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StorySite is free, and will remain so,
but we could use a little help to keep it that way.StorySite long ago exceeded the original vision that I had when I first offered space to other authors for their stories. While the generosity of the authors and artists who supply the stories and images found here form the basis for the continued success of StorySite, monetary support is also fundamental in providing for its continued presence on the web. Because StorySite is free to visitors, and the stories are provided free by the authors, many people believe that there are no costs associated with its operation. They couldn't be more wrong. The current monthly costs for the bandwidth is staggering.
For those not knowledgeable about web operations, bandwidth refers to the amount of data sent from the server through the telephone lines. Each time a page or story is downloaded, the bandwidth usage is recorded and charged to the site. This is the single greatest expense in operating a website as popular as StorySite and has been responsible for many, MANY great sites disappearing, victims of their own success. There are also the costs for the necessary computers and peripherals, data center operations, and the seemingly constant stream of software upgrades necessary for us to stay current in an industry that changes daily.
We're not asking for twenty to thirty dollars a month, as some pay sites charge. If everyone who visited StorySite in just one day, sent us two dollars a year, we wouldn't have any money problems. But since that will never happen, we hope that others can help make up for the shortfall. What's the continued presence of StorySite worth to you? Can you afford a small donation annually for the enjoyment of fifteen hundred new stories during that time and an archive of thousands, plus all the other great features on StorySite. How about sending just one dollar for each month that you enjoy the stories here? That's just four cents a day. With the current price of gasoline, you can't even start the engine of your car for that little.
Our current host, DuPage Designs, has established a program for accepting donations to help defray the costs that they have been underwriting. If you feel that you would like to help support StorySite, a donation would be very gratefully appreciated. Contributions may be made directly by check or money order, or by credit card through the Amazon system. It doesn't have to be a great sum, just send what you can reasonably afford. Even a mere dollar is appreciated, if that's all you can send.
Checks and Money orders should be sent to :
PP&F NetWorks, LLC.
P.O. Box 459
Vineland,NJ 08360(Make sure it's made out to "PP&F NetWorks, LLC." with "StorySite Donation" in the memo field.)
For those of you that wish to pay using PayPal, you may send funds to PiggilyTails(@)Gmail(.)Com . I can NOT create buy now, or paypal subscription buttons, lest PayPal might yank anouther account from me. [Just remove the ('s and )'s to make a valid email address.] Thank you for your support,
Please report any problems to Crystal