Stories by
Hiliary Mariadubh nicSeamus
A Bad Trip
(Experience) In Self Bondage |
© 2002 |
Yes |
An adventure in self-bondage gone wrong. Hiliary is living full-time as a
transgender, younger sister in a lesbian relationship. Age: College Age 19-26
Bondage, Crossdressing/TV, Femdom/ Authoritarian
Appliances Attached, Bondage, Butt Plugs and Dildos, Chastity
Belts, Corsets, School Girl, Very High Heels |
Bound In Rubber |
© 2002 |
Yes |
Extremely heavy bondage and encasement where a crossgendered person gets
her wish. ... Age: Not Applicable Categories: Bondage,
Crossdressing/TV, Femdom/ Authoritarian Keywords: Bondage,
Breast Implants, Butt Plugs and Dildos, Corsets, Very High Heels |
The Brat
Meets Her Match |
© 1997 |
Yes |
Rated: M |
A wager is foolishly (and rather drunkenly) made about being an escape
artist --- well, she gets her chance to prove it. Age: Not Applicable
Categories: Bondage, Deals Bets or Dares, Femdom/ Authoritarian, Humor, Misc. Stories
Bondage |
Entombed |
© 1997 |
Yes |
An old
Asiatic Saying comes true...."Be Careful of What You
wish for .... It may come true....."
Age: Not
Applicable Categories: Bondage, Crossdressing/TV
Appliances Attached, Bondage, Butt Plugs and Dildos, Chastity
Belts, Corsets, Very High Heels |
Challenge |
© 1987 |
Yes |
Rated: G |
A Submissive is taken for blindfolded ride by her Domme on a warm,
rain-impending day where she is dressed in her finest. Once at the desired spot
a ravine) she is securely bound, blindfolded and gagged (a
discipline helmet and locking
collar would be nice), ankles hobbled and then spun around to disorient her and left
alone. She has an assigned amount of time to complete her assigned tasks - namely to find
where the knife or keys to free herself, and get to a preordained meeting place assigned
by the Domme before it rains and without damaging her makeup, hair, hose, shoes or
clothing. If she succeds, more interesting (and harder challenges). If she fails in anyway
- well let's just say she won't be sitting down with comfort or
sleeping on her back for
some time.:) A real no-win situation. Age: Not Applicable
Categories: Bondage, Crossdressing/TV, Humor Keywords: Bondage,
Butt Plugs and Dildos, Very High Heels |
Kidnapping Fantasy |
© 1987 |
Yes |
Next to rape, kidnapping is the most violent assault on a person's self.
This is a scenario where I have sculpted my own kidnapping and total encasement and
rendition into total helplessness and entombment. Not for the squeamish -- and DO NOT TRY
THIS AT HOME!!! Age: Not Applicable Categories: Bondage, Chemical
or Drug Induced Change, Crossdressing/TV Keywords: Appliances
Attached, Bondage, Butt Plugs and Dildos |
My Crucifixion Fantasy |
© 2003 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: XXX-I |
Fantasies, Fantasies, Fantasies - they must be what keeps us t-gurls (t-girls *g*) going.
This fantasy is rather grim, and potentially deadly - I am to be crucified - with rope bindings, not spikes. Otherwise, it will follow the Roman Mode, and could be a follow-up to "The Challenge".
Be warned, this is my fantasy - and if I ever do it I will report it - however, don't any of you try it.
Age: Not Applicable
Categories: Articles/ Essays, and Information, Bondage, Crossdressing/TV, Deals Bets or Dares, Stuck
Keywords: Appliances Attached, Butt Plugs and Dildos, Corsets, Very High Heels
A Day at Central Park |
© 2004 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: R |
A continuation of my life in NYC as previously mentioned in A Bad Trip". In this one David figures, to my dismay. Once again I find myself in severe bondage while in extremely revealing clothing.
Age: Not Applicable
Categories: Bondage, Crossdressing/TV, Femdom/ Authoritarian, Humor
Keywords: Appliances Attached, Bondage, Butt Plugs and Dildos, Chastity Belts, Corsets

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