Crystal Crystal's Story Site
True Selves : Understanding Transsexualism--For Families, Friends, Coworkers, and Helping Professionals
by Mildred L. Brown,Chloe Ann Rounsley
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 0787967025
Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 1st edition (April 2003)
Dimensions : 0.74 x 8.90 x 6.04  (in inches)
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Review :
From Booklist

Brown and Rounsley's solidly based introduction to many aspects of living as a transsexual provides general information about the dilemma of feeling trapped in the wrong physical gender, about such a person's development, and about locating a gender therapist. Brown and Rounsley also detail the process of transition between genders, starting with legal and identity changes and proceeding to changing outward modes of self-presentation (they include sample "coming-out" letters to employers, coworkers, friends, and family members) and dealing with bathroom issues, hormone treatments, surgical options, and guidelines for finding social support. First-person accounts from transsexuals augment general readability and put human faces on the issues discussed.

Whitney Scott




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