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Editors The people whose names appear on this page
have volunteered to perform editing and proofreading services for authors. Do not send
them any stories until you communicate with them in advance, because they may already have
more than they can handle.
Name & E-mail Address |
Story Preferences |
Lesley lesley_charles1@hotmail.com Since 07-26-00 Currently Available |
Editing and/or Proofreading Rating: to XXX-I Categories: Age Progression, Age Regression, Altered Fates, Bad Boy to Good Girl, Bizarre Body Modifications, Body Suits, Body Swap, Bondage, Caught with Consequences, Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Crime Punishment, Crossdressing/TV, Cultural Change, Deals Bets or Dares, Female to Male Transformations, Femdom/Authoritarian, In Hiding, Magic Depot, Magical Transformations, Mannequin or Doll, Medieval Times, Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed, Mind Transfer/ Mind Possession, Misc. Stories, Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Pop Culture, Puzzles, School Girl, Sci-Fi, Seasonal, Sexual Punishment, She Males, Spells R Us, St. Valentine's Day, Stuck, Sweet/ Sentimantal, Tales of Djinnar, The Great Shift, The Operation, Turned Into A Piece Of Female Clothes, Undercover/Detective, Victorian Times, Ye Olde Body Shoppe |
Stickney JanetLynn17@Hotmail.com Since 07-26-00 Currently Available |
Editing and/or Proofreading
Rating: to XXX-I Categories: Bad Boy to Good Girl, Bondage, Caught with Consequences, Crossdressing/TV,
Deals Bets or Dares, Medieval Times, Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed, Misc. Stories,
Physically Forced or Blackmailed, School Girl, Seasonal, She Males, St. Valentine's Day,
Stuck, The Operation, Victorian Times Prefers stories be sent in Word 6 Format |
J. Hooligan hooligan@briarhill.bizland.com Since 07-28-00 Currently Available |
Editing and/or
Proofreading Rating: to XXX-I Categories: Bad Boy to Good Girl, Body Suits, Bondage, Caught with Consequences,
Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Crime Punishment, Crossdressing/TV, Cultural Change,
Deals Bets or Dares, Female to Male Transformations, Femdom/Authoritarian, In Hiding,
Medieval Times, Misc. Stories, Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Pop Culture,
Puzzles, School Girl, Sci-Fi, Seasonal, Sexual Punishment, She Males, Stuck, The
Operation, Undercover/Detective, Victorian Times Prefers if the text could be sent in in a format readable with MS-Word 5.0 |
Marie Allen Patricia_Allen@yahoo.com Since 08-02-00 Currently Available |
Editing and/or Proofreading
Rating: to R Categories: Bad Boy to Good Girl, Bizarre Body Modifications, Bondage, Caught with
Consequences, Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Crime Punishment, Crossdressing/TV,
Cultural Change, Deals Bets or Dares, Female to Male Transformations, In Hiding, Medieval
Times, Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed, Misc. Stories, Physically Forced or
Blackmailed, Pop Culture, Puzzles, School Girl, Seasonal, Sexual Punishment, She Males,
St. Valentine's Day, Stuck, The Operation, Undercover/Detective, Victorian Times Prefers stories be sent in MSWord, but can work with .txt and WordPerfect. |
Anne Browning ann_browning@hotmail.com Since 03-17-01 Currently Available |
Editing and/or
Proofreading Rating:
to XXX Categories:
Bad Boy to Good Girl, Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Crime Punishment, Crossdressing/TV,
Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed, Physically Forced or Blackmailed,
School Girl, Seasonal, Sexual Punishment, She Males, Victorian Times
Michelle O'Henry smo@txucom.net Since 06-02-01 Currently Available |
Editing and/or
Proofreading Rating:
to X Categories: Age Progression, Age Regression, Bad Boy to Good
Girl, Body Suits, Body Swap, Bondage, Caught with Consequences, Chemical or Drug Induced
Change, Crime Punishment, Crossdressing/TV, Cultural Change, Deals Bets or Dares, Female
to Male Transformations, Femdom/Authoritarian, In Hiding, Mannequin or Doll, Medieval
Times, Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed, Mind Transfer/ Mind Possession, Misc. Stories,
Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Puzzles, School Girl, Sci-Fi, Seasonal, Sexual
Punishment, She Males, St. Valentine's Day, Stuck, Sweet/ Sentimantal, The Operation,
Turned Into A Piece Of Female Clothes, Undercover/Detective, Victorian Times I will provide the degree of editing the author wishes, from a light proofread to substantial work to tighten and improve or extend a story. My preference is for authors who produce substantial short stories (20K characters +) or novellas (240K - 400K characters) or novels (600K + characters). Work that is or can be published in serial format is a specialty. |
