This is the story of a boy who was raised in two worlds of gender. It is loosely based on a true story of a boy who all his life just wanted to be normal and all his life that is the one thing he could never be. While I have changed some dates and events to protect certain people the events did happen and I make no apologies or excuses for what happened it is in the past and cannot be changed. This is a tale of more than cross-dressing or forced feminization. It is more than a boy becoming a girl it is a life story with all its hopes and loves hates tragedy and triumphs. In it we go beyond a simple tale of wearing dresses but the feelings and insights he learns as he lives this life. Some may read this and say it is fantasy, no such thing happened, jada jada jada. Well I don’t care I know it is true for this is my life story and I know the truth and that is all that counts in the end.
Age: Pre-Teen to Adult AP
Categories: Age Progression, Crossdressing/TV, The Operation
Keywords: Corsets, Hair or Hair Salon, Hormones, Images