Crystal's StorySite






The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed!

by Lorraine B.
© 2002 All Rights Reserved


Chapter Nineteen-A:


Entering the kitchen everyone including Gordon was gathered around the table having coffee or tea.

"You did well Darling. We’re all very proud of you." Gordon said getting up from the table, walking to me and giving me a longing kiss.

"Should we all leave so you two have some privacy?" My mother asked.

"I would have to assume that the decisions that were made were the right ones." Sheila said in a joking manner.

"If I had not seen it with my own eyes I would say the Senora is a different person. She seems so much more relaxed. More kindness and love to everyone." Carmen said.

"Now Carmen, Mrs. MacGregor is the same person she’s always been." Paul added quickly.

"Okay if you say so. I’ll keep my opinions to me then." Carmen said as she went to the oven to check on its contents.

I gave a sigh of relief just as Lynn stirred letting me know she was hungry. I asked for someone to get a covering for me so I could feed Lynn. Gordon went to get a wrap leaving all of us.

I felt the slight pressure or push of someone trying to get my mental attention. ‘You did well today we are so very proud of you.’ It was Paul I heard in my thoughts.

‘What you’ve accomplished in a few hours took me weeks and months. Mom was right that your gifts are very strong. We’re all very proud Sis.’ This time it was Irene.

I felt the joys to accomplish what they wanted. I had learned quickly but with very little caution. I had to learn to keep my anger controlled and to apply what my gifts with caution. I mentally practiced with my wall techniques as I waited for Gordon to return.

Gordon returned with my wrap from the nursery, draping it over my shoulders and adding a kiss behind my ear. Due to the revealing nature of the suit all I had to do was to pull my breast out of it.

My hungry daughter was firmly affixed in seconds as I made myself comfortable as she fed. Not a word was said to me as Lynn fed. I did feel as if we were being watched by all in the room. I didn’t mind after all it was a normal maternal instinct to feed your young. I had just realized that Lynn was awake throughout the morning without the napping as newborns usually do. Was it perhaps the excitement? Or the preoccupation of the events that unfolded? At least I know she will sleep longer this afternoon with a smile.

Her eyes were closing as she fed.

I decided to take her upstairs to the nursery to prepare her for a nap. I made my excuses to everyone and went upstairs with her. Physically I was fine but mentally I was exhausted. Going into the nursery I checked Lynn's diaper, which needed to be changed. I laid her onto the changing table when I heard a sound by the door. Looking over my shoulder it was Sheila coming into the room.

"Would you mind if I bathed and changed my niece for you?"

Moving out of the way, Sheila took over for me.

"Sis, I’m sorry for all that arguments that we ever had. That goes all the way to when we were kids. Irene and Karla told Tommy and me how you adjusted so quickly. I have to say Tommy accepted it but I seriously doubted it. You have always been irresponsible throughout your life. It was one situation after the other. How you never wound up in jail, prison or with A.I.D.s I’ll never know.

I stood quietly as she talked. I made sure that the wall around my thoughts was there. I wanted to tell Sheila she was an egotistical bitch. She was always the pompous one of the family conceivably this was due to her being the oldest. Possibly she felt a responsibility to all of us kids. No matter what the reason this was my house and my child. I was about to say that as Amanda and my mother walked.

"You passed the test Sweetheart. You didn’t lose your temper and you maintained mental privacy." My mother said.

Test, privacy, temper. Oh Crap. This was a trap!

Sheila finished with Lynn handing her to me and giving us both a kiss. I placed Lynn into the crib with just a light blanket covering her. I kissed my baby and left the room going to my room. I was angered at first but given my past behaviors I understood why it was needed.

I entered the bedroom, taking a robe and slippers from my bed into the bathroom. I removed my bathing suit placing it in the shower to be handwashed. I was in the shower in nothing flat removing the salt from Mother Ocean from the bathing suit and me. Again the water rejuvenated me. Whatever anger I had was leaving quickly.

I quickly finished my shower, hung my suit up to dry and dried off.

Quickly my hair was wrapped and I was in my robe and slippers going into the bedroom.

I was ambushed! My sisters, mother-in-law, mother and Eve were in there waiting. My smile left my face as I saw all of them gathered there waiting for me.

"What all of you did wasn’t right." I said going to my dresser.

"We know but we had to see your progression." Eve said.

"Honey you’ve changed not just physically but mentally as well. By estimation you utilize more of you brain than we do and far more than the inhabitants of this planet. By rough estimation it exceeds seventy-five percent. Why this happened we don’t know. Your daughter may have the same, as do you. What you did to that wooden gate we could never have done. There is a possibility that you caused a reaction all the way down to the molecular structure, a chain reaction of events. Until you can control your gifts someone must be with you either Gordon or anyone of us including Paul." Mother said.

"Mother first of all I do not need a babysitter. Second…"

"No first, second or third Sweetheart you will do as Amanda, I, and Gordon say. This is the one time I ask you to do this. You can jeopardize all of us on this planet. This is now our homeworld; we have nowhere else to go except back to our ships. Genetically these people are similar to us. Their world is similar to the one we lost. The lives of millions are at stake! You do know there are groups of individuals and agencies that would love to dissect that gorgeous little body of yours."

What mother said made sense. I was placed into a position I really didn’t care to be in but I saw the point she made. If I didn’t learn the control necessary it would draw attention to me and everyone associated to me. I further saw that the decision of the High Council was correct, that also at the same time if mind wiped I gave up my heritage, husband, child and family.

I have read for my earliest years how humans have been enthralled with space. I have read also of the so-called conspiracies of the governments in hiding the remains of spacecraft and their inhabitants. The involvement of such places as Area 51 and Groom Lake that contain the remnants of those remains there. Everyone has heard that governments have cut deals with the creatures of those spacecraft for the technology they offer. Shit, I never thought that I would be one of them. I have heard that there are those that seek interplanetary species for many reasons but the ultimate outcome are to annihilate. To be succinct, Holy Crap, Mother, there’s an alien in my bed and it’s me, Help!!!!!!!!!!!

I all could do was to tell everyone in the room that I acquiesced to their demands. As I was getting dressed my thoughts digressed to Lynn.

I remembered when growing up in my former form that my sisters, Tommy and I had been hell raisers. If we thought that we could get away with something we would try to. I always thought mother had an extra sense since we were always caught in our lies to her first, and then Daddy (Daddy?).

If Lynn was to be anything like us as kids nothing would be safe. The neighborhood would be decimated of anything living or non-living. I shuddered at the thought.

"The thoughts of your childhood past, Huh?" Karla asked.

"How did you know?"

"You let your wall down. I think we all heard you. Please Sis you have to be more careful. There are people and devices that are receptors, not only us. Don’t worry as you progress in the training you’ll understand even more."

I finished dressing in simple shorts, tube top and trainers. I brushed out my hair, placing it in a ponytail. The only makeup used was a bit of lipstick. I looked into the mirror and saw the vision of a fourteen to sixteen-year-old girl. I thought to myself I’d better not drive. If I were stopped the cop would think my Driver’s License was a forgery and arrest me.

"Well, don’t you look like the little teenager with hot pants. I think you’d better stay away from all the high schools or the hormones will take control of all the boys." Irene said jokingly.

"Irene now stop teasing your sister, she looks fine. Arlene I would advise you though to change clothes and your makeup before leaving the house." Mother said.

"Sure mother."

I thought about saying something sarcastic but I decided to just agree with them as we departed the room.

Walking down the hallway I asked Amanda saying, "Okay mother, why didn’t you say anything in there?"

"I thought it best that you hear those words for your own mother and sisters. You do realize that they are correct in everything they said. Don’t you?"

"I understand more than you could ever imagine. I will maintain a proper decorum."

"Good! Sweetie now tell me, what’s this about wedding vows, dress and the whole bit?"

Oh Crap, not again?

I told Amanda of the discussion that Gordon and I had as we walked. The rest of the group must have heard the conversation when the decided to wait for us.

"Well according to the paperwork you both are legally married. But I can also see your side of it too, Honey." Amanda said.

"I can see Arlene's point also. The problem I see is how do we explain it to those that attended the last wedding. Also the Press will pick up on the story. I know that her Father would love to give her away in a ceremony." My mother said.

"How does Gordon feel about it?" Sheila asked.

"All he basically said was that anything I wanted and this is what I would like. If there are problems such as the Press and others then I can wait for another time." I said with a long face that I copied from my sisters when they really wanted something. Okay, so I could have told everyone Gordon is cut off until I get what I want instead I pouted like a good little girl. The minute everyone saw my pout they all laughed with Amanda and my mother the hardiest and loudest.

As we entered the kitchen I ran to Gordon, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull lips down to mine kissing him passionately.

"Is everything worked out now?" Gordon asked

"Sure Honey, I realized quite a bit."

"Good we’ll talk later. Ah……um…I forgot to tell you something……"

"What did you forget now?"

"Well we have a formal engagement to go to."

"A what? When? Where? And you forgot to tell me!" I said surprised.

I felt the anger starting to flow again. I thought I had the anger in control as I felt it subside, then it gained in strength. I noticed that everyone moved silently away from me. I trembled as I tried to gain further control. I felt someone placing his hand on my shoulder, and take my hand. The feelings I felt subsided as my anger diminished in intensity, as did the physical trembling. I closed my eyes and concentrated all the more to regain normalcy. I thought of a waterfall with all type of wildlife near it, some of the animals playing, some drinking, predator and prey alike. These scenes made me relax more. I succeeded! I placed the evil D’jinn back into its magic lamp and sealed it.

"You did it my Love, You controlled it!" Gordon excitedly exclaimed before he kissed me fervently.

"You did well Sis." My sisters said in unison.

"Senora, did what por favor? Carmen said caught up in the excitement of the moment.

We had forgotten all about Carmen. I didn’t want to lie to her and I didn’t want anyone else to lie to her.

"Carmen, I think we had better talk. Please sit down with us." I said.

My Mother was against this as was Amanda. Gordon, my sisters and I vetoed them.

"Carmen you see I have some special abilities" I said

"Oh you meant like a, oh……what do call it a………..psychic?"

"Well maybe a little more. First you have to promise to me and to your God that you pray to that you will not say anything to anyone outside of this house."

