie's surprise

My name is David Jenkins. This all began when I was 18 and going to live with my Aunt Susanne Dads younger sister. She lived on the inheritance she had received from her maternal Aunt. With his share Dad had bought our house and invested the rest for his retirement. Aunt Susanne lived close to the factory where I was going to serve my apprenticeship. Mum had as usual been reserved in her dealings with me; Dad had been direct and forceful. 'You will obey Aunt Susanne in everything! If you step out of line, she has our permission to punish you as she sees fit! Do not mess up this opportunity or else your Mother will ship you off to the army. We believe this is in your best interest. I have spoken to Aunt Susanne and have discussed your situation at length!' Dad dropped me off at the railway station and handed me a £20 note. 'Get something to read, it is 160 miles to your Aunts home. Try and concentrate when you begin your new apprenticeship David. This really is your last chance. I had to argue for this alternative as your Mother wanted to pack you off to the army. She does love you but has strong views and letting you play with dolls and such like isn't amongst them. Just remember that although you have never spoken of the reasons for your behaviour. I have tried to understand and am doing this to help you the only way I can think of.'

Sitting on the train, I wondered what an apprenticeship (which Dad and my Aunt had organised through a mutual friend) in clothing and fashion (supplies) would entail. As usual I became distracted and soon sat staring out of the window. It seemed no time had passed at all before the train was pulling in to the station. 'Derby. Derby station.' I quickly grabbed my suitcase and went to stand at the door. I asked one of the staff where I could get the bus to Chaddeston but knew I would never be able to follow his directions. I walked over to the taxi rank hoping I would have enough money. It only took a few minutes to arrive outside my Aunts house. I paid the driver and still had £2 pounds change to give him a tip.

Before I had a chance to knock the door it opened and Aunt Susanne was giving me a hug and a quick kiss before taking me inside. 'Bring your case Davey, I'll show you your new bedroom.' It was pink! Well, mostly. The large brass bed was covered in a large cream duvet; the pale pink (almost white) carpet and slightly deeper pink walls were only broken up by the white wardrobes and dressing table. Even the lampshade was pink!' I hope you will enjoy our time together, Davey. I have been quite lonely since your Aunt Stephanie stopped living here. This was her room. I've always liked the colours as they remind me of her. She was always so pretty and feminine. What a shame that you never had the chance to know her better.' 'It is very feminine isn't it? I can't remember ever meeting Aunt Stephanie, did she move abroad or something?' I asked feeling uneasy and yet strangely happy to be sleeping in such a feminine room. 'No but she doesn't appear at family functions nowadays. I'm afraid that Stephanie left quite a few of her clothes behind, so wardrobe and drawer space will be limited for you. I'm sure you will cope. Right, I'll leave you to unpack and sort yourself out in here. Then we can prepare something for dinner. You do help out with housework and cooking, don't you?' I replied,' Dad told me to do whatever you say, I've done some housework but not much cooking at home. Mum says I don't concentrate on what I'm doing.' ' Oh well, it isn't too hard to pick up, we'll soon have you cooking and cleaning as good as Stephanie.' She replied with conviction.

The first few days were quite hectic as we got to know each other; I tried to follow her instructions, but as always happened, my mind would always start wandering to something else, much to her annoyance! I began my new job the following Monday and was quickly bemused and befuddled by it all. The store forewoman was critical of everything I did (or failed to do, in most cases), by Thursday I had to see Miss Browning. She was firm in her statement that if I couldn't cope with the simple tasks I had been given, I would be fired. She then gave me 3 weeks to come up to scratch, or else! ' When I told Aunt Susanne that evening, she said,' I must admit that I expected it. You don't seem to be able to concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes except the usually mind numbing, cleaning and general housework, though I don't know why. I do know that if we tell your parents, you will be packed off to the army.' I asked her not to tell them. 'Well I do know that Steven used to be short tempered and quite the bully. He loved playing tricks on me, especially because I am 4 years younger than him.' She smiled and continued,' Mother found out and punished him. He was forced to live as a girl and see how it felt to be teased so much. Mother helped me devise ways to tease him. He stopped bullying after that! So I don't think he is the problem. I am sorry to say that I have never gotten along very well with your Mom. She doesn't like me for talking to your Dad about Stephanie and the fun we used to have. Anyway, I will have a talk with Linda; Miss Browning to you; and see if we can't think of something. I wish Stephanie was still here as she would have known what to do!'

