Crystal Crystal's Story Site
Help! I'm Trapped in My Lunch Lady's Body
by Todd Strasser
Edition: Paperback
ISBN: 0590978055
Publisher: Apple (June 1999)
Dimensions : 0.50 x 7.75 x 5.25  (in inches)
Average Customer Review:

Review :
Reviewer: simpspig from CA. USA

The principal at Burp-It-Up Middle school has decided to buy some vending machines. The fact that this will definately fire some lunch ladies doesn't bother Andy, Josh, and Jake the slightest bit... until they accidently switch bodies...with the lunch ladies. The kids are stuck doing the gross job of serving the sludge to kids, while the lunch ladies in THEIR bodies, make complete idiots out of Andy, Josh, and Jake, by playing hop scotch, etc. Will they ever get their bodies back???




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