"Si Senora, you, mamacita and Senor MacGregor have been very good to me. I have worked for him and his mamacita for over fifteen years. Never have I discussed the strange happenings I have seen with these eyes."

I noticed the eyebrows of Gordon raise and Amanda’s flutter.

"I have heard Senor Gordon's voice in my head many times. I thought many times that I was crazy in the head. You know loca en la cabeza. There have been different colored lights in the sky that came to the rear of the house where no lights were there near the house or area. I saw mamacita and Senor Gordon walk from the same direction of the lights. I told no one of this. It was no ones business. Besides I loved working for the family so I kept quiet even when the federales came to ask questions about the lights. I told them nothing. You have treated my children and myself as family always. You even put them into school and later college. I owe you more than loyalty."

I saw that Gordon was amazed but Amanda shed tears. This woman seemed to know more than even I did. She showed a higher form of loyalty I had never seen before. I knew at once that our secret was safe with her.

With the help of everyone we explained where we came from and what we were. We explained we had some differences but essentially we were the same, human beings just as she. We did not tell of course that I was once an over fifty year old man previously or that I impregnated Gordon with Gordon having Lynn. That would have been a bit too much for her to handle.

"Madre de Dios, I was right! I am not crazy as I thought. Then I wasn’t seeing apparitions. Oh, I am so happy." She said as she cried the tears of joy.

Amanda went to Carmen placing her hands on her shoulders, "Carmen, you must keep this secret. It could mean the lives of millions that are now part of this planet. Many have married and have children from this planet Carmen, than includes my granddaughter Lynn that was born here."

"I have kept this secret for many years, even my children do not know of what I spoke of. You secret is safe with me."

Amanda, Gordon, and I gave the woman a hug that she accepted willingly.

It was then that I turned my attentions to Gordon by saying sweetly and seductively into his ear, "Sweetheart, now where are we going and when is it?"

"Oh that, I am sorry to not have told you sooner, Dear. It truly slipped my mind. It’s a charitable event to raise funds for the arts in L.A. tonight."

"Oh great! Now how am I supposed to get ready? And I have to get you ready too!"

I saw in his eyes that he was penitent for not telling me sooner.

Eve jumped in saying, "I’ll telephone the Hairdresser for the complete treatment. Do you want her here or do you want to go to her salon?"

"Here, please Eve. But what about a dress and his tux?"

"Gordon's tux is upstairs in his closet and I believe that there is more than ample formal attire for you too." Eve said as she ran from the room.

The ensuing hours where chaotic to say the least, everyone helped to get Eve and me ready. After all this was my first real time in the public eye. I had to be the perfect woman for all to see.

My hair was done in a Chignon style, my nails shone with the shiniest of red polish on fingers and toes, and my makeup was applied with a professional flair and flawless.

As I was being pampered my anxiety rose it was Gordon that helped me to relax. I told him mentally my fears of being exposed. He told me mentally that he would be there for me and would help me throughout the evening. I was informed that Paul and Eve would be there too, Paul as our bodyguard and Eve as our secretary. Our mothers and my sisters had volunteered to be with the baby.

As the hairdresser and her team prepared to leave I was taken upstairs to the nursery and used the breast pump for the first time. Irene showed my how to use the device and was my instructor as she had breast-fed her own children when they were newborns and then later in age.

She had me wash my hands with a disinfectant soap and cleaned my nipples. After drying them I performed a breast massage that she showed me how to do to stimulate the milk to flow. The massage is helpful if you have plugged ducts or have sore nipples she explained to me. I started at the top of the breast and move in circles toward the center. Using the flat parts of my fingers I pressed firmly with my fingers and moved them in small circles. After several seconds I move the fingers about an inch away and massaged again.

As I massage my breast Irene prepared the pump and collection bottles. I noticed that everything was sani-wrapped for cleanliness. She then showed me how to place the cups firmly over each breast and position the cups so that your nipples were in the center of the cups. She then turned on the power to minimum and turned the pump on. I was told to be sure the milk was always flowing downward into the bottle, which it was. After about one minute she switched the pump to the normal setting. After ten or fifteen minutes the flow began to diminish down. Irene said that pumping both sides at once might also increase my milk supply.

Irene said that if you have a healthy newborn, you could save the milk to use when you are away from the baby instead of using formula. That made sense to me.

As the collection bottles filled she poured the milk into clean plastic bottles immediately after pumping. She then placed the milk into a small refrigerator saying it had to be used within twenty-four hours or it could be frozen and used within a month. I was to use the oldest milk first. Throw out any frozen milk more than a month old and any refrigerated milk more than a day old.

I could thaw the frozen milk in the refrigerator overnight or place in a bowl of warm water for several minutes. Shake the bottle and test the temperature before using the milk. I was never to microwave the milk as it might heat unevenly and burn the baby's mouth. Also, the bottle could explode after heating, burning the baby, me or quite possibly the both of us.

Although I was very interested by the instructions she gave I couldn’t help but think so this is what a cow feels when she’s being milked.

We cleaned everything up and put the machine away and the supplies.

I checked on Lynn who was still fast asleep and left the nursery to Gordon's and my Bedroom.

As I was undressing Irene prepared the bath for me. Totally disrobed I climbed into the Jacuzzi tub taking care not to get anything wet other than my lower body. The water was relaxing and seemingly renewing my energy levels. Feeling rejuvenated I got out from my bath and dried off and powdered myself taking care not to damage the hard work of those that prepared me and worked so hard.

Walking out to the bedroom in a robe there was no one present but my clothes were laid out for the evening. I could see someone was very busy.

I looked at the undergarments taking them into my hands. They appeared to be of black stretch lace that would be light, form fitting and virtually unseen. Putting on the black lace garterbelt and seamed, black, opera hose that felt lovingly on my body, caressing my legs and thighs as I attached the garters. Next were my stretch lace panties that were black with a little red bow, as I drew them up my body tingled. Oh yes these feelings were sensuous they reminded me of when Gordon and I made love. Next was my bra that was made of the same materials. After I hooked it and adjusted my breasts, seating them just comfortably lying inside the cups of the lace material. The sensuous pleasure they invoked to the pleasure center of my brain was indescribable. I had to add breast pads to insure no leakage to ruin the evening.

I sat on the bed to put on my shoes wondering how I was going to walk in them. They had a heel of about three inches high heavily beaded and would be considered sandals with an open heel and ankle strap. I fit my feet into the delicate looking shoe buckling the straps at the ankles.

Getting off the bed I stood still for a moment before walking to the mirrors. The walk was easily managed before I stood looking into the mirrors. Th apparition in them was beautiful by any standards. I had to admit if I were a male my tongue would be dragging on the floor.

I heard the door opening and turned toward it just as Gordon walked in.

"If you keep standing there like that we won’t be going anywhere." He said gazing at me hungrily.

I went to him placing my arms around his neck, kissing him and then saying in breathy tone of voice, "Well we have some time to spare. Wouldn’t you like to explore my universe?"

I could see the sexual hunger in his eyes as they took in very inch of my body. I knew he could see the same in my eyes. We kissed, longingly for each other as he caressed my breasts lovingly with his hands. My fires of passion were stroked; I was beyond the point of no return. I so wanted him; I needed him in me, now.

He took me over to the bed removing all our clothing that was upon it placing it on a chaise longue. He laid me ever so gently allowing me to remove his clothing one article at a time until the final article were his boxer shorts exposing his full masted engorged penis.

As he removed my panties I awaited his insertion as we entwined together. During the throes of passion my thoughts were everywhere at once as we made love. I was ever so pleased with Gordon as my mate. I was so pleased he had wanted me to be his mate. I was ever so blissfully pleased I was a woman, his woman. I was ever so pleased that we had a beautiful lovely daughter.

I was elated that we had become one in climax as our orgasms diminished. We lay together in each other’s arms. Our worlds, our Universes were one now and forever.

We kissed again just as the buzzer of the intercom went off. We untangled ourselves as Gordon went to answer it.

"Sir are you and Arlene ready? I hate to rush you but the traffic will be bad."

"We’re almost ready, Paul. We’ll be down shortly."

While they spoke over the intercom I was in the bathroom cleaning myself, placing a pantyliner into my panties and putting them back. As I was leaving Gordon was coming in. He gave me another kiss and rushed into the shower.

I found the eveningwear for the both of us laying Gordon's on his side of the bed while I held a hanger with mine. I have to admit the outfit was stunning. It consisted of a type of palazzo style pant with a tunic Jacket that was all heavily brocaded and glass beaded and in trimmed in satin. The outfit looked stunning once I had it on me.

I repaired my makeup and hair, placing the essentials into a black glass beaded clutch evening bag. I was pleased at the reflection that smiled back from the mirror.

I had just finish applying Chanel perfume when Gordon came into the bedroom giving a whistle for approval.

"You, my Dear, look stunning. Just remember you’re with me and you’ll come home with me to make more love."

All I could do was blush. I sat delicately on the edge of a chair as he dressed watching him, studying him until he was ready. My emotions were those of a woman in love.

"Do you have what you need dear?"

"Yes" I said as I gracefully exited the chair going to his directly to his extended arm, taking it and exiting out of our bedroom. I took my time walking down the stairs with Gordon allowing me to set the pace.

When entering the foyer Paul and Eve were waiting for us to arrive.

"The company limousine is waiting, Bill is driving per your instructions" Paul said.

We said good-bye to our mothers and my sisters going directly to the car.



Chapter Nineteen-B:


We all walked out of the house together to the awaiting car to transport us to the event. I had to take a second look at the vehicle being used as a limousine. It was the longest Hummer I had ever seen turned into a virtual people mover. It was painted all shiny metallic red trimmed in silver. It was a longer version of my Hummer H2.

I stopped abruptly looking at Gordon saying, " You’re kidding, right?"

"I don’t understand?"

"I have heard of these being converted to Limousines but to take this military tank to a charitable event seems a bit tacky Sweetheart."

"No it’s an executive model. It will transport 15 people in complete safety. It has all the security toys and it’s armored for passenger protection by any assault."

"I still think it’s tacky."

"Please humor me just for tonight, Darling" Gordon said with a kiss.

Okay it was a persuasion tactic that worked. I was suitably impressed as I entered the vehicle. It showed magnificent craftsmanship from the leather seats to the wooden moldings. It did have all of the high tech electronic toys that my Hummer had plus more.