Later that evening, sick and tired of hearing about how wonderful Aunt Stephanie was, how pretty, how clever, what a perfect sister and friend she was, I found myself standing infront of the wardrobe looking at her clothes. Not really thinking of what I was doing, I took a dress out of its cover and held it up against myself whilst looking in the mirror,' Miss bloody wonderful Stephanie!' I said,' If I could be like you, I wouldn't have all of this trouble!' Almost as if in a dream, I stripped off my clothes and quickly searched through the drawers for some of her underwear. I suddenly realised that I needed to wear her clothes, so I struggled to put the bra and panties on, then I stuffed the bra with a couple of pairs of socks and then put the dress on. I had great difficulty fastening the rear zip, but eventually did it. Then I slid my feet into a pair of her shoes and tottered back to the mirror. At first I thought how stupid and silly I looked, but came to realise that I actually looked quite feminine. Although I already had fairly long hair, I knew that if I had longer hair and make-up I might be quite attractive! Suddenly realising what I was doing, I panicked and struggled to get the dress off, jamming the zip in the process! Almost in tears with the thought of either being discovered or ripping the dress, I tripped and fell onto the bed. I was still sitting trying to think what to do, when Aunt Susanne knocked on the door! Quickly, I got into the bed and pulled the duvet up around my neck, 'Yes?' I asked in a rather high pitched voice, coughing I repeated 'Yes, what is it?' ' I thought I heard you moving about and wondered if everything was alright. I know how upset you must be feeling at the moment. I've brought you a warm drink to help you sleep. So saying she opened the door and came inside.' Oh, sorry I didn't realise you had gotten into bed.' Then looking around the room, she noticed the dress cover and empty shoebox as well as my hastily removed clothes. 'What is going on?' I said nothing, so she came over to the bed and pulled the duvet cover down, gasping loudly at what she saw. 'You little thief! Stealing Stephanie's clothes. So this is why you can never concentrate, you are always thinking of pretty clothes! Your Father thought that this was the reason for your behaviour. That is why he sent you to me.' 'No, honestly Aunt Susanne! I've never done this before.' 'Be honest.' She said. 'You like the feeling of being dressed, don't you?' I decided to tell her the truth, 'As soon as I held up the dress I wanted to see myself in it. Before I fully understood what I was doing, I was wearing these pretty clothes. Just before you knocked the door, I realised that I always envied Mummy her clothes and how pretty she looked and nice she smells. Then I moved in with you and you really are very beautiful. Aunt Stephanie's clothes were here and they are pretty. One thing led to another. I am truly sorry if I've shocked and upset you, please don't tell anyone. I'll do anything, but please keep it secret.'

Aunt Susanne looked at me, then as though deciding something, smiled and asked,' Would you like to really look pretty and feminine? Because if you are going to wear girls clothes, you must be convincing. Otherwise you would look ludicrous and I couldn't stand that! You will have to do exactly what I say, when I say it! If you are willing to obey me completely, I will help you to become the prettiest girl you could imagine.' 'I will, really I will.' I promised. 'I warn you now, if you annoy me in anyway, whatsoever, I will punish you!' She threatened,' You will wish you had joined the army!'

