Stories by
Donna Allyson
Shawnlea |
© 2000 |
Yes |
Rated: G |
Shawn could not keep himself out of trouble. He finally gets kicked out of
school. Kathleen, his mother decides that a year of petticoat disapline at St. Mary's is
just the thing to correct Shawn's waywardness. But things get out of hand rapidly. There
seems to be a lot more petticoated boys around Greenwood than anyone realized. Age: Pre-Teen
Under 13 Categories: Bad Boy to Good Girl, Girl's
School Keywords: School Girl |
The Making
of a Faery |
© 2001 |
Yes |
Rated: G |
Kenneth, the only son of Fairy Godmother, must deal with his destiny. The
option to become a faery must be exercised before he becomes 16. Jake the bully and bigot,
serves this purpose quite nicely as Kendra becomes his guardian. Age: Teenager
13-18 Categories:
Magical Transformations Keywords: |
Amy Dear
Amy |
© 2000 |
Yes |
Rated: G |
David Harris, recently graduated from high school, and Amy Collins, a
young grade school girl, are irrevocable destined by fate, with the help of David's brain
surgeon father, to become one. David must learn to become a little girl and the spirit of
Amy is there to help him along. Age: Teen to Pre-Teen AR
Categories: Age Regression, Girl's School, Mind Transfer/ Mind Possession
Diapers or Little Girls, School Girl |
The Computer |
© 2000 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: G |
Mike Davenport read just one too many TG stories. Fairy-Godmother was putting an end to that in her own special way.
Age: Adult to Pre-Teen AR
Categories: Age Regression, Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed, Sweet/ Sentimental
Keywords: Diapers or Little Girls
Robbie's Christmas Miracle |
© 2001 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: G |
Robbie's prayers of grief for his departed sister were heard all the way to Heaven. Christmas was a time for answering prayers that were true and from the heart. On this Christmas his prayer was granted by his guardian angel.
Age: Pre-Teen Under 13
Categories: Magical Transformations, Seasonal, Sweet/ Sentimental
Barbie's Gift |
© 2002 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: G |
Nancy was greatly attached to her big brother. He had always been there when she needed him. Now that he was at college she missed him greatly. Nancy's innocent wish that he had been her sister rather than her brother and that her father had not divorced and remarried was a wish that Kendra, her guardian angel could not pass up granting.
Age: College Age to Pre-Teen AR
Categories: Age Regression, Magical Transformations, Seasonal, Stuck, Sweet/ Sentimental
Keywords: School Girl
Nicely Backfired |
© 2003 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: G |
Don was not happy that Shirley started dating Vinnie, so he planned to do something about it. However, his plan to use the medallion backfired with a surprise twist for Don.
Age: Teen to Pre-Teen AR
Categories: Age Regression, Bad Boy to Good Girl, Magical Transformations, Spells R Us
Keywords: Diapers or Little Girls
The Legend of Aarvark |
© 2004 |
Complete: Yes |
Rated: G |
William, suffering from a brain tumor is slowing dying but he is the last decendant of the Great Merlin. Aardvak, Merlin's son and the last of the ancient sages is about to grant his decendand William a gift. The Power of the sages. William must accept willingly and must become a girl in order to overcome the evil plans of Mordred.
Age: Pre-Teen Under 13
Categories: Cultural Change, Magical Transformations

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