The conversation was varied as the driver controlled the vehicle toward our destination, which was the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills. The affair was to be held in the Le Grand Trianon Ballroom. This was one of the oldest and finest hotels in Beverly Hills with a history of over seventy-five years of elegance.

As the car traveled Gordon made sure I was closely snuggled to him. It was a feeling of security to me and made me feel that I had purpose in this life. I glanced over at Paul and Eve; they too were doing the same. Eve caught my eye and gave me a wink and a smile.

I felt a small nudge in my mind, ‘Hey Sweetie, we got them just where we want them. Remember that men are predictable, in Gordon's case he does love you.’ Eve’s thoughts were correct, and I love Gordon.

The driver pulled up in front of the massive entrance of the hotel. I’m not an authority on architecture but I know when something is eye pleasing and this certainly was. The general layout, fixtures and furniture were luxurious to say the least. It was little wonder that many people from dignitaries to heads of state stayed here, mingling together with the average tourist.

The doorman opened the door of the vehicle offering his hand to Eve and me to exit the car. This allowed the men to exit from the other side to join us and escort us inside.

Prior to entering the Ballroom we all had to go through a security check. This was primarily to check our invitations making sure that only the invited were allowed to enter. While our group stood I could hear the music that emanated from the fourteen thousand three hundred square foot room. It was all dance music provided by an orchestra that sounded very good.

We were escorted through the ornate entry doors that led to the Ballroom. There was a vast multitude of people either dancing, seated at the various tables, or standing and talking.

We were escorted to a very large table that some people were already seated at. I had to take a second look, as one of the men was Mr. Charles Ingersoll the chairman of the Board of the bank I had worked for before my change.

Because of my nervousness I dropped the privacy wall not knowing that I had done it. I practiced so hard to maintain that wall and now it was shattered so all of our kind could hear me. Possibly no one heard my thoughts due to the other people in the room but I doubted it.

‘Darling don’t worry, he and his wife won’t recognize you. Try to rebuild it. If he makes you nervous tonight we’ll leave early.’ Gordon's thoughts said to me as he squeezed my hand in assurance. I smiled at him squeezing his hand back.

I managed to rebuild the wall again just as Gordon said," C’mon Darling let’s dance."

Panic mode again. Dance? I don’t know how as a woman. I tried to get out of it. He wouldn’t hear of it. I felt that push again mentally, ’Darling just follow me. Do what I do. You’ll be fine.’

I would imagine I did pretty well considering that the damn orchestra switched their repertoire to the Latin beat. How I managed to stay off Gordon's feet was a miracle. The Cha-Cha, Tango, Bossa Nova, Salsa, Mambo, Rumba Lambada, still echoed in my ears and my poor aching feet. Still I loved those sounds it made me feel good to dance with Gordon.

When the orchestra changed to more modern music we decided to sit for an interval. I needed some fresh air badly. I asked that we go out on the terrace for some air.

We stopped at the bar; Gordon asked for and received a Rob Roy for himself and Spring Water for me. I know what you are thinking, why Spring Water? Well after all I am a nursing mother now and I don’t want to pass the derivatives of an alcoholic drink to Lynn.

The terrace was an area that was candle lit perhaps to get people in the right mood for some romance. There were some tables and very few couples enjoying the ambiance. I entirely fell in love with area, with the bushes, trees and the waterfall. It was peaceful and serene in its effect. We sat and spoke to each other as lovers always do.

I heard the rustling of bushes and the sound of the grass being stepped on along with the scurrying of the little animals. I thought I was hearing things at first, as I never remembered hearing sounds like that before. I associated the sounds of the grass and people walking when three young men stepped from the bushes and onto more grass.

All three of the young men were dressed the same in evening tuxedos and each had moustaches which I believed to be glued on their faces. They were approaching the very edge of the terrace. They climbed the terrace stairs and pulled out from behind them what looked to be machine pistols. I knew these were similar to the MAC-10 in style, as I had seen those before in movies.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Evening and this is a robbery. Please, my associate will be coming to each of you with a bag to place your valuables in. Thank you for your cooperation."

I looked at the doors leading to the terrace. There was no possible way for anyone to see what was happening as they had curtains on the doors. Looking at the young men they had that look that they would shoot anyone, if interrupted.

One of the men went to each of the couples relieving everyone of their valuable possessions. The other two watched everyone else and the doors.

I felt the mental push of Gordon again. ‘Sweetheart, don’t do anything out of the ordinary. These men will kill anyone that stands in their way.’

‘Can you contact Paul or Eve?’

‘They haven’t answered me yet.’

I was slightly miffed at what Gordon told me through his thoughts. I remembered the exercises in the pool to give me the ability to bend light or what may be commonly called invisibility. Then I thought also that there were to many people present.

However I still had the ability of levitation, which I considered and then dismissed due to the witnesses again. I began to get angrier. I started to feel those same feelings as I felt when the gate exploded. The tingling increased, I felt the surging of power in every muscle and nerve I had. I thought of the channeling of that energy I might be able to cut the strength so I would not destroy these men.

I concentrated to do what was needed to be done to those men. I couldn’t just let these men get away with spoiling an evening. I mentally pushed to get Gordon's attention. ‘Any luck with Paul or Eve?’

‘No, I can’t understand why they don’t hear me.’

I went into detail of what I was planning on doing. We agreed that the lives of the innocent outweighed the potential deaths that might occur. Gordon had probed the minds of these men they had no intentions of leaving any witnesses alive to their crimes. They intended to murder the innocent.

My anger began to flow with the thoughts of the imminent murders of the people. The tingling gained strength; I had to release it. I had all three of the men in my line of sight. I focused onto their chest area releasing the massive psi energy stored.

As the energy was released the hair of the people and the men stood as if they all touched a VandeGraaff Generator demonstrating static electricity. The scurrying of small animals in fear was heard. There was a blinding light and a booming sound similar to a sonic boom.

When our eyesight returned back to normal the three men were on the ground unconscious. Their weapons were melted at the barrels along with the flash suppressors. Their clothing was smoldering. There was a slight burn on the hands that held the weapons and a burn wound at the chest area. There was massive screaming by not only the women but the men also. Panic and fear was the mode these people were in.

Paul and Eve were the first ones come from the main ballroom running. Then came others with the security and medical personnel.

"What Happened Sir?"

"Those three tried to rob us. It looks as if they were struck by lightning, doesn’t it?"

"I have to agree with you Sir."

I saw the looks on the faces of Paul and Eve. They each had a very small but distinct smile.

‘Gordon did Arlene do this?’ Eve said mentally

‘Yes I tried to call you for help. She took the situation into her own hands after we discussed the situation. Those three intended to kill all the witnesses to their crime.’

‘We have to find out why you couldn’t feel us. This can never happen again to any of us.’

‘It might be the building materials that cut down the intensity of our thoughts.’

‘We’ll have Doctor Mecklin investigate it.’

Paul and Eve helped the couples as we returned to the safety of the Ballroom.

"You did well, my wife. Are you Okay?" Gordon said softly as we sat at an empty table.

All I did was nod my head yes with him taking my hand into his. I know that those people were spared from injury and death by those men, but I also knew that I may have hurt them or possibly have killed them. I also thought of the consequences if I hurt the innocents that were out there on the terrace. I began to tremble again not from anger but from fright.

Paul and Eve saw us sitting and came to us. After they both sat down Paul said in low hushed tones, " They’ll survive. The medics, Police and security staff think they were struck by Lightning. We told the Security Staff that Eve and I would take care of you both. The cops want a statement from you and we told them not now. The hotel is worried that you may sue them."

I looked at Paul and Eve saying, "Tell the hotel to make a generous donation to the charity of their choice on behalf of the employees. Tell the Cops no, that I will not give them a statement or be involved with their investigation. I need to go home please. I need to relax.

Paul took out his cell phone and called Bill the driver telling him that we were ready to go. He then left the table to tell the police investigators what I said.

"You do know that you managed to work out a problem without any of our help." Eve said to me.

"Then why do I feel so miserable?"

"Sweetie you did what you had to do. Gordon told us what they had planned for all of you out there. They call it survival here."

Gordon held my hand, I felt the strength and love that he has for me. Did I do the same to and for him? By the smile he gave me it did.

"Everything was settled with the police and the hotel. The police aren’t too happy with what you said but I say and said to them Tough Shit. The hotel manager would like for the both of you to return as his guest anytime you wish. Bill is waiting outside for us, he just called me."

It didn’t take all of us long to traverse the route to the waiting vehicle. The only problem we had was getting past the reporters and electronic media people that seemed to block our way. The hotel people were gracious enough to run interference to get them out of the way allowing us to get in our vehicle.

Once inside Bill lowered the Privacy window saying, "Mr. MacGregor is everyone alright? Do you need me to stop anywhere?"

"No Bill just take us home. Tomorrow pick me up around noon. I have a business meeting at 2pm at the airport in our hanger with Jerome."

"Yes Sir."

We rode in silence back to the house. Gordon held me the entire time as Paul held Eve. I knew Gordon would be with Lynn and me for a very long time.



Chapter Twenty:


It has been close to a month that I had the transition to my present form and life. I have to say that my psychological and physical adjustment of becoming a teenager, a woman, wife, mother and lover were easy. But to find out although you were born on this planet Earth, your parents, brother and sister’s are in fact Aliens from another planet. Being from another solar system is another factor to be added to the equation that could upset it. This held true for your husband that had your baby and your mother-in-law too.

I have gained the knowledge and the control to maintain the gifts that I have with the help of Paul and Eve. I have learned the histories of our culture together with the customs, primary language and written word of our homeworld. I have also learned the Laws that came from our Planet that bind those of my kind together. It was a necessity to learn and retain the functions of all the systems and layouts of the Scout Craft and Mother Ships.

I have dealt with the police, the mentally deranged and the homicidal on this planet we call home. Those are fears that had to be brought forward and confronted to help me to grow mentally stronger.

I awoke this early morning understanding that this night I will make an appearance before our Council of Elders. I must give them my decision to remain as I am or to revert to the fifty-year-old decadent male I once was. If I chose the latter my mind would be erased which might cause psychotic trauma. I must also be tested as to the control of my gifts, if I do not pass these tests I could also be mind wiped or destroyed.