I didn't care; all I knew was that instead of dressing up dolls I now had the opportunity to give my new found 'girly' side a chance to blossom and play dress up for real. Firstly she ordered me to shave my entire body from the neck down! Which didn't take very long, as I hadn't that much body hair as yet. After moisturising and drying off, she sprayed a little perfume on my wrists, (bosom) and neck, then showed me how to paint my toenails, (shocking pink!). She then washed my hair and after towelling it dry began to curl and shape it. I was concerned when she cut my fringe shorter and tidied up the sides and back, but when she had finished, she seemed quite pleased with the result! I looked and saw quite a change in my appearance. Aunt Susanne reassured me that no one would see anything except a boy with wavy hair. She allowed me to choose from two outfits, I chose the pretty lacy black underwear, comprising bra, suspenders, panties and black silky stockings. Then she passed me a very pretty black satin cocktail dress and a pair of black 2inch stiletto court shoes. Once dressed, she told me to sit at the dressing table, placed a small towel around my shoulders and began instructing me how to apply make-up. Nearly an hour later finally satisfied with my appearance, I had to practise walking and twirling for her before going downstairs. It was only then that she noticed the time. 'My, it is nearly 2 in the morning, you have work in less than six hours, you had better strip, shower and get to bed, we will continue this tomorrow! Stunned that work was only a few hours away. I hurried upstairs and showered.

Next morning, Aunt Susanne woke me at 7 a.m.,' Get up sleepy head. You will need a few minutes longer to get dressed this morning. You go and shower, I'll get your clothes ready, Hurry up!' Wanting to please Aunt Susanne, I quickly shaved my underarms as well as my face, using the moisturiser afterwards to keep my skin softer, as she had explained. When I finished I hurried back to the bedroom, nearly tripping over my towel as I dropped it in surprise. On my bed was a set of feminine underwear, white lacy suspender belt and lace trimmed bra, white Silky French knickers and tan silk stockings. 'WOW!' I thought, I can't wait to try those on tonight.

'Be careful with the stockings, they are 10 denier and will ladder very easily!' Aunt Susanne said, re-entering the bedroom. I tried to cover myself, but she laughed and said,' Don't be bashful, Davey. We girls quite often see each other in a state of undress, you will have to get used to it!' 'Er, Aunt Susanne, did you say I was to be careful with the stockings now or later?' I stammered. 'Now, ofcourse! From now on you will wear pretty feminine underwear at all times, it will make you more careful and attentive to what you are doing! Don't give me cause to become angry with you. Remember what I said last night!' 'But Aunt Susanne, someone will notice!' I whispered in desperation,' I'll be laughed at, ridiculed, I'll never live it down!' Smack! 'Ow!' I cried when she slapped my bare thigh. 'Now get dressed and no more stalling!' She commanded, raising her hand again,' You wear an overall at work, no-one will be able to see anything, now hurry or you will be late!' I dressed under her watchful eye, put my light grey trousers and white shirt on, then reached for a pair of socks. 'I think the short ankle socks for today.' She said, 'As punishment for arguing this morning, you can spend the day trying to hide your stockings. And don't bother whining or I'll pad the bra and make you go without socks. See how you feel then!'

After a very hurried breakfast, I put my coat on and after kissing Aunt Susanne (and pulling my trouser legs down as far as possible) I walked to work. I imagined everyone could see my underwear. It was awful! When I clocked in, a note was clipped to my time card, it said I was to see Miss Browning at once! 'Now what?' I thought, surely nothing else can go wrong today! I got my overalls from my locker and quickly put them on over my trousers and shirt, making sure no-one was able to see my underwear. I knocked on her office door and waited for her secretary to call me through, it didn't take long. Miss Browning was talking on the phone as I entered. She pointed to a spot infront of her desk and indicated that I was to remain standing. 'Yes, Thankyou. I'll be more than happy to help out. Alright then, I'll see you later. Bye.' She hung up and looked at me, ' Don't slouch!' Without thinking, I straightened up and pulled my shoulders back, 'Much better. Now young Daisy.' I blushed and made a coughing noise, 'What is it?' she demanded. 'You called me Daisy, not David.' I stammered. Theresa, her secretary tried to stifle a laugh, not very successfully. 'Oh well, easily done, I speak to girls all the time here, so I'm bound to slip up now and again, don't worry about it! You have made me forget what I was going to say, remind me Theresa.'

