Stories by
Summer Holiday |
© 2003 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: X |
Meeting someone who knows your secret desires and fears can get you exactly what you bargained for. Man meets girl (with everything) to realise some of his domination, feminisation fantasies. Girl has very clear ideas of what she wants and gets it with charm humour and threats of worse.
Age: College Age 19-26
Categories: Bondage, Crossdressing/TV, She Males
Keywords: Bondage, Butt Plugs and Dildos
Sunshine of
My Life |
© 2003 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: R |
Sam has loved Katherine for as long as he has known her. Well he gets her, but, she should have asked why would not be with him before and what she wanted in the relationship.
Age: College Age 19-26
Categories: Crossdressing/TV, Sweet/ Sentimental, The Operation
Keywords: Breast Implants, Castration, Corsets, Hair or Hair Salon, Hormones, Long Finger Nails, Very High Heels
End of School |
© 2004 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: G |
Nearing the end of high school our hero gets to talk with the girl of his dreams. She is lovely, beautiful and a truly nice person. She loves our hero just the way he is, well sort of.
Age: Teenager 13-18
Categories: She Males, Sweet/ Sentimental
Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon, Hormones, Long Finger Nails, School Girl

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