The human alarm clock, my daughter Lynn, went off at her normal time of 7am. I was out of bed, had my robe and slippers on and out into the hallway, rushing into the nursery to pick her up into my arms. I calmed her enough until she stopped crying. All I hoped is that Gordon managed to remain sleeping.

I took her into the bathtub with me after removing her sleeper and diaper along with my nightgown, robe and slippers. I could tell by the look on her face that is what she was waiting and crying for.

After adjusting the water temperature we stepped into the tub. She played and laughed as I washed her tiny body.

"I thought I heard you in here. When I woke up you weren’t in bed I assumed that you were with Lynn."

" Sorry but our daughter called first." I said as we got out of the bathtub together.

"Any thoughts of later today?"

Going over to him with Lynn in my arms, I kissed him saying," Does that give you any ideas my love."

I could see his face, as he blushed, vividly changing to different shades of red.

"Does that give you any ideas?" I said to Gordon.

"Oh it certainly does, but as you said Lynn comes first."

He took Lynn and dried her as I dried off, putting on my robe and slippers. Taking Lynn back we went to the rocking chair, sitting there to nurse and be nursed upon.

Gordon went back to our room then to shower and get dressed he said before leaving the nursery.

I dressed Lynn when she finished nursing and took her into our bedroom. It was now my turn to get dressed. Going through the doorway there was a very large box wrapped in pink paper and ribbon. I laid the baby down on the bed and read the card that was attached to the ribbon on the box.


I knew that you didn’t have these for tonight. I had one of our Scout Ships bring this back for you for tonight.

I Love you and our daughter immensely

Your loving Husband


I cried as I opened the box. Gordon came from behind me encircling my waist with his arms. Inside it was the clothing or uniform that I was to wear tonight on the flight to the Mother Ship.

It consisted of several pieces. First, there was a black survival utility belt that contained a quadstun defense device (QDD for short) several pouches that contained survival equipment. Next was a knee length, fluorescent blue tunic, with officers’ markings. A pair black stirrup slacks with a wide red strip at the outer seams and cloth, black, calf length boots with a slight heel. The clothing was the colors of the ship’s operations or flight crew. There was essentially no shine to the clothing as most earthly materials had. It was light in weight but had unusual properties when held to the light. It seemed to absorb the light. To me it almost felt like a living thing.

"Do you like the gift?" Gordon asked.

I turned to him, kissing him then saying, "Does that answer your question. What I don’t understand is the markings. They’re telling me that I’m a Pilot and Starship navigator along with a symbol I’ve never seen. I’ve never flown."

"Well first of all the Scouts and Mother Ship systems, they all but fly themselves as you know. You do know every system on them, electronics and propulsion, which we all trained you for. You have shown exceptional skills in the navigation and control of the Mother Ships in the simulation trainer with Jerome at our hanger.

Jerome has been our Chief Flight Instructor for many years. That man can fly anything with or without wings. He noticed your ability from the first time you took over the Neuro-Controls. He stated to the Elders that you could out-fly him in the manual mode of any ship you flew. Now that’s a complement, considering his reputation of being a very difficult taskmaster.

The science department is also grateful for you helping them. We found out that certain materials used to construct older buildings have a propensity to absorb our communications abilities with each other. One of these materials is Lead that can be found in the old ironwork of the skeletal structures.

That last symbols I was sworn to secrecy about until after the Council."

"All I did was to try, as you know."

"Well I think that you have proved yourself admirably."

I happened to think as I got dressed in casual attire. At least there was only going to be only us in the house for the morning and early afternoon. Then I had to prepare for tonight perhaps later the pool might suffice. Everyone was getting peeved at me for going to the ocean alone. I loved it!

"Aren’t you going to the ocean?" Gordon asked.

"Wait a minute there, Sweetheart. You and our mothers said I shouldn’t."

"We didn’t mean for you to not ever go. We want you always to be with one of us."

"Oh safety in numbers huh."

"Well, yes and experience. Did you know that Paul and Eve were one of the first to chart and explore this planet? They made first contact with many of the inhabitants here. Their Scoutship was one of the first to be chased by jet aircraft on their way to the Mother Ship. Did you know that they are the last of their respective clans? All their family was lost with the destruction of our homeworld."

"They’ve always been close mouthed with their first experiences and who many of our people are. The way Eve acts around Lynn I think she would like to conceive."

"Part of being the security team is to be close mouthed. In Eve’s case Paul has told me they do want children. All they said is possibly soon. I think they are worried that this planet might get destroyed too."

I kept quiet and thought for a bit. Those two have been with Gordon or me constantly since the beginning of this adventure. They were always there to cheer me on, as were our family members. I certainly wished I could help them to fulfill their dreams.

"Perhaps you will one day."

"What are you talking about?"

"You dropped your wall, and I breached our courtesy, Darling."

"Well I guess for that you’ll just have to take Lynn and me to the ocean now. Won’t you?" I said as I kissed him breaking from his hold, running into the bathroom and slamming the door, in his face.

I should have put on a bathing suit on before, I thought. I took a dry suit from the rack. I was out of my clothes and into a purple bikini in seconds. I brushed my hair into a ponytail and added the barest of makeup and lipstick. I was ready to go.

I opened the door slowly and cautiously as I thought Gordon would be waiting for me to tickle me.

He was already in his suit; smiling and even had Lynn ready to go. I put on sandals, cover-up and took several towels for us. The house was quiet as we went through it to the back door of the kitchen. I missed the smells of Carmen’s cooking. It was then that I remembered I hadn’t eaten yet. Oh well, after our family swim I thought going out the door.

I could see many of our neighbors on their decks watching the ocean and the life forms that had come back to this area that once made it famous. What everyone saw were the herds of Dolphin, pods of Orca, and the occasional migratory White Shark looking for a death wish.

I placed our towels on a table on the decking along with my sandals and cover. Gordon and Lynn already entered the water so I had to run after them, much to the male neighbor’s delight watching my breasts jiggle. It used to bother me but doesn’t anymore. I was happy in so many ways, if it gave them joy to stare; it was okay with me as long as they didn’t have a coronary.

The water felt warm to me on my skin. The tingles I had felt from the first time were still present. The water felt wonderful as I dove in and joined with Gordon and Lynn.

I placed my feet on the sandy bottom watching as a spotted dolphin and calf came closer to us. I thought the female would only come so far and then retreat with her baby. That wasn’t the case. She came directly to me and urged her baby to me also. I stroked her and she allowed me to touch her baby before swimming off. It wasn’t long when she returned back with six other nursing females with their young expecting and receiving the same treatment and kindness.

"I’ll be Damned! It’s true!" I heard Gordon say under his breath.

I pretended I didn’t hear him or see the amazed look on his face as I stroked the dolphins that came. I believed I wasn’t supposed to hear those words he spoke. When they rejoined the herd all of them gracefully raised themselves, doing a spectacular jump into the air.

The Orca pods stayed out in deeper waters while a lone Orca came to say hello. They always came, at least one of them. It was if they were there to protect us with the Dolphins. When the Orca turned to show its stomach I saw she was giving birth. I felt I had to help her, but what was I to do? All I did was to stroke her giving words of encouragement. Within minutes the baby was out of the Birth Canal, swimming on its own after the umbilical cord was severed by the mother. I shed tears of joy as the baby attached itself to its mother to nurse. They then swam off to rejoin the Pods.

Gordon took my hand with Lynn in his other arm, leading me to the shore as I cried. I was crying for sorrow but for the joy of a species that is secrets its birth and mating in the wild. I was allowed to share that secret of a new life born in and on the seas.

"Are you folks alright?" One of the neighbors yelled to us.

Gordon and I nodded to him as we walked in the sand to the stairs to our deck area.

"We saw it all, everyone did. You folks were sure lucky to see it all so close. You’re lucky to be alive too." He said.

Yes we were indeed fortunate to see that birth I thought as I sprayed off the seawater in the fresh water shower by the back door of the house. Those mammals would not harm anyone unless they threatened their young just as a human mother would do.

We managed to get into the house without more questions from the neighbors. We both knew that they would remain quiet as to what had happened. They respected our privacy and we respected theirs.

On entering the house Gordon handed Lynn to me, having me sit at the table. He went and prepared our breakfast. This was great having him home and the house to ourselves. In the past month this house had been in the constant state of chaos. The housekeeper left us when she became pregnant. I had my tutors, flight simulators, and the baby. There were times I felt overwhelmed physically and mentally. Everyone was gracious enough to help Gordon and me. We are certainly prosperous to have the family and friends we have.

I enjoyed the breakfast that Gordon made. I still can’t understand why everyone threw me out of the kitchen after the little fire we had. So we had to get a new stove and have a new floor put in after the Fire Department chopped holes in the floor to put out the fire from the grease. They said that the alarm system worked well and I helped increase the local economy financially. Oh my, what can I say? At least I was allowed to help to the clean up of the kitchen but nothing that involves fires or grease.

We went into the den after the clean up. There were a few things that needed to be done. Lynn was one of them as she screamed to be fed and changed. With the major necessities accomplished and Lynn napping in the nursery I went back to the den.

Gordon was on the telephone with Amanda. I sat on the couch as he spoke to her. I nudged his wall lightly, "Tell mom we love her. We’ll see her tonight.’

Gordon smiled as he told her what I said to him. I saw a book on the other side of the room I’d been reading. Thinking of the book in my hand. The book raised and floated toward me into my hand. I turned toward Gordon and smiled. He couldn’t contain his laughter. Normally I would drop the book midway across the room. I can’t wait to try it out on the laundry next!

I thought to myself, Ladies and Gentlemen for my next Illusion I will disappear before your very eyes. I thought about the light. How in a prism the light becomes a visible spectrum as I managed to disappear. I walked to the back of Gordon as he sat and started to play with his hair then to other areas of his body eventually going to his crotch. I broke his concentration completely while speaking to Amanda. He managed to say goodbye to her when I released him.

I managed to keep my concentration running to our bedroom and into my closet. I heard Gordon's footsteps come into the bedroom. He came closer then entering my closet, looked around and suddenly grabbed me.

"Darling, next time think about the earrings you have on."

Damn, I completely forgot I was wearing them. Although I did well with the other items I was wearing.