Theresa prompted, 'You said, 'now young Daisy' about to talk about stock taking, Miss.' 'Oh yes! Thankyou Theresa. Yes, stock taking. You will assist Theresa and Mrs. Wilkinson to check the stationary cupboards, I expect you to do the heavier manual work.' Theresa sniggered again. I tried to ignore her. 'Yes Miss Browning.' I replied. Theresa said,' You ought to take off your overalls Daisy, it is really hot in the stationary storeroom, you will be much more comfortable without them.' 'No thankyou.' I replied, 'And the name is Davey, I mean David. Anyway, I feel the cold quite easily and prefer to keep them on.' ' Have it your way! Daisy.' she said, laughing.

Within half an hour of entering the storeroom, I wished I could remove my overall, as I was feeling decidedly hot. I managed to struggle through until coffee break, but instead of a drink, I went outside and cooled down. Long before I was ready, Theresa came out and said it was time to go back in again. 'Why don't you just admit you were wrong and take off those silly overalls? If it is because you are shy, Mrs. Wilkinson has gone to do something else, so there will only be us two!' ' No, it's alright, honestly, I'll be fine, thankyou Theresa.' I said. But no sooner had we got back inside than I started to feel dizzy. The next thing I knew, I had momentarily passed out and Theresa was knelt over me, unbuttoning my overalls! Feebly I tried to stop her, she just pushed my hands away and said, 'I have to loosen your clothes, you feinted!' Very nervously and whispering with embarrassment, trying to stop her from actually seeing the underwear, I said, 'Theresa, I know we have only just met, but can I ask you to keep a secret? I'll do anything in return, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, Okay?' Not noticing that in order to call for help, she had already pressed the intercom button to Miss Brownings office, I continued, 'Please Theresa, You have to promise.' 'That's all very dramatic Daisy, but I suppose it depends on the secret. Why tell me a secret at all, you don't know that I will keep it, do you?' 'I have to trust you! Please say you'll keep it a secret, Please?' I literally begged her. 'Well if you really have to tell me, then go ahead, I promise I wont tell anyone unless it is something illegal, Okay?'

Trembling, I leant against a filing cabinet and slowly undid my overalls, sliding them down and then pulling them off altogether! The bra was easily visible through my damp shirt and the suspenders seemed to stand out against the grey trousers. Blushing, I looked up at Theresa, 'Please.' I begged, 'Don't tell anyone. I'll do anything, anything at all, just don't let anyone else find out about this. Aunt Susanne made me wear feminine underwear under my clothes, that's why I couldn't take off my overalls!' She burst out laughing, pointing at my feminine underwear, slowly she calmed down and said, 'So Miss Browning was right to call you Daisy! You blame your Aunt for making you wear womens undies, how did she get you to wear them in the first place? She must have caught you trying on her panties or something, admit it or I will tell everyone!' 'Yes. She caught me wearing some of Aunt Stephanie's clothes. But I didn't think she would force me to wear these at work. Please say you'll keep it a secret.'

At that moment, Miss Brownings voice came over the intercom, 'Too late for that, Daisy! Take off your male clothing. Theresa bring his clothes in to me! I'll be phoning his Aunt and finding out the truth about all of this!' Shaking with embarrassment and fear, I did as she told me. I don't think I would have felt worse had I been naked, infact it would have been better! Theresa left the storeroom door open and told me to follow. I couldn't move. I just stood there, trembling with fear at further exposure! I couldn't even bring myself to close the door because doing so would have meant I would be in full view of everyone in the outer offices. Within minutes Theresa came back.

'Here, Daisy. Miss Browning says you can put these on! When you have, you are to come to her office, knock on the door and wait outside until she tells you to enter! Do you understand?' Looking at the factory smock and the white court shoes she was holding out to me, I said,' Yes, I understand.'

She laughed as she left the room, this time leaving the door wide open. I stepped into the white cotton smock; it must have been the shortest one in the factory! It barely covered the top of my stockings! I pulled the front zip up as far as possible, which still left the top of the bra cups showing. Then I squeezed my feet into a small pair of high heeled shoes. Taking a couple of deep breaths, I mustered up the courage to walk out of the storeroom! I was met by wolf whistles and cries of,' Tart! Pervert! Give us a kiss!' and others I barely heard above the pounding of my heart! I could hardly breathe, my knees felt weak and my mouth was dry! One of the secretaries stopped me and squeezing my cheeks with one hand; applied lipstick to my pouting mouth, 'There you are, sweetie. I can do the rest if you want me to!' The office staff burst out laughing! Somehow I managed to get away and almost run to the office without stumbling, I knocked and waited, still enduring the cat calls and whistles. The women and girls from the factory floor had also appeared and were joining in with the office staff, I wished the floor would open and swallow me. I wanted to run away, but had no where to go and couldn't exactly run away dressed like this!