Sabrina Sweete sweetesabrina@hotmail.com Since 08-24-01 Currently Available |
Editing and/or
Proofreading Rating:
to X Categories: All Age : College
Age or older I can accept stories in almost any IBM compatible format. I will edit according to the author's request. I can check spelling only, or I can check spelling and grammar. I do not wish to receive or proof any stories involving anyone under the age of eighteen, but other than that I will proof stories of any style or subject. I don't think I'm really qualified to edit, though I will offer suggestions to authors who request them. |
Geoff Green geoff1940@eudoramail.com Since 10-15-01 Currently Available |
Editing and/or Proofreading Rating: All (see note) Categories: All, except Bimbo, Doll or Mannequin, Turned into a piece of clothing Age : Teen or older Keywords: All, except Extreme body piercing However, I am only interested in stories with a real plot and where some attempt is made at characterisation. I'm not interested in becoming involved in stories where sexual activity is the only theme - the sex needs to be in the context of the plot line and incidental, rather than its sole purpose. I prefer longer stories, novellas, serials etc. I can help as much or as little as the writer desires. In any case, I insert suggested changes parenthetically in bold italics so the writer can both see what I think should change, and make a decision themselves whether or not to accept them. |
jennyanne065@yahoo.com.au Since 09-11-03 Currently Available |
and/or Proofreading Rating
to X Categories Bad Boy to Good Girl, Caught with Consequences, Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Crime Punishment, Crossdressing/TV, Cultural Change, Deals Bets or Dares, In Hiding, Medieval Times, Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed, Misc. Stories, Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Pop Culture, School Girl, Seasonal, Spells R Us, St. Valentine's Day, Stuck, The Operation, Undercover/Detective I'm not interested in becoming involved in stories where sexual activity is the only theme - the sex needs to be in the context of the plot line and incidental, rather than its sole purpose. |
cddani1@yahoo.com Since 09-11-03 Currently Available |
Editing and/or Proofreading
Rating: to XXX-I Categories: Age Progression, Age Regression, Altered Fates, Bad Boy to Good Girl, Bizarre Body Modifications, Body Suits, Body Swap, Bondage, Caught with Consequences, Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Crime Punishment, Crossdressing/TV, Cultural Change, Deals Bets or Dares, Female to Male Transformations, Femdom/Authoritarian, In Hiding, Magic Depot, Magical Transformations, Mannequin or Doll, Medieval Times, Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed, Mind Transfer/ Mind Possession, Misc. Stories, Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Pop Culture, Puzzles, School Girl, Sci-Fi, Seasonal, Sexual Punishment, She Males, Spells R Us, St. Valentine's Day, Stuck, Sweet/ Sentimantal, Tales of Djinnar, The Great Shift, The Operation, Turned Into A Piece Of Female Clothes, Undercover/Detective, Victorian Times, Ye Olde Body Shoppe I'm willing to review stories of any rating, and any category except extreme forced femininity. What I mean by this is stories where the character is truly forced, is completely unwilling, and is treated cruelly. |
The work that editors and proofreaders perform is invaluable and greatly appreciated. As volunteers they take on the responsibility to perform this work in a timely, conscientious, and courteous manner. I hope that authors will inform me about problems rather than just moving onto someone else. Anyone interested in becoming an editor and/or proofreader can contact me: here. Please include your name, email address, services offered, rating preferences, and story category preferences. All editors should have a CLEAR understanding with each author about what WILL be done and what WON'T be done. I leave it to each group to work this out. There is no stigma associated with failure to agree on services to be performed, and there will be no hard feelings if this is decided before the author sends the story. Should any editor fail to respond to an author, or if mail is returned because an address has become inactive, please notify me immediately. I can't keep this list current without the help of everyone who uses it.
Please report any problems to Crystal