We kissed more, with the both of us mutually deciding there was only one way to relieve ourselves of these pent-up energies for the next several hours. The Impromptu making of love was the best, need I say more.



Chapter Twenty-One:


I looked at the clock it was almost 4pm. I padded from the bed allowing Gordon to nap a little more to the bathroom. I wanted to refresh myself more then anything. The steam and shower rejuvenated me replenishing the much-needed energy that I had used. After drying off I took a clean robe putting it on.

Walking to the nursery softly, then walking in. Lynn needed to be changed, fed and dressed as I decided earlier that we were taking her too. I was relaxed as was she suckling at my breast when I heard the downstairs door open then shut. I then heard the light precise footsteps of someone coming up the stairs and down the hallway. I was already to press the panic button on the alarm panel when Amanda walked in holding a large duffel bag in her hands.

"Mother! You scared the hell out of me."

"You did the right thing Sweetie, by not using your gifts. I think we taught you well." She said kissing Lynn and me.

In order to remain on this planet unnoticed one of our primary laws to use our gifts as a last resort. It could be used to protect anyone if there was no available immediate help. It was to be used was if impending injury or death could be avoided.

"I know I should have telephoned you that I was coming early. I’m so sorry I didn’t but I was so excited I couldn’t wait to show you what I have for Lynn that your mother and I had made for her."

She put the bag down opening it and pulling out a well…………Um, a type of quilted garment perhaps a bag might aptly describe it. It was made from the same material as my uniform with D-rings at the shoulders and waist. This was similar to an Earth style mummy sleeping bag. Inside the bag was a pair of shorts, tights, booties and a T-shirt. I noticed inside the hood was a flap.

"What’s this for?"

"Did my son tell you anything about the materials used in the uniforms? I‘ll bet he didn’t. Well to begin with this fabric has evolved just as we have. It is impervious to heat, cold, projectiles, electricity, radiation, or weapons of any type. In conjunction with the helmet it is like a survival suit for deep space or planetary exploration. It has the capabilities to recycle our air giving us the ability to survive in the most hostile of environments."

"I did notice the high collar and the gloves. I thought that these were just part of the clothing ensemble as a whole. Ah Mother………… What helmet?"

"Before you get on the Shuttle you will be given one."

Well I guess my hair piled onto my head was out of the question now. I guess I will have to set fashion precedence for what the well-dressed E.T. woman’s hairstyle will be to visit the Mother Ship now.

"Now go get dressed and wake that son of mine up to help you. Never mind don’t. As him and you may not be going anywhere at all knowing him. I remember the last time very vividly. My goodness it seems so long ago."

I left the room before I began to blush. I walked into our bedroom and sat on the bed next to Gordon. I gave him a kiss, which woke him immediately.

"Hey, time to get up sleepy head. Go take a shower. Just to let you know your mother is here with Lynn."

"It’s that time already? How about one more kiss to wake me up more?"

"Oh No you don’t, get your butt out of bed. Take a shower, while I get dressed." I said to Gordon as I got up from the bed before he could grab me.

I made the bed as Gordon went to the shower. Retrieving the clothing I received earlier placing it on the chaise longue. My old fears returned as I looked at the clothing. I became apprehensive of the tests that were to come. I would prefer death to a mind wipe. I would prefer death then to not be with Gordon or to see Lynn grow up. I shook those fears off as Gordon came out from the bathroom.

"Are you Okay Darling?" Gordon said.

"Sure, I’m just nervous that’s all" I lied.

"Don’t be. Everything will be fine."

That’s when I lost my composure. I sat down on the floor cross-legged and began to cry. I allowed Gordon to take my take my hands into his. He gently raised me from the floor in to his arms, holding me tightly to him. I began to speak through my tears about the fears I had of losing him and the baby.

"Honey, Please listen to me. I swear to you that I will not allow that to happen. I’m not supposed to tell you this but you have already had all the tests. You’ve passed them all. Tonight is more like an initiation for you. You are to see the ancestral home of your parents. It is where they lived, worked and loved. To eventually settle on this world, to birth and raise us. This world is where we will raise our daughter and her brothers and sisters. Each of them will go through the same ordeal as we all have."

I began to feel better as Gordon told me of what was to come. I knew he wouldn’t lie to me or just say those words to pacify me. We have both gone through too much together to be with each other.

My tears subsided to little whimpering sobs as I held onto him. I felt the strength and love he had for our child and me.

"C’mon let’s get you dressed." He said smiling.

I was handed what looked like a pair of panties and a sports bra that looked much too small for me.

"Oh no, these will never fit me. They’re too small."

"Oh yes they will, trust me."

Every time I’ve heard those words of trust me I was the one getting screwed. Those are the words used by all the car salesmen and phone solicitors in this world.

I managed to get one leg into the black panties after a struggle. I was beginning to think the panties would win the effort when the material stretched out. I was able to pull them snuggly up to my hips for as perfect fit. The sports bra was the same.

I was then handed what looked to be like black opaque tights. Much to my delight they went on easily. Next was a black long sleeved high-necked pullover blouse similar to what we called a mock turtleneck that went past my hips. Way past my hips more to my ass.

My slacks were next. Now these were strange to me they opened from both side seams and went on fairly easy. I tucked in my blouse into my slacks when I brought the material together it began to affix itself. My thoughts then focused on the use of the bathroom and how to get out of these slacks. The boots were the next chore. Once they were on it was as if I was wearing no shoes at all.

"I think you can get into the tunic without my help." Gordon said.

"I have to do my hair and makeup. Why don’t you get ready now?"

Gordon went to his dressing room closet while I did my hair. I finally decided to French braid it. Next was the makeup. I was finished as he came out of the dressing room.

Gordon was always handsome but in that uniform I had many thoughts of what I wanted to do with him and how to do it. I wanted to ravage him with my lust then, there and now. I came back to reality after staring at him. I needed to finish dressing.

I picked up the tunic, managing to get one arm into the sleeve. From that point on it was easily put on with the seams sealing themselves. The final item at this point was the utility belt. That went on the easiest.

I went to my dressing table to my jewelry case and removed a pair of emerald stud earrings. I placed them into my ears and stood back to see my reflection. Something wasn’t right although I have to admit I looked good. I knew what it was! It was the QDD in its holstered case. It was only the perhaps six inches long and another inch or two in diameter it felt out of place on me.

"Darling will you hold this for me?" I said as I handed the weapon to him in its case.

"Why? We all carry them as a survival tool. It is primarily a defensive weapon."

"I know but for some reason I don’t think I need or want it."

We discussed the matter at length until I gave in. I could see his point of view but at the same time I felt our gifts were more than ample defensively. I could see his point of being attacked by an animal it would give us the protection needed to survive. At this stage since we are no longer the explorers we were it was more of a decoration that was just a part of the uniform.

There was a knock at our door. Amanda walked into the room carrying Lynn and wearing a deep, rich red tunic trimmed in white. My mouth open as my chin hit the floor. She wore the tunic of the Council of Elders.

"Close your mouth Dear. It’s very unbecoming." She said smiling as she placed Lynn on the bed.

"Mother, Gordon! Why didn’t you tell me?"

"Gordon couldn’t and I wouldn’t. There is still much for you to learn and I would like to spend some quality time with Gordon's father."

I learned from Amanda that he was one of the engineers that maintained the Mother Ships. This was his cycle to be gone for up to six months. He was making sure that all of the ship’s systems in the fleet functioned properly. Every six months all of the engineers rotated to do this.

"Now we better go. Our car is waiting for us. If you don’t mind I would like to carry my granddaughter."

What could we say? All we did was keep our mouths closed and follow her to the awaiting limousine in the driveway. The Limousine was the Hummer again along with Bill our driver.

Not a word was said as we got into the massive vehicle. I noticed that the car was travelling toward the airport where the company hanger was. My anxiety levels were raising; I held Gordon's hand harder.

We arrived at the check in point and were allowed to proceed to the hanger area. I saw that the company aircraft were all parked out on the tarmac. It did seem strange at first.

If we were to keep a low profile why would we leave from here, at this airport? Why in plain view of the entire world to see if someone were to photograph the landing shuttle? I didn’t have the words to answer these questions.

The Limo pulled up in front of the waiting room. We all exited the vehicle as fast as possible to enter the building away from the prying eyes of the public. I was close to losing my composure.

We entered the waiting area. There was no one to be seen, anywhere. All was quiet until we went into the hanger. The normal lighting was off and red lights illuminated the interior. In the center of the hanger was an aircraft like no other aircraft on earth.

The company hanger could hold three very large jumbo jets nose to tail very easily. My chief flight instructor, Jerome, gave that piece of trivia to me. Directly in the center of the hanger was a craft that I had only seen a brief picture of while learning to fly. It was one of our Shuttles that were normally kept in a hanger bay of the Mother Ships.

There was just no possible way to hide that ship or fly it into this airport. Not only would the massive size be a giveaway but the aerodynamic styling of the craft. Nowhere was there a sharp line, everything was rounded. The skin of the craft looked to be fluid like in nature. What stood out is that there was no landing gear to be found with stubby rounded wings. It hung in mid air due to Anti-Gravitational units I learned that all our craft have in use if they aren't cradled.

I thought of the descriptions that some people of this planet gave after seeing a UFO. Like a cigar, No that wasn’t it. I thought again of an Australian Aborigine Boomerang. That was close except the wing area was stubbier and fuller in the rear. A tear drop, possibly. The closest concept was of the Martian ship on the old "My Favorite Martian Television show of the 1960’s. That was it only very much larger. It was very impressive and pleasing to the eye like a work of art.

"Do you like her?"

I immediately turned around to see Jerome behind us smiling. I was taken aback as I never saw this man smile not even a grin. He was always grim faced.

All I could do to nod my head yes.

"Good, because you will be the Pilot and Gordon the Co-Pilot."


"No buts, Arlene! It has been ordered by the council for you to be the Pilot."

I turned to Amanda for support.

"Oh no, I was out voted. You’re the Pilot Sweetie. Just rely on your senses."

"She’s been all pre-flighted by me and ready for lift off. Gordon make sure that the all the electronics are on and functioning. Arlene, you’ve done well on everything that was taught to you. The both of you will do well. Our Scouts will meet and escort you at 90,000 feet. Make sure everything is set."