Theresa came out of the office, 'Girls. Enough! Miss Browning has let you have your fun, but she can't think with all the noise you are making. Please go back to work. I'm sure you will soon get another opportunity to see our 'Little Miss Sissy Knickers' now known as Daisy. Everyone laughed and slowly went back to work, still whispering and talking about me and what Miss Browning might do. 'You, Missy. Stand straight, arms by your side and fingers pointing down your legs, like this!' Theresa said, showing me what she meant. 'When you are called into the office, walk quickly to a position four feet infront of Miss Brownings desk, take your smock hem in your fingers and curtsey, like this!' She showed me, then had me practise. Much to the enjoyment of the remaining office staff. 'Good. Now when you are spoken to, you will curtsey and say, Yes Miss. If you fail in any of these simple instructions, the police will be called and you will be charged with indecent exposure and attempted rape. I'm sure they will believe three witnesses and ofcourse, your attire speaks for itself!' 'Yes Theresa, I'll do what you tell me to do.' I replied sullenly, still hurt by her turning the intercom on, even before she heard my secret. 'No! I said, curtsey and say Yes Miss when you are spoken to! Now do it!' She commanded. I curtsied and said, 'Yes Miss.'

'Better, but do not forget again! Just for that, I think Maria should finish your make-up before you see Miss Browning!' She called Maria and asked her to put eyeshadow and blusher on me then went back into the office and closed the door, leaving me outside, enduring more humiliation!

'I bet Little Miss Sissy Knickers has done this before, only this time 'she' has been caught! If I was the boss, I would make 'her' come to work dressed as a woman from now on. It would give us a laugh and put 'her' where all men should be; in apron strings doing the housework!' 'Oh I like my men to be masculine, I wouldn't want a sissy like her!' 'But think, she does all the housework, cooking, washing, ironing and cleaning even the grocery shopping. You could have a real man anytime you wanted, but she would be yours to do whatever you desired!' 'I never thought of it that way, it sounds too good to be true!'

My ears were burning; I had never felt so insignificant and pathetic. I'm not sure how I kept myself from crying. I felt completely under these womens control! Maria put the make-up on, laughing at my appearance, enjoying my predicament, I was actually grateful when Theresa called out, 'Come in Daisy!' I went in; left the door wide open as instructed and curtsied. Theresa produced a tape measure and began to take my measurements or at least those of a woman my size, when she finished she handed them to Miss Browning. She picked up the phone, dialled a number and simply repeated the measurements. Hanging up the phone, Miss Browning said,' Well Daisy, it seems I have a problem. Do I hand you over to the police or do I take the time, expense and effort to teach you a lesson myself? What do you think?' Remembering to curtsey, I said, 'Please don't involve the police, Miss Browning. I'll do anything you want me to do.'

'What if I tell you to be my house maid for two months, living totally as a woman?' I hesitated, too long for Theresa! She walked towards me and said, 'Insolent girl! Miss Browning asked you a question! Answer now, or I will bend you over that desk and punish you!' 'Yes Miss Browning, I'll be your maid.' I said, wanting to avoid any further humiliation infront of the staff. 'Mmm, maybe I'll have you work here at the factory, I think you would make a good tea-trolley girl, as well as general run around for the other girls. What about that, Daisy?' 'Yes Miss, I would make a very good tea-trolley girl.' I replied before Theresa became annoyed. 'Mind you.' Miss Browning continued, 'If you are going to be living as a woman, even if it is only for a few months, I think you should look the part, don't you, Daisy?'

