Crystal Crystal's Story Site


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Simply by using these links to merchants when making your normal purchases, you support StorySite. There is absolutely no additional charge to you, and no reference to StorySite will appear on your invoice. We'll receive a small donation for "introducing the customer", but ONLY when you use our links. The pennies will add up if enough of our friends use our links when doing their shopping at these fine merchants.


Shop for sexy lingerie at Henry and June.
Nurture, enhance, and pamper your female self.
We dare you to visit this site and look through the pages showing thousands of clothing and gift items for the wicked.

Elegant Harlot Creations, and Lavendar's Latex Lair, have been removed from StorySite's Shopping Mall after a complaint from a customer that they charged a credit card, but failed to ship the merchandise, and wouldn't respond to inquiries.

As a side note, StorySite has never received the small affiliate check owed to us for sales. I was told there had never been any sales by StorySite visitors, but we now see that was lie. I highly recommend that all shoppers avoid doing business with either of the two divisions of this disreputable company.



Please report any problems to Crystal