Stories by
The Ragman |
© 1999 Complete :
Yes rated: R |
The 16th Century was a dreadful time, not yet risen from the feudal age.
Though poised for liberation, it was yet filled with magic and ignorance. The ragman,
disenfranchised, wandered the land until he met by chance a wizard and sorceress locked in
a mortal, if enchanted, battle. His unwitting role decided the outcome for them--and for
him. Age: Not Applicable Categories: Bizarre Body
Modifications, Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Deals Bets or Dares, Medieval Times Keywords: |
House |
© 2002 |
Yes |
Rated: R |
Small things can have huge effects. Dave's aunt and uncle bequeath a doll
house. Dave and Ron set it up in the living room, where Dave's endless string of
girlfriends can ooh-and-awe. Ron's not so sure about it but there's no denying the power
it has on his future. Age: College Age 19-26 Categories: Body Swap, Magical
Transformations, Stuck Keywords: |
The Blue Coin |
© 2003 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: R |
Rick is stunned when his accidental wish comes true, leaving him in an awkward position physically. Kari's photos show his steady progression from butch to brazen. How does he explain the blue coin to his wife and co-workers?
Age: Adult 26-55 to Senior Citizen AP
Categories: Bizarre Body Modifications, Caught with Consequences, Cultural Change, Magical Transformations, Stuck

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