This time I did hesitate too long, after all this was far beyond any reprisal I had imagined! Theresa grabbed my arm, dragged me over to the desk and said,' Reach across the desk, take hold of the far edge.' As I obeyed her, Miss Browning grabbed my wrists and held me firmly in place, whilst Theresa used some string to tie my hands tightly in position. She put her foot in between my ankles and kicked my feet apart, then using more string; she tied my ankles to the legs of the desk. Even though it was only string, I couldn't break it, and struggling only made it cut in more deeply! I thought she might smack my bottom with her hand, treating me like a child, but I was wrong! Theresa pulled out a foot long wooden rule, swished in the air a few times and then said, 'You deserve this punishment, don't you Daisy?' Not wanting to further antagonise her, I promptly replied,' Yes Miss.' 'Good girl. Now because you have admitted that this is deserved, after each stroke you will say, 'Thankyou Miss, that was number! Understood?' 'Yes Miss. Please don't hurt me Miss, I'll be good, I promise!' I begged. Whack! Right across my buttocks! 'Thankyou Miss, that was number one!' I managed to say. 'Thankyou Miss, that was number two!' 'Good girl, now don't lose count or we will have to start all over again, won't we!' Whack! Whack! Whack! After each I repeated the litany, until finally I reached twelve! 'That will do nicely Theresa.' Miss Browning said, 'Well Daisy what is your answer, do you think you should look as convincing as possible, or would you prefer everyone to know that you are a Sissy Girl/boy?' 'I want to be convincing, please Miss?' I replied sincerely, somehow managing to speak clearly through my gasps of pain. I didn't want to be further humiliated if I could avoid it, so looking like a woman would at least help people accept me. 'Theresa, can you find out if Madeleine has returned with her equipment yet, we can't wait all day.' 'Yes Miss, I'll go and find her. I gather that we are proceeding with the confinement then?' 'Yes, you heard Daisy, she wants to be convincing, and that would certainly help, don't you think?' Oh yes!' Theresa agreed vehemently, 'I would do it to all of them, if I could!' 'Yes, well. We all know where you stand on that point, don't we! Bring Madeleine if you please.' Theresa left.

Miss Browning turned back to me and although I was still straddled across the desk, began talking almost conversationally rather than to someone in my situation. 'Now then, once you have been confined; as Theresa puts it; we will get you to the salon, a thorough makeover should do for now. What colour hair do you fancy? Blonde, brunette or maybe a nice deep auburn. I've always wanted deep auburn but my colouring doesn't allow it. I think you might get away with it, what do you think, Daisy?' 'I wouldn't know, Miss. But if you think I will suit auburn, then that is the colour.' I replied, trying to please her, still worried about this 'confinement'. 'Yes, although I think you still have very boyish hips and waistline, we could always try to do something with those, don't you think?' 'Oh yes, Miss.' I agreed. 'I am very much a boy. So my figure wouldn't be convincing at all, really.' 'I'm glad you agree Daisy. But I'm sure we will find a happy solution. Oh good, here is Madeleine. Now co-operate and you'll soon be relaxing at the salon.' 'Yes Miss.' Madeleine entered and said,' You'll feel a really cold spray then your little pee pee will go numb, once I'm sure it is fully numb and as small as it can get, we will confine it. Don't worry though, the numbness will wear off completely in a couple of hours. I twitched when she first sprayed me and within seconds I couldn't feel anything between my legs except a deep coldness that was quite frightening! Also the numbness seemed to be spreading slowly into my legs, that or the desk was cutting off circulation. 'Right then!' Madeleine said,' Keep very still, this will feel a bit uncomfortable, but it shouldn't hurt.' I felt pressure around my penis and testicles; it wasn't painful, just unpleasant. She undid the smock and bra, then said, ' Good, that is finished down there, now I'll release your left ankle and left wrist, roll to your right and then let me re-tie you face up!' I complied, having no real alternative.' Miss Browning wants your nipples and your ears piercing, so behave and it will all be over soon!' Knowing it was pointless to protest, I kept as quiet as I could during the piercings. Thankfully Madeleine sprayed some anaesthetic on my nipples before piercing them! Suddenly it dawned on me that Aunt Susanne must have been informed of what was happening, otherwise Miss Browning and the others could be in serious trouble. For some reason, the fact that Aunt Susanne knew what was happening, gave me a feeling of safety, as though I knew that at some level she would put a stop to the punishment. When Madeleine was finished, Miss Browning inspected her handiwork. Being satisfied, she handed Madeleine an envelope and said, 'Thankyou, Madeleine. If everything goes according to plan, I shouldn't have to contact you until release time, so take a week off, fully paid, I'll see you a week on Monday.' Thankyou Miss, don't forget to use cleansing lotion and keep turning the rings, Daisy!' She said before leaving the office.

