Crystal Crystal's Story Site
by Diana Hignutt
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 1591292468
Publisher: PublishAmerica, Inc. (December 2002)
Dimensions : 0.69 x 8.98 x 6.12  (in inches)
Average Customer Review:

Review :
Reviewer: Thomas Farrell, author of The Jessica Project from Carlsbad, CA United States

In her debut novel, Diana Hignutt plunges the reader head-over-heels into a stunningly original tale of adventure and romance. Moonsword is a rollicking story set in a mystical world, inhabited by an engaging population of trolls and demons, and lushly portrayed by an author who has the rare ability to make her fantasy world come to life. The mood is set with an ancient Druidic prophecy which foretells the extinction of humanity. Only one person on earth can prevent the End of the World: dashing prince Tolian, heir to a mighty throne, and a man's man. When Tolian is captured by a strange sisterhood of Druids, he learns to his horror that they have a desperate plan to prevent the approaching calamity. Through their sorcery, they intend to turn him into a woman and send him into battle as their Champion against the demonic Perelisk, who is hell-bent on ending the world.Hignutt manages to put real flesh and blood into her fantastic characters, and real emotions into their tormented souls. Through a unique blend of royal formality and everyday colloquialisms, she imparts an endearing humanity to them, making their hopes and struggles genuinely compelling. That is an achievement of the first order, and one can only hope for more of the same from Diana Hignutt.




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