As we spoke more arrivals came. They too wore clothing in the style we had on. I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around and was greeted by a very younger brother, Tommy.

"Hi Sis, You still the Pilot?" He asked after he gave me a kiss.

"Brother, dear for some unknown reason I just know you were somehow involved with the whole picture. I just wanted to thank you and say I love you and the rest of the family. I know that I was rotten before but situations do change, Thanks." I said before giving my brother a kiss.

"Arlene we better get inside the craft. We have a schedule to meet." Tommy said blushing.



Chapter Twenty-Two:


We told Amanda and Tommy we would see them all on the Mother Ship. I took Lynn into my arms and gave her a kiss, as did Gordon. I handed her back to my mother-in-law as I wiped a tear for my eye.

We walked slowly to the spacecraft as I composed myself. The cockpit antigravity pad was already down. We climbed on it and were taken up to the cockpit. Everything was done by thought so I needed to lower my wall briefly until I had on a flight helmet.

‘Computer, power, blue lighting, low setting.’


The cockpit area was aglow with subdued blue lighting. We went over to the flight couches, lay down, adjusted the visual screens and placed the flight helmets on our heads. I felt the slight compression as it adjusted to my head allowing the amplifier sensors to make skin contact at all the precise vital places.

Once the helmet made contact I had a complete three hundred and sixty-degree view in all the dimensions being transmitted to my brain via the sensors. This was the reason for all the time I spent in the simulator. I had to continue to tell myself that I was in the craft and not floating as it could be disorientating.

"Everyone is on board we can go now." A voice said.

‘Computer, Concealed mode, lights off, open hangar doors.’


The ship did as was told with no problems.

‘Computer, forward two hundred yards, stop.’


‘Computer, Close Hanger Doors, maintain concealed mode, avoid all contacts, avoid all electromagnetic radiation, vertical climb ninety thousand feet, maintain gravity, ship control NOW.’


Without any hesitation and without any feeling of motion the ship climbed to ninety thousand feet in less then five minutes. It avoided all air traffic as it traveled upwards. At the target height the ship slowed and maintained altitude. We awaited our escorts to arrive. I never felt a vibration or heard any noises as we traveled. There was not even an indication we were in the air flying high above the Earth.

‘Ship, assume sky pattern, Now’


‘Pilot, They are here."

The ship went to the same sky patterns as what was around us, which was basically a bluish black coloring. I saw in my mind ten ships that materialized. Three ships took the rear or aft, three ships went to our front or forward, two ships were on the left and right or port and starboard sides. These Scout Ships were much smaller but were armed heavily for defensive measures only. They are all highly maneuverable and crewed by six personnel each, but had room for passengers. All were self-contained for any eventuality. All the crews were highly trained. Most crewmembers specialized in the area of first contact with alien species.

‘Computer, link up, control all, concealed mode, plot course, assume course Mother One, Now.’


‘Computer, time on hanger deck.’

‘Pilot, fifteen minutes earth standard to on deck in Mother One.’

‘Computer, notify Mother One of time on Deck, break control ten minutes, maintain time and distance.’


‘Pilot, Mother One sends greetings, welcome home.’


Our ship took control of all the Scout Ships through their computer data links. We remained invisible to the eye and electronics. The ship plotted our course and speed and gave a time of landing in fifteen minutes. Our Mother Ship was waiting for us to come aboard her.



‘Pilot your medical signs show elevations in heart, blood pressure and brain activity. Do you require assistance?’

‘Negative, Ship. It is a human emotion called anticipation.’

‘Pilot, do you wish this information stored."

‘Negative, Ship.’

Damn, Jerome was right! The ship monitors everything. I thought he was kidding.

The computer notified me that the Scout Ships were released at the appointed time. I had the computer to show me the Mother Ship when we came within range of it.

Several minutes later I was advised that we were within sensor range. I saw the picture of a vessel in my mind. It did seem quite large to me.

"Computer, Mother Ship Dimensions, English, U.S. Standard Measurements."

'Pilot your query is fifty nautical miles in diameter, twenty-five nautical miles in depth.'

That ship is monstrous!

'Pilot, Mother Ship has taken control. Estimated time in hanger bay one is three minutes.'

'Ship, notify our passengers.'

'Pilot we are on Mother Ship One, Passengers are leaving.'

'Ship, shut down all systems for maintenance.'

I hit the release button on my helmet. I at once took it off, I couldn't wait to set foot on what was once the home of my parents for so many years.

Gordon came over and took my hand helping me from the flight couch. I was so eager to see the ship I all but pulled Gordon to the antigravity pad.



Chapter Twenty-Three:


I all but leaped to the deck making Gordon flinch while I was sprawled out on the deck at close to kissing someone's shoes. The man extended his arm's helping me to get up from the deck. He wore a different type of uniform color I'd not seen before.

"Arlene, you should know better then to jump from something that's moving." He said vocally.

"Hello Dad, Arlene was in a hurry. All the excitement of seeing the ship."

Dad? Father? I had forgotten he was on board on of the ships.

"Thank you, Gordon was right. It's just one surprise after another. I better go get Lynn from Mother, she'll probably very cranky."

"Amanda has already gone to the council chambers. She couldn't wait to show our granddaughter off. In the meantime I have been delegated to take you both to our infirmary to make sure you're healthy. The ship tour will be after you my dear daughter-in-law are presented to the Council."

Infirmary? Tests? I don't think I want any of those things.

"I'm confused about several things at the moment. I noticed there are many types of the shuttles here. I mean this hanger is huge but so is the shuttle we came on. It appears that it's full of the same type of shuttles that we came on from one end of the hanger to the other. Do the shuttles remain on the ship? Where are the Scout Ships? Are they always deployed to escort the shuttles? What……….?"

My father-in-law interrupted me by saying, "Hold on there Arlene, wait a minute please. I know you have questions and all of them will be answered very soon. Now come along with me as the medical personnel are waiting for you."

My father-in-Law took my hand into his with Gordon taking my other hand we began to walk to what appeared to be a door. The markings on it were of the same language as I learned during the past month of my training.

As we approached a door it slid silently open allowing us to go through it into a long corridor I noticed at that time also that there was no sound of activity. As we walked through the door it silently closed behind us. There were many doors down that corridor some with and without the alien symbols all of them closed. It was then that I knew what a condemned prisoner felt like on their way to the execution chamber in a prison.

Having traversed several corridors we entered through a door that was open. It contained vast amounts of electronic equipment that I would not dare to venture a guess of what it did. Several people walked about as well as others engaged with the equipment. A tall man that looked to be in his forties age wise was with using one of the pieces of equipment when he saw us, motioning for us to come closer.

"Arlene, Gordon, Daniel welcome. We have been expecting you. Arlene and Gordon please go with Patricia. She will start the sequence of tests that will be needed. Daniel, we can notify you when Gordon and Arlene are finished."

We walked with the Patricia to another area of the laboratory. We were told to enter two enclosed cubicles. That resembled the telephone booths of a by gone era. Once inside we were told to relax as the door closed. Several minutes went by I was getting anxious to get out. Okay I was bored.

The door released allowing me to walk out. As I stepped out so did Gordon. We went immediately to each other and entwined our hands.

"Thank you your high…………….Thank you Arlene, Gordon you're both finished. If you go back to the doctor he has the results of your tests."

We both walked back to where Gordon's father and the doctor waited. They both seemed to be into deep conversation until we walked to them. They both stopped talking abruptly.

I was very careful of what I said. I had the notion that the conversation was centered on us. There are times when we as humans have a tendency to not grasp all that is said to us immediately. When those two men ceased to speak when our presence was noted my thoughts went to what Patricia said or to rephrase it what she didn't say. I distinctly heard her say, "your high" or was it "you're high?" Was she saying that I was high from drugs or alcohol usage? I don't think so. I hadn't touched that stuff in a very long time.

The only thing that remotely fit into that category was your highness, as in royal family or member of the monarchy. Now what the hell was this about? Why didn't they wish for us to hear their conversation? Was something found wrong with us? Am I dying? Is Gordon?

"Are you okay Sweetheart? You seem a bit far off. What's wrong?" Gordon asked.

"Oh nothing, I'm alright. I was just thinking to myself how wondrous it was to be here." I lied.

I glanced at Gordon's face as I said those words. I know that he knew that I was telling a fabrication of the truth. We have become so very close to each other that we are cognizant of each other's emotions. Perhaps, also, I am not a very good liar.

"Okay kids, the doctor has given seen fit to release you both," my father-in-law said.

I wanted to say what I thought as we walked down the corridors of the mother ship. I had so many questions that were not being answered I was terrified as to what those answers might be. I had to maintain that wall around my thoughts. I after all didn't want anyone to know what my fears were. With every step we took it was difficult to maintain that mastery of my own privacy.

We came upon another doorway what area we were in I could not possibly tell you or anyone for that matter. Was I lost? Were we lost? Most definitely or at least I was.

"Arlene, Gordon and I will leave you now so you can get prepared to meet the Elders." Daniel said.

"Wait a minute you two. You mean to say that I have to go into that room by myself? For what? Gordon has been with me constantly on this adventure."

"Sweetheart just do as my father requests, please." Gordon said and kissing me.

How could I say no to this man that I love so deeply? All I could do was to nod my head to signify my acquiescence.

The door opened swiftly allowing me to enter into another more lavishly appointed waiting area. By lavish I meant that at least it had color on the walls and what appeared to be paintings adorning them. As I inspected one of the paintings it suddenly changed to a portrait of a young woman that I had seen somewhere before. Her clothing was bit unusual but I would assume tasteful considering or I presumed from the mother world. Besides her clothing she wore a tiara on her piled hair.

I stared at the picture noticing the similarities between us that we shared. Her hair was the same coloring as mine. Her eyes had the same shape and color. Our noses had the same shape and length. Our skin coloring was very close to each other's coloring. Maybe she was a relative? Why the picture?

"She's gorgeous isn't she?"

I turned toward another doorway to see who spoke. It was my mother followed by my sisters. I also saw the similarities between all of them and the woman. Yet I was the only one to share the exact hair coloring of that woman.

"Who was or is she, mother?"

"That was Queen Aimaila of Kriac, Dear. I think it is now we need to speak further."

"I don't understand. Why? Although the both of us have a striking resemblance to each other."