Theresa asked,' Would you like me to inform your friend, or should I wait Miss Browning?' 'Yes, go ahead and make the call, also phone the salon and reserve it exclusively from 1 until at least 4 o'clock this afternoon!' Miss Browning undid my wrists and ankles, then helped me to stand. ' Don't bother looking down, you will have ample time for that in the next few months. Right now I am going to get Theresa to drive you to the salon. There you will inform Pamela that you want a full makeover, hair, nails, facial, and make-up. Whilst you are being pampered, Theresa will be fetching your new clothes. Once you are completely finished being made-over, Theresa will bring you to meet me and my friend at Renaltos bistro. I will expect you to behave yourself and act like a young lady. By that time I am sure you will have discovered the full extent of your 'confinement' I do not expect hysterics! Do you understand, Daisy?' 'Yes Miss, I understand, but please tell me what was done to my private parts, I still can't feel them. I won't make a fuss, I would just like to know, that's all Miss' I curtsied as best as I could, given the weakness in my legs. 'Oh very well then. To ensure you use the toilet as a girl, and so you don't have any give-away signs of an erection, Madeleine has sheathed the shaft of your penis and used an adhesive to hold it in place. This sheathe has been pulled down between your legs and fixed in place using the same adhesive. It will require re-attaching everyday or so. You will have to sit when you 'wee' and if you should begin to get aroused, the position and restriction of your penis will become uncomfortable enough to prevent an erection!' 'Er thankyou Miss, at least I know it isn't pierced down there as well, I was worried when she pierced my nipples and ears!' 'Madeleine used small but thick rings and contact adhesive on the catches of your nipple rings. So if you try to remove them yourself, you will more than likely damage yourself quite severely! This way you will behave properly until I say your punishment is complete! Madeleine did say that it will be quite painful once the numbness wears off, but be brave as it should calm down within a day or two! If you cause me any trouble at all, during your punishment, I will have her fasten your penis between your legs, permanently!' Shocked at that prospect, I earnestly promised to behave myself! I was beginning to wish I had joined the army, surely it couldn't have been worse than this!

Theresa released me, allowed me to put the bra and smock back on properly, then drove me to the salon. I was terrified in the car, still blushing at having to walk through the building. (Theresa paraded me through every department before going to the car park!) I was trembling as she forced me to walk more than a hundred metres down the busy street from the car to the salon! I managed to answer the beauticians questions, then before Pamela locked the door Theresa warned me to co-operate. I stripped down to just my panties and put the coverall on that Pamela, the beautician, handed me. There followed over two hours of beauty treatments, plucking and shaping my eyebrows, attaching and painting extensions to my fingernails and having a weave done to make my hair a good foot longer!

Pamela and her colleague, Jennifer, washed, dyed, cut and permed my 'new' hair, giving me a full long hairstyle in a deep auburn colour. My extended nails were a shimmering pearl colour with tiny gems glued to them. She applied a foundation cream to my face and neck and curled and thickened my eyelashes. Afterwards she used a pencil to line my eyes, then blended a white eyeshadow under and up to my eyebrows, a pale sparkling blue down to my eyelids and a slightly darker blue on the lids. A pale pink blush on my cheek bones. And after outlining my lips (making them a little fuller) she filled them in, using a glossy deep pink lipstick. Throughout all of this, neither had spoken to me, just talked between themselves. Referring to me as 'her' or 'she'. Commenting on how pretty they were making me. Theresa came back after they had started my make-up, she laughed and sat down next to me, 'Quite the pretty Sissygirl, eh Daisy?' I knew better than to ignore her, so answered, 'Yes Miss Theresa.' The women all laughed, Theresa continued, 'I bet you can't wait to see what I've bought for you to wear, can you Daisy?' 'No Miss Theresa, I would like to know what clothes you have bought for me.' 'Well, hard lines, 'Girlie'! You will just have to wait!' She replied, obviously enjoying herself.

