Stories by
Jeremy Shawn
The Boss |
© 2006 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: R |
A young feminist girl with dreams of her own lets her big brother know who’s boss. He learns that if he resists, there is a price to pay.
Age: Pre-Teen Under 13
Categories: Femdom/ Authoritarian, Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Sweet/ Sentimental
A Wonderful Day at the Beach |
© 2006 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: R |
With the help of a friend, a
young girl learns not to feel intimidated by boys no matter how cute, and
that boys no matter how old still need the guidance of a mature babysitter.
A hot boy finds he is not a big as he thought, and that girls must be obeyed
as what nature intended.
Age: Teenager 13-18
Categories: Femdom/ Authoritarian

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