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A Conversation, II
by Ann O'Nonymous

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Comment by Leia on 01/08/12
I am a Pagan Priest/ess,.. I do appreciate the dialogue from that perspective, but I think this is the wrong genre for it!  It is well written and well thougt out, and I think in the right place it would help our people be accepted as normal. I wish you well, Blessings of Mother ISIS to thee.

Comment by Mariah on 08/08/11

 You are a wonderful writer!  This conversation story has helped me to understand myself and many others from a much better point of view.  As I apply your ideas to the many men and trans people I know it has awakened me to why many of them are so desireable to be around.  They don't hide but, express outwardly a balance of male and female qualities!  I feel and have learned from experience that this balance is actually essential to happiness and good health for anyone that has explored it.
 I feel blessed to have found your stories because they are making me a better person as I see the essential human elements of life throughout your fictional writing, it might be a phrase or a whole sentence that beams with the truth of what we all need to be human and coexhist as a society.

Please continue writing from the heart as you do so well!,

Comment by Silvia. on 08/28/10
Hi Ann.
I reread your story, and I think I was wrong.
You wrote a great story and I loved it.
Thank you and forgive me.
A lot of kisses.

Comment by Silvia. on 07/01/10
This story isn't that bad!

Comment by Rose2 on 03/04/01
   I looked up Duteronomy Ch 22.  What did men wear in biblical times, what did women?  I'm not sure but I don't think they had nylons and braserres.  Still a lot of food for thought.  Please continue.

Comment by Diane on 02/23/01
Lordy, lordy!

That's a complement, Annie.  Great start to a possible series, even an interactive on-going discussion.

Great to see you write from the heart!

Comment by Cathy_t_ on 02/22/01
 I am rapidly becoming a RABID fan of yours.  You show a RARE understanding of the problems we all face and, a facility for expressing them that rivals ANY so called "scientific" study I have ever seen.  Your writing style also says, to me, that you are a truly caring, gentle human being.  I welcomed you with open arms when you posted your first story and those arms are now closed firmly and lovingly around a wonderful writer.  I look forward to your next story with great anticipation.  The only problem I can see is that I am paying more attention to YOUR stories than I am to my own!  LOL.    
  Congrats and I se a GREAT future for you in this, or ANY genre you choose to grace with your literary stylings.
                              Cathy_t_ said that, and MEANT it!

P.S.  You would be a welcome addition to the chatrooms as well.  Check us out at "HB CHAT"  if you haven't already done so.  We have a GREAT bunch, mostly writers, ALL kind, understanding people.

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