When my 'make-over' was complete, Theresa took a few digital photographs of me, then continued taking more as I got dressed. She wouldn't allow me to dress in private, so I was forced to dress in the front of the salon. Thankfully Pamela insisted that the blinds were drawn as she didn't want any trouble because of me. After taking my panties off, Theresa asked Pamela and Jennifer to lace me into the new basque she had purchased. It was a deep red, satin and silk basque. Lacing me from the bottom upwards, they managed to push my boyish chest up into (as Theresa called them) very small sissy breasts! Theresa asked them to glue on the breast forms and I soon appeared to have B cup sized breasts! Next I put on a pair of barely black silk stockings, attaching them to the Basques six suspenders, Theresa ensured I had them fastened evenly and correctly. She took a few more photos and then handed me the matching red silk panties. The black dress was a tight waisted, flared party frock. It had full-length sheer nylon sleeves, and a white multi-layered petticoat to lift and 'fill-out' the skirt. This gave the appearance of an even smaller waistline and slightly larger hips. The black ankle strap shoes had 3inch stiletto heels and Pamela had to help me put them on. Theresa allowed me to walk around the salon for ten minutes, getting used to the shoes, then said it was time to leave. 'Thank Miss Pamela and Miss Jennifer! And don't forget to curtsey!'

I would have liked to see how and what I looked like, but they wouldn't let me turn to look, so I curtseyed and thanked them, then followed Theresa back to the car. I felt far more confident being dressed and made to look more like a woman, than I had three hours earlier.

She parked as close to Renaltos Bistro as she could, then escorted me inside. Theresa spoke to the 'maitre de'. 'We are here to meet Miss Browning and her friend.' He seemed to stare directly at me, then regain his composure and took us through to their table. Miss Brownings friend was Aunt Susanne! 'Don't stare, Daisy!' Aunt Susanne reprimanded me, 'Come, sit down and we will reveal everything to you.' 'Yes Aunt Susanne.' I said, curtseying. Then realising where I was, I blushed and quickly sat down. Miss Browning said, 'A vast improvement, don't you agree, Susanne?'

'Definitely! She is just as pretty as I knew she would be. Stephanie is never wrong. When she suggested this transformation and how to arrange it, I was initially sceptical, but I should never have doubted her.' 'Aunt Stephanie?' I asked, 'Sorry Aunt Susanne, I don't understand.' 'If you were to feminise the name Steven, what would be the girls name?' Miss Browning asked me.

It took a little while, until I answered, 'Stephanie, Miss Browning'.

'Exactly!' Aunt Susanne said. 'Your father suspected this for quite a while, but your Mother doesn't approve of Stevens past. So he asked me and between us we decided to see if you were a sissy, a girl in a boys body or just liked playing with dolls? He has suspected for quite a while now. From now on you will be Linda's live in maid whenever you are not working as tea girl and general office helper!' 'For holding down 2 jobs I will pay you 2 salaries.' Miss Browning said. 'I will save one for you and give Susanne the other. I am sure Steven/Stephanie will be proud of you! We will tell your Mother a different story, so don't worry. I will take care of everything. All you have to do is be pretty and obedient.' 'That shouldn't be too hard, should it?' Aunt Susanne asked. 'No Aunt Susanne. I must be dreaming. I left home thinking I had been almost thrown out. Now I find that Dad not only knows me better than I know myself. He also understands and is helping me. Thankyou Aunt Stephanie.' I said, thinking of my fathers alternate identity.

How could I have misjudged my Father so much?

The end.

David looked at the time and realised he had spent 4hours typing and editing the story. 'Damn!' he said. 'Now I am going to be tired all day.' He quickly saved the story and locked the laptop away in his suitcase. He got ready for bed and quickly fell asleep.


To be continued




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