Stories by
Little One |
© 2006 |
Complete: Serial |
Rated: M |
A boy is turned into a baby girl
and controlled by his mother and older sister through hypnosis. This happens
after his mother catches him returning a doll back to his sister's bedroom. Age: Pre-Teen Under 13
Categories: Age Regression, Girl's School, Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed
Keywords: Diapers or Little Girls, Hormones, School Girl
Little One 2 |
© 2006 |
Complete: No |
Rated: R |
A boy is turned into a baby girl and controlled by his mother and older sister through hypnosis. This happens after his mother catches him returning a doll back to his sister's bedroom.
Age: Pre-Teen Under 13
Categories: Age Regression, Girl's School, Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed
Keywords: Diapers or Little Girls, Hormones, School Girl
Ashely |
© 2007 |
Complete: No |
Rated: G |
Marcus is a normal fifteen-year-old who learns that the Medallion of Zulo is nothing to mess around with.
I've posted this under a different pen-name (DragonTales212) on another site.
Age: Teen to Pre-Teen AR
Categories: Age Regression, Altered Fates, Girl's School, Magical Transformations
Keywords: Diapers or Little Girls, School Girl

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