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A New Year
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Comment by thisisme on 05/11/13
Here is the thing... No story is my cup of tea when it is incomplete. The human conflict is freedom or death. The story isn't complete until then. Comment by julih on 01/03/13 loved this story great many thanks Comment by Dotty on 05/19/11 You've hit the ball out the park! Irncedbile! Comment by Lost Soul on 05/12/11 Dang it one new what was coming their where no surprises as she tortured him for no reason anyone care to help with a part three and get him freed - hugs Comment by Frances on 12/10/10 Really well done! Some writers would seem boring with all the details but you inspired a picture of her dominance and his hopeless position. Keep it up! Comment by juliej on 07/16/10 brilliant story it would be worth following it more is other parts are added well done Comment by juliej on 07/16/10 a re read great start will finish the rest then comment further Comment by Mistress Meredith on 06/23/09 Deliciously cruel and delightfully humiliating treatment of a new sissy slave by QUEEN Jane Comment by juliej on 12/27/08 as per previous comments Comment by juliej on 10/01/08 a great story hard going but good Comment by juliej on 09/30/08 a rough ride to come what a way to go a smooth trap set by jane and sprung on alan should be intrersting how it carries on,good story will read part 2 soon Comment by Priscilla Ann on 02/06/08 Wow! Jane is one sexy hellcat with a steel trap mind and dominatrix attitude. Poor Alan is in for some rough riding ahead . . . poor dear! Comment by nikki on 10/05/07 brilliant piece of writing had me spell bound while i was reading Comment by Gregg on 04/18/07 A great story - one of my favorites for years! Comment by juliej on 03/11/07 a brilliant trap and a very dominate woman with all the equipment just imagine how much more he will get a brilliant well written story &i would like to read more and maybe this story can be written in some more parts well done brilliant Comment by TvDorothy on 10/30/06 I thought that your story was great and i found myself wishing that it was happening to me.Would you please email me when you ad more to Comment by juliej on 04/29/06 the second part of this story is very heavy but a great read look forwards to reading more thankyou Comment by A. Nonymous on 10/02/05 Great story! Please write another chapter when you get a chance! :) Comment by julie j on 02/09/05 the second part of the story is very good also i look forewards to reading more of this as soon as it canb written well done please write more soon Comment by julie j on 02/08/05 this story i have reread the first part of it its brilliant I will comment further asfter rereading the second part its making me very excited &i feel this is going to be a great serial as long as it continues in this tone well done &well written thankyou Comment by juliej on 02/04/05 a very good story i would like to read more asap well done &thankyou Comment by julie on 01/20/04 poor alan fell for it hook line and sinker what a way to spend the weekend i would like to see this carry on more perhaps starting the femminsation process and start to lock him in a cage or dungeon and more things to hapen maybe to invite her friends over this has got a lot of potential well written and hopefullly will not be the last of this story more please,julie is only my fem name very exciting story can not wait for more Comment by julie on 01/20/04 brilliant what a set up and i guess it will not be over for a long time yet imagine being used like that and after finishing being led like a dog on a leash and tied down to the bed for the night so that he could not attempt to escape i look foreword to the next part one wonders Comment by Antonio on 06/04/03 Fabulous story. One dreams of being in that situation. Comment by Ann on 12/17/01 A very disturbing story, but I could not stop reading it. What is curious to me it the male "victim". He did not physically or verbally abuse this woman. The "punishment" seems very much out proportion to her perceived visual "abuse" by him. Due to my lack of imagination, either she will have to kill him or he will have to kill her. I do wait with anticipation of how the author will conclude this story. Comment by laurent on 09/21/01 I enjoy very much your story. You touch almost all of my fetishism. It's one off the best write I have ever read on the subject. Comment by MICHAEL on 02/03/01 WOW!!! I feel like I was being teased through out the whole story and just when I was ready to become part of the fantasy the story ends. Please don't make us all who injoyed your story wait to long for the fantasy to continue. Comment by Adam on 01/10/01 Thanks to all for your comments! I do intend to write a sequel, but it'll take me a couple of weeks, as work and life are eating into writing time. but I'll post it here when it's ready! Again, thanks to all! Comment by embashed on 01/07/01 this story is almost perfect for me. i hope the sequel has c/b pain.thank you. Comment by Molly Maid ;) on 01/06/01 Keep up the good work! It isn't often that I respond to a story, but I think you deserve the credit. I look forward to any sequels. Comment by skorcher on 12/29/00 Great story ,keep writing cannot wait for the next part! Comment by stefi on 12/29/00 I enjoyed the story and am looking forward to more parts. Comment by Stefani V. on 12/29/00 I enjoyed your story and would like to see how this woman takes him on this journey. Taking pics and putting them on her computer seems to indicate long term intentions. Maybe something that sets him up to get even with her "ex" could be written about. Thanks for the story and keep writing. Comment by Dixie on 12/28/00 I liked your story very much and I for one would love to read more of what happens to Allen. Keep up the good work!! Comment by paul jutras on 12/28/00 it's okay if your into that type of story but I don't think I'll wait around for the sequal. Comment by billiesue on 12/28/00 good story write a secial soon Comment by Nellie D on 12/28/00 Maybe someones fantasy but not mine, I doubt I would read anymore if more was posted. But the author wasn't too bad, maybe will try hand at something else. |
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