Crystal Crystal's Story Site
Who's Really from Venus?: The Tale of Two Genders
by Peggy J. Rudd
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 0962676241
Publisher: Pm Pub (July 1998)
Dimensions : 0.46 x 8.49 x 5.52  (in inches)
Average Customer Review:

Description :
Finally the answer to the question: Can the balance of masculinity and femininity improve human life? Mars is the Roman God of War, husband or lover of Venus, the planet named for him and the exemplary model of masculinity. Venus is the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty, the planet for her and the model of femininity. But there are millions of people on Planet Earth who choose to embrace the better qualities of not Venus and Mars rather than stay with the stereotypical model or expected norms...

Review :
Jane Ellen Fairfax, M.D.

"Who's Really from Venus? Is the best book written by Dr. Peggy Rudd to date and should be a must read for everyone on Planet Earth".




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