Crystal Crystal's Story Site
Out & About: The Emancipated Crossdresser
by Lacey Leigh
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 0971668000
Publisher: Binary Star Press (February 2002)
Dimensions :
Average Customer Review:

Description :
“Out & About” is an intelligent, fresh, and light-hearted look at crossdressing. Ms. Leigh writes, with no psychological mumbo-jumbo, to enlighten and encourage crossdressers ultimately to dump their guilt, shame, and denial so they may finally and fully express their feminine attributes in taste and style. "Out & About" was recently selected for inclusion in the assortment of books distributed to public and scholastic libraries by Tri-Ess, the international sorority for heterosexual...

Review :
President, Tri-Ess International"The best book I have ever read on crossdressing... written by a crossdresser."



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