Stories by
The Last Boy Scout
The Great Shift: This Too Shall Pass |
© 2003 |
Complete: Serial |
Rated: R |
So there I was, alone, six thousand miles from home, swapped into the body of a prim English rose who could pass as a middle school librarian when she wasn't covered in other peoples blood. And, oh yeah, my whole family depended upon me to come to the rescue.
Age: College Age 19-26
Categories: Age Regression, Body Swap, Cultural Change, Stuck, The Great Shift
Keywords: School Girl
The Archangel
Files: The Heir |
© 2003 |
Complete: Serial |
Rated: R |
Even God is affected by bureaucracy. The Archangel Michael, the Lord’s chosen champion has a stack of paperwork piled up to… Well, even higher than that. In the bad old days he rained down fire and brimstone. He led all the angels of Heaven and fought all the armies of Hell. But lately the Boss has made him a glorified guardian angel and he is not in the most pleasant of moods when forced to rescue spoiled rich kid Mike Lane.
Age: College Age 19-26
Categories: Magical Transformations, Seasonal
Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon, Prom Girl or Fancy Dance, School Girl
The Archangel
Files: The Eagle |
© 2003 |
Complete: Serial |
Rated: R |
Jacob Balus had been around a LONG time. He had fought in many wars and was quite content to lie down peacefully in his deathbed and give up. But the Boss, and his archangel Michael wasn’t finished with big Jake yet. And after all those long years he had forgotten the most important life lesson, NEVER VOLUNTEER!
Age: Adult to College Age AR
Categories: Age Regression, Magical Transformations
Keywords: School Girl

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