The thought occurred to me, I'm a clone!

"No dear you are not a clone. You let your wall down." Mother said humorously.

"Okay, I can see a family resemblance, I think. Is she some distant relative to us."

"You're correct there in more ways than you may think. She was my sister and your mother or at least the donor of an egg that produced you. Your father was the king of Priac he was to marry my sister until the planet was destroyed.

You see Aima had a premonition several months before the Fleet was completed. She saw the destruction of the planet. I was the only one of the persons she spoke to about it other than the royal doctor. A decision was made at that time to take several of her eggs when she ovulated and preserve them cryogenically on board this mother ship and several others. The Kings sperm was donated unbeknownst to him. We told him it was part of a fertility test to insure there were to be heirs to the crown.

Amanda is the sister of the king of Priac and Gordon is her son and future king by right of succession. Our two continents had always been at odds with each other for one reason or the other. It was decided at a council of the two continents to build the fleets together and to become one planet. The King of Priac and our Queen were to be married. I think you basically know the rest of the story. You are the next Queen and your Gordon is the next king and of course little Lynn is our princess. Our people do need you. You both are a unifying factor to our survival. Our councils do need you but those that came onboard the other ships need you as the buffer between their two lives."

King? Queen? Eggs? Sperm? Surrogate? Mother is my Aunt? No, mother is my mother! I remembered the slip up of words by the medic Patricia. This was too much for me to handle at one time. Why does everyone do this to me? One minute I'm emotionally stable and the next I'm an emotional wreck. I started to cry. Mother took me into her arms and held me.

"Sweetheart you have made all of us proud of you in so many ways. You are of the royal bloodline. Those that died on our planet would be proud this day to see your ascension to the throne, taking your rightful place to lead our people. Yes there will be decisions to make but the councils will help as will Gordon, Amanda, your entire family and I. Now let's get you ready. We have a great deal to do."

I was taken to very large room and told to undress. I wasn't about to argue with anyone as I was still in a state of shock. I was given a robe by Irene, and then gave me a hug. Karla and Sheila lead me to another room where I guess you could call say a bath was drawn.

I've seen swimming pools that were smaller than the one I was about to get into. As the steam rose from the water I began to relax further sitting down into with the water up to my chin. Without a word Sheila and Karla disrobed coming into the bath with me sitting on the other side. Mother and Irene then joined us. I couldn't stand it anymore with the silence as the initial shock wore off.

"Okay what's this? The family that bathes together stays together." I said.

I saw the frowns turn to smiles on everyone's faces. I saw the concern they had earlier ingrained on their face's leave them.

"Are you angry at us, Sis?" Irene asked.

"What kind of a stupid question is that? Sure, I'm very angry with all of you. Now what else do you all have in mind a trial by combat to show my worthiness? Perhaps poison? I know QDDs at thirty paces! My lord, that wouldn't happen, would it?"

"Oh, stop the theatrics! None of those things you're fanaticizing about is going to happen to you. You have been prepared for this day. This is a day of joy for us as it is for you.

You are or will be a Queen that has or will reunite the peoples of formerly two continents of a planet that has a long proud history. These people that have traveled all these light years have waited patiently for you. The councils have done well although there have been peaceful disputes amongst us that were settled. With your guiding hand we as a culture intend to strive and prosper once again. Granted the decisions you make will be difficult but with Gordon, Amanda, your sisters and I will help to see that the right decisions are made. You are a Queen for the people. Let the power you wield never cause the people to suffer at your hand." My mother said.

"Why did I suffer so as a child? Why was I allowed to be the ravisher I was? Why was my sexual change so long in coming?"

"The Council decided on the day you were conceived in me that you were to experience the life as a male primarily due to the fact that many of the societies of our new home did not favor the female of the species. Our society may very well be matriarchal but our men are equals in everything we do. There are no biases as we have seen on Earth. If you were a female your attitudes might have changed toward men you may have been poisoned from keeping an open mind due to the violence that many exhibit on that planet we now call home. Our future queen might have been raped or killed. Our people would not have liked that to happen. We may be peaceful but there are those that would have insisted on the annihilation of the perpetrators or more than likely even the planet."

Those words rang true to my ears. But what could I do? I was not around when the preparations for the launch of this fleet. I was not privileged to the inner sanctums when massive decisions were made.

"Are there anymore eggs and sperm left?"

"Once you were conceived all of the eggs and sperm specimens were destroyed except for one specimen. The council saw to this destruction. Each Mother Ship had a storage area as a safeguard in the event we became separated or settled elsewhere."

"It would seem that all of the bases were covered. But what would have happened if…ah…. Well, if I should have died?"

"Well I guess I would have been pregnant again. Due to my Earth Age I would have had the baby up here on the ship. That baby would have never had the joys or sorrows that you have had on Earth. The human interaction is of course part of your nature."

"Okay that I can see but that doesn't tell me who my real mother is does it?"

"Well, I guess I knew there would one day be a questions of ethics involved. Well my sister gave her eggs willingly I was inseminated with them. You grew in me, and I gave birth to you. Now what do you think?"

"We all heard of sisters helping sisters to conceive. So of course you still my mother. But, what about daddy? I'm not,…………um………… this isn't going to affect our relationship?"

"Your father has always known. He loved his Sister-in-law and his Queen. We've always thought it was our obligation to the memories of our families and the planet we lost. You are and will always be his daughter and our queen too."

"It's time to get ready." Sheila said already out of the bath.

As I was getting out of the water I just had to say the inevitable to my older sister for all the crap she put me through when we grew up.

"Lady Sheila, what do you say to your Queen?"

I knew I shouldn't have said that. She took several towels draping them over her shoulder but one remained in her hands. Without warning she whipped it hitting me soundly on the Butt with me falling back into the bath with a gigantic splash.

"Sister of mine, you may be the queen but I am still the oldest and the strongest." She said with a sadistic smile on her face.

"Enough girls, we have to get ready. Sheila thanks to you, we now have to do Arlene's hair. Arlene don't even think of retribution or you'll go over my knee, queen or no queen." Mother said.

"Oh it's so good to have family. It's so good to be loved by all of you."

"Sarcasm will get you everywhere brat." Irene snapped back to me as she stuck her tongue out.

It was just like we were kids, no family again. I felt wonderful that I was still part of the family. The divulgence of so many secrets had been extremely hard on me. I had to keep the composure I felt now; I had to remain strong mentally. Oh crap, whom am I kidding! I'm sacred, genuinely terrified!

When we finished drying off we went into another room set off from the bath. I was told that up until now these rooms had been sealed, every one of the mother ships had a suite of rooms that were also sealed. It was a tribute to the Queen as the leader of a very proud people.

"Mother are the other quarters on the ships like this one."

"Yes in some ways. The family quarters could be as large as this is. It depended on the size of the family. The single living quarters sleeping areas kept the women and men separated but with as much living space as possible but both sexes shared apartments. Since we had kitchens in the quarters there was no need for a communal kitchen but we had them anyway they are called the Mess Decks. Guests were not restricted in their comings and goings to any of the quarters, socializing is encouraged. As far as recreation areas the most popular places tended to be the beaches, artificial sunlight and pool areas. There were other forms of recreations but that was the most popular."

Mother's words had me relax a bit more. I didn't want anyone to suffer while I bathed in absolute opulence. Being a crewmember onboard a ship in space or a ship on the seas of Earth was a rugged lifestyle. Both gave up the basics of privacy along with the luxuries you were accustomed to. Both gave up the ties of family and friends. Your ship was your world it helped to maintain your life. One mistake on either was your death or a shipmate's death. The far-reaching seas and deep space exploration were unforgiving. Both were and are pioneers and explorers, these were special people indeed.

It wasn't until I felt the tap on my shoulder by Karla that I realized my hair and makeup were now presentable, I was returned back to reality of my situation.

I was or going to be placed into a position of leadership not for just a handful of people that worked for me but several million. These people not only respected our laws and customs but those of their adopted planet. I had to maintain the proper decorum at all times, compassion to those that required it and security if they needed it.

My own family was another matter. I had a husband and daughter together with other family members. The traditions of leadership for all tended to outweigh my family. I had to find that medium to do both in order to be successful.

"We heard your thoughts sweetheart. Don't be distressed, as you will find that medium. Concentrate now on the people and the joy they have, to have a Queen once again to share their joys and their sorrows, their triumphs and defeats. Now let's get you ready." Mother said.

I was handed a set of iridescent blue garments to put on not unlike the type of halter style bra and thong panties worn by the women on Earth. The materials they were made of felt different more of a metallic fiber to me but they did the job in covering and holding my anatomy together. As a matter of fact they were sensual in styling and comfortable while being worn. I had found out through my mother this was the typical attire worn by women aboard the ships as the attire could be used as a bathing suit.

Next was an iridescent green weskit that was more like a modified dressy halter-top with no sleeves and exposed back. The stockings this time where basically the same as found on Earth but went about two inches below the knee. I had to surmise that I would be wearing slacks unless the skirt was below knee length.

Well at least I was right in my conjecture except these slacks seemed to have a mind of their own. They seemed loose when I put then on having the same fastening as the flight suits, within seconds they molded to my body contours by themselves. The only thing I hoped is I didn't have to use the Powder Room as usual.

Shades of Emperor Ming! Dale Arden of Flash Gordon fame must have designed the boots and cape that followed. I was helped into a pair of boots that went past my knees of the same colors with a four-inch stiletto heel. I thought that a dominatrix must have designed the shoes when I weaved as I stood straight.

The crowning glory to this disaster was the cape. It had a collar that stood a foot over my head, conical in shape. This damn thing even had shoulder pads that an earth football player couldn't get hurt in. the rest of the body of this garment was cut to the waist then went to a train that trailed five feet behind me. All I need was a caboose now as I had the whole train behind my ass! I decided than and there I was going to really pitch a fit if they came out with a headdress. This was not Las Vegas and I was not a showgirl!

With the amount of clothing I wore everything combined should have weighed a great deal. I noticed that there was very little weight at all. Well at least if I fell on my face walking in these boots I wouldn't be hurt if I rolled onto my shoulders.

"Are we all ready?"

Turning around I saw that all of us were dressed in a similar style. The thoughts that came to my mind was a poem by the Late English Poet Alfred Lord Tennyson called the Charge of the Light Brigade. This poem was written to memorialize a suicidal charge by light cavalry over open terrain by British forces in the Battle of Balaclava (Ukraine) in the Crimean War (1854-56). 247 men of the 637 in the charge were killed or wounded. Britain entered the war, which was fought by Russia against Turkey, Britain and France, because Russia sought to control the Dardanelles. Russian control of the Dardanelles threatened British sea routes.


The Charge Of The Light Brigade

by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Memorializing Events in the Battle of Balaclava, October 25, 1854
Written April 10, 1864

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
'Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!' he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there man dismay’d?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Some one had blunder'd:
Their's not to make reply,
Their's not to reason why,
Their's but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.

Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder'd:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro' the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel'd from the sabre-stroke
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro' the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wonder'd.
Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred!



Those words by the Author seemed apropos to my situation. I totally knew the feelings those soldiers felt as they rode through the bullets, sword and cannon shell. I felt that I was about to do the same except I would never be immortalized in a poem for the deed or deeds I was about to partake in. My knees began to shake as my fright took over my body. Whatever courage I had, had left me. I was rooted to the spot were I had been standing. I stood in avid, abject fear and terror of what was to be. I finally choked out the words to everyone that they wanted to hear. I had to find the courage for myself, Gordon, Lynn and for all the people that had traveled so far to rebuild their lives and families.

"Yes, yes I'm fine. Shall we go?"

"Good Girl! Now you will follow us into the reception hall on the observatory deck. If we are going too fast just let us know and we'll slow down. Just take some deep breaths, you'll be fine."

We walked down the massive corridors and through so many doors I had lost track of them. It was strange not to hear any noises there were not even the sounds of our footsteps as we traversed the ship, all I heard was the ever-present slight humming sound possibly from some machinery. At last we approached a set of closed doors where two distinct groups of people stood at each side.

They were to be our honor guard that was comprised of the security staffs chosen from all the mother ships. The one thing that made them stand out was the coloring of their uniforms, which was red and gold. They were armed with the ever present QDD. There must have been at least one hundred of them present.

I noticed that half of the security team took to places in front of us while the rest went around to my back. Only two of them walked to each side of me. I almost didn't see them at first due to the fear that was once again building inside of me until one of them spoke.

"You're doing fine Arlene. Just try to relax, it'll all be over soon."

I looked to my left were the voice spoke. It was Eve with her ever-present smile. I looked to my other side and it was Paul. Just by having the two of them present made me relax somewhat as I smiled the smile of a greeting to them both.

We walked down the corridors and through those doors. What caught my eyes was the immense size of this room as we entered it. At first I thought I was walking on carpeting until I realized it was a grass that was light green in color and trimmed very short, which mystified me. We walked further around the outer walls noticing the walls allowing the vastness of the universe to be observed through something that I doubted was glass. The clearing was entirely filled with those that were to witness the ascent of their queen to the throne of leadership.

There were florae and fauna that I had never seen. The fragrances alone made you want to visit the homeworld. Some of the trees bore unusual coloring and tallness while others were dwarfs in stature. Many of the plants had flowers with colors of every spectrum of a rainbow. I saw flowers that would dwarf the tallest Sunflower plant on Earth. I had to assume that these plants were native to the home world. There were also animals that were part of the ecosystem the likes of which mystified me. This area of the ship must also be a sanctuary of for the travelers to remove themselves from the mundane droning of shipboard life.

The procession walked deeper into the arboretum, we walked further to another area that had a beach. We finally came to a stop in another area that can best be described as a clearing that open to a beach like sandy area with a manmade lake. The sand appeared to be the color of the purest gold valued so highly on the planet Earth. The water was of the deepest clearest blue I had ever seen.

I gazed out upon the water staring out in wonderment when Amanda came forward to me saying, "Are you ready to proceed with the test Lady Arlene?"

I was dumb founded, what test?

I felt that nudge again telling me what to say, "Yes, High Elder."

"Let the test begin."

My sister's came forward, helping me by removing all my clothing except for the panties and bra. This was not a time to be modest as I was nudged again and told to go into the water. What was strange I could not think who was telling me what to do.

Gently and carefully I entered the majestic blue waters. My skin tingled as I went deeper and further from the shore. The water became a bit cooler, I felt that nudge again telling me to drop my wall and announce that I was there. What the hell was I doing that for? What the hell was in here? Oh Crap, what if it ate meat? Was I the main course for dinner?

I did what I was told to do with the water lapping at my shoulders and neck. I was rewarded with a slight playful poke at the small of my back that caught me off guard. I was suddenly immersed with the water over my head. As I surfaced I realized I was in salt water just like the Earth's oceans.

I felt something smooth like skin brush my hand. It was very similar to the Dolphins and the Orca I had touched in the ocean on Earth. What the hell was it? I let my wall down again and announced myself. I couldn't see anything break the surface as I did. I did feel something with its presence but I still could not tell what it was.

Once again I was tapped lightly this time on the leg. I had enough of this playing around either I was dinner or I was a friend. I dove down into the water; I finally saw a shape in the clear water. It did look a bit like our friends the dolphins on earth. There appeared to be many of them here. I wondered how they were so similar to the Earth species.

I saw the largest of the animals coming toward me. I was running out of air and needed to take more into my lungs. I went toward he surface breaking it, expelling and getting air into my lungs, then diving back down into the water. The creature was fast almost upon me ultimately stopping scant inches from my face. I could see the bottle like snout, rows of what appeared to be very sharp teeth, the smooth skin the intelligent eyes. It did seem to be similar to the creatures of Earth.

I extended my hand to the creature trying to show it that I meant it no harm. Without warning it grabbed my hand into its jaws, holding it in place but not to the point of injury. This creature was approximately twelve feet long with a weight of more than any person I knew of. Its Speed was uncanny, as we cut through the water just as quick as the dolphins of Earth. My immediate reaction was fear but for something unknown to me I felt none of that fear. There was purpose and meaning in the direction we traveled with the others I had seen.

We began to slow in our speed as we were barely skimming through the surface of the water as we traveled. The Dolphin released my hand from its mouth allowing my body to travel with the momentum of the speed it traveled. I happened to look in the direction we came from not see the amassed people almost brought me to the panic stage. How far had we traveled? Where was everyone? Where was I?

I had managed to see several shapes upon the surface of the waters I was in. As suddenly as I was pulled and brought here to this location I was released. There was movement in the water directly ahead of me. I saw several of the same type of animals' rise from the water to do their aquatic ballets on the flukes, their tails. These creatures, I was convinced, were somehow or someway genetically liked to the creatures found on Earth. Their size and shape were identical to their cousins. The mystery was, were these creatures from Earth or from the home planet? Conceivably I would be told later the secret of their existence on how they had come to the ship. Watching these magnificent creatures was an easy task to perform as they all cavorted about the animal that just had returned with me in tow. I was left alone while this greeting took place I would have to assume this as I watched their rituals.

Not long later they swam en bloc to the location I was at. One by one they came and touched me allowing me to touch them in return. Each of them allowed me touch and rub their nose and stomach areas. All of them sang their songs as I did this. I was gratified that I was accepted by these denizens of the deep. They remained and circled me with their heads above the water singing more of their songs.

As they all sang I listened to them I had the further feelings of joy. It was then that the largest of the Dolphins swam beneath me until I was straddled, sitting upon its back. It swam effortlessly through the waters with all the others following and frolicking in the water.

Not long I was within eyesight of the beach that I had been disrobed on. The people were still gathered with two people standing out amongst all, those two people were Amanda and my mother.

The closer I came, the louder the assembled people's voices became but I could not distinguish the words. Closer and closer we came to the beach that was when I heard the cheers from all. The dolphin I had been riding stopped, allowing me to get off. When my feet felt the sandy bottom and I stood up, I gave the dolphin another loving stroke and pat on its nose before returning to the others. I watched closely as another came forward this time with her baby allowing me to rub her blowhole and the pat the baby.

I heard the assembled people state excitedly, "You are truly the Queen. The water creatures have decreed it so."

"The Elders decree Lady Arlene to be the rightful heir to the throne. May all the families be one" Amanda said then lowering herself to her knees.

I heard the chattering of the dolphins behind me as I gazed about. All of these people did the same as Amanda including my own family. Some went as far as to prostrate themselves in homage. I was not ready for this type of display of veneration.

"Please everyone, please get up. I am not a deity I am but one of you."

I heard the mumblings of some, merging with the voices of the dolphins.

"It has long been the tradition to show our respect to our leaders, our queen." One of the Elders said.

My anger seemed to flow until I managed to control it. I was, no I am just a normal person. I may have been conceived differently, grown up differently and had a baby differently but basically I was the same. Or was I that different? I guess I did break the norms of human and sexual behavior a bit. Oh hell, I shattered them!

"Okay then" I said under my breath, "I command of you to rise." I said in a commanding voice.

Everyone rose; they had blank looks on their faces that told me they seemed confused.

"As of this moment by my royal decree no one will kneel or throw themselves to the ground to give me homage. This will not be tolerated in my presence we are but one people. We no longer have our homeworld we have an adopted world that does not know of us and thus shall it be."

I saw the smiles on Amanda and my mother's faces. I had to assume I had done the right thing.

"The Test is now over by decree of the Elders. Lady Arlene has passed! We will adjourn so we might prepare our queen for the coronation ceremonies. Space will be limited so we have prepared to transmit the ceremony to all the ships in the Armada. This will include the transmitters on our adopted world to our people there that could not be available to visit. Now we will all depart to allow our queen to get ready. We thank all of you that have gathered here to be witnesses of this historic event. Let the festivities begin! " My mother said.

The people began to leave in a joyous nature. I walked back into the water, as I needed to say goodbye to my new friends. As I stroked each one Gordon came to my side with Lynn. All my new friends came and greeted my husband and daughter allowing Gordon to touch each of them to Lynn's delight.

I took Lynn from him into my arm's they smiles I received would warm the heart of anyone that disliked children. I allowed each of the dolphins to come to me to nudge her tiny body gently with their bottle shaped noses. They each knew that she was part of Gordon and I. Each dolphin knew we would protect them within this sanctuary aboard the mother ship.

We made our final good-byes to our friends and left the waters that gave these creatures and us life.


(End Of Part 2)




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